ff-% - i l^iSliSpWRliSiiflS ' , -* * '* ' * ' 4r „ - s :-Vv/'V^v'; v.s?.-.i'^ ••:•";••_ • • •.•.,*• • The Ndkny PliWMltr PUBLISHED EVF.KV TIU KSTIAY BY THE McHfffRY PLAINDEALER COMPANY. ^ftfcfcL.GaAllOM* W.AjORIBTT, v*'::;..-.-. pr«6. 8®°- ^ CBA0. £>• PCHOONMAKKH, Editor J. B. Treas Oflk* In Bank Building. Telepbotie. Mo. m. W/' terms OF SUBSCRIPTIONS ^ IIJO Three months. 40 Ota. (MM year «U months, 76 eta. Thursday, July 30, 1903. WH>' * *ry-: \ '•ii'-'U'- • • & •'n;C TKEEA COTTA. Q. M. Norris of West Chicago was in •f Wwn Tuesday. . Miss Florence Balke was a Nunda visitor Tuesday. Geo. Smith took in the Zion City ex cursion lost week. Mabel Smith of Lake Geneva was a Sunday visitor here. ..L. D. S&tnpson of Lak« Geneva was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Jos. Buss is entertaining friends from Chicago this week. Miss Frankie Blisch of Chicago is via- iting at Li B. Leianers. Thoa. Church and Royal Gracy were Ring wood visitors Sunday. J. H. Gracy and son Merton were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan were callers here Sunday evening. IValkie Marshall of Nunda was a cal- . ler here Tuesday between trains. Miss May Ames has been out from the city spending a few days at home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson of Rich mond spent Sunday at J. H. Gracy's. Mrs. Frank Biedtke of Deering is . spending the week at Curt Knoblanch's. Chas. Karstrom and family of Grand Crossing, Chicago, are visiting at C. A. Udell's. Mr. and Mrs. Schnester of Chicago have been the guests of S. B.- Leisner V and family the past week. Herman Stolpe accompanied by his niece, Miss Alma Krohn, of Lake Gene va took in the sights in Chicago Tues day. Just About Bedtime >- talre a Little Early Riser--it will cure : , constfpation, biliousness and liver troub les. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are < different from other pills. They do not gripe and break down the mucous membranes of the stomach, liver and bowels, but cure by gently arousing the secretions and giving strength to ^ these organs. Sold by all druggsite. f * ^ HOLCOMBVILLE. Karl Peck is home from Huntley. iMrs. B. F. Peck is visiting at Spring V*1 throve. Mrs. H. McMillan spent Friday at Terra Cotta. Dave Rowson of Jennings, La., is via- ' iting relatives hesfe. Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Hunt were Nnnda callers Saturday evening. Fred Davoll and Dave Rowson were McHenry visitors Saturday. Miss Edna Colby of Barreville was a caller in this vicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan'spent Son. day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peck. Frank McMillan and Clyde Wingate ware callers in this vicinity Saturday evening. Misses Maybelle and Grace Doherty spent Thursday afternoon at Thos. Flowers. Miss Hattie Welch spent Tuesday with the Misses Maybelle and Grace Dolherty. Mrs. Ben Peck and sister. Miss May belle Smith, spent Saturday at Mrs. B. F. Peck's. Mrs. Magoon of Terra Cotta called on her daughter, Mrs. P. F. Hunt, one day last week. Miss Maybelle Smith of Lake Geneva yisited her sister, Mrs. Ben Peck, a few days last week. Earl Whiston and sister, Miss Pearl, and Miss Cora Mason attended the show 1 : at Nunda Friday evening. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and little daugh ter, Villa, spent a few days of last week With her parents near Barreville. ^ Cholera Infantum. ' This has been long regarded as one *; • ;<$-the most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants are subject. It can be cored, however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrohea Remedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. For sale by all druggists. ' WOODSTOCK. P. B. Still went to Dee Plaines Satnr- evening to attend campmeeting. • Mrs. W. H. Ship ton and children have . lieen visiting witk relatives and friends ::Y ' jjjpx Elgin the past peek. - 'Prof, and Mrs. Noble Hill of Todd ;; < ®eminary are spending part of their ,'jfv ^ation at a Michigan resort. ||iv,4.. Miss Irma Schaaf has been visiting at fhe home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. 3 , Stobert Charles at Tryon's Grove. < -yi Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Charles left last I' .^eek Thursday for a visit at the home " '«f their son, C. H. Charles, at Menomi- y" 1 feee, Mich. 'C ' * Jacob Zimmer returned last week ••••A • - from a visit with his son at Morris and ' i ijrith relatives in Chicago. Mr. Zimmer V me* gone through a very serious illness J- fhe past spring and his many friends in - ifais city and county will be pleased to fcnow that he ia gaining strength and 1 * Vigor. ^ Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wright of Chica- enjoying themselves at the sea' §$.&•" shore, having spent the past six weeks ^ v In Boston, formerly Mr. Wright's home, •nd in New York, Washington, Phila- 4 7;r "flelphia and Baltimore and enjoying a good fish dinner and plenty of sea breeze ?ftnd bathing. Mrs. Wright will be at "Woodstock on her return early in Au- I? gist and will visit her parents, Mr. and , Mrs. E. Sessions. , lli'llv Job work of all kinds neatly done at Kr*hlsafifa* -iffiTTV' kr,... / • ... llrda That^Rakei(ln«er Noises, The bellbkti, or<campanere, which is found in South America and nlso<tn Af rica, can be heard at a distance of three miles. Its note is like the tolling of a distant church bell and is uttered during the heat of the day, wfoen every other bird lias ceased to sing and na ture is hushed and silent. How the bellbird utters this deep, loud note is not known, though it is supposed that a fleshy protuberance on its head, which when inflated wit& air stands op like a horn, ia in some way the cause of it. The hornbill, a bird which is widely distributed in India, the Malay archi pelago and Africa, has also a very loud note. Its call Las been described as between the shriek of a locomotive and the bray of a donkey and can be heard a distance of about a couple of miles. The barking bird also utters a very loud note; indeed, it is impossible to distinguish it from the bark of a dog. Its English name, says Darwin, is well given, for I defy any one at first to feel certain that a small dog is not yelping somewhere in the forest. The toucan has also the same peculiarity. Tke Welsh LangvafC. The quite erroneous idea that Welsh is a language of consonants probably arises from the number of w's it con tains, according to a Welshman in the London News. "W" in Welsh is gen erally--and always between two con sonants--a pure vowel, sounded like "00" in English. Thus "cwm" is pro nounced "kootn," rhyming with "boom." What is really one of the most rrarnirk- able features about the Welsh language is the number of vowels which can come toother. In English three vow els in succession are not often met with. In Welsh it is not uncommon to find four or five--e. g., in "llywiawdwr" (governor). Here each of the five tow els "ywiaw" is pronounced separately in rapid succession. Here are four lines, consisting entirely of vowels, made by Goronwy Owen in the eight eenth century: O'i wiw wy a weuae, Ieuau o la, ai e ly? A l o a u w e p a p a w e * •'! au i w&u el"#e wywT Laugh and Be Glad. "If we cannot all have a piazza, ev ery one may feel the sun," says an Ital ian proverb which is characteristic of that patient, cheerful race. But, after all, it is the exceptional life which has not in it much of the sunshine. There is always gloom for those who wish to dwell in shadow, but an effort of the will often caiTies one out of that morbid desire into the clear er, sunnier mood. Difficulties and troubles, if bravely met, make strong men and women, but endless worry and anticipation of evil cannot fail to weaken the will and the character. Laugh and be glad now, today. If you wait till you conquer your little world, you will never laugh and be glad. It ia better to live in a castle in the air than in the dungeons we allow our low spirits and forebodings to build for ua. Tke Trajectory of a Tklac, The trajectory of a thing is the path of a bullet or anything else passing through the air from the gun to the place where it strikes. Generally the word is applied only to bullets and can non balls. In shooting at an object near at hand you aim point blank, be cause the bullet practically reaches the target before it falls at all, but when you fire at a distant object you must aim above it, so that the bullet may have room to fall and yet hit the object. The desire of every marksman is to get trajectory as flat as possible, so that the bullet shall have no need of falling- very far. A flat trajectory is obtained by increasing the speed of the bniieta, by diminishing their size and increas ing the powder charge. Tke Monkey's Reasoning Power*. The monkey's intelligence has never been able to arrive at a point which en ables that animal to achieve the unty ing of a knot. You may tie a monkey with a cord fastened with the simplest form of common knot, and unless the beast can break the string or gnaw it in two he will never get loose. To un tie the knot requires observation and reasoning power, and, though a mon key may possess both, he has neither in a sufficient degree to enable him to overcome the difficulty. King Solomon and HI* Lady iTrlende. A little girl tells what she knows about King Solomon in the following essay: "King Solomon was a man who lived ever so many years ago, and in the country in which he governed he was the whole push. King Solomon built Solomon's temple and was the fa ther of all the Masons. He had 7U0 wives and 200 lady friends, and that ia why there are so many M°n"yif ia tbs world."--Sa^hyjs ̂ Magazine. Read the want ads. WiiB. 5 i Want Column. AH advi ifist tiunts uiuh r this at tlio following Five |fim»s or rout* for thst iiiM'itum; ir> cent* for oarh MibsiMjuont Insertion. Moiv than five lint'H, ft eontn a line* for Jii*t iai*ertioii, ami .1 cfntf a ltm* for adilitl<uial Imu't ti&ns. Mr. Dryplate--I should like to take a snapshot at you, air. BeA Rube--Ditto, pard. BBM Insinuation. w 4 1 A Caller--These spoons are unique. • Nora--No, they ain't, mum. They're silver.--Cleveland Plain Dealer. .. Ckivnlry. "Kin I offer you me umberel, lady?" "But it Isn't raining." "I'm awfully sorry, but can't yer gim me a quarter fer me good intentions?" --San Francisco Examiner. Slight injuries often disable^ a man and cause several day"' loss of time and when blood poison developes, sometimes results in a loss of a hand or limb. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an antisep tic liniment. When applied to cuts, bruises and burns it causes them to heal quickly and prevents any danger of blood poison. IJor sale by all druggists. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- Cent and one-dollar siz es, You may have a sample bottle by mail Hoim. uf swamp-Root, free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer 81 Co., Binghunton, N. Y. I^OR SALE--Ton-horse power stoam engine *• tank, separator, stacker, and six-roll Milwaukee liusker with blower, all in Rood tuuuing order. Cheap, lor eaob. luquire tit his office, Sep 1 tpOJt SALE--A five room house and seven acres of land, situated <Wi the west side of the railroad tracks in West Mclleury. Also all household goods, poultry, horse, harness and new rubber-tired buKgy. Inquire of 2-4T " MRS. LAURA KYRISB. TXT"ANTED--Load of dry poplar or wtllow _* * stove wood. Will pay what it is worth. Inquire at thla office. JJtf. "CVJR SALE--A pair of yearling colts, out of * Ned Sutton's coach^norSe. Inquire of HKNBY DEGKN. F°5 SALE--Bunch of choice Heifers, including twenty Holstelns. Inquire of ". G BANG EH, West Slot F. K. GHANGER, West McHenry CAME INT(* MY ENCLOSURE JULY 28, 1903--One bright red yearling bull. Ow ner can have same by proving property and paying charges. li. L. CLEUUKS. About eighteen months ago Mr .W. S' Manning, of Albany, N. X., widely known in business circles as the repre sentative of the Albany Chemical Co. was suffering from a protracted attack of diarrhoea. "I tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," he says, "and obtained immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend this medicioe to those similarly affected," Sold by all druggists. " Chicago & North-Western. Effective June 1, 1903 Leave Chicago. 9.05 a m 3.45 am., WEEK DAT TRAIS8. NOBTHBO0ND Arrive McHenry Via Elgin..........10.10 a in Via Des I'laines.., 10.10 a in 12.30 p m..... Via Elf?in .-v.. ,2.4T> p m 3.4T> p m .'..Via Des i'laines 4.45 p m *1.20 pm Via Des Plaines.. 3.00 p m 5.01 p m Via Des Plaines 6.40 p m 8UNDAY TRAINS. ...ViaDes Plaines ..Via Des Plaines Via Elgin SOUTHBOUND. 8.00 am... 9.10 am 2.02 p m. WEEK DAT TRAINS. Leave McHenry. 47.12 a m........ Via Des Plaines.... 7.32am.... Via Elgin 8.30 a m.........Via Des Plainea.... 8.00 p m..v Via Elgin. #.17 pin. .. Via Des Plaines.... 8UNDAT TRAINS. 7.32ant Via Elgin 10.05a m 7.08 p m Via Des Plaines 6:25 p m 7.61 p m ...Via Elgin .10.15 p in •Saturdays only. tMondays only. „ 9.37 a m ...11.14 am ... 4.53 p in Arrive Chicago. .. ,8.35 a tn ...10.05 a m .. .9.35 a in ... .5.45 p in 7.50 p in American National Bank GEORGE L, MUBPHY, Pres. 7 • O. H. DONNELLY, Vice-Pres. W. C. EICHELBERGER, Cashier DIRECTORS John J. Murphy C. H. Donnelly John McManus G. L. Murphy W. C. Eichelberger Now open for business. Will receive deposits and pay as liberal interest as is consistent with safe banking WILL LOAN MONEY on personal security; and on real estate will loan sums of $500.00 to $20,000.00, time ancP^payments to suit the borrower | WOODSTOCK, - ILL. -^ALWAYS I INSIST UPON HAVING! JHE GENUINE MURRAY a LANMANS FLORIDA WATER THE MOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF.TOii-ET AND BATH. UNEQUALED EXHIBITS OF AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, LIVE STOCK, MANUFACTURES AND ART. „ ration Golden Jubilee THE BIG EVENT OF THE SEASON At Woodstock, Illinois, August 25, 26, 27, 28, 1903. FOUR GOLDEN DAYS. W. «r» certainly In the •wloi and would be pIcaMd to have you wltfe m. UNPARALLELED EDUCATIONAL ATTRACTIONS AND AMU5EAJENTS. THE BEST HOLI DAY OUTING OF THE YEAR. THE EXHIBITS will include the best of everything in the line of fine Horses, Cattle,Sheep, Hogs, Poultry, Agri cultural and Horticultural Products, Farm Machinery, Carriages, Wagons, Automobiles, Engines, Manufactures and Merchandise of the county, Dairy Products, in short A GRAND DEMONSTRATION OF THE UNEQUALED AGRI CULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES OF THE COUNTY. THE EXHIBITORS will include the smartest Men, the handsomest Women, the loveliest Babies, the sweetest School Maams and the brightest and hast School Children, all in keeping with the superior excellence and artistic as* r a n g e m e n t o f t h e E x h i b i t s . . . . THE ATTRACTIONS will include the Semi centennial Parade, School Children's Parade, Automobile Parade, Prof. Rice's wonderful troupe of performing Ponies and Dogs, a reproduction of the County State Fair Exhibits, special Butter Design of Ccw and Dairy Maid, Department of Antiquity, etc., etc. PREMIUM LISTS and full information concerning the erent of 1908 will be fnrniahed by the secretary on ap plication. ' DON'T FORGET THE DATE, AUGUST 35 to 28. FRED L. HATCH, President, Spring Grove. GEO. A. HUNT, Secretary, Hebron, ||p "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.*' j tOCMKHMHWW •• OWMWOOO--0--00*dOOOWK«H>0000--OWWOOcf ^WMM>M<K»OOOOOOOMffOO(HNNNIMaOOIKWSOOOaOOOOOOOCOOOe«9 Olbat's the There are plenty of odds and ends in every line of Summer " Goods in store after the Fourth of July.! In Drees Goods, Waists and Underwear we baye a quantity bt goods that £ ' 4 • v I will be sold out at reduced prices, ! Shoes Chat Klearl pf ' : .-V : Its the kind we handle. Have yoti ever tried a pair. There are also a few odds and ends in this line which yon should see and prfcaft, ' This does, npt tnean that we have nothing but odds. V:-Vt;b:• Hn Unbroken Cine Wi:~i is always on our Shelves. We guarantee satisfaction. Our $ eyer increasing trade is evidence that fair dealing pays. SuooeMar to S. StoffeL West McHenry. I^irBOH LANDER IMMIMMOOOOOOOMOOWKKKKHM GASOLINE STOVfS AND RANGES Just LiRe FisHinfjg ^JUILDING up a trade is just like fishing. If you have the right bait, you get the fish; if you have the right goods you get the trade. The dealer who makes money is the one who buys right goods, and right goods right. That is why wise dealers sell Crown Cottage Colors* They know it is the right paint to buy and they know they buy it right. R e a d t h e m a n u f a c t u r e r s guarantee. • . . . . < & ; ] . WB GUARANTEE That when properly applied on a surface in proper condition, • Crown Cottage Colors will give . better results than any other paint (including white lead), and in ali cases where it does not and it is •* the fault of the material used, we will do the work over again at our expense. Bradley & Vrooman Co. We have them in the most modern styles. It would require an entire page to tell a l l t h e g o o d p o i n t s o f o u r Stoves. Call ^ and see. them r i g h t n o w . i f ? e d e f y competition even with the Mail O f d e r Houses FOR SALE BY I West Side Hardware F. L. McOflBER. The Informal Dinner N eod not make you uncomfortable, particularly if you are attired prop erly. A Liondress collar and a Mac- Hurdle Shirt are the proper things to 10N BR,ND» wear when accompanied by1 the other dress accessories. "LION- BRAND" Collars.and LION BR AND Shirts, all made under one brand, fit each other. They will fit you. SHIRTWAIST Goods, ready- to-wear waists, U n d ^r w ear have recently underwent the usual price re- d u c t i o n s t o c l o s e . N e w Petticoats for Fall are in. you call. LION BRAND TRADE MARK FRONT 2 H IN. BACK IN. LIONDRESS. ANTIAQUA FINISH. PATENTED MAY 27, 190^ Look them over when West flcHenry W. C. EVANSON. 1 You Want Summer Ck"'s I WE WANT YOUR TRADE 'it " i | We will give yoti more Clothes, the better kind, a better fit, better workmanship, in fact better satis- faction in every way, for the money than you haye >j been getting if yom are dealing with other Peopte. I There are Different Kinds ol Cloffies I »i % Our's are made just as you want them. All the $ little things that please you given attention. All I alterations naade at once, without waiting to send •| the Garment .to Chicag4 9ur 01othes I Good Enough for Anybody 'i ' • ji •; Cheap Enough for Everybody SUITS $9.00 to $40.00 gAlffiS $2^40 $10.00 ' ,, V*. °Lodtz , TVlcMSlnry | *Mirr;arrTTBrrrlTgr'.Tffyr^-ttr^ Professional. Society V &nd Bvisinesss Cards D A V I P G . W E L L S , M . D . pHYSIOIAN; SUROEON AND OOUlAuT. # A Office, und residence corner Elm and Green streets, Mollenry. , fis • • • --1 1 -- "'l ;-j- fpt k * 0. H. PEGEBS, M. D. , pHYaiOIAN AND SUttGEOK. SkfcTt^sry, III. OfBce at Residence,corner Courtiuia -&>'•s- Elm streets. Telephone 333. S ̂ KNIGHT & BROWN. " A TTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 Washington f* strtjpt, Chicago, III. >, ^ *1' ------ 1----' ;; \ D. T. SMILEY. . K TTORNFEY, Connselor, SoHcitor and No t<ary Public. Will give prompt and im mediate attention to all tiusiness intrusted to Ills cure. Office in Hov's Block. Woodstock.il F. C. ROSS. IX IX H. Office over l'etesch's Drug 8^re. AL^ WOKK PKRTAININQ TO MOUKHN DRNTIMSIT Nitrous Oxld Gas for Extracting. Hours ?;30 a. m*to 5-.30 p. ui. BCTNDAT WORK BV APPOINTMENT THB »inr DSWTISX OV RAX WCST BIDB 1)R. R. CittAMBERLI^ r OflBce over ^ ^ BeSlev's I)rus Btore.. $: Hours fronr ,' a; m. to 5:30 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEOgj > (Dputacher Arzt.) ^ " &• •i&Z: It Spring Grove, illtnois. Geo. Movers General Teaming '• of all kinds. Excavating and Grading. H c H E N R Y - - - - - ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 451. n : LAHBERT Q. SENd * BUFFET Headquarters r McHenry and NcHtaff county visitors. •* ' John Scbatres, S2 l>lfth Are.. Chicapo. Bar T< H. C. MEADr - Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. "Agent for Continental Casualty Co. 'Insure wrth home agents, smooth-tongne strangers sometimes lead people astray. WiiST MCHENRY, - Jf T?, Telephone No. 393. , SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of / property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois. MABONIO. MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays In each month. S. S. JUHAI'ELU W, M. O. R. THCBLWILL. Secy. W. C. O. P. St. Patrick's Court, No. 187, W. 0. O. F.,meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. % Mas. Mas. MARY COBB. Chief Rangec. MATILDA ME VERS, Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each month, at Stof- fel's Hall, John Kimball, Oonsal. H. C. M BAD. Clerk. C. O. F. Meet First and Third Sundays pf eac^ month In Forester Hall. ANTON ENGETVN, Chief Rangap. JODN Nuiss. Recording Secretary. Louis OERTKI., Financial Secretary. - .JOHN J. HARBIAN, Treasurer. * Trustees- John Heimer, Anton Eogeln. Ben Laner. O. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 746. C. O. F. Meetings held t he Second and Fourth Monday evenings of each month in Forester Hall. " James Hughes, O. B. Walter Bolder, R. 8. .• HARPER 1 DELKiHTFUl BEVcRAOE, A SAFE STIMULANT, A GOOD MtDICIHE. For sale by All Leading Dealers CROUP Croup and Inflammatloa of th« larynx tra taatMlir nlieved and permanently cured by th» na« 01 Om Minute Coueh Cure. Thit never falllnc praacrlpttt* 9f an eminent physician was elvm the nam* ot ONB MINUTE COUGH CURE became Instant relief h«a ilways followed Its use. It takes effect at the seat 01 the trouble and acts an the Inflamed membranes in* •tead of passing wholly Into the stomach and dmtftaf ir stupefying the system. Gives relief kistantiy. CURED It destroys the disease germ, clear* the phlacm mti (raws ou* the inflammation, thus removln( the cause and curing permanently. One Minute Couch Cure Is perfectly harmless, good for children and they Bko Its MM. Prepared only by B.C. DeWitt 8c Co., CUntfe As 14m) remedy for children. Do not forcet the MM ONF. S-