Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1903, p. 5

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•;jyc $£N £*jv As the Spring Opens •jpd yon are looking for bargains call on Osmun Bros, where yon can find just what you need. No JUST OUT of regu­ lar Goods and Special Goods are obtained on short Cut Prices orv Clothing « TO CLOSE OUT. Call and examine. Compare our prion and we are sore yon" will find Bargains at HcHENfeY, ILLINOIS. OSMUN BROS* A 5titch in Time Saves Nine! tt is also a fact that a bottle of good Cough and Cold Remedy will prevent sickness and even death. Don't let that Cold run until it is necessary to call in a Dootor. We ,h*ve the best known guaranteed patent remedies in the market. USE PECAN OIL for Chapped Hands, Wire Cuts, Bruises. Etc. It is sooth­ ing and heals surely and quickly. Try it and you will never again be without it. Ringwood, HI. * J. S. BROWN & SON. » m m *» m * m * m m m m m » m m m . * m m m f» m m J Fancy Grocers Headquarters for Everything in the Pish Line! Fancy Smoked Finnan Hiaddles, per pound... > 12 1-2 Cents. Fancy Smoked Iceland Halibut Steak per lb.. 18 Cents. Fancy Smoked Blood Red Salmon, per pound 12 1-2 Cents. Fancy Smoked Yarmouth Bloaters, per dozen 20 Cents. * ' Large Bcalied Herring, smoked, per box. .... 25 Cents. Extra fancy middle 8trlpVCodflshK--p£rfectly boneless, per pound .\rrr^T. 12 1-2 Cents. . Large Norway Mackerel, per pound J 15 Cents. Large No. 1 White Fish, per pound 12 1-2 Cents. New Holland Herring, Milkers, per pound... 7 1-2 Cents. New Shore Herring, per pound 6 1-2 Cents. Fancy 8plced Herring, 10 pound pails 85 Cents. Fancy Spiced Herring in bulk, per pound 10' Cents. New Milchners Holland Herring in 14 pouud kegs, per keg •) ' $1.00. ( Special in Canned Sal­ mon--^ Cases 100 Dozen For this week we will sell a goad Salmon in 1 poand cans at 4 cans for *. 25 Cents. Every Can Guaranteed! i This Bank receives deposits, buys and Bells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our. custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention K given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banktri McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock.IU. Abstracts of title and "con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in corns of 1600 to 110,000, time and payment to flit borrower. SOLON. Frank Westerman's little son is very sick. C. Wooster is now living in the Simes hotel Walter Cropley visited his sisters in the city Sunday. Little Hellen Phillips is visiting with her grand-partnts. E. C. Johonnott of Chicago spent Sun­ day with his parents. Some from here attended the funeral of Clark Tefft Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Overton spent Sunday with the former's mother. A number from Ringwood attended the Salvation services here Sunday ev­ ening. Mesdames F. L. Yosburgh and W, W. Monear visited with their parents in McHenry last Friday. I>angerti of Pneuuionla. A cold at*this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is often fatal, and even when the patient has re­ covered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the de­ velopment of consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia. Sold by N. H. Petesch. RIDGEFIELU. F. Hobart was in Nunda Tuesday. , Arthur Skinner was in Nunda Tues­ day. Mrs. J. B. Lynch was in Chicago Fri­ day. Mrs. F. Thayer was in Nundar Wed­ nesday. Mrs. C. M' Keeler was in Chicago Tuesday. F. S. Terwillager was in Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Shelt were in Chicago Wednesday. Lawrence Ward was in Woodstock Wednesday. Geo. Truax and son visited his par ents Sunday. Mrs. George Wheeler visited in Chi cago this week. Miss Madalene Lynch is visiting her sister in Chicago. Mrs. Bardell of Woodstock was here on business Wedussday. Wm. Garrison of McHenry visited his brother last Thursday. Gus Marble came home from Beloit Sunday for a few days' rest. Mrs. F- Hobart is at Nunda caring for her mother, who is very low. Will Orinsby of Chicago visited his parents here Sunday and Monday. Geo. Wheeler attended the funeral of a cousin in Chicago Wednesday. The little bluebirds and robins are here and spring can't be far behind. Isaac Hartman of Chicago visited his brother, J. G., Tuesday and Wednes­ day. Mrs. Stephenson and children yisited relatives in Ringwood Wednesday and Thursday, , The sidewalk committee will give an entertainment and social in the churcb this Friday evening. Everybody come. It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of LaGrange, Ga., suf­ fered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Julia A. Story, drnggist. One Minute Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of jCorrespondents 1903 CROP 50c A BUSHEL CASH WITH EVERY LOAD PICKLES Be sure and contract your pickles with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., as they were the first parties that paid you 30c a bushel. Contract at once as we will take only a lindted number of acres. Make your contracts with, and get your seed from FRANK WABD, or at the following places: Bank of McHenry, McHenry; Simon Stoffvl, M. J. Walsh, F. A. Bohlander, \V. C. Evioison, John J. Miller, West McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Ringwood: John P. Lay, C. M. Adams, Johnsburgh, (0. STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH WEST McHENRY, ILL. -AAA M -A-AJfc AAiAiAAASV SPRING GROVE. Not a very large crowd attended An Waterman's sale. L. J. Nulk received a car load of coal the first of the week. Dr. Bremken was a Chicago visitor the last of the week. - Clyde Sanborn transacted business at the county seat Monday. Mrs. Wm. James has been quite sick with neuralgia the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ir^ng Overton spent the Sabbath with Solon relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Moss entertained relatives from Belvidere last week. Robert Godfrey visited with his brother, George, at Reek ford, recently E. S. French and wife visited with Woodstock relatives the first of the week. 1 Frances James was down from He­ bron and spent the Sabbath with his parents. Mrs Fannie Oyerton and daughter, Ruth, of Solon called in towa the last of the week. Cole Bros, unloaded a car load of pressed hay at this station the first of the week. Otto Hanke and sister, Annie of Chan nel Lake attended to business here Mon day afternoon. Mrs. B. A. Stevens entertained a few of her neighbors at a quilting Wednes' day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Gould recently spent several days with relatives at Broadhead, Wis. Little Johnnie Waspi has been under the doctor's care for some time, bat now on the gain. Mrs. Selim Pierce and Miss Edna Pierce had dental work done at Mc Henry last week. Wash Sayles and family, from near Richmond, npent the Sabbath here with the Churchill family. The patrons of the English Prairie creamery bauled a carload of coal from this station last week. Peter Rothermel was up from Johns burgh Monday and spent the day with his daughter and family. Miss Edna Pierce has been very sick with tonsilitis since last week, but at this writing is on the gain. Mrs. Jas. Westlake spent the first of the week at Harvard, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Cora Johneon. Silas Pierce is building an -addition to and otherwise improving his black smith shop preparatory to spring trade. Dr. Ward was down from Richmond last Saturday to see little Lucy Seaver, who has been quite sick for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor are the happy parents of a sweet little Miss, who cauie to brighton their home last Thursday morning.. Mrs. Selim Pierce and Mark were Wilmot callers last Saturday. Lyle, who had spent several days with his grand-parents, returned home with them. Our new depot agent, Mr. Rnde, and wife are boarding at the Spring Grove house for the present. Agent McCann will have charge of the Fox Lake depot hereafter. Several from here attended the meet­ ings of the Salvation Army at Solon during the week. 'Tis reported they will begin meetings here this week Fri day evening. Clark Zefft, an old and highly respec­ ted citizen, died at his home northwest of this place last Friday, after a long aud painful illness. He leaves a wife, one son, Charles, and a daughter, Mrs. Ada D. White, of Vail, Iowa, besides many relatives and friends to mourn the loss of a loving husband and- father, a kind neighbor and friend. The funeral was held Monday forenoon at the late home, interment being in the English Prairie cemetery. Those who mourn have the Bincere sympathy of all. The many friends of John Blount will be pleased to learn that he has entirely recovered from his attack of rheuma­ tism. Chamberlain's Pain Balm cured him after the best doctors in the town (Monon. Ind.) had failed to give relief. The prompt relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its cost. For sale by all druggists. NCNDA. Vacation in our school fhis week. Chas. Rahn and wife visited at Dun­ dee over the Sabbath. M. A. Foote of Irving Park spent Sunday with his wife at Father St. Clair's. Mrs. Georgiana Arvedson and son ac­ companied Mr. Arvedson home Sunday evening. Mrs. Fredenall came from Elburn Monday with her family and will 00- cupy Mr. Sommer's residence. Mrs. and Mrs. E. Barnes and their brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. P. Washburn, of Iowa spent Monday in Chicago. H. B. Willey Wfea here from Elgin Monday and accompanied his mother home. Mrs. Willey bae been spending the winter at S. Green's. Mrs. Dollie Wood died in Chicago Sunday evening from the results of an operation for appendicitis which was per­ formed Friday. Mrs. Wood was teacher in the first grade in onr high school and was dearly loved by pupils and parents. The remains were taken to Marengo and the teachers of the school attended the funeral Tuesday. TKBBA COTTA. Otto Nelson was a McHenry visitor Monday. John Rattray was an Algonquin vis­ itor Sunday. Miss Alice Leisner was a Chicago vis­ itor recently. Miss Blanche Slocum was a Nunda visitor Saturday. J. H. Parks of Nunda was here on business Tnesday. Miss May Ames was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Miss Myrtle Buck was visiting her sister at McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Gracy was a Monday cal­ ler at the home of S. B. Leisner. John Whiston does not improve in health as fast as his friends wish for. Mrs. H. M. Hastings of Richmond was a recent caller at John Whiston's. Mrs. A T. McMillan and Miss Lizzie Ames were Thursday callers at J. H. Gracy's. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Earle and daugh­ ter went to Ridgefield Monday to visit relatives. J. H. Gracy spent Friday and Satnrday of last week with relatives at Honey Creek, Wis. Miss Irene Bay of Chicago was visit­ ing at the home of L. B. Leisner the first of the week. Mrs. R. Krause and daughter, Tillie.of Lake Geneva, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stolpe. There was no school here the first of the week. The teacher, Miss Alice Knox, was a victim of Lagrippe. Misses Effercine Johnson and Bessie Philips of Crystal Lake called on Miss Lenna Church Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Earle and daugh­ ter, Marie, of Honey Creek, Wis., have been guests of J. H. Gracy and family the past week. Wilder Starritt returned to his duties as engineer on the Northwestern Ry. Monday. He came home to attend the funeral of Mrs, Thos. Thompson last week. Conductor Benjamin, who runs the Williams Bay passenger, was laying off a few days the last week to take a ride behind the fast stepper he recently pur­ chased of the Cropley estate. Mrs. Miller and son of Oelwein, Iowa, have%een spending a few days with the former's brother. John Whiston, and family. Mrs. Miller went to Lake Ge­ neva Monday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Bacon. Misses Florence Balke and Blanche Norris did not attend school at Nunda Tuesday. The Bchool was closed for the day on account of the funeral of Mrs. Wood, who has been teaching in one of the rooms. C. & N. W. R'y. surveyors were here Tuesday to determine the distance from depot to post office. The government requires railroad companies to furnish the distance from each of the stations, where mail is handled, to all postofflces located within a radius of three mil '8 The Northwestern has a number of men now engaged in getting these statistics, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhald Krause and children, Charles, Paul, Minnie, Tillie and Augusta of Lake Geneva stopped off here between trains Tuesday morn ing to visit with Mrs. Krause's father, Mr. Stolpe, and brother, Herman, and family before departing for San Fran cisco, California. They left Chicago Tuesday evening on the Pacific Express over the North western. Herman Stolpe accompanied them as far as Chicago. EAST FOX LAKE M. L. Galiger finished sawing wood Monday. Herbert Nelson was a visitor at Solon Mills several days last week. Alma White of Ronnd Lake is the guest of Jessica Brown this week. Chas. Wilson of Zenda, Wis., was on our streets Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnstable re­ turned from their wedding trip Satur­ day evening. Mrs. Frank Galiger visited her par­ ents Sunday and Miss Ella Galiger vis­ ited her grandmother at Dighton sever­ al days last week. Justus Renhl of Zlon City is canvass­ ing this neighborhood in the interest of Zion City's lace factory. The young folks of East Fox Lake spent a pleasant evening with Miss Al- ta. Converse and her cousin, Miss Edith Bauer, Friday evening at their new home. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Converse will run a hotel there this summer and we wish them suooess in the business. L A S T i a* Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili­ ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub­ les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. A Horse may be neglected, but during his days of service the Har­ ness and Stable Supplies should be such as will add to his comfort and increase his usefulness. Our stock is selected with that end in view, as well as with the object of giving purchasers the beet value. The HARNESS AND HORSE GOODS offered are the firat and foremost of good quality, and after that each article is made so as to best fill the purpose for which it is intended. Prices, of course, are moderate. GUS. CARLSON. harness IPIU® V-f ...... j o Bears the Bignatnn «r S T O R T A . • The Kind You Have Always Bought FHfy YearsHn Standard BAKING POWDER Iwardid Hlghtst Honors World's Fair ̂ HJghsst tosts U.S. Gov't Chtmlsta paioa MAXIMO POWDII OMIQAOO VOW. Herman Maiman of Wauconda was a Vol < caller Monday. William Rosing transacted business in Chicago Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wirtz, Saturday, a daughter. Carpenters began work on John Rich­ ardson's new store Tuesday. Messrs. Frank and Joseph Hironimus spent Monday in Waukegan. Miss Annie Miller of Grayslake spent this week with her mother. Arthur Wiggins of Minnesota visited at A. J. Raymond's last week. Simeon Russell of Chicago spent a few days recently with relatives. Amos Compton of Elgin visited his parents for a few days the past week. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Grayslake vis­ ited her parents the latter part of the week. Charles Eatinger of Nebraska visited at George Eatinger's a few days last week. Vaughn Fitch came oat from Wauke­ gan last week to stay with his ancle, Chris Dillon. Miss Gertrade Schaefer of McHenry is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sable. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis of Grays­ lake visited relatives in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson of Gris- wold Lake Sundayed with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Vogt. Rey. and Mrs. Lapham of Wauoonda and Rev. Ackin of Antioch visited with friends in this oommunity several days the past week. Pneumonia Follows a Cold, but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs and af­ fords perfect security from an attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. EMERALD PARK. Messrs. C. W. and H. Berkircher spent Monday at Wauoonda. Miss Anna Frisby visited Miss Mar* garet Sutton Sunday afternoon. L. E. Wahnsley of Gris wold Lake called on friends here Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Ward of McHenry spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Ayl ward. John R. Knox of MoHenry and Phil Aylward were Griswold Lake callers Sunday afternoon. Miss Kate Howe of McHenry and R B. Dixon of Chicago were callers here one day last week. Miss Kathryn Walsh went to Chicago the last of the week where she will re­ main with relatives some time. Misses Anna and Frances Fleming and brother, Ed., of Barreville visited friends in this yioinity the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith very pleasantly entertained a few of their relatives at their home here Thursday. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Areas and family of W. McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkles of McHenry, Mr. Chris Sable tjf Volo and Mrs. Web­ er and daughter of Staceyville. Iowa. Raw or Inflamed Lnngi. Yield rapidly to the wonderful cur ative and healing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. It pr events pneumonia and consumption from a hard cold settled on the lungs. Sold by N. H. Petesch. HOLCOMBVILLK. P. Davoll was a N unda caller Tuesday. P. F. Hunt was a Nunda caller Mon­ day. Will Schroeder was a McHenry visitor Monday. Miss Hattie Welch visited at Fred Power's Wednesday. Miss Laura Mason spent Saturday and Sunday at Richmond. Mr. Liesner of Terra Cotta was seen in this vicinity Monday. Mrs. H. Magoon visited her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Hunt, Tuesday. Mi-s. Mary Miller of Iowa is visiting her brother, John Whiston. Simon Stoffel of McHenry was a busi­ ness caller in this yicinity Tuesday. Mrs. F. Schroeder and son, Alfred, visited Crystal Lake friends Sunday. Dr. Bay of Marshall Town, Iowa, was pleasant caller at T. L. Flanders Mon­ day. Phil and Richard Aylward of Emerald Park were callers in this vioinity Mon­ day. Mrs. G. Whiston and daughter, Pearl, were callers at T. L. Flanders Thurs­ day. Mark Hoffman and daughter, Iva, of Spring Grove spent Sunday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Mr. aj>d Mrs. Wm. Zenk and Miss Wiedtfer spent Sunday With relative* near Ridgefield. Miss Mary Doherty spent Friday evening with Misses Minnie and Allot Knox at McHenry. Miss Sophia Willey, who has been vis­ iting at F. Willey's, returned to her home near Woodstock Sunday. O Basra tha ttgsatu* ft March 8ales Lot of Girls' School Shoes, button, heavy weight, sizes 1 and 1*. worth $1.50, now 49c. Boys' Calf Shoes, 3±, 18 and 1, at 87c. Very best Men's Pat­ ent Leather Shoes, at $2.69. Special lot of 100 pairs Boys' Knee Pants, at 25c. Men's f wool Trousers at 98c. Men's heavy 50c Sweaters at 89c. Boys' Fan­ cy Bow Ties at 5c. Ladies' Fancy Flannellefcte Wrappers 69c. Men's high grade, calf, lace Shoes, guaranteed, at $1.49, Special sale on Boys'Suits $1.29 and $1.49. Men's Fine Negligee Shirts, 50c goods, at two for 75c. Sale on sample Belts 10, 15 and 19c. Best Calicoes 4*c yd. Remnants of fine Ginghams at 6c yd. 10-4 shee tihg 15c yd. Boys' Confirmation Suits, made es­ pecially for us. They are absolutely right. See ours and you will buy no­ where else. Ladies'White Shirt Waists 49c, Re­ duced prices on all Overcoats, Jackets, Capes, etc. Fine Wool Skirts $1.98 and $1.»9. Silk Waists $1.98--worth $3.00. Over 200 on sale. REMEMBER. If you trade $10.00 and show round trip R. R. Ticket, we re­ fund your car fare. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, QL Makes mother eat, makes father eat, makes grandma eat, makes grandpa eat. makes the children eat. Rocky Moun­ tain Tea does it A great spring tonic. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. Learned *0 Cipher. Aunty--So this was your first term at school? What did you learn? Little Girl--I learned how to cipher. Aunty--You learned arithmetic? Little Girl--No'm. I learned how to write cipher notes to little boys wot no­ body else could read. A little girl' taught me. Watch the Kidneys WHEN THKY ARE AFFECTEG^J^^. Ift ji IN DANQSR V' A WORD OF WARHINtl " * v Pr. ABERNXTHT, the graft! SB<HA physician and surgeon, well known to aU physicians, sounded words of warning' to the medical profession and to all mankind when he uttered the words: " Watch iht kidneys; when they art affected, lift it in danger It is the doty of these organs to knp our blood strained of polstbatrtrfTimpurltles that are capable of oausing the most fatal forms of disease. When they do not per­ form their work properly, then trouble fat some form is sure to follow sooner or later, and If neglected, death will follow. Some of the most important symptoms are, aching in the back or hips, swollea ankles, pufflness under the eyes, dry or furred tongue, unnatural appetite and great thirst, weakness and loss of weighty sediment or cloudiness in the urine, dry* ness of the skin or strong perspiration, disorders of the stomach and liver. All the above symptoms do not appear In any one case, and all kidney disordsm will not present the same symptoms. There is nothing that so quickly and surely makes the kidneys right as FOL*T*S KIDNEY CUBS. It Is a preparation of the best known remedies used by the worlds most celebrated kidney specialists. It la endorsed by physicians and used by thos* sands. It has saved many Uvea, and while it cannot cure hopeless cases, it will pre­ vent fatal kidney troubles and give relief tn even the last Btages of kidney '"rrni. N. H. PETESCH. Mm 'f'l. •'1^ -" .4 fj-'h M: ' v $ - * ; CHARLES <L fRETT Wholesale and retail' dealer In I an In the Market For Beef Veal riuttoa Hop and Poultry dive me a call DON'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine, origtaai ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi* 0 cine Co., Madison, Wl«. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never MM In bulk. Accept no sukati* «MTIDIM tute. Ask your druffgiai' CROUP Croup and tnflammatlon of the larynx an blatantly relieved and permanently cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This never falling praacrtettaa Of an eminent physician was given the name of ONB 1 MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant relief has ! ilways followed Its use. It takes effect at the aeat of the trouble and acts on the inflamed membranes itead of passing wholly Into the stomach and illimlag I Br stupefying the system. Gives relief instantly. CURED | It destroys the disease germ, clears the phlegm sai < (raws out the Inflammation, thus removing the caaae »nd curing permanently. One Minute Cough Cure ta perfectly harmless, good for children and they Uke Ita taste. Prepared only by E.C. DeWItt & Co., Chlcaga ! An Ideal remedy for children. Do not forgaft tbaawpp^,, *41 ""3 » ONE Smokctf Meats, Sdusd^etitTE. McHenry - Illinois lulia <v. Story ana G W. Basley •iMiiiininn--w--iif Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shelters and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. in»iinnmniin«nimMitwt--f i>«»8»----Hi Franklin UffttoiQt M Warksl I am agent for the above. We put the Uods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $300. Call and get full particulars. General BlicksmitHiit Prices always BeasouMe 1 r HILIP JAEGER General Commission merchant i Stall 1 & 8, Fnlton 8* | Wholesale Market | etricaa*, Illinois Special attention given to the saia of Dressed Beef, ilutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs. This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE > The Kind You Have Always Beqjh Best for Residence Best for Business 6>c a day It's the pcrftct service that rtackes tvtrywhin --• thatfl why it's the greatest service--the best for you. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY

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