Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1903, p. 8

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f t ^ m nK S'*s- •••x;x "' ;>.- mi •-,«y\ £ c O H F I R M A T / O N <&;>' ;r. ,'•'. ' "C s u i r s t In Confirmation Snits we have made ample provision to fit all com­ ers out of Wool, Black Clay, Worsted Suits in long or knee Pants. Bring in your Boy, get him fitted right out of stock laid on our count­ ers. Make your own selection, with the goods right before you. It will prove more satisfactory than to give your order and not know what you are getting until the goods are bought. We are in position to give you the best value for your money, quality considered, having boaght our Clothing in large quantities these many years. HOT WEATHER SUITS/ for Men in great variety. Call and see them. Underwear of the Hot Weather kind to fit all. Get a suit and be dressed comfortable. Straw Hats in plenty of the everyday or dress kind. Hats, Shoes, Ties, Col­ lars, in fact the whole outfit for Confirmation Dressup. Yours for trade. JOHN J. MILLER Character in Trousers you ^getting a bottfc ot CALDWELL'S Oaxattva) §yrup Pepsin No*. roJhr. doa> yoo think you owt k to your Moauck Md your health to at lean try Syrup Pepsin, no mat* ter If other remedies have failed t We positively guarantee to cure any disease of the stomach, kidneys or liver, no matter of what nature or long standing--except cancer of th* ctomach. Your money right back if k fauli. Try Ifc All Druggists. •HMIUIMk If you'll write us, well send yon ft fwe cample and an interesting book on atomach troubles. Pepsin Syrup Co* awMTtcuxo. itk L O C A L B R I E F S ] i THE INTERNATIONAL TAILORING COMPANY New York and Chicago Make a specialty of trousers. Trousers they make-to-your- individual measure are well shaped and fit at every point, and are the latest fashion. You'll like the wearing of all the clothes they make--the fit and appear­ ance of "INTERNATIONAL" garments are universally recognized by over One Million Good Dressers. ^ We have their magnifi­ cent line of over 500 samples from which to choose. Come and look, anyway, you'll not regret the time spent. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Special Reduced Kxcuniioii Rates. Will be in effei t fo-m all points on the Chicago & NorttiW estern Railway for the occasions named below: Traveler*' Protective Association, Indianapolis, Ind., June 9th to 14th. Modern Woodmen of America, Indianapolis, Ind., June 17th to 24th. National Educational Association, Boston, Jnly (ith to 10th. Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Sara toga Springs, N. J. JUly 7th tb 10th United Christian Endeavor, Denver, Jnly 9th to 18th. Epworth League, Detroit, Mioh., Jnly 16th to 19th. B. P. O. E., Baltimore, Md., July 21st to 23d. G. A. R. meeting, San Francisco, August 17th to 22d. For information as to rates, dates of aale, etc., of these or other occasions, call upon the ticket agent of the North­ western Line. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bought The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is yonr name on the roll of honor? Don't borrow. Our line of Hot Weather Necessities is very complete We have some very pretty Patterns in Dimities, Lawns, Challies, Batistes, Mercer­ ised and Silk Ginghams, Grenadine Fancies, Etc.. suitable for Waists and Ladies' Shirt Waists in all the newest styles in white and Men's Fancy and Negligee Shirts. Straw Hats, Dress Hats, Etc, Onr line of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Canned Goods are of the best quality. Seal of Minnesota and Mys­ tic Flour always on hand. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. YOURS TRULY, M. J. WALSH. Farmers!1 Bears the Signatory of Klifln Iluttor Market., The quotation committee of the board of trade decided on 22. cents steady as the market price of butter Last wee » the price was 214 cents firm. Four hun­ dred forty tubs were offered and 160 sold. The new York market, is steady at 21 cents, with receipts of 11,642 tubs. The output for this district was 82b pounds. Remember the dance after the show Saturday night. "In the Shenandoah Valley" Saturday night, Stoffel's hall. There will be no extra charge for the dance after the performance Saturday night. The McHenry Dramatic club will give ' you a good show and a good dance Sat­ urday night. A joll v crowd of young people attended the "Dusty Four" dance at Stoffel's hall last night. J. J. finch's hotel is being painted from foundation to roof, Nick Bishop ' bting the chief artist. Don't forget the McHenry Dramatic Club in "In the Shenandoah Valley" Saturday night, this wees. New songs, new mnsic in the second and last presentation of "In the Shenan­ doah Valley" Saturday night. Geo. Nell will give a free dance at Colombia Park next Wednesday even­ ing, June 17. Schaefer'e Johnsburgh brass band. A new railing is needed at the west ! approach to the river bridge. Someone is liable to take a header into the stone pile below if walking $jhat way in the dark. The new sprinkler made its initial trip Monday morning, with Geo. Meyers perched on the seat.. Now if he doesn't keep the dust settled there will be some­ thing doing. If you are looking for something to lighten the hard work iucident to wash­ day, try Maple City Self-Washing Soap, and it will be a welcome visitor to your home ever afterwards. The frame work of E. W. Howe's res­ idence on Green street is nearly finished and Chris Schmidt, the plumber, is get­ ting in his good work. The house will be modern in every particular. Announcements are out for the wed­ ding of T. R. Anderson, station agent at Terra Cotta and Miss Lenna Gracy, daughter of John Gracy, to take place at the Gracy home on Wednesday next. The new sprinkler is doing good work as far as it goes, but would it not be much better to so arrange the matter that all the road from the depot to the bridge would be wet down? It would "be to everyone's advantage. Nick Bohr has nearly finished the foundation for his new home on Green street and it is a beauty. He has been very particular in selecting and cutting the stone. The ho§se will be one of the largest and most costly in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Snyder have opened an ice cream parlor and bakery in the Ostrauder building on Main street. They will handle a complete line of home made bakery goods and soft drinks, a large line of five and ten cent goods, consisting of notions. Read their adv. on another page. Fourth of July will be celebrated at Columbia Park, just east of Johnsburgh, in the old picnic style. There will be dancing during the afternoon and even­ ing, for which Schaefer's Johnsburgh brass band will furnish the mtisic. A Jim Dumps' young wife while yet a bride Some biscuits made with greatest pride. Jim looked with fear upon the food, But to a bride one can't be rnde. •« Let's eat4 Force ' first, dear, 'tis my whim," Xt saved the life of " Sunny Jim." 4* Force Tta Beftdy-to-8erve Oml when M 99 >ubt, eat it. All M8ut\i\y Jims" Now* "In our household 'Force' Is as fa­ miliar and welcome as'Sunny Jim,'and that's saying a good deal, lor we are all i 1 Sunny J ims' now. W--6 -I AM AGENT FOR THE CELEBUATED- vV* It ill OSBOBNf BINDERS ADD MOWERS which rank among the best makes in the country and I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com­ plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har­ rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Farmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices and you'll never regret it. Will soon have a car load of Twine. Luxury! good time is guaranteed by the manage­ ment. Dance tickets seventy-five cents. Refreshments of all kinds on the grown ds. The annual reunion of the early sett­ lers of the Fox River Valley will be held in Lord's park, Elgin, on Saturday, June 20. As heretofore, a basket picnic will be held in the forenoon. At one o'clock in the afternoon the meeting will be called to order at which time an address will be delivered by some prom­ inent early settlers of the Valley. The af ternoon will be devoted to sociability and the renewing of old acquaintances. LOOKING BACKWARD. Published In Tim ' Plalnd«*l«t Ik • Quarter of a Century Afo. A Rathroom In the house is not a luxury but a necessity, essential to the health of the family. Tak­ ing a bath in a small basin is better than no bath, but It does not give a person that feeling of cleanliness which follows a plunge- us give you figures on making i his improvement to your home. AH work guaranteed. I carry a full line of gas, steam, water valves and repairs of all (tIKIS SCHMIDT, Show room opposite Reynold's mill Week of June 4, 1878. ' \ • * Jay Gould and his clique are striving to get control of the Northwestern R. R., at the annual election which is to be held in June. Their only object in se­ curing that control, will be to squeeze out ot it the largest amount of money that can be squeezed out, regardless of the prosperity of the road or of the peo­ ple, for whoui it serves as a thorough­ fare. Their success will be a public misfortune. Washing sheep has commenced and wool buyers will be on the market. Red horse have disappeared and now pole and line, bob and sinker are in or­ der. And the boys are doing a heavy business in that line. The board of direcctors have decided toj^ave another four weeks' school, con- -equent'y school opens again to-day, Wednesday, and will close on the 2nd day of July. We learn that a son of A. L. Howe, aged four years, met with a severe and perhaps fatal accident on Monday, At the close of school on Friday after­ noon last, the scholars of the higher de­ partment presented the principal, S. D. Baldwin, with a handsomely bound and valuable book as a token of their regards. Week of June 11, 1878. The base ball game on- Old Settlers' day will be between the "Actives" of Harvard and the "Fox Rivers" of Mc­ Henry. Should the weather prove fa- yorable a good game may be expected. The corn in this section looks yery yellow and in consequence the farmers look blue, or at least feel so. On ac­ count of tne recent cold rains corn grows none and weeds grow spontaneous. Peter Scheide has built a new shop on the west side of the railroad, near Irian- ley's mill. The Elgin club, which is composed of some of the leading business men of El­ gin, made their first trip *of the season to their club house, at Fox lake, last week. The Chicago club will soon fol­ low, and a lively time may be expected at the lakes. The steamer is now mak­ ing daily trips, and will continue to do so during the summer. Joseph Bnch had a fine two year old colt badly cut up by a barb wire fence last week. The breast was almost torn out. while the sides and legs were torn and lacerated in a fearful manner. These are undoubtedly a good and cheap fence, but a man who will use one around a field where young horses are kept should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals. The Star base ball club of McHenry, (the junior club) hereby challenge any club in McHenry county, whose mem­ bers do not average over 15 years of age. His Last Hope Realised. ' (From the Sentinel, Gebo, Mont.) In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in 1889, the editor of this paper was among the many seekers after for­ tune who made the big race one fine day in April. During his traveling about and afterwards his campaign npon his claim, he encountered much bad water, which, together with tne severe heat, gave him a very severediar- rhoea which seemed almost impossible to check, and along in .Tune the case be­ came so bad he expected to die. One day one of his neighbors bronght him one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope. A big dose was given him while he was rolling about on the ground in great agony, and in a few minutes the dose was repeated. The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and with­ in an hour the patient was taking his first sound sleep for a fortnight. That one little bottle worked a complete cure, and he cannot help but feel grateful. The season for bowel disorder being at hand suggests this item. For sale by all druggists. " Special Excursion Rat«« to Colorado, tab and tbe Mlack Hills,. Via the North-Western Line. Begin­ ning June 1st excursion tickets will be sold to Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueb­ lo, Salt Lake City, Hot Springs, Dead- wood, Lead and Custer. S. D., etc. good to return until October 81. A splendid opportunity is offered for an enjoyable vacation trip. Several fine trains via the North-Western Line dailv. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y: August 16. Do You Enjoy What You EHt? If you don't your food does not do you much good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the remedy that everyone should take when there is anything wrong with the stomach There is no way to maintain the health and strength of rnird and body except by nourishment. There is no way to nourish except through the stomach. The stomach must be kept healthy, pure and sweet or the strength will not let down and disease will set up. No appetite, loss of strength, ner­ vousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, rifting, indiges­ tion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Sold by all drnggistjf. it P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP . Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultf^,- Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs TWs is the oldest house on the street. Tags an& ffHce ftiti furaidM, on application. , COLD STORAGE FREB • Wholesale Market. st CHICAGO, ILLINOIS; 4 l, A -v u HomeseAkers' Excursion to Hie Northwest, Wfit and South and Colonist Low Rates West, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion Tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to territory indicated above, Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining Chairs and "The Best of Everything." For full particulars ap­ ply to agents Chicago & North-Western B'yt Juu. 18 Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming in, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds to be uneqnaled. A recent expression from T. J. MoFarland Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had Bronchitis for three years and doctored all the time without being benefitted. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery, and a few bottles wholly cured me." Equally effective in curing all Lung and Throat troubled. Conumption, Pueumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry. and G. W. Besley, West Mc­ Henry, druggists. Trial bottles free, regular sizes 50c and $1.00. Vorr Low Rates to North American RMB- fferfest at St. Lout«, Mo., . tbe North-Western Line. Excur- tickets will be sold at reduced rates ^e 10t,h and 17th, limited to return il June 22, inclusiva Apply to aits Chicago & North-Western R'y. mmx. , Si you aware of tne fact that vte „ have the finest line of^ Summer Dress ^1$oods ill this nqcfc o'woods. Wouli j pe pleased to have you calf and sfee them whether you wish to buy or not; Jt will do your ey es^gbod. All the new^ and up to date fabrics for Summer wear. Some of these bought alt very low prices and will sell them ac­ cordingly. It is positively the best opportunity ever offered the Ladies of McHenry and Vicinity. t t t i t * 3 t t t Those who have seen them call them Superb There are a few Samples in the Show Window, but there are better ones on •Ss the Counter. . S. S. CHAPELL •I « 'I J. H, Miller DeaJer in GRANITE AND MA.RBLE MONUMENTS Headstones, Markers* Posts, Etc. Etc. My large number of Designs are of the latent, styles and yon should not fail to see them. It is my constant aim to please my custo­ mers and I guarantee all my w«rk and material to be A No. 1 and at the lowest, living pricea. Kindly dri p me a line and I will be pleased tox.-all on you with my samples. * OK McHenry, 5 Illinic UttlltlMIM AVfcgetable Prcparalionfor As­ similating t!\c Food and Regula­ ting ihcSlouuiclis and Bowels of Promotes Digestion,Cheerful­ ness and Rest.Contains neither Snum.Morphine nor Mineral. OTUAHCOTIC. Xtcv* afOUDrSAHVELPtrcmR ftmyJcm SeeJf' Mx.Sttina * RttktUr Satis- Aaisf ' Amr/minl • BtutrbomUrĴ t* i (jkSfod Migat Mbfey/fiwt rmrm. A perfect Remedy forConslipa Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions,Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSimile Signature of NEW YOIIK. For infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought AI 111«1111 b •» old J j Dos* S - ] yC 1 NTS For Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER COMMNV, r rw VOBK CITT. . \ •%* LI

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