V^fV' ?$ .•. A .*» W*r '• -*• •*• •*• -*- -•• -•- -•- -•• •*• -**•* tt) tfji ***** -***• •*• •*• •*• dft A lis ,» •+• •*.' "+• •*.• •*' T*w '** *•*• '*' •+* * "•* >• V •+' •+- •+• +• W W '+' ATAVAVP, THE BEST GOODS FOR THE MONEY T Osmun Bros., McHenry, Illinois | *?-> •• Special this Week--Summer Goods Silt# # :".'" £ 4$t Straw Hjrts tor Men. Light weight Dress Goods for Ladies. Fans & ^ «nd Summer Gloves, Underwear, Shoes, Etc ., .s ^ * I®' 1903 CROP*j s I ' *-W<: I i 50c A BUSHEL I If1-CASH" I I |>TF C- WITH | * '-- * EVERY LOAD PEOKLES ® Be sure and contract your pickles jE ^ with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., ji % as they were the first parties that paid J jjj you *>0o a bushel. Cont ract at once as i£ we will take only ft limited number of fi «t| acres. Make your contracts with, and j get your seed from FRANK WARD, or m m m Bank of McHenry, McHenry; Simon J * iH ig at the following places: Jf Stoffel, M. J. Walsh, F.»A. Bohlander, ^ W. C. Evanson, John J. Miller, West <f McHenry; J. E.Orlsty, Ringwood: John J Jf P. Lay, C. M. Adams. Jolinsburgh, j* SEED SO CENTS A POUND * STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH (0. * £ WEST MCHENRY, ILL. * ^ m* ****** This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our , custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections. INSURANCE in "First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* Chicago & North-Western. Effective June 1, 1903 Leave Chicago. 8.05 a m 8.45 am.. 12.30 p m WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND MCIWY Via Elgin 10.10 a in . Via Des l'laines 10.10 a m _ _ Via Elgin 2.45 p m 3.45 p"m Via Des Plaines 4.45 p m *1.20 p m ..Via Des Plaines 3.00 p m 5.01pm Via Des Plaines 0.40 pm . _ SUNDAY TRAINS. ...Via Des Plaines ..Via Des Plaines .Via Elgin WKKK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. ....Via Des Plaines .Via Elgin Via Des Plaines.... Via Elgin ...Via Des Plaines SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.32 am Via Elgin 7.08 p m Via Des Plaines..-.. 7.51 p m ..Via Elgin •Saturdays only. ^Mondays only. 8.00 am.... 9.10 am >.02 p m Leave McHenry. t7.12 am 7.32 a m 8.30 am 3.00 p m 6.17 pm . .9.37 a m .11.14 a m . 4.53 p m Arrive Chicago. , .S.H5 a in ..10.05 a m .9.35 a in ..6.45 p ill .. .7.50 p m .10.05 a m . .8:25 p m .10.15 p m Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Dfscovery ForC OSSUMPTIOM ME, oralis nad sic A$i.M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. Very Low Rates to California and Return Via North-Western Line. First-class round-trip tickets on sale July 1 to 10, inclusive, to San Francisco and Los Angeles, Favorable limits and stop over privileges and choice of routes. The Overland limited, most luxurious train in the world, leaves Chicago daily at 8:00 p. m. Less than three days en route. _ Drawing room and compart ment cars, observation cars, dining cars, buffet-library cars (barber and bath), electric lighted throughout. Tb ree trains a day from Chicago to the Coast through without change. Daily and personally conducted tourist car excursions to California, Washington and Oregon. For particulars apply to ticket agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. July 10. Bakery Ooods % FRESH- EVERY DAY AT Giltert Bros. THE FRESHEST AND rtOST COnPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES IN McHENRY ' AT Gilbert Broi Look in at the Ware Rooms of Wm. Bonslett, West McHenry, IH., and examine the fine assortment of Implements Wagons Vehicles Farm Machinery of all kinds in stock. We are in a position to offer yon the most satisfactory combination of quality and price. We name quality first because it is of the first import ance. We aim always to give The Host for your Money and can't do it by offering cheap Gcodsat cheap prices: The best wear out fast enough and yon can't afford to pay good money for inferior articles. We believe your dollar is a little larger here than elsewhere. We sell the celebrated w Milwaukee /"lowers and Harvesters, John Deere Plows, Harrows and Cultivators and onr t tock of Implements of every kind will be found fully up to-date in all particulars. Don't pass on by when you are in town. We would like to sell yon what you want now and talk about what you are going to want after awhile. Near Depot* Wm. Bonslett. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents SI'KINO (SKOVE. _ Will Lichty spent Saturday iy the Mike Rauen, WM * Chicago visitor Monday. | Mrs. E. S. French called'on Ringwood friends recently. J. J. Friend and wife were Chicago visitors Tuesday. S. W. Pierce was a Qrayslake visitor last week Thursday. Miss Clara Andrews spent Saturday with Fox Lake friends. Several of our citizens were at Wood stock the first of the week. Mrs. J. W. Bell of Ringwood spent the Sabbath here with relatives. , Mrs. Martha Cajnpbell of • Solon called on friends here Saturday. Mrs, J. O. Mac Lean spent the first of the week here with her husband. - Most of our young folks attended the dance at Wilmot last Friday night. Miss Lora Lichty of Crystal Lake spent the Sabbath with her parents. Ora Leadon and lady friend wer? Round Lake visitors Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gould visited Richmond relatives the last of the week. Oliver and Mabel Neish and Alice Churchill were McHenry callers Thurs day. A Red Cross lodge Was organised here last week, with twenty-six mem bers. Mrs. W. E. Colby and son, Frank, were McHenry callers Tuesday after noon. Miss Ruth Overton of Solon spent Wednesday here with Ada and Aunie James. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Allen and children of Richmond Sundayed at Jas. Neish's. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Rauen spent the first of the week with Bristol, Wis. relatives. Wilbur, Earle and Oliver Hunter of Antioch spent the Sabbath here with relatives. Frances. James and Frank Shults of Hebron spent the Sabbath here at W R. James'. Hoffman Bros, are preparing to build a fine large barn on their farm south east of town. Spring Grove was not largely repre sented at the Woodman picnic at Janes- ville last week. Geo. Eckert was over from the oonn- ty seat attending to" legal business the last of the week. Miss Lenora Stevens of Chicago is spending several days with her aunt, M rs. B. A. Stevens. Mrs. Eva Turner and Florenoe of He bron spent Monday and Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. J. Neish. Frank Wagner is having a neat little barn built here on his city property, Selim Pierce is doing the work. Howard Westlake, Chet Neish and Edd Carey took in the ball game at Burlington the first of the week. Misses Lucy Carey and Iva Hoffman attended the graduating exercises at McHenry las« Thursday evening. John Karles returned from his west ern trip Tuesday morning, leaving Mrs, Karles much better than when she left here. Our schools were closed Monday aft ernoon so the teachers and pupils could attend the funeral of Miss Lois Cropley at Solon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wilson of Richmond spent the Sabbath here with Mrs. S. A. Wilson. Joseph Westlake and daughter. Miss Kittie, of Three Oaks, *Michigan, visited here with the former's brother, James, and family last week. The R. N. A. camp of this place will give a night cap social at their hall Sat urday evening, June 13, to which all are most cordially invited. Robt Westlake and family of Lake Villa spent Saturday night and Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westlake. Ladies and Children Invited. All ladies and children who cannot stand the shocking strain of laxative syrups, cathartics, etc., are inyited to try the famous Little Early Risers. They are different from all other pills. They do not purge the system. Even a double dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken: many people call them the Easy Pill. W. H. Howell, Houston, Tex., says nothing better can be used for con stipation, sick headache, etc. Bob Moore, Lafayette, Ind., says all others gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers do their work well and eM|jr. Sold by all druggists. VOLO. Mrs* Ray Fitch of Waukegan visited at C. Dillon's this week. Lola Averry is spending this week with relatives in Oak Park. Frank Wilson spent the last of the week with his parents in Chicago. Mrs. A. J. Raymond and danghter, Helen, were Grayslake callers Saturday. Miss Lizzie Kretschmer of Grayslake visited relatives here the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forrest of Chica go are visiting relatives in this vicinity this week. Remember the bazaar at John Rich ardson's, hall given by the Ladies' Aid society Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Richardson of Chicago visited the latter's niece, Mrs. Albert Miller, a few of the past week. Misses Rose and Carrie Vogt, Agnes Dunnill, Robert Vogt and William Hi- ronimus spent Sunday in Lake Zurich. Misses Jennie Walton, Rose Huson and Messrs William Dillon and Rolland Townsend attended the graduating ex ercises at McHenry Thursday night. Harry Nicholls, daughters, Harriet and Sarah; William Dnnnill, daughters, Agues and Lucy; William Huson, Dan Richardson and W m. Batenasby took in the excursion to Janesville Thursday. Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Krii.edy. The uniform success of this remedy has made it the most popular prepara tion in use for bowel complaints. It is everywhere recognized as the one rem edy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take. It is es pecially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and it is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a great many children each year. For sale by all druggists. Rev. N. A. Snnderliii, of Woodstock, will give an address to young men and young women at the Tuesday evening session of the McHenry County Sunday School Convention at the M. E. church. Don't fail to hear htak SOLON. Wm. Campbell has returned from Sheldon, Iowa. Mrs. C. L. Turner was*Spring Grove visitor Sunday. For a nice cool drink of lemon sour call on our barber. Geo. Frey is doing carpenter work In Libertyville this week. Miss Mabel Smith is visiting her sta ter, Mrs. Frank Coates. Solon people will have to go abroad to celebrate the Fourth. Linn Overton will return to his work in Michigan in a few days. Spring Grove will soon have a new merchant. Why not Solon?* Mrs Wm. Dayis has recovered in health and is out doors again. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton have returned from a two weeks' visit in Chicago. John Wilcox and wife of Channel Lake called on friends here Sunday. Lois Cropley died at the home of hor sister, Mrs. Geo, Ellfers, last Saturday. John MoGraw and John Collison of Richmond called on friends here recent ly. Willis Gardner has gone to Niagara Falls to fall in to the matrimonial sea. Alexander Anderson Done of English Prairie was here on business last Mon day. Agnes Yerkes of Algonquin is visit ing her parents, Mrs. ana Mrs. John Sutton. > Wm. Campbell has purchased a house and lot of Mr. Dalton and will build be fore winter approaches. •Vosburgh & Overton haye taken or ders for three tons of hard coal, to be delivered to people in this vicinity. The people are proud of the way the grounds around our depot are kept and they are spoken well of by strangers. One of the seven wonders of the world is "Where do all the vehicles come from that pass through our village Sundays?" Some of the people of our village would like to have some of the dogs transported to McHenry where they are disposed of as they should be. Two of our highway commissioners have retired from active larm work, each retaining a team, and at present are working with them on the grader of the public highways. To any party wishing to start a store call on R. L. r turner, as he has a fine building for that purpose and we know the rent will be reasonable. The people want another store here. The question is oft times asked by our law abiding citizens, "Why are the doors of the blind pig open on the Sab bath, enticing our young men to spend their time thereV' Our people cry "Shame!" •OLCOMBVILLE. Mrs. E. Hunt returned to her home at Palatine Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder and son spent Sunday at Nunda. Mi^s Anna Powers was a Chicago vis itor a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers were call ing in thiB vicinity Sunday evening. Mike and Willie Weider and Willie Davoll were Nunda callers Monday. Miss Bessie Hoffman spent Saturday evening with Miss Maybelle Doherty. Mrs. Barden and daughter of Wood stock visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and little daughter. Villa, spent Sunday near Bar- raville. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knox and children of Terra Cotta spent Sunday at Jay Do herty 's. Misses Bertha Baldwin and Edith Whiting passed through this vicinity Sunday. J. Hillibrand, of Manilla, Phillipine Islands, is visiting his brother, G. H. Hillibrand. Miss Minnie Knox of McHenry spent Saturday evening with her sister, Mrs. Jay Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. K. Knoblanck and and children were McHenry visitors Sunday evening. Miss Veronica Doherty visited with her grandmother, Mrs. John Knox, at McHenry Saturday. Miss Hannah Weidner and little Eva Davoll called on Misses Maybelle and Grace Doherty Sunday evening. Master WillieDoherty spent Saturday evening with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Doherty at McHenry. Mrs. Ben Peck went to Lake Geneva Friday to spend the remainder of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. 8inittf. BARRKV1LLK. Wm. Pinnow and wife of Nunda were recent callers here. Elmer Wilmington spent Sunday with relatives at Nunda. Mrs. Chas. Knaack, who haa been very sick, is convalescent. L. D. Lowell of Nunda was a business caller in this vicinity recently. Miss Edna Colby called on Miss Claca Thompson Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Thurlwell of Mo- Henry were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Campbell of Woodstock spent Sunday with relatives bere. Fred Wilmington and lady friend ot Nunda were Sunday evening callers here. Bernie Frisby was seen driving on our streets Sunday in his swell uew run about. Clyde Wingate and sister, Bertha, at tended a play at >Wauoonda Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Natta ot Slocum's Lake called on friends here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders of Hol- combville spent Sunday with C. W. Colby and family. Thos. Thompson called on Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Werden at Slocum's Lake Sunday afternoon. Eugene Matthews and Miss Delia Heiuier of McHenry were calling on friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Howrfrd of Elgin called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews, recently. Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Goodwin of Elgin who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter and family for a week, returned to her home Tuesday. - Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment, and when applied to cats, bruises and burns, causes them tQ heal without maturation and much^ more quickly than by the usual treat* ment For sale by all druggists. Ed. Walsh in a new monologue at flgoffeTs hall, Saturday evening, June 13. fiu? Gus Carlson By Main Force That^s the way the kinks are removed from mane and tail in some stables. This method means the loss of much hair and energy. cones, CURRY COMBS, DANDY BRUSHES that will do the work well are to be found in this stock ot horse goods. Their use will not only improve the appearance of the animate but their condition as welL Steel Curry Comb (small) 60 Steel Curry Comb (large) IOC Solid Brass Curry Comb 25C Palmetto Brushes 15C to 2£>C Best Rice R o u t Brushes 40C* 45(3 Whips from 10CS $1.50 4.;^- KMKRAL1> PARK. Harry Bacon of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. J. A. Farrell of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Felmeten are enter taining Chicago friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith visited the Misses Dieuchmann Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Bach and daughter spent Monday evening at J. B Frisby's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wightman of Mc Henry were callers in this vicinity re cently. Master Ed. Quigley of McHenry is spending a few days this week with Jos. Sutton. Msses Agnes Stevens and Birdie Small of Ringwood were callers in this vicinity Wednesday- Messrs Thos. Kane and Lewis Whit ing of Ringwood were callers in this vi cinity Sunday. Another new turnout! Walter Bolger purchased a fine new carriage of T. J. Walsh last week. Miss Annie and Nellie Frisby spent Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. John Walsh, at Fox Lake. Miss Nellie Frisby and.'l gentlemen friend of Chicago spent the first of the week with the former's parents here. Elmer Francisco of Woodstock and Miss Mildred Stevens of McHenry called on friends in this vicinity Sunday after noon. B. J. Frisby, who was chosen delegate of St. Patrick's Court „of Forresters, is attending the C. O. F. convention at Peoria this week. The entertainment at Woodstock and commencement at Waucohda last Fri day evening were attended by several young people from this vicinity. Miss Katie Knox of this place repre sented the McHenry public school in the county oratorical entertainment which was held in Woodstock last Friday even ing. Miss Knox represented the school in a fine manner and much praise is due her. The comedy war drama, "In the Shenandoah Valley," at Stoffel'shall, Saturday evening, June 18. Worst of all Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel that eyery minute will be your last? vSnch was the experience of Mrs. S. H. Newson, Decatur, Ala. "For three years," she writes, "I endured insuffer able pain from indigestion, stomach and l>owel trouble. Death seemed in evitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result wap miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm completely cured." For Liv er, Kidndy, Stomach and Bowel troub les Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It's guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry and G. W. Besley. W. McHenry, druggists. Harry Ames will, by request, repeat the poem, "Barhara Fritchie," at Stof- fel 's hall, Saturday evening. LIVER TROUBLES "IflndThedford's Black-Draught a good medicine for liver disease. It cured ray j-on after he had spent $100 with doctors. It is all the med icine I take."--MRS. CAROLINE MARTIN, Parkersburg, W. Va. If your liver does not act reg ularly go to your drutffiist and Becure a package of Tnedford'a Black-Draught and take a dose tonight. This great family medicine frees the constipated bowels, stirs up the torpid liver and causes a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford'g Black - Draught will cleanse the bowels of im purities and strengthen the kid neys. A torpid liver invites coids, biliousness, chills and fever and all manner of sick ness and contagion. Weak kid neys result in Bright's disease which claims as many victims as consumption. A 25-cent £ackage of Thedford'a Black-_ taught should always be kept in the house. "I used Thedford'a Blaek- Draught for liver and kidney com plaints and found notbinir to excel ft."--WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar- blehead, 111. CROUP Croup and Inflammation of th# larynx are tastagtly lettered and permanently cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This never falling preaortaM* of an eminent physician was etven tho name <* ONa MINUTE COUGH CURE because Ins4an* retM Bas tiwaya followed Its use. It takes effect at tte eaalfll tho trouble and acts on the Inflamed rMmbnan tft* itead of peasJne wholly Into the stomach aad dnmfas w atupefylnc toe aystem. GITSS relief leal gutty. CURED It destroys the disease term, ctoera tke pMacw faros out the Inflammation, thua removing the cause • One -- - - " * fca Ideal raooedy for children. Do not forget tke I ONE MINUTE J«Ua A.Story aadO W.BMley Special J one Bargains. C. F. Hall Co. offer some very rare values. Lot of 301) Boy's Sample Suits 9»c, $1.29 and $1.98, wOrth np to $8.00. Ladies' Fancy Chiffon Boas 49c. 300 Ladies' Summer Suits, made of Duck, Percale, Dimity, etc. at 87c, 98c and $1.29. Good Elastic Web at 3c per yd. Men's Summer Underwear, 19c and 87c. (Drawers haye double seat.) Ladies' Flounce Cut Wrappers, full size, 49c. Remnants of all kiuds, Percales, Cali coes, Lawns, Ginghams, etc.; a saving of t on these. 2,000 yds. of Cotton Toweling at 2, 8, 4, and 6c per yd. Ladies High Grade all wool Dress Skirts, 100 to sell at $2 69. Lot of 200 Children's Dresses, sizes 2 to 5, at 19c. Stocking Feet, fast black, 3c per pair. Tar Soap 3c per cake. Toilet Soap lc. Be9t $1.00 Corset at 79c and good Sum mer Corsets at 15c. Men's Lace or Congress all solid Shoes only 98c. High (•rade Ladies' Shoes, $1.49 and $1.98. Fine all linen Huck 38 in. Towel at 19c. Pillow Cases, 8c. 3,000 yds. Dress BraidB at lc per yd. A great variety of Special Articles at Bargain prices for this mouth. Trade $10.00 and show round trip R. R. Ticket and we refund vour carfare. C. F. HALL CO., Dun dee, 111. Driven to Desperation. Living at. an out of the way place, remote froip civilization, a family is often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's W. Mc Henry, drug stores. American National Bank GEORGE L, MURPHY, Pres. C. H. DONNELLY, Vice-Pws. W. C. EICHELHERGER, Cashier DJEEC LECTORS John J. Murphy C. H. Donnelly John McManus G. L. Murphy W. C. Eichelberger Now open for business. Will receive deposits and pay as liberal interest as is oonsistent with safe banking WILL LOAN MONEY on personal security; and on real state will loan sums of $500.00 'to $20,000.00, time and payments to suit the borrower f A., WOODSTOCK, - ILL. ^ill Witch the Hmjs WHEN THKY ARK AFFEOTSD UP! M|r IN DANQKR ' A WORD OF WARNING BR ABBRHXTHT, tho great £NGH&^'<' physician and surgeon, well known to alt : physicians, sounded words of warning tiR the medical profession and to all mankinift when he uttered the words: "Watch thp kidneys; when thty art *$tcUd /•- in danger." It Is the duty of fheae organs to keep I our blood strained of poisonous impuritlsR • that are capable of causing the most fatal, - ^ forms of disease. When they do not pel* ; form their work properly, then trouble 1*' "•? some form Is sure to follow sooner or later^ and if neglected, death will follow. \ i :'l. Some of the most important symptonM^: are, aching in the back or hips, swoBea ' * ankles, puffiness under the eyes, dry ar furred tongue, unnatural appetite an£ great thirst, weakness and loes of weight sediment or cloudiness in the nrlne, dry* ness of the skin or strong perspiratiofl^ disorders of the stomach and liver. All the above symptoms do not appear1 In a^y one case, and all kidney disordeiir will not present the same symptoms. There is nothing that so quickly and! •urely makes the kidneys right as FOLBY% KIDNEY CCBB* It Is a preparation of thii; best known remedies used by the worldfc, ^- most celebrated kidney specialists. It Is . ? ' endorsed by physicians and used by thou* sands. It has saved many lives, and whlii / y) •- :-]': it cannot cure hopeless cases, it will pr*»; vent fatal kidney troubles and give relief In even the last stages of kidney dlwifc N. H. PETESCH m HARPER WIDSKri The Aristocrat among the Whiskies of the old School. Wifhout a peer. For sale by All Leading Dealers IA CITY DRUG STORE! iii That's the kind of an establishment we are running and handle everything usually found in a first classs City Drug Store and our pricee are within reach of everybody. We are also agents for Hall's Fire-proof Safes, one of the best Safes made today and in each case give perfect satisfaction to the purchaser. Our Soda Fountain is now in full operation and we are serving the public witjb very fine Ice Cream and Soda Water. We sell Ice Crean in any quantity desired. | Ringwood, 111. *Je BROWN & SON. BLACK- Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. fnoklii Ltyfttataf M Wtrks! I am agent for tho above. We put the Uods on your Build ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages if no more than $500. Gal) and get full particulars. , •> fetenl BUUsfflitUol ' H: Prices always ReisouUe inHMiiiiUMiiini^miimiiinmiinMl • -V%; Is your family worth gc a day to you =? A protector that will protect your family night and day is the CHICAGO TELEPHONE | Oest but S oeats per Say '<> J CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY