Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Aug 1903, p. 9

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« ; - D A N C E O N A W O A R . Iwquisftlve Lobster the Cause1 of Much •' Trouble. . V *, "The woman had smvggfed -a pet : Bfeye terrier into an 'tL" car, and' (rSlipped the animal under;® cross seat, ! •here it went asleep. Presently a gban carrying a small "basket came in snd sat beside her. He-also stowed fcis burden [under the seat. Ten min­ utes later the woman began to wrig- She shook out ?her skirts and laid in an audible whfeper, "Don't be *lde, Fido." Presently she turned <*ale, and, jerking the -Chain by which #he held the dog erted, *Lie down, •Yidb! Behave yourself, sir!" Then •he* jumped up aiid ! began a war 'dance, striking at her skirts all the -time. The man stared In amazement nritil an idea struck him. Reaching; binder the seat for :his^ basket, he: looked inside it, and a> great light of} 'Intelligence overspread 'his counte-. , »ance. ^ "Madam," said he without moving; *n eyelash, "when you have quite fin-« Cshed with my lobster wilL you kindly Teturn It to. met** The Jaws of the lobster were wrenched apart, wtiHe fche woman.; blushed and the other-passengers tit­ tered.--New York Press. /<A Marvelous Accomplishment. r^A noted New York chef, In speaking •n the subject a few ti&ys ago, said: "Did you ever stop' to think what tt mearts to serve frem fifty to 125 people a meal in a dicing car? The necessarily small apace in which the meal must be prepared,* the rapid man­ ner in which it must - be served, the fact that all the time the train is run­ ning at a high rate of speed, and that tbe diners are moving >in and out of the dining car, in the very limited space allotted for the waiters to serve' tbe meal, all add materially* to the dif­ ficulty of the situation. "In looking over a dinner menu ki use on the New York Central's Twen­ tieth Century Limited, I was surprised to find that this dinner -would cost, at any first class hotel in.New York, between $4 and $5. Of eourse, all of the -dishes on the menu would not likely be ordered by any «one person, but the fact that each patron i has the entire menu to order from is the foun­ dation for my estimate of what tbe dinner would cost in New York. "Among the dishes served on the day I •exatirined the menu were green turtle soup, shad, fresh mushrooms), spring lamb, teal duck, fresh toma­ toes, strawberry shortcake, etc., etc." --From the Brooklyn Standard tUnion. Washington dispatch: The Unified -States beats the world la goowth of population, according to a discussion of the increase as shown by the- fig­ ures of the last census. This distrus- sion is published, as a bulletin, by the census bureau. A general summary of the principal results of the study >set forth in the bulletin shows .the follow­ ing facts: ^ The increase in the population of continental United States; that is, the United States, exclusive of Alaska and .the recent insular accessions,- was 13,- • 046,861, or 20.7 per cent, thily one -country, Argentina, has shown, by the raioet recent figures a more JSftpia rate jof growth. The present rate of growth In con­ tinental United States Is estimated as double the average rate of Europe. It (Insist on Getting It. Bom* grocers say they don't Irscp *D#- flance Starch. :Tbia is because tb©y<have a stock on hand, of other brands containing only 12 oe. in >a package, which they won't be able to sell ni>t, because Defiance con­ tains 10 oz.^for.the fame money. Do you want l&oz. instead of 12 ,oz. tor same money ? Then buy Defiance £tarch. kequirm nomoakiag. Facts .and Figures. Tom--"I fcad my fortune told the ' other day and my fiancee broke oft the engagement." Jack--"Why, is-she a believer 4n >such nonsense*!" Tom--"Nonsense nothing! It was • told her by a aneroaatUe agency.** (Lewis'" Single .Binder "straight 5cclear, made of ripe, mellow tobacco, so ricn-in i Quality that many who'farmerly smoked wo cigars now smoke Lewis' "Singto •Hinder." Lewis' Factory. Peoria, 111. * 'Tfce conditions vf conquest are al­ ways easy. We have tout to LoM jiwhWe, believe always and never turn baeiu--Simms. UNITED SUITES increase of 20.7 In Popular tion Is Shown by Census Bureau Report EXCEEDS ALL OTHER NOTIONS Western Portion of Contineiltiit Bfe- ing Settled Faster Than Tbe Ea:»t- • ern Section, Though All Parts Shew •an Even, Steady Advance. west of the Mississippi increased in the later decade not much more than half as fast as it drd In the earlier. The conclusion is drawn'that the in­ creased growth of'the East and the decreased growth *f the West may, both be connected "with a probable de­ cline ia tbe-xrurreat of westward mi-: gratkm. The rates increase in the North and the South during the last twenty years were practically the same. Btrt In the character of this growth the two regions differ wMely, there, being a relatively -mftform growth over the whefle Scrath, equalized by a balance in the North' between a lower rate <4i rural growth aifc a higher rate nrbaa growth. Decline inXorn 'Region. Extensive but sparsely settled areas in the -western parts of Kansas, Ne­ braska and South' Dakota show a de­ cline of population in the last tec years, a fact -iHrich, it is said, may be connected with the increase oi population in-many agricultural conn- ties of Iowa, Illinois and adjoining states, T890 to" 1900, after losing popu­ lation during the-preceding ten years. Between 1890-tmd 1900 the per cent of increase in "the population of all cities having at least 2,500 inhabitants was only aboutvrwo-thirds of what 4t wis twtween 1880 and 1890. The In­ crease In the aggregate population liv­ ing otftside <df 'suCfc cities was approx­ imately the samefior the two de^adee The most noteworthy of the entire discussion, It is stated, Is the cumula­ tive evidence Of the rapid approach to equality in the • roles of increase varkms parts Of the United States. Hits appears whether North be corn­ er: CT 2D th cvnnifn/RATt T M I &r TH£ YUH rttflHl many \\(WU W1NT 0.QWIS JtH THt Design suggested for a new wwmment tin Wall «treet Defiance 8t«roti ^kouM/Ve In every household, note so good, fbesides -4 oz. more for 10 centK than any •other brand of cold water starch. Good .tnanners and «ood morals are «worn friends and fast .allies.--Bartol. It Cures Colda,C«ash8. Sow Throat, Croup, Infta- enza, Wlioopiog Cough, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption In first •nd a sure relief 111 advanced,stages. Use at once. You will «ee the excellent effect after taking the llrat dose. Hold by dea'ers ^erywhere. Ltfgl bottle* 26 cent* and 60 centa AOKfiTS. 'work Just out; a Blmple bnsfr iMss, balance record foe nif tr hunts and business men. At ustler can mate $100 to $200 per month. Addresi WtlUi stamp, W. 8. W1DEEFJBLT, Florence, Colo. MPST MARVELOUS tbl«j{ la th« world for Positively millions will be sold. pig profits. £etkd£3 cents for particulars and mailing expeutte An sample. Northern Novelty Co., Billings, Montana. WANTED--TRAVELING SALESMAN In this county. Our tn^n ere making from $74 to $160 • month Belling oar Household and Stock Remedies •nd Flavoring Extracts direct to consumers. Ex- eloMvo territory. Oooda are furnished ou credit. NO CASH OUTLAY. Pleasant, profitable, lifelong poaltlons. Ko experience nece«»ary; we teach you. Write for Information. Don't delay. Incorporated. THE •. D. CONFER MEDICAL COMPANY, ORANGEVILLE, ILL. THIS MORRIS CHAIR will be sent toroo «»e|r forsellluK or u.-luu «10 worth of our ' • "fc" lea. Coffees, Splues and E»ir»cU«,i or Boaps. Perfumes and Toilet Articles./ Th|s clialr Is full size, oak or 111a-, kogttny flulRb, reversible Telour castihinx. hair filled; bra*n ratchet, •djustalile to 4 piwltlons; substan­ tial; a beauty. Catalog of valuable Sremlums mailed free. Write to »f. A u»eful »W premium easily earned. Bishop Tea ft Spice Co., Station H, 167, Phila- ants driven AWAY vith WATSON'S A N T - S U G A R Tbts Is a powder, not a poison, and r.'.ay l>e safely •prinkled wherever you find ants, und tliey win 4nick 1 v vacate. Fleasant aad KffMttT*. JTnce Ho, •Mtpald or at drurrista', TKE BRISTOL DRUG CO.,94 Main St,A>aomla,Ooam. \ZJMUMFEB3BFtj» In time. Sold by dranlata. •Mi-iri-rjiftjaMsi is nearty double that of Canada, and ,«xceeds by one-«ixth th*t of Mexico sand by one-tenth that of Australia. -Haw Growth Is Distributed. "The rates of Hi crease on the two of .the northern Atlantic differ nttveh less than they did a generation a««u Among the &ve main 'divisions of (Continental United States tibe high­ est (tate of .increase is found -in the western division, and the lowest ih the nxxrth .centrat Among the eleven minor divisions the highest rate of growth lis fouad in the Rocky moun­ tain group of atates, closely followed by the western &outh central; the tew est in the northern So*.th Atlantic closely foiSowed by the western north central. In the <keade 1J»0 to 1900, for the first time in the national history, the Southern increased faster than the Northern. East of the Mississip­ pi river, however, the Norther® states have grown somewhat more rapidly than the Southern; but West of that river the Southern states have in­ creased almost two and one-half times as rapidly as the Northern, and it is this fact which makes the growth of the South as a whole exceed that of the North. Increase Is 8teady. In the North Atlantic division the rate of increase has risen steadily since the civil war, a notable contrast to ths trend in the country as a whole. The region west of the Mis­ sissippi river is still increasing faster than east of It, but the difference be­ tween the rates of growth in the two regions, 1890 to 1900, was little more than one-fifth of «rhat it was 18S0 to 1890. 4 The region east of the Mississippi increased more rapidly from 1890 to 1900 than from 1880 to 1S90, while that To Pitch for Cleveland. Rockford, 111., special: Pitcher Eld Killain of the Rockford team has been sold 4o the Cleveland American league team and will report immediately. Kil­ lain is a leading southpaw twirler of the Three-I league. pared with South, East with West, or cit}' with country. 6£ATO MAN AND GOES TO SLEEP James Sanders Kills a Bartender, Then • Home and to Bed. Keyesjport, 111., special: James San­ ders shot and killed William Grotts, a bartender in the saloon conducted by H. J. Ragland. The only. witjrasffMn the deed was the proprietor of the place. Sanders started a quarrel and Grotts pet him out. Sanders returned in a short time with a double-harreled shotgun and conversed with the pro­ prietor for a few minutes. sud­ denly jumped to his feet and shot Grotts in the breast twiee. The bar­ tender picked up a revolver, fired one shot, which missed Sanders, then died without uttering a word. The mur­ derer walked to his home unmolested. Sheriff William Ragen arrived from Carjyle two hours after the killing. He found Sanders asleep, placed him un­ der arrest and took him to Carlyle. FINDS FIRST WIFE IS MURDERED Fuel and Iron Offices. Pueblo, Colo., dispatch: Advices from Denver confirm the announce­ ment that the general offices of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company will be ordered moved to Pueblo. Holdups Rife In St. LquIs. 8t Louis, Mo., dispatch: The epi­ demic of holdups and burglaries con­ tinues unabated. Two men attempted to hold up Clyde O. Dawson and three men were wounded in the shooting which followed. Girl Gold-Beaters. New York dispatch: The annual convention of the Gold Beaters' Union has opened here. The question of the employment of girls in gold-beating kg discussed at length Rev. Sarmiel A. Mason of Cairo Visits Old . Home at Elgin. Elgin, 111., special: Rev. Samuel A Mason of Cairo, 111., and formerly of this city, who has been mourned as dead, returned to this city in search of his first wife and daughter. He found his daughter at the home of her grandfather, Charles Harding, but she did not know him. Mrs. Mason had been murdered by Harry Ford several weeks ago. The shock he sustained on receiving the news almost unnerved Mason. Mason admitted he had mar­ ried shortly after securing a divorce from his first wife and that he came here to see his child. Navy Will Advertise. Washington dispatch: To expedite the work of recruiting the navy de­ partment will authorize pasting addi­ tional posters in various parts of the country and advertising extensively in the newspapers. Former Banker Is Bankrupt. Tyler, Texas, dispatch: H. H. Row­ land of this place, formerly president of the old First National Bank, hai filed a voluntary petition in bank­ ruptcy. Liabilities, $440,000. President to Decide. Senator Spooner, whose name th% canal bill carries, says the situation is now in the president's hands, since the law provides for negotiating a Nlc- araguan route in event of failure in the Panama deal. Big Dividend on Copper. Boston special: A dividend of $10 a share has been declared by the Calu­ met & Hecla Mining company. Ths amount of $82,350,000 has been paid qb a capital of $2,500,000. May Arbitrate Their Disputes. It is generally believed that Eng­ land and France are on the point of reaching an agreement providing for the arbitration of differences inde­ pendently of The Hague tribunal. Such an "agreement would be no disparage­ ment whatever to that court of'arbitra­ tion, but rather an acknowledgement of its powerful influence in promoting the peace of the world. With Tht Haghe court ready for "business, the great nations will find it'more difficult than ever to go to war. Akk Your Dealer for Allen's TooVEase. A powder to shake into your shoes. It rests the feet. Cures Swollen, Sore, Hot,-Callous, Aching, Sweating feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new or tight Shoes easy. Sold by all Druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, -Le Hog:, N. Y. Patti's Husband a Magistrate. Patti's husband, Baron Cederstrom, has been appointed a justice of the peace in the county of Brecon, Wales. FREE PROOF FORBIDS DOUBT. Oilxu, August 3,1903.--" I received jour sample of Doan's Kldner Pills and since have taken two boxes, aad I can truthfully ear that they are as cood as they are recommended to be. When I began taking them I could nut bend my back enough to pick up a stick of wood--sometimes coald not walk or move my feet--had two doctors but did not get relief. I saw your ad. and got a trial box and have taken two besides. and I am able to do a very hard day's work. Doan's Kidney Pills are a Godsend to humanity."--Mra. Ella ' M .a. Tret ox,-Gaines, Pa., Box 186. Tht great fame of Dosn'c Kidney nil* ia won toy the wondrous power at the free trial to demonstrate Mrprtaiaff merit. The Best Results in Starching can be obtained only by-u§ing jDefianc© (Starch, besiden getting 4 oz. wSro for «acae money--no cooking required. • man of integrity will never listen to any plea a£&inst -conscience.-- Home. When You Buy Starch boy Defiance and get the best,.l&oo.ifarl0 eauts. Once used, always used. He who spares the evil injures the good--De Maritus. Iowa Farms $4 Per Acre 'Cash, balance H crop till paid. MUI.HAU,, Slum City la. All real success is in making one's way. Acbhtg backs are ea<ed. Hip, 'back and loin pains overacaoe. Swelling et the limbs, d-ropay sIkos, and rheumatic pains vanish. Tht;y correct urine with brick daat sediment, high colored, fain in passing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Poan's Kidney I'll Is remove calculi and jraFel. Relievo tie art palpitation, B'iCpplesmieps, headache, inervousness, dizziness. Doan's Kidney Pills rmti %o CIHTS. Cn*--* For free trial bot, mall this coopoa to Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. if abovs space is insufficient write addxeaa on sep» rate BlipL (rAicsnuBe, lit." March 81, 190o_--•• The sample of Doan's Kidney l'llls came to hand. I also got one SO-cent box from our druggist, and I am thankful to say tbe pain serosa tbe small of my back disappeared like a snow bank In bot sun. Doan's Pills reach Uie spot." biui Wum. CiWRRt/t, Wro.--" Prerlons to taking tba sample of Doan's Kidney Pills 1 could scamcly hold my urine. Now I can sleep ail night and rarely have to get up, and that aching across my back, a little above mf hips, U gone." Isaao W. BTFVENS , Cambria, Wyu WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS thatf ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TARE TRIAL BOTTLC lO CENTS. KKATsKaTATR. C j»l£*__Tmprovf*t! farm 321* acrtn.lwft. a VI OQIC story frame bonne; fenced; flxty miles west Fort Worth on raHi-oad. thirty heart Fradpd Hereford cattle; res;|,»tertd bull. Price $7,500; one-fourth casb, balance to Address T. *. THAJfNISCH, Horti Fart Worth, Texas. Stock ana Grain Farm for sale, c- nattilng S5& acres, lor-ated'n Emmet C Iowa. All fenced; 3JO acres tilled: 14-room hou«e; two barns; stock sheds; cribs. A gond well and wind-mill; writer piped to all lots and house. Liberal tcm:s arranged. Address owner, W. Q. HPTCHXHG3, Graeticger, Iowa. 100 CORN FARMS MADDEN ft WISTERMAS. Continental, OW®, FOR SALE tlio citvlof br»>klvn. N. Y. A nt» for cash. FULLER, SW, 825 Dearborn. -- ' rulciiy bxrated re-ddenec lot !»• A map- Chie«c«» I PAY SPOT CASH FOR MILITARY BOUNTY issued to soldiers of any war. Write me at onea. FRANK II. K! IS art h 111 "<.k, Denver. Colo. Land Warrants A FREE TRIP TO SOUTH DAKOTA Y to buyers of Northwestern Land Co., Mitchell, 8. D. Deal direct, with own- •• ers and save »1 (o t5 an acr-?, middleman's- <; i.nmlsfilon. SO.Otnj acres choice lsad in j CQBN BELT. S3 t.i$40. Farmers have grorwa wealthy on the'-e landf. Why pay to aa- acre oi use »t*J to (125 land when land C'wtlne less than one third will produce as rnacb Full particulars for the asking. Write to-day,) C«n9ral South Dakota Farm Lands and Stock Ranehss arte^-in and natural r:is bolt re si on and tributary to the Capital of the State. HoU a deep black :«aai . and unexceiled In iju&'.Iiy- Splendid netlve grasses and corn, wheat and oats sucresafullv prown. South- Dakota will again maintain this year her high generaiv crop sr«r*». Choice lands for sale at price* ran sin#;' from $8.00 to $16.00 per acre. N" > beft>.r ftefd f< r In­ vestment than the low priced lands of Central Dakota. Established ISM. WILLIAM W. WAITB, : dealer In Western Farm Lands, Blunt, South D.iaobk . EDUCATIONAL Tlt£ UNIVERSITY OF NGTRE OAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Pt'LL COURSES IN Classics. Letters, bio­ nomics and history. Journalism, Art, Science, Pharmacy, Law, Civil, Atechanical and Elec­ trical Engineering, Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Rooms Free to all students who have com­ pleted the studies required for admission into the Sophomore. Junior or Senior Year of any of the Collegiate Courses. Rooms to Rent, moderate charge to students over seTeatean preparing for Collegiate Courses. A limited .number of Candidates for the Eocle* siasticai s ate wi.ll be received at special rates. St. Edward's Hall, for bovs under 13 years, is oniqnc in the oonxnleieuess of its equipment. The 60th Vers will open September 8, S903. Catalogues I rce. Address P. O. Box 247. REV. A. MORRISSEY, C. S. C., President. RED RIVER VALLEY FARMS FOR SALE AND TO RENT. I hare over 200 of the finest farms in the RED RIVER VALLEY of North Dakota and Minnesota, for sale or rent, of all sizes ftom 1W) acres to 2 tXK) acres to each farm, with tine buildings. Most of these farms are located alone streams, having all the way from 11 to 50 acres of hne timber. They ate all near to railroad towns. Most of them are located in Cass, Traill and Steele Counties. North Dakota, and Clay County. Minnesota. I do not sell any lands in the northern or western parts of this state, nor in Canada, where drought and frost happen so often. Farmeis in those remote parts of North Dakota and Canada have to tfay too much f i eight on farm products to make fa i ining profitable. The fai ms that I have for sale ai e located (torn 220 to 300 miles from Duluth. which is as good a crain market as Chicago, on account of water transportation. You will save commission by coming to me diiect, instead cf buy­ ing your land through an &ucnt. When you gpt here, 1 will show you fine furm buildings, fine leveI iich lands, no stone, alkali or san<i. and also boe crops of all kinds, including at good corn crops as you have ever seen in the State of Iliinon». F o r f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , « / r i t e to o r c a l l o n JOHN WYMAN. FARGO. NORTH DAKOTA. CHEAP HOMES IN' SOUTH DAKOTA*. Say, Johni | Write for price list to-day tf D. L.FITZGERALD. Yankton. So. Dale. ia ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME, INDIANA One Mile We»t <ot Notie Dame University, Most beautifully and hcalthluliy l.n atnl. Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross. Chartered ism. En- loylng a national patronage. Thorough En(liah, Classical, Scientific and Commercial Courses, ad­ vanced Chemistry and Pharmacy. Regular Col­ legiate Degrees, Preparatory Department trains pupils for regular, special or collegiate courses. Physical Laboratory well «qulpped. The Conservatory of Huaic in conducted on plans oS the best Conservatories. The Art Department la modeled after leading Art Schools. Minim Depart­ ment for children under twelve years. Physical Culture under direction of graduate-of Dr. Sargent's Normal School of Phvslfcal Training. Xhe best modern educational advantages Tor fitting youup women for lives of usefulness. The constant growtil of the Academy has apaln necessitated the erection of additional flne buildings with latest Hygienic equipments. Moderate cost. New school year beplns September 8th. Mention this paper. m For catalogue and special information apply to The Directress ol ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, Notre Dame, Indiana. A SCHOOL FOR BOYS A punpblet describing 11,11. Nchoot and iUua- trit«d with m»DT full- p&g«pkttoffrafikic r«- producti«nt Sfiil/rM if this paper Is • siurd. Or. A. L While, Trim. WeltrsIfT IIlite, lifts*. TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES fhsJHMwaakee Craaty Hospital Traising School (or Narscs (Incorporated under the laws of the State of 'Wiscon­ sin) otters free tuition, board and cash allowances to Intelligent, women between the ages of 23 and 85 years. After graduation good nurses easily com­ mand S20 to S25 per week. Kequlreinents for admission: Uoml Kngllsh education and good moral charueter. Adilrcts 1'rlnelpal Milwaukee County Hospital Training bcliool lor JS urses, W auwatosa,Wls. Tnc golf girl goes a'jolfing In the giddiest of gowns. The sun shines sultry on her In the surliest of frowns. O'er the green she chases gayfy In a fierce perspiring march, But her dothes don't show a wrinkk 'Cause she used Defiance Starclk AT Aa GROCER* 16 OUNCES FOR 10 CENTS. Manufactured by Tbe Defuoce Starch (o„ OMAHA. NEB, //=" Youwt/vrA si/cformffMW As I handle that part of It which Is located In THE RED RIVER VALUEY, the richest sec tlon on earth. PER ACRE, and In many Instances, including • portion of tbe growing crops. If bought soon. Hare bad tweaty- one years' experience In actual far ml ng In North Dakota. Land-seekers EXCURSIONS upon all roads, and railroad fares from St. Paul ant.return refunded to all purchasers. liefer to First National Bank, Fa<gt>, and writ* me for particulars and prices. J. B. FOLSOM. FARQO. N. D. MISCBLLA SEOUS. ; Thompson's Eyt Wata 8,000 Valuable Recipes for the relief, cure and manu­ facture of almost every known thing. My recipes are genuine. Write plain and tell me what you want. 1 for 15c, 8 tor SI. Q. W. WELCH, Clatakaine, Oregon. Dm ICU Cll urn NlcU«'i.cte.,wlthgiiiir Magic rULIOn OILVC-n, i\,iiKh1nK Cloth. Will remove tarnish and stain. Sent prepaid for 16 cts. Sample for « eta. J. C. LXTXELL, 26 Liberty St., Dayton, Ohio. PUAUPIMI TDIICC FITTED WITH EASE. bnAMriun inuoij wokn with cokfobt. Get TOUK Physician's Advice. IIOOKLKT FKEE. Philadelphia Trusa Co., 610 Locust St., Phila., Pa, to ILE1D t CO., HI Quiaoy St., Chicago, IllLoois. ELLIOTT'S DURABLE ASPHALT COATING 1" pure Asphalt combined with prepared I.tnseed Oil and Pino Creovote i wood preservative.) Made In Black, Maroon, and Dark tireen, and Is the l»o*t and most durable coating for a tin, shingle, or felt roof POSSIBLE TO MAKE. Will add at least 10 years to the life of a new or old roof. Stops big leuks permanently. A perfect coating, for all Iron work or for the Inside and outof wood or Iron water tanks, boats, etc. Keqiilrcs no skill to apply It. Costs but IllUe more than a chcap oil or coal tar paint. WRITE FOR LITTLE BOOK AND FREE SAMPLES with name of Rjent. FREE TO WOMEN! ELLIOTT VANISH WORKS To (jiovc the healing and cleansing power of i'axtlne Toilet Antiseptic we will muil a large trial package with book of instructions nhKolutely free. This is not i tiny sample, but a largo pu'UaKe. enough to < con­ vince anyone of Its value. Women all over the country are praising Paxtine for what ] it has done in local treat- i ment of female Ills, curing all Inflammation and discharges, wonder/ii'. as a Cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal Catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar •nd whiten the teeth, Send toduy; a postal card Will do. Soldbydrncgliiti or sent postpaid by as, 50 Santa, largo box. Satisfaction guaranteed* THIS B. I'AXTON CO.. Boston, Mass. 314 Columbus At*. Ha'slcd and Fultoii Sts., Chicago. FARMIN8 AND RANCHING LANDS, If you are lookltiR for lam' where you do not Iimvc to grub stumps ami stotiea and where you do not hare to work Ms months to pro­ vide feed for this other six, write us about North Dakota lands at $3 to $7 per acre. Ka«y terms. Dakota-Manitoba Land Co., 145 Endirott Building, St. Paul, Xinn. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND' $5 TO $44 PEI ACRE. Land from East State Line to Missouri Riftf. Coin Land. Grain Farms. Stock Ranches. Writ® me just what you want and where you want It. LBB STOVER, Watcrtowa, S*. DlktU. Ask for my bank references. CHOICE FARMS IN WESTER! Kf] CANADA. w Close to M irket, School#* emi Churclics, In welll, (•ettled And luipriredf districts at from S8.00to» $12.00 per acre on easy : ; terms. Write forp-irticu-t4* lnr-i. H. AMERLAND,, - FARGO, H. DAKOTA.; NEWLY OPENED COUNTRY., SPLENDID OPPORTUNITIES. Frnlt. grain and stock farms, also mineral land; aifri two new railn>ad^. tt per acre up. Uood timber, pure-- water. Ideal climate. Immense proflta In fruit and"' stock raisin*. $4,745 net proflt realized last year' from 18 acres of 4-year-old peach trees. Write now ; for list of land and details. CLARK & WARNING, HARRISON* ARK. CHEAP and GOOD FARMS' You can ,buy good land in Central South Dakota at $10 TO $20 PER ACRE. WRITE TO fe E. BRYANT « CO., HURON, Sw DAKOTA* THE VERY BEST LANDS IN THE -..-J-M nanr stml DOLLAR WHEAT If vou want a farm In the "dollar wheat belt" write for our booklet--"LAND WEALTH," giving de­ scriptions of tne finest in the west. If you want to sell your land we obtain highest prices for it. Our booklet--"How W« Do It" free. Don t buy or sell land till you see us. Salesmen: Virland Land & Inv. Co. paid tM.OO per day. Exclusive territory ^Ken lu Illinois. Iowa. Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin. Write St. Paul, Minn. We can sell you farm lands In large or small trsctr that will please you and make you money, at from $18.50 to (85.00 per acre. Easy terms. "Why pay rent > when you can own a farm ? Call on or write UMIQH LAND ft LOAK COMPANY, Hurom. 8ou^ Dakota. L A N D S E E K E R S ' EXCURSIONS < TO EASTERN SOUTH DAKOT*, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in August and Beptemlwr, at Faro plus $3, on ALL RAILROADS LEADING TO SIOUX FALLS, the metropolis of the BIO SIOUX VALLEY. Com* •nd brlnif your friends u:id \ lew v Jr Immense crops. One climate, soil, niarketa, rcIvhiU, churches, eto., and give us an opportunity to convince you that we have the Bne-u land* for the least money of anf lo­ cality In the U. S. Hundreds of eastern farmers and bundles men have bought from us, and withoat aa exception, all have in add money and many have be­ come rich. Railroad fare retuuded to pureliascra. Buy your tickets to Sioux Falls, taking receipt for money paid to ticket a«ent. Lands frotu 510 to $40 per acre Bhown free of charga. (Houorable amenta wanted In every town to poiieit buyers for our cheap lauds.} F. C. WHITEHOUSE At CO., The Old Reliable Land Firm* Horn* Office, SIOUX FALLS. SO. DAK» \¥-k WE CURE CANCER AT HOME NO KNIFE. NO PAIN. NO PLASTOL Book and testimonials FKEB. MASON CANCER IDSTmmL ISO W. iSnd St., H£W YOU. W. N. U. CHICAGO, No. 35, 1903 When Answering Advertisement* Kindly Mention This Paper. Supposed Kidney Diseases, Heart Troubles, and many^" similar ills, are but some form of indigestion or stomach troubles. The stomach is the great nerve center; hence the beginning of sickness is usually in the stomach and here the symptoms multiply and spread ih every direction. We positively guarantee Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin (A Laxative) - to permanently cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Sleeplessness, Liver and Kidney Disorders, Malaria--in short all ailments arising from Stomach troubles. 50 cents and $1.00 bottles--It's economy to buy the dollar size. Ack jou druggist, bat if h« hasn't U w wOl send i sample bottle FREE; ibo our interesticgjggok, "The Stacy of a Trawling "«• *• PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY, Konticello, III. U. S. A. few ,-fm

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