Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Oct 1903, p. 7

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r ; i f i r ; - i f - ' i " I r ' l T i n ? ' • ' ' ! I m i l ' M M I # 1 / i • i i ' . I . •' v >cp .' •"V :V;-J; • • • •Si Pi I i Stoves Stoves Stoves j 5 e VJNow is the time to look for your Winter Stoyes and OSMUN •?*' •; *BROS\ is the place to find the largest and best asssortuient ; #v'«ver shown in McHENRY. Also a fine assortment of Flan­ nels, Dress Goods and 8boes, whiehftrprice and quality, defy competition. J ;C6sriUN BROS., HCHENRY, ILL. General Hardware, Dry Goods, --Shoes -Notions. 5 i School Supplies! i EVERYTHING IN PENS, PENCILS, . . SLATES, TABLETS, INI^S, ETC. . , FULL LINK OF DRUGS, </. S. Brown & Son, Ring wood 1 Millinery & | Furnishings § In connection with o.r 5 and 10 cent department we have put in a large line of new and and up to date Millinery goods and children's and la­ dies' Furnishings, consisting i Shirt Waists | Wrappers | Hats, Hoods I Gloves, Etc.x -If you you wish to buy a suit ready made for woman or child we will take your order and guarantee to fill it satis­ factorily. | Hundreds of articles | at 5c and 10c. | Nr. and Mrs. Emil Snyder H Ostrander Block, West McHenry. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do­ mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all busi­ ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire­ ly satisfactory to our custom­ ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage ; Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se­ curity. Spec­ ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the Low est rates. Tours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public. Bankers AMERICA'S BEST IREPUB1KAII PAPtR Editorially Fearlesa. Consistently Republican Always News from all parts of the world. Well-written, original stories. An­ swers to queries on all subjects. Articles on Health, the Home. New Books and on Work About the Farm and Garden, i The Weekly inter Ocean I :-- §THK INTEH OCEAN is a member of the Associated Press and also is the only Western newspaper receiving §the ent ire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun. and special cable of the New York World, be­ sides dully reports from over 2.000 special correspoudunts throughout tne country, no pen < fully why It Is tne I earth. i can tell more best paper on 52 TWELVE-PACE PAPERS 52 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brimful of news from everywhere and a perfect feast of special matter. Subscribe for The Plaindealer and the Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both papers for - - $».oo McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con­ veyancing. Money to loan on real estate in soles of |B00 to $10,000, time and payment to Bait uorrower. DeWitt's Salve For Piles. Burns. YOU are requested to call at my store during the week commenc­ ing October 5th and closing October idth and view a genuine bargain sale. This is our Annual Linen Sale with extra inducements. J. E. Cristy Ringwood, III. IIIIIIIBBtlBMIHHIimM Fancy Grocers Our stock of Groceries is more complete in every- line than ever . before. If you„ are having any difficulty in getting what yotf wish in Fancy Groceries and Provisions at general stores or when in need of strictly fresh, high- grade eatables, we in­ vite your inspection of our stock. We are now receiving fresh arrivals of New tad Fish of all kinds. Fancy Irish Mackerel, » large size, per lb..- 15c Ex. large White Fish, per pound 12£c Boneless Strip Codfish per pound 12£c Boneless Cod in 1 lb. tablets 10c New Holland Herring, extra fat Milkers, per pound ^.7$c New spiced- (tferring, pei pound ...... 10c Fish in Tins of all Jcinds. Good Imported Sar­ dines, per tin 10c Norwegian smoked sar­ dines, per tin 15c Brook Trout, B pound tins, per tin t.. 25c Smoked Herring, kip­ pered in tomato sauce, per tin . J. 20c Fancy boneless Herring in glas#Jars, per jar 10c Canned1 Salmon, a good one, 3 cans for,... .25c •MMNMNNMMMNNM N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Crps of Correspondents SOLON [People of Solon ana vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Geo Vogel went to the city Tuesday. Strangers Were numerous in our vil­ lage Monday. ^ H. J. Christian wu * visitor ill Chi­ cago Monday. Mrs. Emily Hawthorn is a visitor at Slates Corners. \ Mrs. Arthur Merrell was a jailer at Tryon's Grove recently. J Mrs. Lyle Freeman of Hebron was calling on friends last week. Will Beck of Ring wood was attend­ ing to business here last Friday. Mrs. Ed. Cropley and R. B. Gardner made calls at Richmond recently. Will Sherman is decorating Ed. Crop- ley's new house in the latest style. Agnes Yerkes of Algonquin was visit­ ing her mother, Mrs. John Sutton. About 80 couple attended the danoe in Cropley's hall last Friday night • Miss Wilmah Trow of Tryon's Grove is visitiqg with Miss Maud Cornish. Geo. Sutton and wife of Keystone were guests at his mother's, Sunday. Mrs. Lyle Freeman of Greenwood was a guest of Mrs. W. Cornish Saturday. Mesdames Charles and T. Trow of Tryon's Grove were callers at Mand Merrell, s. C. L. Turner and brother wer$ visit­ ors at the Indian encampment in Chi­ cago Monday. Geo. Vogel has returned home with his fast horses after a three months' season of racing. Mesdames J. V. Spaulding and E. T. Monear are visitors at Waukesha Wis., this week. Mrs. Sarah Crowley and John Demp- sey of Chicago were visiting Richard Aylward last week. Mrs. Geo. Fair and daughter were making calls on their friends in Solon Monday before returning to the big city. Anything in the line of vegetables, fruits and bed clothing will be received by Chas. Halderman, to be forwarded to Chicago for the benefit of the Hals ted street Institutional church. A Perfect Painless Pill is the one that will cleanse the system, set the liver to action, remove the bile clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are De- Witt's Little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers are simply perfect" Sold by all druggists. KKEBALD PARK. L. Hnck was in Chicago Thursday. E. J. Cohan called at "Green Cottage" Friday. Mrs. H. Felineten has been quite ill the past week. John Armstrong spent Sunday with his family here. Miss Margaret Aylward was in Wood­ stock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. W Hill spent Sun­ day at their cottage. Mrs. C. W. Berkircher and H. Ber- kircher spent Wednesday in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bending of Chi cago visited L. Huck and wife a few days this week. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin visited with her sister. Miss Margaret Satur­ day and Sunday. Robt. Sutton and Phil Aylward were among the passengers on the excursion to the penitentiary Thursday. J. A. Farrell returned to Chicago Monday, after spending the summer months with his numerous relatives and friends here. y A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a bad oold on my lnngs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." Sold by all druggists. BINOWCOD. Mrs. J. Ladd spent several days in Elgin last week. Fred Bell and H. J. Watson have re­ turned from a trip to South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Lowell of Nunda were here Sunday calling on friends. There were" twenty-five tickets sold here on Friday for the Joliet excursion. J Bray field lost a horse on Saturday, the animal dropping dead on the street. Rev. Coon of Greenwood filled the pulpit at M. E. church Sunday after­ noon. A. M. Garrison of Marengo was here on Friday solicting buyers for Kansas lands. The Willing Workers meet on iThurs- day with Mrs. Buckland. Tea will be Berved. Mrs. Julia Bishop is again able to be about after an illness of a couple of weeks. Wm. Dodge has arrived at Seattle on his retnrn from the Klondike and is ex­ pected home during the week. Mra J. E. Cristy and mother, Mrs. Harsh, leave on Thursday for Vermont to spend a month with relatives and friends. W. C. f T. ,U. will hold their next meeting with Miss Maud Abbott, on Saturday, Oct. 10. Light refreshments will be served. Mrs. J. Conklin of Woodstock is a guest at the^iome of her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Brown, before leaving for California, where she will make her future home. The Ladies Aid society will hold a pumpkin pie social at the home of Mrs. Clayton Harrison, on Thursday evening Oct. 8. A good program has been pre­ pared and a ten cent lunch will be served. Hayracks and other convey­ ances will be furnished for all those de­ siring to attend. Both yonng and old are most cordially invited to take this moonlight ride to the country and have, a good time. i OSTKND. Corn cutting will be the order of the day for a short time. More of the beautiful rain visited our land Saturday. Mesdames Will and Warren Thomas, Chas. Florida and W. F. Bassett at­ tended the social at Mrs. P. F. Hunt's Thursday. The Cherry Valley Literary society will meet with Mrs. E. A- Matthews Thursday, Oct 8, at eleven o'clock. Refreshments will be served at twelve o'clock. Everyone is cordially invited. Oh, what disgusting sights we see from day to day. As we were going home from church we saw boys sixteen years old being taken home, drunk. Some mothers' hearts will ache. Rev. Lauck of McHenry changed pul­ pits with Rev. Coon last Sabbatlj, preaching a good sermon and baptizing two young ladies and three young gen­ tlemen, the result of the Salvation Army meetings held there last winter. The Cherry Valley Literary society ^ill hold a bazarr in the near future. GKISWOLD LAKE. Pat Flusky was in town Monday. Miss May Welch spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Geo. J. Walmslsley was calling on home folks Sunday. B. J. Frisby and J. W. Gibbs are do ing carpenter work for Paul Rieger. Miss Rose Vogt of Volo is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mat Glosson, of this place Ed. Sutton and L. E. Walmsley visit­ ed Emerrld Park friends Tuesday even­ ing. Geo. Steinsdoerfer, his mother and sister, Barbara, were in Dundee Satur­ day. The many friends of R. G. Smith will be pleased to hear that he is again able to sit up. Fred Deutchinan has purchased a buggy. Just wait until he gets it paint­ ed, girls. A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're look­ ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: '.'I suffered with an ngly soie for a year, hut a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve enred me." It's the best Salve on earth. 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. Mc­ Henry, drug stores. & t( Harness 5naps and "snaps" in harness for horse owners. There's a complete stock of all the little things required in the harness room and stable--Rrvets, Hooks, Ter- rets, Hame Trimmings, Harness Menders and snaps of every variety. Breast Chains, Heel Chains and Tra^e Chains, too, of the best design and quality. Besides selling all kinds of light, medium and heavy * Harness at moderate prices we can supply such parts as may be needed for repairs. Gus Carlson McHenry, III. .. i $ * A ™ '* ",,s" if*'##! 6 A ' r. $ YtK ' & mw FOR SALE! One ten-room House in good condition with good Barn, and three acres of land in Village. One Feed Elevator and Warehouse, capacity twenty cars; also Coal Sheds, capacity two hundred tons, with good trade in Feed, Grain, Seeds, Salt Cement, Coal, Etc., sit­ uated on large lot with side track privileges and fine loca­ tion for Lumber yard. Store 40x80 feet, two stories with pleasant living rooms in front part of second story; also Store Room connected, 20x50 feet, one and one half stories with two lots. The only General Store in town and is now stocked with a good line of everything and doing a good thrifty business. Stock will inventory about $12,000, but will be reduced to suit purchaser. A fine opportunity for stepping into an old established Business. Will sell together or separately to please purchaser. Nothing but cash will be-entertained. T O t H E P U B L I C ! -- -- We desire to thank you for your past courtesies apd li­ beral patronage and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of same until we find otllr successor. All accounts must be settled before January 1, 1904. Ringwood, 111. J. E. CRISTY VOLO. Jacob Stadtfeld drove to Waukegan Saturday. Will Syers of Elgin visited at Chris. Dillon's a few days last week. Vaughn Fitch spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents in Waukegan. Mrs. Kate Effinger and children are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stadtfeld. Miss Martha Matthews of Evanston visited at Raught Bros.' a few days the first of the week. A. Behm and bride returned from Nebraska last Tuesday and are now liv ing near Fremont. Geo. Buhr, wife and Miss Lena Sprang of Chicago were guests at Chris. Sable's Saturday and Sunday. Misses Mabel Grauger and Helen Ray tnond of McHenry attended the New England supper Tuesday evening. The New England supper last Tuesday evening was quite largely attended, $28 being cleared. Proceeds go towards the pastor's salary. Rev. Hall, of the Halsted street church, Chicago, gave a very interest ing talk in the M. E. church last Sun­ day of the mission work oeing done among the poor. His parish includes 2,500 people. , The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Raught Bros. Tuesday after­ noon, Oct. 6, at 1:30 o'clock. Members of the Shepard union are requested to be present, also all others interested in temperance work. At nine o'clock Thursday morning, Oct. 1, in St. Peter's church, Miss Kate Pfannenstilll and Jacob Stadtfeld were united in marriage, Rev. G. Thiele of­ ficiating. Their many friends wish them happiness and prosperity on their voyage through life. Word was received Tuesday morning from Minneapolis, Minn., of the sudden death of Rev. Truman Allen, uncle of Mrs. C. G. Huson. H.e was pastor of one of the M. E. churches of that city, and was stricken with apoplexy last Sunday morning while preaching, liv­ ing but a few hours. He was loved and respected by all who knew him. Mr. Huson and family have the sympathy of their many friends. JOHNSBURGH. Martha Niesen visited Clara Lay Sun­ day. Geo. Nell had quite a few boarders this week. Rosa Lay transacted business in Chi cago Tuesday. John P. Lay transacted business in Chicago Monday. Peter Britz took in the excursion to Joliet last Thursday. Mrs. John F. Sehiuitt iB visiting her daughter, Maggie, in Nebraska. Mrs. Peter Niesen and daughter, Del la, were McHenry callers Tuesday aft­ ernoon. Messrs. Joe Freund, Peter Britz, John P. Lay, Peter Weber and Jacob Freund called,on Peter Niesen Sunday. Mesdames Stephen and Jacob Schmitt and Jacob Adams visited their mother, Mrs. Freund, last week Wednesday. Last Thursday being Mrs. John Freund's birthday her many friends gave her a pleasant surprise in the even­ ing, bringing her presents and wishing her many happy returns of the day. They made merry until a late hour, when refreshments were served, after which all departed for their homef. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freuud and family; Jack Miller, Spring Grove; Jack, Mike and Anna Justen, Marie Freund, Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Miath. Smith, Mr. and Mrs Peter Smith, Mike Freund, John Mil­ ler, Nick Klein, Rob Schaefer, Peter Lay, Delia Niesen. Helen Klein, Susan Miller, Johnsburghj.Mr. and Mrs. Hen­ ry Ttaelen and family, Nippersink; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thelen, Round Lake; Margaret Justen, Pistakee Bay; Mar- garethaSugg, Chicago. He Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesly: "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and^, over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for this same reason that you are told again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these dis­ eases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For ^frle by all druggists. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Ohio ago. 3.05 a m S.ii am... 12.30 p m 3.45 DID... 5.01 pm... 9.10 am... 2.02 pm... Leave McHenry. 32am... 8.30 am... 9.00pm... a.17 pm.. 7.32 am.. 7.51 ptal.. Effective June 1, 1903 WEEK DAT TBAINS. NORTHBOUND Viu Elgin Via Des l'lulnes Via Elgin Via I)es Plaines... Via l)es Plalues... SUNDAY TRAINS. ,. ..Via Des Flainea.... Via Elgin Arrive McHenry 10.10 a m 10.10 a m 2.45 p m .....4.45p m . .0.40 p m '?• .11.14 am . 4.&3 p m TIK DAT TRAINS' SOUTHBOUND. Chicago. Via Elgin 10.05 a m Via I>es Plaines .,V.85 a m Via Elgin-- 8-45 p m Via Dos Plaines. : .7JO p m SUNDAY TRAINS. . ... 'Via Elfdn 10.06am .Via Elgla.. .10.15 p m Steadily tirowiiiK. Every customer remarks that we have more goods than ever before. So we have, and rooms on our second floor-- formerly rented--are now filled with our reserve stock. Keep posted on goods and save by buying right. Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers 69c; extra quality Men's Fleeced Underwear 39 and 45c; Ladies' Fine Wool Hose 15 and 19c; Fur Boas, trimmed with 6 tails, 69c; Fine 50-in. Electric Seal Boas $1.29; Ele­ gant 71-in. Beayer Scarfs $4.98; Good Flannel Blankets 45c per pair; Boys' Knee Pants 19 and 89c; New Fleeced Waist Goods at 8, 10 and 12c per yd.-- remnants of high priced goods. Men's Good Corduroy Pants $1.69. SKIRT SALE. Over 400 Skirts, all styles, at prices it less than regular rates. Ladies' Walk­ ing Skirts in three lots at 98c, $1.49 and $1.98. Elegant Dress Skirts, $4 50 gar­ ments, in blacks and colors, at $2.69. Ladies' New Style Silk and Velvet Fall Jackets $8.79 and $4.29--a very low price for goods of this quality. Tailor- made suits for Ladies and MisseS now selling at $f> 00, $6.29, $7.79 and $9.00. These suits were bought by us at a closing out sale and are all new and up- to-date styles such as usually retail at from $7.50 to $15.00. CAN WE DO MORE? We pay your car fare both ways, if you trade $10.00 and show round trip ticket; we give you the largest stock to select from and save you money on your goods. We can help yon economize. Try and see. C. F.. HALL CO., Dun­ dee, HI. The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of honor? Don't borrow. O A S T O R T A . Bear* the j9 You Have Always Bought Otutu* /J? , ̂ CHANGE 8F LIFE Between th« Ages of Forty «lf^ llf lo • Critical Tim* of Llf* fcf both MEN AND WQMEi Kldnoy Diseases Cause Many During this Perilous Period . . . . * 'e'yP 11. * $ Jki It Is not generally known that the bodlat '. ' of men as well as women usually undergoft|!g| >, great changes between the ages of fort/ .*; ' . V||^ and fifty. With some the period com^ mences earlier and with other* It is f " tended later. With all It is marked by th$*>; 4 overloading of the blood with lmpurltle*^*' V ; arising from the marked changes that am- " taking place. The kidneyB that filter th^.t." blood often become weak during thl^; . period, and the poisons they should haver : eliminated are carried everywhere wltl» *^7$ the blood, causing a train of symptom# 4 { ^ that indicate certain death unless tkett^v^ cause is removed. .r._ > Here are some ef the Indications thaiVV t h e k i d n e y s a r e o v e r b u r d e n e d a n d b r e a k s , " ing down: flashes of heat over the face body> backache, headsche, tired feelings, •>*[ Indigestion, nervousness, heaviness anc| l pains in the feet and legs, swelling of thtf^-g ' feet and ankles, chilly sensations, loss of ' ^ =* , weight, Irregular flow of urine, whiclk ^ may be cloudy or give a sediment oiit;.." ^ w standing, hot and dry akin, coated tongue^; . When any of the above symptoms ar£ •;< noticed, then look out for the kidneyai^^; * We know of nothing so certain to act ajk^v,"-. the right thing in the right place •# A ~ FOLEY'S KID NET CUBB. It is COMPOSE#^ ' of the best known agents recommende# by the highest authorities on kidnejr t r o u b l e s . I t I s a n h o n e s t p r e p a r a t i o n a n | ^ one that is thoroughly reliable in all c a a s 4 * * , ' - i G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. * j; CHARLES d FRETT '. , W'/rC is Wholesale and retail dealer in MBS. CECELIA ST0WE, Orator, Eutio Nous Club. 176 Warren Avenue, CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22,1903. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc­ tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened as well as I, for home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendlv druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did BO. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. With­ in eighteen weeks I was another being. jb Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how a home is saddened by female weaknea and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick­ ness and brings health and happi­ ness again. Do not go on suffer­ ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. WfpraCAmroi u In the Market Poultry Olve M a call ' i, Smoked Meats, Sausage Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery F°rC OSSI'MPTION p-faa oroiiSMd «7 aa OLl>9 3*c " A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free. McHenry - Illinois ' V , r Illinois Central R. R. OF INTEREST TO STOCKHOLDERS •j'i1 FI<M Transportation to Attend the Amaa| ' '• -,'i' Meeting at Chicago. \ "'Mi- Public notice is hereby Riven that the rejftt*.«v.'^j'.. l:tr annual meeting of the stockholders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will held at Its offices in Chicaxo, Illinois, on Wed-. m-sday, October 21, tlXKl, at twelve oVloolc^- noon. To permit personal attendance at said . uo*otiii|S there will be issued to each holder urn' or more shares of the capital stock of th%'° | i lliuois Central Railroad Company as refcist«>.'^T ; ' ',-.' civd on the books of the company at the clos«|k ;;-- of business on Tuesday, September who is of full age, a ticket enabling him, or herjj-:'*'.."* U) travel free over t lie Company's Lines fromt the station on the Illinois Central Railroa<£^ nearest to bis or her registered address t(^f • ( hicaKO and return, such ticket to be good fo#'v t he journey to Chicago only durinsrthe fouK. days immediately preceding, and tlie day o$>- i lie meeting, and for the return journey front : "vvj Chicago only on the day of the meeting, anq|"- the four days immediately following, vrhetf*' ^•v.vv properly countersigned anil stamped during ' business hours--that is to say. between 9,00A. ; •.$&'- M. and 5.00 p. M.--iu the office of the Assistance .'*$&•. Secretary, MR. W. G. HKUKX, in Chicago. Suclt - t icket may lie obtained by any bolder of stocit if registered as above, on application, in writ-i^X. ing, to the President of the Company in ChiV^r^; cago. F.acli application must state the full n a m e a n d a d d r e s s o f t h e s t o c k h o l d e r e x a c t ' as given in his or her certificate of stock. to^^MTw gother with the number and date of such certl* ' ileate. No more than one person will be car-» rit-d free in respect to any one holding off : stock as registered on the books of the Com- !>any. A. G. HACKS TAFF, < )et 1# Secretary. Your If so you ought to appreciate anything that will help you sare it. The best way to save time ii to have a Chicago Telephone Oaat bat •* aaaAa • *§a CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPMNT •mm I

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