Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1903, p. 5

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•MM • Stoves, Hardware, SKoes, •' Dry Goods arvd Notions! P We invite inspection of our lines in these Goods, our prices will please you and so will the Goods, Osmun Bros., McHenry. | A Stitch in Time Saves Nine! It is also a fact tbat a bottle of good Cough and Gold Remedy will prevent sickness and even death. Don't let that Cold ran until it is necessary to call in a Doctor. We i)M?e the best known guaranteed patent remedies in the market. USE PECAN OIL for Chapped Handsf Wire Cots, Bruises. Etc. It is sooth­ ing and heals surely and quickly. Try it and you will never again be without it Ringwood, 111. J. S. BROWN & SON. y Hert Bios. Fancy Grocers. BARGAINS IN ^ Molasses and Fancy Table Syrups! Fancy light Color Table Syrup In ( ^ rr bulk at per gallon *i •*Ov* Golden Drip Syrup In 1 Gallon Tint -» ftr» Pails I ^ol" Best Tennessee Sorghum in bulk at J A er> per gallon I Mew Orleans Molasses, finest Cooking J A c<-> per gallon I k Rure flaple Syrup Quarts 30c. Pints 20c. One-half Pints 10c. Small Bottles 5c. Best in Market. Anchor Self-rising Buck­ wheat Flouiv-9 lb. pack- ages, 3 packages 'for 25c. Satisfaction Guaranteed. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL RANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on reaTeetate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE i- ta. First Class Companies, at the Low •st rates. Yours Respectfully ^ PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* McHENBY COUNTY ABSTRACT . COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock, III. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of WOO to >10,000, time and payment to salt uommsr. WAVCONDA. Mrs. Lapham is confined to the house with a bard cold. Miss Ruby Cook is a new scholar in Mr. Fuller's room. Mrs. W. S. McLean is visiting friends at Waukegan this week. Miss Irene Golding returned home Saturday after a two weeks' visit in Chicago. On next Thursday evening tbere will be a Maple Sugar Eat in the parlors of M. E. church. On Monday N. B. Duers, our mail carrier, made his trip with sleighs lor the first time this winter. The prospects are that work yrill be begun in the spring on the railroad that is to connect Wauconda with tfle world. The Wauconda will giyb an entertainment in Oakland hall Friday and Saturday eyening January 28 and 24. Mr. G. C. Roberts' new house is near­ ly completed and ready for occupancy. Elmer Golding will occupy the rooms over the drug store vacated by Mr. Roberts. Mr. Alger of Bloomington has been here for the past week calling on old friends. About seven years ago be preached from the Baptist pulpit for one year and his many friends Are glad to see him. Dress Ulell! You can do it now and it will not cost much either, I have a. fine l'ne of Suitings right here on the table in the piece. You can make a selection from the lot much more satisfactorily than picking from samples. These Goods I have bought at greatly reduced prices and will give you the bene­ fit, nearly one-third to one-half lesi> than regular prices. Call and see the Goods. A Tailor Hade Suit for less fldtaey than a Ready-made Suit. JOHN D. LODTZ. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents SP ffcM Mr Mks (Malta*. anatomifcb Das „Smitl)fomaT!" rudjbanb W ir^cnfc *MP 111 *«• N. H.. PETESCH, Druggist, McHenry. HEATS I Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased thf West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is tny intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus payi ng the low­ est prices, and will sell on the same basis. A. C. HATTHEWS, Wart McHenry SPRING GROVE. John Bell of Ringwood was in town Tuesday afternoon. Dr. G. Wells of McHenry made pro­ fessional calls he;*e last week. Mrs. Mary Cary visited relatives at Wilmot the first of the week. Will Lichty came out from the city and spent Sunday with his parents. F. L. Hatch and brother, Miles, visit­ ed friends at Champaign a part of last week. • Several of ttts Royal Neighbors were down from Solon to attend Camp Tues­ day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Seavers attended the funeral of Clinton Stevens at Rich­ mond Sunday. Warren C. Moss and J as. Bell were transacting business in Ringwood Tues­ day afternoon. J. M. Westl&ke has gone to Lake Vil­ la where he has a position as engineer in one of the ice houses. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and fami­ ly of English Prairie spent the Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. Will James. Lewis Hatch of English Prairie has been quite sick since last week but is reported better at this writing. Mrs. Jas. Walsh of Chicago and Miss Maggie Walsh of McHenry visited with Mrs. Mary Cary and family recently. John C. Baker of Lotus Point has gone to Galva, 111., to spend the re­ mainder of the winter with his brother. Clark Tefft is very seriously ill at his home west of town and at present but little hopes are entertained for his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oxtoby went to Antioch Sunday to attend the funeral of their little cousin, Robert Hunter, who was so badly burned as to cause his death. The clothespin social at the town hall last Friday night was not largely at­ tended on account of the very cold weather bnt those who did attend re­ port a very pleasant time. While Lou Nulk was coming out of Wru. Watts' yard Tuesday evening he had the misfortune to tip his wood saw­ ing machine into the ditch demolishing it pretty badly. It's a bad go on Loo but we all hope he will have his ma­ chine patched up and be ready for busi­ ness again in a few days. A Scientific Dliteovery. Kodol does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itselt, even when bnt slightly disordered or over loaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of di­ gestion and does the work of the stom­ ach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, rare blood. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. EMERALD PARK. Phil Aylward spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Kate Knox visited Miss Lucy Sutton Sunday. Bernard Frisby is suffering an attack of grippe thie week. R. J. Sutton spent Monday with friends in Chicago. Miss Kate Bolger of Chicago is visit­ ing relatives here this week. Ray Owen of Chicago was in this vi­ cinity Thursday tuning pianos. Ed. Fleming of Chicago and Chas. Gibbs called on friends here Friday. Lynn Cristy and Jno. R. Knox of Mc­ Henry were callers here Sunday after­ noon. Miss Lucy Noonan of Chicago visited her friend, Miss Kathryn Walsh, over Sunday. Miss Mayme Knox and pupils visited Miss Margaret Sutton's school Tuesday afternoon. A number from here attended the social at Miss Fleming's school Thurs­ day evening. Miss Clara Thompson of Barreville spent Friday evening with Miss Mar­ garet Aylward. Miss Kate Howe of McHenry and Mr. Dixon of Chicago were business callers here a couple of days last week. In spite of zero weather Sunday eyen­ ing about twenty of Chas. Gibbe' friends gathered at his home south of here and took him by surprise. It was also a farewell party as Chas. left Monday morning to work on the C. & N.-W. R. R. A very pleasant evening was spent by all playing games etc., after which they all partook of a delicious oyster supper. One Hundiw I Dollar* a Bex is the value H. A. Tisdale, Summerton, S. C., places on DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicine-, but all failed except De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of the healing proper­ ties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics em­ ollients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rhenm and all skin diseases. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West MoHenry. Excursion Raton to State Poultry and Pet Stock Annual Show at Mitchell, S. D., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates within a radius of fifty miles January 18 to 17, inclusive, limited to return until January 19, inclnsiye. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. James Faulkenberry, official surveyor of Reynolds Co., Leeterville, Mo., writes as follows: "Your Mother's Salve is the best I ever saw. Aised two jars on my scalp for a kind of Eczema which has annoyed me for twenty years, and it has done more good than all else I ev­ er tried. Easy to use. Quick to act Price 36c. For gale by N. H. Petesch* RINGWOOD. An item box has been placed In the Ring- wood postofflce for the convenience of persons wishing to contribute to the Ringwood corre­ spondence column in tne IMaindeuler. If you know of any news that should be published just drop a note hi theboxand the correspond- dent will collect the same Tuesday evening of each week. Last evening of the Salvation at the M. E. tonight Ringwood's board of tiade isn't quot­ ing prices this week. Ah I I wonder why? Will Stevens and daughter. Myrtltf. accompanied by Miss Agnes Stevens vis­ ited at Richmond Sunday. . H. A Beard of Rochelle, a traveling salesman of the Victor Lock and Safe Co. of Cincinnati, sold J. EL Criety'B old safe to J. 8. Brown & Son. The lecture given in the M. EL church Thursday evening by Brig Damon was well attended. Something over 200 were present. The net proceeds amounting to $50.24. This week the item box is in the post- office for convenience of everyone. If yon are going away or have relatives or friends visiting you, drop a note in the box with your n&ine and it will appear in due form. Our county superintendent, G. W. Conn, Jr., has rented his farm and will hold a public auction sale on his farm about eleven miles northwest of Ring- wood and one mile south-east of Hebron on Tuesday, January 20. At the cloee of the meeting in the M. E. church one evening last week, one of our married ladies started home with another married man, thinking she had her husband. She soon found her mis­ take and all concerned laughed merrily at her expense. The McHenry county court convened at Woodstock in the court house, Mon­ day, January 11. James Green being one of the veniremen summoned for the grand jury, reports only one case tried and that for chicken stealing. The citi- sens of this country must be law abiding or the grand jury would have more to do. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will hofc^p Scientific Temperance meeting at tfie home of W. A Dodge Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The meeting will be under the supervision of Mrs. Dodge. While Zillah Stevens, Mildred W aterman, Clara Smith and Agnes Dodge will read prepared papers on Al­ cohol. Tobacco and Opiates. The Salyation Army has had splendid snccess here since beginning their meet­ ings January 1. They have made nearly fifty conversions and this is not the only good the Army has done, for the general effect of their work is plainly and surely to be seen even on the street and other public places. Our village expresses its thanks to them for their time and patienoe. A. C. Grier of Racine gave a splendid lecture on "The World Grows Better or What the New Social Conscience Has Done" in the Woodman hall, Monday evening, to an appreciative audience. Mr. Grier presented the realties of life, both the dark and bright Bide, in a clear and vivid manner, The discourse showed him to be a student and scholar of great attainment, while those present thor­ oughly enjoyed it because of its instruc- tiveness. ' J. E Cristy, our genial merchant and banker, has purchased from the Victor Lock and Safe Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio, a burglar proof and time lock safe which weighs between three and four tons. Mr. Cristy believes in being strictly up to date and because of his progressive- n<*88 it gives the people of this vicinity a safe depository for their money and other valuables. The safe contains sev­ eral safety deposit boxes which will be rented to the public. A Life at State. If you but knew the splendid merit of Foley's Honey and Tar you would never be without it. A dose or two will pre­ vent an attack of pneumonia or la grippe. It may save your life. N. H. Petesch. VOLO. Wm. Rosing transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mr. Gurler of DeKalb made a busi­ ness trip to Volo Saturday. Miss Mary Raught spent the latter part of the week in Chicago. A. J. Raymond spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago and Waukegan. Miss Charlotte Dowell of Wauconda visited relatives the first of the week. Our road commissioner, Ray Paddock, is having the road graveled east of Volo Arthur Frost returned to Chicago on Monday after a two weeics' visit with relatives. Miss Helen Raymond returned to her school duties in McHenry after a three weeks' vacation. George and Joe Davis of Round Lake and Eddie Washburn of Grayslake were Volo callers Saturday eveuigg. Mr. and Mrs. Winkle of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner spent Friday at Chris Sable's. Miss Rosie Huson taught the Volo scoot this week for Miss Jennie Walton, who was unable to.teach on account of sickness. Monday evening a surprise party was given on Lee Huson in honor of his fourteenth birthday. About twenty of his friends were present and all report a very good time. Among the Sunday visitors in our village vn^e Annie Miller, Sarah Nich- olls, Harry^iusk of Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Vogt of Long Lake, James Carney, Ed. Lusk. Frank Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. L V. Lusk of Fremont Stop It. A neglected cough or cold may lead to serious bronchial or lung troubles. Don't take chances when Foley's Honey and Tar affords perfect security from serious effects of a cold. N. EL Petesch. Sale! From n o w until February 1 I will sell all STORM, SQUARE and STABLK BLANKETS, FUR and PLUSH ROBES FOR 75 CENTS ON THE $i.oo This is a snap and one that you should take advantage of. Call and see the Goods. Qus. Carlson, flcHenry, 111. t t s i RARKKVILLK. John Knox of McHenry wab a Sunday caller here. Mrs. Andrew Wingate Js quite ill with pleurisy. Mrs. Mort Ritt of Nunda was a caller here Saturday. Ernest Hill spent a few days with his motber at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jayne and children of Maplewood are visiting relatives here. Ed Fleming of Chicago has been spend­ ing a few days with relatives and friends here. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Satnrday afternoon with their mother at Slocum's Lake. The Shadow Social which was held at the school house last Thursday was a success borh socially and financially. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter and daughter, Edna, spent Friday night with Wm. VanNatta and family at Slocum's Lake Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shales and daughters, Vera and Ruth, of Elgin are spening a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. VanNatta, Chas. Gibbs entertained a few of his friends at his home Sunday evening. He went to Chicago Monday morning where he expects to go to work. Ed Fleming and Miss Margaret Sut­ ton and Chas. Gibbs and Miss Clara Thompson spent last Friday evening with Miss Margaret Aylward at Emer­ ald Park. Died of heart disease at his home in thiB village on Friday evening, January 9, 1902, Arnold Anderson, aged 14 years and fifteen days. He was born on the 25th of December, 1888, in Chicago and is the son of C. B. Anderson. He came here in 1900, where he resided up to the time of his death. He had two brothers Edward and Frank, Edward dying a year ago of the same disease. His mother died during his infancy. He had a cheerful, affectionate nature and was well liked by all his playmates. The funeral was held from the house on Sunday afternoon, and was conducted by Rev. Bjork of Nunda. The body was interred in Union cemetery. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Buck leu 's Arnica Salve. kill pains from burns, scalds, cuts, bruis­ es; conquers ulcers, and fever sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and felons; removes oorns and warts. Best pile core on earth. Only 26c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Kxcurslou Rates to Poultry Exhibition al Cedar Kaplda, Iowa, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be Bold at reduced rates within a radius of one hundred miles January 12 to 17, inclusive, limited to return until January 19, 1908, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North­ western R'y. 28-8t C. F. Hall Co. Clearing; Sale. We seldom mark goods down but when we do, people know it Howeyer, reading an advertisement is not believ­ ing it and so we say; see other goods, then see ours. Test ns by corap»ri»on. Hundreds of people of youi neighbor­ hood are saving money by buying goods in Dundee; why shouldn't you? Jackets, cloaks, skirts, furs and remnante are all marked down. Note the following special lots: Lot 1, 27 inch jacket, good heavy material and lined throughout, worth $5 00, at $2.23. Lot 2, stylish half-fitting back jacket, good heavy ma­ terial, nearly all wool, well lined, in as­ sorted colors, now $8.78. Lot 8, special assortment ladies' high grade 27 inch coats, full silk lined, all wool goods, as­ sorted styles and colors, worth from $6.60 to $8.00, we offer now at $4.28 and $4.98. Lot 4, all Monte Carlo coats, in­ cluding the fine wools and silk plushes, worth up to $20. now $4.98; $7.48 and $8.98. Lot 5, ladies' all wool J length coats, lined with heavy mercerized lin­ ing, new and stylish, worth $10, at $4.28. Lot 6, same in silk lined coats at $4.98. Misses' heavy all wool coats, assorted colors and styles, at $2.98. A special all wool jacket, with beaver fur storm col­ lar, sizes 12 to 18, only $8.78, Also rem­ nant and muslin underwear sale. Re­ member our refunded car fare offers. Goods exactly as represented. C. F. HALL Co., Dundee, I1L The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to De Witt's Little Early Risers. H. Williams, San Antonio. Tex., writes: Little Early Riser Pills are the best I ever used in my family. I unhes­ itatingly recommend them to everybody They cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, jaundice, malaria and all other liver troubles. Julia A. Story. McHenry: G. W. Besley, West McIL iu/. • sss TP • iThe Kind Von Haw Always GUILTY OF GROSS NEGLIGENCE DID NOT HEED WARNINGS This is the verdict that should be dered In so many o*oe» of death from kid­ ney diseases. A slight disorder, which could have been easily cured, Is im^T united and terminates In Bright?* D!MUS or Diabetes. Most of these victims oould have bees saved by taking FOUT'I Kmror ODK ̂ as It positively will cure any case 9f kid­ ney or bladder disease If takes la ttni, but it cannot make new kidneys for . 8o don't risk life and health by delay 1 take FOLEY'S KIDKZY CURB at once. Diseased kidneys injure all of the er» gans as they then fall to eliminate poisons from the blood which accounts fcr the many different symptoms of this disease FOLEY'S KIDHBT CUBH makes the kid­ neys right and the attendant Ills qtdokjy disappear. Watch your kidneys, aa you may bo drifting toward's Bright^ Disease; »"4, remember, that the work of destruction goes on constantly, and If you have reor sons to believe your kidneys or bladder are affected, you should take Foxjn% KIDNEY CURB at once and remove all possibility of fatal results. SEYMOUB WEBB, of Molra, N.Y, writqpt * I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried sevn* al physicians but received no relief untQ I bought a bottle of FOLEY'S Emm CURB. After using two bottles I WM absolutely cured. I earnestly recommSBd FOLXY'S KHHOT CURB." N. H. PETESCH. Bearatha Bignatv* Do n 't Be Fo o l e d i Take the geauica, original ; C K Y f ; T E A Made only by Madison Medl* cine Co., Madison, WU. K keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each padcaga. Price, 35 cents. Navar aoM In bulk. Accept M aatwtfc» •TCO TMA tote. Ask your if--rrlrt- • It is Essential Peteech's White Pine Cough 8yrup. that a Furniture Dealer should have what his customers want and also that he should place the prices within the reach of all. That has been our motto always and it has proven to be right. This Store is always filled with staple articles in House Furnishings and is never lacking in a few extra fine pieces. Our prices must be about right or we would not have done such a big business last year. It will be the same in 1903. Plenty of Goods to select from at right prices. ' . .--J '-0- Loss of Flesh I In Undertaking When you can't eat break­ fast, take Scott's Emulsion. Vhen you can't eat bread :nd butter, take Scott's emulsion. When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's Emulsion. To get fat you must eat fat Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat. Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. „ For invalids, for con­ valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's o nulsion is a rich and com­ fortable food, and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We will send you a free sample. Be sure that this picture ia the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. scon & BOWNE. CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl Si, N.Y. 50c sad $11 sll druggists. and Embalming my work has always proven satisfactory. Years of practical experience and study in this branch of the business has enabled me to go about the work intelligently. Satisfaction is guar­ anteed in all cases. McHenry. 111. JCkCOb JftlSt6I\e PHILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant Stall 1 & 8, Fulton 8* Wholesale Market CMcaao, illfnois Special attention given to the sale off Dressed Beef, Jlutton * Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE At Your Finger Tips is the instant* control of your business if you install a Chicago Telephone IT REAOHES EVERYWHERE 60 o«nts m 4mg m t w r GHIOAGO TELEPHONE OOHPAMT 5^

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