Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1903, p. 5

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S U M M E R S T O V E S ! THBEN YOU WANT A GOOD SUMMER STOVB <g*SOLINE OR BLUE FLAflE : CALL AT OSHUN BROS. Vfe claim to "have as complete assortment liable makes as were ever shown in McHenry. right. Cal 1 and ̂ ^be #bo ve. OSMUN BROS. .% f .- .McHENRY, ILL. I Paints, ifc i- I I Oils, Varnishes! %% 1 i * >\.rfy , When you get-ready to paint that honse of yours dob't for­ get that we Sell Paint. We handle a very fine litoe of ready, mixed Paints in ail colore and guarantee it to give perfect satisfaction. We also handle a most complete line of Oils, Varnishes and Brashes whieh we sell Jtt wr moderate prices. - J" ^ ACifiNTS FOR HALL'S FIREPROOF SAFES. ••• • '•1 Ringwood, Til. • ' / . » J. S; ®ROWN & SON. 1903 CRO^ -J 50c A BUSHEL I CASH 1 WITH j EVERY LOAD PICKLES I Be sure and contract your pickles with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., . as they were the first parties that paid you 50c a bushel. Contract at once as • we will take only a limited number of acres. Make yonr contracts with, and get your seed from FRANK WARD, or at the following places: - Bank of McHenry, McHenry^ Simon Stoffel, M. J. Walsh, F. A. Bohlander, W. C. Evanson, John J. Miller, West Mcllenry; J. E. Crtsty, King wood: John P. Lay, C. M. Adams, Johnshurgh, STAffORD € GOLDSMITH (0. WEST MCHENRY, ILL. tk44444444*4 444 444 l^ffaisBuk receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and fi:X> mmi BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. floney to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention ' given to collections INSURANCE in Firet Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, ̂ N^tary Public. Bankers McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT ^ .. COMPANY. OFFICE with McHenry County State Bank Woodstock, Til. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in •urn*? of jfiOO to f10,000, time and payment to suit uorrower. HARPER WHISKY PURE & MELLOW RICH & DELICATE For sale by ' AU Leading Dealers Chicago & North-Western. Ghii 'Arrive XcHenry a na .9:48 a m .6.00 p m .0.47 p m Effective Oct 18, 1fM WKEK DAY TRAIHS. »fcagO. NORTHBOUND 7.15 am via Elgin..... 8.05 a m. Via I)es Plaines ... 3J6ptn........Tia 1)«6 Plaines BmOI P m........Via I>es Plaines..... SUNUAY TRAINS. 8.45am Via Elgin...;. 11.14am 040a m.. Via Des Piaiues........11.14 am JMPpm...... Via Elgin.. .....t... 4.63 pm mtEK DAT TRAINS McHenry. •O0TttB°cifi». , , i tuc-igl 7.82 a m. . .Via Elgin. ,;10.10 a m aa m. .......Via Oes Plalnefc<,,.. -U.'V> a in p m. . Via Elgin.. .~}i £*>... 5.4b p ill ' SUMDAT TRAINS., IX8am....V....Via Elgin..,\,v.,.»10.a0a m 5:5S p m Via Elgin . 8:15 p m I'assetigers taking 7:X' train from station# north of Crystal Lake can change at Crystal JUtke and arrive in Chicago att»:86a. m. . BASBEV1IXE. Thos. Thompson was a Nunda caller Saturday. Walter Campbell of Woodstock was a recent caller here. Hart-y Grantham of Wanconda was a recent caller here. • L. D. Todd of Dundee called at Thos. Thompson's Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell from near Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives here. Floyd and Robert Thompson spent Sunday with their mother at Slocnm's Lake. Miss Clara Thompson spent Friday night with Miss Liuie, Ames at J. EL. Gracy's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jayne and chil­ dren returned to their home in Maple- wood Saturday. Mrs. Gib. Burnett and daughter. Ger­ trude, of McHenry were calling on rel­ atives here Saturday. Robert Howell who was operated on in the Polyclinic Hospital, in Chicago, for tuberculosis, passed a very successful operation, and it is expected he will be able to return to his home here tome time this week. HOLCOM B VIL.L.K. Miss Etta Powers yieited at her. home here Snnday. Miss Maybelle Doherty Visited at Jaa Doherty's Friday. , P. F. Hunt and wife were Woodstock callers Wednesday. H. Watson of Nunda was a caller in this vicinity Saturday. Miss Katie Zenk of Marengo is visit­ ing at George Weidner's. Miss Mary and Leo Zenk of Marengo visited at George Weidner's. John Powers of Emerald Park was a caller at W.. Power's Monday. J. R. Knox and Phil Aylward were' callers in this vicinity Sunday. Misses Jennie Thompson and Iva HoJT- mah drove to Spring Grove Saturday. Mrs. John Zenk ani children of Ma­ rengo are visiting at Geo. Weidner's. Misses Minnie Knox and Bridget Doherty visited at Jay Doherty's Thurs­ day. , ' Miss Jennie Thompson of Woodstock visited at B. F. Peck's the first of the week. Wm. and Jay Doherty and families spent Snnday with Relatives at Vc- Henry. / Miss Nellie Clemcfas of Evanston is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Clemens. The Misses Bessie Hoffman and Geor­ gia Thompson were Terra Cotta callers Monday. Miss Georgia Thompson of Elgin spent the first of the week with Miss Bessie Hoffman. Mrs. H. Magoon and Mrs. J. Whiston visited at Mrs. B. F. Peck's Wednesday afternoon. Foley's Kidney Core makes kidneys and bladder right. Don't delay taking. Sold by N. H. Petesch. NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled fay our Able Corps of Correspondent? SPRING GROVR. Jas. Bell and Fred Pierce spent Satur­ day in the < ity. Selim Pierce has sold his house and lot to John Karles. Will Lichty was a Libertyville visitor the first of the week. Mrs. Carrie Vogle of Solon called on friends here recently. Mrs. Alice Bell and son spent the Sab bath at Solon with her parents. Dr. Bremken made professional calls at Ingleside the last of the week. Selim Pierce has purchased the new Andrew Neish house in the Hesse addi­ tion. Jas. Westlake and Druggist MacLean spent the Sabbath with Lake Villa rela­ tives. Lester Bell was over from Ringwood and spent the Sabbath bere with rela­ tives. John Westlake of Chicago spent the Sabbath here with his % parents and friends. Miss Ruth Overton came down from Solon Sunday morning to attend Easter services. Mrs. John Waspi and Miss Annie Janles called on friends at Solon Thurs­ day evening. MesdameB Sarah Wilson and Jennie Oxtoby visited with Antioch relatives last week Thursday. Mrsi Clark Tefft spent one of last week's days here with her brother, H. Churchill, and family. Mrs. Warren Pierce and Mrs. Kate Shotliff have been numbered with the sick for several days. - --' Mrs John Duffy and son, James, and George Shotliff of Wilmot visited Mrs. Kate Shotliff one day last week. Messrs. J. G. Gerred and D. Olcott of Antioch traded with onr merchants add visited friends here Friday afternoon. Lou J. Nulk, our hustling wood sawer, took a vacation one day last week and attended to business at the county seat Robert Godfrey, who came home from Baraboo, Wis., to attend his brother's funeral, returned to that place Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jas. Turner and daughter, Flor­ ence, of Hebron spent the week here with h9r sister, Mrs. Jas. Neish, and family. Miss Lenora Stevens, who has spent some titne visiting relatives in this vi­ cinity, returned to Chicago last week Wednesday. L. J. Nulk wishes to inform the farm­ ers that hereafter he will grind feed only on Saturday of each week until further notice. Miss Alice Shotliff, who has spent seyeral weeks in Chicago with her grandmother, has returned home on ac­ count of her mother's illness. Mrs. E. S. French visited relatives at Ringwood last week Thursday. Her little niece, Bernice French, returned home with her for a visit of several weeks. The remains of George Godfrey were brought here from Rockton Friday even­ ing for buiial. The funeral was held at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Ettie Esh, Saturday, interment being in the Eng­ lish, Prairie cemetery. Will Lichty, our veterinary surgeon, although a beginner, is gaining for himself a practice to be proud of. Among the many calls he had during the week was one to Elgin, where he operated on a very valuable horse with splendid success. While unloading machinery from a car receptly Will James slipped and fell to the ground, striking his side on a stone with such force as to break a rib and give him a general shake up. The accident will keep him in the honse for some time. The annual election of school direct­ ors will be held next Saturday, April 18, and it is earnestly desired that t very legal voter be present. Ed. Tnrner will be nominee for re-election and deserves the votes of all. During his present term he has worked faithfully for the best interests of the school, spending no little amount of labor and time during the erection of the the new school build­ ing and being one of the largest tax pay­ ers also assumes the burden of extra taxes. The school furnishings, insur­ ance for five years against fire and wind, shade trees and other necessary expenses have made the school taxes very heavy the past two years and it has been sup­ posed by some that they wonld be as heavy for ten years, or until the bonds have matured. This is a mistake as the building will need bnt little spent on it for several years and the taxes will now be much less. We now have the school building we so badly needed and long desired, have good teachers, and sixty children are having what eyery child must have to succeed in any calling, the opportunity to lay the foundation for a good practical education. Shall we con­ tinue this? The answer lays with the voter, and the voter, whether present or absent, must bear his share of responsibility in this matter. We hope all will consider what the school exists for, namely: The best interest of the pupils and that all will support that in­ terest by their vote next Saturday. After L*Grippe--What? • Usually a hacking cough and a gen­ eral feeling of weakness, often leading to fatal results after the patient is sup­ posed to have passed the danger point. Foley's Honey and Tar is guaranteed to cure the "grippe cough" and make you strong and well. It never fails to stop a cough if taken in time Take no sub­ stitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. TERRA COTTA. Geo. Steadman was a McHenry vis­ itor Sunday. Mrs. Mike Knox waB visiting aW B. Gracy's Wednesday. ' Miss Lizzie Ames is assisting Mrs. J. H. Gracy for a few days. Neil and Major Gates were visiting here the first of the week. Miss Clara Thompson was a caller at J. H. Gracy's Sunday evening. Herman Stolpe attended to matters of business at McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. Albert Jacobs is at Elgin this week caring for her mother, who is very low. Will and J; J. Doherty are now tak­ ing their milk to the McHenry bottling plant. A. Q. Jenkins, book-keeper at the factory, was' a Chicago visitor the latter part of the week. Ellis D. Gates, vice-president of the A. T. C. & C. Co., was out from the city on business Satnrday. Misses Bessie and Iva Hoffman of Holcombville and the Misses Thompson of Elgin were here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy and family attended the funeral of Warren Earle at Honey Creek, Wis., Saturday, re­ turning home Suuday evening. Owing to a breakdown of the engine on "Sughruas" train at Mt. Prospect Tuesday night, it was necessary to run "Furneys" train down from Crystal Lake for the factory employees, making the 6.38 train about an hour late on the regular run. The body of little Warren Earle was taken to Honey Creek, Wis., Thursday to the home of his father. The funeral was held Saturday at 10 a. m., inter­ ment being in the Rochester, Wis., cem­ etery by the side of his mother, who passed to the great beyond about six years ago. The north bound freight Monday a. m. struck a hand car between here and Crystal Lake belonging to the section force, demolishing it. The men were caught in the dark caye cut and the train was upon them before they could get the car off the track with the above result. No one was injured but the men had a close call. For a clear skin, clear all the way through, transparent enough to let sun­ shine--rosy cheeks show through- -take Rocky Mountain Tea. This month, spring time. 35 cents. G. W. Besley. t THE SUFFERER FROM POOD HARNESS tfrikit "thfe bw* wily. His o#twr also suffers financially. Cheapness and inferiority do not always go to­ gether. Onr prices are not high, yet we sell oxcellent Harness. Found that by so doing we made more friends and more money. By selling reliable goods at moderate prices we have won the confidence and the trade of this section. •'ghr-*! k 0 Gus Carlson. tHCSC TRIMS WON T GALL THE R0R T® P0QCET MOK Single Buggy Harass**...$7.00 • V and up. Double Buggy Harness......$10.50 and up. Double Farm Harness, hand tn $26.00 Double Team Harness, machine sewed , $10.00 Leather Team Collar, duck face $1.0* Heavy Team Collar $2«S0 Case Collar. $4.00 Sweat Pads........3SC, Set RINGWOOD. An item/box has t>een placed In the Ring- wood posmfBee for the convenience of persons wishing to contribute to the Ringw<xxl corre­ spondence column In tne Plaindealer. It you know any news that should l>e published just drop a note in thebosaiui thucorrcApond- dent will collect the same. Tuesday evening of each week. Miss Emma Coates visited friends at Richmond this week. Don't forget the school election eched- uled for Saturday evening. The silver medal contest at the M. E. church Saturday evening, April 18. Misa Emma Matthews of McHenry visited at the home of H. W. Allen re­ cently. Robert Bacon of Geneva visited hie brother, Charles, on Monday. Mr. Bacon is well known in this vicinity and has many friends. Ray Dodge's name was ommitted from the list of those pupils who had an average of 90 per cent or above for the mouth of Maroh. Fred L. Myers has returned from a two weeks' trip, visiting at Alton and St. Louis. While at the latter place he took in the Louisiana Fair grounds. John Kimball succeeded in taking the plum of assessorship at the recent town election. Strange how all the "Inde­ pendent" Republicans yoted the Dem­ ocratic ticket, isn't it? Mrs. C. E. Hunt of Harvard, I1L, came to Ringwood Friday evening with the expectation of attending the con­ test on that date, She is Supt. of the Cradle Roll department of the W. C. T. U. and had the pleasure of hearing the small children recite their pieces on Saturday afternoon. The medal was won by Frank Martin's boy. The other five contestants were girls and all did very nicely. The silver medal contest which was set for last Friday evening was post­ poned until Saturday evening of this week. The program will be given as follows: Introductory. Miss Leach Prayer Rev. Lauck V ocal Solo. • Agnes Stevens "Only Sixtewn" No. 1 "Sabastian Manning's Dream" No. 2 Drill Three Little Girls "Taken by Surprise" No 8 "An Old Man's Story" ....No. 4 Piano i-'olo Miss Leach "Praying for Shoes" No. 5 "The Cry of To-day" .... No. 6 Reading Selected Cornet Solo. .' Richard Walsh Reading Selected Duetv Zillah Stevens, Clara Suiith Sword Drill. Miss Leach SPECIMEN BALLOT. QPEOPLES PARTY C)(\mm PARTY y By Petition. By Petition. • By Petition. For President of the Village JOHN I. STORY For Village Trustees A. M. BROWN By Petition. For President of the Village [~1 PETER J. FREUND • For Village Trustees NICHOLAS J. JUSTEN iBTnwir.naTg Qc. T. 0 BEN LAURE8 Qwm. For Village Clerk BACON * * ,* • • r- For Polioe Magistrate Q HOMER WATTLES 0 JOHN EVANSON ! Q HENRY .BLOCK For Village Clerk • JOHN STOFFEL For Polioe Magistrate 1 | CLYDE R. THURLWELL I hereby certify that the above is a true specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the annual election, in the village of McHenry, McHenry county, Illinois, on Tuesday, the 21st day of April, WOii. " EMERALD PARK. J. B. Frisby spent a day in Wauconda last week. Mrs. Ed. Knox spent last Thursday in Chicago. Thos. Walsh of Chicago spent Blaster at bis home here. Jno. Aylward of Ostend was at home here over Sunday. Miss Kathryn Walsh of Chicago spent a ffew days the last of the week with her parents here. Phil Aylward and Jno. Knox of Mc" Henry called on friends in Holcombville Sunday afternoon. Miss Anna Cleary is visiting friends in this vicinity this week, before leav­ ing for South Dakota. Mrs. Ellen Frisby and Mrs. Jas. Cleary visited at R. J. Sutton's last Thursday afternoon. Several from this vicinity attended the Woodman's ball Monday evening and report a fine time. Robt. E. Sutton has given up his school work in Elgin, to assist with the spring work on the farm. Miss Alice Sutton of Elgin spent Sun day an d Monday at her home hei e and attended the Woodman's ball. Misses Margaret Aylward and Mar­ garet Sutton visited the Misses Doherty in McHenry Friday afternoon. Jas. Keating and Wm. Stark of Chi­ cago enjoyed a few days' hunting with BJ J. Frisby the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bremer of Chicago came out to their cottage Monday. They will remain a few weeks getting things ready for the summer season. O A B T O H I A a ***• /} "IhB K'ntl You ,lav0 Alwa>'s Boofftt Fifty Tsars lbs Siandari 5 Village Clerk Awardtd Highlit Honors World's Fair WgkMt tuts U.S. fiov't ChMilsts Spring Bargain.. Cash bnying and selling of large lots is the way. 300 Children's Fancy Dress­ es at 25c. Children's Fancy Pique Jackets for spring and summer 49c. 35 Men's Sample Suits, cost $5.00 to make, all wool and up-to-date at $3.95 per suit. Ladies' Fine All W8ol Dress Skirts, $1.29 and $2 69. Stay Casing worth 12cat 4c per bolt. Number 22 all silk Ribbon, at 10c per yd. Men's Underwear for summer, elegant goods, drawers with double seat, 3bo per suit. Men's Fancy fiOc Negligee Shirts at 39c. Men's 25c new Bow Ties, at 10c each. Special lot of 25c Suspenders at 15c. Ladies' Fancy Veiling at 5c per yd. Elegant all wool Ladies' Suits, silk lined, at $6.45, $7.75 and $9.75. Over 100 on sale; only one to six of each kind. Special 36x72 all wool Smyrna Rugs $1.98. Best Calicoes 4 and 4|c per yd. Lot of 1200 yds. of fancy Shirt Waist goodB, worth 50 to 60c per yd.--we offer over 200 different styles at 25, 29 and 39c per yd. Special sale of 25c Corsets and 19c Summer Corsets, regular 50c qualities. Trade $10.00 and show round trip ticket and we refund your carfare. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. A Thoughtful Han. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c, at Julia A. Story's, McHenry and G. W. Besley's West McHenry. ... OASTOZ1ZA, Bean th* /y The Kind Vou Have Bl(natan (HARLES G. ERETT Wholesale and retail dealer In I an in th* Market For BeM Veal mutton Hogs and Poultry Qlve me a call GUILTY. OP GROSS NEGLIGENCE DID NOT HEED V^RNDTGS v ',"':. ~~~ •' This Is the verdict that should be rev* dered in so many case* of death from k)A» ney diseases. A slight dincrdert whidk could have been easily cured, is ne$lsct«i and terminates In Bright's Disease or Diabetes. Most of these victims could km beoa saved by taking FOLXT'S Rnnrrr as It positively will cure any case of kid* ney or bladder disease If taken In but it cannot make new kidneys for yon* So dont risk life and health bj delay baft take FOLEY'S KEDWKT CURE: at once. Diseased kidneys injure all of the e^, gang as they then fail to eliminate poisoaa from the blood which accounts for tka many different symptoms of this FOLEY'S KIDHBY CURB makes the kM* neys right and the attendant ills quiak^f disappear. Watch your kidneys, as yoa msy bt> drifting toward's Bright's Disease; and^ remember, that the work of destruction goes on constantly, and If you have ras> sons to believe your kidneys or bladder are affected, you should take Fora> KIDNEY CURS at once and remove all possibility of fatal results. SEYMOUR WEBB, of Moira, N.Y., wrltess "I had been troubled with my kidneys for twenty-five years and had tried sever­ al physicians but received no relief until I bought a bottle of FOLEY'S KIDN** CORE. After using two bottles I WM absolutely cured. I earnestly reqpmp^nflL FOUEY'S KJDKSY CUBJK." N. H. PETESCH. DON'T BE FOOLED! Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN Ttt Made only by Madison cine Co., Madison, Wi«. keeps you well. Our mark cut on each padcaga. Price, 35 cents. Never «eM In bulk. Accept no subs" tute. Ask your druggist CROUP ; •'* ' Croup and Inflammation of the larynx are taataatil' > relieved and permanently cured by the nae 01 CHs Minute Cough Cura. This rarer falling pra«i IIjMgn Df an eminent physician was gtrea the name of ONI MINUTE COUGH CURE because Instant reM IMS always followed Its use. It takes effect at the Mats the trouble and acts on the inflamed membraaee >a» (tead of passing wholly Into the stomach and dragulg w stupefying the system. Gives relief I Smoked Meats, Sdusage v McHenry - Illinois CURED ? It destroys the disease rerm, clears the phlegm mt • Irawsout the Inflammation, thus removing the cauw ; v'£>*•? •nd curing permanently. One Minute Cough Cure li .'̂ 7^ perfectly harmless, good for children and they Mke Ml taste. Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt St Co., ufclcaga An ideal remedy tor children. Do not forget tke MM I ONEJIfi! mi Julia A. Story aodO W. B«cley friokiia Utlttig m Wvksl I am agent for the above. W# put the Rods ou your Build- lngs and should they be struct by lightning we paff damages If no more thau $500. Call and get full particulars. . J General BUcksinitliiot j; Prices always Reisoaalfe l '--Bill-- Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois*. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powera, Duplex Grinding Mills, Bock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. PHILIP MM General Commission Itler̂ ant Stall 1 A 3, Fulton 8* Wholesale Market eiicaao, niiaois Special attention given to the sale of Dressed Beef, Tluttoa Hogs, Ve*l, Poultry . Hides, Etc. . Qutter and Eggs 'kS'T This is the oldest honse on the strsat Tags and price lists furnished on application * COLD STORAGE FREE iff# t : Jt Not a Luxury! •aaiNo powou OHIOAOO ? V - ' 2 : A Bathroom In the house is ooa.>":v a luxury but a necessity, esaentlae|llHJ|kit. to the health of the family. Tak-« .-4 ? tag a bath lu a small basin l(fc ' better thau no bath, but It (lotas' not give a person that feeling o#' eleahlluess which follows a pluugq»v Let us give you figures ou making this improvement to your All work guaranteed. I carry l|%-y full line of gas, steam, wntee ts&sss aa4 repair* ot all' kliila .. (HRiS SMI, 1. L.®)' :Vi V

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