C: y' :^r '.A' •.'Vv'" 'F4 " |^r# '•tivfc >- ' .-s-'-K- ?* *. -• • - ^Mgr'V. wAfV V<*>.~ c.', i\ -; V .V'H* M^sfmkusa^sma^Aa^»afiKhfta®ss«iras5! SHOES Jt new and complete line of SI>oes for men, Ulomen and Children, fust received fbls week. Che best^'.:^" IWna to 0ive for . 4^ Cbristmai presents* * d Jllso new lines of Dry 6oods and notions in Hardware, Cable and Pocket Cutlery. Mctlenry. III. OSMUN BROS. •*:&;£V:*$^$3P5V:£K^ NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OFJSOJtRESPgNDENTS i The Store is no\*£$r\ olid A t i i r e •t • r : V "i:. WtfT '-.i k~~- most cbinpletfe A^soi*t®L«nt . of Holiday Goods ever in town is here this year. Plenty 'of Nhelp to wait on yow. We fur- nish anything you need whether kept in stock qr not. Be sure and. call in. W. C* EV ANSON. W E S T M c H E N R Y . I L L I N O I S . tiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiMiw»ii»iminm >>««•">»»»•••• I* 7= DAILY EXCURSIONS TO CALIFORNIA #hrough jflret-elaae and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points In California and Oregon every day in the year. 5 PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS EVERY WEEK. LOWEST RATE.S, SHORTEST TIME ON THE ROAD, ^"FINEST SCENERY, VARIABLE ROUTES. ^ You can leave home any dfcy In the week and travel In tourist oar* f ^ on fast trains through to the coast. For descriptive pamphlets and f information Inquire of nearest agent. „ ..Chicago & North-Western Railway. ? Attractive Auction Bills it this office v Carre* pondents Pleaae Nolle* Next Thursday being Christmas, and also oar usual publication day, onr cor respondents will confer a great favor by mailing their letters one day earlier, as The Plaindealer will fie printed on Wed nesday. SPRING (iKOVK. Nick Weber was a Chicago visitor last week. Mrs. Will Seaver was a Chicago visitor recently. >. Mrs. Kate Shotliff visited Solon friends recently. Miss Ruth Overton of Solon spent Sunday with friends in this place. Miss Annie Keinler was visiting with Wilmot relatives Monday atternoon. P. K. Wright of the Richmond Ga zette was in town the last of the week. _ Attorney D. T. Smiley of Woodstock attended! to legal business here last week. ) Mesdames Shotliff and Oxtoby were calling on Wilmot relatives Friday afternoon. Will Lichty came ont from the city and spent the Sabbath with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mr*. Selim Pierce visited with Richmond relatives the latter part of the week. Every thing in Furniture, Carpets and Rugs at lowest prices at N. J. J us ten's. West Mctienry. Mrs. Ruth Ox toby and soc, Arthur, spent the first of the week* with her aunt, Mrs. A. Betk. j Mrs. C. G. Andrews and danghter. Marian, are spendiug several weeks with Iowa relatives Selim Pierce has been quite sick since oar last writing but uuder the care of Dr. Fegers is gaining. N. S. Burnett and Horace Mittendorf. of Antioch called on friends in this vi cinity Friday atternoon. Mrs. Kate Shotliff and Miss Edna Pierce called on friends at English Prairie Sandav afternoon. Barney Rudolph, oue of our prosper ous young farmer* hauled a carload of feed from this station Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Johonnott spent the latter part of the week with her mother. Mrs. A. Beck, who bas beeu quite siok Mr. aud Mrs. Jas. Westlake drove over to Lake Villa and spent the Sab bath with their son. Robert and family. The many friends of Mrs. John San born will be giieved to hear that she is not gaining in health as rapidly as they would wish. MUM Lot a-Lichty is-teaching in Miss Sanborn's room this week, while the latter is obliged to be at home on account of her mother's illness. Oar dentist, Dr. Cbamberlin, is meeting with splendid success, having all the work he can attend to and giving the very best satisfaction. Mr. McLane, our new druggist, is here getting the drug store ready for the opening. He boards at the Nipper- sink hotel for the present. Willard Colby met with an accident last Saturday which will lay him up the greater part of the winter. While haul ing wood the load tipped over throwing him to the ground with such force that his shoulder blade was badly broken Dr. Wells was called and made the patient as comfortable as possible, and at last reports although suffering much pain, he was getting along as well as oonld be expects 1. Sunday being the seventy-seventh birth anniversary of Grandma Neish, her danghter, Mrs. Jennie Moss, with whom she live6, planned a pleasant sur prise on her by inviting several of her relatives in to spend the afternoon and evening. At just the proper time all were invited to partake of an elegant supper, which was much enjoyed. The evening was spent in music and right ,good cheer after which all returned to their homes having had a most enjoy able time and wishing Grandma many more such happy birthdays. There is nothing nicer than a ni< e piece of good china ware for a Chri t- mas present. See that immense linn at Julia A. Story's. WADVONDA. Miite Jennie Green spent Friday in Chicago. F. L. Carr has purchased the Grajs- lake paper plant. < " F. L. Carr was a Chicago visitor the first, of the week. The little folks are bnsy preparing their Christmas carols. Mrs David Miller returned Monday from a short visit in Chicago. Mrs. Martha Harrison was a visitor in Chicago a few days la*t week. Harry Graham, the Barrington drug gist, spent Sunday with his parents here. Rev and Mrs. F. N. Lapham visited friends in El<{in the latter part of the week, John Golding returned Saturday from Waukegan where he has been doin^c supervisor duty. Everything in furniture, carpets and rugs at. the lowest prices at N.J. Jus ten V, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Fr-ihk Thomas of Rockefeller at tended the installation here Friday evet - ing. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coiy returned Thursday to their home in Buffalo. Minn , after visiting Mr. and Mrs H K. Harris. The Woodman and Royal Neighbors had a public installation last Friday evening. Those present enjoyed a fine literary and musical program and an excellent supper.' The Ladies Aid Society will hold n bazaar in the church "jailors Friday and Saturday, December 19 and 20. Ou the last evening a supper will be served and a literary program given. Just see those beautiful toilet cases a* Julia A Story 's. The finest of the kind ever seen in McHenry. At moderate prices, too. GEO. ECKBRT of Woodstock has been appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Lake. With Chas. Wandrack and Geo. Eckert after them there will surely be a srattering among the law breakers. Sheriff Lake's first act in office has been a wise one. •••••••••••••• To Divide Up The Holidays ° trttween pleasure and profit is quite possible. A visit to the store -will make it so. Here are ' things -which are pleasant to see and profitable to buy. The Horse and Carriage owner will appre- ciate their beauty, usefulness and good quality; * FLUSH CARRIAGE ROBES, WHIPS, ETC. are a few of the things Worthy of special notice, - because we are selling at special prices. J Gus. Carlson. •••J . •" ft % s#i •M i Mon- * • Want a Watch? A Watch makes tlie finest and most appreceative Christmas Gift and this year we make it possible for any ony to make a selection. Just note the prices: A. fine fifteen-jewel Elgin Silverine Case for only Movement in Seveu-jewel Movements in 20 Case for only Year GokJ^ The above prices are less self of this opportunity. than wholesale and you should avail your- A FEW HINTS! 1 r &eck Chains and Lockets Watch Fobs, low as 75c Cuff Buttons, Rings Watch Chains and Charms Pins, Brooches Berry Spoony, Salid Forks Everything in Silverware to iflJ Ei S3 S3 S3 PATA-30 S3 S3 I will have a lot of Trees on sale and all the necessary Decorations, including Tinsel, Candles, Etc. Call and^see what H O h I D I am offering for A Y S the Jos. Schneider, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. S3 S3 S3 83 83 r4 S3 S3 BIDGEFIELD. F. S. Terwilager was in Nunda day. W H. Munroe was in Woodstock Sat urday. A. Stephensen was In,Woodstock Thursday. B. Terwillager was in Nnnda on busi ness Monday. Mrs. Kline and Miss Nell Gtbion were in Chicago Monday. Erie Ormsby of Chicago spent Sun day with his parents. p Rev N. R Shelt was in Rockford Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. .Tames visite l her daughter at Crystal Lake Sunday. F. Faye and C. M. Keeler were in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Blanch Lynch of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Button are spend ing the holidays at Austin. Wm. Morey and sons of Nun la at tended church here Sunday. Mrs. R L Datield and son, Arthur, were in Woodstock Thursday. E. W. Merchant of Woodstock was in 'his vicinity on business Saturday Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mad- ilene, were in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Carrie Ward of Woodstock visit ed last week with her mother and sis ter. Mrs. A. Mirse anl Misses Mildred iud Katharine -Morse visited at Elg n Friday. F. Sinill ani pupils will give a scho > •utertainment an 1 basket feooial at B t. Alarse's home Fndiy, D-»c 19. Pro wds to buy b wics f ir scho »l liorary. Marvin Keeler broke b >th bones o us right arm while playing at soho > Monday. Dr. Freem-tn was called an I net the bones anl Marvin is doing a- .»'ell as can be exiwcted, Folio wiiig olli ;ord were elected for the coming year in camp 789 M. W. A : T. W. W heeler, V. a C. E. Lock wood, V. •. T. P. Smith, Banker C. M. Keeler, Clerk N. J. Garrison, Escort Leroy Skinner, Watchman Siduey Reed, Sentry Dr. Freeman Physician F. Hobart, Manager Holiday Sale at Dnnde* Greatest display we have ever had. Bargain prices on all goods. Children's Wool Mittens 5c, Men's Silk Ties 5c. Fancy Silk Hdkfs. 5 and 12c. Ladies' 80 inch Fur Trimmed Capes at $1. J8. Fine Wool Jackets, Ladies' Size. $2 98. Good wool Walking Skirts 87c. Boys' Linen Collars 2c. Elegant Rugs, special lot, at 45. 75 and $1 19. Misses' Fine Wool Jackets at with Fur Collar at $4.95. Children's Fur Sets, samples, «9c. Ladies' High Grad« Broad-cloth Skirts, worth $8.00, at $8.9H. Lot ,of Men's Suits, worth from $10 00 to$12.00. WOODSTOCK. George Murphy was at Richmond on ousiness last Saturday. Attorney McConnell was visiting with relatives and friends at Richmond last Sat ui day. Mrs. Joseph Laag visited with rela tives and frien«.H at Richmond several lays the latter part of la"t week. Theo. Davis, wife and son and G. G Iraves visited with relatives at Genot Junction Saturday night and Sunday. C. L. Ward has moved iuto his nev aouse, after having resided for five year- none of the Banker houses north o the factory. George Symonds of Harvard, at on' time a resident of this city, was stricken with paralysis one day last week and was in a oritioal condition at last rt - ,K)rt». Mr, and Mrs. Justus La in And family moved on Monday to Chicago at the re quest of the McCormick company, whose interests Mr. Lauu has ably rep resented in this city for sevbral years. Th >mas Dal ton a 11 wife came over from Solon, Monday, the former to a' tend the annual meeting of the Grau Army post a l l b )th "to be guests ol Goodsell Knntson and wife for a few days. At the communion services at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morn ing twenty-eight converts united with the church, making a sight which has not been witnessed in that organization before in many years. Attorney and Mrs. Frank R. Jackman returned last Saturday night from an extended yisit in California, and their many friends were pleased to greet them. They had been absent several weeks, viewing £he sights of our gre«t western states, and come home greatly refreshed in body and mind. Long Distance Treatment. He died In town last summer. During his last illness his wife nursed him over the telephone from Newport, his doctor treated him by telegraph from Bar Harbor, and a letter, written from the top of the Alps by his clergyman, was read over him at his funeral. Good Reaioa. Toggs' Old Friend--Good gracious, man! Do 1 find you reduced to plnyiug a cornet at the street corner to make a living? Toggs--I'm not doing this to make a living. My wife won't let me practice in the house. iMconaiateney. Waggsby--I note that Holdum. presi dent of the Q^ld Settlers' association, has been sued. Naggsby--What for? Waggsby--For refusing to settle.-- Los Angeles Herald. Sincerity is the basis of all true friendship. Without sincerity it is like a ship without ballast. No man was ever so much deceived by another as by himself.--Greville. Women's Kidneys A Common Mistake which/ Causes Much Suffering Women are jast as likely to have kf&» ney or bladder trouble as men; In facV they are more so; bat very often they attribute Indications of disorders to cora* plaints peculiar to their sex, while the real cause of their trouble is some dift». tresstng kidney or bladder disease. Nervousness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, p&io in the back, all fine goods. $7.75. Lot of 45 82 inch ! profuse or scanty bupply of urine witk itrong odor and a frequent desire to paM It, with scalding or burning sensation, •ediment after standing in a bottle twen ty-four hoars, are all signs of kidney or bladder trouble, which soon wear oat tike most robust. If you have any of these symptoms FOLEY'S KIDNKY CURB will core you and restore your health. We know there are thousands of woiqai who are never well and who have almort lost hope of ever being well again, who would be speedily changed to bright, hap py women, glowing with health, by takinff FOLKT'S KIDNEY CUBB ; thus removing the real cause of their misery instead of doctoring for "female troubles." Mrs. FRANCES L. SALES, of Missouri Valley, la., writes: aI have been afflicted with kidney trouble five years; had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to arinate; when riding I experienced much pain over the region of the kidneys. I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE. After taking three $1X0 bottled it was completely cured." N. H. PETESCH. Satin Lined Capes, $7.75 goods, at $4.95 Men's Wool Over Socks 2oc. ChildrenV Finn Cloaks $1.79, $2.19 and $8.98. Lot of 4,000 Men's Pauts at $1.49 and $1 69 WOOL GOODS Fur Collar, heav\ lined Canvas floats $1.29. Mixed Cai;- dies fto per lb. Iron Toys 12, 15 and 19c. Fancy Chairs 15c. $2.00 Ping Pon* Game* 98c. Elegant, line of 50c Novel* at 17 and 25c. Ladies' Wool Hose at 15c, Fleeced at 10c Fine Wool Walk ing Skirts. 7<K) in the lot, all kinds at (1.49. Infants' Wool Jackets 25c, Ele gant Silk Waists--2;H) in the lot--$1.98 Fine silk lined Monte Carlo Coats, al' styles at $H.49 and $S.85. Wool Waisti- at 35 79 an I $129 See our Christinai- Display. ComjMirH prices. Judge for yourself. Store opeu every evening un til Christmas. * Bear in mind our re fa ide 1 car fare offers. C. F. HALL CO.. Dundee, 111. Billion and Trillion. There" are two systems of numera tion in use at the present day, com- own'.,, called the English and the French systems. In the former the billion is a million of millions, a trillion a million of billions, and each denomi nation is a million times the one pre ceding. In the latter, which is the sys tem used In the United States, the billion Is n thousand millions, and each denomination is n thousand times the preceding. Therefore, according to the English notation, a trillion is the product of a million involved to the third power, or tire number represented by a unit with its ciphers annexed; according tQjthe French notation, the number expressed by a unit with twelve ciphers attached. A billion ac cording to the French method Is the number represented by a unit with nine ciphers and according to the Eng- lls&f method with twelve ciphers an nexed. 3 ,;3< 1 Pnlllnsr a Tooth. An Irishman who had gone Into a dentist's to get. a tooth pulled had It out In a f:\v minutes. "That will be half a crown." said the dentist. "Half a crown!" said Pat "Why, the last toDtli 1 got pulled at home the old doctor set me d-.wn on the floor and put the uippers In my mouth and pulled me'round and round the room, out of the door and down the stairs. When we got to the foot, the doctor said, 'By the help of heaven and the attraction of gravity we'll hev her out yet,' so when we got to the top out came the tooth, unU he only took a shilllnT*-- London Tit-Bits. Fifty Years tin Standard mAkiti <i fktil Wholesale and retail] dealer in I MB !• t)M Market For Beef Veal riuttae Hogs and Poultry Olvo mm • caH •> • /f .4 K-;-„ r»& Smoked Meats, Snusnie McHenry - Illinois GPO HARPER wi Awartiitd Highest Honors World's Fair. Highest tosts U.S.8ov't Chsnlsts HEATS I Fresh 5alt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. HATTHEWS, West McHewry The Aristocrot among the Whiskies of the Old School. Without a pee r All For sale by Leading Dealers ^ all Health and Pleasure Resorts WITH MEDICAL SPRINGS IN THE HILLY REGION OF WESTERN KENTUCKY AND SOUTHERN ILLINOIS ON THE LINE OF TH* ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD There are seven reKi"i*r'v established health aud pleasure ressorts, wiiu mcuk-itiai waters as a feature, ami haviu* hotel accom- tuixlaiions, that are located as meutioiietf ;ti>ove, on the line of or coutivuious to the Illi nois Central. They are: Hardin Springs, (.iravson Springs. I>aw$ou Spring*. Ceruieaa Springs and Crittenden Springs. K*.. and • Creal Springs and IHxoii Springs. III. semi to the undersigned for a fiee ct>py of au lltttS- truted book describing thein all. A. H. HANSON, G. P. A. til. Cent. R. R., Chicago. Itt. 'V>; O O N H E t - O O L E D I Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison M«d|* cine Co.. Madison. WU. keeps you well. Our trail mark cut on ea^il Price, 35 cent*. Naver saM in bulk. Acccpt a» & -£vV,