Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Feb 1903, p. 8

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fjv'it te?." bps m 7*JJ. ;V:f ?|^^v v;.;?*T7^Ttr^ \f P* IT"* * 'J> V?~ ?'J '51 ' ,'A -J ,- m iM IT lit It iff '«Sf!'£ "fe 0\i jjj,"yjf" MAY AdK DAMAGE. •"WJfi'Wf P'£' ft:' w SW-v w-ji ft are very often hard on Rubbers to a good many. It seems late to buy new, but the sharp edges caused by thawing and freez­ ing, cut out the Rubbers very fast. To those that will have to buy hew, we will absolutely«guarantee a saving on their Rub­ ber Overs, as we will not carry any over to next season, if price will move them. On March first a great many hired Men start out to work for the season, and need an Outfit of Working Clothes. We carry the WARRENTED NOT TO RIP tooesYille Overalls, Jackets Shirts j 'to.- »• m •Wv^ that means, if the seams rip, bring them back and get a new pair in place, free of charge. Our Spring line just in. Bennett & Yates Buckwheat Flour makes fine cakes for breakfast. Try a Sack. Yours for Trade, Weet McHenry. JOHN J. MILLER. • < : '( -< -5 SAMPLES! We are showing the finest line of Spring Clothing Samples ever brought to Mc­ Henry. All the latest weaves in plain and novelty of the best Foreign and Domestic makes. Call early, look them over and leave your order for a Suit, Trousers, fancy Silk Vest or Spring Overcoat. New Shoes, Dress Goods, Fancy Waist Patterns now arriving. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH. %X ' * HHHHHHHHiiiiii«niiin»«Miimiiinnt \ Plain Facts! That we advertise to secure trade and aim to handle a grade of goods at prices to keep it. "That wise men learn from other men's mistakes but the fool insists on making his own." That we carry a large line of full warranted Pocket and Table Cutlery, Razors and Shears. That a bad article is dear at any price. CHEAP 4s dear in the long run. That you ought to have one of our Oil Heaters for comfort and satisfaction. We have some fine ones. "That a man's worth in the world is estimated according to the value he puts on himself." That we allow you to take one of our Washing Ma­ chines home for trial and if not satisfactory we take it back cheerfully. "That every day is a little life and our whole life is but a day repeated." That we are headquarters for Dairymen's Sup­ plies, Tank Heaters, Etc. "That there are" no greater promisers than they who have nothing to give." That we have a line of the nicest Cooking Uten­ sils, Coffee and Tea Pots on the market. Respectfully Yours, rMdbtah ^tatt of Elgin V B--wi Clk*' Carnival. The Elks' carnival, last fall at Elgin, may be productive of a good sized dam­ age suit against the city. Edith Mullen, a 14-year-old girl, was nearly blinded one evening during the carniyal from the throwing of confetti. She has been under a doctor's care ever since and she may lose the sight of one of her eyes. F. W. Joslyn has been retaiued in the matter and he is considering whether or not to start suit. If suit iB started it is presumed the city will be protected, as before per­ mission was granted the Elks that or- gnnization was required to pur up a bond indemnifying the city against any damage that might result from the car­ nival. Tendency af the Timet. The tendency of medical science is toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being giyen to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pheumonia, one of the most dangerous diseases that medi­ cal men have to contend with, can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain's Cough remedy. Pneumonia often re­ sults fr..m a cold or from an attack of influenza (grip), and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any ten­ dency of the*e diseases toward pneu­ monia. Thin has been fully proven in many thousands of cases in which this remedy has b»*en used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent years, and can be relied on with perfect confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold u lien no danger is apprehended unt.i. it is suddenly discov­ ered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest, then it is announced the patient has pneu­ monia. Be on "the safe side and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is contracted. It always cures. For sale by all druggists. HIGHWOOD EDITOR- 18 IT. Keeelves Beating and Office Wrecked by Irate Cltlseos. According to the Waukegan Gazette five citizens of High wood invaded the editorial chambers of the Highwood In­ dependent last Saturday and after ad­ ministering a severe beating to Richard Salyards, the editor, partly wrecked the establishment. Highwood is near Fort Sheridan and has become one of the worst hell holes on the map^ There are two factions in the town--one is anxious to reform con­ ditions while the other is responsible for the present state of affairs. It was for telling the truth about the latter that the editor was beaten. He will prob­ ably sue for damages. Escaped an Awful Fate. Mr. H Haggins of Melbourne, Fla.. writes. "My doctor told me 1 had Con­ sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, in­ duced me to try it. Results were start­ ling. I am now on the road to recovery aud owe all to Dr. Sing's New Discov­ ery. It surely saved my life." This tcreat cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Julia A. Story, druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial Itoteles free. lixcnnilon Tickrtu to State Karmrra' Inntl- tutr, »t III., Via the North-Western Line, will be sold at reduced rates February 28 and 24. limited to return until February 37. inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & N>»rth Western R'y. A Night Alarm. Wor«e than an alarm of fire at night is the brassy cough of croup, which sounds like-the children's death knell, and it means death unless something is done quickly. Foley's Honey and Tar never fails to give instant relief and quickly cures the worst forms of croup. Mrs. P. L Cordier, of Mannington, Ky., writes: ' My three ytar old girl had^a severe case of croup; the doctor said she could not live. I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar, the first dose gave quick relief and saved her life." Refuse sub­ stitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. W«t McHenry. IINMItttNMMtMl F. L. HcOHBER. 4 ; • *,v •H" • -V -V-¥4 sv •few Be Wise and trade where you can get tne most for your money. This store is certainly the place. We are now offering all our Winter Goods at greatly reduced prices, some as tow as 50 cents on the dollar. This may seem like a broad statement, but it is true Just the earne. You can get good Goods here and Save Money at the same time. . Many lines of Winter Ooods are still unbroken. We bought too Iheavily and the Goods must go regardless of cost to make room for an immense Spring Stock. J. Hurwitz. f A sallow complexion, dizzinew,^ biliousness ana a coated tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at tne start, are much harder to cure. Thedford'i Black-Draught never fails to bene­fit diseased liver and weakened kid­ neys. It stirs up the torpid liver t o throw off the germs of lever and It is a certain preventive °f cholera and Bright's disease of the kidneva. With kidneys re­ inforced by Thedford's Black- Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel­ low fever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black- Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mulliru, S. C, March K>, HKK. I have used Thedford'j Black-Draught for three years and I have riot had to go to a doctor »lnce I have been taking it. It :i the best medicine for me that U on the market for liver and kidney troubles and dyspepsia and other complaints. Rev. A. 0. LEWIS. > BETTER RAILWAY 8ERVICE. PH>£ F, M. Ooe4mta BMUHWU Attention to MeHenrjr. (Continued from page one) - •THEDFORD^i BLACK-DRAUGHT! THE ORIGINAL [LIVER MEDICINE! at 5:55 and is alleged to arrive at 8:45 but is most always late. That is, it takes three hours to make the run, a most exasperating trip, yet we must take this train or drive over to the M. 6 St. P. Thus we are driven from the road we most naturally patronize owing to the indifferonce of this old pioneer which is not making the time formerly made by the pristine relay syBtem of stage coaches. But while here there are other things to observe: You will learn that for nine tenths of the time a freight car is oyer the only side walk leadiDg to the station, never allowing more than twenty inches for one to pass aud frequently so placed that it is im­ possible to gain the platform without walking-in mud. A few weeks ago onr local paper stat­ ed thai on a certain Sunday evening 400 people sought transportation in a train well filled before it reached this station. It left here with all the aisles and plat­ forms crowded. At another time my son counted fourteen 'bus loads taken from the station. The traffic here at times is immense, and yet, for these patrons--few or many-- there is but one single, dirty, nnventilated, pestilen­ tial waiting room only 16x20 feet in size and not an inch of sheltered platform; rain or shine, we must take it till the crowd get aboard. Further, while at other places along the line the automatic electric gong an­ nounces the approach of trains, we are obliged to depend upon an already over­ taxed station agent to sound the alarm when he sees a train coming. Again, other stations along the way are prettily laid out with gravel walks and shrubbery and flowering plants, while this, one of the oldest and one contributing most largely to the income of the road, is allowed to become most unsightly and not a cent is ever spent upon it for "personal appearance" sake. In conclusion, sir, we hope the poineer road is not in its senility. That we may expect it to keep abreast of the times, we ask for transportation in 60 or 70 minutes from this point to the City. A 7 oclock Sunday evening train direct via Wisconsin Division. That the present depot be moved north of the road for a freight honse. That a new and com­ modious depot be erected with ample platform protection. That the lumber piles near the depot be removed and the grounds be properly laid out with grav­ el walks, shrubbery and flowers, befit- ing a great and liberal enterpr'se. Finally, I wish to state that for nine years and for seven months of each year I have made eight trips a week to and from this station and I believe if the Road made an effort to give us good service others would do as I do--transact busi­ ness in the city and return home at night Very Respectfully, F. M. GOODMAN. Does Ibis Mean you' Are You Afflicted With Frequent Headaches? A KTtre heidtdie t$ • (ura warping that At ttomich it denngad--• rare uga tt indigestion, liver or kidney. disorder. Dr. Caldwell's (UtMlvt) Syrup Pepsin SMM undoubtedly restored more bad (torn* •du to • healthy condition rhan cn? other Specific knosrn; joc and $..oo bottli*. A»& Your Druggist £ - -"ff ijile and an ietar* I raveling Maa." PRESIDENT HUGHITT'S LETTER. Chicago, Nov. 26,1902. My Dear Sir: 1 am in receipt of yonr favor of the 24th instant. 1 regret that yon have bad occasion to make complaint against the service rendered by the Company to its patrons at McHenry. However, the General Manager will give careful consideration to each of the complaints naintd in your communication. ' Yours truly, M. HUGHITT, President Mr. F. M Goodman, West McHenry, IlL GENERAL MANAGER'S LETTER. Chicago, Dec. *1, 1902. Dear Sir: Permit me to acknowledge receipt of your favor of Nov. 24th addressed to President Hughitt, and to express to you our satisfaction for the dignified and mild tempered manner in which yon have set forth our snort comings, etc. • There is always something; in fact, a good many things in railway seryice that may be improved upon, and while we believe that we labor as earnestly and persistently as anyone else in ,he country, yet there is much undone that should be accomplished. McHenry is one of the points that has beeu on our list for some little time at which to to make an improvement in facilities. If the gi>cc! peoule in that vicinity will indulge us for a few mouth? longer I have no doubt but that we shall, in a measure, meet your expectations. Yours very truly, W. A. GARDNER. Mr. F. M. Goodman, West McHenry, 111. Better Than Oold. "1 was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervons debil­ ity," writes F J. Green, of Lancaster. N. H. "No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than all the medicines I ever u*ed. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a great tonic and invigorator for weak, run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family." Try ihem. Only 60c. Satisfaction guar­ anteed by Julia A. Story, druggist Auction. James Dohertf having rented hiB farm for cash rent, for a term of years, will sell at public auction without re­ serve, on his farm on the McHenry and Crystal Lake road, 8j miles southwest of McQenry and 4 miles northeaBt of Crystal Lake on Thursday, February 26 Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following personal property: 62 head live stock; 25 head choice cows, all with calves by their sides or early springers; Holstein bull, 2 years old; 4 heifers com­ ing 2 years old; 2 good work horses;extra good 6-year-old driver; 16 shoats; 5 brood sows; 8 fat hogs; nearly new corn harvester; new gang plow; 2 new sulky cultivators; 2 old sulky cultivators; single cultivator; 2 walking plows; shovel plow; sulky plow with breaking attachment; 2 drags; Tiger seeder, near­ ly new; Keystone pulverizer; Keystone corn planter; land rollerr McCormick mower; horse rake; 2 hay racks;Smalley feed cutter 24 foot carrier; J. I. Case 8 horse sweep power, jack and belt; corn shelter; 8 inch tire lumber wagon; 4$- inch tire tiuck wagon; milk wagon; new top buggy; fanuing mill; grind stone; 30 good milk cans; 40 grain sacks; 2 sets heavy harness; set driving harness; single harness; 800 bishels choice white Danz seed oats; 1000 bnshels ear corn in crib; 100 bushels choice potatoes; 50 tons tame hay in barn; 25 tons upland wild hay in barn; stack straw; and other ar tides too numerous to mention. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under cash, On sums over that amount a credit of ten months time will be given on good approved notes, bearing'interest at seven per cent, per annum. Two per cent, discount for cash on sums entitled to credit. No property to be removed until settled for. Good free lunch at noon. The large amount to be sold will require an early start, in order to get through before night. F K. GRANGER, Auot. T. P. WAL&H, Clerk. - ' • The Kafty Hill. DeWitt's Little Early Risers do not gripe nor weaken the system. They cure biliousness, jaundice, constipation aud inactive livers, by arouning the se­ cretions, moving the bowels geutly, yet effectually, and giving such tone and strength to the glands of the stom­ ach, liver and bowels that the cause of the trouble is removed entirely. These famous little pills exert a decided tonic effect upon the organs involved, and if their use is continued for a tew days there will be no return of t,he trouble. Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Bes- ley, West McHenry. , Auction SHI«. The undersigned, having sold his farm, situated 1J miles north of Volo, six miles east of McHenry and live miles west of Round Like, will Hell at Public Auction at that place on Saturday. February 21, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. sharp, the following described property: Seven steers, 11 heifers coining in soon, 2 cows, 8 young work horses, mare. 15 years old; gray colt, 2 years old; 40 shoats, 8 brood sows, 400 bushels corn, 40 tons tame hay, 8 tons wild hay, Mc­ Cormick corn harvester, McCormick mower, bay rake, truck wagon, narrow tire wagon, open buggy, 8 section h;ir- raw, six-siiovf)l pivot axle cultivator, 2 £ inch tire wagon, Solid Comfort gang plow, 2-sectiou harrow, corn planter, milk wagon, top buggy, 2 14-inch walk ing plows, hay rack, hog rack, spring- tooth cultivator auu many uluer articles. Terms of sale: All sums of $10 and under cash. On sums over that amount a oredit of one year will be givt n on good approved notes, bearing interest at six per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. Free lunch at noon. Walter White, Auction­ eer; Thomas Graham, clerk. ' T. G. STOCK. foe free The of be doesn't, &VROT COMPANY, M©nUcc5So^ UL- ^ f-'.v llNff**. . "' < i> 'Vt. s-'vr 'JO- -; :i; * M •' iig'M L ^ 3, Si to buy- t FUR (OAT (top. I l»ve several of tfte best I kid left did will ijive yeu the biggest Bargain you ever had in i FUR (OAT if you win give ME the chance. In taking our Inventory we have run across many odds and ends and Rem- \ nants which are placed out on the Bargain Counter at a snap, (ome and see what they are. S. S. CHAPELL ram Evj • . > « v f j j j i , • m - * "j • - r WSmu i v r II I Ar Yes, and so do all children and grown people enjoy a thorough bath occasionally, and the only way to get one is in a good bath tub. No family should be with­ out one if . they wish to keep their bodies. clean. The tnb is much more satisfactory than the bowl. I can furnish a tub aud set it up in your house at a very reasonable price. .Call and get fignies. CHRIS SCHMIDT. Attractive Auction Bills at this office I - - --"n* Half Bates to the Mardt OrM and Winter BeaorU, Via the North-Western line. On account of the Mardi Gras at New Orleans and Mobile, excursion tickets will be sold February 17 to 22, inclusive (and for trains arriving at Mobile or New Or­ leans by noon of" February 24), at one fare for the round trip with favorable return limits. Excursion tickets are also on sale daily, at reduced rates, to the principal winter resorts in the United State* and Mexico. For full in formation apply to ticket agents Chlea- One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute, because it kills the mi­ crobe which tickles the mucous mem­ brane, causing the cough, and at the same time cl- ars the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, and heals and soothes the affected parts. One Minute Congh Cure strengthens the lungs, wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleai«ant to take, harm­ less arid good alike for young and old. Julia A. Story, McHenry, G. W. Be*- ley, Wfet McHenry. AVfcgetable PreparaUonfor As­ similating llieFoodandfiegula- ting die Sloinachs andBoweis of LNFA-N'TS /(.HIL'DKLJV. Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. isoT JVAHC OTIC . ^OUlHrSMUELPtrOm* IKtntfJiui Stmt' Mx.Senna * gMe/USakr- jttue Wvrf * - BiCtubutuib " SfPlI - vLuxI X A perfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour S lo mac h, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness aud Loss OF SLEEP. YftC Simile Signature of NEW YORK. A l b i i K t n l lvs «»1 cl J ) D o s * s - i m s IEMCT COPY OF WRAPPER. For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CCNTAUft COWMIIH NEW VOHK OTTV. i .N

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