tiW" "!-V •-Wt' J-Mi SftriliMlSf Ap|pi|ll|iipiiii^^ •,, *• * > V. v ^ ~ \ v . x &-- ^ ^ , . iC ' ; >' . ^ * ' i * f ** » ' -„ • y<> t* ; . f , < , • • . . . . i v -*v\ ^ , . ^ y >. ' HAPPY AND HEALTHY. 1 BEAUTIFUL CARAOIAN 6IRL SAVED FROM LUNGS BY PE-RU-NJL CATARRH '%'Wi ^ • •V.?;'*-, .• •S/N'V MISS FLORENCE KEN AH Miss Florence E. Ken ah, 434 Maria street, Ottawa, Out., writes: "A tew months ago / caught a severe cold, which settled om toy lungs and remained there so persistently that I became alarmed, 1 took medicine without benefit, until my digestive organs became upset, and my head and back began to ache severely and frequently« **l was advised to try Peruna, and although I had little faith S Hit so sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed relief at once, and / felt that / bad the right medicine at last. Within three weeks / was completely restored mod have enjoyed perfect health since. «/ now have the greatest faith tn Peruna. " P. B. KEN AH\ WOMEN should beware of contracting catarrh. The cold wind and rain, slush and mud of winter are especially conducive to catarrhal do- flugcSicuU. Few wuiucu oSCipc. Upon the first symptoms of catching •Old, Pernna should be taken. It fortifies tile system against colds aad catarrh. The following letter gives on* young l's experience with Peruna: Miss Rose Gerbing is a popular society Vbman of Crown Point, Ind., and she -tjtrites the following: "Recently I took a long drive in the country, and being too thinly clad I caught • bad cold which settled on my lungs, and which I could not seem to shake off. I had , hoard a great deal of Peruna lor colds and catarrh and I bought a bottle to try. I am pleased that I did, for it brought speedy relief. It only took about two bottles, ana 1 considered this money well spent. "You nave a firm iriead in me, and I not only advise its ose to my friends, but have purchased several bottles to give to those without the means to buy, and have noticed without exception that it has brought about a speedy cure wherever it has been used."--Miss Rose Gerbing. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium; Columbus, Ohio. COOK BOOK FREE* Except cost of mailing. W® will send our eplendld GOLD MEDAL COOK BOOK, containing over 1,000 care* fully prepared recipea, to any lady who will send ue eight cente in stamps and the names and addresses of two house* w i v e s w h o w o u l d a l s o l i k e o n e o f t h e s e b o o k s . A d d r e s s WA8HBURN-CROSBY CO.® Minneapolis* Minn., makers of GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Meattea ihim Paper* ( OKLAHOMA excels in Oern, cotton ana Wheat. FABMSFOfl MALK. rum wkotkkm Ideal placfe to live. BOO FARMS FOR MALK. Bargains in city property, ttrtnrfnc large rents. Your money loaned at 6* on gilt> edge real estate. No Oafer Flae* to laveet. 8KND FOR CATALOGUE. iNVKeriumMT co.. n. mkno oklahoma ram. START A STEAM LAUNDRY Write as. Paradox Mmohlnmry Co., 191 i la year town. snail capital required --4 big mum on tbe taTNUMU aasuied.We make ill kinds of Uudrj r. Division St., Chicago. M M A L M C S T A T B . lEIDEISOl COUNTY,, TEXAS, tithe plaeetogo.and the trhy: 1st--Heoause climate, MI.IOCIMT andachoo'a, rillroads and markets alreadf established. Tbe landeare ta the reach or the moderate laveator. If JOB only liave a una I amouatof caah jroa »i gat libera) terms ou deferred payments at reaaou • rata ef late rent. Seasons reg ' aad plenty. 41i)00 acres, for aale by 0 ta'a S laiilaration a<t. fr-.P.R B Seasons regular; water pure by O. L. EKMD&fOK Athens. Taxaa. ONLY $25 FOR A LOT IN LEAD ING EDUCATIONAL CITY OF SOUTH WKST. bland Add." AdJoHltiK best, residence portion, ieat plat la or about city; 670 lou. Distribution on __ plan on or before April 1. Norman, Okla., 4,200, Raimn 1300 past three years. Unirersltjr of Okla., OOoveot. High Schoolti. All modern Municipal Itu- Mevemente. Gre^t cotton, cattle and,grain market, progress! v« lu every way. I'ositlveiy aafe aad Scratlve Investment. Pictures -- plat -- particulars, orman Development Co., Offices, Okla" tins City and Norman, Olcla. Remember, •Bly Saa.OO. Write at onc« tf Interested. IN JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI. Railr*ad Hub oS the Soath. Best Iar«atui«nta ou Karth. Look at year map and aee tbls ralironj center. Jaekaea Ettka eomlngmanufacturing ceuteruf theSoutb. Buy Mr* new and go with the boom. The famous Delta. We have plaatatlona and h irilwnoJ timber lands . .mprerad plaatatlons that will pay. One dairy la Jacksoa, on atreet railway, with StiOcows, that want_ _ Come au^l aee ua or write SON HACKKT T, Jacknan, Klw. fOB SALK--S70 Acres Good land, well lra- itved tfoodaetghborhood.churobea and schools near; ' tunaanthouaea^JOaciaslnpastureaadealtlra- balakcetimber. 949jjeragre.Termaraaaonable. parttcalan address. Olie, Rise. UUDUI WHEAT LANDS Randred TIlllMinil Acres of the beat agricultural Iwda In Canada. Wheat averaged over 35 oushelsof We. 1 bard per acre lu 1*)1. aud other crops In propor- i. Crops hare been b .od rur s long period of years. Mes, hot winds aud droughts are woknown. The tie la healthful und pteiuiant; ml I rowds numerous, •arketa good, taxes low aud laud very fertile. These leads produce aa many UulUra worth to the acivas tha vary be*t landa tn Iowa and Illinois. Price 91 to $10 Mr acre. Small cash piymeot: balance time. Prlcee are sdvanclug rapidly. Now is the time ta Invest. Wholesaling:* specialty. Maps aad circulars on appllca- K. An egeut wiuiled luevery town. low*-Canadian d Oempany, Main Oice, Csdtr Falls, Iewa. 6ALIF0RIIA MlMCmLLAXKOUB. 'SINGLE BINDER ALWAYS RELIABLE GAS LIGHT EB. FITS ANT LAMP. COSTS ONI CENT A DAY. No wicks to buy. No cblm- neve. No kerosene. No odor. NEVER HORNS OUT. Send OOe for one or Rl.OO for tiro burn ers, and enjoy raa tight In yonr own bouse. Addraee PerfoetLIght Co., 140 Nasaau 8t^ N. T. BY ROLL CALL Democrats Re:ent Action of House in Unseating Mr. Butler. • MAKE EFFORT TO FILIBUSTER Endeavor to Have Mr. Wagoner's Election Declared Illegal, and, Be ing Unsuccessful, Try^to Block the Work of Congress. ^ Washington dispatch: Thirteen roll calls marked the proceedings of the House of Representatives Friday and emphasized the determination of the Democrats to obstruct proceedings in retaliation for the unseating of one of their members. The delay caused by these tactiCs can be appreciated when It is stated that about forty minutes are required for each roll call. Democrats Are Angry. Tbe methods by which Mr. Butler was unseated have made the Demo crats fighting mad. They are espe cially incensed at the refusal of Mr. Dalzell, speaker pro tem., to recog nize the lack of a quorum voting to unseat Butler and arbitrarily con struing a protest aa dilatory. They tried to rescind the action of Thurs day, Mr. Fleming of Gerogla Intro ducing a resolution reciting that no quorum was present when Mr. Wag oner was seated and Butler unseat ed, and declaring: "That the announcement by the speaker pro tem. that said resolutions were adopted was In fact untrue, and that the said James J. Butler is still entitled to his seat in this house and that the said Gecrge C. R. Wagoner is not now entitled to the same." Adopt New Rules. The resolution was laid <m the ta ble by a party vote. To weaken the filibuster and to facilitate the passage of the appro priation bills through the several stages with as few roll calls as pos sible a special rule was adopted by the Republican majority- eliminating all the usual routine la the treat ment of appropratlon bills returned with Senate amendments. X second resolution adopted continues the leg islative day of Thursday until March 4th. ALDRICH BILL. in WANTED ActtTeLady . Agents to handle our Celebrated Skin Beantlfler. Sell* at eight. No cheap premiums; la: i. Trial bos and full p ?}linsea Xf;. Co.. 658 w ah. St.. Boeten, . rge commission la cash. Trial bos and full particulars lOo. Address YOCK PHOTO ON BUTTON, 10s In (oM. Brooch, S e. Photo returned. Also pocket mirror, female beauty on back, lOo. S-oeata postage for each. " 6a. Howard St.. Akron, Ohio. Per sian A t Co., 1 » 1 WatHitille, Santa Or a Co., Cal. Fruit, Berry. #ialn. etc. Ootne to California, land of snnshlae. land ff promise. Come now. The Si ate Is Slllnf up rapidly fta people are geatal and broad-rnace. We so d ovei SJOO carloads of appiee at splendid proflt during last |«t> year*. Sales made in London aad Australia with (Mo profit. Correspond freely. Tree te Investors-Copy of our large* -p. monthly real estate Journil "DIRT. Thousand* of banralns erery- where. Send today. Addreee "BUI," la Orange. Iaa. DK. FAKKXR S CTJas for Indigeetiea. No cara, no pay. 2c stamp brings yon circulars and laformatloa. N. Dealt A 0»., fcexl0*7, Dspt 0, Loa Angeles, ul, WEEKLY FARMERS' PAPER IN CONN. Well established; must bo sold oa account of dee IS of owu«r. A. P. SIA^E, 125 La 8aU< St, Ohieafa. 2IO Hade for I6e. It Is a fact thutHaliar'aeeeile are fouud morogaruttua aad on more farms thi any other In America. There la reaaoo for thla, We own aad op- orate orer 6»<0 acres for Uie produ» tlon of onr choice eterta. In order to . lndneeyon totry thai wemel j thefol lowing nnpraoeitented eS< For IB Contm PomtpaU SSsertswwdwfal i iliw, llnmilifwl aUirs It aorta niUIHatwnw^ St pas>1 ««a l«Ua<* wMha •I rsra Inchwi^li, >0 ifMI4 Ml sarta. It [Iwimly hasallfal lawrsasS^ in all £10 kinds poalUrely furnishing buftliclsuf clutriulng tluwrrsBUU lota and lou of choice Ttxetables, togctb er with our great catalogue telling all < about Macaroni Wheat, HlilUa 6al. Ur Ursn. Troslnte, liromna, 8pelta, etc., ail for only lu. la stauipeand *,hls autli-a. Onion seed at hat COe. a passl. JOHN A. 8AL2ER 8EE0 CO, La Crocaa, Wig. AO A A WEKK Straight aalair ud mm- 9«vpeMM to MSI withrtsteiatredaee atr roaitry Mlitue la eoaotry i/sars eea> Expansion in the West. . lacreuMl trade with th» Orient •ad wonderful commercial activity are 1903 features along the Pacific Coast. Oaly $33 Chicago to San Fran- daco, Lot Angelea, Portland, Ta- coma, Seattle, and many other Pacific Coast points, February 15 ft April 30, 1903. Via Chicago, Milwaukee ft St #aul and Union Pacific line. Three Thro' trains daily. To the Northwest via this routei or via St. Paid. ' v. . , Information on request. a. a--wi M£ tm Financial Measure la Introduced House Under New Caption. Washington dispatch: Representa tive Payne, chairman of the house committee on ways and means, intro duced the Aldrich bill to permit the secretary of the treasury to deposit government funds with national banks, with municipal and other bonds as security, but with some few changes from the provisions of the measure now before the senate. Mr. Payne gave his bill a new title, styl ing It "A bill to raise revenue from the deposit of public money, for the safe-keeping thereof and for other purposes." Apparently one reason for the change In title was to secure ref erence of the measure to the ways and means committee. The most Im portant difference in the bill from the measure reported in the senate com mittee Is the provision relieving de positories of the necessity of keeping a 26 per cent reserve agains^ goyern- ment deposits. Another change pro vides that in determining the value of taxable property of a city street railway bonds shall not be included. The bill was referred first to the com mittee on ways and means, but the speaker decided that it should go to the banking and currency committee, and so directed. Chairman Fowler conferred with members of the banking committee af ter the change of reference was made relative to a meeting of the commit tee for the consideration of the Payne bill, but no conclusion to call a meet ing was reached. It is believed by the Republican leaders that the Aldrich hill Is dead for this session. The receipt of a strong protest against the measure in its present form from Chicago bank ers has not helped its chances. In the existing condition of the affairs In the house the leaders say they will have all they can do to get the appropria tion bills through, and do not hope to pass the Aldrich bill. MORGAN It OBDURATK. Refuses to Permit Senate to Vets on Panama Treaty. Washington dispatch: A deter mined effort on the part of Senator Cullom to obtain Senator Morgan's consent to fix a time for voting on tbe Panama canal treaty was made while the seDate was in executive session, and was met by detertulued opposition on the part of the Alabama senator. MI think," said Mr. Cullom, "the senator Is making a great mistake. Hurricane Does Damage. Honolulu cablegram: The Island of Tutulla and the Samoan group gen erally were visited by a tremendous hurricane Feb. 12. • The fury of the wind both on land and on sea was terrific. Much damage was* dona. S' Shook Breaks lee. MOOT Falls, 8. D., dispatch: AN earthquake shock was felt at Oacoma, .n Lyman county. It lasted several minutes, split rocks asunder aad *)rolce op the ice In White river. rhe whole country recognizes his ^reat services of the last twenty years ia the interest of a canal connecting the two oceans. Indeed, he may be jailed the father of the isthmian canal, out It certainly would seem that by ais present opposition to the Panama treaty he Is strangling his own off spring." To this Senator Morgan replied with spirit He said that his interest in a canal is now as great as it ever was, that he felt he owed it to himself and the country to exert himself to the utmost to prevent the ratification of a treaty which he felt to be so full of defects. He then complained of the refusal of the senate to allow him to discuss the treaty in open session, declaring that the country ought to know just what It was going into. Most senators believed that the refusal to fix a time for a vote means that the treaty cannot be ratified before the close of the present session. WAGONER IS SEATED. Butler' la Ousted From the House Amid Exciting Scenes. Washington dispatch: Amid scenes which recalled the exciting days of the fifty-first congress when party feeling ran fiercely and the house of representatives resounded with de nunciations of the high-handed meth ods of tbe majority, James J. $utler of Missouri was unseated by the house and George.C. R. Wagoner was seated in his place. The democrats had decided at their caucus that if the case was called up they would prosecute a filibuster from now un til March 4, regardless of conse quences to legislation, and they began the fight as soon as the gavel fell. Roll call followed roll call and It took over three hours to approve the journal. Then when the decks were cleared the case was called. A spirit ed debate of two hours followed, and finally after repeated roll calls the case was brought to a vote. Mr. Dal zell of Pennsylvania, who was in the chair, refused to recognize a demand for a division, and Mr. Richardson, the minority leader, denounced his course amid the jeers of the republi can side. The few democrats pres ent were overriden roughshod and Mr. Wagoner was seated. Army Transfers. Washington dispatch: Brig. Gen. Francis Moore probably will be as signed to command the department of the Vlsayas as the relief of Brig. Gen. F. D. Baldwin, who is coming to the United 'States to assume command or the department of the Colorado. Gen. Funston is to be transferred to the Vancouver barracks to command the department of the Columbia. Anthracite Report. Washington dispatch: The anthra cite coal strike commission has gone over practically all the important points involved in the settlement by arbitration and a tentative agreement bas been reached on some of them. The actual framing of the final report. It Is expected, will he definitely un dertaken soon. Adopt Cullom'* Amendment. Washington dispatch: The sundry civil bill is to contain an appropria tion of |50,000 for the expenses of the Alaskan boundary commission, Sen ator Cullom proposed the amendment and it was adopted. SAY INDIAN KILLED THE SQUAW Relative of Chief Thunder Is Charged With Woman's Death. La Crosse, Wis., dispatch: Thomas Thunder, a near relative of the fa mous chief, Tom Thunder, of the Winnebago tribe of Indians, is under arrest at Black River Falls, charged with being implicated in the death of Mary Hinsley, squaw, on Feb. 7. He was brought before Justice Living ston and the case was adjourned un til March 5. The squaw, who was the wife of a potty chieftain of the tribe, was found dead in tbe snow on tbe river banks, her face distorted and her body bearing evidence of a violent death. Indians claim her death part of a vendetta against her faniuy. Thunder is the first to be arrested on a charge of Implication in the affair. Other arrests will probably be made short ly. MAY" OPERATE A LINE OF BOAT* If Per* Marquette Read Abandene Rout* Another Fleet Will Cover IL Holland, Mich., dispatch: The re cently published intimation that the Pere Marquette railroad was going out of the passenger steamboat business and would discontinue its Milwaukee- Ottawa Beach line brings forth the assertion that the Grand Rapids, Hol land and Lake Michigan railway may operate a line of boats on that course If the Pere Marquette railway abaa- dons It Fire Destroys Spanish Town. Madrid cablegram: Thl village of Vfongani was visited by . a disastrous tirp, leaving a great part of the place in ashes. Two thousand of the inhab itants hare been left homeless aad destitute. No Uvea were lost Via Putiacjue. Waterloo tnd Albert'LSa. Fast Vestibule Night train with through Sleeping Car, Bufiet-Library Car and FrM Reclining Chair Car. Dioiag Car Sertioa route. Tickets of agwtt of L C. R. R. •ad connecting lines. *. M. IIAIHOH. o. p. *.. emOMtt. JL Argentine Consul Diss. Hot Springs, Ark., dispatch: John O. Bigelow, treasurer of the New Or leans stock exchange and consul at New Orleans for the ArgOlvUne ^Bo- puhlic; u dead.. ' - ' '* University for Hamburg. Berlin cablegram: A committee has been formed at Hamburg with tbe ob ject oS founding a university. The state of Hamburg being unable to bear the expense, the committee will ap peal to the rich merchants to follow the American example. Commits Murder for Child. Noblesville, Ind., special: In a dis pute over the possession of his child Benjamin Anderson shot Bert Lans, with whom the child was living An derson is In jail and will be charged with murder In the first degree. Roosevelt Speaks to Methodists. New York dispatch: President Rooeevelt spoke at the bicentenary celebration of the birth of John Wes- lay, tbe founder of Methodism, which was held In Carnegie balL Charge Fraud at Examination^ Boston, Mass., dispatch: Stae Rep resentative Curiey and his brother, a former deputy collector for the city, were arrested charged with faud in impersonating two men in the civil service examinations here. d E Girls Are Whipped. Norfolk, Va., dispatch: Rosa Rid- dick and Mattie Seldon, colored girla, wen cowhlded at the Norfolk jail for stealing. Their motherg were esses In -the jail yard. . . . s M t e & a s M Baby Carriages for Indians. This is the season of the year when the Indian chiefs come in from the reservations to see the Great Father. There are a score of them in the city now. A group of half a dozen standing on the curb watching an automobile recalled to some Texans who were passing the story Colonel Bill Sterrett used to tell about the man who went into the Indian terri tory to sell baby carriages. Everybody said he was craity. It wa*8 admitted that there was a fine crop of babies in the territory, but no one cpuld see what the squaws, who were used to packing their off spring on their backs, could do with baby carriages. Still, orders began to come back, first for dozens and then for car loads and finally Sterrett went up to in vestigate. He went into one of the Indian villages. "And I'll be dashed," said Coiohel Bill, 'if I didn't see a dozen big fat Indians sitting in baby carriages, all scrouged up, while the squaws were pushing them around. The baby car riage man had made the Indians be lieve that baby carriages were the right kind of pleasure rigs for the noble red men.'*--New York World. MOVE SOUTH. 'Innumerable advantages afforded farmers, miners and manufacturers In Tennessee, Western Kentucky, North Alabama and Georgia In the region traversed by the Nashville, Chatta nooga & St. Louis Ry. Write for eop> ies of the following pamphlets: No. 1--Agricultural Products, Live Stock and Grazing Lands. Poultry Raising. No. 2--Tobacco Culture. No. 3--Water Powers and Eligible Sites for Manufacturing Industries. No. 4--Timber Resources. No. 5--Mineral Deposits and Miaing Interests. No. 6--Lands for Sale. No. 7--Peach Growing. Soil and Geological Map of Tennes see. Copies will be sent to sny address free of charge. H. F. Smith, Traffic Manager, Nashville, Tenn. Without discretion, learning Is pedantry and wit Impertinence; vir tue itself looks like weakness; the best parts only qualify to be more sprightly in errors and active to Ais own prejudice.--Addison. ,. r Hany women and daotort not recognize the reel sjraty of derangement of th* organs until too late. Through and Through. New Bedford, Mass., March 2d.--At 658 First street, this city, lives a very happy man. His name is Ulric Levas- seur and he certainly has good reason to feel glad and proud. Mr. Levasseur has been sick for a long time with general weakness and a sore pain In his back. At the last he got so very bad that he could not walk without great misery. Now he is well, and In speaking of this won derful change In bim he says: "I believo it to be my duty to tell everybody how I was cured. I was so weak that I could not stoop. In fact, I was unable to walk without great pain. I began taking Dodd's Kidney Pills and after a two months' treatment I am well and sound again. "Dodd's Kidney Pitts are a God-sent remedy. I will always praise them for their wonderful cure of my case. They cured me through and through. I am as strong and able a man now as 1 ever was." Early Marriages Discouraged. Ho Russian army officer can marry before the ace of 2S. THE MEN AND WOMEN THOSE WHO UAVK TRIET> IT will use no other. Defiance Cold Water Starch has no equal In (^uanttty or Qual ity-- 18 os. for 10 cent*. Other brand® Contain only IS os. Every hour comes with some little fagot of God's will fastened upon its back--Faber. I do not believe Pise's Cure for Consumption baa an equal for couxna and tolds.--JOHN P BOYBR, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 5,10UA The world moves right along In spite of those who try to hold it back. CITO permanently cured. No fltsor nervousaan attar III 9 fir»t day's me of Dr. Kline's Great Ner*€ Keatoi* •r. Band Tor FRKK SI!!.00 trial bottle and traaUrfc 5a.li.il. ItLiaa, Ltd., Mi Arcfc Stieet, Fidliutalpfcia, Fa A book that puts the reader, to-sleep possesses bhe real merit, at least Stops the Cough and Works Off tbe Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. PHssKhi. A poor excuse Is worse than none, if it isnt believed. Mva. Wlnalow'a Soot hi nr HTTOI rrna. redaoMtn- iHkaUoc.alkarapala,cureawlndcottc. 96ca JotUa children treibfsg, softtnR tee gu laiti • " • Jewelry bas charms to soothe womanly breast the Try me Just once and 1 am sure te cease again. Defiance Stareh. Many a man is called back bat goes straight ahead. v " I bad terrible p&his spinal cord for two years and dreadfully. I wan girea < medicines, wore pi&.&ters; IMMM •# these tilings helped n». Recdiaj? af the cures that Lydia £2. Vegetable Compound has about, I somehow felt &aa4 Vt wee what I needed and bought a bottis# take. How glad 1 am that I did ne| two bottles brought ice issmws VS*- lief, and after using thueo botttaa asave I felt new life and blood soqgfngf through my veins. It seemed an though there had been cleaning through my B the sickness and poison out and new life given me have advised dozens of my trieedste« Lydia E. Pinkham's V« Compound. Good health pensable to complete ha] Lydia E. Pinkkam's Compound has secured thin tons.' --MES. LAURA L. Bncmkb. C Point, Indiana., Secretary ] Corps. -- $5600 forftittftriflmmif+met fuming genuineness oanaat M jva^MML. Every sick woman wbei understand ber ailmeat write Mrs. Pinkbnm. I Hass. Her advice Is am mem always helpful. xw aerosv mm i a rcgmlag haws system, that att nhadbeeaMnn tAAAMMMMMMWWWWyiMMMyMIMI POTATOES.̂ 'VM Who Enjoy the Choicest Products of the Worlds Commerce. Kaawl«4s» •( What la Bast Km 1M- partaat Thmm WcsUk WlUi- •ai It. It must be apparent to avsrjr oae that qualities ef the h If heat order are neeea> sary to enable the beat of the products of modern commerce to attain permaneatly to ualversal acceptance. However loudljr heralded, they may not hope for world-wide preeminence unless they meet with the general approval, not of individuals only, but ef tbe many who have tbe happy faculty of selecting, enjoying and 1e«ra» ing the real worth of the choicest prod ucts. Their commendation, consequently, becomes Important to others, since to meet the requirements of the well la> formed of ail countries the method of manufacture must be ef the most per* feet order and the combination the most excellent of its kind. The above is true not of food products only, but Is espe cially applicable to medicinal acents and after nearly a quarter of a century «C growth and general use the excellent remedy, Syrup of Pigs, Is everywhere accepted, throughout the world, as tbe best ot family laxative*. Its quality la due not only to the excellence of tbe combination of the laxative and carmin ative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system and pre lented In the form of a pleasant and re freshing liquid, but also to the method of manufacture of the California Pig Byrup Co., which ensures that uniformi ty and purity essential in a remedy In tended for family use. Ask any physi cian whe la well Informed and he will answer at once that it is an excellent laxative. If at all eminent In hla pro fession and has made a special study of laxatives and their effects upon the sys tem he will tell you that it is tbe best of family laxatives, because It la sim ple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually, when a laxative Is needed, without any un pleasant after-effects. Every well-In- formed druggist of reputable standing knows that Syrup of Figs is an excel lent laxative and is glad to sell it, at tha regular price alt fifty centa per bet- tie, because It gives general satisfac tion, but one should remember that In order to get thfc beneficial effects ef Syrup of Pigs It U necessary to buy the genuine, which is sold in original pack ages only; the name of the remedy-- Syrup of Figs and also the full name of the Company--California Pig Syrup Co. -prtntod on tha front of every packaga. UniversallD Accepted The Best Familu Laxative SYRUP OF FIGS %\ Recommended bu Manu Millions of The Well-Informed Throughout the World-- Manuitctnred bg pSWHAp^ZRlIP •ssk franslesa Cel. Lenlsvllle, Ky. Ms rOM BALM MT ALL L MAD I KG DRUGGISTS. PMJCM FIFTY Ptfll m HAMLIN S WIZARD OIL iSHlt to" RHEUMATISM, LAME BACH. NEURAL Ctt f* HEADACHE, EARACHE, CUTS WOUhDS. V f SPRAINS. BRUISES. BURNS. SCALDS y -SORE THROAT,DIPHTHERIA.SORES.ULCERS PAIN. SORENESS. LAMENESS. SmLING ÎNFLAMMATION 50 TOU NECK as iMff mm This SORE THROAT TONSILINE WOUU) QUICKLY CURE IT. **«m4 UW. AM tn Tvuiuat co.. or by mail. 8* QbAiiMtowa. Mm KTOWSLL a SOl, Mtn. /gSfCRECORY'S WESTERN CANADA GRAIN CROWING. MIXED FARMING. The Bomb Why nm wheat tt growa to Weateni Cau4its > few •bort month* than el»ewhere, la becaate vegetation grew* tn pre- porUoa to the •unlieht. Tbe mot* northerly latitude Tn which mk will come to perfection, Itie beu«r Ittl. Therefore <3 lb«. per batbet !• as fair a atandard aa (0 lbs. la the Eaat. Ana aa4er area ia Weatara OaaaSa, IMS, 1. M7.M0 Acres. Yield, IMS. 117 MS,<W4 lu. HOMESTEAD LANDS OF 160 ACRES FREE, the oaly charge for which la<!0 fur tnaklac eairy. Abundance of water and fuel. bulMtna materia) .clean* iraed gr*ai.for paatarc and b*j. » fertile aoiL 4 aufllcleat Mufall. and a climate tltla* aa aaaiuea aad adtxjuaie seaaon of growth. 8en<l to the follow lug for aa Atlas aoS e£ber literature, aad also for certificate firing yoa re duced freight aud paaaenicer rales, etc., Superintend* er t o C . J . Hi J O Puucau lad..or T. O. Carrie. Callahan Bids tha aattwrued Canadian Goverauieut Areata. AM-edged MOM; MAKEM 16 page CatalOtftte of " paper. AiidrweeJIeve*# W A N T E D -- T H A T I L I U S to carry our famom I uo\eiuea on oouaUaa but amxeaaful i ideur ot Immigration, Ottawa. ( l!rougtmm,4S0 Qiilncy Buliaiue. C :au, Kooin C. Big Tour lildg , The Triangula* NouUlluttea CREAM SEPARATOR produces SMI more crrua thaa old pro- CM*. Ne lea, ehemi<kla, crock*. complicated aaaotiinory or pow»i\ Oua operat<oa*ttralas, aer&teaaad *antilataa milk. Makasmoaa/oaaacheow.MmpMt lnexpca»lT«, ladUtntetiMa. • a •»«ry morlt of the hi bar priced aaparatora ana m*B7 ortgiaal feature*. Write far descri ptlva elrcalx is aad saacta) oCcn te aaents aad farmer*. Tarrlt rv fraa. MBRXXAJTXUJS SYNDICATB. Sav*. It Kansas Cltr.Ka i;\t LCSrVK AG tOWQ, of fast repeat lOe for aasaptce. M Ag»uta Wanted awsswlcsllhsi #aafcea tbe Slabs* DROPSY. W. N. U. CHICAGO. HO. When Answering Arfv Kindly Mantle* TMe