Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1903, p. 4

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~ ^ 4 ^ r -- • ' • & > ' & * • ' : & ^ ? - : - * • • - . & & ? , • & . * • ' * & * • . * ^ ^ : ^ y , : r - i : - : - M ^ . r • . . . • M . w . • • • • . M ' ? ^ v ; > . f e M s - ^ • • • • . • . • v . : ' & : :&?.; !^;v- V^v?.;- li IK MBty PUHHIH PUBLISHED EVEKY THURSDAY liY HE MdlfflRT PUINOEAKR COMPANY. .<*. K. GfeUgaaB. W. A. CRISTY, J. B. Ptuiav, }f* FMs. Bee. Tnu. £;' - CAA8, O. 80R00m(AKCR, Editor. . Crtlce In Bank Buildlng. Telephone, No. *7*. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION: (likeyear ... 01 x months, 78cte. .•••. SI .60 Three months. $ fits Thursday, July i6, 4903* . ; IW' s^i-V ;4£i»/ £'.. -;'.?v£ BABBBVIIXB. Chas. Gibbs of Chicago was home »©?fcr Sunday. J. Fleming 's hotiM is being refreshed bjfa coat^f paint. Bernie Frisby is doing the r (irk. Mr. and Mr». Henry Wilmington and little son called on friends at Nanda Snnday afternoon. Walter McMillan spent Saturday and Sunday with his daughter, MJTS. W. T. Campbell, near Woodstock. Mrs. Wm. Grantham and son, Wal­ ter, of Chicago, are spending a few days with friendu and relatives here. Misses Nellie Griswold, Bertha Wing- ate and Isa Matthews spent Sunday aft­ ernoon with Miss Edna Hunter. Allan Starritt and cousin, Miss Per- nslia Robertson, of Chicago were the guests of Miss Clara Thompson Tuesday evening. SMr tkc Rlskt Side. A photographer was asked the other If there is any special reason wh/ noet photographs show the left side Of the face and not the right "Yes, there is a reason," he answered. "In a majority of cases the left side Is fihe good looking side, and photogra­ phers know this and take advantage of IL On the other hand, if you want to get «t the real strength and character of a parson's face, man or woman, study the right side of It--the ugly side, as •ome portrait painters call it There 70c will find the lines bold and harsh, comparatively so at any rate, with ev­ ery defect accentuated. On the left ride, however, everything is softened down, and the face is at Its best "Whenever you suspect a man of trickery or deceit or a woman either, for that matter, stand,on his right and Closely watch his expression. There never was an actor skillful enough to cover up the marks of his real person­ ality, as nature has stamped them en Pip right side of his face." V . "Luam" Like* It « »Ot.» 'H may be that the quality of imagi­ nation was lacking in the Boston and Salem merchants who attempted in 1842 to introduce American ice into London. One of them tried to attain this end by demonstrating the merits Of American iced drinks. He hired a ball, as the story goes, and trained a number of men to mix the cool bever­ ages of his native land. The members of the Fishmongers' association, pre­ sumably as fond of turtle as aldermen themselves, were the guests. The wait- en made an imposing entry, but alas, the first sound that met the ear of the American "promoter," expecting a Chorus of approval, was that of an Bngllsh voice calling for hot water and Mjlng, "I prefer It all in alL" The American completes the story, "I made a dead rush for the door, next day set- Off! my bills in London, took train for Sftverpool and the steamer for Boston •nd counted up a clear loss of $14900." A. De Wolfe Howe in Atlantic. > Yfee Oluuw* «t Maremaro. Aa an Instance of magnificent blun- Oflng, sung by poets and treasured in atory, no record is ever likely to come ip to that of the Light brigade in the Crimean war. But perhaps, most re­ markable was Kellerman's charge at Marengo. From daybreak till late aft­ ernoon the Austrians had the best of it Desalx said to Napoleon, "The battle jb completely lost" adding, "but It is only 4 o'clock. There is time to gain •Bother one/' A little later Keller- man with 400 mounted sabers--care­ fully hidden by a vineyard till the fateful moment arrived--dashed out •pon the flank of the Hungarian in­ fantry. The onset was irresistible. Two thousand imperial soldiers sur­ rendered with their general, and |he French, inspired to a final effort wrest­ ed a brilliant victory--unique, even In Hapoleon's career--from their oppo- \'Y: I* Doakt fa oae of Wilkie Collins' published Irttera he writes: For the last week while I was finish­ ing the story I galloped along without feeling It like the old post horses. Do you remember how the fore legs of these post horses quivered, and how their heads drooped when they came to the journey's end? That's me, my dear; thafs me. -Good gracious, is rme" grammar? Ought It to be "I?" My poor father paid £90 a year for my 'education, and I give you my sacred .word of honor I am not sure whether . 4|;te or "L" HMEUALD I'AKK. B. J. Frisby sprat Sunday with Bar- reville friends. C W. Gibbs of Chicago called on friends in this vicinity Sunday. Misses Mary Knox and Margaret Ward spent Tuesday with relatives here. Mrs. Joanna Wall of Chuiago is spend­ ing a few weeks with relatives in this vicinity. Thos. Hoff of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with Robt. Aylward. Paul Armstrong is returning from his Eastern trip and will eoon be with his family here. r John Armstrong returned from Chi­ cago Tuesday and will spend a few days with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Condon of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with J. B. Heaney and family. • Miss Kittie Nicols, formerly of Mc- Henry, spent the past week with her friend, Miss Irene Frisby. Rev. P: M. O'Neill and sister, Mrs. Powers, of McHeqry visited at R. J Sutton's Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lester of Elgin spent a few days the past week at Mrs. Ellen Frisby'8 and R. J. Sutton's. L. E. Walmsley of Griswold Lake and cousin, Wm, Burns, of Chicago spent Tuesday evening with friends in this vicinity. M. Mueller, wife and children of Chi­ cago, who are spending a few weeks in Wauconda, droye over to spend Friday with L. Huck. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney and son, Wm., Meedaiues Mary Heaney and Anna Moore, Master Arthur Moore of Chicago are oocupying the Heaney cot­ tage. Mrs. J no. Walsh and daughter, Ellen, of McHenry, Miss Katie Bolger of Chi­ cago, Mrs. Ed. Larkin and daughter, Beulah, of Elgin, and Miss Margaret Sutton spent a very pleasant afternoon at P. Walsh's last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill, Messrs. Jno. Armstrong. W. K. Burns. Wm. M. Burns, Mioses Lillian, Emily and Anna Cohan returned to Chicago Sunday even­ ing after spending a few days at their respective homes here. About eighteen months ago Mr .W. S Manning, of Albany, N. Y., widely known in business circles as the repre­ sentative of the Albany Chemical Co., was suffering from a protracted attack of diarrhoea. "I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," he says, "and obtained immediate relief. 1 cheerfully recommend this medicine to those similarly affected." Sold-by all druggists. VOLO. Miss Rose Huson is the guest, of Chi­ cago friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vogt of Long Lake Sundayed with relatives. Messrs. Wm. Dillon and Ray Paddock spent Wednesday at Kankakee. Mrs. Sarah Gill and lady friend. Chicago are visiting at Fish Lake. Mrs. Nellie Wood of Oak Park is vis­ iting: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paddock. Rev. Satterfield of Chicago called on old friends in this vicinity the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Shultis and daughter of Highwood visited at Ran^ht Bros, this week. Nick and Annie Miller and Celia Ros­ ing spent the latter part of the week with friends in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing spent Sun­ day at Fremont Center with their daughter, Mrs. Mike HerteL Mrs. Fred Mooser and children of Chicago are spending this week with the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Rosing. Miss Eunice Cusick, the young wom­ an orator and dramatic reader of Green­ ville, will discuss the great question, "Our National Bondage," at the Volo M. E. church, Sunday, July 19, at 10:30 a. m. All are cordially invited to hear this able and entertaining speaker. • Cholera Infantum. This has been long regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants are-subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrohea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. For sale by all druggists. JORKpllKflH. Mrs. Simons is seriously ill. John Tholes is working for Rer. 1ft. Mehring. Bora, to Mr., and .Mrs. Nick Schmitt a baby girl. ' John P. Lay was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Henry Schaefer-i of Cottage Grove is on the sick list. •'} , • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nell visited Mc­ Henry friends'Sunday. "V • Miss A. Schumacher if visiting her sister at Chicago this weetf. " , Miss M. M. Adams was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Jacob'Huemann is home from Iowa where he has been for his health. Miss Lizzie Schmitt is visiting friends at Aurora for an indefinite time. Barney Simons came, out from Chica­ go Sunday to visit his sick mother. Mrs. Meilerr is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias S Freund this week. The children of the deceased Peter Mehring, are visiting Rev. Mehring. Don't forget the grand opening at S. H. Smith's th^ 28th of this month. James Ladd and Geo. Hagen of Ring- wood were Johnsburgh visitors Tues­ day. Mr. Mana, representing Wendeiin Myers, transacted' business here Tues­ day. Mesdames P/B. and P. J. Freund of McHenry called on relatives here Mon­ day. Chas. Leipolt and son. Philip, and John Bartlett visited Geo. Nell over Sunday. , ' Mrs. Peter F. Schmitt of Rose Cfeek, Minn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Nick F. Schmitt. Miss Barbara Pitzeu visited Miss Rose Huemann one day last week, the latter being sick. ' » John Bugner and Misses Maggie King and Annie Huffbaner visited McHenry people Sunday. John E. Freund and Misses Helen and Marguerite M. Adams enjoyed a pleas­ ant ride to Emerald Park Sunday. Miss Lena Schumacher, formerly a Johnsburgh girl, was recently married at Johnsturg, Minn., to Mat. Muellen- bach. . Misses Lena Smith, Dora Rothermel and Helen Michels spent Sunday after­ noon with Mrs. John S. Freund at Pis- takee Bay. . One evening last week a sporty crowd rusiied into one of our saloons and a mighty queer accident might have hap­ pened had the bartender been there at the time: but when he arrived the party had disappeared. They were, trying to manage the whole town. ^ The bartender declared that in the future ,ha'{}>be op deck day and night. A goodly number of our young people surprised Mr. and Mrs. George Nell at their home at Columbia Park Sunday evening. Those present were: Misses Helen Smith, Helen Michels, Helen Adams, Annie Huffbaner, Delta Niesen, Lizzie-May, Lillie Niesen, Maggie Smith, Dora Rothermel, Mary Freund, Lizzie Schaefer, Mary Miller; Messrs. Fred Justen, Joe Michels, Joe Nett, Simon Michels, Frank Miller, Jackie May, Willie Meyers, Nick Nett, John .Miller, Jack Schumacher, Mike Freund, Walter Webber, Joe Rothermel, Nick Klein, Peter Lay, Math Schmitt, John Bugner, Robert Schaefer. All enjoyed a pleas­ ant time. Slight injuries often disable a man and cause several day*1' loss of time and when blood poison developes, sometime^ results in a loss of a hand or limb. Chamberlain'8 Pain Balm is an antisep­ tic liniment. When applied to cuts, bruises and burns it causes them to heal quickly and prevents any danger of blood poison. * For sale by all druggists. Want Column. All ailTurtiwiiivntx 1nnert**t xinrtor thin head at the following rnt<>«(: Five |ln<* or lows. 2fi ( Hilts for flint insertion; 15 rvhts for each sutfwequtmt Insertion. More tlwin Mve linen, 6 cents n line for ftr»t Insertion, mid 3 I'ontx a line lor aririitknml inxcrtionti. •CV)R SALE- •F tank. Ton-horse power steam engine separator, stacker, and six-roll Milwaukee husknr with blower, all in good runtiinp order. Cheap, for cash. Inquire at this oilice, Sep 1 T OST-- Somewhere between Woodstock and McHenry last weel der leave at this office. McHenry last week, a fur collarette. Fin- Reward. TjV)R SALE--A Ave room house and seven acres of land, situated on the west side of the railroad tracks In West Mclleory. Also all household goods, poultry, horse, harness and new rubber-tlreu buggy. Inquire of 3-41 Mas. LAURA KYRISS. \TTANTEI)--Load of dry poplar pr willow ** stove wood. Will pay what It is worth. Inquire at this office. 2tf. "pOU SALE OR RENT--Eight room house situated on west side of park in McHen­ ry. Good cellar, excellent water, and fine lo­ cation. inquire of M. MJCRRIMAN, McHenry JjVJR SALE of Thirty head young cattle, sin­ gly or in numbers to suit buyer, Inquire F. IV.ORANGKR. "CM5R 8A LEI--First-class, neto road cart for sale cheap. Also second hand single har­ ness. 3-2t* F. K. GRANGKR. "EH)R RENT---Two-story frame dwelling near A Riverside House, owned by Mrs. Hebard. Inquire of * GBO. COLBY, 3-2t* McHenry, 111. FirMwl ItesMtlaa. Two men address an assembly on the Hfcme topic and in nearly the same -Words. One is listened to with indlf- farence. If at all; the other stlra to •very fiber our being and our souls thrill responsive to his lightest touch, tt la not what we hear, nor is it grace- fill pose or elegant diction; it is noth­ ing comprehensive or tangible, but an tttrlalble, mysterious force which we acknowledge and yield to even against our convictions and reason. This drange attribute is not hereditary, nor can it be acquired. Tke Thf r«tr Blab- It has been computed that "kt leaves of an elm tree sixty feet high Were spread out on the ground edge to Odge they would cover five acres of land. These leaves, averaging 7,000,- 000 to a full grown tree, will absorb NTuter to the amount of seven tons dur­ ing the normal summer day# Were It Hot for the ingathering by the stomata during the night a few elms would Soon draw off all the water from a dl*> trtct fe- Utafl rn nox pill* #ii4 zmji I WOODSTOCK. Miss Janie Donnelly went to Glen wood Springs, Lake Geneva, last Satur­ day for a stay of a few days. Misses M. Belle and Alice Kimball of Chicago were visiting with their father, J. M. KimbalL the latter part of last week. Mrs. Frank Cowlin returned to her home in Chicago Saturday evening, after a week's visit at the home of L. B. Compton. The population of Marengo,-according to the recent census is 1885, or one; hun­ dred twenty less than that given by national census in 1890. City Attorney John J. Cooney and Earle EL Bower passed Sunday with J. D. Donovan and family, who are passing the summer in the Hubbell cottage at Glenwood SpringB. Jesse Bennett of Elgin, who is the father of Mrs. W. C. Besley, has en tered the employ of" G. H. Hooker, the grocer. He is an experienced hand and will prove a valuable assistant. Misses Mary and Sarah MacNair of Winnebago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wright the first of the week. The former was at oqe time a teacher in the Woodstock high school, and her many friends were pleased to meet her. * An aged farmer south of town lost his home while on bis way home from town during one of the storms in the night last week, and he thought it had been stolen until Christian Dannemann, who tiad taken it in and oared for it, proved to him otherwise. ^ Bead The Plaindealer advertisements They are interesting. -M'fy. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis­ courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid­ neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born P afflicted with weak kid­ neys. If the child urin­ ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able ta control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis­ erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp~Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Home of 8waiup Root, ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer 8c Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and MASTER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I > McHenry County, ( - In the Circuit Court of ftcHenry Con&iy. Mary Kearns i vs > In Chancery Mertice Burrltt et af, 1 Public notice is hereby given that, in pur­ suance of a decree made and entered by said Court in the aliove entitled cause on.the 15th day of June. A. I). 1»03, I, Geo. W. Field, Mas­ ter in Chancery of the Circuit Court of Mc­ Henry County, Illinois, will, on Friday, the 34th day of July. A. I). 190'J, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the Bank in McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder for cash, all and sin­ gular, the foliowiiiK described premises and real estate in said decree mentioned, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illi­ nois, to-wit: Lots number one (1). two (2). three (3). four 14). five (5) and six (fi) in block number eleven (11) of the original plat of the Village of Mc­ Henry, on the west side of Fox River, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Dated at Woodstock. Illinois, June 17th, A. [)., 1003. GEO. W. FIELD, Master In Chancery. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Henry Simon, deceased. The Undersigned, having been appointed Administrator with will annexed of the Es­ tate of Henry Simon, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and state of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear be­ fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the Septem­ ber term, on the first Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the sime adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requssted to make lm rued I ate: payment to the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of July, A. D, !908. JOHN HIT KM AWN. 3-31. Administrator with Will Annexed. (HARLES 0. fRETT Wholesale and retail dealer In I am In taa Poultry uive at a call lad Smoked Meats, Sausage McHenry - Illinois American National Bank GEORGE L, MURPHY, Pres. * C. H. DONNELLY, Vice-Prea W. C. EICHELBERGER, Cashier DIRECTORS John J. Mnrphy C. H. Donnelly John McManns G. L. Mnrphy W. C. Eichelberger Now open for tomto&s. Will receive deposits and pay ae liberal interest as is consistent with safe banking. . . . . WILL LOAN MONEY on personal security; and on real estate will loan snrns of $500.00 to $20,000.00, time and payments to suit the borrower. mention this paper. 1 WOODSTOCK, - ILL. * CONVENIENCE! Convenience In the "Laundry means saving of strength and temper to the hard-worked housewife. Every man who can afford city water and Laundry Fixtures owes it to his wife (o £lve the IMumlier a job. Stat­ ionary Tubs with hot and cold Water constantly on band. What a boon this is to wonim. ^Ve do everything in Plumbing |»t bottom prices. Get our prices Chris Schmidt. mm HNWOOOOeMOOOOaOMOMt HMKMWOf ; "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." |*><MallBSWmHS«QSSSM>SM«»BisQSOSSOSS>fl j §»oo--ooeeoosp esssMoosssQUQoiwuBOPO^oooooeeooepeat [OJbat's the Odds? ! r ^ There afe plenty of odds and ends in every line of Smntner Goods in store after the Fourth of July. In Dress Goods, Waists and Underwear we baye a quantity of goods that will be sold out at reduced prices. Shoes Chai Wear! Its the'kind we handle. Have you ever tried a pair. There | are also a few odds and ends in this line which you should S see and price. This does not . mean that we have nothing | but odds. | Jin Unbroken Cine is always on our Shelves. We guarantee satisfaction. Our eyer increasing trade is evidence that fair dealing pays. : Successor to 3. StoffoL We»t NoHenry. A. BOHLANDER j iSSOOfSmOOSBOSSSSSBSSBSBBDSXMwl >»e««o>oos (AM STOVES AND RANGES •,h %Mi& : '4>V. Just Lake FisKinrf ^JUILDING up a trade is just like fishing. If you have the right bait, you get the fish; if you have the right goods you get the trade. The dealer who makes money is the one who buys right goods, and right goods right. That is why wise dealers sell Grown Cottage Colors. They know it is the right paint to buy and they know they buy it right. Read the manufacturers guarantee. WB OUARANTBB That when properly applied on a surface in proper condition, Crown Cottage Colors will give " better results than any other paint (including white lead), and in all where it does not and it is fthe xault ot the material used, we will do the work over again at our expense. Bradley & Vroommn Co. FOR SALE BV West Side Hardware P. We have them in. the most modern styles. It wbuld require an entire page to tell a l } 1 t h e g o o d p o i n t s o f o u r • Stoves. Call and see them r i g h t n o w . W e d e f V • * 4 " competition even with the Mail 'Or d er Houses L. McOflBER. F.VANSON'S STORE r I IS VERY COMPLETE IN EACH DEPARTMENT. • Ladies' Wrappers. I • Shoes for all ages. • High grade Groceries." I Boy's and Girl's Shoes. Tin and Granite Ware.* House-keepers Articles. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Tennis Shoes, Strap Sandals. Underwear of all descriptions. Shirtwaists, white and colored. Hand-sewed easy Shoes for tender feet. Child's Summer Suits (Pants and Blouse) for 50c. Gowns, Skirts, Drawers, in fact -all kinds Dry Goods and Notions. Any kind of Merchandise not kept in stock will be furnished with promptness and dispatch at lowest market price. w. c. EVANSON. $ You Want Summer (lothes I WE WANT YOUR TRADE | We will give you more Clothes, the better kind, a j| better fit, better workmanship, in fact better satis- faction in every way, for the money than you have || been getting if you are dealing with other People. There are Different Kinds of Clothes | Our's are made just as you want them. All the j| little things that please you given attention. All ^ alterations made at once, Without waiting to send the Garment to Chicago. Our Clothes are -? • i. | Good Enough for Anybody - g Cheap Enough lor Everybody | SUITS $9.00 to $40.00 | PANTS $2.50 to $10.00 | John D Lodtz, McHenry I Professional, Society V &nd Bvisinesss Card# V. ^ -- -- DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. U pHYMCtfAN.SURGEGN AND OCULWT. I Omee and residence corner Elm and Green streets, McHenry. C. H. FEGEB8, M. D. J ~ % PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McHenrr. Hi- Office at Residence, corner Goorfcand Elm streets. Telephone 338. KNIGHT & BROWN. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. .street, Chicago, 111. 100 Washington D. T. SMILEY A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor nfid lfo tury*l'ubllc. Will give prompt and im­ mediate attention to all business intrusted to bis care. Office In Hoy's Block, Woodstock, II F. C. ROSS. D. DL S. Officitf over Petesch's Drug Store. ALLWOHK PKRTA1NING TO MODEKN DENTlMtlf NitrOus Oxid Gas for Extracting. Honrs 7:30 a. in. to 5:30 p. til. " - SONPAT WORK BY . APPOINT^MKT OM^T. • - to •.. THE K»W ISENTIST OR THB WJD0T DR. R. G * CHAMBERLIN Office over Honrs from Beslev's Drue Store. 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. jn ARTHUR BREMKEN,. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURdEON (Deutscher Arzt.) Spring: Clrovfe, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. Excavating and Oracling. flcHENRY - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 451. LAHBERT Q. SENG BUFFET j Headquarters r McHenry and MpHenry county visitors. John Sckirw. 02 1* ^fth A ve.. Chicago. Bar Tender H. C. MEAD, Jnstioo of the Peace and (ieneifcl In­ surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure with home agents, smooth-ton^ne strangers sometimes load people astray. . WKST MCHKNRY. - - III. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Iftsnranee Agen t for all classes of property in the best Companies. , West McHenry, Illinois. V SOCIETIES. MASONIC, MCHENIIY LODOE, No. 158, A. P.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth-Mondays in each month. S. S. ClIAI'ELL. W. M. C. Ii. THUHLWKLL. Secy. W. O. O. F. St. Patrick's Court., No. 187, W. C. O. E., meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. MHS. MARY COBB. Chief Rufifer. Mas. MATILDA METERS, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Staf­ fers Hall. John Kimball, Consul. H. C. MEAD, Clerk. C. O. F. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month in Forester Hall. ANTON ENUELN, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEISB, Recording Secretary. Louis OKKTKI,, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees' John Heimer, Anton Engeln. Ben Lauer. ,s C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746. C. (). F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, C. R. Walter Bolger, R. S. WHISKY A DELKHTfUL BEVERAGE, A SAfE STIMULANT, A GOOD MEDICINE. For sale by All Leiwiinar Driers CROU Croup and tnfluuim&flon of the krm ar« to- MHeved and permanently cured by the use o* Mlante Cough Cur a. This never fatting presc- Ot m eminent physician was chrea the name ot MINUTE COUCH CURE becauae Instant re't always followed its use. It takes effect at the - MM trouble and acts on tho Inflamed membra - Meed of passing wholly into the stomach and d. 1 m stupefying the airtem. Gtree raW MMii 08 '33 ' -iet CURED It destroys the dJseaae term, dnara the pUrf of Crawa on* the Inflammation, thiia removtat tV- and curtail permanently. One Minute Covgl < e to perfectly harmless, good lor children and the> . < H§ lute. Prepared only by E. C. DeWltt It Ce.. t • • to Mart remedy for children. Do not ONE MINUTE JuliuA. Story wdlif \\.

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