Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1903, p. 8

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r i,'.iyh v My W' For the next 30 days we will give an, extra discount for cash of 20 per centjb on all Winter Suits and Overcoats, to those asking for it. Any one in need of either, Overcoat or Suit, can not afford to overlook this offer. Our cloth- ' ing stock is very complete, having al­ ways tried to give good values at for­ mer price. We are making this special offer to reduce stock and make room for Spring purchases. Will have another car Flour in about a week, of the two winners JERSEY UL»Y and HARD TO BEAT. Yours for Trade, s j i John X miller \ m a January Sale! We fe&vc many lines of Winter Goods to close oat at reduced prices be­ fore February L Men's heavy Wool Pants, Sweat­ ers, Duck and Covert Rubberised Coats, Ladies' Skirts, Wrappers, Shawls, Bed Blankets, Comf ortersi Etc. Yours Truly, M. J. WeJsh to it. MmwmmiiiiiimiHuiimnK Plain Facts! That we advertise to secure trade and aim handle a grade of goods at prices to keep "That wise men learn from other men's mistakes but the fool insists on making his own." That we carry a large line of full warranted Pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors and Shears. That a had article is dear at any price. CHEAP is dear in the long run. That you ought to have one of our Oil Heaters for comfort and satisfaction. We have some fine ones. >• "That a man's worth in the world is estimated i ; according to the value he puts on himself." y . ; - T h a t w e a l l o w y o u t o t a k e o n e o f o u r W a s h i n g M a - • home for trial and if not satisfactory we ^ * take it back cheerfully. "That every day is a little life and our whole life »s is but a day repeated." That we are headquarters for Dairymen's Sup- ; plies, Tank Heaters, Ete. ;. "That there are no greater promisors than they who have nothing to give." That We have a line of the nicest Cooking Uten- : i jBflfjn Coffee and Tea Pots on the market. Respectfully Yours, T. F. L. ricOnBER. ---------------- School Note*. . Carlton Rosa is absent. Lissie Sch'essel is absent OD account of sickness. ' • Lncile Went worth Is Absent onaobonnt of sicknees. * There are fortynottm enrolled ift the third room. Harry Niesen and Robert Phalen are again in school. The teachers, attended the institute at Richmond on Saturday last. Mamie Heimer is again in school after an absence of two weeks. ' A basket ball team is about to be or­ ganized by the high school. Belle Gallaher and Eva Stilling are absent on account of sickness. Mrs. Geo. Huson and Mrs. Wm Ba con visited in the primary rooms Friday last. * The meeting of the Sectional Teach­ ers' Institute No, 1 will probably be held in McHenry the early part of Feb­ ruary. The election of officers of the Delphian Literary Society which took place last Friday resulted as follows: Miss Nina Colby, president. Dick Walsh, secretary and treasurer. The president appointed the follow­ ing as program committee: Ethel Owen, chairman, Sammy ^Zimmerman, Florence Howe, Carleton Ross, Mamie Granger. IJnonntcUna From Croup. During a sudden and terriffle attack of croup our little girl was unconscious from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, postmaster. 01.cuter, Mich., and a dose of One Minnie Cough Cure was admin­ istered and reprated often. It reduced the swelling and inflamation, _ cut the mucus and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It rnres Coughs, Colds, LaOrippe, and all Lung and Throat troubles. One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contrib­ ute pure, health-giving oxygen to the blood. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. Live Stock. The weekly live stock paper published by Thomas, Starrett & Co., Chicago, contained the following items Monday: Frank Wattles, McHenry, 111., shipped U9 two cars of bogs on Friday. Chas. C. and Geo. Colby, McHenry, were here on Saturday with a car load of hogs of their own raising, bringing a top price The product of their handi­ craft always tops the market at this point. Finds Way to Live Long£} The startling announcement of a dis­ covery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor O. H. Downey, of Cbu- rnbusco.Ind. "I wish to state, he writes, that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible rem­ edy that I have ever known for Coughs, Colds and Grip. It's invaluable to peo­ ple with weak lungs. Having this won­ derful medicine no one need dread Pneu­ monia or Consumption. Its relief is in­ stant and cure certain/' Julia A. Story guarantees every 50c and $1.00 bottle, and gives trial bottles free. Half Rates to the Mardl Oru and Winter Resorts, Via the North-Western line. On account of the Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Mobile, excursion tickets will be sold February 17 to 22, inclusiye (and for trains arriving at Mobile or New Or­ leans by noon of February 24), at one fare for the round trip with favorable return limits. Excursion tickets are also on sale daily, at reduced rates, to the principal winter resorts in the United States and Mexico. For full in­ formation apply to ticket agents Chica­ go & North-Western R'y. Pains in the Stomach. Like toothache, this is not a danger­ ous, but a decidedly unpleasant ailment. Persons who are subject to attacks of it will be pleased to know that prompt re­ lief may be had by taking a dose or two of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is equally valuable for children and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take. For sale by all drug­ gists. O Bean the Slgnatu* of $ * Save Dollarsl * You can do it here. We are now selling out our entire line of Winter Goods at fifty cents on the Dollar. Call tpd we will prove this to yon. Must make room for our line of Sumner Good** Positively the best prices in McHenry county are offered here. J. HURWITZ wip • d V XI. X *** a • The Kind Von Haw Always Boq0i Mrs. Fred Unr^thi Country i'lnb. Harbor, .Hlch. ••After my first baby wai born I did not seem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid­ ered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus­ band insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I wm *bk to take up my usual duties. I an vtry enthusi­ astic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg­ nancy and childbirth. It prevents inia- carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of (V>"i regulates the menstrual flow. IMM Published la The PlalnMsr ft . Qmmnt* oTfeOcntary i Week of January 80, 1878. | The double jawed calf died. 1 A butter and cheese factory is among ' the possibilities. One hundred men working on tilt ice and fifty cars being filled daily. Jacob Hetzel purchased the Pftrlfer House barber shop of Ph. Brack. Washington Ice Company of Chicago leased ice privileges on MoCollum's lake. - . Business at the depot is lively, the ride tracks being completely blockaded with cars, and an engine constantly there to handle them. . At the regular meeting of the Literary Society the following officers were elected: President, Hon. F. K. Granger; Vice President, Hon. Geo. Gage; Secre­ tary, Will Stevens; Treasurer, C. V. Stevens; Executive Committee, J. Van Slyke, S. D. Baldwin, Geo. A. Bucklii) The Literary Society debated on the flowing question: ' 'Resolved, That the use of Intoxicating liquors has caused more misery than war, pestilence and famine." The following named metn bers spoke, chosing their own side of the question: J. R. Fitzsimmons, Weq. Sires, O. N. Owen, Tbos. Phalen, Robt. Sutton, C. P. Jordon, Tbos. Murphy, A. Ostrander, C. W. Cox, W. B. Gale, A Francisco, Fred VanSlyke, Allen Walsh, Lewis Holmes, Frank Going, J. A. Going, Almon Granger, Albert McDon­ ald, J. Wentworth, Henry Hogan, C. P. Waite, B. Parsons, Geo. Owen, Miss Done Owen, Belle Stoddard, Mabel Smith, Etta Beers, Addie McOmber, Jennie Beers, Effie Curtis. Mattie Mc­ Omber, Ida VanSlyke, Ettie Kelter. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm, of Fergus Falls, Minn., fell and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it b&ck in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm adver­ tised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to bny her a bottle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep which she had not done for several day?. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommend­ ed it to many others. For sale by all druggists, . ' ' ' MoKlaley1* BtrtMpy - To commemorate the life and work of the late President McKmley a move­ ment has been inaugurated to establish •'The Carnation League of America" throughout the United States, with the purpose of 'making it a perennial memorial to the statesmanship and patriotism of the martyred president. The plan of this movement is simple and. inexpensive, and it can be partici­ pated in by the old or young of either sex. All that is proposed is that those who unite in the movement, as a silent tribute to the m'emory of McKinley, shall wear a carnation in the lapel of the coat, or at the throat or in the hair on the anniversary of his birth, January 29. What is contemplated is that the day phall be generally observed in that manner in memory of a public servant whose life was forfeited because he was the servant of the people. One Hunitre l Dollars a Box is the value H. A. Tisdale, Snmmerton, S. C., places on DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years. I tried many doctors and medicine0, but all failed except DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cured me." It is a combination of the healing proper­ ties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics em­ ollients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles, sores, cuts, bruises, eczema, salt rheum and all skin diseases. Julia A. Story, McHenry ;.G. W. Bealey, West McHenry. Excursion Rtfte* to Wisconsin Dairymen'* Convention at Fond du L>ae, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates February 10, 11 and 12, limited to return until February 14, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western ft'y. A Scientific Discovery. Kodol does for the stomach that which it is unable to do for itselt, even when but slightly disordered or over-loaded. Kodol supplies the natural juices of di­ gestion and does the work of the stom­ ach, relaxing the nervous tension, while the inflamed muscles of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. Kodol digests what you eat and enables the stomach and digestive organs to transform all food into rich, rare blood. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West Mcblenry. The "Walnuts and Wine" department of Lippincott's Magazine for February contains the juiciest jokes and the freah est fun to be found anywhere. It is in wresting to notice that there are twenty- two different contributors to this de­ partment. •_ ' The crowned heads of every nation, The rich men, poor men and misers All join in paying tribute to DeWitt's Little Early Risers. H. Williams, San Antonio, Tex., writes: Little Early Riser Pills are the best I ever used in my family. I unhes­ itatingly recommend them to everybody They cure Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, jaundice, malaria and all other liver troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Bealey, West McHenry. The Plaindealer subscription list con­ tinues to grow. Quit borrowing and subrcribe. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world O'" comfort in Bncklen's Arnica Salve. It kill pains from burns, Bcalds, cuts, bruis­ es; conquers ulcers, and fever sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and felons; removes corns and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only Me at J alia A. Cw/Aw.*--After orifaiflf oatold mucry for four ycirt, tokuur til kind* of medfctM* < Ipemfin noqthi at the austral wtsm tpriagi, trying *11 oof lead­ ing doctor* (even uiinf dtt Wiu mer tmtment), I was ladncad , t o t r y D r . C a l d w e l l ' s Syrup J Pepsin and mutt uy chat It hat been the greatest bid ing I ever found, restoring me to perfect fceaJch. I I unhfiitatingljr recom- id tc to all sufferer* from stomich weighed last June, when I began taking it, ioo pound*; bow weigh t J 5, well as I ever did in my life and can eat anything I want, unhpsir mend indigestion lUfpectfolty, Mil Hbhrv Browh, Lamar, Mo. Dr Caldwell's lUmin) Syrup Pepsin If you hm mMlwiN, 4]r»pcp«it, livtr or kidney 5m cuml ehauMUM&t. W« fturaatt* it. indiffathMt trojbli. |s li'ffili cure jra* Ast. Your Drug glut If ht dofitiV luppfy you,, writ* m, *ad Vi will send you a Mmpl* bottl mi tbc o*me of a druggist wb SYRUP CO. Annas) Recital* The second annual recital of the Men­ delssohn Shakespearean School of Music will be given by Miss Leach and the Mc­ Henry pupils, assisted by talent from out x>f town at Stoffel's hall on Satur­ day evening, February 71 Following is the program: Valse Aeirenne ....Spindler Louise Evanson. Allegro and Adagio Sonata.. .... . "Harp at Midnight" V. & Aubert Irene McOmber. June Bug Dance" .........Hoist Mamie Heimer. On the Heath" .Lange Hary Hanrahan. Trio "Barber of Seville" (Rossini).. . . . . K r u g Misses Florence Granger, Mabel Oraqger and Irene McOmber. "The Midnight Harp".......,.... ..i...Aubert . Irene McOmber. . « Sonata in Eb . .......Olementi Jennie Brooks. "Whitber".../. Koellng Jennie Brooks. Duet "Attack ot Che Wans". Bohm Miss Leach and Mary Hanraban. Sonata Mozart Mabel Granger. Duet "Dance Eccossalse" Barker Miss Leach and Katie Joftten. "Market Maid" Bohm Katie Justen. Overture "Midsummer Night's Dream"...... Mendelssohn Miss Leach* and Mabel Granger, "Martha" (Flotow) .. .Dora Mamie Granger. "Will o' the Whisp ..Wm. Kuhe Florence Granger," Don't Worry. This is easier said than done, yet it may be of some help to consider the matter. If the cause is something over which you have no control it is obvious that worrying will not help the matter in the least. On the other hand, if within f'our control you nave only to act. W ben you have a cold and fear an attack of Pnenmonia, bny a bottle of Chamberlain's Cr ugh Remedy and use it judiciously and all cause for worry as to the outcome will quickly disappear. There is no danger of pneumonia when it is used. For sale by all druggiitfe-t.'i; Some Astounding Figuren. 'V; Most of our readers heard the story of the blacksmith who refused to take in payment for shoeing a horse one cent for the first nail, two cents for the second, four cents for the third, thns doubling the amount for each nail. A person may make use of a checker board in proving that the blacksmith would have been ahead of the game, by simply placing one penny on the first square, two on the next and thns doub­ ling the amount on each succeeding square until the entire sixty-four are full. If you cannot get enough pennies together to try the experiment we will lend you the ones we used. The total number required is only 18,446.744,078.- 709,551,615. - It would be well to secure the largest checker board possible and and see that it rests on a stable founda­ tion. If all the pennies were piled up in one column the top penny would be just 16,174,544,116,259 miles above the earth. Now if you could wrap this im­ mense copper shaft around the earth it would make something like 646,981,7*4 circles 25000 miles in length. Or for a still better test take the pennies out on the kitchen floor and make a carpet of them by laying them side by side. It would only require 2,584,848,170 square miles of floor space. If anyone doubts these figures and has not the time in which to prove them, we invite you to call at this office and see the entire problem in black and white. The Secret ot Long Life. vConsists in keeping all the mails or­ gans of the body in .'health, regular ac tion, and in quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Electric Bitters regu­ late stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood and give a splendid appetite. They work wonders in curing kidney trouoles, female complaints, nervous diseases, constipation dyspepsia and ma­ laria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50c, guaranteed by Julia A. Story, drnggist. The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of honor? Don't borrow. ; CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Th« Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the ̂15h e n£n£ - 'f r |V: going on with Bigger Bargains ^ than ever. The People of McHenry ifd surrounding country never had & „fretter chance to pick up good Goods lit ^ so -pric^^=5|]toe-: the rtfSh of trading that we enjoyed la§t week and our Winter Stock will " took slim. Doii*t put it off but drop III white you have a good; assortment ' of everything to pick from. If in need KfS, $f a Fur Coat or anything in Wool CStoods for winter wear we can fit you out with the best at prices which will ^ surprise you. I will not carry any « • 1 '.S;; • Winter Goods over Summer if tow prices will sell them. Come and be- 'Sf *' convinced. - ; fk i, ^ >1 m U • -r>. . f >> - .'V if? _ •' ' c'igi Z Vi?« S. S. CHAPELL HE ENJOYS IU " Yes, andsodo all children and . , _ |fiown people enjoy a thorough • . . bath occasionally, and the only :• way to get one is in a good bath . ! • . »tnb. No family should be with- 'lint one if they wish to keep r their bodies clean. The tub is -s • lunch more satisfactory than^ , . s the bowl. lean furnish a tub^"f*'- :Jmd set it np in your house at a^ j )• i»ry reasonable prio», CSftU and :^ypet figures. - \ CHRIS SCHMIDT. Attractive Auction Bills at is office For Infants and Children. * The Kind You Hav| Always Bought > iu lAit liihliiHUiiih.iiHiiiummHumimuumiiiiuu Awgctable Preparatioftfor As simiiating ttteFoodondBeguia- ling the Stomachs and Bowels of M V M S / ( H I I D K K . N Promotes Digeation.Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neillier Opiuin.Morphine norXinexal af(Hd f\myjuu Stmi lx. Strut* SJm- A perfect Remedy forConsti{>a- Hon, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish- ness and Loss of Sleep. Fac Stmile Signature r t i'v4 new'york.&I" { j l i t i s ! s { J I i m s EXACT copy OF WRAPPER WIHEOFCARDUI fttiwh'i White Pine Cbogh Bjnm, : 4 'Ait. Jrfa.irl.*«..i . .. ,5s..* . .

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