Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1903, p. 3

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•ft PROIIttlEKT PBY8HHMW v ; ~ - USE AND ENDORSE PE-RU <\ V^A5ai£& flite C.B. CHAMBERLIN, MIX OF WASH INGTOM, D.C» C B. Chamberlin. M. D.. writes from 14tb and P Sts.. Washington. D. C. Many cases have come under my observation, where Peruna has benefited and cured. Therefore, I cheerfully recommend It for catarrh and a general tonic."---C.B. CHAMBERLIN, M. D. Medical Biumlner U. 8. Treasury. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Ex­ aminer of U S. Treasury Department, graduate of Co­ l u m b i a C o l l e g e and who served three years at J West Point, has the following to say of Peruna: "Allow me to express my grati­ tude to you for the benefit de- rived from your w o n d e r f u l r e m ­ edy. One short month has brought forth a vast change L)r L. Jordan and now consider myself a well man and I after months of suffering. Fellow-sufieren Peruna will cure you." Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Geo. C Havener, M. D., of Anacostia, D, C., writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: Gentlemen--" In my practice I have had occasion to frequently prescribe your valuable medicine, and have found its use beneficial, especially in cases of catarrh." George C. Havener, M. D. If you do not receive prompt and satis­ factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of Th® Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. START A STEAM LAUNDRY Write us. Paradox Machinery Co., 181 ff. Division St., Chicago, In your town. Small capital required aa4 big returns on the Investment asiured.W* malce all kinds of I.aandry Machinery. m vv OKLAHOMA excels in Corn, Cotton and Wheat. Ideal place to live. 200 FARMS FOR SALIi. Bargains in city property, bringing large rents. Your money loaned at6$ongUt> edge real estate. No Safer 1*1 ace to Invest. HIND FOB CATALOG UK. WEBTCRN iNvrnmrmmMT co.. u tICMO. OKLAHOMA Mexican iS-'aSSS ivittstang IK' J2-; S > ; Unlmcnt actually penetrates to the pain ?nd cur®s where other lin" ' imenta and salves either ab- „ solutely fail or fall far short of complete success. None so good as the Rock Island. W tip'itii KIT rrmtHnde for you kindness. I found everything as represented a«"* enjoyed the trip very much. I traveled alone and on crutches, but 1 received every courtesy and kindness. I have traveled on a dozen or more railroads, but lound none so good in every respect as the Rock Island."--From * Patron's L*tt»r. the way it goc»--everybody who patronize* the Rock Island's tourist car excursions to California is delighted.. Cars, route, porters, and excursion manager arc RIGHT. Tourist cars leave Chicago dally forLos Angeles and Sp Francisco via the El Paso-Rock Island route. 1M Wednesday and Friday cars are personally conducted. Scenic Line cars (via Colorado Springs and Salt Lake City) leave Tuesdays and Thursdays. Folder giving lull Information free on request SetMtBUUn. T.P.M., Chicago, UMSOW *IAF>£ L. Douglas makes and Mils mora ; >Wi»iVeS3.BO«n-' £3.00 shoes than any other ? : ' ^%wo manufacturers In tha world, which :% • :trJprovaa their superiority! Z':. 'slthajr are worn by more "^people In all stations of \.V-J than any other make. >r.i Because W. L. Douglas q Jls the largest manufact urer le can ouy cheaper and roduce his sh&as at ower cost than other con- <• f.- ^ W llttll clltHMua tllllt sell shoes for §3.50 and ;^'1S3.00 equal in every ^ M ay to those sold else- ijwhere for $4 and $5.00. W. L. Douglas $3.50 r'|jand $3 shoes areworn by thousandsof men who !-*M#flbavebeen paying$4 and $5,not believing they ]xould get a first-class shoo for $3.50 or $3.00. He has convinced them that the style, lit, d wear of his $3.50 and $3.00 shoes is just >:'"" ";ias good. Placed sido by side it is impossible see any difference. A trial will convince. * ; . " c N o t i c e I n r r r a i c / 1 8 9 9 S a l e » : W J , a 0 3 , H M : » , ^ a ")'• ffl'v t;fr In Biitlnni: UK02 Salon: ^.»,0*4.'l40t00 ••' A gain of S8,8SO,4<lO.'J» in Four Tears. W. L. DOUCU6 S4.00 CILT EOCE CINE, Worth $6.00 Compared with Other Makes. The belt i.n ported ani American leathers. Hey!'3 '*'npatent Calc. Emmet. Box Calf, Calf, Vici Kid, Corona - and National Kangaroo. Fast Color Fyelets. • « Thti genuine have W. L DOUGLAS HbiUlRfll , name nnd price stamped on bottom. Sltoes bv mail.Zv. extra. Illus. <~ata!vjfree. _ •<*£•. W. I,. UOt!ui.l S, KltOl K lim. WHOLE WHEAT F O O D PURE AND PALATABLE Free from all objection* able feature* of malted foods riNASCiAL / fesife ttia. F $25.00 ^VWttl tmy U iktrfr eacli, Preferrt-a and Common Stock, ptld And QOD-H8St!SKaMc. ot TI2K SUAW'OIBtOR , COMPANY CAPITAL $300,000, T4lvtded Into Preferred and Cemmon Stook * 80.IXH) «h«re« Offered. Preferred u n a UH lwawi "^aad is • boaJ on our mlna* until roleeraeJ; Common fjjwiii pay ioj to 5<U la three to live yean. Comp«uy'f< four mines altuated 1q the richest OoM. rifitOOPPer and Silver dlstrletala New Mexle*- ' Addre^ all coramunloatlons to JEBuiiS KENNKDV, BeereUry, MO, 42 Cburch St., New Bars*. (P. O Boi 577 ) DROPSY MEW DISCOVERT: gives qiili k relief aDd cure* wont iaeaaea. Book of tea'lmoiilalsaud 100AY8' treatmeai5 ?****. Or.H.B.QBEEN BSOHS.Boa K.Atlaata.Or ^alisflra (rfupaliaa Ohulued L<; work, no nil WIlHilHpn required;farmert>oy» chi «f«resc« HckHfti Ad. 0. X. Payae, It.lMl*, money chance, n*. WhoJcl^Ul AT UL GOOD QB0CEXS 15 CENTS A P A C K A G I 3/IRQ5 Via OdM^M, Waterloo and Albsit Ufc. Fast Vestibule Night train with throujh Sleeping Car, Buffet-Library Car and Free Reclhii&g Chair Car. Dining Car Serrlce ea route. Tickets of agents ol i. C. fLSL tmd connecting lines. ' .1 A. M. HANSON, OtV. A.. CMKMOO. On Cough Brrao, in tea. Sold trf dwmiata. I rsww , However, Enters Ob- j«ctions to Pr^iderpl^ ? Castro's^ Reply, y s MAY PATCH UP DIFFERENCES Question «l Raising tha Blockade Is Now the Stumbling Block, but It is Likely to Be Settled in Satisfactory Manner. London cable: 'The'powers Inter­ ested in the Venezuelan affair are not entirely in accord in their views of President Castro's note in which he accepts the arbitration of the tribunal at The Hague under conditions which are not yet announced. Castro's reply is apparently accept­ able to Germany, but not to Italy. The •lews of the British government Save not been disclosed. - President Castro's reply has not yet been made public. It is understood, however, that he insists that the blockade of the Vanesuelan coast shall be raised by the allied fleet while the arbitration is in progress. Germany Is Ready to Accept. Berlin cable: President Castro'a reply to the powers, through Minister Bowen, is substantially an unqualified acceptance of their proposals to arbi­ trate and the accompanying condi­ tions. The foreign office here received his answer and is satisfied with its spirit. A further interchange of views, preparatory to signing the protocol, will take place in Washington. Objection by Italy. Rome cablegram: Foreign Minister Prinetti received through Ambassador Meyer Secretary Hay's note communi­ cating President Castro's acceptance of Tha Hague arbitration in principle, but with an additional proposition which the government at Washington does not support. While reserve is maintained at the foreign office with regard to the Venezuelan matter, it has been learned that the foreign office considers the additional proposition made by President Castro as not like­ ly of acceptance. Await Powers' Reply. Washington special: The rejoinders of the European foreign offices to President Castro's reply to their arbi­ tration proposal have not reached Washington. This, however, occasions no surprise, as the holidays are much more closely observed in European capitals than in Washington. Inquiry confirms the report from Rome to the effect that Castro did at­ tach a condition to the acceptance of the arbitration proposal, and that con­ dition was not indorsed by the Wash­ ington government. However, it is pointed out that it hasf not been re­ garded as necessary at the state de­ partment either to approve or disap­ prove any of the details ot the propo­ sitions now in exchange between the principals. As to the condition at­ tached to Ue acceptance, it can be stated that it is not of great conse­ quence, nor is it likely to involve the loss of the arbitration project, for it is understood to relate rather to the means of getting the issue to arbitra­ tion than to any substantial principle involved May Resume Relations. Birmingham cable: The Birming­ ham Post says Oermany, through her ambassadors at Washington and Lou­ don, has asked whether the United States and Great Britain think that diplomatic relations with Venezuela should be resumed pending the inves­ tigation by The Hague tribunal of ar­ bitration. The opinion of official cir­ cles in Germany is against the resump­ tion of these relations until the claims are paid. 4 _ Change Ship's Colors. Caracas cablegram : The Venezuelan warship Zumbador, which was lately captured by the German warship Alert, arrived at La Guayra flying the British flag. The sight caused much excite­ ment among the Venezuelans at the port. English warships are bringing port­ able barracks to La Guayra and parties are surveying ground near that place, which leads to the supposition that the British contemplate the landing of a military force. President Castro is far from being satisfied with the demand made by the foreign powers. Great anxiety pre­ vails regarding the answer the powers will give to the Venezuelan counter proposals regarding arbitration. Cattle Disease on the Wane. Boston, Mass., dispatch: For some days no report warranting new quar­ antine measures has been received in connection with the foot and moutb disease among Massachusetts cattle. This fact has strengthened the con­ viction of Dr. Peters, chief of the cat­ tle bureau, that the disease has passed it^ dangerous period in this state. Big Deal in Lumber. St. Paul, Minn., special: The Bldward Hines Lumber Company announced sales of lumber for 190S delivery, to be sawed at Ashland, amounting to 32,- COO,000 feet. This is the largest sale of Lake Superior lumber for a year. Dies at Holiness Meet. North Attleboro, Mass., special: At the Holiness convention Maud Reed died while listening to a fervid ad­ dress. The fatality came as the cli­ max of an exciting last day of the ses­ sion and two women fainted. Nice Haul of Diamonds. Cleveland, O., special: At 4 eteloelc in the morning a burglar broke the plate glass window in the jewelry store of J. H. Heiman, gained entrance to the store and stole $8,000 worth of diamonds from a tray. >• ^ • r . Cargo Is on • "Hamilton, Bermuda, cable: The Dutch steamer Dordrecht, Captam Vesser, from Pensacola, Dec. 23, for Bremen, has arrived here in distress. The cargo in the forehold Is on fire. A LURKING DANGER. There is a lurking danger in the aching back. The aches and pains of a bad back tell of kidneys overworked. Go to the kidneys' assistance when backache pains warn you. A kidney warning r-.hould be heeded, for dangerous diabetes quickly follows in the -vake of backache. Urinary disorders are serious and Bright's disease is near at hand. Read how the danger can be averted. Case No. 15,741.--Re*\ Jacob D. Van Doren, of 57 Sixth street, Fond du Lac, Wis., Presbyterian clergyman, says: "A man or woman who has never had kidney complaint or any of the little ills consequent upon irritated or inac­ tive kidneys knows very little about what prolonged suffering is. I had at­ tacks which kept me in the house for days at a time, unable to do anything, and to express what I suffered can hardly be adequately done in ordinary Anglo-Saxon. As time passed, compli­ cations set In, the particulars of which I v.'iii be pleased to giv*j in a Interview to any one who requires In­ formation. I used plenty of remedies, and, ever on the outlook for something that might check or benefit my condi­ tion, I began taking Doan's Kidney J?lll8. This 1 can conscientiously say, Doan's Kidney Pills caused a general Improvement in my health. They brought great relief by lessening the pain and correcting the action of the kidney secretions. A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine, which cured the Rev. Jacob Van Doren, will be mailed on applica­ tion to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists. Price 60 cents per box. Peck's Advice to Ingalls. Charles W. Price, editor of the Elec­ trical Review, in discussing the late 8enator John J. Ingalls of Kansas, who was a personal friend of Mr. Price, al­ luded to his sarcastic tendency, which was frequently expressed in his corre­ spondence. He said that Geo. R. Peck of Chicago, who was also a friend of Senator Ingalls, wrote a note to the senator at Washington asking him to secure the appointment of a mutual friend to a federal position. Senator Ingalls returned a very sarcastic re­ ply, and declined to make the recom­ mendation. Mr. Peck replied as fol­ lows: "I think it would be well for you to reserve your sarcasm for the rapidly Increasing number of your enemies, Instead of devoting it to the decreas­ ing number of your friends, of whom I am one." Mr. Price says the appoint­ ment was made.--New York Times. Honor Woman Worker. Miss Frarcei? rower Co'bbe has Just passed her 80th birthday and is spend­ ing the winter at Clifton, England. The occasion was celebrated by the presentation of an album and an ad­ dress. The album contained the sig­ natures of 300 men and women of note, Including the Duchess of Suth erland, Mark Twain, six bishops and the master of Balllol. For eighteen years Miss Cobbe was honorary sec­ retary of the society sbe founded to oppose vivisection, and for the last four years she has been president of the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection. Her articles dealing with the better treatment of women, chil­ dren and animals have been num bered by the hundred. When One Is Really Old. When a man reaches the age of, Bay, 90, he should knock off work and de­ vote a few years to having a good time. If he lets up on work at an earli­ er age he is liable and quite likely to up and die. At 90, if not eooner, his woman-foolishness ceases and wild oats have lost their flavor. If ever, then Is the time when he is ready (or the substantial enjoyments of life.-- Wichita (Kan.) Eagle. •lOO Reward aiM The readers of this paper will ba pleased eo learn that there is ut least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu­ tional disease, requires a constitutional treat­ ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ faces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The pro­ prietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any t ase that it fails to cure- Sand for list ol Testimonials. _ . _ _ Address F. J. CHKNEY A CO.. ToU4«, 0l Sold bv druggists 75c. Hal ~ • til's Family Pills are tha bast. Boy Makes a Distinction. Gen. Corbin was hurrying aroand a corner in Washington, when he bumped into a small boy. "There, now," said the lad's mother, "you have run into that gentleman." "He ain't no gentleman." replied the urchin, "he's a general." The Youngest Grandmother. Atchison, Kan., is putting forth a claim to the possession of the young­ est grandmother in that state and pos­ sibly in the United States. She is a Mrs. Coons, who ia but 33 years old. Her daughter Is 16 and her grand­ daughter almost a montn. IMS 1ST UN UETT1NO Rk lont grocers say they don't keap !>•- flance Starch. Thla Is because they bars a stock on hand of other brands contain­ ing only 12 o«. In a package, which they won't ba able to aell tirst. because Da- flanca contains 16 ox. for the tame money. Do you want II oa. Instead of 12 o*. tor wm> money? Then buy Petianca fetareh. Requires no cooking. - Edward to Visit Carlos. It Is said that King Edward will return the visit of King Carlos of Por* tugal next spring. No chromos or cneap premiums, but a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches. There Isn't any such thing as being your own boss in this world, unless yon're a tramp, and then there's the constable. DO TOOK CLOTHES LOOK YKfcLOWf Than use Defiance Starch. It will keap white--16 < - for 10 eenta. A man with a hallucination Is ly the victim of inflated ideas. Bloodshot eyes usually ft* their owner to loaded, . >>V rife' TV*.* •i * • -i-X*"*' . '-V.. !'l -*•' ;V Yes, She Found It* Younghusband--Have you seen any* thing of some plaster of parist Mrs. Younghusband--Was it stuff that looked like flour, in ^ paper bag? Younghusband--Yes. ' Mrs. Younghu8band«^DM$ii|i§'.' get hard after it's been wet? * *"' Younghusband--Yes. Mrs. Younghusband--And sticks to everything like the old Harry? Younghusband--Yes. \ Mrs. Younghusband--Oh, George! It was just too mean of you to have horrid stuff like that lying around the house. It took me over one hour with a hammer and chisel to get the batch of tea biscuits out of the baking tin.-- New York Herald. Business Chances. lie U. K. & T. Ry. has a well established Industrial Department, aiding in the selection of sites and locations for industries of all kinds along Its lines. Write If you are in­ terested. We will send book, "Busi­ ness Chances," and any other infor­ mation wanted, on request.--James Barker, Gen'l Pass. Agent, M. K. ft T. Ry., 601. Walnwrlght Bldg., St. Louta. Found Out. Arthur, who is ?, has a baby broth­ er nearly 2 years old. The other day Arthur's mamma found his first pair of trousers, and just for the fun of the thtng put them on Baby Harold. Then she called Arthur to "come and see." Arthur looked and laughed, and then, with the Joy of one who has made a new and. wonderful discovery, ex- claiawU '"Why, he's a boy. Isn't ha?" \ •" Expensive Sables. The fashionable fur this winter In Paris will be sable, which consequent­ ly has enormously increased in price. There is always a demand for black sables; the difficulty is to get them. Since the approach of the cold season they have become 20 to 30 per cent dearer. One of the most expensive sables sold by a fashionable house in Paris this season cost £2,400, but they have reached as high as £4,000. One Hole at Least. Hicks--"I bought some oil stock nearly a year ago and the fellow who sold It to me declared the company was alread in operation. I'll bet they haven't sunk a single hole yet." Wicks--"Oh, I wouldn't say that. They must have at least the hole in which they are going to leave the stockhold­ ers."---Catholic Standard and Times. * Try One Package. If "Defiance Starch" does not please you. return it to your dealer. If it does you get one-third more for the same money. It will give you satisfaction, and will not stick to the Iron. Cellar Dwellers in Berlin, Recent statistics published In Ber­ lin show that there are 25,769 dwelling cellars In that city. Were it not for love many a girl would be unable to make herself mis­ erable. It Is of no use running; to set c X betimes Is the main point.--La Fon­ taine. Piao's Cora for Consumption is aa Infallible medicine for oough.s and colds.--N. W. S*MOSl* Ocean Grore, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900. Two good listeners may be friends, but two good talkers--never. THOUGHT HE MIGHT GROW. a Good Opinion of Hit CotftV try man, John Lind. P. j. Carmody, newspaper Cor­ respondent, who was secretary of the Republican congressional committee In the Minneapolis district, brings back some stories characteristic of the Swedes In politics. "It is mar­ velous how the Swedes stick to the men of their own nationality," says be. "I met a Swede during the cam­ paign In a street car. 'How did you vote for mayor in the last election?' I inquired. ** 'John Lind is already elected,' was the epigrammatic reply given me. "They were telling around Minne­ apolis before the election," added Mr. Carmody, "regarding another Swede, who exclaimed boastfully that John Lind was 'a ha'l big man.' "'Do you think he is bigger than George Washington?* this Swede was asked. '"Oh, ya, John l^lnd one ba'l big man.' '"Bigger than Abraham Lincoln?* -•Oh, ya.' " 'Well, then, I suppose you think he Is bigger than God Almighty?' per­ sisted the Interrogator, angered at this laudation. " 'Wal,' rejoined the Swede, shrewd enough in spite of his apparent igno­ rance to hold bis own in a political discussion, 'John Lind be still a young man.'"--Exchange. Spreading the Good New*. Whatcom, Wash., January 5th.-- Mrs. A. M. Ferguson who came here from Winnipeg, Manitoba, relates how that great destroyer of Kidney Com- plaints, Dodd's Kidney Pills first reached the extreme North West cor­ ner of the United States: "I had used Dodd's Kidney Pills for what the Doctors pronounced Bright's Disease in.Winnipeg." Mrs. Ferguson says, "And the disease disappeared entirely. That was about three years ago and I enjoyed good health till about two years later when 1 removed to Whatcom. "Whether it was the change of cli­ mate I can't tell tut my old trouble returned in full force. My legs were swelled to nearly twice their size. I could not go up or down Btairs for about two months. "My husband hunted Whatcom for Dodd's Kidney Pills but could get none till a Druggist sent away and got them for him. "I began to get well as soon as I began taking them." Others In What­ com have learned to know and appre­ ciate Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Did you ever see a haunted-,house?" "I lived In one once." "Did you ever find out wbo^haunted It?' "Yes; my wife's mother.* ay's use of Dr. Kline's Great N«rv« Kenloi* 8end for FHKK S3.00 trial bottle and tre&MMh im permanently eured. No floor nemmiDM after • 11 9 hint day's usi er. Send for rHKI _ . Dm. B. H. Xuxa, LtcU Ml Arch Btrmt, PhlU+elplils. Pa The hypocrite pays tribute to Owl that impose \i^un man.-- Swift. Stops the Oongh and Works OIF the Cold Laxative Brotuo Quinine Tablets Price85c. A man with a lot of money should be satisfied with his lot Mrs. Wlnslow's Boottila); Mfrtp. Por children teething, aoftenn the guniH, reduces la> fUmmaMor.. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a ~xxUa A lasy man is always trying to work other people. / " pr < Emmons, saved fro an operation for Ovaritis, tellf how she was cured by Lydia EC,-^ •>l£a# % Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " I am so pleased with the results j- obtained from Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Con pound that I feel n a duty and a privilege to write 70s about it. " I suffered for over five years witlfe ovarian troubles, canting* an vo» pleaaant discharge, a great ~QCSS^ and at times a faintnees would, over me which no amount of^ diet, or exercise seemed to correct* Your Vegetable Compound found th# weak spot, however, within a feif and saved isio . operation -- all my troubles had dls*<'; '* appeared, and I found myself oxiot J'.M more healthy and well. Words fail t* ^ doscrii>e the real, true grateful fee! tbafc is in my heart., and I want to every sick and suffering sister. Dost dally with medicines you know notlfr* , . |s inj? about, but take JLydia E. Pink* 'A ham's Vegetable Compound, take my word for it. you will be different woman in a short time."-*«^;^" Mas. LAURA EMMONS, Walkerville, Ont» - $6000 forfeit if original of afrOM letter pre*!ajfir; .-v .," genuineness cannot be produced. • ?'^0 Don't hesitate to write to Pinkhain if there is anything about your case which you d# not understand. She will tie>| - ' you with kindness and her ad*? > vice is free. No woman ever Sretted writing her and she elped thousands. Lynn, Mass. Addren Hr RgpTinO PLEASANlf TH^E NEXT MORNLNG/L FEEL BRIGHT AND AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. , Wv- doctor sav® iv*ct§ gently on the mtomuich, ft u »8. and is pn It is called *il4ane'M Tea" or and kidneys anf* r* A •i&de from her)1 Uh. itooiaeh. )N| nl**s*nt UiatiT<\ Tlaii drink «, a is preivirptf for at* m •Mlly «i " LANE'S FAMILY MEDICINE All drutfuiatsor by £5 ct*. nnd SOet*. 9m* MB day. Lanf'ii l iimifv Mfdirtne •owelfi each <h\> . in <>rd*r to bo ftecMtary. Address, O. b. Woodward* Lo Roy, R.1 TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NIM URSEf BafcMlS e stataa# fbe Milwaukee County Hospital Training l Huraei (Incorporated uniler the laws of the Stat* tVI«..nnut.. i <i(T..r«.nni>rMra.1v»nt« to br(*ht.fcrt_ U,. .. Ufcsi I o W VI MIOPIA M 14 1 OU«, gruduate» from approved common school*. Dlplo " granted after complutlon of course, under thed tlou of experienced InetruotoTB. Monthly cub aid ain o a-ul no tuition or board expense*. ForfnrtlMf fek- tormntlon address THE SUPXBnrTOTNUYL ; 5- Milwaukee County Hospital, Wauwataea, A Bare relief for. Sold by all or by mail. _ GluuiattowB. 6T0WKLL * CXK, Kfn. • W. N. U. CHICAGO. NO. 2, 1903. Vbtt iasneriag Advertisements Jteatioo This fipct ;§ Wi genuine %-S AllF : ' " g i J j > W V : v ' •; * - picts pie^sarvtlyf " {Vets Beneficially* {lets truly as a,Laxative* Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and thfr well-informed and to the healthy, because its coca* ponent parts are simple and wholesome and ^ cause it acts without disturbing the natural funo "^^5: dons, as it is wholly free from every objectionable quality or substance. In the process ol manufacturing figs are used, as they ara ^ pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained from an excellent combination of plants known to be medicinally laxative and ts i ̂ act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects--buy tb* ' ' manufactured by the ' ; v MflJP \uv': fVr •»)*. Sw\ rr«r\cU»co. CeJ. ,Ky. new York.ff.Y. by *11 drug^iato Srice.fii^ centa per • . r.i • m HAMLINS WIZARD OIL ro» RHEUMATISM, LAME BACK. NEURALGIA. If HEADACHE, EARACHE, CUTS. WOUNDS. \ SPRAINS. BRUISES. BURNS. SCALDS •SORE THROAT. DIPHTHERIA. SORES. ULCERS ^HlPAIN. SOREHESS.LAMENESS, SWELL !HG> *DIHFL AM MA T!ON SO }f. -«W»

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