Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1903, p. 4

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-**>r « -O • l.-W, •• WC ?!s1 ?V ""• icVK He NcHenry PUinlealer PUBLISH®D EVERY THURSDAY BY JtH NcHEKRY PLAINDEAJIR COMPART. W. K.GRANG**. W.A. Cnisrr, J. B. PERRY, Pres. Sec. Treas. OHAS. D. SCHOONKAKKR, Editor. v : - i OBoc in Bank Building. Telephone, No. 87*. : *-- TBRM* OP •INSCRIPTION: X'#iV--.-t)n« year v'" , ^81x months, 78 Cts. , #.60 Three months. 40 cts. il fes- Kgj*.V • • "WI" Thursday, April 9, 1903. ANNUAL REPORT. Statement of the FIUMM AJffcira of the Town. i & f utl statement of the financial affairs of j,, . the town of Mcllenry, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, as existing on the 81st fefcV.>v;day of March, A. D. 190?. ^ • JTo bal. on hand Mar 25.1903 4 ®90 37 Sr s I '• amt of tax of 1902 rec'd from town Jl collector •••• 07730 $ ^ « " ami rec'd from Jas Green, Int on A , 'v bondt sold. 55 90 Dotal amt rec'd from all sources....... S8B6317 *^.<4) • OOHTRA« Total amount paid out, and the account on • which the same was paid, are as follows: McHenry Plalndealer Oo, printiug and t i's publishing for 1901 - , Care Nicholas Worts L&.?£3> Judtts &nd elks of sprng electa MOB H Vegers. M. D., mod attendance.... ffiSl-PG Wells, M. D„ " "••.... •• sL;W Hepburn, M. D., " * :.<S* V'F L McOmber, pails and cup*........ .. J Miss Julia A Story, medicine#...... , T 8 C h a p e l l g o o d s t o p o o r M-' Smith, frght and tckts to Tenn %t$ Jacob Jlisten. coffins for pauper bur... <l'; McH Plalndealer. prtg and pub, 1908.... $ . • • " . J W a l s h , g o p d s t o poor ;v •T-'-isS W Smith, assessing £> • ^TVilbur Lnmbur Co. Goal to poor • "Mrs H C Smith, rnt ltossman nsetl tno.. K v4 Indpndnt Times Prtg Co, blnk red bks. SiwSBStilling, milk to poor • ••. fi'-> >. '^Canvassing board, canvsngelecta ret.. jWf - t"Issuing bonds V " i|Twoauditors' meetings ....... ^ - ' .s Witness exp in case town McH vs C « NWBT it'-.-.-, # James Green, thistle commissioner..... y.- ^ . i. " " Highway commissioner., d , ; , B Harrison, " " I ' y jT^Jno H Freund. " :Vi A Cristy, poor master. B-V •, i " telephone and postage };tO B Harmsen, town clerk X4 00 S3 80 88 00 42 25 56 35 4150 75 260 87 32 •917 83 50 14 50 89 34 M6 00 13 29 63 00 13 10 230 4 50 300 13 50 4000 4000 89 00 89 00 89 00 60 00 S» S3 59 |f;;* ^-5 Total amt paid out for all purposes. • ' B e i n g b a l i n h a n d s o f s u p e r v i s o r o f . S1190 85 $1772 38 ; <4 The amt of tax levied the preceding - i year for the payment of town lndebt- Tiarges is edness and cfiarges is $8125 00 " The amt collected by the town collect- <£j' • * or and paid over to the present su- •, 5J- pervisor, including dog tax, $215,tH... 2277 30 &•#$ * The commissions of the town collector i . amount to • • 46 ^ ffST:" • Leaving a balance to be collected by i county collector, .(no statmnt made by him) IN&H »The amt and kind of indebtedness of the t'\:, town due and unpaid are as follows: i$i> County, for poor bills 4*40 83 !&*,•: Total amount due *40 83 * The amt and kind of indebtedness of the town not vet due and when the same will mature are as follows: For bonds due July 5,1903, 4100000 ~ ~ Ju" " - W^ '~' & m-i Int due on bonds July 5,1908 Bonds due July 5,1904 ' Int due on bonds July 5,1901 v Bonds due July 5,1905. - ' Int due on bonds July 5 1905. Bonds due July 5.1906 .••f Int dne on bonds July 5, 190i - Bonds due July 5,1907 • Int doc on Ivonds July 5, 1907 t<« Bonds due J uly 5.1908 Int dne on bonds July 5,1908...... .. k.>,V i;; Bonds due July 5,19 'p.,. '• i Int dne on bonds July 5, 1908 Total Indebtedness not yet dne... Dated at McHenry. Illinois, this 81st day SFV '% °f March, 1906. W. A. CRISTY, Supervisor. ..$7725 CO ^3^ * f ??, ,f TILLAGE ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that on Tnes- day, the 21st day of April next, at the *city hall, in the village of McHenry. in the county of McHenry, in the state of I';Illinois, an election will be held for the following village officers, viz: One ' v president of the village, three village Wpf- trustees, one village clerk and one police i j, magistrate. Which election will be . opened at seven o'clock in the morning iand will continue open nntil five o'clock ^ • in the afternoon of the same day. sJ?..., Given under my hand at McHenry, ; ' Illinois, the second day of April, A. D , v 1906 JOHN STOFFEL, Village Clerk. Ordinance No. 28. An ordinance to control the laying of all pipes underground through wh^ch » water passes from distributing mains £ C- ; to consumes. , Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the presi- .'dent and board of trustees of the village of McHenry, that all water pipes lead- • ing from the distributing mains to the meter, and all other pipes lying nnder '1 ground through which water passes j&Tv from distributing main to the consumer, pH:. shall be extra strong lead pipe. . Sec. 2 This ordinance shall be in fnll force and effect ten (10) days after its * passage and approval. / ^ec" ordinance shall be known as ordinance No. 28. * i Bused April 6, 1903. ^ Approved April 7, 1908. Published April 9, 1908. fo," "' F. H. WATTIJES, President, Attest, JOHN STOFFEL, Clerk. A Thoughtful lian. M, M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife bad such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at Julia A. Story's, McHenry and G. W. Beeley's West McHenry. ••ry Low Rates to California and Return, Via the North-Western Line. First- class round-trip tickets on sale May 3d and 12th to 18th, to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Favorable limits and •top-over privileges and choice of routes. The Overland limited, moet luxurious train in the world, leaves Chicago daily 8:00 p. m. Less than three days en route. Drawing room and compart­ ment sleeping can, observation oars, dining cars, buffet-library cars (barber and bath), electric lighted throughout. Three trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car excursions to California, Washington and Oregon. For particulars apply to ticket agents Chicago & North-Western By. May 16 HOLCOMBVILLK. Wm. Hatrison waa a Nunda caller Monday. F. M. Peck of Chicago spent last week here. Mrs. Powers was a Monday visitor at Wm. Powers. Mrs- K. Knoblauch was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. F. Davoll and family were Nunda callers Saturday. A. Murphy of Woodstock WU- a Friday caller here. Mr. R. Win gate of Nanda> waa a caller here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sund were oallers at Will Schroeder's Thursday, f Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Donnell were call­ ers at T. L. Flanders Sunday. S. Stoffel of McHenry passed through this vicinity one day recently. Miss Laura Mason spent' Tuesday evening with Miss Pearl Whiston. Fred Burche and wite entertained company from Ring wood last week. Wm. Welsh of Griswold Lake was a visitor at Thos. Powers'Thursday. Miss Mary Doherty of McHenry spent Monday evening at Wm. Doherty's. Mark and Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent the last of the week here. Mr. A. T. McMillan of Terra Cotta passed through this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder moved to their new home at Nunda Thursday. Mark and Philip Hoffman, F. M. and A. P. Peck were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mrs. T. la. Flanders and little daugh­ ter, Villa, were Sunday visitors near Barreville. Miss Anna Powers of Griswold Lake is quite sick at the home of her brother, Wm. Powers, Frank Varney from Portage, Wis., called on old friends in oar neighbor­ hood Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gorham of Cherry Valley passed through our streets one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Whiston visited with the latter's brother, P. Flanders, near Ringwood Tuesday. Pneumonia Is Robbed of its Terrors By Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and strengthens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. School Notes. Edmund Keefe is absent on account of a sprained anklj;. John Larsen, Victor Meyers and Eva Miller are absent from school dnties. Mr. Goodman presented the first Primary room with a picture of our President. Next teacher's Inst of Dest. No. 1 is to be held at Ringwood, May 23, Prof. Cole presiding. There are 42 pupils enrolled in both the first Primary and first Intermediate rooms. Seven new pupils have been enrolled iu our school. Almost daily pupils are leaving school. Various reasons are given for this, most all of which are without •reason." Most of these pupils tell us they should be glad to remain in school; may we not ask parents to explain? Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and enres Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 25c, and guaranteed to give satisfaction by. Julia A Story, McHenry and G. W. Uw*ley, West McHenry. Masonic Temple at Elgin. Plans for a two-story temple were adopted at the regular meeting of the Elgin Masonic association Monday night. D. E. Postle is the architect It was voted to increase the capital stock of $10,000, one quarter. One thousand dollars was practically pledged, which leaves only $1,500 to arrange for, and then the association will break ground for its new building. To Colorado In 1003 The pasaenger department of the Chicago & North-Western Railway has issued a very interesting folder, giving information as to reduced rates and sleeping car service, with a short de­ scription of the various points of inter­ est usually visited by tourists, these excursion rates applying on account of the Christian Endeavor meeting to be held at Denver, July 9th to 18th. Send 2-cent stamp for copy, to W. B. Kni# kern. Passenger Traffic Manager, Chi' cago* May 16. Open the door, let in the air, The winds are sweet, the flowers are fail', Joy is abroad in the world for me, Since taking Rocky Mountain Tea. G. W. Besley. The Plainde^ler subscription Hat con­ tinues to grow. Quit borrowing and Bubrcribe. Want Column. All ailvci t iscnieiilM Inserted under this keatf at tfio following rates: Fivo liner- or less, V> wnt* for Hr»l InMM-tion; 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. More than ttve l ines. 5 cents A l ine for lii-st insertion, and S cents a line fur additional insertions. U*ARM FOR SALE--Consisting of S14 acres, 2H miles {rom Mcllenry, with or without live stock anil farm tools. Inquire of 1'. K. Granger, West McHenry, IU. TJtTANTED--I want representatives every- * * where to write names and addresses ana to mail out advertising of my Brunswick Piano and one-minute piano player. No ex­ perience reiiuif'e.d Gixwl wages paid weekly for all or spare t ime. Send stamp for partic­ ulars. Cronkright, Wholesale Piano Dealer. Pittsburg, 1'a. 38-8t. VfANAGEIi WANTED--Trustworthy lady A-*-1 or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably known House of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and ex­ penses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money ad­ vanced; position permanent. Address Thom­ as Cooper, Manager, 1030 Oaxton Bldg., Chi­ cago. 38-7t IDEAL ESTATE, Eeal Estate, Real Estate! Buyers, Sellers, Renters, we can suit you. Murphy & Lines, Woodstock 111. 38-tf. QEED FOR SALE--40 bushels No. 1 clover 10 seed at $7.00 per bu. 100 bushels Prime Timothy seed at © 00 per bu. Inquire of 38-<ty» J. C. LADD, Ringwood, 111, "EV3R SALE--Eggs for hatching from best £ strains of thorough bred poultry. Barred Plymouth Rock Fggs, ifi.OC per 13; I'ekin Duck Eggs, jl.00 per 11; Totouse Geese eggs. 20 cents each. Monmouth Bronze Turkey eggs. 35 cts. each. Mas. Ii. M. PENNINUTON, m)-38 West McHenry. "ITTANTED--Woman to do washing durlpg ** the coming summer. Address, Mineral j^prings Hotel, Pistakee Bay, 111. T*7ANTED-- Woman to clean house. Pista- *' kee Inn. Good wages paid. Jos. F. GUNTHER. Pistakee Bay. 111. TXTANTED--Stock to pasture. Inquire of «» I'AITI, HIEOF.M, Kettle Fartn. 3t* IRI, W ANTED--^To do general housework. Address, J. H. FAY, Dundee, 111. 41tf LOST --Forearm of double-barrelled shot­gun, somewhere between Dr. Ross' cot-* tage and west side postofflce. Finder will please return to Dr. Ross and receive reward. "CH)R SALE--Fine Jersey Wakefield early ^ cabbage plants ready to set out now. * C. G. Berner. CEED POTATOES FOR SALE--Six Weeks ^ and Plngree for extra earlv. Pat's Choice and World's Fair for late 50c per bushel, 41-2t* Brut!ford Smith. McHenry. Half-Rates to New Orleans, La., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold for one fare for ronnd trip April 11, 12 and 13, limited for return by special extension until April 30, inclusive, on account of Annn- al Convention National Manufacturers' Association. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Apl. 11. Homeiieekers* Excursion to the North went Wfrt and Southwest, and Colonist Low Rates West, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion Tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chairs and "The Best of Everything." For full particulars ap­ ply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. - Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right. Don't delay taking. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Very Low Rates to Dedication Ceremonies of Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 8t. Louis, Mo,, Via the North-Western Line. Ex­ cursion tickets will be sold for the above occasion April 20, 30 and May 1, and on account of Good Roads Convention on April 26 and 27, all with return limit until May 4, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Westera R'y. May 1 The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on he roll of honor? Don't borrow. " I suffered terribly and was ex­ tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and was soon feeling all right again." Mrs. J. W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. No matter how long you have been ill, nor now poorlv yoy may be today, Ayer s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take for purifying and en­ riching the blood. A Don't doubt it, put your st hole trust in it, throw After La Grippe--What? Usually a hacking cough and a gen­ eral feeling of weakness, often leading to fatal results after the patient is sup- posed to have passed the danger poin^jlJit iVay everything else* Foley's Honey and Tar is guarantee^.yB." a, , | t'-*0 fl bo'"6- AI1 druggists. cure the "grippe cough" and niak^^v likei Ask your doctor wi>at ii« thinkB of AyWt strong and well. It never fails/^ Fren\h ^XHy'medV^ a cough if taken in time. Tarfk» | ^ CO., Loweii. Mast. ptlMm. Sold by N. H. PetjL- ' aifht, Vaa, .. i'jif J<; CEFT) POTATOES- I have for sale about 25 ^ bushels of the Early Ohio, 10 bushels of Early Six Weeks and 10 bushels Early Victor, at 75 cents per bushel. Jos. Helmer. 41-8t The only kind of constinrp- ion to fear is " neglected consumption." People are learning that con- iumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott's Emulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott's Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scott's Emul­ sion is. Prompt use of Scott's Emul­ sion checks the disease while it can be checked. Send (or free tampU. SCOTT ft BOWNE, ChemUtv 409.415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and 00; all draggiaU. « _ \/ • " "< 5 • • Mrs. Lauora S. Webb* Tlre-PreeMent Wwwwi'g l>em»« cratlc Clnbe of Xoriliern Ohio. "I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. I noticed Wins of Cardui, and decided to try a bot> tie. I experienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three unonths and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until S have passed the climax.'* Female weakness, disordered menses, falling of the womb and ovarian troubles do not wear off. They follow a worn an to the change of life. Do not wait but take Wine of Csjdui now and avoid the trou­ ble. Wine o£ Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age. Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb when she was in dan­ ger. When you come to the chance of life Mrs. Webb's letter will mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the suffering she endured. Druggiato sell $ 1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. MNEofCARDUL Had Ifla Money's Wort*. On one occasion when a boarder had devoured almost everything eatable on the table within his reach and when the land'ady had supplied him until her strength and patience were well nigh exhausted she suddenly broke out with: "I shall certainly have to raise the price of your board!" "Don't think of doing such a thing," he replied* "It is nearly killing me now to eat all I pay for, and should you raise my board and compel me to eat more It will be the death of me." FANCY GROCERS SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN Gentlemen! Please call in and look over our Sample Cloths The most stylish in color and fineness ever made up in Suits, Pants and Vests. - Only $11.60 to $25 a Suit, A fit or no sale. Repairing, Altering and Cleaning done in neat style, E. Lawlus, Tailor to the Trade. Dried Ms 35 boxes extra fancy im­ ported Cluster Layer Rai­ sing (each bunch tied with ribbon) about 5 pounds in box at 65 Cents per Box We make this remarkably low price on these Goods to dispose of them quickly they are worth fully $1 .00 per box. Fancy Evaporated Apri­ cots (Royal) per Sb.. .12i« Fancy Evaporated Cali­ fornia Peaches (Crawford) per pound 10c 8 pounds for. 25c Good Oregon Prunes, large size per pound 5c 25 pounds for $1,00 Extra fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per pound... * 1 Large size 20 to pound. Fancy SantaClaca Prunes, 40 and 50, per pound. .10c 8 pounds for 25c Extra fancy evaporated, Apples, 3 pounds for. .20c California Figs in 1 pound brick 10c New London Layer Figs per pound 18c Extra fancy Turkeypulled Figs in 1 and 2 pound bas­ kets, each 20c and 85c Walnuts, Napels, lb. .20c Fancy California Walnuts per pound 20c Filberts, per pound 18c Brazil Nuts, per 8>.... 18c California I X L Almonds per pound 20c Large soft shell Almonds, per pound 20c Large Pecans, per B>.. 15c Fresh Coconuts and Pea­ nuts. The new Brnaki'ast Food XCELO ready to eat, 2 packages for ,25c MIIIMHIMMIIHiimilQ Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." Professional* Society V tvnd Bvisinesss Cards ^aoo»>»oooo<WHH>y»s»aoiis>as>oooiH>ooo«oooowMHHM>oo«#r»t NeWv:Line of Shoes! ! We have just received a fine new line of Shoes for" Spring $nd Sum­ mer wear which we guarantee to be equal to any shoe in \he market at tb!§r , # 1 # S t | 8t0l2.^98c^ ;* JV.'iiissea V v 12^ to 2.$1.19 ̂ ] i Ladief to ft.-# 1,49.MM !! •> X5 -v;^ j; of l&eis i ing your summer's supply. We; are showing a nice line of Clothing Samples. FLOUR iifcbo PER BARREL. I Coffee at 9c and Tea at 30c and up. Successor to S. Stoffel. West McHenry. ^(MHMMKKKMH F. A. BOHLANDER »0004MM>i>00|H»0<MMOOO{MHIOOO( | IIIIMIIMIIIIMIIIHeiHIMIHIIIHMMIIItlHIIWi BUY THE BEST AND PASS /THE REST! This applies to a great many Things but particularly to our line of PAINTS (ROWN (OTTAdE COLORS I guarantee that when properly applied on a surface in proper condition Crown Cottage Colors will give better results than any other Paint (in­ cluding white lead) and in all cases where it does not, and is the fault of the material used, I will do the work oyer again at my expense. I carry a'stock of 86 shades of this Paint as well as 10 shades in the Crown Floor Paint, the nicest thing in this line in the market. Seven shades of Porch Paint, it fools the Sun and is made to walk on; 7 shades of Crown Buggy Paint; 4 shades of Crown Wagon Paint; 7 shades of Crown Mineral Paint; 6 shades Graphi-Creo-Lin Roof Paint; 8 shades Crown Enamel Colors. Colors in .Oil, White Lead, Varnishes, Dry Colors, Glue, Putty, Etc. The finest line of Brushes on the market Anything needed to -paint or d»~ corate your Buildings. * ' "J . West Side Hardware. F. L. ricOflBER. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, 8UEGEON AND OCUJ4 1 Otttce and residence oprner Elm i Green streets. McHenry. ' ~ :t . J f O. H. FEGER8, M. D. v ; 5 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHeiuiw iv L 111. Office at Residence, corner CourtaiMr • , ^ Elm streets. Telephone 333. , ; "-y^ ' KNIGHT & BROWN. A^EoYhUI.!iAW- D. T. SMlLEYt; ATTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and Ne ' v ,'ij tary Public. Will give prompt and iifi*"1-r>; mediate attention to all business intrusted to - I t Office in Hoy's Block. _ , V Woodstock, II / H his care. TBM NM Dmin OK THK WKST SID* , DR. B. G. OHAMBEELIN >TI *T« >T« A A »T* »T> »^> A «TI »T» STA >T» M »TT A «T> »T» »T> «T» »TI «T» TTT A TT> €aster Sale BEGINS APRIL a AND ENDS APRIL 15 Men's everyday Shoes, regular . price $2.00, special II 28 Men's Dress Shoes, regular price |3.r>0, special 12.25 Ladies' Kangaroo Calf Shoes, for every day wear, very best as­ sortment, sizes 3 to 8, regular price SI.75. special 51.29 Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular price J2.00, special $1.35 Youth's Shoes, sizes itofi, regular price 11.50, at / $1.19 Boy's Shoes, sizes 9 to 13H, regular price$1.25, at.. .. 98c Girl's Shoes, sizes 6 to 8, regular price $1.00, at ...' 69c Infant's Shoes, sizes 1to5,90c and 60c quality, at 43c Men'* Rubber Boots, regularprlce $3.25, special $2.48 Boy's Rubber Boots, sizes 2 to 6, reKulaiH>rice $2.25, special $1.89 Men's everyday Shirts, double front and back, worth 50c, at..39c Men's Rock ford Dress Shlrtft, 2 collars and pair euffq, at .40u Men's Elgin Shirts, regular price $1.00, special-. ,.«0c Men's Overalls, with bibs, worth 80c, at: .'.... 39c Youth's Overalls, siaes 27to30, 50c quality, at 35c Boy's Overalls, 4 to (3, at 23c Men's $1.C0 Working Pants, at....89c Boy's knee Pants, each 39c Men's and Boy's dress Pants and Suits at lowest prices. Ladles' Wrappers at Ac Men's everyday Hats....... 48c Large assortment fedora andStiff Hats at very lowest prices. Neckties, each 19c Rockford Socks, 3 p^trs for 20c Children's very best Hose, pair..10c Ladies' fast black hose, 3 pairs. .35c Embroidery, per yard '.3c Shoe Laces, per bunch. .... ... 7c Soap. 10 bars for..:.r;:f:W"-"™StG Better quality Soap.7 bare tor. .26b »•* A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A »t» A A A <|l t|) l|» »$» ||» »|l »t» 1$ »$» ||» «|» «t» l|» »$» tfr »$» ||| Carpets and Rugs! House-cleaning time is now here and you, like the business man, will" find that you will have to clean up, that is,, you will want a clean-looking house. Yotl can, with little expense, make your home appear new by replacing that old Carpet with one of ours. Those Rugs have probably also been soiled during the winter and are un­ fit for- further use. We handle noth­ ing but the best in the Carpet and Rug line and our prices (are right. McHenry*'111. Jacob Justefl Office over Bonn from - Besley'a Drug* StgrK to6:89 ^ #DNWAY & RAINEf.' • v RINGWOOD, ILL. Qte»m Fitting, Wind Mill®, Steel vA % Wood Tanks, Farm Machinery. WELL WOEK A SPECIALTY, ? I ~~~ : " " . V ' - ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. ^ ' ' " r ' : PHYSICIAN AND SURQEOty - V / • (Deutacher Arxt.) Spring drove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. TcltENRY ----- ILLINOIS. Telephone* Market 451. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters r McHenry and McHenrjr • . county visitors. John Schirrw; 92 fc ifth Ave., Chicago. Bar Taadar. REAL ESTATE Farms, Lota, etc., bought and soldi Insurance, both Fire and Life. Agent for -£3t.n& Life Insurance Co. C. R. THURLWELL, Ovor Chapell'8 Store. McHenry, IU. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and Qeneral In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. InsuM with home agents, smooth-tonghe strati gen* sometimes lead people astray. WES* MCHKNRT, - - III. C. R. THURLWELL Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor, Col- . Uctions, Real Estate, Etc. i Office over Chapell's Btore. McHENRT, ILLINOIS. F. C. ROSS, cr. D. s. McHenry Illinois Over Petesch's Drug Store, next to Bank. TelephoM No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. 8. 8. OH4PBLL,W»*. 0. R. THUHLWKLL. Secy. W. O. O. F. St. Patrick's Court. No. 187, W. 0. O. F., meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. Mas. MARY COBB, Obief Ranger. MAS. MATILDA MEVURS, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Stof- fel's Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. O. MKAD, Clerk. ^. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays of each month in Forester Hall. ANTON ENOELN, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEIBS, Recording Secretary. Louis OERTEL, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. BAHBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees* John Helmer, Anton Engeln.' Bet> Laiier. C. O. F. v St. Patrick Court No. 746,13. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes. 0. B. Walter Bolger, R. 8. HEAT5I Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Segtson Having pnrchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thiu payi ng the low* est prices, and will sell on ' * the same basis. Ac* ilATTHEW% Wert " ^•1 VPfk^»Y . »'A'-A-VM

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