Ike McHenry Plaindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY TK MtflCTBT PUHIDUUR COMPART. F. K.GRANGSS, W. A. CRIBTT, J. B. PEBBY, Pro*. Sec. Treas. OHAS. D. SOHOOKMAKKR, Editor. I In Bank Building. Telephone, No. SI TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: One year Six months, 78 eta. $1.50 Three months. 40cts. Thursday, April jo, i9®3- FRANK JUST, editor of the Lake County Independent, was elected mayor i of Libertynlle last week. There's something wrong in that village. CHAS. E, MILIAR has becoine sole proprietor of the Algonqnin Citizen. Brother Miller has been handicapped in many ways since he assumed manage ment of that paper, but he now has an opportunity to spread himself, as he Barely will in time. Success to yon, Charles. Court House Notes THE Richmond Gazette recently be gan its twenty-eighth volumn. Despite the fsct that Mr. Wright suffered loss during the fire he is giving the people a better paper than ever. He looks after the local field thoroughly and that is •just what the readers of the Country weekly want. THE Chicago bureau of charities makes a statement that bad cookery and slovenly housekeeping were the di rect causes of four hundred divorce cases in that city last year. But why does the bureau fail to mention the number of divorcee caused by bad whisky, neglect, indolence, infidelity and brutality on the part of half baked husbands? YOUNG men, who expect to make a name for themselves in this world, should bear in mind that the twentieth century has no use for the weak, the incompetent, the untrained, and espec ially the dissipated. Parents that haye fond hopes that the future may have something in store for their boys should also learn the conditions as they exist today. Above all things keep that boy in school. THE ambitious young men who are anxious to leave the farm and secure a position in cities should giye the mat ter serious thought before they pack their trunks and say good bye to the scenes of nature. Twenty-five dollars a month on a farm is a great deal bet ter than fifty dollars in the city. As a general thing, at the end of nine months the farm hand has $150 cash, rugged health and a good appetite, three pairs of overalls, a Sunday suit and a straw hat; while the other has two suit? of ' clothes, a pair of bicycle pants, sallow complexion, no appetite and always owes his landlady two or three weeks' board. Yet there are seventy-five ap plicants for the latter job to one of the former. Why is it the city chaps are so anxious to spend the summer in the oountry? They evidently know where to find real life and comfort. BARBETILLE. Thos. Thompson lost a valuable horse Monday night. John Hunter and Ed. Fleming spent Sunday in Elgin. Henry Rowley of Nnnda was a re cent caller here. Miss Clara Thompson was a Chicago visitor last Monday. Miss Eliza Howell of Nnnda spent Sunday with her mother here. Miss Edna Hunter spent a few days last week with Miss Clars Thompson. Dr Spurling of McHenry was a caller in this vicinity several times last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gib. Burnett of Mc Henry called on relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shugra and family of Nunda spent Sunday with relatives here. • Eugene Matthews and MiBs Delia • Heiiner of McHenry were calling on friends here Sunday. Fred Davoll of Holcombville is at work grading and otherwise improving the roads in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shales of Terra Cotta called on Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shales Sunday afternoon. Mesdames Guy Harrison and Chas. ' Florida of Ostend called at Thos. Thompson's Tuesday afternoon. Ed. Fleming and sister, Francis, went : to Chicago Monday morning where they will visit relatives and friends for a week. Thos. Thompson and daughter, Clara, attended the marriage of the former's niece, Miss Mabelle Carr, to Merritt Croikshank at Greenwood on Wednes day of last week. C. B. Anderson left for Chicago Mon day morning closing a deal in wh^3h W. F. Shulz of Chicago takes possession of the farm and . mill property and Mr. Anderson some real estate in Chicago. Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusive ly that it is a sure preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in less time than any other treatment It is pleasant and safe to taka For sale by all drug gists. HOLCOMBVILXE. Fred Davoll spent Monday at South Chicago. Mrs. B. P. Peck spent the last of the week in Chicago. Miss Lulu Francisco passed through this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers spent Sunday at Thos. Power's. Mrs. Weidner and daughter, Maggie, were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. P. Flanders of Ringwood was a Monday caller at T. L. Flander's. Miss Maybelle Doherty spent Friday evening with Miss Bessie Hoffman. Mark Hoffman and daughter, Miss Itra, of Spring Grove spent Sunday here. Miss Martha Raloff of Crystal Lake is •lotting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Schroeder Mr. and Mra. Wm. Welch of Griswold Lake visited at Thos. Powers' Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. John Gracy of Terra Cotta were callers at Jay Doherty's Fri H. O'Donnell and sister, Miss Pearl Whig ton, were Nnnda callers Sat urday. Mr. and Mra. John Powers of Et&erald Park visited with the former's parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zeak and children of. Marengo spent a few days of last week •t G. Weidner'a. I Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and little tenghter visited with relatives near Bsrreville Sunday. Ora Peck and lady friends, Misses Min- mie and Jennie Monahan, of Wanconds Mn Spnday caller* ham REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Andrew Neish & w to Selim R Pierce, It SS3, Otto Hasse's adn to Spring Grve©800 00 Susan M Rich to Fred H Hell, It 35, • Ringwood 1000 00 Elinor E Ragley 4 W to Annie G Glll- more. It 3. ltosing's subdiv sec 17, Mc- Monry 800 00 Cora E Van Auken & h to G L Gardner It in Nunda... 1675 00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Merritt Cruikshank Solon Mabel M. Carr Greenwood Emil C. Wittenberg... Woodstoctc Marie M. Bier . Woodstock Frank Coffey Greenwood Susie Boner Greenwood Lewis Whaplss Harvard Blanch Reed Chemung Irwin Roberts Chicago Mary Downs . Chicago Albert Ehlert Huntley Hannah Kempfert . .Huntley RI DGEIIEIiUI N. J. Garrison was in Nnnda Satur day. F. S. Terwillager was in Woodstock Monday. Miss Florence Munroe was in Wood stock Monday. Mr. Doolittle of Chicago was here on business Saturday. Will Ormsby of Chicago visited hie parents this week. F. S. Terwillager was in Chicago on business Saturday. Mesdames Ward and Goddard were at Woodstock Saturday. Miss Andrie Quinn of Chicago is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. F. Hartman. Miss Zilla Ward of Woodstock visited her sister Saturday and Sunday. Saftn Merchant took a long journey horseback to Lakeside Wednesday. Mesdames C. M. Keeler and G. W. Wheeler were in Chicago Saturday. Mr. Glennon of Woodstock visited his daughter, Mrs. F. Hartman, Tuesday. Miss Blanch Lynch of Chicago visited her parents here Saturday and Sunday. Mesdames Larsen and Bergstrand and children of Nunda were here Tuesday. Mrs. Lemmers of Woodstock is visit ing her sister, Mrs. A. S. Wakefield, this Mr. and Mrs. Shelt and E. B. Smith1 attended Presbytery at Argyle tnis week. Eld. Cad wall ad er returned from Racine Monday after working there for a short time. Mrs. J. B. Lynch visited her daughter Mrs. E. W. Merchant, at Woodstock Monday. H. Irish, who has been in Kentucky part of the winter, visited his parents here last week. Mrs. Baldwin of Nunda was here Monday making a few repairs on the old hardware building. Mr. and Mrs. H. O'Donnell and daugh ter, Helen, of Holcombville called on relatives and friends here Sunday. Mrs. Jackman and son, Arthur, of Chicago visited her sister, Mrs. C. M. Keeler, the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jackman came down from Woodstock Monday in their new automobile and made an early morning call at W H. Munroe's. Don t forget the entertainment to be given in the church Friday evening. Something new. Everybody come. Ad mission 15 cents. Money to be used to complete the sidewalks. WOODSTOCK. Lester Barber of Marengo was in town on business Monday. H. M. Merrick of Hebron was at tending to business here Monday, i County clerk G. F. Rushton visited with his brother at Elgin Thursday. Miss Mary Rushton attended a meet ing of teachers at DeKalb last week. A. F. Field is again able to attend to his duties, after a severe illness of a few days. Cyrus Mead, one of the pioneers of Hebron township, was calling on friends in town, Monday. W. M. Millar, manager of F. W. Street's store at Hebron, was in town Saturday, his son being at work in the factory here. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ross have gone to Danville, where they will make their home in the future, Mr. Ross being on the road for the Dearborn, Electric Co., of Chicago. Frank M. Burton finished moving out of his old location, Monday, and it will seem strange not to hear Frank's melodious voice in that locality as he springs a joke on some unsuspecting individual. Harry F. Burbank has severed his connection with the Deering division of the International Haeg^ster Co., where he has been employed the past three months, and will reside at home for the present. Jesse M. Austin, of Chicago, who has but recently returned from a delightful trip through Canada, including a visit to magnificent Niagara, was visiting with his relatives and many friends in this city the latter part of last wenk. O. G. Mead, one of the members of the hustling firm of Mead & Charles, grocers and crockery dealers, left last week Thursday morning for West Baden, Ind., where he is taking the baths in hope of improving his health, which his hosts of friends hope he will accomplish. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Adams and family left last week for their future home at Waukesha, where Mr. Adams has secured the snperintendencv of a large electric light plant, Mr. Adams has had charge of the Woodstock plant, with a short intermission, since its es tablishment, ani has 'proved himself thoroughly competent electrician, and his many friends here wish him pros perity in his new location. The Plaindealer subscription list con inues to grow. Quit borrowing and subrcribe. Want Column. All ft4lvoi ti!H!inpntH inwrtPtl under t tltw htvui at tt - following rail's: Five lines or lens, Si i%entH for flirt insertion; lS eentw Tor e«<-h fufowiiueiu insertion More ttmn IIvr lines, 5 cents a line for first insertion, and 3 edit* a line for additional Insertions. TJ^ARM FOR SALE--Consisting of JS14 acre*, ' 2H miles trom McHenry, with or Without, live stock and farm tools. Inquire ot'b. k. Granger, West McHenry, III. WANTE1> -1 want r^pivsentativos everywhere to write nunu's and addresses and to mail out advertising of my Brunswick Piano and one-minute piano player. No ex perience ro<|Uiro.d Uood wages paid weekly for all or spare time. 8end stamp for partic ulars. Cronkright, Wholesale Piano Dealer. Pittsburg, Pa. 36-8t. VfANAUEK WANTED-Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favorably known House of solid financial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and ex penses, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Expense money ad vanced; position permanent. Address Thom as Cooper, Manager, lOUO Oaxton Bldg., Chi cago. 38-7t EAL ESTATE, Real Estate, Real Estate! Buyers, Sellers, Renters, we can suit you. Murphy & l.lnes, Woodstock III. 38-tf. R ^xrANTKD--Stock to pasture. Inquire of * V PAUL RXEGER, Kettle Farm. 8t BARBER SHOP FIXTURES for sale, including chair, glass, commode, cup rack, razors, shears, clippers, stove, 8 chairs, etc. All modern and In good repair. Inquire of ISt-W H. F. EI.DREDOE, W. McHenry. tAOUN I>-- A sum of money. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice, 4^3t. Mas. JOHN STOKFKI.. TjV>R SALE--I have for sale about fifty bushels of fine eating Potatoes. Will sell them at a reasonable price- Inquire of HKNRY KESNEBECK. McHenry, Illinois, i 43-iM* Vf ACHLSERV-l have for sale a good plan- er, matchiug machine and circular saw with frame. Call and see the machines. 42tf S. REYNOLDS. TXTANTER--M:m for farm work; feW cows. ** Inquire at this office. 44-2t* TjVJR SALE--Parlor set, consisting of five " pieces. Inquire at t his office. 44-2t l^OUND-Roll of bills. Owner can have the ^ money by proving property and paying for this notice. H. C. M EAD. West McHenry. LOST--Somewhere in West McHenry, a pair of rimless eye glasses In case. Finder please leave same at this office. A Great Sensation. There was a big sensation in Lees- ville, Ind. when W. H. Brown of that plaee, who was expected to die, had his life saved by Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. He writes: "I endured insufferable agonies from Asth ma, but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure." Similar cures of Consumption, Pneumonia. Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 50c, and $1.00. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W. Besley, West McHenry To Colorado In 1903 The passenger department of the Chicago & North-Western Railway has issued a very interesting folder, giving information as to reduced rates and sleeping car service, with a short de scription of the various points of inter est usually visited by tourists, these excursion rates applying on account of the Christian Endeavor meeting to be held at Denver, July 9th to 13th. Send 2 cent stamp for copy, to W. B. Knis- kern. Passenger Traffic Manager, Chi cago' May 16. Health " For 25 years I have never missed taking Ayer's Sarssparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way."-- John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You become strong, steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. 91 00 a bottle. AU Jra^fefs. A«k your doctor wbfct he think* of Ayer'j Sarsaparilla. He luiowi all i^ini tliliffrana old fHiutl j medicine. Kollo* hU adyice »U<1 we will be lattnflf (I. J. V. ATIB Co., Lowell. MIH. O A. Bears the Signature of S T O H I A . The Kind You Have Always Men of oal Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. "Men of oak" are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con stitution that will last for years. Scott's Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, nelps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution. Send for free sample. SCOTT &. BOWNE. Chemists. 409-4-15 Pearl Street, New York. BOc. and $1.00; alt druggists. 1 THtDFORD*S BLACKDRAUGP I THE GREAT FAMILY MEDICINE Thedford's Black-Draught has saved doctors' bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard colds, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, assists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, Eurifiea the blood, and purges the owels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion, sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sideache, back ache, kidnev troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache. Every drug gist has Thedford's Black-Draught m 2-5 cent packages and in mam moth size for $1.00. Never accept & substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford's Black-Draught is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. 1 have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot i and healthy with no doctor but Black- Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewara. La. A Thoughtful Han. M. M. Austin of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusnal case ot stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of aDd tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured. Only 20c, at Julia A. Story's, McHenry and Q. W. Besley's West McHenry. Hoiiinteeken'. Excunionn to tbe North- went, Went, and SonThwefet. and Colonist Low Rates West, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion iickets at greatly reduced rates are •:n sale to the territory indicated above, otandard and Tourist Sleeping CArs, Free Reclining Chairs and "The Best of Everything. " For full particulars ap ply to agent£> Chicago & North-West ern R'y. June 13. Dedication Ceremonies at the 8t. Louis Ex position. On account of the dedication cere monies of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position at St. Louis, Mo., April 30 to May 2, 190U, the Illinois Central R R \vill sell round-trip excursion tickets from stations on its lines to St. Louis at greatly reduced rates. Call on your nearest Illinois Central Ticket Agent for specific ticket rates, dates of sale, limits, etc. A. H. Hanson, G. PJ-.-A*. Illinois Central R. R., Chicago. 43-2t "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." >t«oa»»oos<i--0«a«0ttDB0<wK» ^••••BOOoooooassM»»o>i)ia»>oeoo«oi|p<HyHW>| i A > ' I - W L I N E : • ; ' . i v - ' ' " o t LADIES 'WAISTS, SKIRTS and WRAPPERS, «SM» £ FANCY WAISTINGS and DRESS GOODS. These Goods ! arp the new and stylish, you should see them before going elsewhere. Some of the prettiest patterns in town. GIVE US A TRIAL I ' in Shoes. Our prices are right and we guarantee satisfaction. iOur Shoes are ALL LEATHER and will wear longer and look better than any other. We have been in the Shoe business for years and know a good article when we see it. Shoes m for all. WE CAN PLEASE YOU if yon tfill give us yonr order for a Suit of Clothes. We are agents for the best tailoring establishment in the United States. Quality and fit guaranteed. Prices are low as the lowest. . FLOUR $T.o© PER SACK Folr a few days only the above price will hold good on the best Flour made. Try a sack while the price is down and be convinced that it is good. We handle a complete line .of gro ceries and sell at lowest prices for cash. Successor to S. Stoffol. West McHepry. P. A. BOHLANDER j COOOOOAOOOIHHHMMTTSLTLMHHMNMTOOOOOOOMMMK A BUND MAN .May BE EXCUSED for passing by a good thing, but that is no excuse for you. Don't forget that the man who is wise useS good paint, and the statement that there is nothing as good as Crown Cottage Colors Is a correct one. It will oover more surface than any other paint, and every can is guaranteed by the manufacturers, as follows: ss==== We Guarantee ' That when properly applied on a surface in proper condition, CROWN COTTAGE COLORS will give better results than any other paint (including white lead) and in all cases where it does not, and it is the .fault of the material used, we will do the work over again at our expense. "BradleyCSL Vrooman Co. IForSaleByl DeWitt's Salve For Piles. Burns* Sores. FANCY GROCERS FRESH BAKERY GOODS EVERY DAY | THE GREAT I Melbourne United Slows -WILL EXHIBIT AT- ! McHENRY i [FRIDAY, MAY 8 | go Trained Perforating Anl«iaW | Greatest Dog Circus on Earth J Hand somes} Spotted Trick Ponies | Somersalt and Equestrian Dogs J Finest Drill-Acting Ponies S A Handsome Herd of Educated Goat* • • The Only Trapeze Pony S Horizontal Bar and Trapeze Acts I Etc., Etc.. Etc. • J SPLENDID STREET PARADE * l every day at 1 p. m. Grand New • Free Exhibition at 1:30. Two I»er- • formalize* dally, commencing at 2 and S 8 p. m. Admission 25 cents, Children { under 12 Years, 15 Cents. [free SEIT ̂ for Everybody Celebrated Eureka,*- Bread Have you tried it? Best In Town P i n e C o n f e c t i o n e r y , Chocolates and Bon Bons in £ and 1 pound boxes. X CELO The new Breakfast Food. Ready to eat. Two packages for 25 Cents A Full line of RALSION'S CEREALS Purina Mil l*. Raltiton 's entire whpat floor Brain Bread. Ralston's Pan Cake Flonr. 1 Ralston's Breakfast Food. ^ Ralston's Malt Breakfast Food. I New Vermontj Maple Syrup $1.00 per gallon West McHenry. F. L. McOmber. A A A >•« A A ̂ i A A A A A A A. A \ t J v | X I ' X i " l " I V f " v V * * ' ' + • v * + * I F u r n i t u r e ! f This is the time of year when many young people are joined in the holy bonds of ma trimony and are prepairing for house-keep ing. In making up the household you must have Furniture and here is the right place to get it. We handle one of the largest and best lines of general Furniture in the county and put our prices where we can, with a clear conscience, defy any and all competion, be it in the city or county, con sidering quality of course. We do even more than that in favor of our customer. If you buy anything here in the Furniture line, no matter what it may be, and it is not exactly as we represent it to you, well, (as the fellow says) you all know where I live, bring it back and we will replace it.' j JACOB JUSTEN. Inlnllllllllltl ill 1 1̂ l|l Every you will find bargains at this store. We have no special bargain day; We always sell merchandise at the lowest possible fignre and guarantee satisfaction." Jost note the following sample list: Ked Table Linen, worth 50c to 00c per yard, <S» Wnlte Table l.inen, bleached. ?8 in wide, worth 75c per yard, _&?•., ..Vie Pvera)Is, regular pricp 50c. selling Youth's Overallsi 88 'to 30,' Vor^h 45c @ ••• : •••• Boys, Overalls, 4 to 13, @.... Men's Rockford Sox, 3 pair for... Children's stockings, :>H to8, per Working Shirts, wort h r>(V to 00c %. - - Men's \VorkinK I'ants, worth $1.00 (ft .Wc Shoe Polish, worth 10c per box, -fc Men's Caps, worth 50<\ closing out Patent Leather Slioes, very bent 14.00 shoe, @ g-8? Very best Dress Shoe.. . 18.25 Ladies' Shoes, worth $3.00, @ fl.tW •••fPP .BOC }0c 40c Next quality, J2.00 shoe, dfi Everyday working Shoe for ladies Kangaroo Shoe,regular 11.75 shoe @ Men's Working Shoes Youth's Shoes. 1 to 2H @ .. Hoy's Shoes, !l to 1.1H, Boy's and Girl's Shoes, 6 to 8. A .. Men's eyeryday Huts,|,hre^cp}prs worth 50c to 00c, Dross Hats, latest styles at lowest prices. Claret 1'rinls worth 7c per yurd (01 Dress LlplngH, black and browp per yard... v Light Sateep Caps, each Table Oil Cloth, very best per yd.. Shoe Strings, per bunch Rubber Collars, worth 85c, all slses FL.35 tl-80 .91.85 11.10 98c ::qoc ..#0 ....Be 4Hc ...5C .17c .. .7c ..17c Big Assortment of Dress Shirts at the very Lowest Prices. West McHenry- J. HURWITZ. Professional, Society and Businesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OOULI«& L Office ana residence corner Ktia mp Green streets. McHenry. O. H. FEGERS, M. D. e U PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. VlcHetifjr. L III. Office at Residence, corner Court MM Elm streets. Telephone 333. KNIGHT ft BROWN. A TTORNEY8 AT LAW. 100 Washington "• street, Chicago, III. D. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No tary Public. Will give prompt and im mediate attention to all business intrusted to his care. Office in Hoy's Block. Woodstock, II TH> raw D*NT*ST ON THK WBST BIDS DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN Office oyer Hoont {rom Besler'8 Drug Store. 8:30 n. m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR &REMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQBON . (De«t*clMr Armt.) Spring Grove, Illinois. GOO. Mey ers General Teaming v of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. IcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 451. LAT1BERT Q. SENG BUFFET Headquarters r McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Joha Schtrru, 98 1< ifth Ave., Chicago. Bar Timilsr. REAL ESTATE Farma, Lota, etc., bought and sold. Insurance, both Fire and Life. Agent for JEtna Life Insurance Co. C. R. THURLWELL, Ovor Chapell's Stor*. McHenry, 111. H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In- snrance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure with home agents, smooth-tongne strangers sometimes lead people astray. WK8T MCHENRY. - - Iuu. C. R. THURLWELL Attorney, Counselor ind Solicitor, Col lections, Real Estate, Etc. Office over Chapell's store. McHENRY, • • - ILLINOIS p. c. ROSS, D. D. s. McHenry Illinois Over Pel csch's Drug Store, next to Bank. Telephone No. 393. * SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. 8. 8. CHAPELL. W. M. C. R. THCRLWELX.. Secy. W. O. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. O. O. P., meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Ball. MRS. MARY COBB. Ohlef Ranger. MRS. MATILDA MEYERS, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Staf fers Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. C. M*AD, Olerk. O. O. F. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. ANTON ENGBLM, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISS, Recording Secretary. Louis OK-BTEI* Financial Sooretary, JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees' John lielmer, Anton Eageln. Ben Lauer. O. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 748. O. O, P. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, O. R. Walter Bolger. R. S. riEATS ! Fresh 5alt and Smoked. Vegetables and Fruit in Season Having purchased the West Sid© Market of F. Wat* ties, it is my intention to give all easterners the 'best service possible. I pay spot cash for hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the low est prices, and will sell on the same A. C. rtATTHEWS, West McHenry