Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Dec 1902, p. 5

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HHW-- »WMM ••*••»«• MMNM M*MM»««NO»l* ••«• 4 SHOES JV ncm ami complete line of ttots for men, Olometi and Children, fust received „ this week. Che best thina to give for Christmas presents. Also new lines of Dry Goods and notions in hardware* Cable and Pocket gntlerv. McHary. OSMUN BROS. Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of Hog Cholera Jos. H. liuemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellen and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Baggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. temril J BMuinitUH I Ptkis | ilwiys ' } SUitMHt | Fancy Grocers. For Christmas Fine Confectionery Fancy Chocolates Finest made in i, 1 and 2 pound Boxes 25c, 40c, 75c Fancy Bon Bons Vv'- i, 1 and 2 pound boxes, 35c, 40c, 75c Candy in Novelty Boxes, Big Assortment Fine Christmas Candies, Special, 3 pounds for 25 cents. cannot be equaled in quality at that price New Nuts all crop of 1902 Fancy California I X L Almonds f .. " Largo Filberts •*'J?"" " " Brazil Nuts { ^.,71. " Polished Texas Pecans " Soft Shell Calif. Walnuts { ABOVE ALL SOUND NEW NUTS. It pays to buy the best. This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan •wtsbsrs*'* Brtlutc of Klnc Lctr. "If nothing were left of Shakespeare but the single tragedy of 'King Lear,' " wrote Algernon Charles Swinburne In Harper's, "it would still be as plain as It is now that he was the greatest man that ever lived. As a port the author of this play can only be compared with -flSschylus. The Hebrew prophets and the creator of Job are sometimes as sublime in imagination and in passion, but always quite Incomparably inferior In imaginative intelligence. "That Shakespeare's judgment was as great and almost as wonderful as his genius has been a commonplace of criticism ever since the days of Cole­ ridge. questionable only by such dirty and dwarfish creatures of simian inteP lect and facetious idiocy as mistake 1% for a sign of wit Instead of dullness and of distinction instead of degreda- tion to deny the sun in heaven and af­ firm the fragrance of a sewer/' When you have tried all other places and cannot find what you want in the way of Christmas gifts, call at Julia A. Story's. Anything and .everything in toys, notions and books. domes That Feel Right are made here. We do more than merely take your meas­ ure. We make the garments according to that measure, using much skill and know­ ledge in the cutting and tailoring, and we make toiit. Our made-to-order Suits are models of good style, good value. The display in colors and shades suitable for young and old, is very inter­ esting. JOHN D LODTZ. flEATS \ Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will jwjII on the same basis. A. C. HATTHEWS, West McHenry on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- N ial attention IllMIS (EIIM it. it. given to collections. INSURANCE , In First Class Companies, at the low­ est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Nntarv Public. Bankers McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County 8tate Bank "Wood-took. HI. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of fsno to 110,000, time and payment to •ult oorrower. Chicago and Orleans Limited Exduirely i PtJilmaa Train From Ouugo FASTER TIME Effective Derenjber 7, the Chicago And New NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS split out of Chicago, running from < 'Titrasn to Memphis asH l'lilliMin car t rain only. No 5. the Limited, carrying "'ijy J'1 sleeping cars, (lining car untl buffet-library One Minute Cough Cum Fop Coughs, Colds and Croup* i One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds aad Croup. ( Orleans Limited, fast vestibule tr;U«. will be i (TiU'a sh l'lilliMin car t rain 1 Limited, carrying on iK fa car will leave Chicago dally at 7.1*'p. m. for Memphis, Mot Springs. Nashville. Atlanta, Jacksonville, and arriving at New Orleans at 7.40 p. m. the next day. No coach passengers will be taken on it, they being carried to the above points on new train No. 25 having coaches only and leaving < 'hicago at 5.35 p. ni. daily and arriving at New Orleans 7.40 p. m. the next day. This coach train will also carry every Wednesday out of Chicago the Han Francisco Excursion Sleeping Car running via New Orleans. In addition, the New Orleans Special, fast day train, with through sleeping and buffet- library cars, and serving all meals in dining car, will leave Chicago daily at KM*1 a. m. ana arrive at New Orleans at 10.55 next morning, connecting with the Sunset Limited of the Southern Pacific for Houston, San Antonio and San Francisco, the Sunset Limited leaving ,ew Orleans daily at 11.5." a m. TickHs aud 'a i titer Information of m.l oai't < k ,<^uts. A. 11 HANSCN. tieu'i ftuw'r Correspondents PImm Notice Next Thursday being New Year, and also our usual publication day, our cor­ respondents will confer a great favor by mailing their letters one day earlier, as The Plaindealer will be printed on Wed­ nesday. SPRING GROVK. R. B. Cole of Richmond visited at R. A. Oxtoby's Monday. Our blacksmiths h*ve been as busy as bees the past two weeks. Mrs. W. E. Colby was a Chicago vis­ itor the last of the week. Peter Bower shipped a carload of hogs from this station Monday night. Mrs. Grace Jackson of Keystone was calling here the first of the week. John Bell aud Nate Stevens of Ring- wood were here Friday forenoon. John Wagner made a trip to Bassetts Station early last Friday morning. Waller and Win. Shotiiif spent the Sabbath with relatives at Wiliuot. Mrs. Beile Hastings of Richm ond was visiting with relatives iu this vicinity last week. Wm. Harris had the misfortune to lose a very valuable three year old colt last week Mrs Irving Overton and daughter. Miss Rath, attended church here Sun­ day afternoon. The Spring Grove Creamery Associa­ tion started to ship cream to Chicago last Thursday. Mise Anni" James went to Hebron Sunday evening and expects to remain there all winter Will Volbrecht and Jabez Motlej of Wilmot were attending to business here ^Saturday afternoon. Little Martha and Susie Friend have been Bick bat under the care of Dr. Brenken are gaining. James Pierce and sister. Miss Edna, were doing Christmas shopping at Rich­ mond Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Washington Sayles and family from near Richmond visited with the Churchill family recently. B. A. Stevens, secretary of the Cream­ ery Association, attended to business at Elgin and Chicago the last of the week. Chas. Grant of Richmond was in town Friday morning with bis gasoline wiWi saw and made things lively for a while. Some of our young people attended the dance at Guss Rnepkies Saturday evening given in honor of Herb Watts and bride. Mrs. Sarah Wilson is at Richmond helping care for her son, Harvey, who is very ill with blood poisoning caused from a scratch on his finger Dr. Arthur Bremken is nicely settled in the front rooms of Otto Hesse's new house and will be pleased to answer professional calls at any time. Lou Nulk went to Burlington Satur­ day and purchased a new wood sawing outfit and is now ready to saw wood 'or those who wish on short notice. Helen Moss, who has been suffering with enlarged tonsils for some time, had them removed last Saturday. Dr. Bremken performed the operation in a very satisfactory manner and the pa­ tient is doing nicely. Miss Alice Reading was badly burned about the hand and arm Saturday even­ ing while taking a flash litrht picture of our band boys. Dr. Bremken was called immediately and dressed the burns and at present they are doing nicely. In spite of the continuous downpour of rain the "Hara Times" dance at Darby's hall Friday night was a com­ plete success both socially and financial­ ly. The hard times costumes were too ridiculous for anything and caused great sport. Each one seemed bent on cap­ turing the prizes which wera awarded Belle Neish and Jessie B. Richardson. Everett Orvis and Miss Marv Mc- Ilwaine hied away to Waukes:an Friday and when they returned they were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Orvis. Everett and Mary have spent most of their lives in this neighborhood and are too well known to need any words of praise. That their voyage on the matrimonial sea may be all sunshine an<' happiness is the wish of their legion of friends. The M. W. A. ami R. N. A camps of Spring Grove will jfive another of their enjoyable balls ih theM hall over Darby 8 drug store New Y%. eve. N<> pains will be spared to mate' this the most pleasant dance of the season. Floor managers: Jas. Bell. Spring Grove; W. Aylward. Solon; P. Chris tensen, Wilmot. An oyster supper will be served in the town hall. Tickets including snpper $1. E*>dy cor dially invited. The community was shocked Satur­ day evening to bear of the death of Mrs. John Sanborn of English Prairie which occurred at her home Saturdav evening, of Brights disease. Her health had been failing for a lone time hut was able to lie up anl superintend he work until a week before her death She had many plans for the future years all of which weie full of loving thonght of service, for the dear one- and she had often express! the pleasure $phe felt in being more tree to n<-i others than in past years that were filled with pressing duties. Her desiie during her last sickness was that tie) absent relatives and friend- should b« spajtfd any anxiety on her account Thus to them the blow comes with s greater force HM it was ijot thought, h- ' condition was so serions. Her imrnedi ate family consists of her husban i. four sons and two daughters. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at her late home at one o'clock. Shi was laid at rest in 'he Eti^lish Prai r ie cemetery over which *he has .•>p» in much time and labor in the capacity ol president of the Cemetery Aid Society. The deepest sympathy is extended t<> the Jorrowitte ones. To Divide Up The Holidays Petwub'e White Pine CvUtfh djrup. RINGWOOD. H. W. Allen was over to McHenry Saturday. Miss Olive Stevens was shopping In Chicago Friday. Charles Shales and wife of Keystone were callers here Thursday. Mrs. Martin Adams came up from McHenry one day last week. Arthur Merrell and wife of Solon were Ringwood visitors Thursday. Mrs. Alfred Anners of Ridgefield tfas renewing acquaintances here Friday. Chas. Thompson of Greenwood was seen here one day the latter part of last week. Mrs. H. O. Small and son, Fred, went to Chicago this morning to spend Christmas with relatives. Our mail train Friday night was most two hours late owing to a wreck at Chicago in*he freight yards. Mrs. P. Martin of Ostend accom­ panied by her daughter, Mrs. E Bassett, drove to Riugwood last Thursday. Margaret aud Harold Bennett left to day to visit their grandmother, Mrs. Seviers. at Racine, Wis. They were accompanied bv Mrs. Sutton. S. W. Brown. of the firm of J. S. Brown & Son retu>ned home for a two weeks' vacation from his school duties E. Francisco who is attending the State University at Urbana, 111., is home tor vacation during the holidays School closed this afternoon for the winter vacation, the primary room giving a Christmas program. The grammar room finished their fourth monthly examinatian. Mr Bradley returned from Seneca Friday and will now remaiu here as his employer, J. E Cristy, will close up the busiuess and ship the remaining *toclc, which is small, to Ringwood. The SalvaiionArmy brigade which has been holding a series of meetings in McHenry the past two weeks will con­ duct services at the M. E. Church in this village Sunday afternoon at two o'clock. Everybody invited. Miss B. Hodge, a musical instructor of Solon, assisted by her pupils gave a rich anil rare musical program at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jule Smith last Friday evening. The program consist­ ed of solos, duets and instrumental pieces which were executed in a credit­ able manner when the age of some of the young folks are taken into con­ sideration. It is needless to say that all present enjoyed the program for it was one of the kind tnat entertains. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Dodge and fami­ ly are mourning the loss of their infant M>n. William, who was born December 4, 1901. The lit tie one has been a con stunt sufferer from an acute illness. About two weeks ago it was thought t>est to take him to Chicago for treat­ ment. There he was taken in charge by a skille 1 physician and every effort made to give him relief and tbe highest hopes were held for his recovery until Thursday when a change came for the worse, his demise occurring Friday morning. Dec. 19 The remains wfere brought to Ringwood, the funeral tak­ ing place Sunday afternoon at 1:80, the burial being iu the Riugwood cemetery. Those acting as bearers were Glynn Francisco, Chancy Harrison, Harry and Carrol Cristy. Rev. S. W. Lauck of- tic a ed. The sincere sympathy of the entire community is extended to the be­ reaved famiiy in this, their hour of af­ fliction and sorrow. CARD OF THANKS. To our friends and neighbors, who by their comforting words and deeds of kin Iness during the sickness and after tbe death of our little one, showed their kindly sympathy; to the young ladies who sang those beautiful songs so full of hope: to the donors of the beautiful flowers, we tender our sincere thanks. MR. AND MRS. W. A. DODGE and family. ' Rilto ><« io<lc Prfv«*nt4»d* Take a doaole dose of Chamberlain's Choli.1, < hole a and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the di­ sease appears and a threatened attack may be wa -«ie 1 off. Hundreds of people who are subject to attacks of bilious colic use the remedy in this way with perfect success For sale by all drug gi-ts. _ Half KhU*m in Springfield* III. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at one fare for the round trip Deceitl>er 28, 29 and 80, limited for return until January 2, 1908, inclusive, 011 account of State Teachers' Convention. Apply to agents Chicago & N«rth-Western R'y. A Timely Topic. At this season of conghs and i old it is well to know that Foley's Honey and Tar is the greatest throat and lung rem- >-dv. It cures quickly and prevents eri>'s results from a cold. Sold by N. H. Petesch. between pleasure and profit is quite possible. A visit to the store will make it so. Here aire things which are pleasant to see and profitable to buy. The Horse and Carriage owner will appre­ ciate their beauty, usefulness and good quality; FLUSH CARRIAGE ROBES, WHIPS, ETC. are a few of the things Worthy of special notice, because we are selling at special prices. t * t Gus. Carlson., f fo»r'i ah* BARBKVILLE. J. D. Fleming spent several days in Chicago last week. Mrs. Ruth Turner spent a week in Chicago recently. Mrs. Lehman of North Nunda was a caller here Sunday. "Jack" Walsh ol McHenry wm a caller in this vicinity Monday. The Dwarf Palm of Algeria. I The dwarf, palm, which furnishes considerable quantities of fiber, grows ' In great profusion in Algeria and is one of the principal obstacles to the clear­ ing of the land, so thickly does it grow and so difficult to pull up. Its roots, in JrKhape resembling carrots, penetrate 1 Into the ground to the depth of a yard or more, and when its stem only is cut Miss Clara Thompson returned from ' sprouts out again almost immediate­ ly.- As its name indicates, this palm is Fifty Years the Standard Chicago Sunday evening after a week's visit with friends. Miss Gertrude Turner has given np attending school in Chicago and will re­ main here with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harness of Solon spent a few days l*st week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson. Richard Grant of Chicago is visiting with his sister. Mrs. J. Fleming here. He will remain after Christmas, it being his first visit here in thirteen years. Bettor than a Planter. A piece of flannel dampened with Chainberlain's Pain Balm and bound on the affected |>arts, is l>etter than a plas­ ter for a lame back and for pains in the side and chest. Pain Balm has no su­ perior as a liniment for the relief of deep seated, muscular aud rheumatic pains. For sale by all druggists. RIDGEFIGLU Mrs. A. Anners was at Crystal Lake Friday. „ B, Terwillager was in Chicago Thurs­ day and Friday. Mrs. Ward and daughter, Nora, were in Nunda Saturday. ^ C. Filbert left Saturday for his home at Indianapolis, Iud. Ru*sh1 Hinimanof Elgin visited at B R. Morse's last week. Mesdames F. Faye and J. B. Lynch wene i«i Nunda Thursday. H. Lyou of Chicago called on friends here Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Eeeler and son, Maryin, were in Nunda on business Thursday. Miss Lola Lynch visited with her sis­ ter in Chicago Friday and Saturday. B. R. Morse returned Saturday even ing from a week's stay in Virginia Mrs. H. Terwillager left Thursday for an extended visit with her son in Ne braska. Mrs. F. Hudson and children visited her mother. Mrs. French, at Ringwood Friday and Saturday. Mrs. F. Terwillager and daughter, Doris, an 1 Mrs. J. B. Lynch and child ren were in Chicago Friday. The C. E. society will give an enter tainment in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening, December 80. The program has been well prepared. There will be a dialogue in three acts entitled "An Old-fashioned Doniti »n Party. " Mosic between acts. Fun for all. Everybody come, its the very beet of the season. Admission, adults 25c, children 15c. Doors open at 7:80, program commences at 8:15. CouffhN, Co1<Ih, anil Conxtlpatlon. Few people realize when taking cough medicines other than Foley's Honey an Tar, that they contain opiates whii b are constipating besides being nnsaf» particularly for children. Foley 's Hon­ ey and Tar contains no opiates, is salt and sure and will not coustipate. Sold by N. H. Petesch. very small aud can only attain a cer­ tain height when protected, as In the Arab cemeteries, for example. Palmiitrr. "I see financial troubles ahead of you," said the gypsy as she scrutinized the lines iu Softleiyh's palm. "What is the cause thereof?" asked tV innocent youth. "I see a dark woman," continued the dealer in futures, "who is destined to cause you trouble in money matters.** £ "As I expected," groaned the callow youth. "That washerwoman is going to hold my laundry for ransom again. Oh, woe is me!"--Chicago News. Tommy Woo. Two brothers went to the same school. They were absent about a fortnight, and tli.11 one returned alone. "Where is your brother Thomas?" asked the master. ' "Please, sir, he's laid up with a sprained arm. We were trying to see which could lean out of the window farthest, and Tommy won." Tli« New Year Bail. The Woodmen are making great pie- parations for the dance to be given jit Stoffel's hall on Thursday evening. Jan­ uary 1. They expect to have the tioi r in excelleut condition and will put forth Hvery effort to please the natrons of the dince. Reed's famous orchestra with trap drumwier will furnish tbe music, a fact that should attract lovers of good time in dancing. Horses and baggage will be cared for free. Dance tickets are $1.00; snpper 85 cents per plate. Mrs. W. S: Harrison of Hastings, Neb., writes: "Send me a 50c jar of "Mother's Salve" at once, as my little boy is subject to croup, and this is the best thing I ever used. The weather is favorable for croup and I never want to be without it." Easy to use. Quick to act. For sale by N. H, Petesch. GP Awardtd Nights! Honors World's Fair. Ughtst t«*U U.S.tftf'tltantets Office Calendar*. A very serviceable calendar has beeu issued by the Chicago & North Western R'y, for the year 1008 The figujres are large and easily distinguished, the days of the month and the consecutive day of the year are both shown; and the public­ ation is of that soli I fend creditable sort which makes *it desirable for business men and manufacturers. Send four cents in postage to W. B. Kniskern, Passenger Traffic ̂ Manager, 28 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, -isiiJ Great tonic, braces body and brain, drives away all impurities from yonr system. Makes you well. Keeps you well. Rocky Mountain Tea. 35c. G. W Besley. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. Tbe Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ol She Made Htm. Mrs. Tower--Frankly, John Tower, I think you are the meanest man I ever saw. Mr. Tower--i wouldn't say that, liusty; you kuow you've said hun­ dreds of times that you have been the making of me.--Boston Transcript. Escaped With Hla Life. "Did Biggs have any luck hunting lions in Africa?" ^ "Yes. Great luck." "How?" "Didn't meet any lions."--Washing­ ton Star. some They Coat Money. She -- Certainly you have friends. He--Yes, but It takes every cent can rake and scrape.--Town Topics. The lessons of life are lost if they do not Impress us with the necessity of making ample allowances for the im­ mature conclusions of others. QThe Plaindealer from now until Jan­ uary 1, 1904 for $1.50. Be sure and see that beautiful line of china ware at Jnlia A. Story's. Every­ thing from a dainty hand painted choc- late cup to a full tea set. O A S T O n i A . Bean the _/} Kind You Have Always BMgjbt DeWitt's Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores* CHANGE OF LIFE Between the Ages of Forty and Fifty Ib a Critical Time of Life for both MEN AND WCMEI Kidney Diseases Cause Many Deaths During this Periloue Period It Is not generally known that the bodies of men as welt »9 women usually undergo great changes between the agea of forty and fifty. With some the period «om- saences earlier and with others it Is ax- tended later. With all it la marked by the overloading of the blood with Impurities arising from the marked changes that are taking place. The kidneys that filter the blood often become weak during thla period, and the poisons they should have eliminated are carried everywhere with the blood, causing a train of symptoms that Indicate certain death unless their cause is removed. Here are some of the Indications that the kidneys are overburdened and break­ ing down: flashes of heat over the face or body, backache, headache, tired feelings, Indigestion, nervousness, heaviness and pains in the feet and legs, swelling of the feet and ankles, chilly sensations, loss of weight, irregular flow of urine, which may be cloudy or give a sediment on standing, hot and dry skin, coated tongue. When any of the above symptoms are noticed, then look out for the kidneys. We know of nothing so certain to act as the right thing in the right place as Folky's Kidney Curb. It is composed of the best known agents recommended by the highest authorities on kidney troubles. It is an honest preparation and one that is thoroughly reliable ln all < N. H. PETESCH. QIARLES & iffil Wholesale and retail} dealer In I an la tbe Market For Beef VmI riattoa Hop and Poultry Olve mm a call Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois Don't forget the old man /ith the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he as been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort vherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons we gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man' with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul­ sion of pure cod liver oil--a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need^ flesh and strength. SCOTT & FOWNE, Chemists. "-09-415 Pearl Street, New York. 6O0. and $ i .OO i all druggi$t«. The Aristocrot the Whiskies of the Old J School. Witlfout a pee i For sale by All Leading Dealers Health and Pleasure Resorts WITH MEDICAL SPRINGS IN THE HILLY REGION OF WESTERN KENTUCKY AND SOUTHERN ILLINOIS ON THB LINB OP THi ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Tlu>re art? seven regularly established health and pleasure resorts, with medicinal witters as it feature, aod having hotel accom­ modations, that are located as mentioned above, on the line of or contiguous to the 111JK nois Central. They are: Huriliu ^prinxa, Grayson Springs, Dawsou Springs, Cerulean Springs and Crittenden S'priu.oi, Ky.» aud. Creal Springs and l>i\ou Sprlugs, III. awd the undersi(tned for a fr«.-e «vpy of lllm» trated book describing tlieiu ail. A. H. HANSON, ti. I*. A. 111. Cent. K. K.. ChU'&ftix OON'T BE FOOLEDI Take tile genuioe, origiaal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA Made only by Madt^oa Medi­ cine Co..' .MadiMHi, Wij. ft keeps •< ou well. Our trada mark cut on each packag*. Price, J5 cents. N«*cr iiM. la bulk. Acccpt wtiHi JUfc yaw

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