Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1903, p. 7

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Stoves Stoves Stoves# BROS' | . 1 . • f „ Now is the lame to look for your Winter Stoyee and 08MUlf' v is the place to find the largest and best assortment ever shown in McHENRY. Also a fine assortment of Flam* %->nels, Dress Goodn.j^Sfrffy.wfri^ fMlttiP*Vk: " defy competition. OSriUN BROS., ncHENRY, ILL. i. • f t General Hardware,- -Dry Qoods,--•--Shoes-- School Supplies! ,, * JL jv > fife y EVERYTHING IN PENS, PENCILS, .SLATES. TABLETS, INKS, ETC . ; . FVLL LINB OF DR VGS i J. S. Brown & Son, Ringwood I Table Ware We now have on display 3*. fall line of Table Ware, consisting of every known piece, none of which are over ten cents* Call and see them. SOAP We will hereafter carry a large stock of Laundry atbd Toilet Soap and Wash­ ing Powders. ' ^ CRACKERS All kinds of Crackers in talk awjtcartaa* Nr. and Mrs. Emit Snyder Ostrander Block, West McHenry. (l* mmm This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to oar custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections. JY INSURANCE mfc First Class Companies, at the Low eil rates. Yours Respectfully V PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Banker* AMERICA'S BEST 1REPUBLKAN PAPfR S Editorially FearteM. Consistently Republican Always News from all parte of the world. Well-written, original stories. Art* swors to queries on all subjects. Articles on Health, the Home, New Books and on Work About the Farm and Gat-deu. The Weekly'Inter 0<MI The Tntew Ocean Is ti member of the Associated Press? and also is the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun, and special cable of. the New York World, be­ sides dally reports from over 2,000 special correspondents throughout tne country, noiwu can tell more fully why It Is toe beat paper on earth. 5* TWELVE-PACE PAPERS K ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brimful of news from everywhere ami a perfect feast of special matter. Subscribe for The Plalndealer and the Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both papers for - - $2.00 McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. with American National Bank Woodstock, Til. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in $ums of |500 to §10,000, time and payment to Mit uorrorrer. De Witt's 823 Salm Ftrl 'ALWAYS (INSIST UPON HAVING I JHE GENUINE MURRAY & LANMANS FLORIDA WATER THE HOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME 6 OR THE HANDKERCHIEF.TOILET AND BATH. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 9.05 a 01 ... 8 . 4 5 a m . . . . 12.30 p'm... 3.+5 p m... *1.20 p m.. 5.01 p m... 8.00 am... 9.10 am... 2.02 pm... Effect!re June 1. 1903 Will DAY TRAINS. KOKTHHOUND Arrive McHenry ....Via Elgin 10.10am Via I)es Plaines 10.10 a 111 Via Elgin 2.45 p m Via Des Plalnes 4.45 p m Via Des Plaices. 8.00 p u Via Des Plaines &40pm 8UKDAT TRAINS. ....Via Des PI aloes. ....'....9.37 a m . ..Via Des l'laines 11.14 am Via Elgin 4.93 pm Leare McHenry. +7.12 a m... Arrive Chicago. • 8.3T. a 111 WBBK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. ...Via I)es Plaines.. 7.32am Via Elgin ,.10.05a 8.30am Via Des Plaines .8.35 a 3.00 p m ' .-Via Elgin 5.45 p m 6.17 pm Via Des Plaines.....';...?.50pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.3S am ,.\...VIa Elgin.., 10.05am 7.08 p m VI* Des Plaines 8:25 p m 7.51 p m Via Elgin 10.15 p m •Saturdays only. +Moudays only. miMiiiMiimmMiiiii Fancy Grocers Our stock of Groceries is more complete in every line than ever before. If you are having any difficulty in getting what you wish in Fancy Groceries and Provisions at general stores or when in need of strictly fresh, high- grade eatables, we in­ vite your inspection of oiir stock. We are now receiving fresh arrivals of New (ured Fisti of all kinds. Fancy Irish Mackerel, large size, per lb.;. 15c Ex. large White Fish, per pound 12£c Boneless Strip Codfish per pound.......... 12^c Boneless God in 1 lb. tablets 10c New Holland Herring, extra fat Milkers, per pound 7£c New spiced Herring, pei pound ...... 10c Fish in Tins of all kinds;, . Good Imported . Sar­ dines, per tin 10c Norwegian smoked sar­ dines, per tin 15c Brook Trout, 3 pound tins, per tin . 25c - Smoked Herring, kip­ pered in toidato sauce, per tin 20c Fancy boneless Herring in glass Jars, per jar 10c Canned Salmon, a good one, 3 cagus fQr.... . 25c N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Crps of Correspondents SOLON I [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to snbscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Jnss Allie Tnrij^ er. The snbacription price is $1.60 a1 year or 75 cents for ftfx months. Ed.] Mfs. Wm. Campbell is visiting in Antioch^ Mabel "Smith is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett have moved to Solon from Richmond. Win. McGan of Richmond was on oar streets the first of the week. C. L. Turner has his new Fair bank's scale up and ready for business. Will Cole and Geo. Holmes are dig­ ging a new well for E. L. Turner. James Overton, Sr., is able to be ont again and enjoy the fine weather. f Mr. and Mrs. Wire of Hebron were Sunday visitors at W. D. Monear's. Wm. Overton and E. T. Monear were business callers in McHenry recently. Geo. Voxel's horee, Bub Oriel, took first money in a race at the E'khorn fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox of Channel lake visited with Mrs. Wm. Dayis Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton have returned from a six weeks' visit at Whitewater, Wis. Miss Mftggie Ratten of Spring Grove was a recent caller at Miss Ruth Over­ ton's. Albert Robbins Cropley is visiting his brother, Ed. Robbins, and calling on friends. A large number went from this sta tion to the Elkhorn fair last Thursday and Friday. The Misses Ruth Overton, Lucy Car­ ey and Hattie Westlake drove to the Elkhorn fair Thursday. . Mr8. J. L. Waters has been * visitor the past two weeks in the home of Mrs Wm. Motley, Richmond. Mrs. Nancy Coatee and Tena Pint of Ringwood called on Mesdames Frank Coates and Chas. Halderman Friday. Geo. Westlake has on exhibition a po­ tato, raised in his garden, that weighs two pounds and ten ounces. Can any­ one beat this? Walter Cropley was kept busy last Thursday and Friday, taking care of horses and carriages, while th owners of them attended the Elkhora fair. The Red Cross lodge will meet in Sutton's hall Saturday evening, Sept. 26. Every member is expected to be present as business of interest will be attended to. A Bargain In Tea. ' Do you drink tea? To introduce our line of teas we will sell you next week 1 pound of our celebrated Oolong and Japan tea, mixed, the best tea in the market, for 25 cpnts. These teas are sold regularly everywhere for 50 and 60 cents per pound. , Money refunded if not satisfactory. Samples free. Gilbert Bros. itMtamillMMpMIIMM VOLO. Emory Tower of Chicago is visiting at Raught Bros. Jacob Stadtfeld transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mr. Roberts of Wisconsin Sundayed at C. G. Huson's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon returned from New York Thursday. Ambrose Ranght and wife aie visit­ ing friends in Chicago and Wankegan. Mrs. Dryer of Ivanhoe was in Volo Saturday calling on old acquaintances. C. C Cook, wife and son of Elgin at tended services in the M. E. church here Sunday. Dance in John Richardson's hall Wed nesday evening, September 80. Every­ body welcome. Mrs. Susie Rosing, daughter and Miss Anna Gurgle of Kenosha visited relatives here the past week. Mrs. Sarah Huson and son, Clark, went to Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Buson will remain there for a week. Mrs. John Stadtfeld and sons, Peter a d Jacob, Mrs. Will Huson, Will Hir- onimns tnd Miss Agnes Dnnnill attended the funeral of Frank Efinger at Antioch last Thursday. Don't forget the New England supper which is to be held in John Richardson's hall Tuesday evening, September 29 Meals served from six o'clock until ten. Everybody welcome. TKRRA COTTA. Tressie Buss was a Nunda visitor Friday. John March and family were Nund.i visitors Sunday. A few from here are among the excnr- sionists to Joliet today. , T. H. Stolpe was down froml Crystal Lake on business Friday. Watson Grant of Dundee is spending the week at C. L. Buck's. Fred Davoll of Holcombville was in town Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Suilivan of HartlAnd was call­ ing in this vicinity Monday. Miss Myrtle Buck came up from El­ gin to spend Sunday at home. Royal Gracy spent most of last week visiting at Honey Creek, Janesville, Wis., and attending the great Wal­ worth County Fair, at Elkhorn. H. L. Patten, superintendant of the A. T. C. & C. Uo., has been slightly in­ disposed for several days and unable to attend to his duties at the factory. Miss Minnie Conway, who has a lu­ crative position in the Elgin watch fac­ tory, was visiting her fathar, Mike Con­ way, and family the first of the week. A. L. Fisher of Chicago, auditor for C. & N. W. Ry., made his semi-an­ nual visit here Friday and found the affairs of the company in good shape. John Ritt, who has been in charge of the extra track gang on the Galena Di­ vision all summer, has again taken charge of this seation, the extra gang having been laid off. Joe Buss has rented a place at Nunda and will move there about the middle of October, going back aud forth to his work, as nightwatchman of the factory, on the workman's special train. BAHRKVILLK. Mrs. G. L. Burnett of McHenry visit ed relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pettibone of Chicago spent Sunday at J. Fleming's.^ Miss Isa Matthews of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents here. Thos. Thompson and grandsons spent Sunday afternoon at Slocum's Lake. Miss Effercine Johnson of Nunda spent part of last week with Miss Clara Thompson. Miss Anna Fleming returned Friday evening from a three weeks' trip in 8V Dakota and Iowa. Vincent Martin and l$dy friend of Wauconda were seen on our streets Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Matthews and family of Prairie Grove spent Sunday at E F. Matthews'. Chas. Thompson of Greenwood and W. Hines of Chicago were pleasant callers at Thos. Thompson's Friday. H. C Werden of Wanconda, Clark JaeobR of Nunda and Chas. Tryon of Woodstock were here on drainage dis trict committee Monday. Wr Harness apd "snaps" in harness for horse owners. There's a complete stock of all the little things required in Ihe harness room and stable--Rivets, Hooks, Ter- jrets, Hame Trimmings, Harness Menders and snaps jof every variety. Breast Chains, Heel Chains aud Trace Chains, too, of the best design and quality. Besides selling all kinds of light, medium and heavy Harness at moderate prices we can supply such parts as may be needed for repairs. McHenry, 111. Qus Carlson ! •Mi Cures Chronic Throat Trouble. Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly adapted for chronic throat troubles and will positively cure bronchitis, hoarse­ ness and all bronchial diseases. Con­ tains no opiates and will not constipate. Refuse substitutes. Sold by G- W. Besley. * GKISWOLD LAKE. Andrew Steinsdoerfer was in town Tuesday. Eld. Sutton of Emerald Park is work­ ing for W. J. Welch. B. J. Frisby and J. W. Gibbs are do ing carpenter work for Jas. Hughes this week. W. J. Welch is building an addition to his barn. Peter Doherty of McHenry is doing the work. The threshing season is over for this year in this vicinity, Geo. Scheid being the las*;, finishing yesterday. Some of the young people from here attended the dance at Johnsbnrgh Tues­ day evening, and all report a fine time. Miss Irene Biggs returned to her home Monday, after a short visit with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. b. Kniggie. Miss Nellia Dake of Chicago, who has been visiting relatives and friends here the past two weeks, returned home Wednesday. C A S T O H I A . Baara the s9 ^ Ycu Have Always Signature FOR SALE1 One ten-room House in good condition with good Barn and three of land in Village. One Feed Elevator and Warehouse, capacity twenty cars; also Coal Sheds, capacity two hundred tons, with good trade in Feed, Grain, Seeds, Salt Cement, Coal, Etc., sit­ uated on large lot with side track privileges and fine loca­ tion for Lumber yard. Store 40x80 feet, two stories with pleasant living rooms in front part of second story; also Store Room connected, 20x50 feet, one and one half stories with two lots. The only General Store in town and is now stocked with a good line of everything and doing a good thrifty business. Stock will inventory about $12,000, but will be reduced to suit purchaser. A fine opportunity for stepping into an old established Business. Will sell together or separately to please purchaser. Nothing but cash will be entertained. - 10 THE PUBLIC! i We desire to thank you for your past courtesies and li­ beral patronage and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of same until we find our successor. All accounts must be settled before January 1, 1904. Ringwood, !$• J. E. CR1STY. UUiUWUOD. Mrs. Hepbnrn • returned from Ohio Friday. J. E. Cristy spent several days last week at Waupaca, Wis. Mre. J. E. Cristy and mother, Mrs. Harsh, were Chicago visitors Monday. The Ladies' Aid society will serve tea at the home of Mrs. I. Merchant Thnrs- day. Miss Mattie Dwelly, who has been on the sick list for several days, is again able to be out. Fay Small has returned ftom Chicago where he has .been employed for several months in a box factory. M rs. Frank Toms gave an illustrated talk to ladies in Woodman hall Monday afternoon, which was very instructive. Alonzo- IJishop has returned from Washington, where he visited his broth­ er, Will, who its practicing law in that state. The ice cream social given by the Willing Workers, in M. W. A. hall last Friday evening, was a success, bot^ so­ cially and financially. Dittrrw After KHttug Cured. Judge W. T. Holland of Greensburg, La., who is well aud favorably known, says: "Two years ago I suffered great­ ly from indigestion. After eating, great distress would invariably result, lasting for an hour or so, and my nights were restless. I concluded, to try Ko- dol Dyspepsia Cure and it cured me completely. Now my sleep is refresh­ ing and digestion perfect." Sold by all druggists. KMKKALDPARK. E. J. Cohan was at his cottage Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bremer spent Sun­ day at "Oak Villa." W. K. Burns spent Saturday and Sunday at his cottage here. ' Wm. Lonergan of Chicago visited rel­ atives and friends here Tuesday. Miss Irene Frisby returned Sund«y, after a few weeks' visit in Lake county Mr., and Mrs. John Knox of McHenry visited Sunday afternoon at R. J. Sut­ ton's. Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh and family of Lake county visited at J. B. Frisby 'h Sunday. Miss Margaret Sutton is spending a few days with relatives in Elgin and Chirago Miss Katie Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Mae Walsh of Gris- wold Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney closed their cottage, "Riveria," Friday and re­ turned to Chicago. D. W. Hill and family closed their cottage Friday, after a few weekfe very pleasantly spent here. What is Life? In the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, pain results. Irregular living means derangement of the organs, resulting in Coustipation, Headache or Liver troub le. Dr. King's New Life Pills quicklj re-adjusts this. It's gentle, yet thor­ ough. Only 25o at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHen­ ry, drug stores. HOLCOMBVILLE. F. Davoll spent Saturday in Chicago.. K KuoBlanch was a Nunda visitor Tuesday. Henry Rowley of Nunda was a busi­ ness caller here Monuay. Mrs. A. P. Peck and Mrs. Ben Peck called on Mrs. F. Davoll Sunday. Mrs. Dryer returned home from Pal­ atine Mondav, much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. James Powers spent Sunday with relatives near Emeralti Park. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson and children spent Tuesday with relatives near Wood stock. Watson Grant of Dundee spent Mon day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan. Mrs. H. McMillan and Miss Maybelle Doherty were callers at G. Weidner's Thursday afternoon. Frank and Ray McMillan and Clyde Wingate called on Mr. and Mrs. Htnrj McMillan Saturday evening. OSTEND. A few are cutting their corn. The most of it has not matured enough yet. Jack -Frost gave us gentle warning last Wednesday night that he will be here soon. He could be tracked i|i the low land. Mrs. Edwin Brass of Kansas was a caller at Mrs. Florida's last week. 8he will visit with relatives and friends for an indefinite time. A team attached to a suiry and left standing unhitched ran away Sunday while the owners were eating their lunch under the walnut trees. No one was hurt and no great damage done. Why do men (brutes, rather,) go to McHenry and get so drunk they cannot walk, staggering along, cursing and swearing, annoying respectable people, and destroying what little brains they have? HallS Hargiiin Remnants of 10c flannels 5c per yd; Ladies' All Wool well lined Eton Jack­ ets 98c; Elegant $1.50 and $2.00 Lawn Waists 98c; Men's Fall Overcoats, all wool and finely made, with satin lined sleeves, $4 95; 1200 Underweir Samples, odd Shirts and Drawers, at. a saving of 4. Ladies'Fur Boas fi9c; special lot ol Men's Working Pants at 08c--regular | wool Trousers; Boys' 50c Negligee Shirts 29c; lot of Ladies' Fine 50c Sateen Corsets at 25c. Ladies' Surra. Remarkdble values obtained from n firm going out of business. New styl­ ish Fall Suits, such as usually retail at $9.00 to $15.00, we can no\y sell at $5 00, $rt.'£5 and $9.00. The New Style Velvet Jackets only $8 79 and $4 29. Walking Skirt Values at 76c, 98c and f>l.£9. Special lot of Taffeta Silk Waists, wort h up to $3.50, we now offer at $1.98 $(500.00 Worth of Ladies' and Men'* Shoe®, obtained «t a remarkably low price, see our shoes now selling at 98c, $1.29 and $1.98. Men's Fancy Double Breasted Silk Vests $1.29, Test our values, compare qualities and prices. To customers coming from McHenry, trading $10.00 and showing round trip R. R. tickets, we refund full car fare both ways. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. _ Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Sumner coun­ ties, W. Va., most likely owes his life to the kindness of a neighbor. He was almost hopelessly afflicted with diar- rhu»»; was attended by two physicians who gave him little, if any , relief, when a neighbor learning of his serious con dition, brought him a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured him in less than twenty-four hours. For sale by all druggists. > OASTORIA. Bwuithe The Kind Yuti Hate Aiv.ays Bwgfct .a- Woman's Kidney; A Common Mistake which Causes Much Suffering Women are Just as likely to have r" 'h ney or bladder trouble as men; In they are more/so; but very often thejf ' ; attribute Indications of disorders to coo* plaints peculiar to their sex, while th#V^ * real cause of their trouble Is some di#»> • Ji. jessing kidney or bladder disease. 1 ; f Nervousness, headache, puffy or darft circles under the eyes, pain in the back^ profuse or scanty supply of urine witlk v; strong odor and a frequent desire to pass It, with scalding or burning sensation^,. sediment after standing In a bottle tweo» ly-four hours, are all signs of kidney i bladder trouble, which soon wear oat tiMK:; most robust. If you have any of these symptoni|C' Foley's Kidney Cobb will euro yon an# restore your health. We knowthere are thousands of womet who are never well and who have almost^ lost hope of ever being well again, whjpft would be speedily changed to bright, hagi» py women, glowing with health,by taking Foley's Kidney Cork ; thus removing the real cause of their misery instead ai doctoring for "female troubles." ^ Mrs. Frances L. Sales, of Missoufl , Valley, la., writes: "I have been affllctej^ with kidney trouble five years; had seven! pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate; when riding I experienced muo|t pain over the region of the kidneys. I tried five physicians without benefit and then concluded to try Foley's KidnbT Cuke. After taking three f 1.00 bottles! was completely cured." , G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. HEALTH "I don't think we ecrald keep honse without Thedford'e Black- Draught. Wo havo used it in the family for over two years with the beat of results. I havo not had a doctor in the houso for that length of time. It is a doctor in itself and always ready to make a person well and happy."--JAMES HATX, Jack* •onrille, 111. ______ Because this great medicine relievos stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor­ ates the torpid liver and weak­ ened kidneys No DOCTOR is necessary in the home where Thedford'a Black-Draught is kept. Families living m the country, miles from any physi­ cian, have been kept in nealth for years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford's Black - Draught cures bilious­ ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly can* trol the health. THEDFORD'S BLACK- DRAUGHT (HARIESG. FRETT Wholesale and retail1 dealer in 1 am In the Market For Bfcef Veal riutton Hogs and Poultry Qlve me a call Smoked Meats, McHenry - Illinois Illinois Central ft. If. OF INTEREST TO / STOCKHOLDERS Free Transportation to Attend the , Meeting at Chicago. 1 4 Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's Oisoovery ForCi:!!ir""J0^MU A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. Public notice Is ht'ifhv Riven that the reg*- ar annual meeting of the stot'kholders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be :ieUI at its otlees In Chicago, Illinois,ou Wed- K-xiay, October 21, 1&03, at twelve o'clock noon. To permit personal attendance at satt Lift-tintr there will be issued toeueh holder4a . -lie or niore shares of t lit' capital stock of tbe 'lliiiols Central Kailroad Company as registe­ red on the books of the company at the clc4e of business ou Tuesday, September 2!i. who is of fullaffe, a ticket enabling lum.or Ihjt, lot ravel free over the Company's I.lties from the station on the Illinois Central Railroad nearest to lus or her registered address to Chicago and return, such t icket to bejrood for i lie journey to Chicago only durius t he fo»p days immediately preceding, and the day of the meeting, ami for the return Journey frt>m Chicago only on the day of the meeting, and the four days it;.mediately following, when, properly countersigned and stamped during, business hours- that is to say. between V-WA. m. and ">.00 l*. n --In the oHiee of the Assistuatv Secretary, Mb. W.G. Chicago. SMJH ticket may be obtained by any holder of sttvik registereuas above, on application, in writ-' ing. to the President of the Company in Cht-. j-ago. Kucti application must state the fidt name anil address i>ft be stockholder exactQr as given in bis or her certilicale of stock, to- _'t't tier with the numbei* artid date ot such certi­ ficate. No more than one person will be car­ ried tree in respect to any one holding -lock as registered ou the U>oks of the Coni/ ihiiv. A. G. HACKS TAKK. V . »et "10 Secretary. family worth ay to you O A protector that will protect your family night and day ts the , , CHICAGO TELEPHONE 1 ti' • Cost but 5 oents per day - CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY m r •?

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