Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1903, p. 7

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tu" p-'"-* ftf?* •* * Leaves in the Halft It la eminently correct to wear leaves in one's haft, and apparently many women are forsaking their tiaras and crowns for simple green leaves. At the debutante dance of December these small chaplets were extremely popular and Mrs. John Jacob Astor has been seen with her brown hair clasped by white leaves, tipped with brilliants. The jewelers who followed closely the approval of the fashionable women are manufacturing silver and enameled leaves, but the simpler silk bits of trimming are in better taste. Flowers are not worn in the hair this winter, although the holiday season brought forth the use of holly, and, with some women, sprigs of mistletoe. Begonias are enjoying popularity this year and some headdresses are made gay with these waxy flowers. Pink, however, is not used this year and begonias suffer in consequence.--New York Prtss. DYNAMITE EXPLODES CUPID PREFERS A LAMP. Oysters in a churcn-fair stew are al­ most as numerous as angel's visits. • V*.? v y#'!,;?*• S- cmixm btsP.: y.wm- l m ie oo«ES ilOlCPNTS® ^MERSOI^S isomer QUICKLY CORED BY SOW £V£RYlVf/£PE. KKAI. KSTATB. WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR M I L L I O N S . Upward* of 100.000 American! bivfl Id Western ('aoidft during tbe past 5 year*. Tbey are CONTKNTK1), lIAPrt, AND PKOSI EKOCS. IDd there I* room aUII tor MILLIONS. Wonderful yield* of wheat and other grain*. Th» Mat grazing land* on tbe continent. Magnificent Climate; plenty of water and fuel; (food acbool*. ex •Silent rhurcliea; splendid railway facilities. HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE, tke only charge for which le »10 for entry. Send to ltie Mlowlngfor an Atlas and other literature. as welI at certificate giving you reduced railway rates, etc.: Superintendent of immigration, Ottawa, Canada, •r to C. J. Itroughton. 480 Oiilncy Building, Chicago, J. C. Duncan, Koom 6. I)lg rour Bldg., Indlanapo lad.,or T. (). Currle,Callahan Bldg . Milwaukee,W ifc» a Wanted--Owner* only; name and address; full desert jr "l«»;town property,farms;auytblni forsale:bave large caab buyers anxious tn Invest. Mall description. & r*s Dslanmter, bOJ ISO Washington St. .Chicago SOUTH OAJCOTA JLAMUS -We offer Improved and •nnnproyed farm* lu the corn belt of South Oakota. Afldre** Wessington Land & Cattle Co., S. Dakota. FAQ Ml C A few good farm* In thlscounty wbera wlnterwljeatl»yleldlng:Wbu. peracre, JOrn SO bushels, and alfalfa 10 tout. Titles perfect. Price a $10 to $15 per acre. Choice grazing land, $6. •• "• RDBLBE, Banker, Broken iBow, Mebraaka. fill 1 • nRMIA ' 'range ar.d l.emon C.rove* foe ante. * ' u "•* 1.1 eml terme ananged. Saaill rash (liiynienl. Av |; y urxrlf of the low liooieso<'k«r-a rale* mi'.v In force and . o ne > Ircct to Out rlo. rnll- f >mli« where you will Unit theoran e and lemon irr.iw* toprrfn-tlou. Why v Because this I* an Ideal rllniate; lH*c..-iiii«t* «e have an alxmdance of water and a Hoe • Irrl^ailng *y»ti>ni. Pencil orchards for Bale lu large or ! "I""!' tract* K> S-Kt. A I.IXI)LKV. Ajmfa. j FOK NAI.H-Hy old m/n who w:i»t io leilie-- several stock ranches that will pay 1U». net; evcellent | climate; cattle Uud own livelihood tbroughout year Improvement* up-to-date. One for -'4 > kki will' sup­ port H.tWcattle Liberal term*; send for prospectus Charles W. < oe. P. 0. kei 1X8, 8an Jose. Cal. Do you want one? I have over l.flut for sale; iilw tract* of farming, timber »nd grnilng laud In southwest Louisiana and Texan, land of health, happiness, prosperity and nmshlne. No matter what you want or on what terin«. I can accommodate you. Send for list. E V. ABB1 IT the farm ftuin. Suit# 26. Whitney Bldr., Detroit.Mich! Special Laud 4 Emlgr.tut Agt.. So. Pacinc IS. K. Co FARMS CENTRAL SOUTH D KOTA InventmcntH for the money In farm lands and boiues In the lUilteil Staten 1'rnlrle lands sellln .- from »7 to • IS an acre; Improved farms from tfjn to «J>i per acre. This Is tbe greatest etock count i) In the world; plenty of grass and corn; e;n<y payment* to suit purcbas- ers. Call or ad Iress JOHM H.KtNO, Hunn S D FOK SALE- 3 to acres land at Wa Ion. Mich. #> a. suitable for cranberry growing, 10 a. now full bearing; good bldgo;4(>a. good land cle«red;li*ia fine young tlm- ber; K. K. through land: *t«. H ml. distant. Price low terms easy. L. w. Hubbell, Owner, Springfield, Mo.' FOK SALE--Excellent Farm and Timber Tract*, all sties, cash or easy terms, rallioad. free schools rural delivery, equable climate, good markets. One water. In prosperous sunny Southland, liases abund­ antly every crop, fruit and fowl known to temper­ ate lone. staple, fruit, tomato truck farming, stock and poulr Northern iHiy AND ]NJURES' A BOY |l Machine Is Sent Through the Mails to the Sister of the Lad. Norfolk, Vsl, dispatch; A package containing a stick of dynamite explod­ ed in the hands of Harry Hicks, fear­ fully burning the boy and damaging the room in which the explosion took place. Young Hicks resides with his sister, Mrs. E. M. Parlett. He re­ ceived a package addressed to his Bis­ ter, which was delivered by the post­ man, and went into the house to de* liver it. Mrs. Parlett requested her brother to open the package for her, thinking it was a valentine. When the cover of the package was removed a terrific explosion followed, throwing down everyone in the room. Only young Hicks was found to be seriously injured. He was badly ^turned and will probably lose his eye- sight The package contained a small stick of dynamite with matches and loose powder so arranged that when at at­ tempt was made to take the cover off the box it would cause the loose pow­ der to ignite. Buckshot were also placed in the package and these were hurled all over the room by the explo­ sion. WAGE BOARD FOR THE MINERS Scale Committee Is Appointed to Fix Remuneration for Year. Springfield special:" At the ses­ sion of the United Mlneworkers of America, district of Illinois, the scale committee, consisting of threte Mem­ bers from the First district and tvo members from each other district in the state, was appointed to fix the wage scale for the year commencing April 1, 1903, and submit the same to the operators at a joint conference between the dperators and the miners to be held after the miners' conven­ tion. PRCNCUNCED DEAD, YET LIVES Miss Rose Peterson, Secretary Park- dale Tennis Quh, Chicago, from experi­ ence advises all young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex, to rely on Lydia E» Pinliham's Vegetable Compound. How many beautiful young girls develop into worn, listless and hopeless women, simply because sufficient attention has not been paid to their physical development. .No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain, and young girls lust budding into womanhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally. you know of-any young- lady who Is sick, ami needs motherly advice, ask her to write to Mrs. Pinkiiam at JLvtin, Mass., who will give her advice free, front a source of knowledge which is un- equaled in the country. I>o not hesitate about statins: details which one may not like to talk about, and which are essential *or a full understanding of the case. Jliss Hannah E. Hershon, Col lings- wood, N. J., says: "I thought I would write and tell you that, by following your kind advice, I feel like a new person. I was always tliin and delicate, and so weak that I could hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. "I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Com­ pound and began to feel better right away. I con­ tinued its use, and am now well and strong, and menstruate regularly. I cannot ray enough for what your medicine did for me." How firs. Pinkham Helped Fannie Kumpe. "Dkar Mrs. Pinkiiam :-- I feel it is iny duty to write and tell you of the InMietit. I have derived f:om your advice and the use of Lydia E. Pinkliain's Vegetable Compound. The i>ains in my back and womb have all left me, and n.y menstrual trouble is corrected. I am very thankful for the good advice you gave me, and I shall recommend your medicine'to all who suffer from female weakness " -- Miss Fannie Kitmpe, 1922 Chester St., Little lioek. Ark. (Dec. 16, liK)0.) Lydia £. Pinkliaiii's Vegetable Compound will «#ure any woman in stlie land who suffers from womb trouble*, inflamma­ tion of the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, ncrvoui prostration,.and all forma of woiaau'« social il.s. Remarkable Case of Resurrection Is Reported From Cordova, III. Ri-ck Island, 111., special: John Mar­ shall, a well-known farmer living near Cordova, 111., wps taken sick and on Monday afternoon was declared det-.d by his doctor. The undertaker was sent for at 2 p. m. and all arrange­ ments for the funeral were quickly made. At 5 p. m., while the pnembcrs of the family were gathered in a front room weeping bitterly, tie supposed dead man arose. He is now able to walk about and is in his usual health. Sod of Love Has Little U«o tor Gas or Electric Light. "Electric lights and gas are no good for courting purposes," said a Wash­ ington young man who is more than attentive to the object of his affee* Hons, a sweet girl of tha west end. "But do not the parents of your fiancee Insist on there being light in tne room?" asked a friend. "Oh, yes; we use kerosene. There is nothing like It. Give me the good old coal oil for courting. My girl is of an inventive (urn oi bind. Yoi can't beat her." "What do you mean?" "The piano lamp provides the par­ lor with light." replied the young man, accordingly to the Washington Star. "It has a large red shade, which softens the light when it is burning. But, do you know, my girl has that light completely under control? She sees to the filling of the lamp and she has it down so fine that she knows just how much oil is needed to burn to a certain hour, the time that the old folks usually go to bed. Wheu the flame begins to get dim you may bet every dollar you have that it is 9:30. That lamp, controlled by so charming a girl as mine, is a bonanza." Just in Time. Broadland, So. Dak., Feb. 23d.~Bea die county has never been so worked up as during the last few weeks. Every one is talking of the wonderful case of O. W. Gray of Broadland, the particulars of which are best told in the following statement which Mr. Gray has just published: "I was dying. I had given up all hope. I was prostrate and as helpless as a little babe. I had been ailing with Kidney Trouble for many years, and it Anally turned to Bright's Dis­ ease. All medicine had failed and I was in despair. "I ordered one box of Dodd's Kidney Pills and this first box helped me out of bed. I continued the treatment till now I am a strong' well man. 1 praise God for the day when I decided to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Everybody expected that Mr. Gray would die and his remarkable recovery is regarded as li t t le short of a miracle by all who know how very low he was. lX>dd's Kidney Pills are certainly a wonderful remedy. COLD BATH IS CAUSE OF DEATH Shock Supposed to Have Killed Miss Carrie Davenport. Belolt, Wis., dispatch: Miss Carrie Davenport, aged 45 years, was found dead in a bathtub. When she failed to come to breakfast her landlady went to find her and discovered her dead in the tub, which contained coif1 water. She had been In the habit of taking a cold bath each morning and it is thought that the shock of get­ ting into the cold water caused heart failure. ENGLAND TO HAVE NEW FLEET Adm'ralty Announces Reorganization to Become Operative in May. London cable: The admiralty aa- nour ces a reorganization of the home fleet, to become operative In May. The reorganization creates practically a new seagoing force for the British navy. Hitherto the only sea-going force In British and neighboring seas has been the channel squadron, which, however, i? seldom in home waters, it cruising as far as Gibraltar, Some Sort of Change Needed- Something is wroug with our su­ perior civilization. A woman died lately in a New York hospital from starvation. When sne collapsed she was standing in a line of prisoners in a police court waiting to be tried for the heinous offense of asking help in the streets for her extremity of need. Professional begging is rightly classed by the law as an offense against so­ ciety deserving of punishment, but there is some hauling over of the law required when real and abject poverty is dealt with as a crime.--Baltimore American. A KOTA m ORnAud C-va&A m H % i % to'MfrW Peruna is recommended by fifty members of Congress, by Governors, Consuls, Generals, Majors, Captains, Admirals, Eminent, Physicians, Clergymen, many Hospitals and public institu­ tions, and thousands upon thousands of those in the humbler walks of life. Home Seekers* Information Office. Bvorj Mttk th« .-rut 04* igradea--mmm loot tag for hi fee vioUra are auottrr aud the rub tarin lauda are viltia reacfc of their MOMS, couits • urnII5 through banaaa i iij. Ituprored farm* at from |U) « |Wm arr« la Missouri, ksntas and Oklahoma oempare (Wrurably with faraa la Ittwa. Ultooit, indinaa aod Obio at double tbe price. Those land* are a# loageri n thu far They are la the wnire ofthe Nation TL. ir products nth. Kut and ft eat ou trunk lis » lea* f«rm«r> W.ueH hones iu * t farailie* fr»« t f<i 4* ioformefto. 4 aa! W* naa b, *p y©«! *« uo fee whatever, it tbe *»d* ft cur correapetid^nc* should hapoea '• Vei " jvu »aj, ' ju*t auoil»»r ical imu afrut'r irick " Uut la kau«*t aud < •otters V<m * • jet ou* pot le'.ooata^ou . .. Usten! tloit men ire huuti «( bwwes bate traveled t ut little, ft ben tbe? pt out *tar>af tUe r> »l tilatp acrais the? really «bli that were hetwr poeul. Lech a^-eot la enly Interfiled in bit «ru territory, li be falls to Mil, ike hutae eeeker l| "bo food" for him. hew, ve bare eorreipesd'nj •genriea is 27 eouotiea in Mi*«eurt. all ortr R aa*a* aa>t Oklahoma, and a fee la tbe lo'llao Territory. It ta to our iotrrMt to find Just «)>ai will suit you fc»d rear pocket S*ok In the of «<-<nr own borne your**) land family 4M 4a Hie i u*t aHont tbe kint of a rttce wax t i f 11 eae t* found This li wHere »ou n> ed u«' ft rite sn«t freel? to ua reeerdinc your waaU: Tear nrefbreooe U toealltv. lirre a fana you want el«u< bow MMh r rtbin; that « HE IS FOND OF AGED WIDOWS Man of 26 Has Married Three Whow Ages Total 200 Yeare. T«iccma, Wash., dispatch: George Littlewood. aged 26, has a record for marrying three widows almost twice his age. the last with twelve children. The first wife was 80, the second u widow of 60 and the third wife is 60. He has a stepson older tnan himself. Littlewood explains that he has a weakness for aged widows that he can­ not resist. EXPLOSION KILL8 FOUR MEN Br- will thro from the thousand* of farm* Hated I «iU aUo jutt four nam* on our taaiiln| ltet sad mail you our lUioe beel VallaUa from Una to tins. A4Atm» Lmm4 Rp. D. HHII.DOR k CO^ CIH) i mmmrrr* Halldlig, Kimm €U|, Hens Help a Church. A novel plan to raise money for church purposes has been successfully exploited in Lycoming county, Pa. At the suggestion of the pastor, the Rev. ,A. E. Cooper, the members of the La­ dies' Aid society of Christ Lutheran church entered into a scheme to sell separately all eggs laid by their hens on Sundays and set aside the money thus derived for the use of th8 church. k Atavy Magazine Blowa Up at Fort La­ fayette, in New York Harbor. .New York special: The navy mag­ azine at Fort Lafayette exploded, kiTing four workmen. Fort Lafayette is one of the old fortifications, and is situated at the entrance to the Nar­ rows, on Long Island. It is reported that little damage to property result­ ed from the accident. The cause of tbe explosion Is not known. feowe TblaT Wf offf r One Hundred Dollars reward for any ease or Catarrh that caanoi l»e cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F .1. CHKNKV & CO. Props.. Toledo. O. We, the uiulorsiifiirvl, hiive known P. J. Cheney for the last Ift yoar.s and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions nntl fitnitu'iiillv able to curry out any obliga­ tions made by their firm. West & Tru.iJc, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.; Waldiiifr. Kinnan Sl Marvlu, Wholeaale Druggists Toledo, Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act- Iiik directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces •f the sv-stem. Testiinouials sent fre» Prioe |>er bottle. Sold by all druggists. Ball'tt family i'ills are the bei>k The Hen and Her Wealth. It is said that the profitable hen eats sixteen times her weight io a year. Her eggs are worth six times her own weight and worth six times the cost of her food. Feed plenty of wheat, oats, grits, clover and bone and less corn. WILL QUARANTINE CHICKENPOr Iowa State Board of Health Clasalfies It as a Contagious Diseaae. Des Molnea, Iowa, dispatch: The state board of health has issued a sweeping order classifying chicken pox as a contagious disease, and imposing the regular smallpox quarantine on sufferers. Tfce practice of many phy­ sicians diagrosing mild cases of sn^all- pox as chickenpox is responsible for the order. Prisoner Commits Suicide. Akron, O., dispatch: John Barber, on trial for tae murder of his wife, committed suicide. Barber has just been taken from tbe court room by Sheriff Barker. He found a revolver in the sheriff's de?k and shot himvlf through the heart Aik Your Dealer For Allen's Foot-Em*. A powder. It rests tbe feet. Curee Corns, Bunions, Swollen.Sore,Hot,Callous,Aching, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot -Ease^nakes new or tight thoes easy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 'J5 cents. Ac- ee|>t no subxtitute Sample mailed Fbsk Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Senator Jones Not Native Born. Senator John P. Jones of Nevada, about to close thirty years of service in the United State Senate, is one of five members of the upper bouse not a native of this country. aiX CP Tf t DATK HOV8EKEEPRM use Defiance Cold Water Starch, because It la better and 4 or. more of It for same money. A fine person or a beauteous (ace are in vain without the grace of de­ portment--Churchill. Tonsiline Cures Sore TbroaL Good turns bring good returns. The Woman With 'Beautiful Complexion la tbe woman whone cheeks portray th* glow of health. The sedentary life of moxt woraeu makes it abso-° lutely necensary for thein to Milit nature lu keeping the function* of digestion in a healthy condition. That's why Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is so popular with the women of America. It Is a gentle corrective laxative, stimulating tbe liver and kidneys to healthy action--hence no headai-hes. no ronstipation. no ner­ vousness : instead--the glow of health. ALL DRUGGISTS SOc an4 tt.OO Botttm* Sent Free: Sample bottle and an interesting book. "The Story of a Traveling Man." Pepsin Syrup Company Moaticellot Illinois M18VBLLAN BO PS. 6TAMPS--100, rajrlon-iigypi-etc., ouly 4o. io*) mixed •tarap*. I?«. 40 varlette* U. 8. 10c. We buy Btamp*. Buying lift, fro. Colu list, lOo. A (rents wanted--50% t'ominlaftlOQ. Price libit tree. TOLEDO STAMP 00., Toledo, Obi«. UUANTED--t apable traveling salesman for thia atute to All vai'Hiit'V. reriuanent to rlKlit party Bond required. AdUrees BjX 608, 81. LOUIS JB0 MILLIONS MADE FROM A DESERT 8N NEVADA. Twenty Million Dol.ars lu Ore £itruct«il la Slfhtoeti Moat lis. The Greatest Mining Camp for It's Age In the World. Tonopul), Nev., Isoueur (lieIIrlie^l tulnliiK dlstrlcu In the eatlre west, aud alibouKh It Is but eighteen months old It has produced more wealth than Cripple Creek and die Comstoclc did dur lnx tbe first six years of their evlBieoce, aud U dentlned to rival the wouder- ful Kl mdlke, Alaska. 11 has niude no leas tluu itilrty men liidependeaily rlrh. |g conceded (o l>e the greatest poor uihd s camp In ibe world. The Colelian Mining Co.. owns Ave of tbe richest claims In this district and with deve:opineot will be­ come of the greatest prolucers In tbe west. To obtain capital they are offering fifty thousand share* of their treasury st >clt at Hoc per sbare, and on March 1st will advance their stock to fiUc. and la- vestors are sure of rich returns for their capital. For further Information or st i c k . aJdreaa I. J. OONDON A OO Fiscal Agents & Stock Brokers, TONOPAH, NEV. Bsfersnee. Stats Bank * Trust Co.. Tonopah, Jlee. CA NtKIt, HC KOFI'LA, ECZEMA. Any perse* afflicted with Cancer. Bcrofula or Eczema will hear Of something greatly to their advantage by addressing ~"rs. 8. Skillings, 650 So. Second St.. Camden, N. 7. All Out of Onei Barrel Bread that is lightest, rolls that are daintiest, rusk and cake the choicest, pies that would! please a dyspeptic, and pastry that melts in your mouth--they all come out of the same barrel of Gold Medal Flour. The best of everything-- because the best flour ia the world without J exception and without dQubt, is Washburn-Crosby's GOLD MEDAL Flour It'a the strongest flour made. It makes more bread, -and better, than any other flour, and it's uniform. Every pound of the 6,000,000 barrels every year is guaranteed. RPODQV NEW DISCOVERY: give* em ff I quick relief and cures worts f t*ea. Book of teoilmonlale anil 10DAYB' treatment Dr. H.H. ORSJSH 8 BOMB. Box K7auSu. £ WASHBURN-CROSBY CO., TIP •tampons, Ktak JJT H.i i r For Mayor of SpringfloW. Sp:ingfield, 111., special: After one of tl;e most bitterly contested Repub­ lican primaries ever held in this city former Representative William J. But­ ler was nominated for mayor over John JU Phillips by 'a plurality o| g vote*. With tha jold lurety, Bheriff Breger of Minneapolis has reached New Hampshire and will at oultr,. l'rkes ramm to to»15j»er^e. Many °De® beg,D extrfdition proceedings tO «rn famlll«a bere. Tbta ad. appear* once. Writ* I SOCUre removal of former Mayor A. . 01,ds Oriaaaas, M... B^sTaUa, I ^ Q Mfnn(,agota for ^ St. Jacobs Oil to cur* Lumbago and Sciatica *• no inch word mm fall. Prlca, 35c 50«* 50,000 Acres | Ouly^ool " I sucoess lu! JOICE AI.FAI.FA LANI>. A never fslltn* crop od Platte iilver bottom, Nebraska. <10 to *30 prr acre; also several thousand acres selected gru- Iqk land, well watered. S3 to <4 per acre, od 3 to 10 years'time. Prices will be advanced March 1st. For reduced rates write to ASMUS BOTSEN, 172 WASHINGTON. CHICAGO. ILL CALIFORNIA LAND--Smi'Vo* "Watsoovillc. Santa Crui Co., Cal. Krult, Herry, Gralu. eic Come to California, landof simshine, laud of promise. Come now. The slate Is Ailing up rapidly. Its people are genUl sad brond->ru*f•.•. We sold over 3,000 carloads of apples at splendid profit during last two year?. Sales uiade lu London ajul Australia wltti food -TO01 Corr«seuod frealv Claw Hand Fodder Fork laveutod tfcit bindloa booad or lovite fo44e* successfully. Write aud secure eiclcslvti agfMy. Uuudlruiau A ^ons, l)rs Molim. Iowa. COO^ WKBK Btr*t(bt nlary «•» psbiss to bii-u withrtculaure4*w >«#t»j: y«M*i ires* wttk itMA Boi 11 "JSKIS.""! Thompson's Eys Wakir W. N. U. CHICAGO. NO. 190J. | PSBISS (O Dll-U I our foaltrj lUitar« lu country; tract: *Mkly ray A«U1 ' " " . Co. Moawch a((. When Answering AdvertisemenlHi Kindly Mention Thi* Paper. . '••••*' ' ' v <' .^'v' ' •">, "ftp- ' : • .%{ ' >" V -• Sfc > v ( \ zm - .M:

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