Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jan 1903, p. 8

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mam l For the next 30 da^s we will give an extra discount for cash of 20 per cent on all Winter Suits and Overcoats, 1so thpse asking for it. Any one in need of either, Overcoat or Suit, can not afford to overlook this offer. Our cloth­ ing stock is very complete, having al­ ways tried to give good values at for­ mer price. We are making this special offer to reduce stock and make room for Spring purchases. Will have another car Flour in about a week, of the two Winners JERSEY LILY and HARD TO BEAT. .Yours for Trade, John 3. IDiller CUest Vtleffcnrv, toiinois. -tr N E W Xjlfcri •• J&cob Justen. R tTi At t't'i *•*!*> 1*1*1 A At «4'» y ̂ y »T* ^ *x* *x» q!niyiBn»iiinyfj IJ* nmtmmwwii>innm«imittitm<im»H 4 y •" Ufe extend to our friends and patrons " our heartiest thanks for their gen­ erous patronage the past year. We strive earnestly to be worthy of a continuance of your patronage during 1903. Wishing you one and all the compliments of the season, I remain Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOmber. IF W'-iK $kr • f)V. • • 1--ii»»i , Tj» Republic of Venezuela, which is now practically in a state of war with Great Britain and Germany, consists of twenty federal states, bounded on the north by the Caribbean Sea, on the south by Brazil and Colombia,! on the west by Colombia and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and British Guiana. The long-standing boundary line dis pute between Venezuela and Britjain, which just seven years ago, moved Pres ident Cleveland to send, through Seere ;ary Olney, his famous "This m^ans war" note to the British government, was settled by arbitration in 189J. The chief point gained by London in this sett.ement was the freedom of the Ori­ noco River and the use of both banks of the Ri^er Cuvnni. The country is gov­ erned by a'presidenfc with a two year term, assisted apd elected by a federal council appointed by the congress.. Congress consists of a senate elected by the federal states and a house of repre­ sentatives elected by the people. -Inor­ dinary times there is tin army of 8.R00 and a national militia of abont 6$iH>0. Roman Catholicism is the state relig­ ion but th^pe is a freedom of worship otherwise. La Guaira, the chief port of the country, is connected with Carac­ as, the capital, by a railroad that is a marvel of engineering skill. The whole trea of Venezuela is 634,000 square niles. It liu* a population of 2,.r)07,8T.') ind anuuiti i .venue of more than $7,tM)0, *WU. The puiiiic debt is about $40,0U0, <H)0. Venezuela, is an agricultural coun­ try. It has about 200,000 acres under co|fee. about 11,000 sugar plantations and an enormous cattle industry. Its mining industries, ,especially that of gold, are promising ami have prospered unusually during the past year. The country has been in a state of insurrec­ tion ever since the adoption of the con­ stitution in 1858. There have been rev­ olutions in 1858--before the constitution was a'year old--in 1859, in 1863, in 1865, in 1870, and eight revolutions between t870 and 1889. Since thnt time there haSviiever been what Americans would call peace, but the country has pros- pere /and little damage to life or prop­ erty results from these outbreaks. • 3aved at Graves Brink. ' 'I know I would long ago have been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H. New- som, of Decatur, Ala., "if it had not been for Electric Bitters. For three years I suffered untold agony from the worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash, Stomach and Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent medicine did me a world oi' good. Since u*iug it I can eat heart­ ily and have gained 35 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles Electric Bit­ ters are a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at Julia A. Storj's drug store. Are You Intrrreted II ITII IH ? The label at the top of the first paj.e or on the wrapper) by which The Plain- lealer is addressed, sho.vs the date to vhich the subscription has been pan . You can readily find out by looking at the date on the label ho a your account stands. If it reads ".I a a 1 01," it shows that your subscription is paid to Jan. 1, 1901; if it rtads "Jan 1 04,"it means that you have paid arrearages (if any) and a year in advance. But, whatever the figures, they show the date to which you have been paid and if you are in ar­ rears remittance is desired and will b> much appreciated. If you will please observe the dates you/ will know just how your account stands with the print­ er. W e invite your special attention to these figures. It will be good news to mothers ol small children to learn that croup cai oe prevented. The first sign of croup if hoarsness. A day or two before the ai - tack the child becomes hoarse. This i- •toon followed by a peculiar rough couch, i*ive Chamberlain's Cough Remedy free­ ly as soon as the child becomes hoaVse. r even after the rough cough appears, ind it will dispel all symptoms of croup, in this way all danger and anxiety maj ie avoided. This remedy is used bi many thousands of mothers and hai- lever been known tc fail, it is, in t'aci he only remedy that can always be de .ieuded upon and that is pleasant an* safe to take. For sale by all druggists. V. Winter Ms Must Go! IfcW This week we will begin to unload onr immense stock of Winter Goods at prices never heard of before in McHenry county. The Goods must be closed ont during the next two months regardless of cost. Buy $10 00 worth of good* here and we guarantee a saving of $5.00. Sounds like a brood statement, but we mean it and have the poods to back it opu Just Note These Prices! lien's and Wciren's Ceered-lined Underwear, per jra i ... 35c ' Children's fli eced-linedUnderwear aires 20 to 2» <§> 21c All-wool Underwear for Ven, regu- V lar 81.50quality, special price.." ...88c •^•/children's Wool Underwear worth r $1.25 per gurn cut.& ftfic J"£H.'*^CorduroJr Pant*, special prIce •* #1-3* -;viiSbeep-llned heavy fbll-U-ugth Huck * ' Coats, easily woitli $8.00, special ' ihbX. prtee -SDtiek Coats. 86 to 44, ngular 13.25 quality <& 41.15 .Petticoat® closing out at ..25C' S^^letoher Knitting Yarn worth fl ia ,, per pound at 7#c. jMlttens at lowest prices. •'Overcoats worth 17.00. well-lined, 1^* * gfr»ta«out at ».4m Better grade Coats, worth 02.00 Q4B.96 Best Overcoat, good style, well- made, worth $15.00®.,... $7.96 Quilts worth |2 00® .41.26 Flannelettes, worth 12Kc per yard, closing out at Jc Tennis Flannel closing ont at 7HC Sweaters, regular price Ct.00, at... .$149 Men's everyday Sweaters, good for the money.. 3&c Lamps, good selection, worth §S.OO at Me Children's KnitLegglns, regular80c quality at......... , .... ..lBc Ail-wool Dress Goods, worth75c to SIJX) per yard at . .40c Toweling, good quality, worth ppryard at J. HURWITZ. MUS. L. S. ADAMS. Of Galveston, T«xm. "Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for seven years with weakness and bear. Ing-down pains, and having tried sev­ eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." By "tired women" Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. \ou can cure yourself at home with this great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Whv not begin to get well today? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor­ der T h e d f o r d'g Black-Draught should be used. For ttdrtce ami giving symptoms, Tli<> I Allies'Advisory Depart. ment, The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Oiatt&aooga, Term. WINEo'CARDUl Oil 00 as 40 IXi .Vi Mr. Chairman and OcMitk*men of t.ho Hoard of f u per vigors: Vour cojunnt tevJ to whom was referrod the Monti-anuual reports of the county clerk, circuit clerk and sheriff would beg leave to aubnilt the following report on the matters before them: COIJ.N VY Clkkk. „ , Earned. Reed. Probate fees, clerk's feus in .suits in court . 11000 5tt $ 412 00 Connty services..- .....* 5«*00 Miscellaneous fierviet*... 10MJ5 ldHW ItiHseipis o^eai-iiiiign previously rep t>i o and co coui t caruiitgii ,.. 004 44 Receipts <»f co eai imiHs anil rnlM , heretofore reported K240 TTotnts HI $152? 00 I'.xpeirtliture#: • ,j; Clerk liire.. l)eu veriug elei^tton ballots.. . 1>+, Pi >S tage, e.\ pVuss, etc.., Clerk's salary half ye** Total i.' Balance due clerk - ... " ...... ClttCUlT CL.KKK. Earned. Becd. Balance from June report | . $ ,iiu For recording... 850 70 ttt> 70 Clerk's fees in suits In court.".. 3UU00 251 W) Miscellaneous service.. 21300 ....... Receipts for half year previous­ ly reportej not received.... 45 CO Totals... . .V..,.. $1«5~,0$165', Kxpenditurest Clerk lure......,.,,..; $ 300 0t Miscellaneous, fitiitrips etc 4i» :j<" Clerk's Hilary, half year..,. , 78j> 'in Total .... Siawi i! Hal due county. $ 3.Y, > SHKKiFF. Earned. Reed, sheriff's fees In Suits in court. .$ 334 M0 $ l»i ,> Earn in km ami rec i»n executions 141 ;>5 143 >> Miscellaneous services 505 45- Receipts dur hail year pwiv Sep . -- aou Totals- .'.$1073 90 $ 4«i ii5 Expi'tidltures: Deputy hire. . . .'..$ 365 lii Miscellaneous ' lii 2(i Sheriff's salary hiill>ear W*1 > c Total expenditures :..$Uvi .n Ualanee tiue sheriff : - 5a2.)i We would recommend tlmt an order be drawn ou the treasurer for the sums due in the aged are slow, but . they are still exist­ ent, and they may be kept active by gentle opposition and stimu­ lation, just as they may be increased in child, hood and youth fcy rough methods. county clerk anil sheriff and that the circuit clerk turn over to treasurer, balance due county. We would recommend that there be paid to the sheriff, as sklary, tile suta of twelve hund­ red dollars Or130ti (Hi) per year. We would further recommend that, a compe­ tent, able-bodied man should be employed by the sheriff as janitor ol court house and Jail, who should be required to devote his entire time to the performance of the duties of said position. That it shall l-e the duty of the per­ son stf employed to build and care for the lires lu jail and court nou»e, and see that the offices, corrodors and romns in said buildings are properly sw ept, cleaned and rejjatred, also that the grounus, walks and other property about said buildings are properly cared for, and iliat the sheriff shall be charged with the duty of instructing said janitor in the dis­ charge of his duties, and we would recommend tliat lliere be at towed the sheriff the sum of thirty-five dollars ($£>.00 per month for the payment of the wages of said janitor, and said amount shall incluoe board of such janitor. Vour committee would further recommend that the sheriff be allowed the sum of fifty cents ("i0c> ner day ̂ or dieting prisoners. We would further recommend that there be al­ lowed the sheriff the sum of eight hundred dollars (gKOO.OO) for the payment of a deputy sheriff, all livery bills, and mending and laun­ dry work fur the prisoners. We would recom­ mend that there be paid the county judge, as salary, the sum of fift' en hundred dollars ($1500.00) per annum, and that there be paid the county clerk, as salarv, the sum of eight­ een hundred dollars tSiHOO) per annum, and that there be. allowed the county clerk, for clerk hire, the sum of eighteen hundred dol­ lars (#1WX)), and that there be paid tJie county treasurer, as suiary. the sum of ($ir>00) per au- uum, and that there be allowed the county treasurer, for clerk hire, the sum of seven hundred and Hfty dollars ($7f>0). All of which is respectfully submitted. Wm. IIi siiiuti. chili. It. M. TritXiJt. James LAKK, L. T. HOY. Snp Weltzien moved their adoption. Sup. Clark moved to substitute $1200 per annum tor $1500, as reported by the committee, for the salary of the county judge. After brief remarks in favor of the original report by Sup. Marks, the ayes-and nays were called for on the substitute and resulted as follows: Aye. Sups. Erotzman. Clark, Hatch. Mentch 4; nay, Sups. Marks, Stevenson, tiaidock, Desmond, Mills, Calbow, Welt­ zien, Hoy, Turner, Covel . Throop, 11: (Sup. Lake not voting:) substitute de- lared lost. The vote on the motion oi Sup. Weltzien for the adoption of the report as presented by the committei was as follows Ave, Sups. Marks Steveurspn, Lake, Ealdock, Desmond. Mills, Calbow, Weltzien. Hoy, Turner. Covell, Throop and Mentch, 18; nays. Sups. Erotzman, Clark and Hatch, 8. Original report declared adopted. The report of the special committee on roads and bridges made the following report, and on their motion was adopted, ro- • it: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen'of the Board f Supervisors: Your committee appointed to act with the commissioners of highways, ot r.he town of McHenry, in the building of a tridge over Fox ri ver, at .lolinsburgh. woult •eg leave to submit the following report or the matters liefore tliem: Your committee oeg leave to report that sii.i '1 bridge Is com pleted and accepted, t lie approaches filled am ill work necessary to a full completion of tin ev'":il contracts, is finished, I'he contrnci for the bridge w a^ aw tri ed to the Massillon •n'.tie Co.. and provided for a steel bridge o' 40 feet. In three spans, resting on founda­ tions of concrete. 'Hie provisions of the con •j'lict, have, to all appearances, been full\ •ari-ied out. The county's half of all expenseV •onnected with the building of this bridge, are as follows: • ifssillon IJrulge Co, contract $7365 2< otn of highways, McHenry, filling ap­ proaches 03 T 'antes Green, graveling approaches 10f< ohu 11 Freund, superintending work.. 81 (n Total expenses to county 17851 4. All of which is respectfully submitted; L. T. Hoy. chni., L. B. covell, Josti'H Tb« following tinmed persons were elected to serve as grand jurors for th< •egular January term, 1908, circuit ourt of McHenry county, Illinois, am >n motion, of Sup. Hoy, the list was ap­ proved and the clerk of the board in­ structed to certify the same to the clerk f the circuit court: •Riley. Charles Krause; Marengo, I)elo iglit anil Chillies Shearer: iHiniiatn. I>. 1 tin": Chemung..I. U. Kay and Robert Mar­ shall: Alden. Wm. Teeplc; Hart land. M. V • len; Seneca. James Itayr<l; Coral. E. V ' ' os; Grafton, .lolin Hiiwley; horr. V. F 'one* and A Still; Greenwood. Thomas- Charl <; Uehmn. I.ewis Fischer; Richmond, iowa d Vinton; ISurtpn. John W. Sanborn icllenry. James Green and Thomas Walsh utida. i.ewis l'etersun and W. O. Keller; Ai- i"Uiln. Henry Newbold and V. N. Ford. Mo ed and carried unanimously, tha vot • of thanks be tendered Sup. L. E Vlent h for Jjis iuipartial an<l faithfn .M-vices as chairman of the board foi •e past year. On motion of Siip. Covell, the mem I'm.of the l*mrd were allowed theii i«ual ner diem ami tnileaare f<»r' attend ance it this meeting and speHal com- • nrree work, and the i-lerk directed t«' Hsue orders for the same. . No other business appearing, th« • -ard adjourned at»the call of the cleri > motion of Snv". Lake. L. E. ^ENTC'H, Chairman. Attest:--O. F. RttsHTON. Clerk. Thronel» Nl<-*-pii>ir C«r» Between Chl- r»t(i> Mild Sautt Ste. Narln, - the North-Western Line. Berffta* ng Monday, December 29. a new line if through Sleeping Cars will be placed i i service bet-ween Chicago and 'The oo," via the-Chicago & |?ortli-Western ml the M. St. P. & S. Ste. M. R'y*, •living Chii-ago daily, except Sunday, it 8:00 p. in., Milwaukee 10:15 p. m., ia Oshkosh, Green Bay, Menominee nd Gscanaba, - arriving1 at Manistique bout 7:<M) a. ro.,.and ftte. St. Marje oon after 10:00 a.'in. Dining Car Ser­ vice. Sleeping Car southbound will laave the Soo at 8:00 p. in., daily except Sbnday, arriving at Chto;>"o 7:80 a. im ' o a s t o r t A. !le*ri th# s? KIND YJU HA'.B Ahvays BOQ^X- jignatara Caldwell's (l^ntivs) Syrup Pepsin Is * boon to the aged *nd infirm, and probably no medicine ha* accomplished so much, or re­ ceived as high or as many indorsements (rorn ~ -nd -,voTri.?n whose extreme age jives : a seemingly slender hold upon life. Children j love it, too. It is pleasan) to '.he taste, am, ytt gentle, to its ! action. Fapsfn flyrop Company, A Million Voices Conld hardly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listep why: A severe cold had settled on his lungs, causing a most' obstinate cough. Several physicians caid he had consum­ ption, but could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Con­ sumption and writes: "it completely cured me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 lbs." It's positively guaran­ teed for Coughs, Colds and Lnng trou­ bles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bot­ tles free at Julia A. Story's. Local History. The Passenger Department of the North-western line is preparing data for use in its Summer Tourist literature next summer. It is detfired to make, this data complete as to Historical and Legendary matter, as well as regards the various features, that make this sec­ tion attractive to summer visitor* Anyone who can assist in this by sup­ plying any such data to the Editor o* to J. B. Buss, t^ie Nortb-Western Ticket Agent, is invited to make that fact known promptly. 27-3t A Cold Wave. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy cough may invad? the sanctity of health in your own home. Cautious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure always at hand. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ga., writes: "i am indebted to One Minute Cough Cun for my present good health, and prob­ ably my life.It cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia am, all Throat and Lung troubles. On< Mintfte Cough Cure cuts the phlegm draws out the inflammation, heals an> soothes the mucous membranes an strengthens the lungs. Julia A. .Stor> . McHenry, and G. W. Besley, West Mi- Henry. Very Low Ratex to National Live 8tori Convention, Kami ah City, Mo., Via the North-Western Line. Excureio tickets will be sold January 12 and 11 with extreme return limit by extensio until January 81, inclusive. Apply t <gents Chicago.& North-Western R\\ Jan. H. This is the season of the year wh< he prudent and careful housewife n lenishes her supply of Chamberlain 5ongh Remedy. It is certain to I leeded before the winier is over, an< •esnlts are mnr,h more prompt and sa* sfactory when it is kept at hand am <iven as soon as the cold is contracte< ind before it has become settled in th< •>yntem. In almost every instance a se . ere cold may be warded off by takin; his remedy freely as soon as the first ndication of the cold appears. Then s no danger in giving it to children foi t contains no harmful substance. It ir- leasant to take--both adults and chil ren like it. Boy it and you will get he best- It always cures. For sale by 11 druggists. Cxpun-eti the Frliw. At the Christmas dance at Waucondi Hst week Miss Clara Thompson and £. A*. Starritt captured the prize as thi ;»Cst waltzers on the floor. Possiblv he word "captured" is out of place, fo he prize jn*t naturally fell to them They both exci 1 in the terpsichorean art. Korinl Uyopepala Cure Digests all classes of food, tones ami strengthens the digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Tronb- es. and makes rich red blood, health and strength. Kodol rebuilds wornont tissues, pnrifies, strengthens and sweet­ ens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Vm., says: I have used a number of bottles of Kodol «nd have ton d it to be a very effective and, indeed, a power­ ful remedy for stomach ailments. 1 recommend it to my friends. Jnlia A Story, McHenry, G. W. Besley, West .McHenry. • , Excuroion R»t«*ft to ht»t« Halrjrmml Con­ vention lit ChanipHiftn, III., Via the > orth- Western Line. Excur­ sion lickets will be i-ol I at re lac.*i rates Ja mary 6 and' 7, limited to return until January 9, 1803, inclusive. Apply to gents Chicago & North-Western R'y. ' Jan. 8. OASTO Tl T A-. Bean the yt The Kind Vou Have Always yj' r >• " - ... • ;:i > % . . . Mm i'l> ir W" R WISHES fOR '% HAPPY and PROSPEROUS N E W Y E A R C H A P E X L Mm. m f̂ £ I i % HAPPP NEW YEAR | . , > , 1 1 ^ • • •-- \ : ;«%lV Ringwood, Dl. J. 5. BROWN & SON ,v;i ty liMlMUS ^riiliiiiiihiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiioiuiiiiihiimitUuaiuutlitiktliilitMtuimUiikllluiilkiiil^ AVegelabie Plreparalionfor As simiiating the Food andBeguia- ling the Stomachs and Bowls of I M A M S / ( H U D K I N Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norMhicral Not Narcotic. JlkVeafOUJ+SiNmUamUt HmtfJuti Sent" Mx SfAfut» MM. &J* - •iM * CASTORIA For Infants and Children.^ The Kind You Have Always Bought 1 Aperfecl Remedy for Constipa­ tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss of Slbbp. EXACT COPT Of WRAPPCH mg'i y$t m hfSinule Signature of cZaWESZ NEW YORK. .A I li 111 <) J Y 1) (1 S 1 S

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