Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1903, p. 5

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>7**1 /'v'f':^ ,̂t ^ »>' wff?, ryr4^>/̂ ' ^y j^vV*-*^ :; ^y*, • ?^yV|v * * ^rf^:.«j,,^,:r.f.ffj<i^.'.,^:. \ so. ̂ „,f* M ,ywy %*L faw -*a •••:*?...:;' "i3. r <*~ rirf^ SfSlSP !̂P |̂ 8JT SMK % I OSMUN srw' S U M N C R S T O V E S ! : /."WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SUMMER STOVfc GASOLINE OR BLUE FLAHE OS ^ % CALL AT OSflUN BROS. ". . We claim to have as complete assortment of pe- - • *Huhle makes us were ever sliown in McHonry. Prices light. Call and let us prove the above. BROS. McHENRY, Our Soda Fountain We will be ready to serve the public with Ice Cream and Soda Water beginning next Saturday when onr Soda Fountain will be in operation. We furnish Ice Cream in any quantity on short notice and at a reasonable price. AOENTS FOR HALL'S FIREPROOF SAFES. * m i» t* m 9 m 9 9 •* * "9 9 9 9 •J I 9 9 Ringwood, 111. J. 5. BROWN & SON. | | 1903 CROP I 50c A BUSHEL I CASH $ WITH i EVERY LOAD PICKLES I i 1 I I I iit tlr £ i Be sure and contract your pickles with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., as they were the first parties that paid you 50c a bushel. Contract at once as we will take Only a liniited number of acres. Make your contracts with, and get your seed from FRANK WARD, or at the following places: Bank of Mcllenry, Mcllenry; Simon Stoffel, M. J. Walsh, F. A. Bphlander, W. O. Evanson, John J. Miller, West Mcllenry; J. E. Oristy, Ringwood: John P. Lay, C. M. Adams, Joliusburgh, 5EED 50 CENTS A POUND STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH (0. WEST McHENRY, ILL. *?»**»* The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of honor 1 Don't borrow. ginnnnnmiimmni This Batik receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to onr custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rateB. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers Chicago & North-Western. Effective Oct 12, MOS WEEK DAT TRAINS. Oh?caago. NORTHBOUND V MH^NRY 7.15 am Via Elgin 9.4S a m 8.05 am Via Des I'lalnes 1>:4S a m 3.96 pm Via Des Phiines 5.00 pm ...Via Des I'lalnes 0.47 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin 11.14 am ..Via Dosrl'laines 11.14 a m Via Elgin 4.53 pm W E E K D A Y TRAINS. Arrive Chicago. . ..10.10 a m . . y.5S a m ...ViaElgin 5.45 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7»U am. Via Elgin 10.80 a in 5:65 p m.. ViaElgln 8:45pm Passengers taking 7:32 train from stations i 9 north of Crystal Lake can change at Crystal Luke and arrive in Chicago atU:25 a. m. 5.01 p m. 8.45 am... 9.10 am... JJ.(Bp m... •Leave McHenjty. 7.S2 am Via Elgin. . Via Des Plaines SOUTHBOUND. If a m. p m. Farmers are at all times wel­ come at our place of busi­ ness as we take pride in showing our large and com­ plete line of Farm Imple­ ments of all kinds. This spring we are in better shape than ever befp'.e to serve the public. Before buying don't forget to call on us and get our prices which are as low as the lowest Moll Bonslett, Just south of Reynold's Mill. AMERICA'S BEST MBtftAN PAPER Editorially Fearless. Consistently Republican Always News from all parts of the world. Well-written, original stories. An­ swers to (jueries on all subjects. Articles on Health, the Home, New Books and on Work About the Farm and Garden. The Weekly Inter Ocean THE INTEW OCEAN if?, a member of the Associated Press and also is the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun, and special cable of the New York World, be­ sides daily reports from over 2.000 special correspondents t hroughout tfie country. No pen can tell more fully why it is the best paper on earth. 52 TWELVE PAGE PAPERS 52 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brimful of new* from everywhere and a perfect feast of special matter. Subscribe for The Plaindealer and the Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both papers for - - $a.oo STEEL TANKS SB* We herewith give an illustration of the Steel Tanks we are making. We can make them of any shape, height or width to suit your needs. These Tanks are made of the very best Gal­ vanized Sheet Steel and are GUAR­ ANTEED to give entire satisfaction. We charge no more than any other firm and you have the benefit of a gilt edge guarantee with each Tank, I ? we do not hare the shape and size you want on hand we can make op a Tank on short notice. CYPRESS TANKS If you would prefera Wood Tank we can supply you with one made of the best Cypress at the lowest pos­ sible figure. We also man­ ufacture Iron Smoke Stacks, Etc. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S -< Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents RINGWOOD. • An item box has lteen placed in the Ring- wood postoffice for the convenience of persons wishing to contribute to the Kingwood corre­ spondence column in I'laindealer. If you know of any news t hat, should be published just drop a note in thel»oxami theeorrespond- dent will collect the same Tuesday evening of each week. L, B. Peet was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Not in the memory of the old in­ habitant or the earliest pioneer has there been a spring as dry as the pres­ ent one. Mrs. John Carey, accompanied by her daughter, Agnes, visited in Chicago last Friday. Still the people of Ringwood con­ tinue to attend the meetings carried on by Rev. Sunday at Richmond. Judge N. D. Stevens hasn't time to let the grass grow under his feet this week for he is driving Mr. Blodgett around the country, selling Osborne farm machinery. You are cordially invited to attend the teacher's institute held in the school house Saturday. This is a meet­ ing of division I, consisting of the four townships in the northeast of the county. The Ladies. Aid society will give a dinner Saturday, May 23, at the M. E. church. The teachers from the insti­ tute and everyone is cordially invited to be present at 12 o'clock. Price 25 and 15 cents. The excursion to Champaign today was not very well attended from this community owing to the fact that the farmers are very busy getting their corn planted. It seems as if the manage­ ment should have taken this into con­ sideration when the date was decided upon. The morning service at the Uni- versa'ist church next Sunday will be an Emerson service in recognition of the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emerson which occurs Monday, May 25. Selections from the writings of Emerson will be read by Mrs. Buckland and others. One may now walk the length of the village street without stumbling on ac­ count of the broken side walks, or hav­ ing their dresses torn by protruding nails. This is indeed a blessing, the best that has ever happened to Ring- wood. Much better is the ground to walk on than the old worn out walks which have been nearly all removed. We are informed that the schoolhouse will be cleaned up a little on account of the teachers' institute Saturday. The building has not been cleaned for two years. The windows are full of dust and fly specks and the rooms in general need soap and water applied freely. We presume this has not been done because the finances of the district were in such a very low state. Had the "delirium" tax been collected it piobably would have been cleaned. Miss Baldwin and her pupils cleaned up the yard Monday during intermission. It looks the best now that it has for some time. SPRING OBOVK. W. W. Lichty spent Tuesday in the city. Mrs. John Karles is quite sick at this writing. John Collison of Richmond was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Cary was a McHenry call­ er Wednesday. R. B. Cole of Richmond called on rel­ atives here Monday. Miss Annie James spent the first of the week at Richmond. Mrs. Emma Phillips of McHenry is visiting at W. E. Colby's. c C. B. Cole and R. A. Ox toby attended to business^at Solon Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oxtoby spent Saturday night and Sunday with Antiocb friends. H. J. Wilson and wife of Richmond called on friends here Monday ^evening. Alice, May belle and Wm. Shotliff spent last Friday with Wilmot relatives. Mrs. Edd. French and sister. Myrtle Harnish, are visiting Chicago relatives. Mrs. Isabelle Neish and daughter, Mrs. Moss, were Ringwood callers re­ cently. Misses Lucy Carey and Maybelle Neish called on Solon friends Tuesday evening. Mrs. S. Wilson and Miss Hnnter are spending several days with Richmond relatives. Miss Laura Lichty of Crystal Lake spent Saturday and Sunday) here with her parents. Watts & Seaver haye sold a nine-hun­ dred dollar bill of lumber to parties at Twin Lakes. N. S. Burnett of Antioch attended to business and called on friends here Tuesday afternoon. Duane Bell and lady friend were over from Ringwood and spent the Sabbath here with friends. Irving Herbert and family were down from Richmoud Saturday and spent the day with relatives. Misses Iva Hoffman and Lucy Carey spent Saturday night and Sunday with Terra Cotta friends. Mike Ranen was taken very seriously ill Monday evening and is but little, if any, better at this writing. The many friends of Mrs. Kate Shot­ liff will be pleased to learn that she is so far recovered as to be able to ride down town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peacock of Rich­ mond spent one day last week here with their daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Neish, who is quite sick. Mrs J. M. Westlake spent the first of the week at Harvard with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Cora Johnson, who is quite sick with the measles. Otto Hesse is moving his barn and fixing his place up in great style. He will soon open a street along the north side of his property which will add greatly to the valne of the place. A large crowd gathered at the ball grounds here Sunday and watched the Richmond Tigers get scooped by the Wilmot team. The Tigers captured seven white washes out of nine innings. VOLO. Russell spent Thursday in Sidney Chicago. Wm. Rosing transacted business in Chicago Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, on Monday, May 18. a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Winkle of McHenry visited with the latter's parents Sunday. Mrs. Ben Cossinah and Maude Wal­ ton of Rollins spent Sunday with rel­ atives. Mrs. George Huson of Chicago is vis­ iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Graves, this week. Mrs. Elijah Richardson of Round Lake spent Sunday with relatives in our village. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Miller of Wis consin spent the latter part of the week with the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Raymond and daughter, Helen, Snndayed at Fremont with their daughter, Mrs. L. V. Lusk. Mrs. Hogan and daughter, Millie, of Waukegan spent several days of the past week with friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Doerfler of Hainesville and Mrs. Frank Davis of Grayslake Sundayed at Joseph Hironi inus'. Memorial exercises will be held here next Sunday and it is desired that all who can should turn out and honor the dead heroes. The school children will meet at the school house at one o'clock and march from there to the cemetery, from which place all will repair to the M. E. church where services will be conducted. There will be a bazaar in J. H. Rich­ ardson's hall, June 12 and 18, afternoon and evening, given by the Ladies' Aid society of the Volo M. E. church. A great variety of articles, both useful and ornamental, will be found for sale. Refreshments will be served. On the afternoon of the twelfth there will be a baby show. All mothers with babies under three years of age are invited to come aud bring them. A prize will be given to the baby receiving the highest number of votes. There will be an entertainment the second evening. O Bean the Signature tt A S T O I I I A . jf The Kind You Have Always Bought Farmers! -I AM AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED- MIME ilM OSBORNE BINDERS AID MOWfltS which rank among the best makes in the country and I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com­ plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har­ rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Farmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices and you'll never regret it. Will soon have a car load of Twine. Force Gus Carlson. That is the way the kinks are removed from mane and tail in some stables. This method means the loss of much hair and energy. COriBS, CURRY COMBS, DANDY BRUSHES that will do the work well are to be found in this stock ot horse goods. Their use will not only improve the appearance of the animals bat their condition as well. V Steel Curry Comb (small) 5C Steel Carry Oomb (large) IOC Solid Brass Curry Comb 25c Palmetto Brushes 15c to 25c Best Rice Root Brushes 40c, 45c Whips from 10c, $1.50 n sr*r?i Sales at Dundee. Note our Prices--Best Stocking Feet 3c. Bust Form $1.00 Corset at 25c. Ladies' Knit Drawers 10 c. Fancy Lawns 4c yd. Ladies' Entire Suits-- three styles, worth up to $2.50--choice 98c. Mien's Suqimer Underwear 19c and 37c, worth 2f>c and 50c. Ladies Wool Eton Jackets only 68c. Ladies' 25c Satin Ties 5c. Fancy Curtain Goods 10c per yard. Lot of Men's Fine Sum mer Suits, worth up to $8.00 at $5.00 and $6.50. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits at $7.75--silk lined goods. Summer Corsets, 15 and 19c. Children's Dresses, sizes 2 to 5, at 19c each. Fine Covert Cloth Skirts at 49c. Shirt Waist Sale at 15 to 35c, elegant samples at 98c, $1.98 and $2.69--worth up to $4.00. Crochet Silk only 4c. Sateen and lin ing Remnants 5 to 9c per yard. Ladies M u s l i n U n d e r w e a r v a l u e s s t i v e buyers. Men's Belts 95 samples at and 39c. Ladies' Fine Oxfords 98c Men's Heavy weight Suspenders 19c. Hundreds of Bargains. See our way Get acquainted and let us prove to you that cash buying is the best. Trade $10.00 and show round trip R. R. Tick et and we refund your car fare. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111 McHenry, Engeln & Son j 6 P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP /Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists famished on application. Stall i <& 3 , Fulton St. Wholessle Market. COLD STORAOE FREE •; CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, f EHEKALD PARK. Mrs. P. Walsh is visiting Elgin rela tives this week. Robt. Aylward spent Sunday with his sisters in Elgin. Mrs. Frank O Flaherty of Elgin visit ed relatives in this vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns of Chica go spent Sunday in their cottage here Ed. Sutton, Walter Walsh and friendb were Ringwood callers Sunday evening Mrs. Jas. Powers of Elgin visited rel atives here a few days the last of the week. Miss Mary Sutton of Elgin visited with home folks from Thursday until Sunday. Jerrie Farrell of Chicago visited rel atives and friends here and in McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and family ot Fox Lake visited at J. B. Frisby' Sunday. Misses Mame and Lola Aylward of Elgin were at their home here Thurs day last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gi^ens and chil dren of McHenrv spent Sunday at J. B Frisby's. Miss Celia Frisby of McHenry visited relatives here a few days the first of the week. Miss Nellie Sutton of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with her parents here. Miss Julia Laughlin and friend, Mr, Murray, of McHenry called on friends here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter and Mrs John Kelter of Chicago visited relatives here a few days last week. Jno. R. Smith and family spent Sun day afternoon at the home of Jno. A, Smith, north of McHenry. Lawrence Huck returned to his home in Chicago Monday after spending few days here, getting his cottage in readiness for the summer. Mrs. Geo. Walmsley of Griswold Lake was in McHenry Saturday. Her many friends will be glad to hear she is able to be out again after about five months sickness, SOLON. Miss Lois Cropley is very low at this writing. L. D. Fillmore was a pleasant caller in Solon Sunday. Irving Overton and wife were recent callers in Solon. Rain would be most appreciated in this part of the country. Mrs. Wm. Campbell has moyed into Mrs. R. L Turner's house. Thomas Thompson of Richmond calling on friends here last week. Mrs. S. Merell and Mrs. Altia Monear were callers at Tryons Grove Sunday. Appearances seem to say that the ap­ proach of a wedding is near at hand. Mr. Blanchard and son of Antioch are doing mason work in this vicinity. Rev. Sunday is still drawing a num­ ber from our village to hear him preach. Eighty-five couple attended the Ma­ sonic ball at Richmond nearly all from other towns. Doctor Brenken and lady friend of Spring Grove passed through our vil­ lage Sunday. George Sutton and wife were home to see the former's father who has been sick for some time. Solon is soon to have 160 rods of new sidewalks which will be an addition to the four rods we already have. Vosburgh & Overton have a number of teams hauling brick to Twin Lakes for a party that bought of them. Mrs. Phillips and two children while out riding came near having a sad acci­ dent. The horse became frightened and ran away throwing the occupants out slightly bruising them. TERRA COTTA. Miss Tressie Buss visited at McHenry Sunday. Herman Stolpe was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Laura Mason spent Sunday with her mother at Richmond. Miss Leda Barnes was a McHenry visitor Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stolpe were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. G. H. Arps and family of Palatine spent Sunday at P. F. Hunt's. Mrs. Paul Foerster and daughter, Freya, spent Saturday at McHenry. John - Mulligan spent Friday and Saturday with his brother at Deerfield. Mrs. H. Heidel ofe Chicago is spend­ ing a few days witraiMrs. Fred Hundt. A. T. McMillan and daughter, Mrs. Henry Shales, were Nunda visitors Monday. Mrs. W. D. Gates and daughter, Marjory, were Chicago visitors the latter part of the week. Wilder Starrit is home for a few days nursing a bruised arm as the result of a fall in the fire box of his engine. The members of the Terra Cotta band haye ordered new uniforms and expect to make a creditable showing when lined up in their new suits. A glance around the country will convince one why there is no more news to chronicle this week. Every­ body is busy and* that's news enough. • WOODsWcK. Mrs. J. R. Hyde accompanied her hus­ band to Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Pasco Austin and son left on Thursday for an extended vifeit in Vermont and other portions of the East. Mrs. James Finnerty and daughter of Chicago and Miss Julia Finnerty of N. Y. City yisited at E. J. Finnerty's last Snnday. Mrs. T. B. McDowell has sold her residence on Madison street to M. H. Williams, the express ageQt, who will make his home there. Mrs. Etta Fosdick and Miss Grace Smith went to Chicago Monday to visit until the excursion to Champaign in which they will participate. Mr. and Mrs. George Heimerdinger of Barrington and Mrs. Ethel Heimerdin­ ger of Belyidere passed Sunday at the home of E. J. Heimerdinger. Mr. aud Mrs. J. S. Jones came down from Capron Sunday afternoon for a visit with relatives and friends, return­ ing to their home on Monday. E. E. McBroom has sold the Sprague place on Vine street, which he recently purchased, to Dewey Thompson, who will move here from Marengo. R. H. Carr returned to his duties in Chicago Monday, having passed about a week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright Carr, in this city. Mrs. W. H. Wright returned to her home in Chicago last Friday, after hav­ ing visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sessions, for a number of days. Miss Doris Bagley, who recently re­ turned from California to Chicago, where she is now making her home, vis­ ited with relatives and friends here from Friday till Sunday. The first dance of a series, given at the Armory last Friday night, was at­ tended by over seventy couples and was most gratifying success. It will be followed by others at regular intervals. The McDean house on Tryon street has been moved to its new foundation on the street to the west and Mr. Mc­ Lean will immediately begin the erec­ tion of his new home to which he will personally direct his attention the com­ ing summer. SHOW! BY THE FACE Kidney Tro'ihtgu 3:1 Easily Raoefh nlxMl by Peculiarities of til* 6 Countenance Have you ever noticed the failneas sana persons have under the eyes? Such pt?» sons aro suffering from kidney disease at some kind. In the early stages there may be no other symptoms and the victim may have no thought that anything is wrongs although, perhaps, not feeling as well aft usual. In the later stages of kidney troubles the face usually beoomes wry pale, and friends usually remark to en* another that something must be going wrong on account of "that deathly look*" Besides paleness, kidney diseases usual­ ly cause an anxious expression of the < tenance, brought about by restlc and irritability; and there may be a dry­ ness of the skin that looks almost leath­ ery. 8uch persons have peculiarities of the appetite and great thirst Hesdaeh* and backache also give a worn oat look to sufferers from kidney troubles. Don't waste any time when thero W» Indications that your kidneys are not working properly, make them right by using FOLST'S EIDHKT CUBB. It has saved the lives of many thousands of psr BODS. Mr. Q. A. SmucAir, a merchant of Tamploo, 111, writes: "FOUR'S Knnm CUBE IS meeting with wonderfnl sncoest here. It has cured some cases that phy> scians pronounced Incursble. I, myself^ am able to testify to Its merits. My fsoa to day Is a living picture of health, and FOLBY'S KTDNVY CUBB baa made II snoh.w If taken early it will euro evwy form of kidney and bladder trouble and oven hopeless cases are relieved by Ik" N. H. PETESCE HARPEl WHISKY The Aristocrat among the Whiskies of the old School. Without a peer. For sale by All Leading Dealextt EVERY MAN ------------ ----------------------------_ •TKfr'tej likes to dress neatly if he has any pride whatever in his appearance and no man can be well dressed in a ready-made Suit. Let the Tai­ lor take your measure and fit the garment to you, then you get a satisfactory fit. For the next two weeks we will make up fine Suits, formerly sold from $19 to $25, on which we guarantee the Quality, Workmanship and Material at$I7-50 Alan a pair of fine Pants, that would ordinarily cost yon from $5 to $8, for $4*00 REMEMBER, WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION | JOHN D. LODTZ McHENRY, I Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, flatness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. IT fruktia Lgfetoiii IM wmui I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings aud should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Call aaft get full particulars. General BUcksaiittiiit Prices Always ReaawWe Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. back if it fails. Trial Bottles frue. Bast fsr Residents Best for Business 6!c a day It's the fxrftct service that rtachts tiHrywhtn--ObMlCt why it's the grtaUst service--the best for yon. CHICA60 TELEPHONE COMPANY MS8 M •• . •*' ^ , Y J ! ..; ;V( ..IF» \" 4 „ V i • l-H! •> - v v -II » :iSl * • - t i i! .iM'M u-1 'm is m • m 1 * . t iibi « JiMi

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