Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1903, p. 4

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wm: thlfc Ndory &. PUBLISHED KVFRY THURSDAY BY ;*-' -TK NcflHRY PUMDEUER COMPART. L, i*^ 9. K. GltAMiMU W, A I'RISTT. J. B. POU, P;V:"'>' Pres. Sec. Treas. CHAS D. BOBooNMiUK, Editor. iT '* Mtoe fft Buk BolMUag. Telephone, RO.«& TiMIt OP tUMOKIPTION: = Oaeywur tti utti. Sell. UM 1km wMatte. 40 eta. February a6. •90J. ^ ro* rouECTon. I hereby annonnoe nivfielf as a candi­ date far the offi*Y of township collector mad respectfully solicit yonr nqipott at at the coming spring ejection. 81-tf PKTKK XIRSEX. roi InOHWAl COMMUSSIOXKR. I hereby ann«MiiKv that I nn a candi­ date for re-eltvtjon n> the office of high­ way commissioner and ask the support of my friends at the coming township election. 88-tf JOTTX H.FRKUND. 1& Mothers can safely give Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar to their children for coughs and col Ms, for it contains no opiates or other poisons. Sold by N. E. Petesch. EAST FOX LAKE J. H. Olcott and family of Antioch visited friends here Snnday. Charles Richards and family of .Loon Lake visited his parents Sunday. Frank Parker and mother of Rnssel were Lake Villa visitors Sunday. E. F. Galiger and sister, Grace, vis­ ited Grayslake friends Saturday evening. Fred Hook and wife were Antioch visitors several days last week returning home Sunday evening. James McCloud, an old time resident of Lake county, now of Kansas, sur­ prised his sister and other relatives and also the old neighbors of the county by making them a yisit Many who knew her will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs, Henry Lurd- enfeld which occurred at the home of her son, August, near Lake Villa on February 22. The funeral was held yesterday at 10 a m. from the house. The Fox Lake Cemetery Association will have a social at the Lowery house, (in other words the East Side hotel) Fox Lake, on the evening of March 11. We announce it early so that all who arein- terested can make arrangements to at­ tend. A benefit daace will be held March 4 at the opera house at Antioch for Percy Dipbles, a yictim of the sawing machine losing a foot thereby in the early win­ ter. The arrangements are under joint management of the Court of Honor, Modern Woodmen and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Tickets 50 •cents. Supper 25 cents per plate. The social given by the school on Fri­ day evening was a decided success. The attendance was not as large as was ex­ pected on account of the weather, but the baskets were sold to the highest bid­ der and brought good prices, in addition to which the best looking and most po pular young lady present was voted on, votes being 5 cents each. The whole amount realized being $23.45. Miss Lottie Brown took the first prize which was two boxes of candy and Miss Mag­ gie Townsend of Ingleside took second prize, one box of candy. Do not wait until you or some of your family are sick nigh unto death, and then send for Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy, but buy it now and be prepared for an emer gency. It can always be depeuded up­ on even in the most severe and danger- ©us cases. For sale by all druggists RIDGEFIELlJ. P Faye wm at Naali Sitariay. •"/, H. Hanson was in Nanda Thursday. A. Horse was in Woodstock Thursday > F. L. Terwillager was in Chieago Monday. Miss Mildred Morse was in Nunda I Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shelt were in Nunda Saturday. N. J. Garrison was in Woodstock Thursday. r. Mrs. M Gibson visited friends at / iNonda Friday. F. Morse was in Chicago Wednesday Juid Thursday. D. Dafieid of Elgin visited his father 4iere Sunday. " Miss K O'Flaherty visited friends iiere Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and children were in Chicago Friday. Mrs. Morse and daughters were in Woodstock Friday. Mrs. Ward and daughter, Nora, were in Nonda Tuesday. Rev. Shelt is doing evangelistic work . at Elizabeth, Wis. Miss Mable and Roy Sldnner visited • relatives at Greenwood Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Merchant visited , their son at Woodstock Sunday. Miss Bessie Reed of Elgin visited her parents here Sunday and Monday. Misses Cora and Carrie Ward were in Woodstock Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Jenks of Elgin is caring for ber mother, Mrs. Wakefield, who is very ilL Mr. and Mrs. Jayne and daughter of Crystal Lake are visiting at W. EL Mun roe's. Junior Endeavor society was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Smith ' Tuesday evening. Mrs. Stephensen and daughter, Edna, and Mrs. French and daughter, Mil ,, dred, are visiting relatives at McHenry The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when bloqd poison results from the injury. All danger from this may be avoided, how- • ever, by promptly applying Chamber­ lain's Pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and unequalled as a quick healing lin iment for cuts, bruises and burns. For sale by all druggists. OMMIniite Cough Cure EMERALD PABK. Miss Margaret Ayiward spent Toes- day in Woodstock. Thoa F. Walsh of Chicago visited his parents here oyer Sunday. Thos. A. Frisby of Elgin spent Snn­ day with his mother here. Mrs. EL Alley of Chicago is visiting this week at J. B. Frisby 's. Miss Lola Ayiward of Elgin visited at her home here over Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Biggy of Chicago called on friends in this vicinity Tuesday after­ noon. Rev. Fr. Foley of McHenry called on friends in this vicinity Snnday after­ noon. Miss Nellie Cleary of Elgin was the am est of Miss Lucy Sutton Snnday and Monday. Mrs. Asa Hitchcox and children of Belvidere are spending this week with her parents here. Mrs F. J. Ward of McHenry and Mrs. Ed. Knox visited Miss Margaret Ayiward Satnrday. \ Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sntton returned Tuesday from a week's visit With rela­ tives in Chicago and Elgin. Vessrs. Ed. Behan John 'Hunter and Richard Fleming of Barreville were Sunday evening callers here.' Miss Alice Sutton and friend, Miss Florence Connell of Elgin visited Sun­ day and Monday at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Berkircher and H. Birkircher came out from Chicago the last of the week and expect to make their home here for the future. Miss Alice Sutton was pleasantly sur­ prised Sunday evening when aboat twenty of her young friends gathered at her home. A few hours were enjoyably passed in games and music, atter Which light refreshments were served. Court House Note* REAL. EST ATI^ TRANSFERS. Nicholas Rosing to Mary A Schneider, It 1 NiclinlitM Rowing's sub div in sec 17, McHenry t Frod Elirke & w to Henry C Leltner neM DKH. pt neH IIW^« ii of liighway and pt pc1* nosec 28. Nunda Stafford & Goldsmit h Co. to W Uonslett pt It tl Co elks plat see 2R. McHenry... Eaward Itondol & w to M I) and G H Hoy 75.acres SOON |» and Greenwood... Albert Morse and B R Morse & w to At>fal Hike. N2 a In sS see 24. IV>rr, & pt It 2 nw1* see Hi, Nunda 100138 Chas \V keuiruerer & \V to L H Knigge, so1* se"4 sec K. eH neH & netf seM sec H IT. Nunda, & pt It 4 school trustee dlv \seo lti Nunda •• . SOOO FSred I-uetdke & w to ChatT L Tecltle^ A Sonathan H Parks swX nwM & wSi wH SwH see 15 Nunda ®000 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Woodstock The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep- """ " " tive. Many sudden deaths are caused by it -- heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.' wooMMesooeooaooeoMftoooooooMot Nearly Forfeits His Life. . runaway almost ending fatally, started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111., For fonr years it defied all doctors and all reme­ dies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c. at Julia A. Story's, druggist. HOLCOMBVILLK. A. P. Peck has purchased a fine new team. Earl Peck has gone, to Dundee to work. Miss Hattie Welch spent Friday after­ noon at McHenry. John Deal and sister were seen in onr vicinity Saturday. Do not forget the sociable at the school house Friday evening. Mrs. James Powers spent Friday aft­ ernoon at F. Devall's. Miss May Welch spent Snnday with Miss Mabelle Doberty. A. P. Peck and son. Ben, attended to business at Cary recently. J. Miller of Cherry Valley passed through our streets Thursday. Mr. and Mis. Pfeffer were calling on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Pearlie Peck was absent from school last week on account of sickness. Miss Anna Weidner returned home from Marengo one day last week. John Zenk of Marengo has been vis­ iting relatives here the past week. Mrs. G. Whistou and daughter were Sunday visitors at T. L Flanders. Mrs. Colby and daughter. Edna, of Barreville, spent Sunday at T. L. Flan­ ders. Henry and Frank McMillan and J. R. Knox were pleasant callers in this vi­ cinity Sunday. Mrs. Weidner and daughter, Maggie, went to Elgin Friday for the latter to have her eyes treated. Mr. and Mrs. F. Devall and little daughter, Eva, and Mrs. G. Johnson were Nunda callers Monday. Miss May Welch of Griswold Lake spent Saturday and Sunday with her grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thoe. Pow­ ers. Pimplet, faded complexions, chapped skin, red, rough hands, eczema, tetter, bad blood, cured in a short time, with Rooky Mountain Tea, the great .com­ plexion restorer. . G. W. Besley. Now Pay Your Taxes. The collector's books for the town of McHenry will be opened on Monday, February 9. There is but a short time in which to pay your taxes so call early and avoid the rush during the last few days. I will be stationed at the follow­ ing places: Mondays, C. M. Adam's store, Johnsburgh; Tuesdays; J. E. Cristy's, Ring wood; Thursdays, J. J. Miller's, West McHenr,; Saturdays, S. S. Chapell's, McHenry. Books will be returned March 10. 31 tf. PETER NIESEN. Collector. O Baarath* Bigna&v* of • B T O n i A . yf The Kind You Have Always Bought Colds " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. 1 then tried Aver's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im­ mediate relief." W. C. Lavton, Sidell, 111. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob­ ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron­ chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec­ toral. Three alxe*: Uc.. Mc., St. All Coutnlt your doctor. If tie sayi take It, ttiun <lo u lie »avt. If he tella you not to inks It. then don't tafcee it. He know*. Leave It with him. We are willtnc J. C. AY KB CO.. Lowell. Chas E Huntzinger... Charlotte L Hurr " Ernest Secor Marengo Martha Secor John Bergfeld.,'. Como, Wis. Alma Cornell Whitewater, Wis- Richard Manzel Seneca Isabel Thompson. " Albert Green Hebron Jennie M Bash ford Greenwood John Kroplin. ..." Gilberts Minnie Steuike Carl Peterson Ringwood Maud Hall " Clyde B Morris Mendota Marry E O Brien . .Harvard Wm. Alphonsns O'Brien......... iAlden M McCathy £•1 wxr«l Peet t ..Ringwood Mande Slii .vson Harvard Pet»T Miller ...Woodstock Emuia^H«*»»del Wm .... ....Union Ella Winkleman .Seneca Herman IViitulovv. Algonquin Maria Ella KuMauk........ Harry Bn -kley Woodstock Mae Erwin Lan»f\vorthy Walworth Elmer N Dodd Algonquin Emma Lobec-k Edward C. LeRuy Anderson 24.Chicago Matilda D M Meyers 20 McHenry Geo J Sntton 23 Solon Milts Dora I Reed 17. Richmond David A Noble 88 Beloit Nellie Van Akstine 26 Albert Scbuldt 20 Algonquin Lydia M Leeseberg Frank O Johnson Hebron Beda V Nicholson Guy Geo Harrison 24 W McHenry Jessie L Richardson 22 Woodstock Angust Krintz 22 Alden Ida burow 16 " Walter S Esnbaugh 85 Marengo Mabel Clara Bedth 27. John Hanley 31 Woodstock Lora Mintzer Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the oth er fresh and rosy. Whence the differ­ ence? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to main­ tain it. By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel g >od digestion and ward off constipation. Try them. Only 25c. at Julia A. Story's, druggist WOODSTOCK. Phil S. Harrison of Ringwood was at­ tending to business matters in this city last Saturday. Huntzinger Bros, have taken posses­ sion of the Main street restaurant and are now ready for business. Earl E. Bower, cashier of the McHen­ ry County State bank, passed Sunday with his parents at Richmond. D. M. Reed of Flagg. in DeKalb Co., was in town last Friday. He recently purchased a large farm near Hebron. Miss Mabel Osgood returned to her home in Cary last Friday after a visit of several dayB with Miss Georgie Eckert. A. J. Cannon was called home from his travels last week on account of the serious illness of his wi e's mother, Mrs. J. C. Choate. Miss Ethel King has accepted a posi­ tion in the local telephone exchange, succeeding Miss Lottie Horr, now Mrs. C. E. Huntzinger. John H. Higgius of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday with his parents in this city. Mr. Higgins is employed in the shoe department of the Hub. The office of Mnrphy & Lines, the new real estate agents, is located in the Furer block, in the rear of-the office of Judge Gillmore and Attorney Joslyn. M. H. Williams, the new express agent, is taking hold of his work like the veteran that he is. He does not ex­ pect to move his family here for several weeks yet. Judge C. H. Donnelly was holding court at Geneya, Kane county, the lat­ ter part of last week, where a damage suit was in progress that was attracting attention all over the county. Henry Mentzer has purchased the William Pierson place on Dean street, and Mr. Pierson and family will soon start for California where they will make their home in the future. George Mountain, who has been rid ing horses at Newport the past season, where he has drawn good pay and won some great events, has been visiting with his sisters and fi iends in this city the past week. Chicago A North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.1."> a m a m. Effective Oct 12, 1902 wmn DAY TBAIMS. •OBTBBOUHD of kidney disease. If kidney trouble is al­ lowed to advance the kidney-poisoned blood will attack the vita! organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald­ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of'Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swarnp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sized bottles. You may f have a sample bottle of -- of apy of tiie following lines .vre oen »ve yon m<>nejr; ^ • this wonderful new dis­ covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer Si. Co. Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistuke. but remember the name. Swamp Root. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and the address, Blntfhamton, N. Y., ou every bottle. ' Want Column. Ads. in this column 25 cents per week f°r five lines or less; over Ave lines, 5c per line per week. Special rates by the month. XpOR SALE--A new seven-room house and two lots, woodshed and chicken coop, young orchard of all different kinds of fruit and shrubbery. Will be sold very cheap. Call at l'laindealer. March 1. ANTED--Faithful person to travel for *' well established house In a tew counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. Lo­ cal territory. Salary 31024 a year and expen­ ses, payable 519.70 a week in cash and expen ses advanced. Position permanent. Busi­ ness successful and rushing. Standard House, 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. *23- 16t l^ARM FOR SALE--Consisting of 214 acres, 2H miles from McHenry, with or without livestock and farm tools. Inquire of F. K. Granger, West McHenry. III. ANTED--Men to learn barber trade. ** Tools, diplomas, positions, and board given. Years saved by our method of free work and expert instructions. Write today. Mohler Barber College, Chicago, Ills. * T OST--Ladies' pocket book, containing $100 in bills, between St. Patrick's churcn and Centerville. Finder please leave same at this office and receive liberal reward. 'TWO hundred acres best land in McHenry -1- ,'ounty for cash rent, part seeded to tim­ othy and good location. Many good farms for sale or rent. Inquire of or address Murphy & Lines, Woodstock. Illinois. 35 2t Consumption Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con­ sumption. " Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 /ears ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott's Emulsion is the mod­ ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some­ thing about the combination ot col liver oil and hypophos- phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action* on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. Be sure that tliis picture in the form cf a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BQWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c. and $1; all druggist*. "Mother's Witch Hazul Jelly" makes the skin soft and smooth. For ohapped hands and face, sore lips, tan and snn- burn it has no equal. It is principally used for the complexion, and when used regularly, will produce the whitest, clearest skin, free from pimple, spot or blemish. Large tube, 25 cento. For sale by N. H. Petesch. HARPER WHISKY „ .Via Elgin... Via I)es Plalnes. .'"Arrire McHenry. .. <®.48 a m - --™ . ... „9:4x a rn Via I)es IMaines Mpm 5 01pm Viu l)es IMalnes «.47 p ni SON DAY TRAINS. H 4^n» ii; Via Elgin 11.14 am u.lda m Via I)es I'lainus 11 14 a m 2.«3pni ...Via Elgin 4.53 pm WBSK BAT TRAINS. M'HKV «OTTB»OT»D. Ohfcw 3.00 p m Via Elgin 5.45 p n, , SUNDAY TRAINS. 7 :i'.5ani Via Elgin .10.30 am 5:55 p m Via Elgin K:4T> p tri Passengers taking 7:32 train from nations uortfc of Crystal Lake can change at Lak* aad axrlv* In Chicago aW Ji a. a. Physician»~ prescribe i t ior their most delicate patients. OLD and PURE. For sale by ' All Leading Dealers . -s DRV >«M)Dis, <iR0€E!RI^S, , BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS ALL WINTER GOODS at Reduced Prices. I SucoMior to S. Stoifel, West McHenry. I 1 auwue»i |) W«*t M F. A. BOHLANDER You Are Invited ^ . . • To call at Kvanson's Store every day the coming week. The Great feale , begins Monday, x. March 2- Its a 6 day sale re­ member, arranged for two rea­ sons: Raise cash quickly and easy Merchandise getting for the community. It will pay yoti; it may be profitable for the Store also. W. C. Evanson. »T« >TI »T» »T» A ITI *T« «T> «T* «TI »TT »T» A A |T> «T| «T> »T» IXFCILLIALILM |T>JT| It is Essential that a Furniture Dealer should have what his customers want and also that he should place the prices within the reach of all. That has been our motto always and it has proven to be right. This Store is always tilled with staple articles in House Furnishings and is never lacking in a few extra fine pieces. Our prices must be about right or we would not have done such a big business last year. It will be the same in 1903, Plenty of Goods to select from at right prices. In Undertaking and Embalming my work has always proven satisfactory. Years of practical experience and study in this branch of the business has enabled me to go about the .work intelligently. Satisfaction is guar­ anteed in all cases. McHenry. 111. J&cob Justen. I ! Hay and Grain Having recently purchased the Elevator and Vinegar Factory formerly owned by W. A. Cristy I am now prepared to sell all kinds of F EE D in large or small quantities AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES will buy your C O R N A N D O A T S for cash, or will take same in exchange for other feed. I now have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Corn, Oats, Oil Meal and Salt I have coming a large and complete stock of Farm machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Etc. call and examine my stock and get prices before b u y i n g e'l s e w h e r e Wm. Professional, Spciety V and Business* Cards DAVID Ci. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OOULIHT. Office and residence corner Etna Mia GtrwHi Mreete, McHeury. t . ' ijCtl'W O. H. FEGEB8, M. D. DHTSIOIAN AND SURGEON. VICHobm, - *- 111. Office at Residence, corner Court MM Elm Htreet-s. Telephone 333. KNIGHT ft BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. IMWwhlngtii *V street, OhlCago, lit. :r D. T. SMILET*/;" fT " >- A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and N6» tary Public. Will give prompt and in- mediate attention to all business intrusted to his care. Office In Hoy's Block, Woodstock, II Tn row Dunn OH THE WHST Snjft. DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN Office over Beslev's Drug ' H o u r s f r o m • ' 8:#*<m.*o6:ao p. iji CONWAY & RAINBY RIKGWOOD, ILL. Fitting^ Wind Mills, Steel and Wood Tanks, Farm Machinery. . WELL WORK A 8PECIALTY. ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. p. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON (Deutacher Arzt.) Spring Grove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers Ueneral Teaming off all kinds. Excavating and Qrsding. IcHENRY - - - - - 11XIN0I5. Telephone, Market 451. LAflBERT Q. SENG BUFFET 11eadquarters (or McHenry and McHqnrjr county visitors. John SctaarrM, Fifth Ave.. Chicago. Bar TMMUT. REAL ESTATE Farms, Lots, etc., bought and sold* Insurance, both Fire and Life. Agent for .AStna Life Insurance Co. C. R. THURLWELL, Ovor Chapell's Stor*. McHenry. IlL H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent, for Continental Casualty Co. Iotrare with home agents, smooth-tongne strangers sometimes lead people astray. WBST MoHKNRY,. - - Iu. C. R. THURLWELL ^ Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor, Col­ lections, Real Estate. Etc. Office over Chapell's store. McHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. F. C. ROSS, D. D. S. McHenry Illinois Over Petesch'8 Drag Store, next to Bank. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. . West McHenry, Illinois. . SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the seconfl and fourth Mondays in each montli. 8. 8. CHAPELL. W. M. 0. R. THURLWSL.L. Secy. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. C. O. F.,meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB. Chief Ranger. MRS. KAIF»TN ADAMS. Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evening^ of each month, at Stof- fel's Hall, T. P. WALSH. Consul, ft . O, MEAD. Clerk. C. O. F. each Meet' First and Third Sundays of month In Forester Hall. ANTON ENGELN, Chief Ranger. JOHN NKISS. Recording Secretary. Lonis OKRTKI., Financial Secretary. JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees' John Heitner, Anton Engeln. Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746. C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, 0. R. Walter Bolger. R. 8. flEATS ! Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus payi ng the low­ est prices, and will sell on the safiae basis. A. C. flATTHEWS, Wast McHenry «SniA* . t f ; .v^.. ' "'Ml!?.-

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