Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1903, p. 4

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The McHenry Pliiileiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY IK MdfHUtY PLAIflDEALER (OMPAHT. W. K. OBAWGI Pres. W. A. OmuTT, J. B. PBBBY, Sec. Treas. &CHOONMA.KCK, EDITOR. O&Ofr In Bank Building. Telephone, No. tit. TSRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ft .80 Three months. 40cts. One year Six months, 75 eta. Thursday, April aj, 1903* VWe Buka of BewfonndUnd. Vlte flneat codfish In the world, w* caught on the banks of Newfoundland. These banks ha'Ve no connection with the shores of the islands, from which indeed the nearest Is almost 100 miles distant They are really great rocky heights rising from the bottom of the sea. The great bank measures 540 miles from north to south, and from east to west it measures in places 300 miles. On this bank the depth of wa­ ter va rifts from 60 to 360 feet, but the depth around it is from 10,000 to ISO;* 000 feet The fishing grounds--or "cod mead­ ows," as they are called--do not cover the whole bank, but are about 200 miles long by 67 broad. Though these have been fished for 400 years the cod are as plentiful as ever. To the east of the great bank lies the outer or false bank, where the sea is from 300 to 600 feet deep. The cod caught on the banks are finer and larger than the fish taken off the Labrador coast This is supposed to be due to the fact that they have reached the age of four years and upward, at which age their habits lead them to feed on the banks In preference to the shore, where the fish remain all the year. C«TTf. Curry Is native to India. It Is a con­ course of atoms, not fortuitous, but as a marvelous result of the Hindoo sub­ tlety, Judgment and taste, as Nirvana the transmigration of souls are of the subtlety, philosophy and attractive­ ness of the Buddhistic belief. Curry is a vegetable; rather curry is vegetables. It is anise, coriander, cumin, mustard, poppy seeds, allspice, almonds, asafeti- da, ghee, cardamom seeds, chili berries, cinnamon, cloves, cocoanut, cocoanut milk, oil, curds, fenugreek seeds, an In­ dian not I can't spell, garlic, onion, gin­ ger, lime Juice, vinegar, mace, man­ goes, nutmeg, pepper, saffron, salt, tam­ arinds and turmeric. These are all pounded together, dried 1b an oven or in the sun. When bot­ tled, it is the powder which comes to us as Indian curry. Now, is it not worth admiring the wit and skill that have brought together such a number of ingredients and out of them have evolved an article so entirely different from each and in which there is not one elementary trace?--Harper's. • VniHiared Treuuea. is •tartling to think that while at most any tradesman's shop that might be burned down is covered by insur­ ance the British museum, if it were burned down tomorrow, would not cost the insurance companies one halfpen­ ny. Neither would the houses of par­ liament They stand for £3,000,000, bat not one single sovereign of this •act sum is covered by insurance. Three thousand pounds a year is spent on a force of police and firemen to pro­ tect the houses of parliament by day and night, and the British museum pays the rent of a fireman's house in Coram street, but that is the full cost of the precautions against fire in these places. The British museum, believing that prevention is better than cure, has BO artificial light on its innermost re- James Gazette. C o u r t H o u s e N o t e s Want Column. Chemistry off a Tear, A tear from the eye of a representa­ tive of the Caucasian races is found to be composed of water, salt soda, phos­ phate of lime, phosphate of soda and mucus. From the eye of an African the elements composing the tear are found to be the same as the above, with the single exception of the phos­ phate of soda and with the addition of a alight trace of ammonia. The Eski­ mos and the fishing Finns seldom shed tears, but when they do chemists say ttmj are exceedingly salty. The chemical elements in the Cauca­ sian tear arrange themselves into par­ ticles that look like fish bones, those tram a negro's tear form a rude cross, while the same process of evaporation leaves the chemicals in an Eskimo's tsar la lbs shape of a bow. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alton Homan & w to ffm Zlmmermau, It 5 blk X, Nunda HMO 00 Orlanda M Peck & w to Frank Dusek, neK seX sec 31, Nunda 4000 00 Eugenia F Brenner & h to Alexander R Beck, It 7, iJistakee Beach 90000 Charles L Teckler & w to Johnathan H Parks. undH of 80 a In sec 15, Nunda.. 3000 00 David T Smiley & w to Mary Meyers, It 15 blk 4, C Lake a pc Ih rear of same.. 1 00 Lucy Peck to Orlando M Peck, ne3i*«e H sec 31, Nunda (ex 3 acres) 100 Franklin E Cox to trustees Free Meth­ odist church, pt It 6 blk 6, Walkup's addn Nunda t500 Eleanor E Harrison per conservator to Elizabeth Ladd, wH swk nw!i sec 8, Nunda 180 00 John J Murphy ft w to Christopher Heine & w, 13 a in sec 33, Greenwood.. 2800 00 Michael Dassow & wto Henry Freeman 7.08a In Village of Greenwood 80000 A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lees- ville, Ind. when W. H. Brown of that place, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption. He writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Asth­ ma, but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c, and $1.00. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenry HOLfOM BVILLE. Dr. Hull of Nunda was a caller here last week. Mrs. A. P. Peck spent Sunday at Mrs. B. F. Peck 's. F. Davoll commenced work on the roads Monday. James Doherty of Nunda was a caller here Thursday. Little Eva Davoll has been very sick the past week. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt were Nunda callers Thursday. Mr. Tackmyre was elected school di­ rector Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Whiston were Woodstock visitors Monday. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville spent Thursday at T. L. Flander's. Ora Peck of Wauconda spent Friday evening at Mrs. B. F. Pack's. v Misses Anna and Ella Muggy com­ menced school here last week. Eddie Caroll spent Monday evening at George Zenk'a near Ridgefield. Wm. Zenk and Eddie Caroll drove to Elgin Saturday, returning Monday. Mrs. Chas. Schroeder of Nunda visit­ ed her son, Fred Schroeder, Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Peck and daughter, Mrs. B. Peck, called at F. Davoll's Wednes­ day. Miss May belle Doherty spent Thurs­ day afternoon with Miss Bessie Hoff­ man. Miss Mabel Willey is spending a few days with her grandparents near Wood­ stock. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and Mrs. H. O'Donnell were Terra Cotta callers Friday. Mrs. F. Willey and daughter, Sophia, spent Friday with Fred Willey and family. Mrs. H. Magoon and sister, Mrs. J. Whiston, were pleasant callers at P. T. Hunt's Friday. Earl Peck returned to hie work at Elgin Saturday after a week's visit with his parents here. Mrs. Hildebrand returned to her home here one day last week after the winter spent in the South- J. Phalen, wife and child of Terra Cotta were pleasent callers at Thos. Power's Sunday evening. Misses Mabel and Esther Zenk of Ridgefield visited with their aunt, Mm W. Zenk, part of last week. Wester man and Garrison's wagon from Ridgefield started out this route Monday with Chas. Ambler as salesman. AH fttlveitlDottUMits InsortiHt mulor this hoad At the followInR ratot*: Mve lines or less, eontii for flrvt Insertion; 1ft cents tor each subsequent Insertion. More than five lines. fMvnts a line lor first insertion, an (J Z renin a line for additional Insertions. "|7*ARM FOR SALE--Consisting of 214 acres. 2V4 miles from McHenry, with or without live stock and farm tools. LAY aire of F. K. Granger, West McHenry, 111. TXT ANTED--I want representatives every- * * where to write names and addresses and to mall out advertising: of my Brunswick Piano and one-minute piano player. No ex­ perience require.d Cood wages paid weekly for all or spare time. Send stamp for partic­ ulars. Oronkright, Wholesale Piano Dealer. Pittsburg, Pa. 86-st. "DEAL ESTATE, Real Estate, Real Estate! ^ Buyers, Sellers. Renters, we can suit you. Murphy & lanes. Woodstock III. HS-tf. CEEI) FOR SALE--40 bushels No. 1 clover ^ seed ilt |7.00 per hu. 100 bushels Prime Timothy seed at JK.00 per bu. Inquire of. 38-6t* J. O. LADI>, Hkigwood, 111, "\X7ANTED--Stock to pasture. Inquire of »» PATH, RIKGKR, Kettle Farm. at* DARBEB SHOP FIXTURES for sale, ln- -£* eluding chair, glass, commode, cup rack, razors, shears, clippers, stove, 8 chairs, et . All modern and In good repair. Inquire of 42-3t* H. F. ELDREDGE, W. McHenry. rpIMOTllY and clover seed for sale • WM. ROKSI-KTT WM. BONSLETT. 48-::I "POSITION WANTED--By a strong yount man experienced in all kinds of Tarn work. Inquire at this office. Ed. Schariger.' " JVDUND --A sum of money. Owner can have F same hy proving property and paying for this notice. 43-at. MRS. JOHN STOFFEI,. IT AY FOR SALE-About 30 tons tame art<i El wild hay will l»e sold In barn; also one Western steam cooker for sale cheap. In­ quire of Jos. N. MILI.EH. McHenry, III. 43^f -- TVOR SALE--I have for sale about fifty bushels of fine eating Potatoes. Will sell them at a reasonable price. Inquire of HENRY KENNEBECK, McHenry, Illinois. 43-3t* VCHINERY--1 have for sale a goOd plan­ er, matching machine and circular saw with frame. Call and see the machines. 42tf S. REYNOLDS. For a clear skin, clear all the way through, transparent enough to let sun­ shine--rosy cheeks show through- -take Rocky Mountain Tea. This month, spring time. 85 cents. G. W. Besley. The Hardest Worked of Hesmeu. The stokers are the hardest working of all classes of labor on board steam­ ships. From intimate association with theui iu their labor aud from knowledge of low orders of labor on shore, I can say without hesitation that, as a class, ship's firemen and coal passers or trim mere perform more arduous and re-1 pulsive work than the miners in thin veins in the anthracite region, the min- ers in the hot mines of Montana, the glass blowers of the gas belt, or the grimy toilers in the rolling mills. They reoeive proportiotately less pay. They usually work in fonr-hour watches, four on and eight off. Their location is in front of the firing ends of the battery of ships boilera or in the bunk era where the coal is stored, both of these being in the very bowels of the ship. The quarters are cramped, the air full of noxious gases, the light, the terrible glare of the raging fires, and the temperature ranging from 105 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. The most that even the Canard line pays picked fireman for their mail boats is $40 pel- month. The American line has its price regulated at an average of something over $30, though at times it equals the best rate.--B. Brandenburg, in Leslie's for May. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys d bladder right. Don't delay taking. Id by N. H. Petesch. I Om Minute Cough Cure Makes & Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the Salves yon ever heard of, Bncklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cures Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It's only 36c, and gaarauleed to give satisfaction by. Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W Besley, West McHenry. Bii Stroag Point. "Some people say, you know," re­ marked the spaniel, "that when human beings die they take the form of ani­ mals." "Well, if I was ever a human being,' replied the cat, "I must have been a bird fancier."--Philadelphia Press. Bajorinc Vemlce. "I Just asked Mrs. Nouveau-Rlche If she enjoyed Venice, and what do yon think she said?" "Give it up." "That they only stayed one night, a* the streets vere flooded and people I to go about in boats." Poorly? " For two years I suffered ter­ ribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, and in one week 1 was a new man."--John Mcbonald, Philadelphia, Pal Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by trying some other kind. Use the old, tested, tried, and true Ayer's Sarsapa­ rilla. Sl.M a Mtte. All druigUU. Ask your doctor what lie thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He know* all about tbi* grand old family niflirlne. Follow hU advice and we will be satisfied. A Thoughtful Han. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally enred. Only 25c, at Julia A. Story's, McHenry and G. W. Besley's West McHenry. To Colorado in 1»03 The passenger department x of the Chicago & North-Western Railway has issued a very interesting folder, giving information as to reduced rates and sleeping car service, with a short de­ scription of the various points of inter­ est usually visited by tourists, these excursion rates applying on account of the Christian Endeavor meeting to be held at Denver, July 9th to 13th. Send 2-cent stamp for copy, to W. B. Knis- kern. Passenger Traffic Manager, Chi­ cago* May 16. Pneumonia It Robbed of its Terrors By Foley's Honey and Tar. It stops the racking cough and heals and strengthens the lungs. If taken in time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia. Refuse substitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. DeWitt's Salve For Piles. Burns. Sores* Men of Oak Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. " M e n o f o a k " a r e m e n i n rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound­ est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con­ stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, nelps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti­ tution. Send for free sample. SCOTT 8t BOWNE. Chemists. 409-415 Pearl Street, New York:. BOc. and SI.OO; all druggist*. VTANAGEK WANTED- Trustworthy la<iy •***• or gentleman to manage business in tin- county and adjoining territory for well ami favorably known House of solid financial s t a n d i n g . 3 0 . 0 0 s t r a i g h t c a s h s a l a r y a n d e x ­ penses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money jui- vauced; position poriHaucwt. Address Thorn as Cooper, Manager, 1030 Oaxton Bldg.. Chi­ cago. 38-71 V: MRS. L. S. ADAMS, OfCWfMton.Tem. "Wine of Cardui is indeed a blessing to tired women. Having suffered for •even years with weakness and bear- Ing-down pains, and having tried sev­ eral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was the only thing which hciped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the we,ik parts, strengthen the system and correct Irregularities." By "tired -women" Mrs. Adams means nervosa "women who have disordered m&ises, falling of th8 womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You cau cure yourself at home with this great women's remedy, Wine of Cardui, Wine of Cardui has cored thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. , For any stomach, liver or bowel disor­ der Thedford's Black-Draught should be used. For advice and llter&tme.addieM, gfTlng symptoms, The Ladies' AariBory Depart­ ment, The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.' WlNEo'CARDUl Half Rates to New Orleans. La., Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at* one fare for rhe round trip May 1, 2, 8 and 4, limit­ ed for. return by special extension until May 30, inclusive, on account of Annual meeting American Medical Association. Apply to agents Chicago & North- Western E'y. May 2. Bean the BigDRtnre of i L S T O R Z i k . /> The Kind You Have Always Bougtn FANCY GROCERS SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN DM Ms I Gentlemen! Please call in and look over cur Sample Cloths The most stylish in color and fineness ever made up in Suits, Pants an<l Vests. Only $11.60 to $25 a Suit. A fit or no sale. Repairing, Altering and Cleaning done in neat style. \ E. Lawlus, Tailor to the Trade. 25 boxes extra fancy im­ ported Cluster Layer Rai­ sins (each bunch tied with ribbon)about 5 pounds iu box at 65 Cents per Box We make this remarkably low price on these Goods to dispose of them quickly --they are worth fully $1.00 per box. Fancy Evaporated Apri­ cots (Royal) per ft>... 121c Fancy Evaporated Cali­ fornia Peaches (Crawford) rr pound 10c pounds for 25c Good Oregon Prunes, large size per pound 5c 26 pounds for $1,00 Extra fancy Santa Clara Prunes, per pound 12^c Large size 20 to pound. Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, 40 and 50, per pound. .10c 3 pounds for 25c Extra fancy evaporated Apples, 3 pounds for. .25c California Figs in 1 pound brick. 10c . New London La^er Figs per ponnd 18c Extra fancy Turkeypulled Figs in 1 and 2 pound bas­ kets, each 20c aud 85c Walnuts, Napels, lb. .20c Fancy California Walnuts per pound .20c Filberts, per ponnd... .18c Brazil Nuts, per tt>... •. 18c California I X L Almonds per pound 20c Large soft shell Almonds, per pound ...20c Large Pecans, per tt>. .15o Fresh Coconuts and Pea- hnts. The new Breakfast Food X CE LO ready to eat, 2 packages for 25c We have jtifift tecMlred ft stock of the latest designs in wall paper. Not an old roll in the lot, the old staff was closed out completely long ago. If you in­ tend to paper those rooms bear us in mind. It costs nothing to look at the designs, so com,e and ex­ amine them. Prices are right evfery time. Successor to S. StoffeL W«st McHenry. F A . A BUND MAN May BE EXCUSED for passing by a good thing, but that is no excuse for you. Don't forget that the man who is wise uses good paint, and the statement that there is nothing as good as Crown Cottage Colors is a correct one. It ^rill cover more surface than any other paint, and every can is guaranteed by the manufacturers, as follows:' 7 11 We Guarantee ss==« That when properly applied on a surface In proper condition, CROWN COTTAGE COLORS will give better results than any other paint (including white lead) and in all cases where it does not, and it is the fault of the material used, we will do the work over again at our expense. TbradteyfSL Vrooman Co. IFor Sale By I West McHenry. F. L. McOmber. Furniture! This is the time of year when many young people are joined in the holy bonds of ma­ trimony and are prepaiiring for house-keep­ ing. In making up the household you must have Furniture and here is the right place to get it. We handle one of the largest and best lines of general Furniture in the county and put our pfrices where we can, with a clear conscience, defy any and all competion, be it in the city or county, gon- sidering quality of course. We do even more than that in favor of our customer. ti you buy anything here in the Furniture line, no matter what it may be, and it is not exactly as we represent it to you, well, (as the fellow says) you all know where I live, bring it back and we will replace it. JAC03 JUSTEN. 1I1 .|nli I^I i||iti ill i|l it it'll" niiiiiiimmiiiiiimc Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery ForC OVSIM FTION »ric- O«0.«*.nd jfcTllJI A Perfect For All Throat and J^ure: Lung Troubles. Money back If it fails. Trial Bottles free. Day! you will find bargains at Chie Btore. We have no special bargain day. We always sell merchandise at the lowest possible figure and guarantee satisfaction. Just note the following sample list: .80c Ked Table Uuen, worth 50c to 60c per yard, <& • • • • • • • White Table Mnen. bleached. 78 ID wide, worth 75c per yard, <f» 4nc Overalls, regular price 50c, selling © Youth's Overalls, SB to 30, worth . •••••«••• •8DC Boys, Overalls, 4 to 13, (Si.... 28c Men's Itockford Sox. !l pair for... .»0c Children's Stockings, 5>4 to 8, per pair 10c Working Shirts, wort h 5<V to flOc <S . 40c Men's Working l'ants. worth $1.(*»<!/ .tt»e Shoe Polish, worth 10c per box, .*<; Men's raps, worth 50c, closing out C««>c Patent Leather Shoes, very best 94.00 shoe. 0b f~.#8 Very best Dress Shoe.. . 92.25 Ladles' Shoes, worth J3.00, (Si 91 .W Next quality, 12.00 shoe, ® Everyday working Shoe for ladies Kangaroo Shoe,regular91.75shoe 91.35 Men's Working Shews Youth's Shoes, 1 <8i Shoes. 9 to l.iH, '• and Girl's Shoes, 6 to 8. - - eol< s, three colon Boy Boy'.' Men's everyday Hate, wort h 50c to BOc, @> Dress llats, latest styles at lowest prices. Claret Prints worth 7c per vara @ Press Linings, black and brown per yard Light Sa teop Caps, each... Table Oil Cloth, very best per yd.. Shoe Strings, per bunch Rubber Collars, worth 25c, all sices $1.35 .9119 ..98c ..e»c ..48c ...Sc .17c ...7C .17te X Big Assortment of Dress Shirts at % # th^very Lowest Prices. I i ^ West McHenry. J. HURWITZ. f it"X» 0 <t» MEV<p<i> QQ Professional, Society tvnd Bufinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYBIOIAN, SURGEON AND OCULICT. _ Office and residence corner Bi™ Green streets. McHenry. » O. H. FEGER8, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHenry. 111. Office at Residence, corner Court and Elm streets. Telephone 333. KNIGHT & BROWN. ; V A TTOBNEYS AT LAW. 100 WlShtiSiii street, Chicago, III. D. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No tary Public. Will give prompt and im­ mediate attention to all business intrusted to his care. Office in Hoy's Block, Woodstock, ft Tn new DUKTIBT OM THB WIST Sift* PR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN • • ,• Office over Hours from Beslev's Drug Store. fcift a. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMKBN, M, D. PHYSICIAN AND SUfeOEON (Dwtedwr Antt) Spring Qrovc, Illinois. ̂ Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Cxcavating and Grading. IcHENRY - - - y - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 4SL LAHBERT Q. SfiNQ BUFFET Headquarters r McHenry and McHenry county visitors. John Schan-M, 98 i lfth Ave.. Chicago. Bar TMtfer. REAL, E8TATE Farms, Lots, etc., bought and sold. Insurance, both Fire and Life. Agent for .AStna Life Insnrance Go. C. R. THURLWELL, Over Chapell's Store. McHenry, IU. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure witn home agents, smooth-tongne strangers wmetimes lead people astray. W*8T MCHBNRT. - - IUfc C. R. THURLWELL Attorney, Counselor and Solicitor, Col­ lections, Real Estate, Etc. Office over Chapell's store. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. F. C. ROSS, D. DTS. MP McHenry Illinois Over Petesch's Drug Store, next to Bank. Telephone No. >93. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the beet Companies. Wut Mdtonry, llltneU. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHBNRT LODGE, NO. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays In each month. S. S. CHAPELL. W. M. C. R. THCBIIWEBI>. Secy. W. C. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 1S7, W. O. O. F., meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB, Chief Banger. MRS, MATILDA MEVERS, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Stof- fel's Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. 0. MKAD, Clerk. O. O. F. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. ANTON ENQELN, Chief Banger. JOHN NEISS, Recording Secretary. LODIB OKRTEI>, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees- John lieimer, Anton Engeln. Ben Lauer. O. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746, G. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughee, C. R. Walter Bolger. R. S. riEATS I Fresh Salt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Side Market of F. Wat­ tles, it is my intention to give all customers the best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low­ est prices, and will sell oa the same A. C. flATTHEWS, .. Wwt Ml TTi--Jl

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