Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jan 1903, p. 5

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iluMlffi fi "?f TVii'i ljQim»ft jTTftV'" i "i"Mitt>Vi liBfi'lPW f iffi* lui liwfi'ff'iii >ii^rP"Y"hViTI'ii*M<fi^"M<iiTJTf'» Stoves* Hardware, Shoes, Dry Goods arid Notions! We invite inspection our prices will please of our lines in these Ooods, you and so will the Ooods, Osmun Bros., McHenry. Stitch in Time Saves Nine! It is also a fact that a bottle of good Cough and Cold Remedy will prevent sickness and even death. Don't l«p | l that Cold run nntil it is necessary to call in a Doctor. Wf, ; have the best known guaranteed patent remedies in the marke|, i A PECAN olL -t * 4X0 .-JSr- •'••••»•?• ;rr' 1%^:? for Chapped Bands, Wire Cats. ing and heals surely and . quickly, (î r 'neWMr agaiabe itfthout'li/ *v'f. Bruises. Etc. His sooth- Try it and you will | Ringwood, Ill£^ . Jl, £>, \-*4si < £•••*<: >'iic iV"'"--. • Fruit! X N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents i of Trait, Meandering Hike, A Poaltioi "No, lady," said "I ain't workin'." "Have you tried to get work?" "Yes'm. I nearly had a job shovelin' coal, but I couldn't find no one to go on me bond an' guarantee de owner dat I wouldn't embezzle."--Washington Star, * - Mieitorfal Infelicity. Anything: and Everything in seasonable Fruits ai4 way5 on hand in large ^uantitiea^ v 'g: V.rv'«r^^'- V' 5? ,V l&r-fr" Oranges Lemons X*1 ^ - " ' * T'i "'I ' ^ Ifl^fffhe finestthat grow! Once a moonflsh was wed to a sunflsh, who said: "I think we will get a divorce. I am out all the day. And at night you're away, . To shine as a matter of course." --New York Herald. The Proper Course. "What would you do if you had the hen that laid golden eggs?" inquired the man with the heavy mustache. "Me?" queried the solemn man. "1 should feed her this stuff that 'makes hens lay,' according to the advertise­ ments."--Philadelphia Ledger. I love thee, O yes I leve thee,. <• But it' all that I can ever he, For in tny visions in the night. My dreams are Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. The suicide ProUos. The prevalent belief that suicide is a product pf the higher civilization is contradicted by the fact that in India suicides by opium are committed by the natives for the most trivial rea­ sons, even children destroying them­ selves after befng scolded and wives because husbands complain of their dinners. There are no regulations for the sale of poison, and anybody can go Into a bazaar and buy as much as he want*. •' , •---- » •' ... Caatioa, "Willie, did you thank Mr. Speedway for taking you to drive?" said the mother of a small boy solicitously. No answer. The question waa repeated. Still no answer. "Willie, do you hearipe? Did you thank Mr. Speedway for taking yoU to drive?" "Yes," whispered WlUie, "but ht fold me not to mention it."--Life, <• He Knew Why. Ascum--What became of the story you sent to the Ivlaptrup Magazine? Scribbler--Rejected. I fancy it waa too clever. Ascum--TooMSlever? Scribbler--Yes; I suppose they were afraid it would distract attention from their advertising pages. &> f: $* mm This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and doee a mmi BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a mariner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan HdlDIKY on real eetate and other first class se­curity. Spec- --_mmmmmrn ̂attention given to collections. 3t| INSURANCE 4 in First Class Companies, at the Loir est rates. Tours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, . f^tary Public. Bankers^ McHENRY COUNTY AB8TBACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank WorKlstook, 111. Abstracts of title and con- reyuuclng. Money to loan on real estate in": •urn* ot #500 to fUMOfc t&n» a«4 payawat M? V " • ./> . Children Poisoned. Many children are poisoned and made nervous and weak, if not killed outright by mothers giving them cough syrups containing: opiates. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and certain remedy for ooughs, croup and lung trouble, and it is the only prominent cough medicine that contains no opiate*, or other pois­ ons. N. H Petefch. White Pine Cough 8yrup cures. flEATS I BINOWOOD. An item box has been placed in the EUng- wood postoffice for the convenienceof persons wishing u> contribute to the Kingwood corre- siKindence column in tne Plaindoaler. If you know of liny news that should be published Just drop a note in theboxiind the correspond- dent will collect the Sane Tuesday evening of each week. Sleepy Eyes! : , r Did you see them? 1 A January .thaw in earnest. - ~ H. J. Christian of Solon was a visitor Tuesday. Ray Wilson of Greenwood was in town Tuesday. Such weather as this should make the coal trust feel sicfc J. C. Ladd shipped swinfe to the*t<ity as usual this week.; Mrs. Bennett spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Did vou see the sleepy boys and girls Saturday afternoon? F. W. Cole attended Teachers' Meet­ ing at Richmond Saturday. Geo. Yogel of Solon Mills was in Ring- wood on business Tuesday. Chas. Thompson drove over from Greenwood Saturday evening. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday afternoon, Jan. 31, at Mrs. J. Brown's. The M. W. A. listened to a lecture on rate re-adjustment last evening in their hall. The Ladies' Aid Society met at Mrs. C. D. Hall's this afternoon. Dinner was served. Eva Lawrence and Tina Pint enjoyed a very pleasant yisit with Miss Kate Etten the first of last week. Clyde Harrison, the city salesman for Crane & Co. of Chicago, was here visit­ ing relatives and friends Saturday. s The Epworth League has been re­ organized and will hold its first meeting Sunday evening in the M. E. church at 7 o'clock. The Universalist church is holding a series of meetings in the M. W. A. hall this week. Dr. Cook, who is well known in this community, is leader. A band of happy young people, full of spirits, called at the home of Netta Whiting on Friday evening and whiled away a few hours in fnn making. John and Eggert Gustavson, who have been in the employ of H. W. Allen, de­ cided to quit farming Wednesday of last week and left immediately fo? Chi­ cago. Mrs. H. O. Smalt went to Geneva Saturday morning and returned Mon­ day. On Tuesday she was recalled to Geneva owing to the death of her broth er. Mr. Small went Wednesday to at­ tend the funeral. The peculiar cough which indicates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time shonld be lost in the treatment of it and for this purpose no medicine has re­ ceived wore universal approval than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with untried remedies, no matter how highly they may be recommended, bnt give this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will soon disappear. For sale by all druggists. EHKRALD PARK. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited at Airs. Ellen Frisby's Sunday. Miss Celia Frisby of McHenry visited Miss Margaret Aylward Sunday. Miss Anna Fleming of Barreville was a pleasant yisitor at J. B. Frisby's Sun­ day. Mr^ H. Felmeten and children are spending this week with Chicago rela­ tives. John Gibbs and Ed. Sutton called on friends in Angustburg Sunday after­ noon. Miss Lizzie Gorman of McHenry vis­ ited friends in this vicinity Sunday after­ noon. Misses Mary Gibbs and Anna Frisby called on McHenry friends Monday afternoon. Phil Aglward of Holcombville spent a few honrs at his home here Sunday, bnt for some reason seemed to be in a great hnrry back. St Patrick's Court of Foresters will give a public card party and basket social in the near future. Full particu; lars next week. . ./ Heads Should Never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs N. A. Webster, of Winne, Va. She writes "Dr. Ling's New Life Pills whol­ ly cured me of sick headaches I bad suf­ fered from for two years." Cure head­ ache, constipation, biliousness. 86o at Julia A. Story's drug store. Fresh £alt and Jfmoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season vjlaving fiirrhased the West Side . '^Market of F. Wat- ' Ctfes, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry stock of all feinlfc,,- ; , thus paying the low* t " est prices, and ' ' ; V^ = v sell 6ft Hie Kami', v-«:. s :• ;r •••J? \X basis.' A. \ i?;v > y.;'-Sif; t-' .i C. ilATTHEWS, - West McBmuj VOLO. Miss gaa&y Sexton is visiting relatives In Elgin. Miss Celia Boeing spent the past week at Fremont with her sister, Mrs. Mike HerteL Mrs. Ben Coesman of Rollins 8nndayed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Compton. Miss Lizzie Kretschmer of Grayslake was the guest of relatives in our village the past week. Mrs. Charles Parker spent a few days of the past week with relatives at Grays­ lake and Ivanboe. Miss Agnes Murray of Wauconda spent the latter part of the Week with her brother. James, and wife, Mesdames Jane Converse and Joseph Vogt left for Sonth Dakota Saturday morning to see Cyrus Converse who is very sick with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. Pete F. Miller and daughters, Francis and Lucy, and Miss Mamie Stilling with many other friends ij^uid relatives attended the farewell .jpwty at Jacob A. Miller's January 2S. O A S T O R I A i ^ Bears tb« Kind You Haw Always Bmtgtt [fiign*t<u» />» „ ^ SPRING GBOVB. John Waspi wafe a McHenry visitor Monday. Will Overton of Sblon was in town Monday forenoon. Miss Ruth Ovefton of Soloucalled on friends here Sunday.. C. T. Smith and wife of Solon visited relatives here Saturday. John Miller of Genoa Junction trans­ acted business here Tuesday. Supt. Conn of Hebron made our school a pleasant visit Tuesday- Art Alexander of Hebron was wiMng on friends in this place Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hatch called on friends here Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Andrew Neish and son, Chester, were Richmond visitors recently. Jas. Pierce visited with Hebron rela­ tives from Thursday till Sunday. Jas. Turner and son of Hebron called Oil friends in this vicinity Saturday. Mrs. Robt. Hunter of Richmond vis­ ited relatives here one day last week, Miss Anna Kemlar and lady friend spent Monday with Wilmot relatives. Mrs. Geo. Gonld spent the last of the week at Hebron with her sister, who is quite ilL Mesdames Sarah Wilson and Jennie Ox toby spent Saturday with Richmond relatives. Mike Rauen and John Grunwald transacted business at the county seat last weec. Dentist Chamberlin of McHenry will be at the Nippersink hotel Friday of this week. They are surely ooming. Who? Why? "Tony the Gemvict" and "That Rascal Pat" Mrs. Borngraber is numbered among the sick but her friends hope to sse her out again soon. Mrs. Dennis Halderman spent the Sabbath with her son Edd and family just north of town. - Duane Bell and John Waspi have both had tonsilitis sinoe last writing but are both on the gain. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Colby and son, Frank, and Miss Rose Gerbraeht were Chicago visitors reoently. Misses Edna Pierce and Clara Stev­ ens attended Teachers' Meeting at Rich­ mond Saturday afternoon- Druggist McLane and Earle West- lake drove over to Lake Villa and spent the Sabbath with relatives. Peter Rothermel was up from Johns- burgh Monday and spent the day with his daughter, Mrs. Mike Rauen. Miss Mabelle Neish spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Ena Rich- ardson at her home north of town. Miss Zella Liohty and Jesse Wingert were out from the city and spent the Sabbath with relatives and friends. Several of our young people attended the R. N. A. danoe at Wilmot last Fri­ day night and all report an excellent time. Wm. James, Robt Esh, J. B. Rich­ ardson, Wm. Campbell and Fred Wil­ son, accompanied by their families, drove over to Antioch Saturday to help celebrate the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jam?s, Sr. "Tony the Convict," a drama in five acts, and the side-splitting farce, "That Rascal Pat," will be presented by the Spring Grove Dramatic Club at the R. N. A. hall, Spring Grove, Thursday ev­ ening, Feb. 5, 19u8. This play will be given for the benefit of the M. W. A. and R. N. A. camps of this place, so re­ member the date and place and don't forget to come. TERRA COTTA, John Rattray spent Sunday at Algon quin. Miss Edna Colby went to Chicago Sat­ urday. Mike Conway was an JBtgia visitor Sunday. Ed. Diabold was d Chicago visitor Saturday. Wm. P. Gates attended to business in Chicago Friday. Arthur Anners of Ridgefield WM vis­ iting here Sunday. J. H. Gracy was a oounty seat visitor one day last week. Florence Leisner of Nunda spent Sun­ day at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman 8tolpe were Sunday callers at Paul Raulnitt's at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Albert Jacobs has been at Elgin for some time oaring for her mother who is very siok. Mrs. Paul Foerster and daughter, Freya, were Chicago visitors the latter part of the week. Jim Turnell held the lucky Clumber that drew the music box raffled by Her­ man Stolpe Friday evening. Miss Lena Chnrch was visiting at Crystal Lake Saturday as the guests of Misses Ollie and Effle Johnson. Mrs. Mary Mason and daughter, don^ of Richmond have been the guests of T. L Flanders and family for a few days. Rather early in the year for threshing bnt H. Magoon takes the lead and threshed his oats and barley last week. (1908 crop.) The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway, who has been quite sick at the home of the latttff'w parents, is convalescing. Bertha Wolff, who has been making her home with Mrs. J. S. Starritt for the past year, returned to Chicago Fri­ day vo remain indefinitely. Charles L. Buck and Jim McDonald returned home from Minneapolis last Wednesday where they had attended the funeral af the former's brother-in- law, G. Wattles. The American Terra Cotta and Ce­ ramic Co. are burning fuel oil in their boilers instead of coal. The oil gives a steady heat, is much cleaner and can be used satisfactorily until coal can be se- cored. a im a a a a a a a a Blanket Sale! / Prom now until February 1 I will sell all STORM, SQUARE and STABLK BLANKETS, FUR and PLUSH ROBES FOR 75 CENTS ON THE $i.oo .Thia is a snap and one that you should take advantage ^ Qall and see the Goods. * % ? Gus. Carlson, HcHenry, 111. 1 BIDfiEFIELU. i Ray Still spent Sunday at his home here. W, H. Munroe was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. Hanson was in Chicago the last of the week. Mrs. Mabel Bode of Elgin is Visiting at R. LDufield's. Tracy Salisbury of Nnnda visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and children were in Chicago Monday. Mies Nell Gibson visited friends at Woodstock last week. Miss Mildred Morse was in Elgin Tuesday and Wednesday. W. Levey of Seneca was here on busi­ ness Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Hill and son, Harold, visited rel­ atives in Chicago over Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Shelt, Mrs. Hall and Hazel Garrison are among the sick. Mrs. Keeler and son, Marvin, are vis­ iting her sister in Chicago this week. Mrs. F. R. Jackman of Woodstock visited her parents the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Kline and children vis­ ited his parents at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Rose Goddard and daughter, Etta, visited friends at Greenwood Thursday. The side walk committee met Mon­ day evening and decided to have a shad­ ow social Friddy evening, Feb. 6. Mrs. Cecil Jayne and daughter, Irene, of Crystal Lake visited her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Munroe, Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Smith attended the wedding of their son, Char es, at Oshkosh last week, returning Monday. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F. French passed to the Great World of Happiness beyond Tuesday, Jan. 27, after suffering for a number of weeks. Funeral was held from the church Wed­ nesday afternoon. Interment in the Ridgefield cemetery. D* Flakea Heart Did any one ever see a flsh*s ears? Do fishes have ears? It has been pret­ ty well proved that they hear. Sci­ entists have made up a list of about 100 fishes that make sounds. Why should they make sounds unless they expect to be heard? The drum drums. The puffer croaks. Even the weakfish complains with an internal voice when the cruel fisherman leaves it to die In the bottom of the boat. Pessibly fishes bear through their teeth.--New York Press. It's pretty hard to define real beauty. Rare am beautiful women everywhere owe their lovllness to Rocky Mountain Tea. 18 cents. G. W. Besley. Real Bargain*. Reduced prices on Jackets, Capes, Overcoats--every one marked down. Ladies' Silk lined Coat now $8.98. Misses Fur Collar Jackets at $8.73. Men's regular $15.00 Overcoats now $7.98. | length, Bilk lined Ladies' Coats at $4.98. Good quality Ladies' Coats to cloee out, at $2.73. High grade Monte Carlos at $4.98 and $5.98. Lot of 300 pairs of Men's High Grade Worsted Pants, striped goods, we offer now at $1.4J and $1.98. 600 DRESSING SACKS. ' Entire line of high grade* samples, in all wool goods, worth three times the price asked. Divided into three lotB at 49, 69 and 98c. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, Oyer 3,000 Samples from a leading manufacturer. All styles and qualities. A saving of I to buyers. 750 LADIES' WRAPPERS. Fine Flannelette Wrappers, worth from $1.00 to $1.75, assorted sizes and colors, absolutely as represented; we offer them now at 69c. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, HI. S T O R I A . > The Kind Vou Have Always Bought o Bwuaths ttgaatan rf 1NGL £&11>£. C. S. Thomas was a Round Lake caller last week. • Mrs. Cribb and son were yisiting her parents here recently. Mrs. P. J. Sullivan, daughter and son were Elgin callers Tuesday. Miss Mary Tweed has charge of the post office at Round Lake sinoe the death of Mr. Kirtpatrick. Quite a few from here attended the inssquerade ball at Round Lake and all enjoyed a good time. CHARLES 4 fMTT Lower Insurance Rates t© b* Given to Persons who <• , not Odnk Alcoti Q : • x. Uquo* . By a recent decision off one of the larf» \ V est insurance companies of the United , States, lower rates are to be given thosji J' ( "f* persons who do not indulge in the use df any intoxicating liquors. Thisisju8t,fofS statistics from all sources show that tht Use of alcohollo drinks always predi^ ^ ,\>fe poses to kidney troubles, and Bright* ^ Disease, Diabetes and all other fstal ki<$> yf" iey diseases are far more frequent among v; '<*• ^ drinkers of beer and alcoholic beveragent "": ^ , than among those who do not indulgai / * In them. & In a recent address before the Senate of - f the United State*, Hon. J. H. Gallinge^, ^ Senator from New Hampshire, gave th% ..u\ results of most thorough investigations- made to ascertain the effects of beer drinkj* ing upon the health and life of individk 4 - ,'l| uals. He showed conclusively that almo<# 4 is* 'J all cases of Bright's Disease were caused* , by beer drinking and that other fatal kldk- * ney troubles had tho same origin as a rul«l; v . \ AM probably a large majority of me^".--,- -^| drink beer It becomes a matter of greaj(' h > -f- concern to know the best way of overcome ing its effects upon the kidneys. There ip , nothing that will so quickly make the kld^ ' neys right in these cases as FOLEY'S MKY CURE. If taken early it will cure everj^,' form of kidney trouble and even in hope* less cases it will give relief. It is an hoo» • ^" -x* % est preparation and can be relied upon tS ̂ ̂? do all that is claimed for it. ^. -I N. H. PETESCH. \ J i ' ';aj Wholesale andret^Uj detfer la WOODSTOCK. The children at the Industrial home have the measles. Dr. W. C. Besley passed Sunday with relatives and friends at McHenry. Mrs. Lynn F. Sherman has returned from an extended visit in Canada W. T. Charles returned last week Thursday from his visit in Michigan. Will Ronning was visiting at Janes ville and other Wisconsin points part, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hubbell of Wal woVth were visiting at C. EL Morchant's part of last week. Mrs. J. El Fellows of Chicago has been visiting with relatives and friends in this city the past week, Peter Whitney of Omaha was visiting with his daughter. Mrs. C. S. Northrop, the fore part of the week. Miss Maude Furney of Lake Geneva visited with Tbeo. Hamer and family the latter part of last week. Rev. S. C. Hay has received news of the death of his brother, Theodore, at his home in Brooklyn, N. Y. Daniel Boner and family have moved to the farm recently purchased from Edward Rledel, near the Silver Spring factory. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wager passed Snnday with the letter's brother, H. P. Schuyler, on the farm in the town of Grafton. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Rafter died last week Tuesday at their home in Greenwood. The infant was but four days old. Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. West of Wan- kegan passed part of their honeymoon in this city last Friday and Saturday, as guests of Attorney and Mrs. C. P. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schwamb were very pleasantly surprised last week Wednesday evening on the occasion of the former's birthday, and he received a gift of a beautiful watch. Word has been receiyed of the death of George Olcott at Pilot Rock, Ore., which occurred on December 29. Mr. Oloott marriad Miss Mary Gallagher, who passed her girlhood in this city.\ J. A. Wurtzinger has moved from Glenwood, Iowa, to the Richard Cnm- ming's farm in Hartland. Mr. Wurt­ zinger was a resident of this city several years ago, when he first came to this oountry. Fxumri* u< UOrift* Conghs cured quickly by Eoley's Hon­ ey and Tar. Refuse substitutes. N. H. I «a la tbe Market For Beef Veal riuttM Hogp and Poultry aivo • • call Smoked Meats, Suisse McHenry -' Illinois DON'T BE FOOLED! © Take the genulae, original" ROCKY MOUNTAIN TE**"; Made only by Madison Medl* cine Co., Madison, Wis. II keeps you well. Our tradi mark cut on each package*. Price, J5 cents. Never •oil in bulk. Accept n« «atit|» *ouTtD<ni tute. Ask your druggfe*. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur# Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of thft. digestunts and digests all kinds off : food. It gives instant relief and nevei foils to cure. It allows you to eat a® the food you want. The most sensitive Stomachs can take it. By its use naanf thousands of dyspeptics have beei| Cured after everything else failed. 1$ Unequalled for the stomach. Childi^v *CP. with weak stomachs iiirive on N»V" First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary^ x> ' ~S3t V' * Cures all stomach troahlaa only by E. 0. DEWITT & Co.. OhlcasA « contains 3 H times tbeSOe, sts^r Julia A. Story aad Q W. Besley •? -gi -M I'- - rr" Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of Hog Cholera Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mille, Rock Island Plows, Wagon% Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mill% - Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty^ Ml# Scleral Ekcksmittiin^ ^ Pikes diwdys ReisoiuWf ------ ---- WIM PHILIP mm 0encral Commission merchant Stall 1 & 8, Fulton 8* Wholesale Market Cbicaao, niftwit Special attention given to the sate of Dressed Beef, Hutton .w V^ Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs : This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists v furnished on applicatitp . , COLD STORAQE FREE Is your family worth 5c a day to you ========== A protector that will protect your family night and day is the -v. CHICAGO TELEPHONI; J Cost but 5 oaats par day ^ ;f CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY ' ' <tk -s. H, •T "~K- *'• J'f t V 4{ Ftfl J. ^ ,4--Irs

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