Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Sep 1903, p. 5

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VOLUME XXIX. :.;7!.\i*4WJWJUL' WMl A FAIR DEAL PARMER, HORSE AND CORN The "Milwaukee" Corn Harvester is Fair Every •«*•* I* cIm* to h»« urn* eaajr wi>H|. Na Mm I* lot* Making repair*. m whUh *«<• ara IB pW« «m lit earn I* cut and botfhi wHh M w Tin carrier leav« the buaMaa cMvaalMrt Itr To the Farmer Because Tfca wslflhl #1 machine la pftodHlty •• mm ftere Is •© side draft. AII Mvlnc parli A*d oIIImIm «r« PNTOCM AAL HAN IS AT Ittetion coufvetf by wlndl»« with pru, «mH «M vfMI by the accumulation of dirt M la Hgbt droit T* the Horse Because r allows ike cera t« a«t lata tfea CMQ mm tnai Hm alalia. To the Corn Because •II Hm WM. BONSLETT. A, %>. <si=» J5 McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1903. NUMBER m Pianos! I have a large number of Pianos, some of which are nearly new and will soon be idle, which I will sell at r - " f Bargains If you are in need of a Piano let me figure with you and I will guarantee to save you money. R. H. OWEN | f l c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S PISCATORY STUPIDITY. fke fUh'i Capacity For LcaralBg la Painfully Contracted. Most fisliee seek their food by sight, •ays Professor Edmund Clark Sanford In the International Quarterly, and these do not usually notice it by any other sense. But those that are accus­ tomed to find it by smell seldom pay any attention to it when they merely •ee it Catfish depend principally on the aenbe of taste, and they seem to taste fell over, not only in the mouth, but by the outer skin as far back as the tail fin. It is uncertain whether fishes can feel pain or not: There is a good deal of evidence to show that they canhot. A fish that has lost its sight may learn to avoid an obstacle after swim­ ming against it a single time, but fishes that can see will jump against the plate glass wall of an aquarium day after day, sometimes for a year, in the effort to catch things* outside. The elements of consciousness in the mind of a "fish foot up a total "equiva­ lent, perhaps, to the lowest idiocy when measured hy human standards." It is possible that the fish's capacity for learning is "about «pu a level with that of a man in deep sleep or preoccupa­ tion." 4 Bird* That Exercise Ingen«ttr. Birds building on high trees are not so wary about the concealment of their nests as hedge builders and those that seek the springing corn or grass land for the shelter of their homes, trusting to the loftiness of situation for secu­ rity. A nest placed upon the ground Is in constant danger of exposure. A browsing animal might destroy it. Then the scythe with one sweep occa­ sionally lays bare one or more nests, thereby endangering the eggs or callow nestlings. This renders the parent birds very wary and causes them to practice great ingenuity in their ef­ forts to protect the young birds. The skylark has been kndwn to carry its egg or offspring to a place of safety after an exposure of the nest, and it has been said its long hind claw--the use of which has puzzled many natu­ ralists--is specially adapted by nature for more easily grasping and transport­ ing its treasures from the source of danger. When the young birds are too bulky to be thqs removed the par­ ent bird carries them on its back, though this mode of removal is a some­ what difficult one.--London Tit-Bits. An American Waterloo. Wellington at Waterloo and Meade at Gettysburg each held the highlands against his antagonist Wellington on Mont Snint Jean and Meade on Ceme­ tery Ridge had the birdseye view of the forces of'attack. The English bat­ teries on the plateau and the Union batteries on Cemetery Heights com­ manded alike the intervening undula­ tions across which the charging col­ umns must advance. Behind Mont Saint Jean, to conceal Wellington's movements from Napoleon's eyes, were the woodlands of Soignes. Behind Cemetery Ridge, to conceal Meade's movements. from the field glasses of Lee, was a sharp declivity, a protecting and he.pful depression. As the French under Napoleon at Waterloo, so the Confederates under Lee at Gettysburg held the weaker position. In both cases the assailants sought to expel their op­ ponents from the stronger lines. I might add another resemblance in the results which followed. Waterloo de­ creed the destiny of France, of Eng­ land, Of Europe. Gettysburg, not so di­ rectly or immediately, but practically, decided the fate of the Confederacy.-- General John B. Gordon in Scribner's. Cares Chronic Throat Trouble. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for chronic throat troubles and will positively cure bronchitis, hoarse­ ness and all bronchial diseases. Con­ tains no opiates and will not constipate. Refuse substitutes. Sold by G. W. Besley. * An ad in The Plaindealer "want" col­ umn will bring results. The Pleasure of Katlng. Persons suffering from indigestion, dyspepsia or other stomach trouble will find that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. This remedy is a never failing cure for Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the stomaoh or digestive tract When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutriment that yo-r food contains is assimilated and appropriated by the blood and tissues. Sold by all druggists. Special Reduced Excursion Rates Will be in effect from all points on the1 Chicago & North-Western Railway for the occasions named below: Dead wood and Lead, S. D,, Sept. 7th to 11th, International Min­ ing Congress. Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept 15th to 18th. National Ir­ rigation Congress. Balti more, Md., Sept. 21st to 26th, Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F. Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueb­ lo, Oct. 7th to 11th, Brother­ hood of St Andrew. Detroit, Mich., Oct 16 to 22nd, Christian Church National Con­ ventions. San FranciBoo and Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 20th to 23rd, Amer­ ican Bankers' Convention. For information as to rates, dates of sale, etc., of these or other occasions, call npon the ticket agent of the North­ western Line. Jefferson and' the 'Patent OfBee. The first patron of our patent system was Thomas Jefferson, who during three years gave his personul attention to every application lor a patent He used to call the secretary of war and the attorney general* to examine and scrutinize with him, and they did it so thoroughly that in one year--the first-- they granted only three patents. The very first patent of all was given to Samuel Hopkins in 1790 for pearl ash­ es. Mr. Jefferson held that the patent system was not one for creating rev­ enue, but for encouraging a production iff that which is to be of benefit to the whole people. In the first twelve years a single clerk in the state department and a few pigeonholes were all that the business of the office required. Then a Dr. Thornton took charge of it and devoted^imself to it as to a hobby. Job work of all kinds neatly done at this office. . ; ̂ - • . How Delightful frinklifl Rod Works! I am agent for the above. We put the Rods on your Build­ ings and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages If no more than $500. Call and get full particulars. General BlicksmitMog Prices always Reasonable Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Buggies, W ind Mills, Well Supplies, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. is a refreshing bath after a long day's battle with dust and summer heat. How nice it is for the little ones to frolic in a bath just before going to bed, after playing in the hot sun all day. How vhey will enjoy the little cot You do not know what life is without a bath in i he home. It is not a luxury, but a ne­ cessity. Let us give you figures and f'iicte regarding the matter. You will be well satisfied with such an invest­ ment Chris Schmidt CENTERVILLE This face cleared off quick by"D.D.D." FaJl and Winter My Fall and Winter Samples are now all in and they are beauties. Never before has the selection been quite so nice as this year. No matter what your taste may be we can please you in goods, style and workmanship. About 1000 Samples to select from. OUR GUARANTEE GOES WITH EVERY GARMENT By that we mean that the Goods, Workmanship ancl Fit will be satisfact­ ory in every case. To be dressy a tailor made Suit is necessary. Suits, $9.00 to $40.00. \Pants, $2.50 to $10.00. Johr\ D. Lodtz • a * '; )i wig Farmers! -I AM AGENT -FOR THE CELEBRATIj«J>- Mill inf OSBORNE BMtS which rank among the best makes in the? > country and I guarantee them to give the % best of satisfaction. I also have a com-; Case of Mrs. J. SI. Daniels of Winchester* Ky.. completely cured by D. D. D. after 7 week*' Ap­ plication. She had suffered fifteen years. Fifteen years' tortures of her terrible skin disease stopped In a few weeks. Not a blemish re» mains on the patient. This is a FACT G . W . B E S L E Y , West Mclienry. %Ve hereby certify that full particulars shown as regarding this case conclusively prove that the sufferer as shown in this photo, taken before treatment, was cleared of all taint of the disease by D. D. D , the wonderful new prescription for skin affec­ tions. We have never known anythiQg more wonderful in medicine than the work of this remedy. Cases cured since we have been handling it have fully equaled the record of it shown us before taking it for sale. It can be depended upon fully. Price, $1 per bottle. Money refunded in all cases if not satisfied with results after trying a'bot­ tle of it. plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har­ rows, Cultivators and everything needed! by the Farmer. Before buying your farm ,.. ;v machinery get my prices and you'll nevetf regret it. Will soon have a car load of Twine. * i \m filler, ALL FRESH My stock of Groceries is new and fresh and that means considerable to the housekeeper. Prices are right too on every Article, v F R U I T We keep on hand at all times a fine line of seasonable Fruits. Give us a tril order. TELEPHONE 301. West McHenry. JOHN STOFFEL CASH DEALER. The Truth About Coffee An interesting explanation of the five essential steps necessary to produce that rich aroma and flavor so delicious in good coffee, without any of the harmful effects. SELECTION OF BERRY. is not generally known by the average coffee consumer that these new possessions of ours can pro­ duce coffees which cannot be ex­ celled by Arabian, Brazilian or Java growths. Owing, however, to the different nature of the rich soil, the coffee grown on these islands pos­ sesses a peculiarly palatable flavor, not to be found in coffee berries grown elsewhere. It will be noted by the purchaser of a package of Dudley Coffee that the berry is of an unusual shape. The utmost care is used by our buyers in se­ lecting coffee berries to maintain a uniform quality. MIXIN8 MD GURIN8. After the coffee berries reach our warehouse they are carefully tested and blended while still green in the correct proportions to produce that delicious flavor and aroma which have made Dudley' s Coffees famous. This blending is a delicate process, for no two lots can be blended in like proportions to produce the same results. After this blending they are aged and cured by our special process, which insures the consumer against harmful effects which follow excessive use of the average brand of coffee. BLENDIN8 IND R0ASTIN8. When the berry is properly aged and cured it is ready for roasting. We have perfected a process of roasting which produces remark­ able results and as our coffees have been blended before roasting they flavor perfectly during this proc­ ess. There is a big difference between "Mixers" of coffees and '4 Blenders" of ' Coffees. Anyone can mix coffees, but blending coffees is an art and a life-long study. The Blender of Dudley's Coffees has a national reputation. In fact, he has received his fourth appointment as Inspector of coffees for the United States Government. "It's all in the Blend." CLEININ8. After roasting, our coffees are thoroughly freed from all dust and impurities by special machinery and are then subjected to a process np other coffees ever were. Every ounce is picked over by hand and every berry that is the least off color or shape is thrown out. This is one of the secrets of the health-giving properties of our cof­ fees, for it is these bad berries that produce the bad effects of drinking some coffees. PACKIN8. AH Dudley Coffees in the various kinds are put up in one-pound packages, either in cans, cartons or parchment-lined bags. Each of these packages is hermetically sealed. Coffee put up in this way will retain its flavor and aroma in­ definitely. In order to still further insure the retention of the delight­ ful flavor and aroma which we work so hard to obtain, we refrain from grinding and put up all Dud­ ley*^ Coffees ungrourid. RESULTS. Richest aroma and flavor. Absolute uniformity in quality. Rich coffee color In cup Freedom from harmful effects. Yet withal cost no than inferior brands. w - DUDLEY'S FAMOUS Put up in Mb. Cans, Cartons or Parchment-Lined Bags with the Dudley name on each. As ttiey cost you no more than ordinary Coffees, why not try them? It will be a revelation. You have never really known how delicious Coffee can be till you have tried Dudley's. We vouch for this. 1. n 1 1 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS: M. J. WALSH* m U 1. &fefeih" A&jf, ' % • vliST

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