Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1903, p. 7

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} "-3^; OJ?:*".»' \l: a*; > 5,3 t 1 A_ CIT¥:pRUO STORE! s^v 1 a* L-^r i j4e V 'kind of an establishment; y#k. #t K yV ' are running and handle everything usually fdnnd in a first classa City Drug Store and our price* $ v' ' *Hr® Within reach of everybody. We are also agents for BtrilV 2 Fire-proof Safes, one of the beat Safes made today and in each case give perfeet satisfaction to the purchaser. Our Soda Fountain is now pwiiiAp frVtfh nnkliA ly foil operation and we are serving the. public wi p yery fine Ice Cream and Soda Water. We sell • 'SW-** | Ringwood, II i.. J. 5. BROWN & SON. I ^-S44l Iff ^ 411 **4**3 *-£-* & •j'i Come to this Store with no more than the jibove amounts and yon can secure some useful articles. Stacks and stacks of things at 5 and 10 cej.ts each --no more. Glassware Toilet Articles Tinware - Cutlery Jewelry Oent's Furnishings Fancy Goods Candies and everjrthinK to be found in ti Notk>t% Store. (|£ *' . B A K E R Y G O O D S Fresli every day. Soft Drinks and Ice Cream iu any quantity. Nr. ffld Mrs. [mil Soyder | 1 Ostrander Block, West McHenry. ^ This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and doe s a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections.. INSURANCE ||i First Class Companies, at the Low 4»t rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers AMERICA'S | BEST | IREPUBLKAI PIPER3 Editorially Fearless. Coaalsteatly Republican. Always News from all purls of t he world. Well-written, original stories. An­ swers to queries on all subjects. Articles on Healt h, the Home, New Books and on Work About the Farm and Garden. | The Weekly Inter Ocean $ 8: THX IHTKW OCEAN is A member of the Associated Press and also 1$ the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic news service of tile New York Sun. and special cable of the New York World, be­ sides daily reports froui over 2.000 special correspondents throughout tne country. No pen can tell more fully why it is the best paper on earth. iii * * * a \I lift 1 life * i ik | Subscribe for The Piaindealer * * and the Weekly Inter Ocean one i 1 year, both papers for - - $xoo J % Twavf PAGE PAPfRS 51 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brtarful of new# from everywhere •«t a perfect (east of special natter. > > IfcHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. tjpFICE- with American National Bank Ijrood^tock.-Ill. Abstracts of title and cou- IrfcyaiH-ing. Money to loan on real estate in lims of |M0 to 110,000, time and payment to Milt L»orrower. DeWitt's Jffit Salvo i Bmrwm, JOHKSBUBGU. Dr. and Mrs. N^re went toChicago Wednesday. The.pavilion dance at Gbeo. Nell's was well attended. Geo. Nell entertained some of his friends this week. Miss Martha Niesen visited McHenry friends Wednesday. Mesdauies Frank Freund and Tony May were Piatakee Bay callers Sunday.: Mrs. Frank Freund and daughter, Effie, visited Miss Rosa Huemann Thurs­ day. An infant child of Frank Schumacher died Monday and also one of John Shil­ ling's. Mrs. Gertrude May died Sunday night after a few day's illness. The funeral was held Wednesday. Peter Adams, Frank Schmitt and Mike tfjreund drove to Kenosha Friday night and Returned Sunday. There was a quiliting party at Mrs. Mat Youngen. Those present wer<? ^ Mesdauies John P. Lay, John King, Jos. Thelen, Peter Niesen, Hubert Michels, Martin Schmitt, Castor Adams, Barbara Huewann. Miss Christina Meyer gave a pleasant party to some of her friends Friday. The following enjoyed the eyent: Misses Emma Buchner, Eva King, Christina J us ten, Martha Niesen. Eva Buemann, Clara Lay, Katie and Susie Freund and Cecelia NelL iGilbert Bros.! ' =Z FANCY (1ROCERS = SPECIAL SALE OF FANCY I TOILET SOAP Having purchased of the Manufact­ urers a large quan­ tity of fancy Toilet Soap we have made 1 lot of the entire assortment which consists of some of the best known brands of Toilet Soap always sell­ ing for 25c per box and effer it this week, your choice of 10 gross fancy T O I L E T S O A P packed 3 cakes in box at / 0 c PEti BOX BROOHS! Good 4 sewed Pto- lor Brooms ISC EACti Gilbert Bros. IV'̂ >\L' }• ^i;.I N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S R(MR J Chronicled by ovir Able Corps of Correspondents Geneva^ re- SPRING GROVF. [We have an interesting communica­ tion from a citisen of Spring Grove, in which he denies assertions made by the Wilmont Agitator. Owing to the late arrival of the letter, however, it will not be published until next week. ED. J Several from here spent the Sabbath at Round Lake. •- Another fine new residence is going up on the Hesse addition. Mrs. John Smith of Ontario, WIS., called on friends here recently. Mrs. Mary Cary and family enter­ tained several, relatives OYER Sunday. W. C. Moss and E. Y. Orvis were, business callers at Lake cently, J. M. Westlake and family were guests at R. J. Westlake % at Lake Villa Sunday. Mrs. B.. Stone and children AND Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby visited Wilmot friends Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Eaaen enter­ tained relatives FROM Kenosha several days recently. Miss ZeHa Lichty is recovering from her recent sickness and we all hope to see her out soon. * Frances James returned to his work at Hebron Sunday evening after spend­ ing some time here with his parents. Mrs. W. R. James was called to Be- loit Tuesday by the serious illness of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Joseph James. Mrs. Cora Johnson and little son of Harvard spent several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James West- lake. About sixty-five attended the Ceme­ tery Aid Society at Mrs. S. L. Orvis' last week Thursday and a very enjoy­ able afternoon was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kersting and child­ ren of Charles City, Iowa, and Mrs. Ben Stone and children of Belot, Wis., are guests of Mr. and Mrs..R. A. Oxtoby. •11 VOLOI ^ A.J. Raymond returned home from Dakota Saturday. Mrs. Schultz and children of Lake Forest are visiting at Joseph Vogt'S Miss Mary Walton speut a few days of the past week with friends at Slocum Lake, Misses Myrtle and Avis Payne of Ivan- hoe called on friends in this vicinity Saturday. Miss Scofield of Spring Grove was the guest of Mrs. John Myer one day the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Kemerling of Chicago visited at A. J. Raymond's the. latter part of the week. Mr, Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Stam, Mr. and Mrs. Doherty of Chicago spent this week at Geo. Rosing'S. Mrs. George Benwell and Irene Hor- ton visited friends and relatives in Chi­ cago the last af the week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hertel and child- n and Frances Rosing of Fremont Sundayed at John Rosings. Clara Rosing entertained several of her girl friends Thursday afternooq in honor of her eighth birthday. There will be an ice cream social in John Richardson's hall Wednesday evening, August 5. A cordial invitation is extended to all. RIDOEF1CXU. F. Hudson was in Nunda Friday. Mrs. R. L. Dufield was in Nunda Fri­ day. Miss Cora Ward was in Woodstock Friday. Floyd and Ben Thayer were in Wood­ stock Saturday. ' Mrs. C. M. Keeler and son were RA Chicago Tnesday. 1 C. M. Keeler and son were in Nanda on business Tuesday. Miss Dora Hudson is visiting relatives at McHenry and Ringwood. Mrs. Addie Kiiuball and son visited relatives at McHenry last week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mad- alene were in Harvard Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ogbin of Nunda called on friends here the fore part of the week. Miss Lola Lynch visited her sister, Mrs. E. W. Merchant, at Woodstock Satuiday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Westerinan and daughter visited their soil and brother Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thayer and daugh­ ter of Greenwood visited a't £. B. Smith's Sunday. Mrs. Delaney of Patk Ridge visited with Mrs. J. B. Lynch Monday, Tues­ day and Wednesday. O Bmrath* Sigaatus T O R I A . i The Kind You llava Always MNC LOUNAWAWAJA Hair Splits "I have used Ayer's H sir Vigor for thirty years. It is elegant for a hair dressing and for keeping the hair from splitting at the ends."-- J. A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, 111. Hair-splitting splits friendships. If tne hair­ splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of your head is a friend. Ayer's Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. SI.00 • bottle. All drngrlate. If your drupgi lend us one dolla ist cannot supply you, ar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure ami ^rive the name ot yoor nearest exiiress ottice. Address, J. C. AYKR CO., Lowell, Mass. RIKJGWOOD. •'* Jas. Oneway was an Elgin visitor Sunday. ; i " Geo. Havens transacted business here Tuesday. Emery Kimball of McHenry attended church here Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Criaty was here on busi­ ness during the week. G. H. Spaulding of Chicago was here on business last Week. B. B. Dixon of Gurnee called on friends here last Saturday. L. W hiting and Del Bacon spent Sun­ day with friends in Chicago/) Mr. and Mrs. G. Bennett are visiting at the home of their son here. W. E. Bradley and son, Karl, are spending a few weeks in the East Miss Maud Abbott of Ostend spent Thursday afternoon with friends here. Mr. and Mrs, W. Longheridge have been entertaining friends from the city. Mr. aad Mrs. F. Temple of Hinsdale are being entertained at the home of J. W, Criaty. Rev. M. A. Frost, Congregational minister at Auburn Park, preached here last Sabbath. Mrs. H. E. Skinner of Kansas City is spending a few days with her brother, K. P. Scribner. Mrs. M. A. Dodge and grandson, Ed­ mund Randall, are spending a few days with friends in Elgin. * Carroll and Harry Cristy and WM. Kelley attended the ball game at Wood­ stock last Saturday afternoon. Russell Bennett, who had the misfor­ tune to get some lime into his eye re­ cently, is now able to^ase the eye a little and in time will be all right again. The W. C. T. U. will hold a "Mothers Meeting" with Mrs. H. P. Buckland Saturday afternoon, August 1. Supper will be served. Prices 10 and 15 cents. Ail invited. The Ladies Aid will meet at the church next Friday afternoon, July 81. All IRE invited to meet with them as there is considerable work to be done. Lunch will be served. The Fourth Quarterly Cbnference of this district was held at the McHenry M. E. church Tuesday and Presiding Elder will preach in the M. E. church here August 9 at the usual hour. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Harrison are re­ joicing over the arrival of a baby girl. The young lady and her mother will have the pleasure of celebrating their birth together as both chose July 26 for their birthdays. KMERALD PARK. K. Burns returned to Chicago Tuesday. Chris Bremer and friend Sundayed at Oak Villa. Margaret Sutton Started Monday for a trip through the East. John R. Knox called on friends at Griswold lake Sunday evening. Have^you noticed it? Chas. Cohan has arrived at last with his automobile. . Ed J Farrell of Chicago is spending a week's vacation with relatives at the Park. Miss Emily and Anna Cohan and fath­ er, E^ J. Cohan, of Chicago spent Sun­ day with folks here. Ed Larkin of Elgin visited Stinday with his wite and family who are spend­ ing the summer here. Paul Armstrong, who is spending this week with his family, made a business trip to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and daugh* ter, Ellen of McHenry visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday afternoon. The "Hsllen" made an excursion trip to Cary Saturday. It was a fine day and all on board enjoyed the ride. Dr. Riley and brother and Mr. Robin­ son of Chicago enjoyed a day's outing at the Birkercher cottage Sunday. Misses C«lia and Mable Powers of El­ gin visited at R. J. Sutton's over Sun­ day. The latter will spend a few weeks with relatives in this vicinity. The Emerald Park base ball team I# mourning the loss of one of its best play­ ers. Wm. E. Heany was compelled to withdraw owing to serious heart trouble The McHenry boys went up against "IT" last Sunday and as a result their percentage was lowered. The field and team work on both sides was good, but the Emeralds had a heavier and super­ ior battery which accounts for their vic­ tory. A feature of the game was Walsh's base running, securing four runs from five times at bat. The final score was B to 4. The Park boys, who have a good standing now, having won five ont of six games, have decided to take an oif day next Sunday for ah outing at Pisiakee Bay. O A . S T O R X A . Bear* the /fThe K'nd Have Always Bo«tt BAKKKV1LLE. Miss Edna punter spent Saturday and Sunday with Mies Nellie Griswold. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter and daughter, Edna, spent Thursday afternoon at Thos. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Merchant of Ringwood spent Wednesday afternoon at Thos. Thompson's. Mr . Dixon and Miss Kate Howe of McHenry were making calls in this Vi- •ftnity Thursday afternoon. A. C. Matthews and daughter, Emma, of McHenry were making calls in this vicinity Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. T. L. Flanders and little daugh­ ter, Villa, of Holcouibville and Miss Edna Colby called on Miss Clara Thomp­ son Wednesday afternoon. Messrs. John Hunter and Morris Jen­ sen and Misaea CLAR^ THOMPSON, EDNA Hunter and Nellie Griswold attended a picnic at Crystal Lake Sunday. O Bean the fttgnatnx* Don't wait until the flies are as * thick as thieves" before giving the hor­ ses some protection, Purchase enough Fly Nets for all animals now, and when the winged pest becomes troublesome, yon are ready. Good Nets aife as cheap to-day as they'll be any time during the season. Cotton Mesh Nets Leather Buggy Nets Cord Team Nets Leather Team Nets Burlap Fly Covet* 69c emch $*•75 each $2.15 pair I5.50 pair 33c each '.:'r T McHenry, HI. Gus Carlson. •fe TORIAi ilhe Kind You Hate Always Bough SOLON. Mrs. B. Brown is a Chicago visitor this week. Clair Merrell of Elgin is visiting HIS uncle, J. Merrell. Geo. Bresee of Rockfon} wafc" here on business last week. Mrs. Nellie Phillips is recovering slowly from her sickness. ; Mrs. Will Cornish and daughter weire trading at McHenry recently. Mr. and Mrs. WM. Canipbell were visitors at Round Lake Sunday. Geo. Vogel took first money at Otta­ wa with his fast horse--time 2:14J. Mrs. Nellie Armstrong and Mrs. Wil­ liams were in our village last week. Mrs. Emma Isabell of Wisconsion is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Davis. Henry Merrell and wife of Elgin are visitors at the home of John Merrell. W. D. Monear visited his sister, Mrs.- T. TeUows at Genoa Junction last week. Harry Osmond made a business trip to DES Plaines and Grayslake recently. Mrs. Geo. Westlake served ice cream to a large gathering Saturday evening. Geo. Frey and family and the Misses Hodges were Lake Geneva visitors Sun­ day. Mrs. Emma Hawthorne has gone to Minnesota for a rest anil change of scenery. Everybody is invited to come to the 10c play next Tuesday and hear a good program. Miss Hattie Westlake was the guest Miss Allie Simes at McHenry a few days this week. One of Clyde, Sanborn'F horses was stolen last week. The thieves were captured. Mrs. Denis will move her household effects to Woodstock, having rented rooms there. 11 Walter Aylward is looking for work on a farm as he has given np his posi­ tion in the city. Mesdames Geo. Coates and Edwin Brown have been attending camp meet­ ing at Des Plaines. Lawyer Barnes and wife of Wood­ stock made a flying trip through here in their automobile last week. Wm. Sherman and Nason Osmond have done credit to themselves as well as pleased the people by the fine appear­ ance they have given the factory. Miss Marie Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dilly and daughter of Grenols, Kan., are visiting with the latter'S pat­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Johonnot. Some of our young men will ask the question, when the chilly blasts of win­ ter approaches, "What has become of my summer's wages?" The answer will be, "The blind big got it and his eyesight is so poor be can't see to give it back. Little Willie Westmont bravely'stood up and let Dr. Brenkeu remove three or or four pieces of skin from his arm, which were grafted onto his brother. Oscar's, arm. The patient is doing nicely under the doctor's care. 1 A porch entertainment, contesting of band music, songs, recitations, etc., will BE given at the home of Mrs. K. B. Gardner, Tuesday evening, August 4. Proceeds for the Cemetery Aid Society and the Church Aid Society. Tickets 5c and 10c. Thej-e was a happy reunion at the home of Mrs. Wm. Davis this week. Oat of a family of seven sisters Bix were present , some o f whom had no t met i n thirty years. The seventh sister could not be present on account of sickness, but may come later. It was indeed a joyous event. The Growth of the Acorn. The acorn is the fruit of the oak. The seed germ is a very small object at the pointed end of the acorn, with the future root uppermost. The acorn drops, and its contents doubtless un­ dergo important molecular and chem­ ical changes while it lies under winter covering of leaves or snow. In the mild warmth of spring the acorn swells, the little root elongates, emerges from the end of the shell and, no mat­ ter what the position of the acorn, turns downward. The root penetrates the soil two or three Inches before the stalk begins to show itself and grow upward. * The "meat" of the acorn nourishes both root and stalk, and two years may pass before its store of food is entirely exhausted. At the end of a year the young oak has a root twelve to eighteen inches long, VI|TH numerous shorter rootlets, the stalk being from six to eight inches high. In this stage it differs from the tree. TO watch these transformations under the lens is a fascinating occupa­ tion. A Scriptural Illustration. The Bible says people didn't go to John the Baptist's Revival to see the bull rushes or the cut of the preacher's clothes; there was something else. And, by the same token, there's a reason why so many people from all parts of the coantry around, came to Dundee to do their trading. It ,is because we refund car fare and they save money on.their goods. See these prices: Ladies' 50c Shirt Waists 25c; Fancy Lawn Suits, 87c; Men's Fast Black Socks 7C; Ladies' White Lawn Dressing Sacks 49C; light Percales 25c; Boys' 22 cal. Rifles $1.49; Ladies Fancy Lace Collars 19 and 25c; Crash Skirts 25c; All Wool Unlined Skirts $1.29 and F 1.98; Fancy Embroid­ ered Face Veils 13c; Best Calicoes 4c yd; Lawns 8ic; Remnants of Heavy Overall Cloth 8C; Bed Ticking Remnants 6c; Boytf S-inmer Suits 89 and 49c; Child­ ren's Summer Jackets 49c; All Linen Toweling 6}C yd; Men's Heavy White Overalls 25c; Special Working or Sun­ day Shirts (either kind) 2 for 75E; Men's $1.00 Working Pants 79c; Flounce Cut Wrappers 49c; 10c Children's Hose 7c; Whole Suit Men's Underwear (Drawers with double seat) 88c; Men's Strictly All Wool Worsted Suits, light colors, closing out at $5.00; Ladies' Undervests 5c; 300 Corset Samples--choice 25c; Good Sum­ mer Blankets 45c pair. To customers who come from MsHenry, trade $10.00 and show round trip R. R. Ticket, we refund full car fare both ways. * C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me contin­ uously," writes F. A. Gulledge, Ver­ bena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles, causing 24 tumors. When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Equally good for Burns and all aches and pains. Only 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley'S, West McHenry, drug stores. MBS. CECELIA STOWE, Orator, Entre Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc­ tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wino of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With- in eighteen weeka I was another being. Mrs. Stowe'S letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardni cures that sick­ ness and brings health and happi­ ness again. Do not go on suffer­ ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a f 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Important Decision Low«R Insurance Rates to Given to Persons who do ... »Ot Drink Alcol»oI|(t^|^;(5S> Liquors By a reoent decision of one of the larg­ est insurance compaaSes of the United States, lower rates are to be given those persons who do not indulge In the o*e of any intoxicating liquors. This is j uat, for statistics from all sources show that the use of alcoholio drinks always predis­ poses to kidney troubles, and Brightfr Disease, Diabetes and all other fatal kid­ ney diseases are far more frequent among drinkers of beer and alcoholio beverages than among those who do not Indulge in them. In a recent address before the Senate of the United States, Hon. J. H. Gallinger, Senator from New Hampshire, gave the results of most thorough investigations made to ascertain the effects of beer drink* ing upon the health and life of individ­ uals. He showed conclusively that almoal all cases of Bright's Disease were caused by beer drinking and that other fatal kid­ ney troubles had the same origin as a rale. As probably a large majority of drink beer it becomes a matter of concern to know the best way of overcom­ ing its effects upon the kidneys. There b nothing that will so quickly make the kid* neys right iu these cases as FOLEY'S Km. NX v CURE. If taken early it will cure every form of kidney trouble and even in hope* less cases It will give relief. It is an 1MMI> est preparation and can be relied upoe te do all that is claimed for it» ^ N. H. PETESCH "A M ?! "Ml V. CHARLES 4 fRETT Wholesale and nU& dealer In 1§M I M la the Market * For Beef Veal nuttta Hogs and Poultry aivfrSM • call ' i sM v si- ' * < * J '•H1 Smoked Meatsfliisi{e McHenry - Illinois , \ Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's New Discovery ForQ MSCMPTIOSI u-OUGH8 UD D/JIT, M nl.iui A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial BottlMftMi ji": Disease takes no summer vacation. If you need ftatt and strength tog ^ ^ Scott's Emulsion summer as in winter. Sand for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, CI 409413 Pearl Street, New York. joc.ud|iA>; all druggists. m P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSlON SPECIAL ATTENTION QXYXN TO THE* 8AUE OJV i' ' • ;"-df'/-"I'fsit'4.!"'- Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry* 1 ^ Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished < on '•& application. . "--N ̂ COLD STORAGE FREE Wholesale^ Market. «• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.' Varicocele ̂Ourwiin 3 Bay* Hydroceie\~ VARICOCELE rapullv disappears. Pain The gtafna ; v:uush*,»aiiii > tuid in lt» s.u.»4 . fiit thia liuiditta« dUaaat 1 ia>< iXl is driven Jri.m the dilated Teins an J *11 r,g subsides. Every indication of Virieooda s the pleasure* of portent h(atth _ j cure to stav cured, Contagious Blood l'oisou, Kitto^y^a>4 ^ ItUdtirr Troubles, Nervous liability, aud allied UWMM My methods of treatment aiivi cure are 01 i^mal *ith me and COIOl obtained elsewhere. 1 make no experiments. AILI Uvko 1 GVfe Certainty of Cure lauu rail tee to cure ;o««ir2Slri your monev. IW* What 1 have done for others I i-au do for TTh. Kutor8p«i»l«tof Chi<^o. whoW cluJkr(.,, for a permuiu nt cure will b* ro»so«iab*« Cures Varicocele, established 18S0. MI1 n,,,*..* than vnn will tui willing tit na¥ fnr h^QcfiiA H. J. TIIXOTSON, M.D. coreic Established lsso. 110 lm)rt, thiuToo will be willing to pa; for benefit* eon- (Co.-tiuuum,.) ferrt'tl. 1 CAN CURE YOU at llouie. Iilninn i ii »n ftlMiu m/Iii § Write me your condition fully and you 1 WwlVWo^OfllVOilve re-evtv* in plain envelope a scieatlOe • honest opinion of your case, I'KKK of Charge. My huuw treatment U sueccwfuL My boeka aad lectures mailed KKKK upon application. H. J. TILLOTSON, M. !>., 500 Tillotsoa Bididisf. *4 Dearborn Street CHICA00. ~HTT • SRFK:'¥.F

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