Sr. f M-A V' ^'i^-\:4tMWlJ-: £>. *• sip tWCV r *: > V,. * ^ f » "*'-V ^ % ' ̂ » v ' ^ a " . ' - " t f ^ ill" *,* O • • OQ ® W A ••. -*•*. ,^i **t*. »*i*. **t*• »•» **fr« »ti .*fr. .*t*i »•• »•« .Vi »•» >•« ."t*. A >t> A A »^i •X* -t +' + <1 + J*1 l+ '+' X '+11+ '+"+ '<t ••• •*• + ••• + + " + " •!* + I A .CITY DRUG STORE! jl That's the kind of an establishment we ilS- are running and handle everything usually found in a first classs City Drug Store and onr prices ire within" reach of everybody. We are also agents for Sail's hpri>of Safes, one of the best Safes made today and in each case give perfect satisfaction to the purchaser. Our Soda Fountain is now in fall operation and we are serving the public with > very fine Ice Creain and Soda Water. We Bell Ice Crean in any quantity desired. ^ Ringwood, 111. J 5 BROWN & SON. 91999999999999999999999999999999999999999999^ DeWitt's JE3 Salvo For Piles. Burns. Sores. 1903 CROP | 50c A BUSHEL | CASH EVERY LOAD PICKLES J® Re sure and contract your pickles ^ jjj with STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH CO., * tfc JUS they were the first parties that paid j you 50c a busliel. Contract at once as JjJ we will take only a limited number of ifi acres. Make your contracts with, and J jjj get your seed from FRANK WABD , or J y, at the following places: <(* ifc Bank of Mcllenry, McHenry; Simon J jj Stoffel, M. J. Walsh, l'\ A. Rohlander, ^ W. C. Evanson, John J. Miller, West fi McHenry; J. E. Cristy, Klngwood: John j jjj P. Lay, C. M. Adatiis, .lolmsburtfh, ^ jfj SEED 50 CENTS A POUND * STAFFORD & GOLDSMITH (0. | j£ WEST McHENRY, ILL. %99999999999999999999993^ This Bank receives dejMJHits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage Honey to Loan on real estate and, other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections .* INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery ForC >«i,SlMPTIOIf pric* oiT«i«8 »»d 9ic%ClSl.M A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back If It fails. Trial Bottles fr*#. Gilbert Bros. = FANCY GROCERS ZZ FIREWORKS AT WHOLESALE All new Goods and highest grade. Buy your Fireworks and . Celebration Goods of us and save the large profits usually made on these goods by some dealers. Our line is complete Assortments put up for private displays at lower prices than ever before. Get a Torpedo Cane for 4th of July io Cents. Extra large Japan- ease Lanterns, as sorted colors at 5 Cents. Large American Flags 5 Cents. Lantern Candles, per dozen so Cents. targe Toy Pistols, each 5 Cents. Gilbert Bros! Cutting Grass anjeasy Job with a Milwaukee din Drive Mower The easiest way to get on easy street is to use a New Deere Loader It cleans the way because of its unlimited capacity, clean raking and light draft. Tha floated gathering Cylinder does it. Now ready for delivery a carload of t Plymouth Twine The best Twine made. .Call ap0 examine our large stock of up-to-date * J*-*? A- • Buggies and Surries in Steel and Rubber Tiro* Near Depaf. Wm. Bonslett, N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S ---- i j , Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents ... ,7V £ " VOLO. Prof. Hodge of Rockefeller was a Vo- lo caller Monday. Mr. and Mr.s. Dryer of Ivanhoe yisited in Vblo Wednesday. Mihs Helen Raymond is spending this week with relatives in Elgin. Miss Katie Frost visited at Wauconda with her niece, Frances Dowe, Tuesday. Paul Averry has returned from Oak Park, where he has been attending school. Miss Elsie Smith returned home Mon day after a brief visit in Waukegan and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Dillon spent Wed nesday and Thursday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Ben Hiller and Miss'Emma Mol- idor spent several days the past week in Chicago. All are cordially invited to hear Miss Judson at the M. E. church Sunday aft ernoon, July 5. , • • Mrs. Decker and son ofJvanhoe visit ed the former's daughter, Mrs. Chats. Parker, Sunday. Rudolph Doerfler of Ivanhoe was the guest of his sister, Mrs. George Rosing, the first ot the week. Miss Anna Compton and niece, Ruth, of Elgin, visited the former's parents the latter part of the week. Miss Sadie Raymond returned to her home in Elgin Thursday after a two weeks' visit with relatives. Miss Gertrude . Schaefer of McHenry •isited her grandparents, Mr. and Mr&. 8able, Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Wicks of Grays- lake and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vosft of Long Lake Sundayed at Vogt's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sogers of Wau kegan visited their daughter, Mrs. O. Howard a few days the past week. Mrs. John Wirtz and two children and Mrs. Montgomery and son. Roy, of Chicago spent a few days at Theodore Wirtz's. Night Was Her Terror. "I wonld cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., "and could get hardly any sleep, I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I wonld cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three If 1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and 1 gained 58 pounds." It's absoluely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe,^Bron chitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's McHenry, and G-W. Besley's, West McHenry, drug stores SOLON. Mrs. F.'B. Erne is tne guest of Mrs. R W. Overton. Robert Thompson passed through our village Monday. Will Merchant entertained some friends over Sunday. Walter Cropley is the owner of a fine new three-seated bus» Mr. and Mrs. Will Monear where Mc Henry callers recently. William Burg has returned to Zenda Uvhere he is a section foreman. Dr. Bremken of Spring Grove is at tending Mrs. John Gibb's little girl. Mr. and Mrs. M. Crnikshank enter tained company from Greenwood over Sunday. John Sutton, one of our oldest and best citizens, passed away Sunday even- iag, June 28. Mrs. Bern Bell and children were vis itors at her parents home a couple of days last week. Miss Lettie Wheeler of Warsaw, Wis., a teacher in high school, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. James Hodge. Frank Coates and family were visit ing the former's mother, Mrs." Nancy Coates, at Ringwood Monday. Dr. Ward makes professional calls at Mr Christian's and Mrs. Phillip's, the latter V daughter being quite ill. The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. James Overton last week, but was not largely attended. Those present re ceived a fine supper, Thanks to the person who made the Solon correspondent a present of a pail of strawberries and to the one for tne cherries which he did'nt get. A large concourse of relatives and friends followed the remains of Mr. Sutton to his resting place. Rev. Wm. Nickle preached the funeral sermon. The Christian union meetings are very largely attended. New members are added at every meeting, the meetings being held at 7 .30 every Sunday evening A very pleasant birthday surprise was perpetrated on Miss Anna Smith of Lake Geneva, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Coates, by a large number of her vonne: friends. Miss Anna was the recipient of some beautiful presents. Slight injuries often disable a man and cause several day' loss of time and when blood poison developes, sometimes results in a loss of a hand or limb. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antisep tic liniment. When applied to cuts, bruises and burns it causes them to heal quickly and prevents any danger of blood poisom For sale by all druggists. WOODSTOCK. Miss Irene Herman is home from her year of study abroad- Mr. and Mrs. O. Dickersqn returned last week from their winter's stay in California. • Rev. J. W. Moore placed his house hold goods in a car for shipment^on Monday last. E. F. Meyer of Hudson, Wis., is spending the summer with his sister, Mrs. H. H. Bosshard. Mr. and Mrs. Win. G, Conklin left last Saturday for a visit of a lew days with their daughter at Delavan, Wis. Miss Fannie Belle Greenwood has re turned from Chicago, where she has been taking lessons iu the Art institute. N. H. Brown returned last week Thursday from his stay at Belvidere, and will prob1 bly remain in ^this vicin ity awhile. Charles F. Caskey has finished a course in shorthand at the Elgin acade my and is now prepared to earn a living for himself. Mrs. Wm. Ostler and Mrs. M. R. Rogers of Chicago accompanied Mr. and Mrs A. T. McMillan from Terra Cotta to this city last Saturday for a call on old friends. Frank Flood's bronco took a turn iown the railroad track a feyv dfiys ago, leading a freight traitt clear to Ridge- field, where a train coming the other way forced it to turn to the wagon road. A. R. Murphy has received word from Chicago to the effect that hia son. El mer, will accompany his wife on a trip to Europe, leaving on the 4th, thus to enjoy about a month ?s vacation in the hope of improving his health. E. R. has confined himself pretty closely to business for several years and it has a telling affect upon him. O Bean tin Sifnatu* A S T O R I A . ^^The Kind You Have Always - , tk2r , HMERALD PARI£. Mrs. Paul Armstrong spent Monday in Chicago. Jos. Hamm of Chicago spent Sunday at L. Huck's cottage. M rs. E. Alley of Chicago is spending this week at J. B. Frisby's. Mrs. F. J. Ward of McHenry spent Wednesday with friends here. Mrs. P. Walsh spent a few days with her daughter and other relatives in El gin. E. J. Cohan and family of Chicago are occupying their cottage here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Schneider of Chicago were the guests of Jno. Armstrong and family over Junday. H. Berkircher and Mrs. Chas. Ber- kircher spent Sunday last in Wauconda and Monday in Chicago, Mrs. Mary Kennealy of Elgin is spending this week with old friends and relatives in this vicinity. A. L. Hamilton of Elgin spent Satur day and Sunday with the "Crescents" at their camping grounds. Mesdaines R. J. Sutton, Jno. Powers and Mrs. Ellen Cleary of Elgin viisited friends in McHenry Friday. Misses Mae Welsh of Griswold Lake -vnd Margaret Ward of McHenry yisited the Misses Knox the first of the week. James and Robert Castello of Elgin ire spending their vacation here with their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. L. L. Hqck went to Chicago Monday morning and d^ove out Tuesday:- His little grandson, Lawrence Huck, Jr., accompanied him. Prof. C. Bremer entertained his friends Vessrs. C. P. Bilson and John Bartmann of Chicago at his cottage here over Sunday. Misses Lucy Noonan and Cfcrrie Sal- leck and Messrs. Thos. Noonan and Jos. Salleck of Chicago were the guests of P. Walsh and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney of Chicago spent a couple of days here the first of the week. They expect to take posses sion of home for summer with their f amily the last of the week. The Emerald Parks defeated the Cres cents of Elgin again in an exciting game Sunday afternoon by a score of 17 lo 12. With regular practice and more team work the Emeralds would put up a good trame of ball. The heavy batting of the team is what won the game last Sunday, Hlgin using two pitchers and the best they could produce at that. John Gibbs did the slab work for the home team and held the visitors safe throughout the game. John Knox at third made some very pretty stops of hot grounders which looked good for two bases and also made a pretty running catch. The rest of the team made a good showing, considering the condition of the grounds. The Elgin team put up a good clean frame, showing good teamwork, but could not hit the ball when hit* meant runs, the condition of the grounds also holding them back. The boys are a gentlemanly lot of fellows and won the respect of our people and also the Mc Henry girlB. Well boys, we expect to see you back next summer and we will treat you right, C. r. Hall Co.'a J uly Specials. This is a time of the year when we^ are able to buy goods way below the* regular prices. Note these values. Lot of 900 pairs of shoes, 12 to 24 pairs of a kind, in assorted sizes; these are samples and small lots bought up from different manufacturers on July 1st. Men's Foot Form Calf Lace Shoes, $1.49. Ladies' High Grade Extension-sole Walking Boots, $2 75 values, at $1.98 Children's Fancy Slippers, 75 and 87c. Men'8 Fine Horse Hide Foot Form Shoes at $1.B9. Special lot of Misses' Strap Sandals, $1.25 goods, at 87c. ' 200 boxes of Stove Polish lc per box. Guaranteed Soda 2 pkgs. for 5c. 75 Skirts, unlined, light weight wools, trimmed with tucks, at $1.98. Over 200 Ladies' Summer Corsets, choice for 15c. Lot of 85 Youths' Suits, for young men 17 to 20, goods worth up to $8.0(' 1 to 2 suits of a kind only, medium ana light weight goods, at $8.95 and $5.00. Take advantage of such offers when we make them. We are absolutely unable to duplicate values of this kind. Our July business is always big for it is a time when real bargain values are to be had. Customers showing round trip R. R. Tickets from McHenry and trading $10.00 will have their car fares refunded. (3. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. We like best to call # SCOTT'S EMULSION J ( a food because it stands so em- ! I phatically for perfect nutrition. £ And yet in the matter of restor ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that ol a medicine. Send for free •ample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemirta, 409-415 I'eart Street, _ NewYotV 50c. and J1.00; all dhiggtste. & 5i ill l(k Come to this Store with po more than the above amounts and you can secure some "useful articles. Htacks and stacks of thing* at S aiid 10 ew«ta each --no more. Glassware Toilet Articles Tinware Cutlery Jewefty dent's Furnishings F«ncy cfopfls CandlM and everything to be fouiid in a Notlou Store. BAKERY G< Fresh every day. Soft DriuVs and Ice Crpain iu any quantity. • * ' Nr. and Mrs, [mj( Soyder I ! OstVander Block, West McHenry. ^ -w -ry x- •.> c #11$ 1LB DRIVINQ?^ •2. _ ; y \ some kind le ne$6e«»ary.: jit _ 40 cents 'WfM iiljjve one that fooks welt an&vre: excellent value. Won't 14st aa lon^ or give such satisfaction as * our Summer .Robfeaat^JS Th» is ^ handsomest artich' ever sold fit, the price. The qtialiry is excellent. WJJ have ata*i^>bee_from $1.00 to S2.S0. ^ * p. McHenry, III. Gus Carlson. HOLCOMBVILLE. Miss Afaggie Weidner is visiting rel atives at Marengo. Miss Iva Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Sunday here. F. M. Peck of Chicago spent Snnday with his mother here. Win. Doherty and family visited with relatives in McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder and son, Alfred, visited with Nunda friends Sun day. Misses Anna and Hanna Weidner were Sunday evening callers at Wm. Doherty'e. (j Mrs. M. Peck and little son spent Thesday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder at Nunda. Cholera Infantum. This has been long regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants are subject. It csn be cured, however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrohea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. For sale by all druggists. CONVENIENCE! 1 -vf; . .'t.fci. -. : >.j)| i . S " Convenience iir the laundry meau9 saving of strength mid temper to the hard-worked housewife. Every man who can afford city water and Laundry Fixtures owes it to his wife to Ri ve the l'lumlvor :v J0I1. Stat ionary Tubs with hot mid cold water constantly on hand. What a boon this is to nom*>n. We do everything in Plumbing at bottom prices. Oct our prices Chris Schmidt. M ASTOUNDING GOOD NEWS to thousands of wretched people. . It will bring happiness to thousands who ai^:- | miserable--imagining they have a bad blood poisoning--when in nine cases out of r ten it is purely a local parasitic manifestation on the skin which can be cleared away in a hurry. % t « ^ "i l Such misery now cleared away as surely as the sun shines above. N<$t "-'f --not a matter of improvement only--but a clearing of it all a^say absolutely--and quickly, too, , * The photograph showing the awful condition of Mr. Jacob's skin before h e c o m m e n c e d , t h e useof D. D. D. Rem edy can be seen our store. We invite sufferer from disease to call and see absolute proof of cases cured by this wonderful medica- at every a skin ment. WE FOR THIS is known to leaders 1 in the medical afiurs of; ^ McHenry, Note what /having t«n fatty\ V proven to as. / M It G. W. BESLEY "I ^ M: It has been proven to us be« ̂ " yond the possibility of a doubly ' V.t, that a new medicine quicklj^l clears up the worst skin affec* tions. Its work seems astonishing',^ ' .'1 amazing, almost miraculous. (1^ / is a specific formula which, cause of its discovery by Dr.0; Decatur Dennis, is known as "D.B> D. D.") Its actual record sounds. ^ like a story of magic. But there>. :•< " p is no room for doubt about ifv1, „ % whatever; full proofs, indisput-v, : K *' ^ able in every respect, have beea^.'^. || submitted regarding hundreds of' ^ cases--among them the two cases" "*• . i illustrated in this announcement.. . ^ js- The upper picture presented'^ here is that of Mr. Chas. Jacobs,- T5$ of Richmond, Ky., showing hi»,^^|- V{-HJ condition after a thorough treat-* < ment with the D. D. D'. Remedy3^^? For many years he suffered from. \ fi that most terrible of all diseases1;' of the skin known as Psoriasis. Th® ' i' mm awful blotches of this disease^ ̂ covered him from head to foot, as ; ° ^ J shown in his photo graph taken be-» • )*>$' fore he began the use of the D. IX J ' ' D. Remedy. This photograj be seen at our store. His was entirely cleared away by this >. j v^e wonderful medicament, notwitb*;y ^ « standing the fact the best spec- ' ^ x; r ialists in the country bad pro-' i nounced. his case as absolutely/ incurable. '<'L '• f E C Z E M A . ! 0 W § of boy presented ̂. Sammy Mi«kejrV?>vl-;f: When 1* • if The picture here is Master of Memphis, Tenn. was about eight months oida very stubborn rash appeared upon 1 face and head and soon developed viL into a well defined case of Eczema. ' Although he had the very best medical attention in Memphis, he continued to suffer the most terrible agonies of this dreadfc",9i disease until he was twelve years old. His parents then began to use the D. l5. D. Remedy. Fourteen hottl-- completely rooted the Eczema out of his skin. Six years have elapsed since this cure was effected and never surain has . t h e d i s e a s e a p p e a r e d . V - - ; A SMALL BLOTCH ON THE SKIN, iif« How skin diseases start in most cases. Whenever the skin becomes weakened or impaired, as by exposure to extreme heat or cold, 'is oppottltity ii ̂ for the attack of the various germs that cause the different diseases of the skin. They burrow into^hese weak spots a^l+S an inflammation sets up causing in most instances intolerable itching and burning sensations. It quite frequently happen* that these germs will lie dormant and inactive for manv months, and the sufferer eets some resnite from hU awful ? ' ing, but suddenly they become active and again the patient is in the throes ©f their agonizing tortures. Any blotch in the skin which sticks Stubbornly at all should be attended to. However trifling it may seem, if )t lingers long ten chances to one it is a parasitic start, and at any time it may cover your face or body, or both. The most hygienic ./cH Filth is not the cause. and cleanly people • are frequently af flicted with skin diseases. Attendants in bath houses and barbers are examples , that soap and water are no protection. When ever the skin becomes weakened or impaired, then these parsit^s are like ly at any time tq attack, and if con- QitiOA5 a*rp. jyjst wrong, they will thrive ftP.d some fprtn of skin disease will jfesiilt. Almost all forma of It will spread by contact. The photograph of Sammy Minkey, show qP^I.w. ' ing his terrible condi qP^I.w. ' tio^ while suffering(roj?> Eczejna* €an'"be seen pf im Store. Many vareities, all similar. Eczema in all its forms, Eczema of infants jindchildren. Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Dry Tetter, Ring Worm, Dandruff, Barber s Itch, Eczema of the Scalp, Falling Hair, Itching Piles, Itch. Weeping Eczema, Pimples, Herpes, Chigres, (Jiggers) Hives, Nettle Rash. Boils, Carbuncles. Erysipelas, Red Nose. Pry Skin, all Crusts, Scales, Blotches, Itching and Burnings of the Skin are parasitic in nature, and all of these yield to the tV J). D. Remedy. It is compounded for druggists solely by the IX D. D Company, 70 Dearborn Street,Chicago. * « . .. It is utilized by every general family physician who has taken the trouble to investigate the work it W ecmmphafateg. It is used in the hospitals throughout the country. _ ' , It will clear off any parasitic break, in the skin in a very short time. „ ^ f It will bring happinesa quickly Into the lives of thousands of people of this city who are miserable in imagining they )iave a bad bjood ppisooing, wheji in nine cases out of ten it is purely a local parasitic manifestation which can be cleared away, in a hurry "by this preparation. _ Visit the above agent and see proofs that will make you a happier human being. , * ' • '~"M *1.00 buys the prescription--already made up in sealed bottles--with authentic label 0D > - * '% 'fl -ifi The above druggist will fill mail orders. fi. W. BESLEY, West McHenry, III , "i