*.T • • •?' : • - - <'" r • • •' ;-;vr*' !•'* mtwtMm §| •w »w •••»»• *;sle»s wmm Court House Notes £ MJELWHBD KVKRY THURSDAY Bt tm MdlEW HAMDMUB (IMPART. % K. OjUHOBB, W. A^ OBiaTT, J.^ PBOT, . CHAS. D. SOHOONMAKtt, Editor. 0*c© In Bant Building. Telephone, No.fr*. TERMS Of SUBSCRIPTION: 0ne year .|U months, 75 eta. $1.90 Three months. 40cts. Thursday, March a6, 19113. v'v£J l-r K, tlUUOB GAUCV8. v The voters of the village of McHenry •Jue requested to meet in the city hall Qjn Saturday, March 28, 1908, at two O'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing lb nomination candidates for village of- flces as follows: One president of board <if trustees, three trustees, one village «8erk and one police magistrate, and to transact snch other business as may ftroyffrlj come before them. John Stoffel, Village Clerk. $?. AUDITOR'S HEETINO. '( Notice is hereby given that th§ board A- '•*& auditors of the town of McHenry, Oounty of McHenry, state of Illinois, ; *rill meet at the town clerk's office in fh .West McHenry, Illinois, on Tuesday, the Slsfc day of March, 1303, at the hour ,®f two o'clock p. m. to audit any and all - %illa against said town and transact such * "business that may coine before the 7:'V>i Meeting. r D a t e d a t M c H e n r y , I l l i n o i s , t h e 1 8 t h / A&y-of March. IMS. ft* CHAS. B. HArmsen, f-'J- ? i -' Town Clerk. Y: t ----•*-- AmmI Town Meeting and Election. Notioe is hereby giyen to the legal • >' ;f. Voters, residents of the town of Mc- , - Henry, county of McHenry, Illinois, - ffcat the annual town meeting and J,_•ejection of officers of said town will take " : place Tuesday, the Jftb day of April, ^ froximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The election will be held in the V following plaoes, viz: First district, fc; Congregational church, Ringwooa, III. - i' JSecond district, village hall. McHenry. HI. The officers to be elected are: One supa»viuui| uaw town clerk, one assessor, one collector, one commissioner of high ways. The town meeting will be open in the village hall, McHenry, at the feonr of two p. m. and after choosing a moderator will proceed to hear and con sider reports of offices, to appropriate fnoney to defray expenses of the town, |tad to deliberate and decide on such measures, as may, in pursuance of law, Come before the .meeting. Polls will be epen at 7 o'clock a. m., and close at 5 O'clock p. m. Gtiven under my hand this 20th day of March,_A. D.,1W$. CfrUfl ARMSEN, Town Oteck. Daagw of Cold* and Grip.' The"greatest danger from colds and f"P is their resulting in pneumonia. 'If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, ill danger will be avoided. Among the tBns of thousands who have used this femedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive |y that it is a sure preventive of that dangerous disease. It will core a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than «ny other treatment I is pleasant find safe to take. For sale by all drug gists. Gnuit'i Binagt, General Grant always yielded la a tort of whimsical way to his wife's domination of himself and his affairs. She "family" ran the household as It pleased, without much reference to Gettenu Grant's predilections. Once flit the railway station In Galena he Called the attention of a friend to a Iruckload of trunks ready for shipment #ast "Do you see that pile?" he asked. ' •That Is the Grant baggage. Do yon See that little black valise away up on *0? Thatfs mine.1* / i I rv- Bad It. -tv.; ;v Tea, ifs a line house, Mandy," ad- aaltted the prim and angular Aunt Ra- to whom all its magnificence Seeasd a sinful waste of money, "and v I suppose there's really no room for Jpapmrement.'* f.^ "Oh, yes, auntie; I have that, too/* . said her city niece, showing her into Il» elegant little apartment where she Ssoally dressed for dinner.--Chicago Tribune. ggj£. f • v* ' ' W*»t« m "Bad Hul." _ :f: " ftaftag the war a paper from Oenenl \ &felgs passed through the bands of jpgfr -Ctvuerai Sherman and is today preserr- j^|y. *d with this indorsement upon it in /; (General Sherman's well known hand: 9}' "I heartily concur in the recommen- I*., . dation of the quartermaster general, jL • . but I don't know what he says." i&'i ' Ge««ro*i. tei (Tisiting son at college)--Pret- f»vi tf good dgara you smoke, my boy. I : can't afford cigars like these. _ Son--Fill your case, dad; 11U your ^ aasel--Harvard Lampoon. iroMinroaK. Couuty Clerk Rashton was oago on ttamktos, Monday. Thomas Oa^r of Ringwood was this city on business last Monday. "No bottom" signs were stuck ta tfce streets in many places last week. Austin Forman of Chicago visited with his father and brother in this oity last Sunday. Clarence Carr of Chicago passed Sun day ft the home of his father, Wright Carr, in this city. Alderman Milton Foreman of Chi cago was calling on the politicians this city last Saturday. Mrs. W. S. Stewart and son, Clifford, of Hebron passed Sunday with their husband and father in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Guy C. Lemmers and son, Erwin, of Hebron visited with rel atives and friends here over Sunday. R. J. Bentty is again in South Dakota looking after the interests of the Grant County Land and Live Stock association; Village Clerk Charles Harmsen and Geortje Curtis of McHenry called on friends in this city the fore part of the Week. Mrs. Mose Oonat returned last Fri day to her home at Sycamore afteir a visit of a week with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Jacobs. Mrs. D. C. Green returned the latter part of last week to her home in New York after an extended stay with her sister, Mrs. L. T. Hoy. R. C. Browning and daughter of Chi cago visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. A. 8. Kirk, the latter part of last week and over Sunday. MesdamesA, S. Wright and D. T. Smiley returned last Sunday from a tour of the state with the special com mittee from the Legislature that visited every charitable, penal and reformatory institution in the state. There is quite a demand for a gen eral hospital in this city, and we "un derstand that the public-spirited citi zens are contemplating the establish ment of such an institution here, to be conducted by a stock company. A basket social recently given by Miss Grace Smith and her pupils of the Tryon's Grove school at the home* of Robert Charles, netted about $86, which will be used to purchase neces saries for her school. It is in this way that the energetic teacher gets what is wanted in her school these days. H. B. Medlar will leave next Monday for Spencer, Iowa where he will put in two weeks of study of his chosen pro fession. Dnring the time there will be no one to take negatives in his studio here. Mr. Medlar is bound to keep abreast of the advancement in the photographic art, that he may the bet ter serve the public at all times, and his ambition is a worthy one and will insure tQ his profit in the future. What's In a Name? Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazle Salve. E. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, discovered, some years ago, how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, barns, bruises and all skin diseases, DeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless coorterfeits. Ask for De- Witt's--the genuine. .Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West Mc Henry. * V How lie Declined. Lady--Doctor, I wish you would call around to see my hasband some even ing when he is at home. Do not let him know that I asked you because he declares he is not sick, but I know he has consumption or something. He's going into a decline. Doctor--I am astonished, bnt J will call. What are his symptoms? Lady--He hasn't any except weak ness. He nsed to hold me on his lap by the hour, and now even the bab|r tine him.--West Union Record. Somethiag He Couldn't Inreat. Harold--That is Bessler, the famous Inventor of the triple expansion en gine, the automatic, double, back ac tion, reversible, rapid Are gun, the compound electro hydro heated dyna mo, the-- Rupert--But be looks distracted. Harold--Yes; he can't invent a plau sible exeuae to give his wife for being late, and he daren't go hoiQg, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Esther M Holmes to J A Moissuer.pt It4 blk 5 Richmond .... 68000 Sarah Austin & h t»jame,-pt Its 3 A 4 blk 5 Richmond . 80000 J N Burton & w to TTiirrisit U Osmond pt it 4 blk 5 Richmond 70000 J A Moissnor & w to Hiirrlet H Osmond pt Its 3 & 4. blk 5. Richmond 80000 J N Burton & w to J T Bower, ptltS, Cottincc & Purdy's'iiddn Richmond.. 140060 E W Howe & # to Jas Doherty It 8 & n % of e 116 It, 9 blk 11 McHenry 830000 Mrs Minnie Me Roberts to Lucy Una- - mach It 6. Nicholas Rosinjc's subdiv ptso fri H sec 17, McHenry 000 00 P L Colby & w to L J Raun pt n*M se X sec 32, Nunda ....... 70000 Arthur O Whltlng to W H Mann ewX seX e 60 a of eH swH sec 30 & wK ne" H & c 60 a of eH uwii sec89McHenry 80000 00 Wm Butler & w to A F Salow It 14 & n % It 15 blk 15 Nunda ..... 120000 MARRIAOS XdClSNSZfk ^ Frank W. Hopp.........;t51$»n Mary Fritz .'.'Union Arthur Shaul....Harvard Lorena Hybbell.; ... i.»...' Harvard Oscar Goes.. f..v. .. :Fbplar Grove Mrs. Hatttie Lyoa.-. Poplar Grove John L. Hobbs.. ...v.*Wauconda Bessie Alice England...Wauconda Lafayette Cetman.... Ada Lunette Graves.; George Haacker..... j Minnie Secor........ Wm. C. Schroede&v Ida Radloff ....; ,v. .v. . ..Harvard Tnlda, Minn. *>%.*••• • • ..Union .>.. .' Union .»v[.... .Nunda •ji'..v.,-*... ...Nunda Edward Ekstrom . ;. . .. ..... Algonquin Ellen Edtergi-een.>v.;...Carpentersville Edgar P. Houghton... .Humbiro, Wis. Mrs. Alice E. Wells,. .*w. S. Coral Andig Eriksen... Woodstock Annie Khutson...... Woodstock Park Schimniing'.. .V*^.- • • .Chicago Martha Beirow. &£¥&£+ S»£•... Chicago All adv<>rttiM»uentM lniM>rt«d under till* *t tlM following rnU'H: Kivejin^s or less, 26 OMtt*-Mr flrst , Inwrtioni 15 it>nw for u<u.'h NUbseqtient Inovrtion. More than Ave llnoe, IS cent# * Une tor flntt insertion, *n<l 3 ccnts a line for additional Insertions. T\rANTED---Faitbfal person* to trawl for *v well established bouse in » few counties, calling <m retail merchants and agents. Lo cal territory. Salary S1094 a year and expen ses, payable 1J19.70 a week In cash and expen ses advanced. Position permanent. Busi ness successful and rushing. Standard House, 3IM I)eart>orii St., Chicago. *23 - 16t "CpARM FOR SALE--Consisting of 314 acres, A 2X miles from McHenry, with or without live sto<"k and farm tools. Inquire of F. K. Granger, West McHenry, 111. TTTT ANTED-»V wharp t I want representatives everywhere to write names and addresses and to mall out advertising of my Brunswick Piano and one-minute piano player. No ex perience require.d Good wages paid weekly for all or spare time. Seud stiuup fur jMrtic-all or spare time._ rs. Cronkr" Pittsburg, JPa. nip for part ulars. Cronk right, Wholesale Piano Dealer, 86-8t. "lyrANAUER WANTED--Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county arid adjoining territory for well and favorably known House of .solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and ex penses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money ad vanced; posit ion permanent. Address Thom as Cooper, Manager, 1030 caxton Bldg., Chi cago. . 38-7t "DEAL ESTATE, Real Estate, Real Estate! xv Buyers, Sellers, Renters, we can suit you. Murphy & lines, Woodstock 111. 38-tf, A five room house situated on well. Will rent after April 1. Inquire of 38 -2t* - John OiiOSSOM. TpOR RENT- x Green street. Good cistern and C EED FOR SALE--40 bushels No, 1 clover seed at |7.00 Timothy seed at 38-6tv o Bean the T o m i The Kind You Have Always G^K La grippe coughs yiqld quickly to the wonderful curative qualities. of Foley's Honey and Tar. There is nothing else 'just as good." Sold'by*N. H. Petesch Hmm tp Work Hart Tm. Sweetly--What's Mr. Hardup Mni for a living now? x Oaorge--Oh, anything that hla rich trite tells him.--Comic Cuts. There Are BxeepttoM* "It to said that all parsons' sons turn •ut to be worthless. Do you believe it?" "Ob* dear, not Boom panes* you know." > \ Tragedy Averted. - "Just in the nick of time our little boy was caved" writes Mrs. W. Wat- kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumo nia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, bat he grew worse every day. At length we tried Dr. King 's New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and •well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and Lung diseases. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. A Hmp9T B«u, H#--!>o you remember .Qn Blfttt | liroposed to you? V Bhe--Yea, dear. "We sat for one hour, and you never Opened your mouth." "Yes, I remember, dear." "Believe me, that waa the hjHjjwf hour of my lifer* He Wm Lack/. "Young man," said the pomponp In dividual, "I did not always have ihto carriage. When I first started in life, I had to walk." "You were lucky," chuckled ibd youth. "When I first started in life, tj couldn't walk."--Chicago News. Tke Real Tklag. Hewitt --I borrowed a policeman** uniform and put it on the other day. Jewett--What did you do then? "I don't know; I immediately fell aaleep."--Smart Set. If you would abolish avarice, yon must abolish the parent of it, luxury.-- Cicero. The Stomach Is the Man. A weak stomach weakens the man, because it cannot transform the food he eats into nourishment. Health and strength cannot be restored to any sick man or weak woman without first re storing health and strength to the stom ach. A weak stomach cannot digest enongh food to feed the tissues and re vive the tired and run down limbs and organs of the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cleanses, purifies, sweeten.s and strengthens the glands and membranes of the stomach, and enres indigestion, and all stomach troubles. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. W& 2 • Bean tu ^ The Kind You Hive Alwqt { ttgn&tsn WEEDS - Consumption » a human weed flourishing best in weak ungs. Like -other weeds it's easily destroyed while young; vhen old, sometimes, im possible. v - ^ Strengthen tfoe lttrigs as you vould -weak land and the vveeds will disappearr The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to Areat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it * from yourself. Others see it, you won't. Don't wait until you can't deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption so much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat- ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the best treatment We will, send you a little of the Emul sion free. Be sure that thii picture in the form oi a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. V. «>c. and ft: all druggists. Gentlemen! r "PU^ae call in ytt lgafc over onr Sample Cloths f ' S: ^;. , The meet styliah i» color and ,v:i fineness ever made up in Suits, , v ^ Pants and Vesta. Only $11.60 to fto-aSait, • J^ornoaale. • Repairing, Altering and Cleani^ done-Jpiv eteat style, - E. Lawlus, Tailor to the Trade. Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery ForQtt?Srao11 VOLM Mm SkitlJI A Perfect For All Throat and er bu. ICO bushels Prime 2.00 per bu. Inquire of J. C. IvADP, Kingwood, 111, "I^OIt SALE - Kprgs for hatchSce from best -1- strains of thorough bred poultry. Barred ~ * Fekin Uuck gKs, 20 cents Bronge Turkey eggs, iio cts. each. - Mrs. H. M. Pennington, West Nclienry. The best pill 'neath the starsand stripes; It cleanses the system and never gripes. Little Early Risers of wordly repute- Ask for DeWitt's and take no substi tutes. A small, easy to boy, easy tp take and easy to act, but never failing results. Dewitt's Little Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, curing permanently. Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W.' Besley, W^st McHenry. • V1 Fancy Grocers 6ur slock of Teas is without 3oubt the most complete in the cicy. If you experience any trouble in getting what you want at other dealers in this line, would suggest that you give us a trial and be convinced that onr Tea* the best money can buy. Extra fanoy Moyune Gunpowder, per pound, very fine roll 60c Gunpowder ping suey (coarse roll).. .50c Japan, very finest, uncolored, per pound .... -- 50c Japan, (such, as "general stores sell for 50c), ..40a Japan, a good one (sun cured).... ...85c Japan Siftings, high grade.......'..".85c Extra fancy English Breakfast, best in the market, per pound 00c True Formosa Oolong, can't be beat, per pound ;.7..80c Oolong, a good one. per pounds..50c Fancy mixed Tea, Gunpowder and Oolong, per pound 80c This is a fine mixture. Pleases most lovers of good Tea. c - " ; Red Dragon Japan Tea, 1 . f pound packagee,per pound. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." tsowasssoD--o<MWMKHH>oeaassoo< New Line of Shoes! We have just received a fine new line of Shoes for Spring and Sum mer wear which we gvtaranWe to be equal to may shoe in the marke|*t the price. v., "" A v': ^ Children's all leather Shoes, 6 td8. .. -79o S ^ ̂'>:v ir- 8 to 12/. .98c ' «v. i2'/i tp 2.$1.19 ** " to &.$1.49 ^ A new line of Dress Goods and Waistings jnst^Bu Bee them before bttyv'-'" ing your snmmer's euppfy. ^ are. showing a nice Hne of Clothing Samples.- ' FLOUR e e ai 'gc OO PER BARREL,.' *•& at 30c Successor to S. Stoffel. West McHenry. iooeooeoooi P. A. BOHLANDER •itMuiiioniiiiiiiiiMiBimimnniinMimim '{' •• '*S. &w;*L -ft v«V "' '""i-l" " 15o Gkx)d Rio, per pound.. Fancy Rio, per pound.. Extra fancy Golden Riio (beet fh maiket) per pound 20c Fancy Maracaibo (elegant roast). .,. 85c Fancy Santos (large berry).. .V..; i\»20c Fancy Arabia^ Mocha...,. ,i,.y.^80c Our best Mocha and Java..... ..... ..85c Bell's M and J Coffee in 1 poirad packages.. ...jMk) BREAKFAST FOOD . . / • Have you tried the new one? v 1, • ' . ' f - f j . A' - . w • " .- lUe L#o j25c Ready td eafe. 9 packages for......... SAMPLES FREE. New Maple Syrup i gallon Tins. 7 .............50c 1 quart Glais.,,>»i.>,#V^Vi|30c 1 pint Glass i pint Glass V;iv.l0c »PCIre McHenry, Illinois. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tht digestants and digests all kinds of I food. It gives instant relief and never j fails to cure. It allows you toeat all ! the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else flailed. It unequalled for the stomach. Child* ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. BUY THE )8ES15^vAND" PASS sTHfi REST! . Is applie^ to a great many Thing* ttiit particularly to ot|r line of PAINTS. 3 I guarantee that when, properly applied an ainrficit in. proper conditio*- Crown Cottage Colors will give better results than any other Paint (In cluding while lead) and in all cases where it does not, and is the fault of the material used, I will do the work oyer again at my expense. I carry a stock of 86 shades of this Paint as well as 10 shades in the Crown Floor Paint, the nidest thing in this line in the market. Seven shaderof Porch Paint, it fools the Sun and is made to walk on; 7 shades of Crown Buggy Paint; 4 shades of Crown Wagon Paint; 7 shades of Crown Mineral Paint; 6 shades Graphi-Creo-Lfn Roof Paint; 8 shades Crown Enamel Colors. Colors in Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, Dry Colors, Glue, Putty, Etc. The "" ^ . West Side Hardware. F. L. flcOriBER. niiiinmiimminiMiiaiiiHiiii v^ I1 W W VVr!|r V,*1 V ™ V " V W V V "• v ! In the Wm all Merchants have a number of articles which they wish to dispose of at most any old price.' We have some of them and will sell them out as quoted below in order to make room for a large spring stock. Re member we guarantee our prices on everything to be lower th«ta can be quoted anywhere else in the county. -, * f Men's everyday Shoes, worth |2.00, go 9$.+ ".: VT,. ..v.11.90 Ladies' everyday Shoes, Kangar >o Calf, worth $1.75, @. .fl 35 Boys' Shoes, 1 up to 5, Very best quality, @...... $1.19 'Boys' Shoes, 9 to 18f @ ^.. ..98c Girls' Shoes, 10 to 18$, 1.,^.'*-.-.^,v'A>>*i:i*^r.4.88c > » Children's Shoes, 8 to.8.... »-.tU#.-4..%^.»k.'8lte Tnf^nt 's Shoes, 1 to 5, <g . .ViC. i »*". v .. .48c Men's Rubber Boots, best quality, reduced from $8.25 to. .$2.48 Boys' Rubber Boots, from 1 to 5, @ $1.89 Ladies' and Men's dress Shoes, the very best at lowest prices. M e n ' s e v e r y d a y H a t s @ . Men's Oyershirts for everyday i.-»"......,.....89c Ten bars of A jax Soap (d .. i...... 25c Seven bars Mary Ann Soap..i.v.'V.* .25c Hook and Rye, 1 Card. ^ Men's dress Shirts, fancy colors, Boys' knee Pants @ Men's Working Pants @. i...•'/i. Ladies' fleeced lined Hose, closing ont (».^. 8 pair ladies' fast black Hose Children's black Stockings, all sizes, per pidr. Men's Rockford Sox, 3 pair for V Children's Cotton Stockings, 2 pair for.. ..lc .88c j.89c , 6 9 c k . . i Vyp . . 10c 25c €#4.^.200 . . . . . . . . . 6 0 Men's and Children's Suits, best quality for spring, at lowest prices. Telescopes and Trunks at lowest prices^ Ladies' and Mfn's Umbrellas at lowest prices. A large lot to select from. • J. HURWITZ. «t» »t« »|» '$» «t» »t' 'I1 'ft lV't* ̂ $ 3* 'ft 't1 ltl 'I' «|i» "•tJ.k- Carpets and Rugs! PtafaembA&t, Socstoty V Buslri^sss Cards DAVID a. WELL8, M. D. House-cleaning time is now here and you, like the business man, will find, that you will have to clean up, that is, you will want a clean-looking house. You can, with little expense, make your home appear new by replacing that old Carpet with one of ours. Those Rugs have probably also been soiled during the winter and are un fit for further use. We handle notic ing but the best in the Carpet and Bug line and our prices are right./ 4 :C&: •Jv , . 4 % • > McHenry. IJJ. ^-01^-COb J UStCIV PHYSICIAN, SUKGEON AND OOULI8T>: 1 Office and residence Comer Elm and-l': Green streets. McHenry. O. H. FEGERS, M. D. DHT8IOIAN AND SURGEON. *cH«uy. C; *- tii Office at Residence, corner Oourt ana v 111. Elm streets. Telephone 383. KN4GHT&BBOWN. | A TTOBNEYS AT LAW. 100 Washing***• ^ street, Chicago, III. - D. T. SMILEY, his care. %• oodstock, II Thb raw Duraar OK spa Was* Sma DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN 1 Office over Beslev's Drue Store. • '* ' Hours from 8:39 a. m. to 5:80 p. m;\y CQNWAY & RAINBT^ SINGWOOD, ILL. 61 team Fittings, Wind Mills* Steel 'and...#: Wood Tanks, Farm Machinery. WELL WORK A SPECIALTY. -i ARTHUR; PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON (Dentscfier Arxt.) S p r i n g . O r o v e , ' , ; V . Illinois*^, V K$ • 1' ;• Geo. Meyers General of all kinds. HcHENRV - - -t^ - ILLINOISk ^i ' : --: : k ^ y" -- Telephone, Market 451. - ' i3xcavatiog And Oradtag. L AH BERT Q. BUFFET r McHenry SENG and "McHenrjr, county visitors. f'. Mm Sekmrtes, 02 MtthAveu Oblcago. - Bar Taaden : bought and Sold^ Agenf.^ RRAL ESTATE Farms, Lots, etc., Insurance, both Fire and Lifa for ^Btna Life Insurance Cor C. R. THUBLWELL, J Ovar Chapell's Store. McHenry, HI; 1 H. C. MEAD, \ *4. * ; Justice of the Peace and General In* surance Agent, including Accident , ,5*^ and Life Insurance. " >. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insui#';?«"?;;.^? with home agents, smooth-tongne strangers"- . sometimes lead people astray. West McHenry, - - lit. -- : -- C. R. THURLWEUL - ^ - : Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor, Col« lections, Real Estate, Etc. Office over Chapell's store. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, F. C. ROSS, D. D. S.^ Illinois Over Petesch Tdephttn* N«, SIMON --T4- .*9*. r ' ' . ' J STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes^#.- :• property in the beet Companies. Wut McHenry, IIHaoUj ;rySt, Jf-... SOCIETIES, • MASONIC. McW«mTt,mM3E, No. lis, A.'panfl 'A; If.-*'. ^ Regular Communications the second an<^; fourth Mondays In each month. v"; S. S. CHAPELL. W. M. - C>B. TBUB1.W1CL.U Hecjr. v : • . , ' w.0*0.F. ' V V" St. Patrick's Court, No. W7, W."0:0. % the First and Third Saturday afternootti r',?; ' 1 of each month, at Forester Halt. '? ,> * ' Mrs. Mary C-OBB. Chief Ranger. ^feeretar*. Mn. UiTttoA Mkv*;b«,S M. W. A. , • Regular Meetings every Seconfl and Fourth? ' t ¥C « Wednesday Qvenlngs of each month, at Stof-iA.&j (el's Hall, John Kimball, Consul. , -i H. O. MBAn. Clerk. » * '4 C. O.». eaoli* 'Wii. • Meet First and Third Sundays of month In Forester Hall. , • Anton Engeln, Chief Kanjpo*. John Nkiss, Recording Secretary. " •; Louis Okbtkl., Financial Secretary. . , ^ > S „ John J. Rabbiah, Treuurer. _ Trustees Ben Lauer John Heimer, Anton KngelBv C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, C. O. F. Meetings" -% held the Second Aid Fourth Monday evenings- g-: of each mouth in Forester Hall. C -* James Hughes, C. B. v ' Walter Bolger. B. 8. >V».: .1 f-A'V' f" »/1 s^Salt an<| ̂ ^r" ;||5iiioked"v^' Pit) ' Vegetables and Fruit in Season Ir 'xS piirchased • V . *N the West Side ;-j;;v Market of F. Wat*vfijS..; • ties, it is my intentios to give all customers the -j best service possible. I pay v' spot cash for hides, poultry ^ and stock of all kinds, " thus paying the lo^f-. est prices, and by S. O. DiWm* M i w ^ t u t i f n a i *- •%. f':-.'-i'jy • • j)>. ^ y.' ' 'iff-iv:- 'p. r.v-v-/ • •.? Mm prices, rfU sell on basia^^ ̂ S.J* , I ' " ^ ' XI C~. ITATTHEWS, West ri ' Ms