imm A Alabastine Brushes All new and fresh for the season of 1908. Priceg rjght. --' Lamp and Steve Gasoline al ways on hand. - Call and examine'the aew and complete line of Gasolifie $nd Oil Stoves fit OSMUN BROS?/ ̂ Hardware and Dry dotdi House, McHenry. 1 I SPRING NECESSITIES! m ik * * •t Paints, Drugs of all Kinds, Y Oils, School Supplies, / V̂ rnfstiê ,̂ "" Medicines, Ji~f Brushed, . Toilet Articles, Pecan Oil. .hhw&'- l-U" Yc**- " -4 • TWt:- sn" flANDLB THBJVi • <***'• *v ' :•..%? J "'"^4 -1"" n .. * At' " "sSK.-l: BhigWood, - J. 5. BROWN & SON. J 1903 CROP 50c A BUSHEL | -. KM WlTH ABOVE MTCH EVERY LOAD PICKLES Be sure and contract your pickles , with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., < as they wore the first parties that paid ' you 50c a bushel. Contract at once as , w»j will take only a limited number of ' acres. Make your contracts with, and ' get your seed from FB^MK WABD, or , at the following places: 1 Bank of Mcllenry, McHenry: Simon ' Stotfel, M. J. Walsh, F. A. Bohlander, W. O. Evanson, John J. Miller, West ' McHenry; J. E. Crlsty, Rinjzwood: John ' P. Lay, C. 9J. Adams, Joluislmrifb, t STAfFORD ft GOLDSMITH CO. ; ~ WEST McHENRY, ILL. ' I34fi , This Bank receives deposits, bays and sells foreign and Do mestic, Exchange, and does a iBmi BJUIKHK BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public-patronage. • Honey to Loan ^ on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec- - ^ Attention Y- ^pven to collections.................... §&. INSURANCE," Y \|b First ClaSs Companies, at the Low YYpt rates. Yours Respectfully f; . ;: PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. ' Banker* McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry Couiity State Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in turns of 1600 to 910,000. time and payment to vSt>it oorrower. « A DEU(iHIFUL BLVtRACf, A SAfE STIMULfNT, A mo MEDK1RL For sale by treading pUorgo & North-Westt£|U: .Leave Chicago Effective Oct 12, 1MB , >WCEK DAT TRAlM. •"I; .; NORTH Bonsi>* ' Arrive JlcHtnry. ...... y iu > .9.4^ a m ,tea m.,i.,.,. %ia Des Plaineik.v..a m ..8.47 p m -1. •! 7.15 a m U,-Via Elgin fc05a m.,i.',.Y%ia Des I'laim Ji® p m.,.»...TVia Des Plain _ ' ffOl p m....v«.."Via Des Plaluea.s. ' ' SUNDAY TRAINS. " 445 a m w..-...,-.. Via Elgift..........11.14a m >i,10a m...Via Des i'laineS...... ..11.14 a m £oa p m...- -Via Elgin.......... 4.53 p m '^CIHCK DAT THA1)H^k • ^ &'• Arrive CI8O0THBOC.NI>. (.,I1CUKO. W- .Via Elgin..10.10 a m I,.Via Des Plainttli..., .#.55am . i i . . . . V i a E l g i n . . 5 . 4 5 p m 'JlifHDAY THA1N(U Rm.'.ai.vl ..Via ElKiu.ii- ..10.80a m f J55 p in Via Elgin K:4ftpm Passengers taking 7:iE train from stations terth of Crystal Lake can change at Crystal I*** maAtalwlmQpkxwm&M*.**'; . I p m. Leave \ HcHenr^"! fJ32am.... 63 a m..^,.. JHOO p m.-.f. Nature Has Pat Into Etferg Stomach a liquid called tfce gastric juicc, which in a healthy condition i* capable of digesting the food and converting it into "chyme," which at-length become* good, rich blood. The least little ailment of the stomach effects this "gastric juice" and quickly leads various ceriou* sicknesses. These ailments may be easily avoided by talcing regularly Dr. Caldwell's (LAKA'HVBI Syrup Pepsin (ft and tt.Ot lofllii. ALL DRUGGISTS. SENT FREE: Sample bottle and aa interesting book, on stomach trouble*. PEPSIN SYRUP CO. Monticellc, fll. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents HOl.COM. B VI LI.K. r B. F. Peck Bpent Sunday at Burton's Bnrlge. Edward Pienon commenced school Monday.' ^ - ~ Fred Willie was a Woodstock caller Monday. -. . David Powers was a Nunda caller Tuesday. ' . Wat. Doherty was a Nunda caller Thursday. O. L. Peck of Wauconda was. a caller here Thursday. r ! " . . Wedding hfilta are ringing itl ftOl- oombvi lie this week. Dr. Hull of Nunda passed through our streets Thursday. Mrs. P. Bunt visited at Wm. Zei^k's Saturday afternoon. A. P. Peck and son, PearMe, are oamping at the river. Miss Anna Powers visited at James Doherty's Wednesday. Miss Bessie Hoffman spent' thrf last of the week at Hebron., Wm. Schroeder was a business caller at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Knoblauch entertained friends from Chicago Sunday. A numl>er from here attended the • cauous at Barreville Saturday. Mrs. E. Flanders visited her daugh ter, Mrs. G. W hiaton, Sunday. Misses <Jrace and Veronica Doherty were absent from school Monday. » ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Watson of Nun da were pleasant tellers here Sunday. Miss Maybelle Doherty spent Thurs day afternoon with Miss Bessie Hoffman. Wm. Gilbert of Chicago has been spending the past week in this vicinity. Mrs. Sandt of Barreville spent Sun day with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Schroed- t - r . Albert and Frank Zenk from near Kitigefield were Sunday callers at Wm. Zenk's. , ' E. Johnson and daughter, Minnta, of Slocum's Lake spent Saturday at F. Dayoll's. Mr. and firs. T. L. Flanders and little daughter Villa were Nunda callers Thursday. ^ Miss Caura Mason, spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother and sister at Richmond. Mrs. H. Magoon of Terra Cotta, spent Thursday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Hunt. Mrs. C. Colby and -daughter, Edna, were calling on friends in this vicinity one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Donnell and sister* Miss Pearl W his ton visited friends ui Ridgefield Sunday. V* W» . ; :Worklng Overtime. 7 ^. " IftgKftionrlaWB are ignored by tireless, little workers--Dr. King's New? Life Pills. Millions are always at work* night and day, curing Indigestion, Bili ousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troub les. Easy, pleasant, safe, sore. Only 'X\f at Julia. A Sfa>rv'a drtur «tnra. RINGWOOD. An item box has l>cen placed In the Bing- wood postoffice for t ire convenienceof persons wishing t.n contribute to the Ring wood corre spondence column in tne I'laitidealor. If you know of any news that should be published just drop a note in t.heboxaiu! the correspond- dent will collect the same Tuesday eveuiug of each week. Did you go to "Cork-us" Saturday? The W. C. T, U. will meet with Miss Anna. Waterman, on Saturday, March 28. The many friends of L. Dates will be sorry to learn that he is a sufferer from a paralytic stroke which came npon him while milking Tuesday. Some of our true Republicans spent Saturday at McHenry wliere they at tended the township caucus. It is need less to say they came home "Independ ent." , The Silver Medal contest will be held in the Methodist church on April 10. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. are pro moting these contests and as they offer a good evening entertainment all should attend. * The bazaar held at the home of Mrs. W. A. Dodge this afternoon was well attended. The Ladies' Aid Society, under whose auspices the bazaar was held, served dinner from 11:80 until all had partaken of the edibles. Basket social given in the M. W. A. hall was well attended. The proceeds amounted to $15.35. The new diction ary has been ordered and the balance will be expended toward a new library case which the school necessarily needs. Clark Hall had two fingers smashed while he was helping put up a fence. Dr. Hepbnrn was called to dress the injury and found that it was necessary to amputate the middle finger. This is indeed a sad misfortune for Mr. Hall at this time, Will McCannon started from his place Monday with a hog which he waB going to kill at Will Beck's. On the way the pig slipped from the rack and consequently Will is working by a new proverb this week which is, "Be sure you have your pig before vou butcher it." '• ' Statement of the Ringwood Butter Co. for February, 1903: Amt. of milk ree'd., 522,801 tt>; amt. butter made, 34,- 309lb; amt. money ree'd., $6,263.60;amt. ree'd. for butter-milk, $54.75; total amt. ree'dM $6,318.35; av. price for batter, 26c.; av. yield per lOOib milk, 4 65it; av. oil test, 3.9521b.; av. cost of man ufacturing, $.011; over run, 17.5; av. price paid per 100 lb. milk, $1,157. Ex- penses: Fuel, $65; salt, $4.50; color, $3.40; oil, $3; teaming, $12.85; help, $100; int., $20; ins., $8; sec.. $15; re pair fand, $16.33. Total, $2<W.$a. . KMKRALD PARK. , ' , < Where was "Black Bees" Sunday ev ening? Jno. and Richard Aylward spent San- day at their home here. , Mrs. Ed. Knox visited Mrs. 3^. Cleary at McHenry the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Miss Irene Frisby spent a week's va cation from school at her home here. Thos. A. Frisby of Elgin visited his mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby, over Sunday. Jno. Smith1 of McHenry visited his son, Jno. R. Smith, one day last week. Will Conway of Elsrin was calling on friends in; this vidlnity Sunday and Monday. . ^ \ , W. K. Bttrns of Chicago spent Sun day an-1 Monday here enjoying duck hunting. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Ward of McHenry visited Miss Margaret Aylward Sunday afternoon. Misses Anna Frisby and Mary Gibbs spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Mar garet Sutton. Ellen Cleary and Margaret" Ward vis ited with Lucy Sutton a few days the first of the week. ' Hariy Fay of MetTeury ' passed through here Friday afternoon en route tot he Burton bridge school. Messrs. Chas. and Jno. Gibbs and Ed. Fleming of Barreville were callers- here Sunday afternoon and evening. Jas. B. Heaney is spending a few days here this week. When he lefrt Chicago it was fine spring weather, but when he reached the Park he was fa<#ng a, bliz zard. He decided it was hardly sum-, mer resorting season, but enjoyed the Ranting with B. J. Frisby a few dayar , Aftir La6rlppe-Wh«t*f; Usually a hacking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness, often leading to fatal results after the patient is sup posed to have passed the danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar is guaranteed to cure the "grippe cough" and make yon strong and well. It never fails to stop a cough if taken in time. Take no sub stitutes. Sold by N. H, Petesch. Fifty Yews ffce Standard RAKING POWDER Awtfdtd Hlghist HOMTS World's Fa» Sghast tests U.S. flsvf Chiwlrtt •.••a RAIM SAKIWO FOW0I SPRING OROVR. Frank Oolby was a Chicago fUtor Monday. J.. J. Friend transacted business at Bockton recently. Mrs. Mary Cary called on McHenry relatives recently. Miss Mabelle Neish has been on the sick list for several days. Miss Lillian Sanborn visited with Solon relatives Saturday. • - . Chandler T. Smith was down from Solon the first of the week. Warren Pierce and Jim Bell' ate busy now-a-days clipping horses. Wonder where the spring birds and frogs were Tuestlay. morning. Mrs. Ida Westlake of Solon spent one day last week with relatives here. Remember the photogragh social at the M. E. church Friday evening. Mrs. Kate Shotliff has returned from a lengthy stay with her mother in Chi cago. . Dr. F. N. Armstrong of McHenry mode professional calls here the first of the week. . Mrs. Kate Shotliff and daughter, Alice, visited Wilmot relatives the last of the week. W. E. Colby and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. Peter Peterson of Mc Henry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nett were over from Wilmot calling on friends "last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodge from near Richmond called on friends here Monday afternoon. Mrs. E. S. French and sister, Myrtle Harnish, visited with Ringwood friends the first of the week. Miss Lucy Cary is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Irving Over ton on English Prairie. Mrs. John Halderman and son, Soott, and Mrs. W m. Cornish of Solon were in town Sunday afternoon. Some of our young folks attended the St. Patrickls dance at Wilmot and re port the usual good time. Miss Alice Shotliff went to the city Saturday morning to stay with her grandmother, who is very poorly. Mr. and Mr*. Robt. Hunter and Miss Blanche Oliver of Richmond spent the Sabbath with Mrs. S. A. Wilson. Mrs. R. Johonnottof Antioch recently spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Jesse.B. Richardson, and family. Atty. Ed. Welch received a carload of tile last week and teamsters have been hauling them to his farm east of town. Oar street commissioner, John Wag oner, has had some much needed repairs done on the road leading from town to the depot. Painters are at work oiling and var nishing the woodwork in the R. N. A. hall and when done the hall will be one to be proud of. Will Lichty has a fine new camera and is now prepared to take pi9turee on short notice. "Just look pleasant please," "now all ready." "Therel" A Remarkable Case. , 0«e of the most remarkaole cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough €ure< She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strength ened my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and Btrength." Julia A. Story, McHenry; G. W. Besley, West McHenry. r TS2RRA COTTA. Spring is here -ploughing has com menced, John ReUhan made a business trip to Chicago Monday. v . John R. Knox of McFenry was a caller here Fridays , ' Paul Rauhutt and fanlily Sundayed at Herman Stolpe's. Miss Bessie Hoffman spent Friday and Saturday at Hebron. Ed. Fleming of Barreville was in town the first of the week. Mrs. Gilbert Jacobs was visiting her mother at Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Fross of Lake Geneva visited at Fred Luedtke's last Thursday. Wm. P. Gates took the morning train Tuesday for the windy city. ' Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was in this vicinity the first of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lehman were Chi cago visitors Friday and Saturday. Will Buchert of Richmond called on his sister, Mrs. Fred Lnedtke, Tuesday. Mrs. Carlson and jaon of McHenry were visitors at C. A. Lidett'slast week. Prof. Shade, manager of the Terra Cotta band, was here the first of the week. John Phalen, accompanied by Hiss May Walsh, were Chicago visitors Sat urday. Mrs. Peblem of Batavia, HI., was vis iting J. H. Gracy and family the first of the week. Mrs. Balke has been entertaining her sister and little daughter of Oak Park for a few days. The caucus at Barreville Saturday drew out a large crowd. The factory employees all turned on^ lp east their yotes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lnedtke arid fam ily left Tuesday for Valparaiso, Ind., where thay will make their future home. . J. EL Parks and family have moved here from Nunda to the farm he re cently purchased of Fred Luedtke. Mr. Parks will be a tiller of the soil for a year at least. O.ATI Boart the wSBSSBSm Tliink of him first in buying Harness. Select that which is suitable to his build, his strength and the nature of his work: In short buy Harness that will fit the animal and, then consider the cost. That will fit, too, because our., prices , on high grade buggy, carriage and team Harness^ are very low. "W McHenry* 111, lit CARLSON. VOW. Sidney Russel was a GrayBlake caller Monday. Frank Fredericks *of Fremont 8on- dayed in Volo. Otis Murray of Johnaburgh WM' a Volo caller Monday. ^ William Rosing transacted business in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Annie Miller has been home on the sick list the past week. Claude Richardson of Elgin was the guest of relatives over Sunday. Chris Dillon transacted business in Waukegan Monday and Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. L. V Lusk of Fremont Sundayed with the latter's parents. Miss Mary Freund of Johnsburgh "Sundayed with Miss Annie Wagener. The Ladies' Aid society will meet with Mrs. A. J. Raymond Wednesday, April 1. Miss Kate Howe and friend of Mc Henry were Volo callers Friday after noon. There will be a temperance meeting at the M. E. church Sunday afternoon at 2:30. * Leonard Oompton has returned to Volo after a pleasant visit with relatives in Elgin. Rev. Thiele will give a temperance lecture at the Catholio church Sunday evening, April 5. Miss Helen Raymond returned to her school duties at McHenry Tuesday, after a week's vacation. . - , TORZA. Tto Kind Yon Haw Always 6oqg)x v*. fliilTlli I W Grip Remedies In Great DemaMtk When colds and grip are preyulent the quickest and surest remedies are in great demand. Mr. Joseph D. Williams, of McDuff, Va., says that he was cured of a very deep and lasting attack of la grippe by using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy after trying several other prep arations with no effect For sala ry all druggists, :V BARRKVXIXK. /V Edd. Fleming went to Chicago Mem- day. Dr. Spurling of MoHenry wps a call er here Monday. Mrs. Mort Ritt of Nunda called on friends here Monday. Mrs. Jas. tMcNish is under the doc tor's care at present writing. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago Was visiting his parents here over Sunday. Frank Wattles of McHenry was a business caller in this vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Starritt of Terra Cotta were callers at Thos. Thompson's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and lit tle daughter, Villa, spent Sunday at C. W. Colby's. Elmer Wilmington and Miss Florence Alcott spent Sunday with relatives near Waucouda. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Barnett of Mc Henry were calling at Wm. Van Nat- ta's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilmington of Nunda spent Sunday with their son, Henry, a»d family. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent a few days of their vacation with their mother at Slocum's Lake. Robt. Matthews expects to go back to Chicago soon and take his old position as firemam on the C. & N.-W. R*J|.;" • • It Saved His Leg. > P. A. Danfofth ofLaGrange, Ga., suf fered for six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Buckleu's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve In the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by Julia A. Story, druggist. Mrs. Fred Unrath, Ti--hUmt Country <"lnl», BeaHa Harbvr, Mich. "After my first baby was bom I did not •eem to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus- band Insisted that I take Wine of Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. 1 did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two week* I waa out of bed and in a month i was able to take up my usual duties. I am very eathusl- astic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy and childbirth. It prevents mis carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath had taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. WlNEorCARDUl Housekeepers' 8alea. One hundred night Robee. dollar Wi nes, at 69c. Mill sale of ladies' hose, white feet, plain and ribbed tops, choice 10c. Lot of $1.00 eilk foulards now 35c. Thirty-sis Missee spring-weight 75c union suits, now 49c. Men's entire suits, 49c. Two thousand yards fancy wool braids lc yard. Children's cotton dresses, sizes 2 to 14, 25c, 49c and 75c. Ladies' white laWu shirt waist s$its, en tire suits, $1.78. Children's spring jackets, sizes 4 to 14, at 98c, $1.29 and $1.69. Ladies' factory sale of kid gloves at 49c. Two hundred fifty pairs of lace curtains, full sizes, at 49c, 75c, 98c, $1.29 and $1.69. Exceptional values; of fered for two weeks. Men's fancy shirts, 50c qualities at 89c. Men's J wool trousers 98c. Fine worsteds at $1.49 and $1.69. Two thousand pairs on sale. CONFIRMATION SUITS. Soits made after our own plana, best of linings and perfect in styles and workmanship; not the ordinary ready made suits. All wool goods only; sold at $8.96, $4.98, $6.48 and $6.96. SPECIAL $2.69 SALE, Special assortment of all wool dress skirts, blacks and colors, worth up to $4 at our special price of $2.69. Trade $10 and show round trip ticket and. we re fund your car fare. C. F. HALL Co. • Dundee* 111. Dangers of Pneumonia. A. cold at this time if neglected is liable to cause pneumonia which is often fatal, and even when the patient has re covered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the de velopment of consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar will stop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia. Sold by N. H. Petesch. CHARLES G. FRETT Wholesale and retailor, : dealer In ^ Women's Kidmjs A Common Mistake whicli. Causes Much Suffering < Women are Just as likely to have ney or bladder trouble as men; in fact, they are more so; but very often they attribute Indications of disorders tey ostD* plaints peculiar to their sex, while the real cause of their trouble Is some dl^ treselcg kidney or bladder disease. Nervousness, headache, puffy or dadt circles under the eyes, pain in the back^ profuse or scanty supply of urine with strong odor and a frequent desire to ptsi It, with scalding or burning sensation, sediment after standing In a bottle twan* ty-four hours, are all signs of kidney or bladder trouble, which soon wear oat the most robust. If yoa have any of these symptoms FOLEY'S KIDHBY Cc&a will cure yoa and restore your health. We know there are thousands of women who are never well and who have almost lost hope of ever being well again, whe would be speedily changed to bright, hap» py women, glowing with health, by taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURB ; thus removing the real cause of their misery instead of doctoring for "female troubles." Mrs. FRANCES L. SALES, of Mlssooit Valley, Ian writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney trouble five years; bad severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate; when riding I experienced maeh pain over the region of the kidneys. I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try FOLEY'S KIDN«Y CURB. After taking three $1.00 bottisel was completely oured." f7" N. H. PETESCH. m > . ̂ J! •K DON 'T BE FOOLEDI Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TCA - • M m Made only by Madison cine Co., Madison, Wla. it keeps you well. Owr trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never «oM In bulk. Accept n» jubatk IK»T[D.NI tute. Ask your drugjeij*. I aai In the Market For r Bert Veal riuttoa Hogs and Poultry Olve • a call :# & C R O U P Croup and Inflammation of the brjni i relieved and permanently cured by the OSS of Om Minute Cough Cure. This never failing pioaci'tetloa of an eminent physician was given the name of 0NS MINUTE COUGH CURE because instant iwltofhaa •Iways followed Its use. It takes effect at tlie Saatef the trouble and acts on the inflamed mem brass In stead of passing wholly Into the stomach aad dracche or stupefying the system. Gives relief i m ; - 0^ C U R E D It destroys the disease germ, clears the phlscn aad Iraws out the Inflammation, thus removing the canst tnd curing permanently. One Minute Cough Qvs la perfectly harmless, good for children and they Mte caste. Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chtcsca An ideal remedy for children. Do not forest the Smoked Meats, Sausage * McHenry - Illinois ON iir: •>*v : U$1 luli;i A. Story ana O W. Besley miaini------•mifMiwiie >«•••••••••»>•••! Jos. H. Huemann wan* Johnsburgh, Illinois. | sells Corn Shellers and Tread [ -Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, ^ i Rock Island Plows, Wagons, | Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, ' i Well Supplies, harness Oil, ;/ i Paint Oil and ! Machine Oil a Specfalt^. •IIBIINIIIIIMNM»NIE»MMHWNIM1BHI>MMMH I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Butld- tngs and should they be struck by Ughtnlnx we pay damages i if no more than ffiOO. CaU and get full particulars. aenerii BUcksmitniat Prices always Misnilir I V' MM p HI Lit JAESIR General Commission merchant Stall 1 St a, Fnlton 8^ Wholesale Market •; 5 ebicage, niinoi# ; Spedal atteatlon given to the .v . Dressed Beef, riutton "^Y ^ . .. |:,:^>|io8:s, Veal, Poultry ^ '£> teta.' Etc. , . & g < $ ^y&utter and Thto is the oldest house on the ctreel; ^Tags and price lists Yf-^furnished on appliaatkm COLD STORAQE FREE Is your family worth " 5C 8 ̂ *° ^ou . • :rv" A protector that will protect your family night and day is the CHICAGO TELEPHONE j , ' " ' VOWS 'W Cost kt S oirt* por CI1ICA60 TELEPHONE COMPANY friiiiifflfr'.-* •