Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1903, p. 4

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Tie Mdlenry PlaieMr PUBLI8HED EVERY THURSDAY BY tiff MclfFMY PLAIHDfAU® COMPANY. P. K. GRANGMB, W. A. CRIBTT, J. B. PEBBT, Pros. Sec. Treas. OKAS. D. Soiioomxn, Editor. Bank Building. Telephone, No. JR*. TBRM* OP SUBSCRIPTION: &One yew ' 8tz months, Weta. Three months. Mcts. Thursday, March 5, 1903. BB^LICAN CAUCUS. THE Republicans of the town of Mo- Henry are requested to meet at the vil­ lage hall in the village of McHenry on 'Saturday, March 21, 1908, at twoo'clock p. m. for the purpose of placing in nom­ ination candidates for the offices of town clerk, assessor, colloctor, highway com­ missioner and supervisor and to transact such other business as may properly come before them. REPUBLICAN TOWN COMMITTEE. 1 #OR COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as ». candi­ date for the office of township collector and respectfully solicit your support at at the coming spring election. 31-tf PETER NIESEN. ' Wkalat Is tke TkaaiM. In former times the Appearance «( « whale in the river Thames was consid­ ered ominous. One was caught off Greenwich three months prior to the death of Oliver Cromwell, and the com­ mon opinion was expressed by Heath In his "Flagellum." "It pleased God," he remarks, "to usher in his end with a great whale three months before, June 2, that came up as far as Green­ wich and there was killed." Evelyn, IN his "Diary," under the date of June 3, 165S, mentions that a whale was killed off Greenwich and that it drew an "infinite concourse to see it by wa ter, horse, coach and on foot from Lon­ don and all parts." According to Rob­ ert Hubert, in his "Catalogue of Nat- oral Rarities," the tongue of this whale was exhibited daily for some time at the "Miter, near the west end of St Paul's church." In February, 1857, another whale was caught in the Thames, and in the Times of that month appeared an ad­ vertisement for a piece of ground, some 40 feet by 00 feet, "on which to exhibit a whale." The piece of ground adver­ tised for was found in the Mile End road, and the whale was exhibited un­ til March 1-i. In the same month-- namely, on March 21 -- expired the house of commons, which had been elected in 1852. : MM HIGHWAY COMMISSIONKR. I hereby announce that I »M a candi­ date for re-election to the office of high­ way commissioner and ask the support of my friends at the ooming township election. 88-tf JOHN H. FREUND. "-D FOR TOWN CLERK. Being well acquainted with the duties connected with the office of town clerk after several years experience, and being confident that I am well fitted for the position, I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for re-nooination, and respectful­ ly solicit the support of my friends at the town caucus. CHAR. R HARMSEN. DURING the year 1902 the smokers of tiie United States consumed 6,900,000,- 000 cigars, including clear Havanas, cabbage and hickory leaves. FCSSS§§:< ISR#V PV»- THE friends and admirers of WM. R. Hearst, proprietor of the Chicago Amer­ ican, think that he is endowed with all the qualifications that should constitute tne make-up of the president of the United States, and it is likely that he will become a democratic candidate. There is no doubt about Mr. Hearst's executive ability in conducting news­ papers, but that does not make him a statesman by any means. He is called the working man's friend by loyal re 1 ti­ ers of the American. If snch is the case perhaps be can do the workingman more good through his paper than AX president He has recently been elected to congress from a district in New York. His ardent supporters should wait until he develops some of the latent states manship qualities in his make-up. The new boom is not taken seriously by the more conservative members of the dem­ ocratic party. m? - ir~~~ The best pill 'neath the stars and stripes; It cleanses the SYSTEM and never gripes. Little Risers of wordly R^PUT* -- Ask for DeWitt's and take no Bubsti tutes. • small, easy to bay, easy to take and easy to act but never failing resiilts. Dewitt'S Little Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, curing permanently. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. ' YFC* Baeketor. A western editor pays this tribute to a type which has not its fair share of song and story: "The bachelor repre­ sents the most congenial and big heart­ ed type of our commonwealth. His name, while held in public derision by a host of people, will always remain closely interwoven in the history of pioneer life. He it was who pushed out into the wild and woolly west at a time when the buffalo, Indians and coyote were lords of the prairies and by persistent efforts and under priva­ tion and want led a heroic life by converting vast areas of the barren wilderness into fertile lands of peace and plenty. Then, without aid of femi­ nine piety to keep vigil over his every­ day acts, this sturdy empire builder remained at his post blazing out the path of fame and introducing thrift and civilization in his wake. Like the cowboy he is slowly passing into his­ tory, but his fame is as farreaching as civilization, his name Indelibly stamped on the pages of history, while the hum­ ble dugout with its original environ­ ments will appear in scenic pictures above the footlights of future genera­ tions." FU With at On one of the times when Barry Sul­ livan, the GRGFET Irish tragedian, was playing HAMLET a certain clever low comedian named Hoskins was the gravedigger. After answering Sulli­ van's question, "How long will a man lie in the earth ere he rot?" Hoskins proceeded with the business of illus­ trating his reply. Taking up Yorick's skull he spoke the words of the text: "Now, here's a skull that hath lain tn the earth three and twenty years. WBO^ DO you think it was?" Nay, I know not" replied Sallivan as Hamlet. This skull, sir," said Hoskins, "was Diavolo Antonio's, whota Booth fought in this city!" The house roared with laughter, while Sullivan stamped and fumed, ex­ claiming; "Yorick's, sir! Yorick's!" No," said Hoskins coolly, when the tumult had subsided, and taking up another skull. "This is Yorick's skull, the king>s jester; but t'other's Anto­ nio's, just as I told you."--Kansas City Independent Bottom of • Sea F»HI*g «*t. Scientists tell us that counting from the sea level, the lowest body of water on the globe is the Caspian sea. For centuries its surface has been gradu­ ally settMbg down until now it is eigh­ ty-five FWT lower than that of its near neighbor, the Black sea, which also lies far below the level of the oceans. The common conclusion all along has been that the Caspian was simply losing its waters by evaporation, but recent in­ vestigation shows that this is not the case. Soundings made and compared with records of soundings made over 100 years ago reveal the astounding fact that there is even a greater depth of water now than then. This leaves but one hypothesis that would seem at all tenable--that the bottom of the sea is actually sinking. There is much speculation in scientific circles as to what will be the final outcome. MM Paper Not Made From Mee. Rice paper is not made from rice nor from rice stalks, nor has it any con­ nection whatever with rice. It is of Chinese manufacture and is made from the pith of a certain tree resem­ bling the elder. The pith is extracted from the tree in large cylindrical mass­ es, and with sharp knives the Chinese pare off the cylinder till instead of a cylindrical form they have a large flat sheet This is pressed and other sheets added until the required thickness is secured. The paper is then rudely sized and is ready to use. It was called rice paper under the supposition that when it was first introduced into Eu­ rope it was made from rice stalks, and THE name has never been changed. HOLCOMBV1LIK. " Miss Maggie Weidner was at Elgin Friday. Johnnie Weidner is visiting his ancle at Marengo. A large crowd attended Jas. Doherty's sale Thursday. Will Schroeder yisited friends at Crys­ tal Lake Sunday. ^ Mrs. Robert Sutton spent Thursday at James Doherty's. Miss Julia Laughlin visited at Wm. Doherty'S Thursday. Miss Hattie Welch visited Miss Irene Devall Friday evening. Frank Whiston of Ridgefield spent Monday with his father. Mrs P. F. Hunt is quite sick and nn- der the care of Dr. Hull. Chas. Wagner and family have moved to a farm near Woodstock. Miss Etta Powers visited her parents here the last of the week. Misses Bessie and Iva Hoffman spent Saturday at A. P. Peck's. Will Schroeder was collecting taxes at Griswold Lake Friday. Mrs. Whiston spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Flanders. Mrs. Flanders was calling on Jay Doherty and family Wednesday. H. O. Haligus of Crystal Lake was calling in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox of Terra Cot- ta spent Sunday at Jay Doherty's. H^nry Rowley of Nunda attended to business in this neighborhood Saturday. Miss Hannah Weidner spent Thurs­ day aitei noon with Miss Bessie Hoff­ man. Will Orkfitz from near Huntly spent Sunday with his father at Gas. Schroe- der'a. Silver and family from Wis- are moving onto the Rowley H. Magoon of Terra Cotta is her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Mr. cousin farm. Mrs. caring for Hunt. Misses Laura Mason and Bessie Hoff­ man were Nunda callers Wednesday evening. Seymor Whiston of Greenwood visit­ ed his brother, John Whiston, one day last week. Bert Darling of Richmond was here a few days last week caring for his uncle, John Whiston. Mrs. H. O'Doncell and sister, Miss Pearl Whiston were callers at T. L. Flanders Sun ay. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt attended the Salyation Army services at Nunda one evening last week. Mr Walka-ene and daughter, Bertha, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. F. Schroeder, Thursday. The Misses Laura Mason, Hannah Weidner and Iva Hoffman were Terra Cotta visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Peck, Mrs. B. F. Peck, Miss Bessie Hoffman and F. De­ vall were among those from here who attended Mrs Thompson's funeral. C o u r t H o u s e N o t e s Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili­ ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub­ les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 35c at Julia A. Story's drug store. Cheese. Cheeses come under three general heads, whole milk, skim or sour milk and whole milk and cream. The ripen­ ing of cheese, upon which depends its flavor, is due to the action of bacteria, which are ever present in milk; also in the rennet which is used in the manu­ facture. Cheese which has been im­ properly handled is apt to accumulate deleterious bacteria. Cheese has great nutritive value. It yields nearly three times the ambunt of caloric yielded by moderately lean beef. Penlaa Athlete*. ItRHIf and skilled as western ath­ letes are, there are some respects in which the athletes of the east, and es­ pecially those of Persia, surpass them. Their skill is due to the fact that they do not rely on brute strength, but on adroitness, which they have ac­ quired after years of strenuous train­ ing. They know the function of every muscle in their bodies, and they are not regarded as experts until they are so well trained that they can perform with ease any feat which depends for •nccess not only upon their strength, lmt also upon the proper play of their muscles. They are not as bulky as some of the well known athletes of Europe and America, but on the other hand, their bodies are wonderfully symmetrical, and all their movements are mdlt graceful. In wrestling and swinging clubs they, especially excel, and, no matter how' •Xpert they may be, not a day passes that tfcaj do sot practice for several iBdlgBant. Clara--Well, aunt have your photo­ graphs come from Mr. Snappeschotte'S? Miss Maydeval (angrily)--Yes, and they went back, too, with a note ex­ pressing my opinion of his impudence. "Gracious! What was it?" "Why, on the back of every picture were these vords, The original of this is carefully preserved.'" Saperatittena About Bread. In Brittany when a housewife begins to knead dough she makes a cross with her right hand, the left being placed in the trough. If a cat enters the room, it is believed the bread will not rise. It is supposed that certain women can cause the dough to multiply itself. On the coast of the channel the dough is adjured to. imitate the leaven, the mil­ ler and the baker and to rise. The oven is a sacred object and con­ nected with crowds of superstitions. The oven is dedicated, with ceremo­ nies. In certain places in Brittany the wood is watered with blessed water. Bread must not be cooked on certain days, as on Holy Friday or during the night of All Saints, when the ghosts would eat it The Introduction of Forlca. Forks are articles of such common household necessity to us that we hard­ ly realize that there was a time, and not so long ago either, when forks were entirely unknown. A knife was used at the table to cut up food, but the food so cut was afterward conveyed by the fingers to the mouth. Rich and poor alike were accustomed to this method and so thought it perfectly cor.. ct. It was about the year 1000 and in the reign of James I. when forks were first Introduced into England. This "piece of refinement." we are told, was de­ rived from the Italians. La grippe coughs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is nothing else "just as good." Sold by N. H. Petesch. Coughs *4 My wife had a deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it curea her com­ pletely." J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough medicines that re­ lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep ones! The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for s ixty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Three ilies: Uc.,Nc.,tt. All Consult your doctor. I f lie Bays take It, ttiun do ai lie sayi. If lie tells you not to take It, then don't take It. He knows. Le»V#it with liim W«- tire willing. J. C. AYEK CO., Lowell. Mass. Serpent Worship In India. Serpent worship, once very widely diffused, survives in India. Sometimes when Hindoos flnd a cobra in some crevice in the wall of their house it will often be reverenced, fed and pro­ pitiated, and if fear or the death of some one bitten by it induces them to remove it they will handle it tenderly and let it loose in some Held. When Hindoos are bitten, they have far more confidence in their magic spell or "muntra" than in any medicine, even If they do not scruple to make ase of medical aid. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER8. Wm O Garrison & w to Andrew Peter- 8O11, 30 a in lt !2 nwj< & 20 a in ItSnwX sec 19 Nunda •1860 00 Peter McCue to Edward Readel wV4 se X swM, swM swX sec 15&se>4 sefcfsec 16, Greenwood.. . 750000 Jno E Carey & w to Frunk R Hess, It J Simmon's addn to RinKwood 120000 Henry Mehring to Geo Nell. It 3 H Meh- riiiK's sub-div pt sw frl H sec 18 Mc­ Henry & pee adjoining Its 1,2 A 3said sub-div 450 00 Barney H Terwililger & w to 24.72 a in eH neK sec 34 Nunda 860000 Ablal Dike & w to Wm E Dike 92 a In • K sec 24, Dorr, n 20.88 a of It 2 sw* & pt It 2 nwX sec 19, Nunda 10000 00 Eliza H Walker to W A Amborn, 246 a in seM sec 32 & swW sec 32, McHenry..1000000 W A Amborn & w to to Jacob Hollar- bush [same] 13500 00 6 W Eldredge & w to M A Foot und H lnt in and to eH cemetery lot being It 61, Purdy's addn Richmond cem 100 PROBATE NEWS Estate of Samuel £. Clark. Proof of death made. Myron E. Wright ap­ pointed administrator. Bond $80,000. Appraisers appointed.Inventory, ap­ praisement bill and petition to sell per­ sonal property at private sale filed. Estate of Elizabeth Clark. Final re­ port filed and approved. Executrix dis­ charged upon tiling final receipts. Estate of Elisha N. Hubbard. Ap­ praisement bill filed and approved ex­ cept as to widow's award. Appraisers directed to consider said award. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Robt. Dittbrenner, 21 . . .Union Tilda Zimmerman, 18 Union Claude E. Richards, 20 Woodstock Erma C. Jewett, 17 Woodstock John Kerr, 32 Chemung Ada Powers, 17. Chemung George Camm, 29 .Algonquin Ann Price, 30 Algonquin Claude Hudson, 21 West McHenry Alice L. Harrison, 22 West McHenry Neuman Davis, 25.Genoa Junction, Wis Eatherine Schuren, 21 " " " roverbs "When the butter won't come put a penny in the ihurn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to vork though no one has ever old why. When mothers are worried oecause the children do not £ain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul­ sion. It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply i milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be­ cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. F6r all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat­ ment. , We wIM send you the penny, a sample free. Be rare Ait this plcti t in the form of a label is on :he wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion ymrfiyy. & ChenHsts, 409 Pearl St:, M. Y. 50C. atld $1.00 } all druggist*. HARPER WHISKY Fill the Place Well. Where one man is called to be • hero on some great scale 10,000 men are called to be courteous, gentle, patient. There are conspicuous virtues which make reputation, and there are quiet virtues, the virtues of private life, which make character. It is not every man's duty to fill a large place, but it is every man's duty to fill his own place well.--Christian Evangelist. A Harrow MarrlR, John Stuart Mill was once dining with two brilliant French talkers who were given to monologue. One bad possession of the field, and the other was watching him so intently to strike in that Mill exclaimed aloud, "IX be stops to breathe, he's gone." Re^poaalblllttee. "Remember," said the serious citisen, "that wealth has its responsibiliUes." "Yes," answered Mr. Cumrox. "So long as you are humble and obscure you can say 'I seen it' and 'I done it' ind eat with your knife all JROA want ta"--Wsahiijj^ton Star.. A DtUutlTfUL BtVERAtt, A SAFl ST1MULEHI, A GOOD MEDKINt For sale by All Leading Dealers Chicago & North-Westera. Effective Oct 12, 100R WBSK DAT TBA1KS. •ORTHSOOVD Want Column, Ada. In this column 2S cents per week f<>r live lines or less; over _five lines, 5c per lino l>er week. Special rates by the month. Y*TANTEI)--Fatthfiil person to travel for ' * well established house in a few counties, ( liliiiK on retail merchants and agents. Lt>- cal territory. Salary 81021 a year and expen­ ses, payable $19.70 a week in cash and expei: >es advanced. Position permanent, lousi­ ness successful and rushing. Standard House, JM Dearborn St., Chicago. *Z4 - ltit TJ*ARM FOB SALE--Consisting of 214 acres, miles from McHenry, with or without live stock and farm tools. Inquire of F. K. Granger, West McHenry, III. TWO hundred acres best land in McHenry bounty for cash rent, part seeded to tim­ othy and good location. Many good farms for sale or rent. Inquire of or address Murphy .t Lines, Woodstock, Illinois. 35-2t. A handsome bedroom suit ln- r ood spring mattress. Cost fl<X) n good condition. Will sell for 325. Apply at this office. •I3V3R SALE- A eluding go< In SALE--Some choice eating potatoes, klug of the earlies;" also a good young horse, color brown. P. J. CI.,EARY * \XTANTED- •' where, t I want representatives every­ where to write names and addresses and to mail out advertising of my Brunswick Piano and one-minute piano player. No ex­ perience require.d Good wages paid weekly for all or spare time. Send stump for partic­ ulars. Cronkright, Wholesale Piano Dealer, Pittsburg, Pa. 36-8t. • IHE GOT AT. Caller--Is the editor in? Office Boy--No; he's ill. Caller--I wonder if--er, he got the poem I sent him? . Office Boy--I tohl yer he was 111, didn't 1? ' Makes mother eat, makes father eat, makes grandma eat, makes grandpa eat. makes the children eat. Rocky Moun­ tain Tea does it. A great spring tonic. 85 cents. G-. W. Besley. DO YOU GET if:,.' WITH A LAME BACK? Trouble Makes Tim Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, •G It is the great medi- cal triumph of the nine- M teenth century; dis- _ I!! covered after years of ' scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi­ nent kidney and blad­ der specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kid­ ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many waysT in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­ chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement hss been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Bing- hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and Home OF SWAMP-ROOT, dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp Root, f)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." woooooosoooooooooooooMof ! If You are in Want : m of any of the following lines we can save yon money: DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS and SHOES, RUBBERS ALL WINTER GOODS !> at Reduced Prices. I Suooessor to 8. Stoffol. West McHenry. ^eeoeeeoeossoeeoes F. A. BOHLANDER CH!5S>. Mimrmry. 7 15am Via Elgin ..'(MXani M05am....... Via I)esPlalnes.,.......9:48 a m :l25 n Via Des Plaines ...5,00 p m 5,01 P via Des Plalnes..... .*0.47 p nt IPKDAT TIUIXH, 8.45 a tn VIA jpi«in *,..11.14 a n> 9.10am ..Via Des tt D' "" ^LGLN 4.58pm S.0Spm.... Leave McHenry* .....Via Elgin. WSXK DAY TBAW* iOOTHBOCHD. 7.38a Via Elgin, Via Des Plalnes.«.v. a 111 Arrive !hlt<ARO 0.10 a in 8.38 a m 3.00 p m ,. Via Elgin .........V4.r> p nt ggMDAY TRAINS ' . ..10.30 a m ....Via Elgin...,„;...I0.80ai ..{.ViaElgin.. ;.8:4»p i 7.32 am 6:56 (pin..... Passengers tafclug 7:32 train from Stations QdHh of Crystal Lake can change at Crystal l^ke and arrive in Oblcago a. kl Arrive This Week A complete assortment of the celebrated Deere Farm Machinery consisting in part of Gang Plows, Sulky Plows, Walking Plows, Pulverizers, Harrows, Seeders and Corn Planters. In addition to the above Plows we have a laige stock of the well known NORWEGIAN PLOWS. SUPERIOR DRILLS HAVE NO EQUAL We have them in Disk Drills, Shoe Drills and Hoe Drills. NEXT WEEK we will have ready for yonr inspection a large assortment of Top Bnggies and Snrries of best makes in steel and RUBBER TIRES. About that time will also have in stock "The Mandt" and Clinton Wagons and Farm Trucks. AT OUR ELEVATOR yon will find at all times plenty of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Grain and Salt AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Near Depot. Wm. Bonslett. -J Watchfor Spring Annoucement NcjHeniy. 111. Jacob Justen. | Professional, Society ̂ fend Bvisinesss Cards DAVID G. WELL8, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND UOULIF& XT office and residence corner EUa m| Green streets. McHenry. ^4 • C. H. FEGER9, M. D. ^ DHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. McHeovjr. 111. Office at Residence, corner Court M|d Elm streets. Telephone 333. 1 ' , KNIGHT & BROWN. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 Was: "• street, Chicago, III. •. • .» D. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No- "• tary Public. Will give prompt and im­ mediate attention to all business Intrusted to his care. Office in Hoy's Block, - • Woodstock, II THB vvw DMHTTIBT OH THI WEST SIM DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN Office over Houi s trom Sealer's Drtur Store. 8:30 a', th. to fi:S0 ---- : US. CONWAY & RAiNEy , ? BINGWOOD, ILL, ^ ' •HEIRII Plttltigs, Wind Mille, Wood Tanks, Farm Machinery. WELL WORK A SPECIALTY. ' ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON (D«itscl»«r A nit.) Spring drove, . • Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. "IcHENRY - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 451. LAflBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. John Scbarres, Fifth Ave.. Chicaso. Bar Taader. REAL ESTATE Farms, Lots, etc., bought and Bold. Insurance, both Fire and Life. Agent for iEtna Life Insurance Co. C. R. THURLWELL, Over Chapell'S Store. McHenry, I1L H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent, for Continental Casualty Co. Insure - with home agents, smooth-tongue strangers sometimes lead people astray. WKST MCHENBT. - - III. C. R. THURLWELL Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor, Col­ lections, Real Estate, Etc. Office over Chapell's store. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. F. C. ROSS, D. D. S. McHenry Illinois Over Petesch's Drug 8tore. next to Bank. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, lllinol*. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHBSBT LODOE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. H. S. CHAPELL, W. M. C. R. THURLWELL. Secy. W. O. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187. W. O. O. F., meet the First Saturday and Third Wednesday evenings of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB. Chief Banger. Mas. KATHWVN ADAMS. Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Staf­ fers Hall, T. P. WALSH, Consul. H. O. MEAD. Clerk. O. O. F. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. ANTON ENOELN, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEXSS, Recording Secretary. LOUIS OKHTEL, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. BARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees- John Heimer, Anton Cngela. Ben Lauer. O. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 748. C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, C. R. Walter Bolger. R. S. HEATS I Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles. it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I PAY Spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell on, the same 4- basis. A. C. riATTHEWS, Wast MoHauy til • .v.. A ] : ,.k; .<

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