f P . * ? • « % Wr •'•«••«•• ' ,'t-fe Rival Religionists. -• •*. A Roxborough man rode down on. . t|ie train the other day behind two 7 little schoolgirls, one of them a Meth odist and the other an Episcopalian. They appeared to be much interested In church work, for their converse tion concerned nothing but guilds, sewing circles, mite societies and aid clubs. They also appeared to regard each other's churches Jealously. If one's mite society had forty-five mem bers, the other's was sure to have ' fifty-five and so on. The Methodist little girl said finally to the Episco palian: "We are holding our midwin ter revivals now. There has been a (feat awakening." The other retorted, "We don't need awakenings in our cjburch. We never go to sleep."--- ^jftiladelphia Record. '*.>?•••/ . < Rich American Dies In UwlHtf ^s|John Temple Leader, an American |Hjr birth and very wealthy, has just ; Med in London. He owned the castle ot VincigJlata, near Florence, which is fitted up magnificently in the medieval ' iKy le . 7 . ; ' ; Ii the long run* the only kind of help that really avails is the help lihich teaches a man to help himself. -^President Roosevelt. j p e r M . L e w i s ' " S i n g l e B i n d e r , " !. .Wraight 5c cigar, costs the dealer some - more than other Sc cigan, but t&e higher price "enables this factory to use higher gr&de tobacco. '.•."-yfNo man is born Into the world r. -Whose work is not born with him; . t^ lliere is always work for those who ^Irlll.--Lowell.. g -, * ^ Superior quality and extra qtmntlty must win. This Is why Defiance rf Starch is taking the place of all Others. v-^^. - The summer girl who flans fit love thinks she is having a warm time. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES color ' 011k, Wool and Cotton at one botling. f ,' • man thinks be knows, but a woman knows better. ̂ ="• -- Tonslline Cures Sore Throafc ^xuSXibor Is the corner stone of fa!thV Mrs. F. Wright, o! Oclwein, Iowa, is another one of the tiiinion women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable CompoumJ. Tornur New York Lady Tells of a Wonderful Cure: -- -J •• My tronble was with the ovaries ; •X am tall, and the doctor said 1 grew l%oo fast for my strength. Isuffered •readfally from inflammation and factored continually, but got no help. >i suffered from terrible dragging sen- '•ations with the most awful pains low ' 4own in the side and pains in the back, •nd the most agonizing headaches. . Jffo one knows what I endured. Often I was sick to the stomach, and every little while I would be too sick to go fl|o work, for three or four days; I work fri a large store, and I suppose stand ing on my feet all day made me worse. "At the suggestion of a friend of •ay mother's I began to take Lydia p. Plnkham'a Vegetable Cora- louodt and it is simply wonderful. I felt better after the first two or three laws; it seemed as though a weight . jres token off my sh^nlders; I con* tinned its use until now I can troth- folly say I am entirely cured. Yonng •iris who are always paving doctor's hills without getting any help aa I did, 'Ought to ta&e your medicine. It «oste so m«ch less, and it Is sure to them. -- Yours truly, Adelaide 174 St. Ann's Ave., New York ' -- $6000 If •rlfltml »f **** l*ttM »h " * City. |W B Cures CoMa, Cmurfca. Son Throat, Cronp, Tnfln- Whooping Cough, Bronchi tic and Asthms- A certain cure for ConanmpUoa In flrat stages, Sad a ran relief la advanced stages. I'm at one*. 'Ton will aee the excellent affect aft fin* doN. Bold by dea'ers (wywlnia tmlw Ucwti and W cent*. afteT Ml CM DO IT TOO Y! g Over 2,000,000 people are now buy- Ins goods from us at wholesale prioet--savin* IB to 40 percent on every thing they use. Yon can do it too. Why not ask us to send you our 1,000- page catalogue f-- it tell* the story. Send It cents for it today. The CHICAGO that Mis As truth. GO SOUTH! FOB riRTIODUM racartfiag eae of the assM "" 1 niSisi ol at the Soath whsia One of Earth's Loneliest Spot* I w. Ulandof Tristan d'Acunha the Smallest Atom in itie British • Empire--Climate Is Excellent and the' Resit 1 <fcnto Long'ltved,*^** Tristan d'Acunha, 1,500 miles due south of St Helena, is the smallest, loneliest atom in the British empire. It was garrisoned during Napoleon's Imprisonment at St Helena, and the inhabitants are the descendants of Corporal William Glass, who, with his wife and two private soldiers, preferred to remain there on the withdrawal of the troops. wives for the two bachelors were obtained from St Helena, and some women convicts were also landed there fifty years ago, while aa oc casional castaway has increased the population from time to time. There are now only some seventy Inhabitants, of whom a bare score are men. The climate is excellent, and the residents are very long-lived. The island is only eighteen square miles, and the chief crop is potatoes, but the live stock consists of 600 cat tle, 500 sheep acd some donkeys, pigs and poultry. Tobacco and spirits are unknown, nor are there any laws, the oldest inhabitant being regarded aa governor. Communism is the prevailing prac tice, ail things being shared in com mon and proportionately. The little settlement of Edinburgh is the only inhabited quarter and the bunch of well-built stone houses received this name after the visit of the duke of Edinburgh in 1867. Once a year the governor of St Helena visits Tristran d'Acunha with the mails and to see after its welfare and report thereon to the paternal government at Whitehall. Otherwise the island1 has no com munication with the outer world. Ascension island is more import ant, being a fortified naval base. It Is rated by the admiralty as a ship, and governed in ail respects as a man-of-war. The ruler is the captain, and his crew consists of 260 inhabi tants. All the adult males are class ed sailors, and the captain is as abso lute as on the quarterdeck. The climate and soil are good, bananas being largely cultivated, while goats form the live stock. Turtles also frequent its shores, and when a war vessel calls twice a year it incidentally ships a supply of chelmonidoe for the king and the lords of the admiralty. Three hundred miles east of Cape Horn lie the Falkland isles, and, though they are unknown to the street-bred man, theee British out posts have more than 2,000 inhabi tants. Sheep raising is the chief occupation, there being pearly 1,000,- 000 sheep in the isles. The people are happy In being free from public debt, while the fact that the only taxes are the Import duties on liquor aiftl tobacco may well draw sighs from the heavily taxed people of England. Moreover, there Is prison accommo dation for only eleven criminals, and so rarely Is even one cell occupied that the solitary warder policeman pats in his time in the government printing office. Until a few years ago education was somewhat neglected, chiefly on account of the scattered residences of the population, but this defect has been remedied by the appointment of peripatetic pedagogues, who now visit the pupils, since the pupils would, not visit them.--Pall Mall Gazette. ~ 1 Habit of Snapping the FingersI Argument Aowanced That It Shows Close Intimacy tietweeg "•[ibe Mind and the Body--Physical MoremejQt * ; Seems to Aid Mental Pgocesa* . ̂ s " : »*V' <*4 ̂ • Wife^ iibtice the peculiar babit some men have of snapping their fingers while trying to recall something which has escaped their mind for the moment?" asked a man who keeps a keen lookout for the curious in human nature. "Now, here is a curious study, and one, which, if pursued may throw much light on a very interesting subject Anything relating to memory, the retentiveness the mind is *»iwj»yp <r>f inter est to me, and I have noted with much concern these curious physical manifestations when the mind picture becomes so obscure that its lines are lost Why should a man snap his fingers when he temporarily forgets a thing? Does this physical move ment aid the mental processes? Does the fact prove the material basis of the mind? It must show a very inti mate connection between the two. After all, the intimacy existing be tween the mind and the body is very close, and personally, I have always believed In the theory which teacheB us that psychology has a physiologi cal basis and can have no other basis. The simple habit of snapping the fln- gers When one's m^o^ fSw fbt the moment would seem to offer ample proof of the fact Curiously enough, this same condition, a physical move ment, will manifest itself in many ways under similar circumstances. All men do not snap their fingers when there is a mental lapse which they are seeking to overcome. They find other ways of bridging the gap. One man will pat his foot when he forgets temporarily. Another r!!! bite his Hp, or place his finger against his temple, or rub one hand acroBs his forehead, or resort to some other effort to stimulate his lagging memoryr Why is this? Is one's memory really aided by these physi cal movements? It must be. Else humanity would have dropped them long ago. Almost every man, when he forgets something, a name, for in stance, which is right on the end of his tongue, will make some kind of physical effort to conjure the proper image from Its hiding place in the brain cells. Why It Is I do not know. I know merely that It happens, and I suppose it answers some good pur pose." THE HAND OF TATt Slenklnsop'a Limp Due to Sleeping in Haunted Room. "Yes," said Jones, "Blenkinsop does limp. It Is because he would sleep in a haunted room about a year ago. All went well till about two o'clock in the morning, when he awoke with the' knowledge that the flickering gas-jet was filling . the room with weird shadows, and that a blast of cold air was sweeping through the room. It was uncanny; but there was worse to come. Glancing at the- foot of the bed he saw the dim out line of a hand on the bed-rail. "Even his iron courage failed Grasping a revolver he had provided in case of accidents, he pointed* at the hand. p .. " 'Whatever ghost you may be,' he quavered, 'take your hand from the bed-rail, or I fire!' "There was no reply, and no move ment of the h#nd. Only the wind howled in the trees outside. "Then bangl--bang!--went the pistol. "And that, sir?*; finished Jones, "is why Blenkirfop limps. He shot off two of his own toes." A Cure for Rheumatism. Alhambra, 111.,. March 23d.--Physi cians are much puzzled over the case of Mr. F. J. Oswald of this place. Mr. Oswald suffered much with Rheuma tism and was treated by doctor after doctor with the result that he got no better whateyer. They seemed un able to do anything for him, and he continued to suffer till he heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mr. Oswald began a treatment of this remedy, which very soon did for him what the doctors had failed to do and they cannot understand it t This is the same remedy that cured Hon. Fred A. Busse. our State Treas urer, of a very severe case of Rheu matism some years ago and which has since had an unbroken record of suc cess in curing all forms of Rheuma tism and Kidney Trouble. There seems to be no case of these painful diseases that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure promptly and per manently. \ DISGUISED CATARRH. •-V5 : 'H k Stealthy, Insidious, Weakening Enemy to Women Needlessly From This Cause. There are a Many Thousand Women Suffer multitude of women, es pecially housewives, and ail other women obliged to be on their feet constantly, who are wretched beyond description, simply because their strength and vitality is sapped away by catarrhal discharges from the pelvic organs. These women get up in the morning tired, drag themselves through their daily duties tired, only to go to bed at night as tired as before. *• Mm. Etb Bartho, 133 Kast 12th Street' N. V. City, N. V., writ«:-"| suffered for three years with what is eenerally known as leucorrhea. in connection with ulceration of the womb. The doctors advocated an operation which I dreaded very much, and stronnly objected to go under it. Reading of the value of Hcuna, 1 thought it best to give this well-known remedy a trial, so I bought three bottles of it at once. Now 1 am a changed woman. Peruna cured me; it took nine bottles, but 1 felt so much in)i>ioved I kept taking it, as I dreaded an operation so much. I am to-day in perfect health, and have not fait so wall tor fifteen yean."--Mrs. Eva Bartho. MISS LOUISE MAHON. MBS. KVA BARTHO. taken. I used It faithfully for two ; and it completely cured me. I have not had any pains since, anywhere, but M like a new woman. I am truly thankfal for what Peruna has done for me."--Bar* baraAlberty. IWrt. Kate Mam, 8M Bstlrant Toronto, Out., Can., Vice P resident of Ladies Aid Society, write* " I am pi, to give praise to Peruna for the blessed relief I found through its use. I suffered for year* wfek backache and dragging down pains and often bad to go to bed end stay there when 1 was so bwp that I could illy be spared. It was therefore a simple godsend to me when Peruna was broachc to my notice. Every drop seemed to give 3ie warn life, and every dose made me feel much better, and I promised myself that if I found that it cute* me I would advocate it so that other suffering women should know of it. I have been in p< dket health for one year, I enjoy work and pleasure t«- cause in such (ine health, and no trouble seems heavy to bear when you are in good health. Pel has simply been a household blessing, aad 1 will be without it again."--Mrs. Kate Malta. MRS. K4TK MAN>*. Vi r '.vA- Secretary Shaw's Parable. When the newspapers began to dis cuss customs frauds in New York a young newspaper correspondent ask ed Secretary of the Treasury Shaw If be Intended starting an Investigation. Mr. Shaw replied gravely: "I once knew a fellow who hunted foxes with a brass band." Here the secretary paused and looked over some leters. Then he added. "He didn't catch ^ ia,-. •: HOWS THISf We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any eaM of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Mali's Catarrh Cure. F. I '•HENHV £. C&.. Piops.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financi ally able to carry out any obligation* made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio; WALDING, KINNAN A MARVIN. Whole sale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. SoU by all druggists. . Mall's Faarily Pills are the bsst. . . ; W EJderv jFook a Day :if>\ Brother Parker's Explanation of His Fall From Grace--Hits ^^Kem^J^r^orty^six Yews ol Faithful ̂ Irring Bacheller can always tell a story of the north country, land this It one of them. "Up In 8t Lawrence county/* ha said, "there was a God-fearing old man, who lived in a small Tillage a few miles from Potsdam. Mr. Parker was an elder in the church, a good husband and father, and a worthy citizen, who was much respected in the community. One day he hitched up his team and went off with a load of produce from his farm to Potsdam- Night fell, but Parker did not return. His family was much frightened, for such a thing had never happened be fore, and they felt sure that some evil had befallen him. His son went to Potsdam and called at all his father's accustomed haunts, only to find that the old man had sold his potatoes and started for home before dark. "The family remained in great dis tress all night and until the next afternoon, when Mr. Parker drove in at the big farm gate. The old man's clothes were torn, his face bruised, a •mall portion of his front scalp was A CHANCE TO GROW. New Englander's Comment on Future of Schooner. Shn Tarbox lives in a New England seaport town. He is as simple as he is big and strong, his muscular develop ment being the result of .years of la bor around Ice houses and on ice wagons. One day when business was quiet Stan wandered away from his ice wag on and sat down on the stringpiece of a pier to admire a shapely three- masted schooner tied up alongside. Gradually Sim's curiosity was aroused. Espying the captain seated near his cabin, Sim observed: "I say, skipper, that's a mighty fine boat ye got thaer." "Yes," responded the captain, "ahe's a pretty good boat" After a silence of several minutes Sim again broke out: "I aay, akipper, how old ts ahe?" "Oh," wugwored the captain, "about six years, I guesa." "Goe!" said Sim, after what ap peared to be deep reflection and speak ing In hit deliberate taaMoa, as his again swept over the aefcponer, "wont aha ha a hlghster tacf ahe's twenty!** mising, and hts horse was broken* winded and all of a lather. He vouch safed no explanation, but betook him- self to bed, where he slept for four teen hours, waking with a rich brown taste in his mouth. "The matter got noised abroad, and eventually the minister and a brother elder called upon him. " 'Brother Parker,' said the minis ter solemnly, 'it appears to us that some explanation is due the church of events which have recently trans pired, and we have called to see if you have anything to say about them. "The old man pondered awhile, and then asked: "How long hev been a member of the church, boy and man?' 'Forty-alx years, my brother.' "'Hev I walked in the ways of the Lord pretty perpendicular during that time?' "'Yes, Brother Parker, you hava served long and faithfully.' u 'Well,' said the old man, 1 thought so, too, 'n' I Just thought I'd take a day off."M--rNew York Times. sure on the ends, but not many would credit the results of testa, recently made. Eight ordinary hen's eggs were submitted to pressure applied exter nally all over the surface of the shell and the breaking pressures varied be tween 400 pounds and 675 pounds per square inch. With the stresses applied internally to twelve eggs, these gave way at pressures varying between 32 pounds and 65 pounds per square inch. The pressure required to crush the eggs varied between 40 pounds and 75 pounds. The average thlcknaaa of the shells was 13-1,000 Inch. JL - • Flrmneea of Egg thalti. Most people are aware of the power « AhfU* to regift axtfrptl c-n i'i.: President's Advice to Cortelyou. Stories of the doings of children are always welcoine at the white house and President Roosevelt is ready at any time to stop the flow of public business to hear a good story about some other fellow's boy as well as one of his own. When he was ready to appoint Secretary Cortelyou to the of fice of secretary of commerce and la bor he asked: "Cortelyou, how ia the measles up at the house?" "Well, we still have the measles, but X think the children are getting along all right" "If you want to knock off a few days betweeif the two jobs and help take care of the children I guess wa can arrange It," said the president "It might be a good thing to get ao> auaUged With ZQUT lankly," ^ " " Very Likely. ^f?| He--There Is one woman In this >orld who can thank me for render- ng her happy for life. She--Why, I didn't know yon were narried. Ho--I'm not; I broke the enjptge- n#nt Mother Rray*s Sweat rowdm far rhlldrsa. Sutvespfully used by Mother Gray, nurae in the Children's Home in New York, our* Constipation, Feveri^bneux, Baa Htomach, Teething Disorders, move anil rej?ulftte the Bowel* and Destroy W orma. Over 80,000 tes timonial*. At all druggists, 25c. Hamnle FRV. Aditreaa A. S. Olmsted, LeBoy, H.Y. A Wholesale Bigamist. In Warsaw (Poland) jail is a whole sale bigamist who is known to have gdne through the marriage ceremony with seventeen women, all of whom are alive. To the housewife who has aot yet become acquainted with the aew things of everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once. Not alone because It Is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand, but because each 10c package con tains 16 ozs., while all the other kinds contain but 12 ots. It 1b safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. Ml"a Louise Mahon, S Olen Bailie Ntreet, Toronto, Out., Can., Secretary of the Kln-'s Daughters and Secretary of I.ady M«>-<-*- boos writes : -- If all women knew of the benefits to be derived from taking Peruna we would have many happier and more healthful women. M.v health has never been too robust, and I am easily fatikued and can not stand much. About a year •to 1 was so run down that 1 had to take to my "bed. •lid became weaker and weaker. A friend advised me to try Peruna. and I have great reason to be grateful, for in two weeks 1 was out of bed and in a month I was perfectly well, and I now find that my health is much more robust than formerly, so that I take Peruna once or twi^e a month end keep well."--Louise Mahon. Peruna is such a perfect specific for each case that when patients have once used it they can never be induced to quit it until they are permanently-cured. It begins to relieve the disagreeable "symptoms at once. The backache ceases, the trembling knees are strengthened, the appetite restored, the digestion made perfect, the dull headache is stopped and the weakening drains are gradually cured. These results certainly follow a course of treatment with Peruna. Barbara Alberty, corner Seventh and ^Walnut streets, Appleton, Wis., writes as Jo. lows in regard to Peruna: For years I have suffered with back ache and severe pains in the side. I doctored so much that I became discour aged. A school friend told me how very much Pernna had benefited her and I sent out for a bottle, which did more to relieve me than all the other medicine I have ever MR*. ANNA MARTIN. BROMO- SELTZER CURES ALL Headaches 10 aCNTS-EVBRYWHKftS IMPORTANT AND URGENT. I own •• good a farm a* there 1u In Iowa, coetelntag M7 acras located In Keimnliec. township, Mottqas County, five miles from On iw«. two mllei Jurln, both jrood rsllroail towns, wtilch I wilt a< 70 per acre If taken suou, t ra»n auJ naiau e oa long lima at >eesou*l>le raie of Interest, (looti house, erIM, kins etc.. Anew lur^e tmro will l>* built at ones. For corn, am ill grain or liujr I here ts do better. The west Hue U a river, bit tlie farm does not over- Sow. The farm will be considered cheap at I1U0 per Mire tastUeof five year*, i be usuel eellwlssloa will be paid te the real estate aveot who first brlags mea ' - ~ ~ l.IM>*EY, Presides* Mrs. Anna Martin, 47 Hoyt 8t„ Braol||S « writes':--"^Pernna did so much for sae that I feel it my duty to recommend it to others who may be similarly afflicted. About a year e®e my health was completely broken down, kid backache, dirtiness and irregularities, and fids seemed dark indeed. We had used Peruna in otf home as a tonic, and for cold-, arid catarrh, and I decided to try it for my trouble. In less than III I-- months 1 became regular, my pains had tinllralp disappeared, and I am now perfectly well."--ICsa Anna Martin. Mrs. Wm. Hetrick, Kennard, Washing* ton County, Neb., writes: "I am hfty-six years old and have aal felt well since the Change of Life begaa ten years ago. I was in misery somewheee most of the time. My back was very weak, and my flesh so tender it hurt me to leea against the back of a chair. I had peia under my shoulder-blades, in the small of back and hips. I sometimes wished my self out of this world. Had hot and oold spells, dizziness and trembling of the lirab^ and was losing flesh all the time. After following your directions and taking] I now feel like a different person."--I Wm. Hetrick. If you do not derive prompt and satf** factory results from the use of Peraaa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a Ml statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuahle advice gratia. Peruna can be purchased for $1 par bottle at all first class drug stores. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus Ohio. ; 'li; • '..I ijpHjftf.. 1 "."IT* A i vs r & mM 'P: * Address Z. T. Iliter-State Rubber Co., OMXHA, Nebr. we offer jros~lpiS lu Turkey Ahead of America- While forty Turkish ships passed through the Suez canal last year, only twenty-five American vessels did no. No chromos or cheap premiums, but a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches. A new hotel in New York fit* has a capacity for 1,200 guests aad *a! ploys 1,800 servants. Plso's Curs Is the best medicine wa svSr iMMi for all affections of the throat and Iubmb.--Wm. O. EnDai.KT, Vaoburen, Ind., Feb. 10, liWu. Niagara is worth |1.00O.009,M0 a source of electrical power. as To Core a Oold in One day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta All druggists refund money if it fails tucure 25c A man seldom realises hoar mbch be cap't 0o until he tries. ' ' v . an. WI lis low's Soothlif tfyrnp. children teething, softens tns kuois, reduces fe- aavatsUoc.. allays pals, cure* wlad co'lc. Skca 'jiKUe It's far better to be disappointed, in lore than In marriage. Tonsiline Cures Sore Throat. 8elf-denlal Is the secret of delight ID PROFIT. Mas lu Southwestern Minnesota and His Dakota*. We Sere hercstoa. Ko. 1. M0 acres one mils from A ml ret, Mine. I» prersroeels worth s7,*io. Never fallln«SBi1n«sirsami lie soil ; spteudlii oeUhbortiood. Price •#?»perecia. Ko. S. SJOecrcs three miles from two railroad towns la LaeQel Perls touuty. Ml n. 700 cultivated, balanee tee pasture; See house, barn i ad grove, prtcs M. Mr acre. No. a. 1C0 acres la North Uakota.prlce|l,«e. No. 4. 1*0 seres la South Dakota, price tl.WO- Oths* choice beats farms for ssls. Liberal terms arrufti tOaO'B LAVS AOMCTjCeaky, -- WHKAT LAND. CORN LAND. alfalfa land, pasture LANO^X-^ Soil rich, black, ssadjr loam, easll; tilled. Mlla climate. Water Ib exhaustless ijuautltf, pure and soft. Aa ludustrtous and Utlelllseat community. Uood markets, ehurches and school*; Improved and un improved tract* et from tS to •*) per acre, sot of pur chase price loaned. Call oa or address K. v. fiTWBi Seal Cstate, lasereees cad Lease, Kiaslsy, Ksas. Psylng Invextuieuiflcau be uiudeloU usker •i on ana Oceana counties within the famous «AF£l fruit belt of Western Mktilnnu Fruit farm*of Ml), JK. SU and 40 acres and smaller, also fruit ami othsr unimproved land. Resort property with luke mintage, ttucrea unplatted laud wltlilu <ity llaiHn, low prloe IO close estate Other bargains In bouiies. vmaat lota and fnulory sites In this the most thriving cltf on ths esst shore of Lake Michigan. No exaggeration. W. W. aaaous. Heal Sstate. Husksgss, Kick. ACRCa floe siix lt or dairy farm, watered by Slkhora Hlver, l mile from town. S00acres bsy land, 23 lams; new bouse, row barn and outbuildings; high school privileges A b»rt;&iii,lMtM0. Kasy terms If sold by May 1st. F. E. 8ALA, Ewing,Nebr. Can You See Any Difference in this batch of bread ? There isn't any. The same invari- ablenesa runs through every batch of bread made from Gold Medal Flour--but it's in inward goodness, not out ward appearance. Every loaf of bread is the same--it 's aa good as good can be. It's as good to-day as yesterday-- the best and always the best. You can count on a good batch of bread every time you use wisnmi-Moars Gold Medal l i Flour and you can count on its being a more nutritious batch of bread than you ever had with ang^rtbex floor. WASBIOTIR-CBOABY COMPANY, Hlsssspslls, Mtara. CHARLES R. DUXBURY, ELKH0RN, MANITOBA. •| em oarttcularly well placed to find the American people Just what every one Is looking for at this tlms, ¥l*.: Good Improved farms lu well settled districts, Bear schools,churches. market»i<nd railway*, at from Ski per acre. This land Is In theientieor tlieerandest Wheat bf It In the world. A small rasti payment down, balance on time. A chance of a lifetime. •set Bstata Cheap homes In government Isuds under Irrigation In So California. Our Inducements: perfect tllni*U'( wonderfully rich, product Ho soil; unlliulted water supply The chance of a ilfeilme. None but prospective settlors wbo c&n come at once or lu tits Ba ,r future need apply. Kor literature and Information address J. A. WALTOW. Agent, Badlands, Oaliiornte. Ill a a•"•"!•« Military Land Warrontsu Hf I I'll Sft psld persons telling ma whe Ts file I KbS# |,a, oue wlietlier 1 but or not. a. K. Keller, Belrd Bld«..Kanees City, Mo. AOKKTH. aitv SSAN OR VHOM AN can makelotsof money SRI sellfoc"Smyrna Ki«s." Wrltefociull lmn» at ontw to T. S. SAXWIU, Qafsuisl, Oua for Blustte. s grsat household novelty, sample sad full particulars, ISs (silver). rCBBJJI «0*sirT CO., Sex 7SS, Frevidease, a. I. A6CNTS ASSSTS Latest and best household article. Sold eaty by aaenU, laly ergentlemesilerm proSta; write leo» msed Iforslty Supply, 11SS Welflegtea At.Oli^a WONIKN WEAR THE *'OU|tKN FIN NOOK' wtta shlrtwslst, for that "dip froat" eSsci, FINES tW ISe. Ageats wan tea A an bodily la nam* external Vts Thibntjce, Waterloo sad Albert Lea. Past Vestibule Night tra'i with through Sleeping Car, Buflet-Llbr_«-y Car and Free JRecUaing Chair Car. Dialog Car Serrtca t route. Tickets ol sgsaH nllCK-K. I connecting Han. L M. NAMSON. O. P. A. CWCSSO. | WESTERN CANADA GRAIN CROWING. MIXED FAHMMC. Ths Ksaaea Hyi growu in We ~ short mail because TemtMtaaaraws •*•••» portion to taeeaadafit. TtoSMS* sortheriy iatitadeia whiska***S will corns t*m»tlS»,l>i)ilMi It Is. Therefore a lbs. per hotivel is a* fair hSbMn •0 lbs. la the East. Area wader sseagaWestsraCkiMl* 1SSS, l.MT.SM Aerta. Yield. lMHi ln.MaiSSZ HOMESTEAD LANDS OF ISO ACtfS FKKE. the oaly chsrge for which Is SIS forasekl̂ sattr. Abundance of water sad fart, hafldtM awM cheap, good grass for pasture aad hey. a f«ifassSL a snnaeet rainfall, end a climategiVtaaaa assasvl and adequate season of growth. Send to the following for aa Atlas aaS Sthw literature, and also for certificate gtving ditced freight and pesaeager rates, etc Superlnteudeut of Immigration, Ottawa. ortoC. J. Brougbtou, 430 Ualncy BaMiac, J O Duncan. Koom 6. Big roar BMS-, 1*S Ind.,or T. O. Currle. t'aUshsa BMg.. Mliwaefe the sathorUed Canadian Gore MISCMLLAXBOUt, i~r.tS&3i5rab tf9K ^BR MO. "aegartM* flM ealaa Ko more aagar; » SHEET MUSIC. Three excelleat places of sheet music. (Iastramsatal) S*r ths Piano or Orgaa. ars Just from ths ptSSS MARIETTA TWO-STEP." TABOR VALLEY TWO-STEP." •* PANSY WALTZ." Aterdsr to Introduce these pieces of which are worth 73 centa, into year oeaamBatty, wa offer the three upon receipt of ealy BB oaatSb POSV sgs paid, bead all order* to the pabUsfcsn. fi. «. imGKUtt i Alt MM mptstioa OLAHK. TIAilH thF THAI CASH ALLOW AVCBS to IslsnjS-- Ihssgssof Ml saAStyaaia. Afist EKS.!?L!L«l iiiMii Mtal ahivi SSwaahee Usssty KsSltM wtth Si W. N. U. CHICAOQ, NO. t When Answering AAmtUmsm iDnnrtu fill