f f i iWXr^p^pr>* gggj i :$ • ri SHOES SHOES L l H t t t t u i a n d e a m n l e t e l i n e o f | d H new and complete line of Shoes for men, iUomen and Children, lust received this week, Che besf^/.j thins to give for i Christmas presents. Jllso new lines of Dry Goods and notions in hardware, Cable and Pocfcel Cutlery. Mcfiwry. III. OSMIN BROS. nmiiM"W"»»MWMW'"M»M|""»"M f M, Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Pood Preventative vi - Hog Cholera Grocers. Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. * sells Corn Shellere and Trea* Powers, Duplex Grinding Mill|& Rock Island Plows, Wagon* Carriages, Baggies, Wind Mills* Well Supplies, Harneas Paint Oil and : Machine Oil ^Specialty. MCKIV a 3 NKksnltMH J J PikB **£ dwiyj ) KumuMC ! NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPSOF CORRESPONDENTS For Christmas Fine Confectionery a Fancy Chocolates Finest made in i, 1 and 2 pound Boxes 25c, 40c, 75c Billons Colic Prevented. Take a double dose of Chamberlain's jCholic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the di sease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people who are subject to attacks of bilious colic U9e the remedy in this way with perfect success. For sale by all drug gists. Fancy Bon Bons i, 1 and 2 pound boxes, 25c, 40c. 75c Candy in Novelty Boxes, ; Big Assortment Fine Christmas Candies, Special, 3 pounds J " for 25 cents. cannot be equaled fn quality at that price Clothes That feel Right Are made here. We do more than merely take your meas ure. We make the garments according to' that measure, wing much skill and know ledge in the cutting and tailoring, and we make to fit Our inade-to-ord«r Suits are models of good style, good value. The display in colors and shades suitable for young and old, is very inter esting. JOHN D LODTZ. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a New Nuts all crop of Fancy California I X L Almonds " Large Filberts " " itnizil Nuts " Polished Texas Pecans " Soft Shell Calif. Walnuts 19°2 per pound IOC plain or •lied ABOVE ALL SOUND NEW NUT8. It pays to buy the best. 6EHERA1 BAHKIIK BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a tairfmer and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom' ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage rtoney to Loan on real estate a n d o t h e r first class se curity. Spec- _ ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers SPRING GROVK. Several carloads of feed were unload ed at this place la*t week. John W. Bell of Bingwood 'Was in town the first of the week. James Pierce and* lady friend. were Richmond visitors recently. Dr. D. Q. Wells of McHenry was a business caller here last week. E. S. Johonott of Solon Mills called on relatives here Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Waspi entertained Woodstock friends Tuesday afternoon. The Misses Edna Pierce and Mary Mcllwaine were McHenry visitors Sat- urday. ' Miss Edna Pierce ami Mrs. R. Oxtoby had dental work done at Richmond Friday. Mrs. Maud Overton of Solon Mills was calling on friends here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr returned from a visit with Chicago relatives Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Schlax of Wil- mot were attending to business matters here last Friday. Several carloads of sheep and hogs haye been shipped from this place dur ing the past week. John and Howard Weatlake were among those who attended the Fat 8tock Show last week. The patrons of the English Prairie creamery hauled a carload of coal from here Saturday afternoon. Wm. Campbell and family are mov ing into the tenant house on Walter Carey's farm on English Prairie. The Misses Ada Westlake and Ma- belle Neish and Earle Westlake enjoyed a fine cutter ride Sunday afternoon. Anton Schaffer is now a licens>sd em- balmer, having just graduated in Chica go from the United States School of Em balming. Nulk & Pierce were , two of the busiest men in town last Snturnay. They ground feed from early mqyn till late at night. Mrs. Sarah Wilson and sister. Miss Maria Hunter, who have spent the past two weeks with Richmond relatives re turned home Tuesday afternoon. Fred Hatch's team took a lively spin around his yard the other morning after he had returned from the factory and the result was a badly demolished milk wagon. Dr. Arthur Bremken of Chicago was here last week and after looking over the towu hired rooms and will become a resident in the near future. He comes very highly recommended and we hope he will meet with success. At a meeting of the R. N. A. of this place held Tuesday afternoon the fol lowing officers were elected: Jennie Oxtoby, Oracle Martha Campbell, Vice Oracle Lizzie Neish, Reoorder Cora Richardson, Receiver Lizzie Pierce, Chancellor Heuuericka Turner, Marshall Hanuah Stevens, Inner Sentinel Catherine Westlake, Outer Sentinel Jesse Richardson, Manager Dr. Darby, Physician At the special meeting of the if. W. A. Camp last Friday evening the follow ing officers were elected for the ensuing year: Warren C. Moss, V. Consul Frank Colby, W. Adviser Herbert Peacock, Banker John Westlake, Clerk Byron Orvis, Escort Silas Pierce, Watchman Andrew Stevens, Sentry James Neish, Manager E. W. Foster, Physician The R. N. A. and M. W. A. Camps of this place will give a Hard Time dance in their new hall over Darby's drug store Friday evening, December 19, 1902. Prizes will be given for the two costnmes best representing hard times Let it be thoroughly understood that no one will be allowed to dance until after eleven o'clock unless they wear cos tumes suitable for the o icasion. Good music in attendance. Tickets $1.00 in cluding supper. Floor Managers: Frank Colby, Spring Grove; Harry Spear, Wilmot; Lon Whiting, Ring- wood ; James Overton, Solon. (tef PHILIP JAEGER General Commission - IDercbant Stall 1 & 3, Fulton Wholesale Market CWcaao, Illinois Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, Jlutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE vj; l-'i " DAILY EXCURSIONS TO a CALIFORNIA Ttirouflh flrat-olaaa and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points In Caiifomit and Oregon every day in the year. 5 PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS EVERY WEEK. LOWEST RATES, ST TIME ON THE ROAD, SCENERY, VARIABLE ROUTES. You cap leave home any day hi the week and travel In touHat carl on fast trains through to the coast. For descriptive pamphlets and full Information Inquire of nearest agent. Chicago & (Mi-Western Railway, ' C X T " ; \ FINEST Have you Chapell's? seen the Xinas goods at OA.0TOHIA.. HB1J, ̂ j) The Kind Vou Have AlwafS Bought KINGWOOD. Ben French spent Saturday in Chica- Did the cold snap catch yon unpre pared? " Mrs. J. C. Ladd was a Chicago visitor Fridry. Shoes that make your fret glad at Chapelt's. Now for sleighing parties if the snow stays with us. Bed blankets and comforters, {died to the ceiling at Chapell's. Geo. Stevens and son, Harold,. tool in the stock show Thursday and Friday. Mr. Bradley was up from Seneca Sun day to visit his family. He returned Sunday evening. Mrs. W. Bradley left for Seneca Wed nesday afternoon for a few days' visit with her husband. j, P Cristy returned Sunday morning from Seneca where he has been looking after business interests. Irving Merchant, wife and eon, Fay, saw some of the magnificent animals at the stock show last week. La*t Friday night the Surprisers made Miss Leone Kelley their victim. A good sized company of young people attended, all haviug a splendid tima John and. Eggert Gustavcon > n 1 Ed. Peterson went to Chicago Saturday and visited until Tuesday with their friends and countrymen, who started this week for the Scandinavian penin sula. Chaa. Johnston, who has been em- p'oyed by Geo. Harrison for the past five years, departed for his home in Sweden. He was accompan:e>l by his sister. They took advantage of the ex cursion for the Christmas festivities which are to be held from December 98 to January 18. It will be good news to mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of cronp is hoarsness. A day or two before the at tack the child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough couuh. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free ly as soon as the child becomes hoan-e, .,r even after the rongh cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands of mothers and hHS never been known tc fail. It is, in fact the only remedy that can always be de pended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. • See those beautiful band painted, gold and silver mounted toliet sets, con sisting of brush, comp and mirror, at Julia' A. Story's. The prettiest and most acceptable gift that could be pre sented to a lady friend. VOLO. Jack Frost tpeut Monday in Elgin. Albert Raugbt spent Saturday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nioholls were McHenry callere Monday. Mrs. C. G. Huson and daughter. Roee, were McHenry callers Friday. Mrs. Samuel Wilson and son, Frank, returned to their home in Chioago Snn day. Menses. Edgar Parker and William Dillon visited friends and relatiyes ii> Chicago several days the past week. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and Fanny 8ex ton visited at Fremont with the for mer's daughter, Mrs. L. V. Lusk, severs 1 days last week. There will be a silver medal contest at the Volo M. E. chnrch Tuesdaj evening, December 18. A cordial invi tation is extended to all. Among the Chicago-visitors Thursday were Miss Harriet Nieholls, Myrtle Clark, Mr. an 1 Mrs. C. G. Huson, Job Vasey, William Rosing, Jason Walton, Nick. Miller, William Mcholls and Frank Hironimus. Kodol Uyapepala Cor* Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the digestive organs. Cure* Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Troub es, and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol rebuilds wdrnout tissnes, purifies, strengthens and Bweet- ens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: I have used a number of bottles of Kodol and have found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a power ful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends. Jnlia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West McHenry. There's Mor^Comfort to be had In a Fur Robe than in any other U& . which can be used in the carriage. And thsre it greater value in those who offer than is usually found at these prices. Here is one at |5.50 of Blanket, lined with border. Just as handsome as any one could desire. And at |8.50 we have heavy weight Imitation Buffalo Robes. A/M C e c r l s o n HEATSI Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side 1 Market of F. Wat tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus payi ng the low est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. flATTHEWS, West McHen; McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT 1 COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In •urns of |GM to $10,000. time and payment to Sleds, hobby norses and wagons for the boys, dolls, tiny stoves and kitchen utensils for the girls, and a whole store full of toys. Everything that Santu Clans fills the stockings with. ' EHKRALD PARK. /Phil Ay 1 ward called on friends in Hoi- coinbviiie suudaj afieiuuwu. Miss Mable Doberty of Holcombville visited Miss Annie Frisby Sunday. John R. Smith, who stepped on a nail two-weeks ago, is getting along nicely. Mr* John Gibbs and Mrs. James Cleary spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. R. J Sutton. Tbos. Powers, while in McHenry, Monday, slipped on an icy step and fell, injuring himself considerably. Robert Sutton, .Jr, went to Elgin Monday where be will attend Business College the remainder of the winter. The basket social h»ld at Miss Knox's school last Wednesday evening was a gnomMy. The proceeds were about £23 The Pride of Heroes. . Many soldiers in tfee late war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises. Cuts. Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bncklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for Burns, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It cures or no pay. Only 2oc at Julia A. Storydrug store. Bqy the "Staley" underwear at Cha pe 11's. WOODSTOCK. The Baraca class is organising a chorus. P. B. Anderson is erecting a dwelling in the Wicker addition. Supervisor S. E. Clark and sister of Greenwood attended the stock show in Chicago last Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. N. A. Sunderlin went to Albany, Wis., last Monday t<> attend the funeral of the latter"s father, who died on Saturday. Mrs. E. W. Johnson returned to her home at Richmond, Monday, after a visit of a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. L. Conklin. Miss Florence Mnnroe returned to her home at Rid^etield last Friday, having visited from the preceding Tues day with her consip, Miss Georgia Eck- erf. Mrs. James Northrop left on Mon day for Chicago, where she was met. by Mrs. J. E. Fellows, both going to Alma, Mich., for a stay of a short time for the benefit of the letter's health. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Peterson, son *nd daughter returned on Monday to their home in Chicago, having spent several months here for the benefit of Mr. Peterson's health. Their Chicago address is 940 N. Halstead street. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Bowie of Chugwat- er. Wy., were guests of Alderman F. A. Walters and family from Saturday rill Sunday evening, having come ea*t to attend the stock show 'in Chicago. Mrs. Bowie is a sister of Mrs. Walters. By an Elgin paper we notice that A. N. Soper, formerly of this city, was last week elected to the second office in Silver Leaf camp of the Modern Wood men of America, one of the largesl caifips in the United States. Judges O. H. Gillmore and C- H. Donnelly, Attorneys C. P. Barnes, J. J. Cooney, Geo. W. Field. V. S. Lumley, D. T Smiley and J. J. Whiteside, and G. B; Richards attended the fnneral of Attorney Albert B . Coon at Marengo last Saturday, which was a very sad and largely attended affair. There is -nothing nicer than a nice piece of good china ware for a Christ inas present. See that immense line at Julia A. Stcry'g. Saved at Oraves Brink. •*I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. New born, of Decatur, Ala., 'if it had not kieen for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold agony from the \vorst fi rms of Indigestion, Waterbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world of good. Since using it I can eat heart ily and have gained 85 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bit ters are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Notices You are hereby notified that the sixth installment of water works tax for the village of McHenry is now due and pay ment of the same is hereby requested. My office will be at my residence, ex cept on Tuesdays of each week, when I can be found at the hardware store of F. L Mcdmber, West McHenry, for the next three weeks. Dated this 2fith day of November, 1903& H. M. MCOMBER. Village Collector. When you have tried all other places and cannot find what yon want in the way of Christinas gifts, call at Jnlia A. Story's. Anythiug and everything in toys, notions and books. California Fully described and illustrated in an ar tistically arranged and beautifully print ed book of sixty pages, just issued by the Chicago and North-Western R'y; also portraying the scenic beauties, com mercial, industrial and transportation advantages of this wonderful state; of particular interest to those contemplat ing a trip to the Pacific ooast. Copy forwarded to any addreps on receipt of f* OP cents in stamps by W. B. Knis- kern, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chi- cagu. Oar ChiintmM Bale* The entire store has been changed, to acouiiiiodate our immense Christmas Display. Everything in the wajjr of novelties, games, fancy goods, toys, books, etc. Prices lower than ever and our business steadily growing. REAL BARGAINS. ' Electric Seal Boas, with six fancy tails, 98c. Double Flounced Sateen | Petticoats only 49c. Ladies' Wool Host- ; only 15c. Men's Wool qants--lot 01 4.000 pairs--at 98, $129 and f 1.69. La dies' heavy, fnr trimmed, Cloth Capes, 80 inches long, $1.98. Misses' all w6oi Jackets, with Beaver Fur Collars, ai *4 95. Children's cloaks, a big lot, t^ sell at $2.69. Children's Fur Sets at 61 and 98c. Silk Hdkfs. 5c. Fancy mad* Mufflers, worth 50c, at 25 and 85c each Ladies' Satin Lined, f length Coats, on iy $5.49. Elegant Monte Carlo Coats, silk lined at $6.49. Misses heavy woo. Jackets at $3.98. Ladies' 30 inch, satii. lined Electric Seal Cape, only $8.98 Ladies' heavy wool Walking Skirts, al styles, $1.49. Special Skirts at 98c. All wool Venetian Cloth Dress Skirts, very stylish, only $2.69. Elegant Taffeta Silk Waists, worth up to $5.00, at $1.9b and $2-69. Special lot of Men's high grade Suits, which we purchased and offer at $7.75. Men's good Overcoats, a special lot at $5.00. Big lot of Ulster Coats, bought at a ^ale, we offer fint Irish Frieze Coats, at $6,J&!>- and $8.50. Canvas Coats with Fur/Collar $1.89. READ OUR "LATEST. We put on sale over *600 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, 2,700 skirts and 4,000 pairs of Men's Trousers, at prices which stf^ta'yon i to t. Our way of buying and selling for cash is the way. Since the opening of our Mail Order Business in Chicago we have been selling goods in every state in the Union. Our trade is growing all along the line and there is reason for it. See onr values and you will know why it is. If you trade a bill amouuting to $10.00 and show us <i round trip ticket from McHenry, we will refund your fare. C. F. HALL CO. Dundee, HI. SERIOUS TRIFLES ma *1! | '4 f Fancy French tlannels waists at Cbapell's- and silks for Fifty Years the Standard Awardtd •(but Honors World's Fair. Mfkott tost* H.S. fort On*l*t* •V- Neglect of Simple Complaints OfliM - ij Causes Great Suffering and r- Serious Results. • '""si ' Does your backache? If to, what makes It ache and what does It mean? There is a - ^ reason for everything, and if you have % backache, there must be a cause for tt» Hie chances are your kidney# are at fault. If they are cot right, the quicker you attend to them the better it will be; for a neglected kidney trouble cannot get well of itself. When these organs oboe commence to break down the work of de struction continues unless death is averted by the prompt use of proper means. EDWAKD HUSO, a prominent buslnea nan of Salisbury, Mo^ suffered fright fully from backache and in a recent letter he tells how he managed to stop it. He says: "I had been a sufferer for a long time from lumbago, and, of coarse, tried almost everything I heard of that offered relief; but all the so-called rem edies I took did me no good until a friend Induced me to try FOLEY'S KXDKKY Con. I used three bottles of it and was entirety cured." Thousands of others have met with the same success in using this remedy for kidney and bladder troubles. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKK is a preparation that can be depended upon to do all that is claimed for it. Physicians of the high est standing employ it in their practice, for it is a combination of the most valu able kidney and bladder remedies en dorsed by specialists in the diseases of those organs. If taken early it will core every form of kidney and bladder trouble and will quickly relieve the' even in the last stages N. H. PETESCH. Sick Blood Feed pale* girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all he reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength nd flesh and color of good icalth to those who suffer roni sick blopd. v. The fact that it is the best ^reparation of Cod Liver Oil, *ich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as 0 why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents "od Liver Oil at its best, ullest in strength, least in aste. • Young women in their 1 teens " are permanently cured >f the peculiar disease of the >k>od which shows itself in >al eness, weakness and nervous- ICSS, by regular treatment vith Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and s naturally adapted to the cure the blood sickness from vhich so many youn^ women suffer. We will be glad to sead a sample to any sufferer. Be sure that this picture In the form of a label '* on the wrapper of every bottle M Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNS, Chemists. 409 Pearl St., New York. mm i m Wholesale aad retail] dealer In I an la th« Market Par V«al riattM Htfs Poaltiy Otve SH a caU ' ^ *j Smoked Meats, SaiMge McHenry - Illinois HARPER Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This'* reparation contains all of the digestunts and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cure^ after everything else failed. It unequ.illed for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive ou it. First dose relieyes. Adietunnecesi>ary. Cures aH stomach truMes Prepared only by E. 0. DEWITT & TMU. bottle contalnsSH times tbe&Qc, tint G W. Btisley Julia A.Story i The Aristocrat among he Whiskies of the Old chool. Without a pee r For sale by All Leading Dealers Health and Pleasure Resorts WITH MEDICAL SPRIIKS IN THE HILLY HBQIOft OH WESTERN KENTUCKY SOUTHERN0 ILLINOIS ON TNI LINK Ql> THI ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD There arv seven regularly ostablished health and pleasure resorts, with niedlciiial waters as a feature, and barium hotel aivoaa- modations. that are located as mentioned above, on the line of or contiguous to tbo Illi nois Central. They are: Hardin Spriujca, Grayson Springs. Dawson Spring. Cerulean Springs and Crittenden Springs, K.Y., wd (.'real Springs and Dixon t!pruij;s» III. wad-to the undersigned for a frve otipy of an llltta- trated book describing them all. A. 11. 11 ANSON, G. l\ A. 111. Ceut. K. K.. Chicago, III. •••• • "si OON'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuiaa, ttlflwl ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA keeps yM wAI Mark CMA MI #aca Price, 3J in bulk. IIMlM* t«t«.