Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1903, p. 5

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1 *3f?:' I Stoves, Hardware. SKoes, ;|^1 I Dry Goods aYvd Notions! We invite inspection of our prices will please you our lines in these Goods, and so will the Gpods, Gsmun Bros., McHenry. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine! It is also a fact that a bottle of Rood Cough and Gold Remedy will prevent sickness and even death. Don't let that Cold ran until it is necessary to call in a Doctor. We have the beat known guaranteed patent remedied in the market. USE PECAN OIL for Chapped Hands, Wire Cat*. Braises. Etc. It is sooth­ ing and heals surely and quickly. Try it and you Will never again be without it. r Ring wood, ni J. S. BROWN & SON. Fancy Grocers X Headquarters for Everything in the Pish Line! Fancy Smoked Finnan Huddles, per pound... . 12 1-2 Cents. Fancy Smoked Iceland Halibut Steak per ft.. 18 Cents. Fancy Smoked Blood Red Snlmdn. per pound 12 1-2 Cents. Fancy Smoked Yarmouth Bloaters, per dozen 20 Cents. Large Scaiied Herring, smoked, per box 25 Cents. Extra fancy middle strip Codfish, perfectly boneless, per pound . 12 1-2 Cents. Large Norway Mackerel, per pound 15 Cents. Large No. 1 White Fish, per pound 12 1-2 Cents. New Holland Herring, Milkers, per pound.... 7 1-2 Cents. Ne^r Shore Herring, per pound 6 1-2 Cents. Fancy Spiced Herring, 10 pound pails ' 85 Cents. Fancy Spiced Herring In bulk, per pound 10 Cents. New Mllchners Holland Herring In 14 pouud kegs, per keg $1.00. Special in Canned Sal­ mon --25 Cases 100 Dozen For this week we will sell a good Salmon In l pound cans at 4 cans for 25 Cents. Every Can Guaranteed! SOLON. Mrs. Ben Johonnott is the guest of relatives here. 1 W. D. Mouear and son. Will, spent Monday in Hebron. 'Mrs. Arthnr Merrill was a caller in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Allie Siuies of McHenry called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Reed visited with her par­ ents in McHenry last week. Earl Monear aud Kirk Crane spent Sunday with relatives at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Vosburgh spent Sunday with relatives in McHenry. Lyle Freeman and Walter Watts transacted business in Chicago one day last week. Mrs. Emily Hawthorne and brother, Walter, spent one day of last week in Woodstock. Mrs. Will Cornish, who has been un­ der the doctor's care for some time, is slowly on the gain. Winter coughs are apt to result in consumption if neglected. They can be broken up by using Foley's Honey and Tar. Sold by N. H. Petesch. - Smart Dressers NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents will find our Spring Suit­ ings and Overcoatings ab­ solutely correct in style and quality. Prices extremely low. A few minutes of your time is all we want to con­ vince you that we are show­ ing the handsomest line of Spring and Summer Suit­ ings ever offered to the trade. Won't you take a look? Tailoring Unexcelled. JOHN D. LODTZ. This Bank receives- deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a filNERAl BAHKIM BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom- ers And respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spee- ial attention Fhysicians prescribe it for their most delicate patients. OLD and PURE. For sale by All Leading k given to collections INSURANCE ifl First Class Companies, at the Low est ratea^ Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers McHENBY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Wood>tock, 111. Abstracts of title and eon- vayanclng. Money to loan on real estate In innu of #600 to SUMMi tine ud payment to S^t uorrover. Chicago & North-Western. Effective Oct 12, 1MB WIKK DAY TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND Arrive McHenry. .. .V.4>- u m ...S:48 ii m ...5.00 p m ..6.47 p m Leave Chicago. 7.15am Via Elgin ... 8.05 am Via Des l'iaines. 3.25 p m .Via Des lMuines 5.01 p m Via Des Plalues SUNDAT TKAJNS. 8.45am Via Elgin 11.14am 9.10 am ..Via Des l'laines ]}.i4 a m 8.08pm .....Via Elgin 4£3pm WBBK DAT TRAINS. McHenry. SOUthbocnd. 7.33 am ..ia.Via Elgin 10.10 a m 8.33 a m ....Via Des l'lalnes..?. . .$.55 a m 3.00 p m ...... Via Elgin .'...6.45 p ni SUKOAY TRAINS. 7.32am .....Via Elgin, .10 30am 5:55 pm ....Via Elirin 8:45 pm Passengers taking 7:32 train from stations north of Crystal Lake can change at Crystal Lake and arrive In Chicago atO;K a. m. 8PRING GROVK.' Walter Mick is said to be quite sick with pneumonia. Will Lichty was out from the city and spent the Sabbath at home. Thomas Cole attended to business in the city the first of the week. Cole Bros, shipped a carload of sbeep from this station Friday night. Miss Ruth Overton of Snlon^ called on friends in this yicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W/n. Johonnott attended to business at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen were Chi­ cago visitors the last of the week. Mrs. C. T. Smith of Solon visited with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Westlake recently. Byron Orvis and Jas. Pierce trans­ acted business at Wilmot Monday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wilson of Rich­ mond spent the Sabbath here with his mother. Lawyer Ed. Walsh came down from Wabasha to attend the play given here last week. Mrs. J. M. Westlake, daughter. Miss Ada and Ed. Welch were Richmond callers recently. Mrs. Kate Sbotliff and Miss Annie Kemler visited with Wilinot friends {he first of the week. Mesdames S. R. Pierce and R. A. Oxtoby were Richmond callers the lat­ ter part of the week. . Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Turner of Solon visited with their sister, Mrs. D. W. Lichty Friday afternoon. Fred Sherman and wife trom near Wilmot were trading with our mer­ chants Saturday afternoon. Miss Edna Pierce and Harold Colby drove over to Wilinot Sunday and spent the afternoon with friends. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thomas Hodge from near Richmond were visitors at the home of S. W, Pierce recently. Mrs. W. C. Moss, Helen and little Fred spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Ed. Hooper near Ringwood. Mrs. Robt. Hunter and niece, Miss Blanche Oliver, of Richmond spent the Sabbath at the home of Mrs. Sarah Wilson. Several of our young people attended the dance at Wilmot Friday night and report a big crowd, splendid supper and a general good time. Miss Maggie Lichty is home from Elgin and will spend several days with her mother, who is not gaining in health as fast as her tnany friends wish. Jabez Motley and daughter, Miss Nettie, and Mrs. Mary Volbrecht drove over from Wilmot Sunday afternoon and called on friends in this vicinity. Warren Pierce started for Nebraska Sunday morning where he will spend some time visiting relatives. Wonder if he will bring a Mrs. Pierce home with him. v The play given by the R. N. A. and M. W. A. Camps last week was a de­ cided success. Thursday evening stand­ ing room was at a premium. By sperial request the play was repeated again Saturday evening and was listened to by a large crowd. The proceeds of the two evenings footed up to nearty sixty dollars. Not so bad after all. RINGWOOD. An item box has been placed in the Ring- wood postofflce for the convenience of persons wishing U) contribute to tho Iiingwoori corns- spondence column in tne I'laindealer. If you know of any news that should be published just drop a note in tlieboxand thecorrespond- dent will collect the same Tuesday evefflnjj of fcuch week. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn were visitors at Johnsburgh Wednesday. Mrs. W. Kelley was numbered with the sick the first of the week. Ida Adams was absent from school last week on account of sickness. Mother Goose and family will ente& tain you at Woodman hall early in March. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd- Lowell of Nnnda visited at the home of 'Will McCannon Saturday. Our tibhool will close toworrow (Fri­ day) so the teachers may attend the in­ stitute at Woodstock. Master Charlie Stevens has been suf­ fering from an attack of pneumonia^ since Tuesday morning. There will be a school entertainment about the first week in March. The proceeds will go towards a new diction­ ary. Watch for further announcement. Miss Grace Hopper, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Hopper, was pleasantly surprised last Saturday evening by h$r host of acquaintances and friends who paid their farewell respect to her Master Oliver Lawrence invited a few of his numerous friends to spend Friday evening with him. All responded read­ ily to the invitation and the time was spent in making as much fnn as possible. The officers of the Cemetery Aid So­ ciety have planned a chicken pie dinner to be given in Woodman hall Friday, commencing at 13 o'clock. The pro­ ceeds of the dinner will be used for the benefit of the cemetery. All should at­ tend as it deserves your hearty snpport, und the price is within the reach of all, 15 and 25 cents. Little Gaylord Holmes died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Holmes, Toesdayjmorning, after a lingering illness of some weeks. The funeral was held this afternoon. The remains were laid to rest in the Ring- wood cemetery • Thus the fond parents are bereft of th ir only son and child, who was a very promising boy nearly five years of age. Some of our citizens thought the world was coming to an end Friday ev euing. The occasion of their excite ment. was a sleigh lead of happy young people from McHenry that arrived at the home of Mr. Geo.' Stevens. They succeeded by dint of great exertion in making lots of noise and if their happi ness was in proportion to their racket they .were certainly enjoying them selves. Blanket From now until February 1 I will sell all STORM, SQUARE and STABLE BLANKETS, FUR and PLUSH ROBES FOR 75 CENTS ON THE $1.00 This is a snap and one that you should take advantage of. Call and see the Goods. Gus. Carlson, flcHenry, 111, g t t t t The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poison results from the injury. All dauger from this may be avoided, how tever, by promptly applying Chamber Iain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and unequalled as a quick healing lin­ iment for cuts, bruises and burns. For Sale by all druggists. VOLO. ; Ed. Frost of Chicago is visiting his parents at present writing Miss Rose Vogt spent the past week with relatives at Long Lake. Mrs. Sullivan and daaghter of Big Hollow were Volo callers Monday. Kitty Do well spent several days the past week with friends at Fremont. Mrs, A. J. Raymond and daughter, Helen, were Fremont visitors Saturday. Miss Naomi Vasey visited relatives near Wauconda a few days the past week. Mrs. Geo. Scheid of Griswold Lake spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Murray. Miss Annie Miller and friend of Grayslake spent Sunday with the for­ mer's parents. Misses Fannie and Florence Smith of Fort Hill were the guests of Miss Maude Walton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Russel spent Sunday at Fort Hill with the latter's sister, Mrs. L. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon went to Chicago Friday to attend the funeral of their niece, Alice Ford. A sleigh load of young people from here attended the masquerade dance at Wauconda Friday gvening. Mrs. Jane Converse and Mrs. Joseph Vogt returned home Monday from a two weeks' yisit with relatives in South Dakota. Otto Molidor had the misfortune to break his leg Saturday. It was set by Dr. Rossdeutcher and the patient is do­ ing nicely. Several of the yonng people from our village attended a surprise party on Frank Do well Wednesday evening. All report a pleasant time. Baby sleeps and grows while mamma rests if Rocky Mountain Tea is given. It's the greatest baby medicine ever offered loving mothers. 85 cents. G. W. Besley, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the mi­ crobe which tickles the mucous mem brane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation and'heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute Oongh Cure is pleasant to take, harm less and good alike for young and old Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Bes iey, Wet»t McHenry. RIDGEFIELll. Mrs. Shelt was in Nunda Tuesday. F. L. Morse was in Nunda Sunday. Gus Marble is working at Beloit, Wis. Mrs. Eva Lynch was in Chicago Mon­ day. Miss Nell Gibson is visiting at Wan kegan. Mrs. Wakefield visited recently at Janesville, Wis. The proceeds from the Shadow Social amounted to $ 19. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Westerman were in Woodstock Monday. Ray and Madalene Lynch visited friends at Nnnda Saturday. J. H. Parks of Nunda w£8 here on business the first of the week. Miss Mildred Morse and sister, Cath­ erine were in Chicago Monday. R. L. Dufield and Roy Skinner were in Nunda on business Tuesday. Mr. Hudson and family returned Sun­ day from a week's visit at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Munroe_visited their daughter at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whiston of Holcomb ville visited their son, Frank, Sunday. Genevieve and Lewis Goddard visited relatives in Woodstock Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Dufield's family are all sick with grip. Mrs. Button is still under the doctor'8 care. , Miss Katherine Morse visited her cou sin. Miss Anna Morse, #t Oak Park Thursday and Friday. The Methodist minister of Huntley filled the pulpit Sunday in the absence of Rev. Shelt. The sermon in the morn­ ing was one of the best we had heard for some time. His sermon or short talk on Lincoln in the evening was fine. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our sincere thanks to our kind neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our darling child. • Ma and Mrs. Fred French. TERRA COTTA- Fred Bertchey and wife are both under the doctor'8 c ire. A. P. Peck took the Saturday morn­ ing train for Elgin. Josie Buss was visiting her sister at McHenry Saturday. .John, the blacksmith, is a not (in­ frequent caller at (?)--the Crossing. The C. & N. W. Ry. had a work train distributing sjeel rails along this branch Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Gracy and Miss Lepna Church attended the W. R. C. meeting at Nunda Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Lideil took her little daugh­ ter to Chicago Friday to have her eyes treated by a specialist. W. D. Gates was out from the city Monday. He has just returned from a month's stay at Mobile, Ala. With the warm weather and south­ westerly winds of the past few days the snow is rapidly disappearing. A. P. Peck ha-} purchased a new wood- sawing outfit and will soon be busy "buzzing" around the country. Mrs. Chas. Matthews and children of McHenry spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Buck. Frey Foerster has recovered from her recent illness and is again attending school at the Union high school, Nuudn. Mrs. Martin Conway, who has been visiting her parents here for some time, returned to her home in McHenry Fri­ day. Fred Luedtke went to Valparaiso, Ind., Monday on business connected with bis recent purchase in real estate there. - The A. T. C. & C. Co. etnyloyees have organized a band which promises to bring out the musical talent of each member comprising it. The graphaphone entertainment given at the school house Friday evening by Messrs. Schumann and Starritt was well attended and enjoyed by all. The instrument was a new one recently pur chased in Chicago. Nearly all the employees at the A. T. C. & C. Co. Works went to Crystal Lake Monday afternoon to attend the funeral of Henry Long who died Saturday. Henry was an employee at the factory here for about four years. Fred Luedtke has sold his farm of 80 acres in this village to Teder & Parks, real estate dealers of Nnnda. Consider­ ation $75 per acre. Mr. Luedtke has purchased a farm at Valparaiso, Ind., and expects to moye to his new home about April 1. A Night Alarm. Worse than an alarm of fire at night is the brassy cough of croup, which sounds like the children's death knel! and it means death unless something i: done quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar never fails to give instant relief and quickly cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. L. Cordier, of Mannington, Ky.. writes: "My three year old girl had a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live. I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, the first dose gave quick relief and savtd her life." Refuse sub­ stitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. NUNDA. W. H. Mead entertained his uncle, Dorr Kennedy, the first of the week. Mrs, L. D. Lincoln of Elgin spent the Sabbath at the home of E. G. McCol- lnm. Mesdames O. C. Colby, L N. Powell, H. H. Freye and I. M. Mallory are en­ tertaining members of the Salvation Army. Miss Marcella Riley entered school again Monday morning after having been confined to her home the past ten days with a sprained ankle. Mrs. M. A. Foote of Irving Park vis­ ited with her sister, Mrs. Avedson, at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair, the first of the week. Seven members of the Salyation Army of Chicago are holding meetings at the M. E. church every evening this week and may continue them next week. Arthur Arvedson of Carpentersville spent Sunday with his wife and son at Wm. St. Clair's home. Monday Mr and Mrs. Arvedsouwere Chicago visit Hall Co*». Real Values. Special lot of ladies' flannelette wrap­ pers from worth $1.00 to $1.75 we offer in all sizes at 69c. Mens' fine un- laundried shirts, all styles, each 35c. Fine assortment of men's fancy negligee shirts worth from 50 to 75c, we offer at 39c or 2 for 75c. Ladies' high grade tailor made suits, special lot of 50 at $8.45 and $9.65, remarkable values, all new up to date styles. Every jacket in the store cut in price. A good jacket can be obtained for $2.73, $3.48 and $4.49./ All men's overcoats marked down. v. Fine checked shirtings woven stripes only 5c yard. • All linen laces now 3c, 5c per yard. Ladies' dressing sacks, special lot, all wool, at 49, 69, 98c. Baby jackets only 25c* wool goods. C. F. Ball Co., Dundee. Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the oth er fresh and rosy. Whence the differ­ ence? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to main­ tain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel gjod digestion and ward off constipation. Try them. Only 25c. at Julia A. Story's, druggist. Adyertlnrd Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at McHenry, 111., Feb. I, 1903: Mrs. Mary Herder. " Miss Hattie A. Clapp. D. Wierema. When calling for aboye letters, please say advertised. R. Waite, P. M. "What'B the matter, old man? Been losing on wheat?" "No, not that,' for­ got to take Rocky Mountain Tea last night. Wife said I'd be sick today. 85 cents. G. W. Besley." (HARLS G. FREIT Wholesale and retail] dealer In i am In the Market For Beef Veal riutton Hogs fcnd Poultry (Jive me a call DR. COOK ON BLADDER TROUBLES Bladder troubles make life miserable M those who suffer from them, and tualecn they are promptly overcome they are cer­ tain to cause Borioua conditions. TnfUwu matlon of the bl&dder is becoming more and more common and when neglected it develops ulceration and this may be fol­ lowed by perforation and death. The Irri­ table condition that demands frequent evacuation during the night as well as day time, is a source of great mortification dl8comcomfort to old and young. Dr. Cook, of Chicago, an authority on kidney and bladder troubles, says: "It Is impossible to find a single agent that Is a specific for this class of troubles, because there are so many different struc­ tures involved in the organs. However, we are able to combine the best knowa remedies and obtain most excellent re* suits. The preparation known aa Fourrt Kidney Cubb Is an ideal combination. I use it ezensively in my practice and find It can be employed successfully in every form of kidney and bladder trouble." Foley's Kidhey Cube Is an honesl preparation. It is not a decootion of some hitherto unknown root or herb claimed to be a cure-all. Common sense tells ua that such preparations have but little If any value. Foley's Kidney Cb'kjb con* tains all the best known agents used by kidney and bladder specialists combined In a manner that renders them most effec­ tive and pleasant to take. In even the moil hopeless cases its use gives relief and when taken in time cannot help but curt every form of kidney or bladder troubla N. H. PETESCH. DON 'T Be FOOLEDI Take the genuine, origlaal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi* cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never .sold In bulk. Accept do subatt* »*Tco«Mi tute. Aak your druggiat. CROUP ind | Croup and Inflammation of the larynx I relieved and permanantly cured by tha uaa of On# Minute Cough Cure. This never falling prescription 3f an eminent physician was given the name at ONE MINUTE COUGH CURE because instant reBef has always followed Its use. It takes effect at the seat of the trouble and acts on the inflamed membranes la- *tead of passing wholly into the stomach and drugging ! or stupefying tha^y^tW. Gives relief instantly. C U R E D It destroys the disease germ, clears the phtegm an4 Araws out the inflammation, thus removing the causa ind curing permanently. One Minute Cough Cure Is perfectly harmless, good for children and they like Its taste. Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co.. Chicago^ An Ideal remedy for children. Do not forget the i I ONE Mddto, Sdiisiijjd j i^i j^pfT. .McHenry - Illinois luliu A. Story ttoa <j W. Besley Agent for the Celebrated International Stock Food Preventative of Hog Cholera Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. Geoeril BlttkuaiUiiig Prices ifwiys ReisiuMe •iiiMmiiminMiminiimiMinmnBiiiiBnit Do not wait until you or some of your family are sick nigh nnto death, and then send for Chamberlain's Colic, Chorata and Diarrhoea Remedy, but buy itw>w and be prepared for an emer­ gency. rt can always be depended up­ on even in the most severe and danger­ ous cases. For sale by all druggists. Excursion Kat«N to WlM«onsin Dairyman's Cunveutlon at Fund da Lac,. Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates February 10, 11 and 12. limited to return until February 14, inclusive. Apply to gents Chicago & North-Western R'y. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone, who are liv­ ing in the Vermilya cdttage, expect to move to their home in Ohio next- week. They have many friends in Nunda who regret to see them go. Miss Donna Lincoln is in Chicago ing in a wholesale millinery house expects to buy a stoc-c of millinery goods and go to Ohio, where she will go into business. Her many friends wish her unbounded success. "Mother's Witch Hazel Jelly" makes the skin soft and smooth. For chapped hands and face, sore lips, tan and sun­ burn it has no equal. It is principally used for the complexion, and when used regularly, will produce the whitest, clearest skin, free from pimple, spot or blemish. Large tube, 25 cents. For sale by N. H. Petesch. O Bears the 8%nstn> ft 8 T O H Z A . »The Kind You Have Always P tllLIP JAEGER General Commission merchant 9 Stall 1 & 3, Fulton S* Wholesale Market gltfcaao, Illinois Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, riutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on- the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE Is your family worth gc a day to you A protector that will protect your family night and day is the CHICAGO TELEPHONE Cost M 5 Mats par ifaqf . CHICAGO1 TELEPHONE COMPANY • •M N * •vS j:.4X' (

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