** S U M M E R S T O V E S ! : 11 ' WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SUMMER STOVE CJASOLINE OR BLUE FLAilE OIL CALL AT OSHUN BRO$. claim to .have as complete assortment of re liable makes as were ever shows In McHenry. Prices' right. Call and let its prove the above. OSMUN BROS. McHENRY, N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents I SPRING" NECESSITIES! i : i i tt Paints, Drugs of all Kinds, 4 ' Oils, School Supplies, Varnishes, Medicines, Brushes, Toilet Articles, Pecan Oil. WE HANDLE THEM. Ringwood, 111. J, 5. BROWN & SON. 1903 CROP i 50c A BUSHEL: CASH £ £ * I * * i « WITH * EVERY LOAD PICKLES lb £ * tt * tt tt tt s i Be sure and contract your pickles with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., as they were the first parties that paid you 50c a bushel. Contract at once as we will take only a limited number of acres. Make your contracts with, and get your seed from Kbank Wabo, or $ , at the following places: Bank of McHenry, McHenry: Simon Btoffel, M. J. Wal'sh, F. A. Bohlander, W. C. Evunson, John J. Miller, West McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Hingwood: John P. Lay, C. M. Adams, Johnsburgh, STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH (0. WEST McHENRY, ILL. l94i99«39iai9»i4i9»S«M This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention The Vital Processes in the seed an flow. but they are still exist ent, and they may be kept active by gentle opposition and stimu lation, just as they may be increased in child hood and youth by cough method*. 2>r. Caldwell's (Uutivt) Syrup Pepsin Is a boon to the aged and infirm, and probaMy no medicine has accomplished so much, or re ceived as high or as many indorsements from men and women whose extreme age gives them a seemingly slender hold upon life. Children love it. too. It is pleasant to'.he taste, sure, yet gentle, in its JOHNSBURGH. Miss Lena Mickeis spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Rose Huemann called on friendB here Sunday. C. M. Adams was a business visitor in Chicago Thursday. John P. Lay was a Chicago passenger Thursday of last week. Will Klein made his usual Monday morning trip to Ingleside. Wm. Britz and wife of Volo were the guests of Mrs. Britz Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oust Huff were guests of Stephen H. Schmitt Sunday. Henry Thelen and family called on friends at Spring Grove Sunday. Mrs. Emma Miller visited her sister, Mary, at Spring Grove this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joa, Diedrich of McHen ry called on relatives here Wednesday. Joe Nett went to the city Saturday morning, where he will attend business. Mrs. C. M. Adams visited Mrs. Bar bara Hueman Monday, the latter being sick. Mrs. Math. B. Sctaaefer, who has been qnite sick all winter, Is said to be qnite serious now. J. Emerson Nye spent the past week with his brother, Dr. Nye. He went from here to Valparaiso, Ind., Thurs day of last week. Miss M. M. Adams transacted busi ness in Chicago Fridav, where she se lected a nice line of all the new cre ations in spring millinery. given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. VoPFICE with McHenry County State Bank /Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con- ' veyancing. Money to loan on real estate In sums of #500 to 110,000, time and payment to suit oorrower. HARPER Homeseekers' Excursion to the NorthweHt Wfit aud South went, and Colonist Low Rate* West, Via the ^forth-Western Line. Excur sion Tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chairs and "The Best of Everything." For full particulars ap ply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y- The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on he roll of hono r? Don't borrow. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever beard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Bnrns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, -Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by. Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W. Besley, Weet McHenry. VOLO. John Richardson transacted business in the city Monday. Geo. Richardson of Round Lake was a Volo caller Monday. Joa. Hironimus has moved his family into Thos. Fisher's honea Mrs. John Rosing and son, William, spent Monday in Chicago. Chas. Stock of Chicago visited at A. J. Raymond's over Sunday. Chauncey Jepson of Wauconda Sun- dayed with Raught Brothers. T. L. Raymond of Montana visited relatives here the first of the week. Mrs. John Frost and daughter, Katie, visited at Wauconda the first of the week. Miss Kate Phannestill was the guest of Miss Annie Miller a few days the past week. There will be a temperance lecture given by Rev. Thiele at the Catholic church Sunday, April 5. Mr. and Mrs. John Vasey spent Wed nesday at Grayslake with their daugh ter, Mrs. Franx Davis. Misses Rose Hnson and Elsie Smith returned home Monday after a few days' visit with friends in Chicago and Waukegan. Open the door, let in the air, The winds are sweet, the flowers are fair, Joy is abroad in the world for me, Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. PURE & MELLOW RICH & DELICATE For sale by All Leading Dealers Chicago & North-Westers. Effective Oct 12, 1902 WW DAT THAIHS. KOBTHBOUKD McHenry. TlSam Via Elgin ...#.48am 8.05 a in Via T>es Plaines 9:48 a m 3.25 p m Via l>ns 1'laines 5.00 p m 5.01 p m Via l)es Plaines 6.47 p m 8CHPAY trains. 8.45am Via Elgin lL14.a m 9.10 am VlaJH s 1'lalnes 11.14 a to 2.02 pm.... Via Elprln 4.53 p m WXKX DAT T&AIKS. McHeary. south bouhd. <JWc]£o. 7.8Am .Via Elgin 10.10 a m 8.38am Via Des Plaines .9JS6am 8.00 pm Via Elgin ....5.45 p m SCJTDAY TRAINS. 7.32 am Via Elgin 10.1)0 a m 5:55 p m Via Elgin 8:46 p m Passengers taking 7:32 train from stations uorthot Crystal Lake out change at Crystal aad active fe CfeJesco at9s» a. m. ( is measured by the number of con veniences In the home. No house is complete without city water and a job of plumbing by ^ practical, well- trained mechanic. I can fit up your house with the latest improved ap pliances and guarantee everything first class. We carry in stock a com plete line of Gas, Steam and Water Valves. Call at our store room in the Bonslett.Building and look at the line of fixtures and repairs. SG1MITT. SPRING GROVE. John Westlake was home from the city over Sunday. W. C. Moss attended to business mat ters at Ingleside recently. Jesse B. Richardson was a Richmond caller Saturday afternoon. Will SeaverB was a Chicago passen ger the last of the week. Will Lichty recently entertained a college friend from Chicago. Wm. Murphy of Chicago spent the Sabbath with B. A. Stevens. John Smith and family are visiting with his mother at Ontario, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Pierce spent the Sabbath with Fox Lake relatives. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund, on Friday of last week, a daughter. Mrs. Johnnie Rauen traded "rt-ith McHenry merchants.last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell of Ringwood visited relatives here one day last week. Hobart Rauen's new bam is resplen dent in its new coat of green and white. Mesdames Selim Pierce and Elmer Martin were Richmond visitors Satur day. Dentist Chamberlin of McHenry will be at the Nippersink hotel, Friday, April 3. Miss Bessie Hoffman of Holcombville spent a few days last week with rel atives here. Miss Edna Pierce went to Fox Lake Tuesday to care for her aunt, Mrs. K. E. Stanley. Miss Lenora Stevens of Chicago is spending several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. B. A. Stevens. The photograph social was well at tended and all report a splendid time and bushels of fun. Mr- and Mrs. H. J. Wilson were down from Richmond and spent the Sabbath with the former's mother. Mesdames Mary Carey and Jennie Oxtoby visited McHenry relatives and friends Monday afternoon. Russell Turner of So.on Mills spent last week Wednesday hare with his cousin, Howard Churchill. Several members of our camp, R. N. A., attended the funeral of Mrs. Emma Wray at Richmond Tuesday afternoon. Mesdames Ida Westlake, Carrie Vo- gle and Adalaide Coates were down from Solon Tuesday evening, calling on friends here. Miss Lora Lichty returned Sunday evening to her school duties near Crystal Lake, after spending her vacation here with her parents. Henry Jackson is kept busy nowa days carrying passengers to and from the depot. Hunters are more plentiful than game this spring. After La Grippe--What? Usually a hacking cough and a gen eral feeling of weakness, often leading to fatal results after tbe patient is sup posed to have passed the danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar is guaranteed to cure the "grippe cough" and make you strong and well. It never fails to stop a cough if taken in time Take no sub stitutea. > Sold by N. H. Petesch. OSTEND. Mrs. Cora Bassett was a Ringwood caller last week. Mrs. Jacob Hauperisch visited her sister here Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Dates was calling on Ring wood friends Saturday. R. H. Richardson was hauling feed from Woodstock Saturday. Miss Eva Thompson was a pleasant caller at our Sunday school Sunday. Mrs. JesBie Harrison and Miss Anna Harrison were McHenry visitors Satur day. Mrs. George Thomas and daughter, Ella, were shopping at Woodstock Sat urday. There were thirty-six in attendance at Sunday school last Sunday. The collection was $1.02. The basket social held at the home of Clifford Thompson was greatly enjoyed by all present. The proceeds were $12 Mrs. E. S. French and sister, Miss Myrtle Harnish, spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Geo. Thorn as. 4 The Harness Suggests the 2 HORSE! Think of him first in buying Harness. Select that which is suitable to his build* his strength and the nature of his work. In short buy Harness that will fit the animal and then consider the cost. That will fit, too, because our prices on high grade buggy, carriage and team Harness are very low. " -V- • :'iT-'• '?•- •. '? - , rai i » it,. , -v/A' hM Jill McHenry, 111. GUS. CARLSON. 'M o Bean the Signature of 0 T O X I Z A . > The Kind You Haw Always Bought SPECIMEN BALLOT Qmam Qmm • • • • • For Supervisor SIMON STOFFEL For Town Clerk v CHARLES B. HARMSEN For Assessor JOHN HUEMANN For Collector - PETER NIESEN For Commissioner of Highways JOHN H. FREUND By Petition. For Supervisor .• • • JOHN KIMBALL • • KHERALD PARK. Mrs. R. J. Sutton visited friends in McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. W. Bolger visited her mother in McHenry Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. B. Frisby spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. J. Sutton. Miss Lucy Sutton visited Miss Maggie Ward in McHenry Sunday afternoon. Miss Mayme Knox and friend visited the Misses Aylward Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Gibbs spent the past two weeks at M. Conway's near Terra Cotta. . Miss Etta Powers of Griswold Lake spent Sunday at her brother's, John Powers. Miss Lola Aylward of Elgin spent a few days the last of the week at her home here. Messrs Jno. R. Smith and H. Fil- meten spent last Thursday and Friday in Chicago. Berkircher Bros, are hauling stone this week for the foundation work of their new house. Messrs. E. P. Fleming, W. J . Gibbs and R. M. Fleming of Barreville were callers here Sunday. Messrs. Jno. R. Knox and Allan Cleary of McHenry and Walter Walsh called here Sunday afternoon. Misses Anna Cleary, Anna Frisby and L. E. Wamsley spent Tuesday evening with the Misses Knox. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry began teaohing Monday in Prairie school, whioh she had to give up a few months ago on account of ill health. Her many friends will be glad to hear she is able to be at work again. TKRRA COTTA. J. H. Gracy was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Ellis D. Gates was out from the city Tuesday. T. L. Church was a recent visitor at Honey Creek, Wis. Miss Lenna and Thomas Church were McHenry visitors Monday. Herman Stolpe was a visitor in the windy city last Thursday. Major Gates of Chicago has been Spending several days here. Ed. Fleming stopped here on his way to McHenry Saturday. Will and J. J. Doherty^attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. G. M. Norris and two sons were visiting friends at Nunda Saturday Miss Glenys M. Jacobs commenced school duties at Crystal Lake Monday. T. A. Dongan of Chicago was the guest of Wm. Gates a few days the last of the Week. Mrs. Albert Jacobs went to Elgin Wednesday morning to see her mother, who is dangerously ill. Robt. Matthews went to Chicago Mon day to secure a position as fireman on the C. & N. W. He wants to be with the rest of the prairie boys. Wm. Schumann and Bruce Starritt are the owners of new clarinets which are of a high grade. Tbe boys can be depended on to furnish their share of blowing for the Terra Cotta bantl. The A. T. C. & C. Co. have been re ceiving an unusually large quantity of coal the past week. It is their intention to discontinue using fuel oil in the kilns and begin at once using coal instead. Jas. Turnell, who has been assisting J. H. Gracy with his farm work for some time, has gone to Honey Creek, Wis., to manage the farm of Mrs. Soule there. Albert Jacobs took his place here. Work has commenced on the new brick store at Crystal Lake which is to be occupied by Herman Stolpe as soon as it is finished. Mr. Stolpe has worked up a good business since coming here and his many friends will be sorry to have him leave His store and business will be offered for sale. A few of our farmers have contracted their milk to Borden's and expect to be gin taking same to McHenry May 1, What's the matter with Terra Cotta having a bottling plant? We are located in one of the best dairy sections in the state and a good plant located here would be sore to get the milk for miles around. Dundee's Bargaii Sales. Men's woven striped, fancy Hose, 5 and 10c per pair. Ladies' fine seamless Ribbed Topflose 10c. Boys' Fine Suits, sample lot, $1.69 and $1 49. Fancy 36x72 in. Smyrna Rugs, $1.98. Chil dren's Fast Black Seamless Hose 7c. Fine Taffeta Silk Waists $1.98. Fancy Velvet and Brussels Foot Stools 87c. Lot of Fancy Toilet Soap 8c per cake. High grade Walking Skirts $1.98. Fan cy Wool Dress Skirts $2.69. An all wool blue stripe Walking Skirt $1.29 and $1.98. Lace Curtain Sale: one week more, Curtains per pair 49c, 75c, 98c, $1.29 and $1.98. Children's Ready Made Dresses, 25c, 35, c 49c and 75c. Boys' Confirmation Suits, $8.98, $6.48 and $6.95. Made by the best makers and all wool goods. Worth £ more. Special Shoe Values for boys, 79, 98 and $1.25. Trade $10.00 and show round trip ticket and we refund your car-fare. C. F. HALL, CO., Dundee, 111. Danger of Colds and Grip. .The greatest danger from colds aud grip is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that it is a sure preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all drug- O Bear* the Signature of B V O A I A . iTlio Kind You Have Always Bought m-- (HARLES <L [RETT M m •m: CHANGE OF LIFE I Botwaen the Ages of Forty and FMty la a Critical Tlrno of Lif« for feottl MEN AND WOMEN Kldn«y Diseases Cause Many QaathH, During this Perilous Period It is not generally known that the bod)ail of men as well as women usually undergo great changes between the ages of tortjf and fifty. With some the period con* mencea earlier and with others it it ea* tended later. With all It la marked by th# overloading of the blood with Impurities' arising from the marked changes that ara taking place. The kidneys that filter thii blood often become weak during thit period, and the poisons they should havt eliminated are carried everywhere wltk the blood, causing a train of symptom® that indicate certain death unless their cause is removed. Here are some ef the tadleatfaaa that the kidneys are overburdened and breaks* , j ~- lng down: flashes of heat over the face ajf body, backache, headache, tired feeling^ " Vv Indigestion, nervousness, heaviness an# ..' pains in the feet and legs, swelling of th(T " , • feet and ankles, chilly sensations, loss of - iV' weight, Irregular flow of urine, whicll may be cloudy or give a sediment o# f,^ standing, hot and dry skin, coated tongu«* When any of the above symptoms ar#- > ^ noticed, then look out for the kidney^' We know of nothing ao certain to act ap the right thing in the right place aK:r Foley's Kidnky Cubb. It is compose!. of the best known agents recommended by the highest authorities on kidney . ; troubles. It la an honest preparation anft> one that Is thoroughly reliable in all case**; ? ' N. H. PETESCH. ¥ Wholesale and retail dealer In I am In the Market For Beef Veal Huttoa Hi>fi and Poultry dive b a call Smoked Meats, Sausdge McHenry - Illinois DON'T BE FOOLEPI Take the genuine, original : ROCKY MOUNTAIN TE4' Made only by Madison Media ' cine Co., Madison, Wis. IK keeps you well. Our tradf ,-. mark cut on each package^, Price, 35 cents. Never soli' in bulk. Accept nu substi* (•MMMtniMi tute. Ask your druccist' y w , <13!; CROUP Croup and Inflammation of the larynx are laJlo v o d a n d p e r m a n e n t l y c u r e d b y t h e n a e o f O n « • . j Minute Coueh Cure. This never falling preacrtottej , ,'^i ' , tf an eminent physician was given tha BUM Of MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant relief bait +, \ '/'••V-J;- ihvaya followed Its use. It takes effect tt the Ml of '" \:4. '• fee trouble and acts on the inflamed membranes to* Mead of passing wholly Into the stomach and dniatlatf/V 'k- tr stupefying the system. Gives relief Instantly; < ' s iKJp -r' «• CURE.DSflf • r? : . It destroys the disease germ, dears the pklsc« an#^' h? . (raws out the Inflammation, thus removing tha CMMI-'-"i'Ia&W?? •id curing permanently. One Minute Cough Cure •&* tw.j* fectly harmless, good for children and they Uka Ma:. •' !4' " ; s. Prapared only by B. C. DeWitt St Co., Chlcsfe^C l-W - Idaal remedy for children. Do not forget tha ONE MINUTE )ulm A. Story auu ti W. iiitalcy [iminmnHnnmimmnnnmBUMBimiMBi Jos. H. Huemann Johfisburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. Frinklia Lightning Rod Wirks! I um pgent for the above. We put tbe Rods on your Build- • lugs and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more thau $500. Call aud get full particulars. Generil Blicksmitfting Price* ilwtys Itasaiibie t Vat Town Clerk For Assessor For Collector"* Pot Commissioner of Highways I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the ballot to be voted at the annual town election, in the town of McHenry, McHenry county and state of Illinois, on Tuesday, April 7, 1903. /i? Fifty Years the Standard BAKING POWDffi Awarded ^ flights! Honors World's Fab* •{ghost tosts U.S. Gov't Chomlsts rnioa making rowaia oo. H I L I P J A E C C R General Commission mcrcDdnl Stall 1 & 3, Fulton S* Wholesale Market Cbicago, THhiois Special attention given to the sal# • ,.., Dressed Beef, riutton Hogs, Veal, Poultry Hides, Etc. Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists furnished on application COLD STORAGE FREE tif« Is your family worth gc a day to you ? A protector that will protect your £amQy night and day is tbe CHICAGO TELEPHONE Cost but 5 cents per day CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY