Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1903, p. 10

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mfeflS •;rv r •. > ^ ^ \ * o> jf 'VS. /^ \ - ' \ \%I . V ' W f a v V f * 5 ^ ~ V ' T •, I 'i«i - . Jv^ "' f'̂ •'• '•,•• •'" ; Alt -'•. . •. "I*k • • i . '•" ."' *~x- . . •"' •' °" **•* '. t* V'< vi -.. '? " -.'*• **" _ . 1 : :I*C.."•!: • '.. *» . . ••*»'.• >*'" " " »• • /'_.- ^_jj*il!l^ ^ ^ |!* ' ' *. >T^^:-..^ • mmm^m^m • ' * r - •p" '•/;j.W:..',1.>".1 THE HOT SPELL is now here to stay for a while at least, but we can help you make life as comfortable as possible by supplying you with the right kind of Hot Wea^ther Wetvreibles Light weight and light colored Suits for Men all sizes at $3.50 per Suit. Little Boy's Suits, 3 to 8 years old, 50c ^each. Ufider- wear, the hot weather kind, to fit Men, Women and Children. Men's Negligee Shirts, Straw Hats, Low Shoes, Sun Um­ brellas, etc." Mason Fruit Jars and IJub- bers, all sizes. Pure Groceries, Jersey Lily and Hard to Beat Flour. Yours fpr Hot Weather Trade, West Mcfienry, 111. John J. Miller. H.-"- HOT WEATHER NECESSITIES Ladies' Shirt Waists in white and fancies, all sizes, from 50c to $2.25. Our line of Dimities, Lawns, Organdies, Mercurized Goods, Silk Gauze and India' Linens is very complete and are selling fast at cut prices. Slippers, Sandals and Oxfords. Men's soft, cool Negligee Shirts in all • colors and sizes. Straw Hats, Umbrellas Parasols, Fans. Gauze Underwear in large variety of colors and grades to fit all sizes. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Can­ ned Goods, Flour, Etc., of the best and purest qualily. Goods delivered prompt­ ly. Yours truly, M. J. Walsh Farmers! -I AM AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED- NINIIIE ill OSBORNE BINHRS AND MOWERS which rank among the best makes in the country and I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com­ plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har­ rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Farmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices ^nd you'll never regret it. Will soon have a car load of Twine. IsiM fiwMlr, McHenry L O N G >Ov DISTANCE TELEPHONE Best for Residence L 5c a day CWfew* Alb suffering tiiitoM wiwry for few yem taking all kind* of medicines and ndiftg month! *t ihe mineral pHngs, trying all our lead ing doctors {even using the W m«r treatment), I waa induced to by Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and must say (hat It has been the greatest bl uig f ever found, restoring •MT to perfect health. I ghed last June, when I began taking it, too pounds; ROW weigh >J<, ana feel well as I ever aid in my lift &!-i can eat anything I want I anhcsitatinffly rtcom mend it to all sufferer* trofli Respectfully, Mai. Hmar BSOWN Untr, Mo. Dr. Caldwell's L O C A L B R I E F S J Best for Business 6ic a day It's th« perfect service that reaches everywhere -- that*a why it's the greatest service--the best for you. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY M ' I Syrup Pepsin If you hare amatipation, indigrctta^ dpptpsU, liver or fcidrtay froubJe. 1$ kn cured t*ioiiwndfc k yiti cure jrocb We guarmntaa it. Aslt Your Druggist If to doesn't supply you, write as, and vc will send you a sample bottle frea, md cba name of a druggie* who wilL EMIN SYRUP CO. "TSSS1* The Creation o? (lie Camel. There Is an Arab tradition cited In Burton's; "Gold Mines of Midian" re­ garding the creation of the camel which illustrates the popular but erro­ neous opinion that this animal is ugly in form and temper. The story goes that when Allah de­ termined to create the horse he called the south wind and said, "I desire to draw from thee a new being; condense thyself by parting with thy fluidity." The Creator then took a handful of this element, blew upon it the breath of ife and the noble quadruped appeared. But the horse complained against his Maker. His neck was too short to reach the distant grass blades on the march: his back had no hump to steady a saddle; his hoofs' were sharp and sank deep Into the sand, and he added many similar grievances. Whereupon Allah created the camel to prove the foolishness of his com­ plaint The horse shuddered at' the sight of what he wanted to become, and this is the reason that every horse starts when meeting .its caricature for the first time. No False Claims. The proprietors of Foley's Honey and Tar do not advertise this as a "sure cure for consumption." They do not claim it will cure this dread complaint in ad­ vanced cases, but do positively assert that it will cure in the earlier stages and never fails to give comfort and re­ lief in the worst cases. Foley's Honey and Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Refuse sub­ stitutes. Sold by N. H. Petesch. Devil's Lake, Ilie Famous Resort. Excellent hotels, good boating, fish­ ing and bathing, ample train seryice and special low rates via the Chicago & Northwestern R'y to this admiral sum­ mer resort. A delightful place to spend your mid-summer vacation. Write for printed matter to W. B. Kniskern, Pas­ senger Traffic Manager, Chicago. For rates, Tickets, etc., apply to agents. 5-8t Two Dottles Cnre»l Hipn. "I was troubled with kidney com­ plaint for about two years," writes A. H. Day is, of Mt, Sterling, la., but two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure." Sold by N. H, Petesch. , Elgin Butter Market. Butter on the board of trade was steady at 18J cents, although 155 tabs sold for 19 cents. Output aI the district. 826,400 pounds. Ball game tomorrow. Carried men vs. singles tomorrow* Have Osmun Bros, repair that gutter, leaking roof or cistern pump. Prices always the lowest. Herbes can save you 20 to 40 per cent on your plumbing, gas fitting and re­ pairing. See him. Don't fail to look at that line of 25c toilet soap that is being sold at Gilbert Bros.' for 10c per box. Miss Etta Simes has Stafford & Goldsmith as^ pickle factory this season. engaged by hier at the It is reported that John Powers re­ cently lost** colt and calf as the result of an attack by a rabid dog. Peter Schoewer has sold his team of ponies to Will Odffling of Johnsburgh, the consideration being $225. Chris Schmidt has taken the contract for putting in the steam fixtures in the new addition to the Park Hotel. A large party of men and women from Cary passed through here Tuesday in row boats on their way to Fox Lake. Willis Gardinier's large hotel at Grayslake was nearly destroyed by fire Monday, caused by gasoline explosion. Masons are at work laying the foun­ dation for Anton Schneider's building on the corner south of the McHenry House. The Ladies' Cemetery Aid Society will meet with Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Tues­ day afternoon, August 4, at half-past two o'clock. Less than | price is what Gilbert Bros, are selling toilet soaps for this week. Call and be convinced. 10c for 25c boxes. Best soap in market. Last Thursday morning Mrs. Brad­ ford Smith and father, Mr. Disbrow, of Alden started for Vassar, Michigan, to visit friends and relatives there. J. D. Lodtz has a fish story that would make Isaac Walton gasp for breath. Ask him for it. yfe like to publish good ones, but our nerve forsakes us this time. Toilet Soaps! Soaps! At Gilbert Bros.' 10 gross finest toilet soaps, regu­ lar price 25c jper box, now selling for 10c Come early and get the skoice of lot at; this low price. Haryey Price has been promoted to the position of milk inspector at the Borden factory, while Peter Block steps into Price's shoes as foreman of the "bot­ tling department. The river bridge is lined with anglers every evening this month. Blue gills are biting good and hundreds are being landed. Many are also caught at the mouth of Dutch creek. Did you ever have a job in plumbing, repairing, etc., done promptly and at a reasonable price? If not, see Herbes for your next work in this line. He gives the best satisfaction^ All sorts, of good people seem to re­ gard Maple City Self-Washing Soap as a personal friend. Maybe you do not know it. Then why don't you get some friend to introduce you? A party of twelve men went down the fiver to Cary one day last week in Larson's gasoline launch. The boat iB 4 side-wheeler, made by E. Hunter, and outs the water at a merry clip. Beginning last Sunday trains leaving Chicago at 8:00 a. m., arriving at Mc- £ Jim Dumps exulted, "We do not, Os Summer days to close and hot, Build up a fire and stew and steam 1 A dish of « Force,' a bowl of cream, Is just the food to fit oar whim, And keeps us cool," laughed " Sunny Jim." Force Beady-to-Serve Ores) got a blood heater, Mtal Summer Poo4. •"Force' is an ideal summer food be- cauM it contains elements for nourishing- every organ of the body, ia easily digested, creates what we know Is vigor, and at the same time does not make a river of fire out of the blood. PBBCT G. BTANTOM." IT w -- 18 j\ laiiinaisasamiimnsmifiiiiinnimmipmi FfMiui Ligiitmiig Rod wwksl I am agent for the above. We put the Hods ou your Build­ ings uud should they bo struck by lightning we pay damages if uo more than $600. Oa]l «uid get full particulars. ,talent Bldcksmithing Prices always Reuutble i Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Milla, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, Wind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. ••••••••••••••••••••••asssssassssasssssssssssss 1 Groceries and. Fruits u. Henry at 9:37 a. m.; and returning leaves McHenry at 7:08 p. m., arriving in Chicago at 8:25, will have parlor oars. The hay crop, the heaviest in years. Is now about all cut and stored away. Some farmers have brought new rye to the mill for grinding while many others are getting busy with the oat crop. The attention of The Plamdealer has /been called to the fact that there are ^places in the village Hot in good sanitary condition. Complaint will undoubtedly be made to the board of health unless there is a change made. John H. Miller iB erecting some fine granite monuments this week, in the cemetery adjoining St. Patrick's chnrch, at the graves of P atrick Flusky and Mrs. Bridget Turner. He also placed one in the Volo cemetery for Henry Wegener. The six lots on the corner opposite Fr. O'Neill's residence, belonging to the Kearns estate, were sold at auction last Friday by Master in Chancery Geo. W. Field. Jas. Doherty's bid of $1,250 pur­ chased the property. It is a good build­ ing corner and well worth the price. John Stoffel, successor to F. C. Going, t&kes advertising space in The Plain- dealer this week. Mr. Stoffel was in the city last Friday and invested several hundred dollars in replenishing his grocery stock. He will make a special­ ty of fruits, and will aiso handle bakery goods. The Chicago National League team, better knows as the "Orphans," "Cubs," "Microbes," or "Seleeites," will play the Olivers at Woodstock, August 7. McHenry will probabjy send over about 100 "fans" to root for the Olivers. It will be worth seeing, and the "Cnbe^' will have no snap. Geo. Nell entertained a large crowd at his pavilion dance last Wednesday night. The weather was ideal for the event and there was nothing lacking to make it enjoyable. The floor was in ex­ cellent condition and the music at it's best. Watch these columns for an­ nouncement of next danci. | West McH Ini^. J O H N S T O F F E L Successor to P. C. Oolog. The Elgin and Oliver base ball tennis will play at the fair grounds in Wood­ stock next Saturday, the game to be called at three o'clock sharp. Both teams are playing good ball this season and a hot contest is expected. The Ol­ ivers defeated the Union Giants last Saturday by a score of 5 to 4. There are several patches of Canada thistles in the township which need the immediate attedtion of the commission­ er. These obnoxious weeds should not be allowed to go to seed and multiply. There is a penalty for allowing the stuff to thrive. Dock, sweet clover and dandelions are enough to contend with. The mission festival given by the Ger man Lutherans at Crystal Lake was at­ tended by about 1800 people. The col­ lection amounted to about $200, which will be increased by amounts paid for stand privileges. Rev. Leyerenz of Des Plainea spoke iu the forenoon and Rev. Heineman of Belvidere in the afternoon. The McHenry park is in excellent con­ dition this summer. A more beautiful spot can not be found in the county. The grounds have receiyed good care and the grass is green and luxuriant The -trees are so heavily laden with foliage that the shade is perfect. The park is a source of pride to the village when properly cared for. Math Steifes of Spring Grove has just finished a fine job of cement laying at the residence of John H. Miller. A three-foot walk was built from, the street to the house and extends entirely around the house on either side. Ce­ ment steps lead from the lawn into the stone yard. Mr. Miller will act as Mr. Steffes' agent in McHenry and furnish estimates on all kinds of cement oon? straction. Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all nightlong," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex<- andria, Ind., "and could get hardly any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I walked a block I wonld cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absoluely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron­ chitis and all Throat and Lnng Troubles. Price 50o and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Julia A. Story's McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, West McHenry, drugstores. Very Low Kates to California, Oregon Washlngto^n and Return. Via the Chicago & North-Western R'y August 1 to 14, with final return until October 15, inclusive, account National Encampment G. A. R., at San Francis­ co and Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, Seattle. Three trains a day from Chicago to the coast through with­ out change. Daily and personally con­ ducted tonrigt qaf ejetyrtions. For full particulars apply tP ftgeqts Pfrip*go A North-Western R'y. {J-14 The Foundatjop of ffe^lt)^ Nourishment is the foundation of health--life--strength. Kodol Pyspep- Cure is the ope great medicine that en­ ables the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and transform all foods into the kind of blood that nour­ ishes the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest. Indigestion, Dys­ pepsia and all disorders of the stomach andrdigestive organs are cured by the use of Kodol. Sold by all druggists. The rfaindealer is adding new namea to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of honor T Don't borrow. CASTOR IA rpr Infants anc| ChildrjM*. Hh Kind Ym Hhi Mwip twftlt • iii. Bears the 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT S ' " The Summer Season is now at its height, but there will be at least three months more of wapm, sultry- weather, and to be comfortable you must wear the proper kind of Clothing. Our line of Summer Goods is^till unbroken-} , although thousands of yards of goods have gone out of the Store, ^f you have put off buying a Summer Dress call at this store now and ask for Bargains. We are offering some Goods at a discount of ten per cert. See those pretty patterns in FRENCH QINQHAMS CHAriBRAY MADRAS ^ DIMITIES LAWNS CRASH AND DUCK GRENADINES and DOTTED SWISS. Pope Leo XIII We have a limited supply «f large colored Portraits of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII which are selling at 25 cents each. They are ta^ken from pne of the lat­ est Photographs and are a perfect likeness. Call before the supply is exhausted. * ^ S. S. Chapell. J. H. Miller T DeoJer in \ GRANITE AND MARBLE MONUMENTS 4 Headstones. Markers. Posts. Etc. Etc. f My large number of Designs are \ of the latest styles and you should not fail to see them. It is my constant aim to please my custo­ mers and I guarantee all my work and material to be A No. 1 and at tfie lowest living prices. Kindly drop pip & l'PP PPA I will be pleased to call on you with my samples. McHenry* 9 Illinois. AVfcgetable Preparationfor As­ similating IheFoodandReguIa- ling ihe Stomachs and Bowels of 1N KVNT'S /C.H1 LDKKN WORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Promotes Digcstion.Cheerfuh riess rind Rest.Contains neither dnium.Morphine nor Mineral. NOT NAU£ OTIC? . nrsyawqnwx utijdcui dlx S.HMl * ' skiitr -(«*«/ •* •Ĵ ixsnnint - ffirm Seatl - Aperfecl Remedy for Cons tipa lion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. F&cSinule Signature of NEW YOliK. At b 111 «ii 1 lits €ilU J 3 D o s * S - J y C I N T S COPY or WRAPPER Fur In Use Over Thirty Years TMC CCNTAUB COMP»NV NEW YOUR CNFF.

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