Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1903, p. 5

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Illllgj§lg^ ̂ L A S T m A Horse may be neglected, bot during hie days of service the Har ness and Stable Supplies should be such as will add to his comfort-agd increase his usefulness. Our stock is selected with that end in view, as well as with the object of giving purchasers the best value. The tfARNESS AND HORSE GOODS offered are the first and foremost of good quality, and after that each article is made so as to best fill the purpose for Which it is intended Prices, of course, are moderate,' NINES OIL n p n a U Q US. CARLSON All new and fresh for the season of 1903. Prices right. • -J* " Lamp and Stove Gasoline «J- £ •y; ways on hand.' .. . - * Call and examine tfte new* and W: complete line Gasoline and $t< Oil Stoves at ^ f- -"V 4 OSMUN BROS.; V 1 Hardware and Dry Goods Hoti*e, McHenry. ^ I '• . ' . • v | A 5titch in -Time Saves Nine! | y ) m s m m 5 m 9 I #• * m % i I Rin^wood, ii s j . S. BROWN & SON. 1 • It is also a fact that a bottle of good Gotfgh and CoM IRemedy will prevent sickness and even death' Don't tefc > ~ ^ that Cold run until it is necessary to call in a Doctor. We ^ % ' have the best known guaranteed patent remedies in the market. " * ii#iSii®|uSE PECAN OIL ^ '• ~ -• Cr?V-V p l o r C h a p p e d H a n d s , W i j f e G a t s , B r n i ? s & s » " E t a I t i s s o o t h * * k; ;n r ing and heWs surely and quickly, lerf. it «ad yO«. yfifa-K never again be without it • - 4 v f.~v 1903 CROP Us*^ fjioc A BUSHEL 5 > .. Ni* #nr 'MOVE THING: ,VMrai (VERY LOAD nMilf 5* with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH OqM w as.they wore the fli-M. parties Unit paid I * : . * r t t a m , * < I you 50c a bushel. C'ontrHC.t at once as , we will take only a limited number pf 1 acres. Make your cont racts with, and * get your sued from Frank Waitt>, orv \ at the following places: 1 Bank of McHenry, Mcllonry; Stmbn ' Htoffel, M. J. Walsh, F. A. Boh lander, J W. C. Evauson, Jyhn J. Miller, West ( McHenry; J. E. ('rtaty, Hliifrwaid: John ' P. Lay, <-. M. Adams, Johnshur^h, - j STAFFORD & 40LDSM1TH CD. ; WEST McHENRY, ILL. ' This Bank receives deposits, buys and aOils Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS* We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage...... .^Xytx' JVature Has Paf Into EVerg Stomach a liquid called th£ gattric juice, which' m a healthy condition it capable of digesting the food and converting it into "chyme," which at length become* good, rich blood. The least little ailment of the (tomach effects thia "gattric juice" and quickly leads to various teriou* tickncsscs. These ailments raaj be easily avoided bjr taking regularly Dr. Caldwell's (LAXA'TIVS) Syrup Pepsin Mc mnd IMS toMu. ALL DRUGGISTS. 8BNT FREE 1 Sample bottle and u interesting book on stomach troubles. PEPSIN SYRUP COf. Montlceiio, ft!. . Honey to L6an on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec- lal attention given to collections * INSURANCE *, in First Class Companies, at thp Low est rates. Yours Respectfully \ PERRY & OWEN, ^tMotary Public. _ Bankers fyy. cr ) McHENBY COUNTY ABSTBACT COMPANY. OFFICE with MoHenry County State Bank Woodstock", 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real ©state In sums of 1600 to *10,000, time and payment to *Qlt borrower. HARPER WHISKY ^^XEcaasi"" v| DELIGHTFUL BEVERAGE, f ;>A SATE STIMULENT, fc A GOOD MEDICINE. saleH»7 j _ " All Loading Chicago St North-Westo^* .1 v Effective Oct IS, }JW3 >;>"?•.; * DAY TRAIN*; V ; G h S > . ^ v : V # K m ? y . T.1.1 am . Via Elgin.. a m g.05am....... Via I>es I'Iain<?.s.^.......8:18a m 34S p m....v*-*Vla l)es lMuint'fv^ ,..f5.C0 p m 5.01 p m........Via IH-s . ̂ .6.47 p m SVNDAY THAlNiS., ' 8.45 a m..,.;«*.w. Via Elgin ..t..,":v.ll.l4 a m ..TJa Pes Plainest,,. » m.. p m.. ..11,11 a m .. ... Via Elgin... 4.53 p m DAY TRAlI^r ^i •ouTR.froM). u Mu ^MBam..... a^p™ 10.10 a m .Via Elgin .*4, Via IU-js Plaiiiei,«,.v: .8.5{i a m ..V.... Via Elgin. 5.45 p m ^tTNDAY TFAINdj" " v •fJBt am............ Via Elgin.. .10.30'a in p m Via Elgin 8:45 p ni y, 'Passengers taking 7:-t2 train froin stations Srtb of Crystal Lake can change at Crystal ke aai inlwl»,(lifnnal»dWa.p. • Danger of Colda and Orlp,. The greatest danger" from colds and *Rrfp is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have nsed this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case -having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that it is a sure preventive of- that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and to tatfe. For sale ty drug- gists.^ • -.' > • V".'.; 1 TERRA CJOTTA.- Mr. Schumann has been quite sick. Mrs. Sonle is numbered with the sick. Fred Luedtke was a. Chicago visitor Tuesday. - ^^ Dr. Bay was a recent visitor at S. B. Leisner's. John Battray was a Carpeptersyille visitor Sunday. * • I. M. Kuebler was attending to" 'busi­ ness here Monday. r< : "/ Several from here attended the hone sale at Nunda Friday. ' * _ . ^ H. Magoon & C-o. receiyW a car of bran and flour Monday. :>- Miss Lizzie Lehman was a Sunday visitor at Fred Luedtke's. Bernard Anthony is visiting at Thompson, 111., this week. VV. P. Gates was attending 'to busi­ ness at Indianapolis*. Ind., last week. Miss Tressie Buss went to McHenry. Friday to visit her sister, Mrs. Martin Ccnway. Miss Lena Fross of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with Mr. and MrsfFred Luedtke and family. Miss Mary Conway of Elgin has been visiting her brother, Mike, and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buss of McHenry spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bnss The A. T. & C. Co. are furnishing the Terra Cotta and coping for the new an­ nex to the Elgin watch factory. Mr. and Mrs. H. Magoon were among those from here who attended the fun­ eral of Fred Rowley and wife at Nunda Saturday. Miss Alice Enoz is still unable to at­ tend to school duties here. , Her place is being creditably filled by her sister, Miss Minnie, of McHenry. Fred Luedtke and family leave €he first of next week for Valparaiso, Ind. Mr. Luedtke has purchased a farm them and will take all live stock, farming im­ plements, etc., with him. fie expects to ship three cars. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Earleand dangh ter, Marian, returned Friday from Ridgefield for a few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy and family before returning to their home at Honey Creek, Wis. They remained until Monday. O A Bean the Siguioit NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by ovir Able Corps of Correspondents V O f L X A . i The Kind You Have Always RINOWOOD. An Item box has beon placed In the Iflng- wood pOBtoffie«v for t licconrenlenceof persona wishing to contribute to the Kingwood corre­ spondence column in l'laindoalor. If you kn<?iv of any iu>ws that should In; published jusfSrlrop a note in thelx).\aiid thocorrespond- dent will collect the same Tuesday evening of each week. Basket social and program at M. W. A. March 20. . , Little Russell Bennett is buffering with an attack of the measles. Miss Bertha Bell is confined to the- house this week with the measles. Jas. B. Perry of McHenry. was calling on friendB here the first of the Week. Fred Holmes of Richmond was look­ ing after his life insurance business Monday. The Willing Workers will meet with Mrs. Will McCannon this (Thursday) afternoon. \ Florence Keliey recently apenf a number of dayb visiting with friends at Richmond. Agnes Stevens was un&Me to resutne her school duties Monday tworiiing on account of illness. v. Miss Olive Stevens has bees -Confined to the house the past week with an at­ tack of pneumonia. Mrs. W. A. Dodge, Mrs. A- £»• Fran­ cisco (Mid. Miss Anna Watertnan were Chicago visitors Friday. The following will be the topic for the sermon at the Uni^ersalist church next Sunday. Lent;--Has Its Observ­ ance any Value for lis? J.'C. Ladd returned Sunday morning from a four weeks' trip through Iowa and central Missouri where he had been looking after business interests. The Bible readings which are being held every Thursday evening at the M. E. church nnder the supervision of Rev. Lanc-i are very interesting and highly instructive, a thorough discussion of the Scriptures being participated in by many. The meetings being open for question, they are just the help we are in need of for spiritual regeneration. The Ladies' Aid* Society will g:ive a bazaar at the home Of Mrs. Wm. Dodtre Thursday, March 26. Dinner will be served from half past eleven until all are served. Price ten and fifteen cents. A cordial invitation is extended to all Come and have a - good time. Hoihe made candy, handkerchiefs and aprons for sale. E. C. Small, Sec. The Epworth League holds its reg­ ular. meeting every Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Great interest is being shown in these meetings as they are well attended and everyone is willing to take part. You are invited to unite with us and spend a profitable evening in the study of the Bible. Last Sunday evening the meeting was led by Carroll Cristy and the next meeting will tie conducted by Mr?. Will Beth. Don't forget to attend the basket so­ cial toworrow (Friday) evening. A good program has been prepared by the pupils of the Ringwood school and it will repay yon well to hear it. Ten cents admission will be charged for the program, after which the baskets will be sold at auction and a general good time may be had. The proceeds will be expended for a new dictionary for the grammar room. This is a worthy pro­ ject and you should come out and loy ally support the efforts of the pupils, as their present dictionary is in a wretched condition and has been for some time in the past, j." C March Uf. ^ : . Karl Scribner ChicagoM Saturday and Sunday. Fred Bell is confined to the house on account of the measles. Carroll Cristy went tft McHenry on the three o'clock on business Tuesday afternoon. ^ Mrs. Ayers, captain of the Salvation Army band located at Solon, called on many acquaintances here Monday. Ringvpood furnishes one or more to attend each evening meeting held by the Salvation Army band at Solon. The Ringwood Butter Company de­ clared a dividend on jts shares for the last six months M the rate of 7.6 per cent. The ladies of the M. E. church have planned to hold a handkerchief bazaar at the home of Mrs. - W. A. Dodge, Thursday evening, March 26. C. W. Webster and wife now occupy Ern Ingalls' home. Mr. Webster has been engaged for over a year by J. S. Brown & Son, as clerk in their drug store. At present writing almost eyery fam­ ily has someone of its members sick and from present conditions and appear­ ances the doctors will be kept busy this spring. .. SPRING GROVE. Mias Alioe Reading visited with Chi­ cago friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pierce were Rich­ mond visitors recently. L. M. Hughes was over from Antioch Tuesday collecting taxes. The Goff family moyed their house- bold goods to Belden Monday. O. E. Churchill of Libertyville called on friends here Friday morning. Warren C. Moss and Frank Orvis were Woodstock visitors Satnrday. Ed. Coulmanof Wilmot, Wis., called on relatives here Tuesday afternoon. E. S. French and wife spent several days last week with Wauconda relative*. Mrs. George Philips of Camp Lake re­ cently visited with Mrs. J. M. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reading of Solon were callers here Friday after­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Overton, Jr., spent the Sabbath with Mrs. Mary Carey and family. 4 •' • '• Mrs. Jte. Oxtoby and little eon, Arthur, are the latest victims Of the measles. > Selim, Silas and James Pierce boarded the train here for Chioago last Friday morning. Mesdames Robt Turner and Fred Thorn were down from Solon Tuesday afternoon. Jesse B. Richardson transacted busi­ ness at Woodstock last week Thursday and Friday. ] Mrs. Robt. Hunter of Richmond spent the Sabbath here with Mr. and Mn. Dick Oxtoby. Miss Bessie Hoffman of Terra Cotfa spent the last of the weak with relatiyes in this vicinity. Atty. Ed. Welch was down from Wa- kasha the last of the week attending to business matters. Several of our young folks went to Solon Sunday evening to attend the Sal­ vation Army seryices. The dance at the town hall Friday 'evt ning was well attended and all re­ port a pleasant time. Dan McCann and family are moving into the rooms over Joe Wagner's sam­ ple room on Snnny Side. Misses Edna Pierce and LuellaChurch­ ill spent Monday night at Solon, the guests of Mrs. Jas. Overton. Our merchants are more than busy now-a-days unpacking new -goods that are daily arriving for their spring trade. Peter Bauer is preparing to build a fine large house on his farm just south of town as soon as the weather permits. John Westlake came ont from the city Saturday evening and spent the Sabbath with his parents and best girl. Watts & Sea vers, our hustling lumber men, sold a bill of lumber and lime to Fox Lake parties and shipped the same the last of the week. MisB May Sweet,, who has spent sev­ eral weeks tf-ith relatives and friends in this vicinity, returned to her home in Rockford Monday evening. Mrs. Weber and little daughter, who have spent several weeks visiting rela­ tives in this vicinity, started for their home in Stacyville, Iowa, Friday even­ ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. War net moved Friday from the Wm. Pierre house to the Walkington farm northwest of town and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pierce are at home to their friends in the house vacated by Warner. Carpenters have been making some much needed improvements on the store occupied by Weber & Karls. They have put nice large windows in the front and built more counters, which adds to the convenience as well as the looks of the place. Will Ounpbell has been hobbling around on crutches the past few days. He fell through a hay chute in the barn and sprained his knee very badly. He had taken out an accident policy a few days previous to the fall, so will get well paid for the time he is obliged to lose. A Photograph social will be given in the M. E. church Friday evening, March 27, for the purpose of raising fnnds to buy carpets, etc. for the church. Each lady is requested to bring a box contain­ ing lunch for two and enclose a photo of yourself. Byron Orvis will sell the boxes. Each gentleman is to guess the original of the photo in bis box and eat lunch with the same. Everybody in­ cited. • La grippe cooghs yield quickly to the wonderful curative qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is nothing else 'just as good." Sold by N. H. Petesch. Fifty Years the Sfndaii Awardtd llglMSt Hoiws World's ftkS Wffatst ttsts U.S. Gov't ChomMs raioa baking powdim oo» V-~. EMERALD PARK. « • * •; B. J; Frisby was a Barreville caller Sunday evening. W. K. Burns and son, ^m. M. Boras, of Chicago were here Snnday, hunting. Messrs. E. J. and J. A. Farrell of Chi­ cago visited their many relatives and friends in this vicinity over Sunday. Miss Anna Cleary of McHenry spent a few days the last of the week with Miss Margaret Aylward. Misses Mary Gibbe and Mae Welch and friends spent Snnday evening with Miss Anna Frisby. Mrs. R. J. Button visited Mrs. Geo. Walmsley of Griswold Lake Sunday afternoon. The many friends of Mrs. Geo. Walmdley will be pleased to know, that 4he is again able to be around. j Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith spent last Thursday with friends in Volo. Richard Aylward will work for Ed. j£nox: during the spring season. Rev. J. B. Stackable of Chicago en­ joyed a few days' outiug at J. B. Fris­ by's the last of the week and succeeded |n getting many ducks. Allan Cleary of McHenry spent Snn­ day afternoon at J. B. Frisby's. . Mac Sntton is visiting relative# and friends in Elgin this week. Bears th« ^ The Kind You Haw Always BottgH Bignatiuis BARREVILLE. ' Thos. Thompson was a Nunda caller Saturday. Johunie Gibbe was a caller at James Courtney's Sunday. John Dobbins of Nnnda was seen on our streets Sunday. - < A number from here attended the horse sale at Nunda Friday. Miss Edna Colby spent a recent After­ noon with Miss Clara Thompson. Walter Campbell from Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives here. Maurice Jensen and Fred Stanson were in McHenry Friday evening. W. C. Evanson, of McHenry, was calling in this vicinity Wednesday. Mrs. Wm. Van Natta, Jr., of Slocums Lake, visited relatives here Wednesday. Ben Adams and Eugene Matthews of McHenry were calling on friends here Sunday. Mrs. G. Burnett and daughter, Ger­ trude, were visitors at Wm. Van Natta's Saturday. Misses Clara Thompson aad Frances Fleming were business callers at Nunda on Tuesday. Miss Florenoe Aloott of Wauconda is assisting Mrs. Henry Wilmington with her house work. Mrs. Elizadeth Hunter and daughter, Edna, spent Wednesday afternoon at Thos. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pettibone returned to Chicago Monday after spending a week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mn. J. Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. V. Shales of Elgin, who have been spending the past few weeks here, have decided to remain with Mr. Van Natta this summer on his farm. Oscar Fleming, who has been employed by Harry Wool ley the past two years, spent a couple of days at J. Fleming's last week. He expects to start for Indiana this week where he will assist his brother on his farm. Mr. G. W. Griswold, who was called here to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Thos. Thompson, left on Saturday morning for Elgin, where he will spend a few days with relatives and then return to his home in Callao, Missouri. EAST POX LAKE Misses Dora Simes and Grace Galiger called on Mrs. Fred Cribb last Friday. Simon Galiger of Ingleside Was on our streets Sunday and Monday.. School closed for the spring vacation last Wednesday. Herbert Nelson was a caller at Nip- persink and Grayslake last Satnrday. Mr. Lowery, of the East Side hotel, entertained a number of sportsmen over Sunday, but duck hunting did not prove a success. Two of our young people here were united in marriage on Wednesday of last week. The names of the principal parties were Alfred Hanson and Miss May Barnstable. Only the relatives of the bride and groom were present at the wedding, which beenrred at the home of the bride's parents, whioh has been her home since infancy. The groom also is well known here and both have the congratulations and good wishes of all their friends. Working Overtime. Eight honr laws are ignored by those tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili­ ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub­ les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's drug store. BUCK-DRAUGHT] WlPATlO'* Constipation is nothing more j I than a ciogcing of the Bowels' and nothing less than vital stag­ nation or aeath if not relieved. If every constipated sufferer could realize that he is allowing poisonous filth to remain in his system, he would soon get relief. Constipation invites all kind of contagion. Headaches, bilious­ ness, colds and many other ail­ ments disappear when consti­ pated bowels are relieved. Thed- rord's Black-Draught thoroughly cleans out the bowels in an easy and natural manner without the 1>urging of calomel or other vio-ent cathartics. Be sure that yon get the origi­ nal Thedford's Black-Draught, made by The Chattanooga Medi­ cine Co. Sold by all druggists in 25 cent and $1.00 packages. Horgaa, Ark., Har 35, 1901. I Cannot rimnMid Thedford't Black- DrMgfcttMkteklT. lkeeplttaMrfcMM all tk« Um im kara ued It for tk« la*t tea year*. 1 amr gave mr eklldrca aay «tfc«r laxative. I tklak I eoald Hfir be afcle to work nithont it oa iMHlt of be la ̂ troubled with i c--Upetlea. Yeur medicine 1*, I all that keeps m» up. < C. B. HcMRtiWP. Special Sales New YORK RUG SALE;--rugs at 48 to $8.98, t less than regular prices. Special iace Curtain Sale, at 49, 79, 98, $1.69 and |1.98 per pair. See and pare. Ladies' Dressing Sacks, 25c. Fancy Foot Stools, 50c goods, at 37c. Fancy 25c gingham remnants at ll cents per yd. Ladies' Summer Corsets 45c. Special Bust Form Corsets, $1.00 gpods, at 49c. Ladies' high grade, silk lined, Tailor-made Suits at $8.65. Fancy Double Flounced Petticoats 49c. Sam­ ples of Muslin Underwear, all styles;-- buyers save i on these samples. Ladies' White Lawn Waists 49c. Taffetta Silk Waists, $1.98. Fine Dress Skirts, all wool, at $2.69. Walking Skirts $1.49, $1.98 and $2.69. Over 4,000 Skirts to choose from. Boys' Confirmation Suits, $3.98, $6.48 and $6.98. Made especially for us and all wool goods. Children's Button Shoes, sizes H only, at 49c. 10 yds. Silk Velvet Ribbon, 10c. Fancy Percales 6c yd. Children's Spring Jack­ ets, $1.29 and $1.49. Good Towels 25c per pound. Pillow Cases 8c. We re­ fund your carfare if you trade $10.00 and show round trip ticket, C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111., What's In a Name f Everything is in the name when It comes to Witch Hazle Salve. E. C, DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises and all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless courterfeits. Ask for. De- Witt's--the genuine. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry. CHARLES G. fRETT SERIOUS TRIFLES ̂ Ma#»ct of Simple Complaints OfMit, Causes Great Suffering and .v < Serioua Results. ' 'r Does your back ache? If so, whatmakaB !t ache and what does it mean? There Sit ft - i-eason for everything, and if .rou hava* backache, there most be a caas? for it. The chances are jour kidneys are ad fault. If they are not right, the quicker you attend to tham the better It will bef for a neglected kidney trouble cannot gel well of Itself. When these organs onoa commence to break down the work of da* Btruction continues unless death Is averted by the prompt use of proper means. EDWARD Httss, a prominent business man of Salisbury, Mo., suffered frighfr fully from backache and in a recent lettt# he tells how he managed to stop It. He says: MI had been a sufferer for a long time from lumbago, and, of course^ tried almost everything I heard of that offered relief; but all the so-called rem­ edies I took did me no good until a friend Induced me to try Four's KIDNEY Cdbb* I used three bottles of it and was entirely cured." Thousands of others hsve met with same success in using this remedy tat kidney and bladder troubles. FOLEY'S EIDIUY Ccbb Ufa preparation that can be depended upon to do all thklT Is claimed for it. Physicians of the {light­ est standing employ It in their practice^ for it Is a combination of the most vain* able kidney and bladder remedies «a» dorsed by specialists in the diseases of those organs. If taken early it will cura every form of kidney and bladder troubla. and will quickly relieve the wont even in the last stagea N. H. PETESCH. * - ;v . • • .'a ' ̂ • r*';^ 'v M $ Wholesale and retail] dealer in I an In the Market Per. ' ' Best' Vnl' riattoa Hags a ad Poultry Ohnat a call DON 'T BE Fo o l e d i Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA Made only by Madison M«£a cine Co., Madison, Wis. H keeps you well. Oar trade mark cut on euch package. Price, 35 cents. Never <«M In bulk. Accept n» subfti" •momohatio iMt tiite. Aak your druggiatr W'M •:-K CROUP Smoked Neils, " •• -j* > • / McHenry - Illinois Croup and Inflammation of the luynx an I . relieved and permanently cured by the vae of One Minute Cough Cure. Thla never faSUat liieeci totfcja Dv an eminent physician was t;ivoa the name tf ON8 MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant reSef has ilways followed Its use. It takes effect at the aeatol (he trouble and acts on the Inflamed membraneate* itead of passing wholly Into the stomach and dragghf sr stupefying the system. Givea relief luatmitly. CURED It destroys the disease eerra, de&rs the phlegm ai Iraws out the Inflammation, thus removing the caaM Ind curing permanently. One Minute Ccugh Cure ll perfectly harmless, good for children and thorUkettS taste. Prepared only by E, C, DeWitt & Co., CI for children. Do mi ONE Julia A. Story &ua (i W. Besley iiMiiiiiiiiiiinumMmniniiimmiiiimimi Jos. H. Huemann ** Wrtsi i. - v' * $ • '--M s •WlM - v Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Sliellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, • Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harnesp Oil, Pa|nt Oil and Machine Oi! a Specialty. I am agent for the above. We put the liods on y«ur Build­ ings and should they be struck by liglitniuK we pay dantages if no more than Call and get full particulars. General Bbcksnitiilal • Prices always Redsoodrie hi LIP General Commission merchant Special attention giv^n to the sate ofl^ • pressed Beef, riutton ^ Hogs, Veal, Poultry ^ .^JHides, Etc. Butter and Eggs 4 Stall 1 & 8, Fulton &• Wholesale Market gfcicaao, Illinois This is the <ddwt house on . -s ' • ' ' ' *" ' a... •' r . *ags and price lists furnished on applicatton .,, COLD STORAGE FREE! Best for Business LOCAl. l o n g DlSTANtr. TELFPHOSt- Best for Residence It's the ptrftct service that why it's the greatest service - rtarius -the best for yott. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY ; : --r'\ "• ; ' . ts . i.a-ir -j-i..' -Ai••i'.

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