Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1903, p. 10

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r\ I.H ^airant^,^ !V4 f * ' " - h*"£M ^ for men and boys in * Sfr •;^.#v -••-A V-h:„ '-4 jprices ranging from $2 to $15 v : ' ^ • Call and see the styles. BOOTS and SHOES The best that money can buy. See the children's line in the Ptel* School Shoes. You can not buy a better wearing shoe Underwear, Qloves and flittens flt^ • '^<r^^jieetear to , " JOHN J. MILL**. West McHenry, Hats and Caps JOSEPH w. r I 190} 1904 WINTER fe We are preparing for an enormous trade this fall in all lines of warm goods. Our prices are the low" est consistent with good Goods. Call and examine our line of Bed Blankets, Underwear, Flannels, Flanneletts, Baratheas, Tennis and Outing Flannels. New Dress Goods and Waistings in the Silk, Wool and Mercerized Goods. Underskirts, Walking and Press Skirts, Silk Shirt Waists. We have the fin­ est line of Shoes ever shown in this vicinity. A new line of MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS ranging in price from $2.50 to $5.00. MEN'S SUITS and OVER­ COATS made to your measure, 1000 samples to select from. Perfect fit. style and price guaran­ teed. Gloves and Mittens, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, Jackets, Etc. Floor Oil Cloth and Squares. Com­ plete line of fresh pure Groceries, Teas, Coffees and Spices, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, Etc. Goods delivered promptly. Yours truly, West ftcHenry. fl. J. Walsh. ».."V H •' t*fri x*t*i y't1* A A A A A A A A A 1 A A A «*^« A A v XV v lV V *V v V V V V W f %V lV lV *V lV V lV w V V v Prices Right! I floods Right! V Customers Satlslled ' . .^That's just the way business is conducted at this II,:store. We defy competition even with Depart- jfV > ment Stores or Mail Order Houses. Our Goods arte right and Customers are satisfied or they would not come back the second time. We are •& here to do business, are doing business and will •& ••. continue to do so. We attribute our ever increas- ^ ing trade to courteous treatment of our customers <& and giving # te- * • Good Turniture at Honest Prices t Jacob lusten. P H I L I P J A E G E R l I GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT £ SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE bat.v OF Pressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, III ides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and price lists fnrnished on i application. u COLD STORAGE FREE f SajS/ifiKr "*• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. § . Life'* Little Duties. It may be doubted if it is within the power of any cue man, however great and powerful and gifted, to change the current of the world's affaire, but there is scarcely any one wh4 will contend that civilization would not advance,"the world become better and life for all grow more beautiful if each citiaen would perform the simple and appar­ ent duty wliich he can easily do. There is one sure way of reforming the world, and that is f« r each person jntribut/e Us mite.--Kanawt^ty to ognt World. Dieting ti> vtten rMfSeasp. To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it is no longer necessary to live on milk and toast. Starvation produces such weak­ ness that the whole system becomes an easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat, and is a never failing care for in­ digestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol digests what you eat-- makes the stomach sweet. Sold by all druggists. The Phrenoloflat sai the Qnow. Phrenologist--Here is a man out of his proper sphere. His head betokens high Intellectual and spiritual qualities, yet he is spending his time behind a grocer's counter. Sir (to the grocer), I wish to ask you a question. Have yon any aspirations-- Grocer (calling to cleric)--John, have we any aspirations? Clerk--All out, sir; have some in'the last of the week.--Kansas City Journal. Auxions Moments. Some of the most anxious hoars of a mother's life are those when the little ones of the household have the croup. There is no other medicine so effective in this terrible malady as Foley's Hon­ ey and Tar. It is a household favqrite for throat and lnng troubles, and as it contains no opiates or other poisons it can be safely given. Sold by G, W. BeBley, W. McHeury, 111. A Polite Dental. Everybody knows the man who Is careful never to say "No" abruptly in answer to n question. "No" is a hard word, but one may sometimes be made ridiculous by a reluctance to utter it, says an exchange. A certain man who had, this habit was once met by two ladies who had been discussing the peculiarity, and one of them said that she was positive she could make him say "Oh, not" flatly. So she addressed him thus: "Let me see, Mr. Smith; you are a .Widower, are you not?" # "As much a widower, madam;" he answered, with a polite Inclination of his head, "as it is possible for a man to be who has never married." The lady had to own herself beaten.-- Mobile Register. A Perfect Pain tans Pill is the one that will cleanse the system, set the liver to action, remove the bile clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing sach work pleasantly and effectually are De- Witt'n Little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early4Risers are simply perfect." Sold by all'druggists. A Vtlnabl# Oliver Wendell Holms* once entered the private office of Mr. Jarikes T. Fields, the publisher, on an errand. He had a book done up in paper under his arm. As he was going out he suddenly turned and said: , "I have here a most wonderful book. It is worth in money value any other book in Boston. In fact, it is worth a whole library. If it could be properly edited and illustrated, as I Would do it, it would be wortli. the whole public library put together." Nodding authoritatively, he shut the ddor, leaving those in the office looking at one another, too bewildered for con­ jecture. Presently the door opened again quietly, and Dr. Holmes put in his head, his face bubbling over with amusement, and said: "Oh, I forgot to tell yon what book this is. It is Nat Thayer's checkbook." Then he shut the door. Mr. Thayer was understood at that tinted ibo richest man in Boston. s Ci A Small Boy's Kaowledft, - A small boy whose examination pa­ pers included a question as to the ori­ gin of the alphabet gav£ the following answer: "Anglo-Saxon was the first man who wrote the alphabet He wrote it in Greek first and then came to America and taught It to the na­ tion." The Blafl Phrilelu. The Doctor--You would have an at­ tack of brain fever but for one thing. Impatient Patient--And whafs that? The Doctor--The fact that nature made you an immune from that par­ ticular variety of fever.--Baltimore American. • A Wingless An vol. Bilson--Jimson seems to be devoted to his wife. Timson--No Wonder; she Is the most angelic creature I -ever saw. Why, I believe she could even keep a gtrL-- New York Weekly. Very Low Rutee to Denver, Colo.* Via North-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold Oct 4 to 8, inclusive, with very favorable return limits, on account of annual convention of Broth­ erhood of St.. Andrew. Apply to Agents Chicago & North-Wee tern R'y. Oct 8 A Policeman's Testimony. J. N. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la., writes, "Last winter I had a bad cold on my tangs and tried at least half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-t>hirds of a bottle cared me. I consider it the greatest oongh and long medicine in the world." Sold by all druggists. Excursion Rates to I'eoria (UL) Cora Kxpo- sition and Carnival, Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates Oct 14 to 34, inclusive, limited to re­ turn until Oct. 26, inclusive. Apply to Agents Chicago North-Western R'y Oct 24. He Leamfid a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesly: "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for this same reason that you are told again and again that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these dis­ eases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. If yon need any drags go ,to Petesch's. tTi *t« A A A **tv »*fri A ^ A A •*!*« >*1% A /iv *V fV l4>3 * ̂ lV lV l«K lV lV 4* lV l4»J i lV lV vt1 lV "V lV lV o <• o o o i'f o o it # o o o o o o <> <> o <> o o o o o o o o I have a large number of Pianos, some of which are nearly new and tHII soon be idle, which will sell at Bargains If you are in need of a Piano let me figure with you and \ will guarantee to save yon money. . , ALL FR.ESH •: if: F R U I T My stock of Groceries is new and fresh and that means considerable to the housekeeper. ^ Prices are right too on! every Article. % C 5 . . r , ^ | ,.r ..-i $ --g We keep on hand at all times a fine line of f. seasonable Fruits. Give us a tril order. west Mchenry. JOHN STOFFEL ! ^ CASH DEALER. R. H. OWEN I l c H E N R Y , I L L I N O I S You will enjoy a cup of Nothing to equal it. Ask about the Coupons. tOK 5ALB BY W, C. Evanson. jr*.-: ^ PELEPIiONE 301. ------no>--HninmnnHnmim Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. sells Corn Shellers and Trea4t V Powers, Duplex Grinding Milli^ Rock Island Plows, Wagoiy^ / Carriages, Buggies, Wind Millifc Well Supplies, Harness Ofl, ir Paint Oil and ̂ Machine Oil a Specialty. l^nd | Oeieril BUcksmitiUBg Prkes ilwiys Husmfilt friikNi I4iitito( M Wmsi I am asent (or the above. We put the Bods on your Build- ItiKH and should they be struck by lightning we pay damages 1f no more thau fSOS. Call> (fit full particulars. Ar« Von Left Eye«^ or Rlgtit feyedf There are but few ambidexters either In the matter of hands, feet or eyes. It may sound rather queer, but it is a fact nevertheless, that ninety-five out of ev­ ery hundred human beings are right handed, left legged and left eyed. Felix Hement remarked that it Is as established fact that we ail use one eye more than we do the other, which es­ tablishes as clear a case of "left and right eyedness" as though the same terras were, used to denote a preference in the use of hands and feet. If you want to decide as to whether your friends or relatives are right or left eyed jgive them a small telescope or spyglass to look through or have them take aim with a gun. We all take great interest In ascertaining the color, size, shape and visual powers of. our children's eyes, but how many of us stop to consider whether thoy axe right or* left eyed? Bow Naval Oflleera Arm Betray#. "Yon see that man pacing np and down while he "Waits for the car?f said the nautical looking man to a ^roup of bystanders. "Well, I'll bet anything he's a naval officer." "How do you know?' asked one of his audience. r "By his-well kept hands I know he's not a merchant seaman. They work too hard. But, just the same, he's a seafaring man. Whenever you see a man pacing like that make up your mind he has paced the poop or quarter deck on many a night watch. "I've paced a watch of four hours in a space that allowed only three steps and a shove each way. You have to do It to keep awake. I can tell that quar­ ter deck pace in others because I've got it myself." Fr«afc At* Soma# Health. There are Eftany persons who seem afraid of the fresh air. A little rain, a little wind, a little fog, a little chill In the air will keep them within doors. Going out, they bundle up in clothes so thickly that one would think they were tender shrubs transplanted from some more genial clime. The healthy people, however, are not the health cranks, not the people who run to the doctor every time they feel an ache. They are the people who walk a great deal in the fresh air, who live in the open as much as they can and who take a vacation in the country every year.--San Francisco Bulletin. A Singvlar Forest. "X^e'most singular forest growth in the world is encountered in the Falk­ land islands, a dismal region constantly swept by a strong polar wind. What appears to be weather worn and moss covered bowlders are scattered about, and when one of these curious objects Is seized in an attempt to overturn it strong roots are found to hold it down, these "bowlders" being, in fact, native trees which the wind has forced to as­ sume this shape. The wood appears to be a twisted mass of fibers «imn«t im­ possible to cut up into fueL A Barnnia Story. • story is told of the meeting of Mat* thew Arnold with Mr. P. T. Baraum, the great showman. In America. Mr. Arnold when introduced sald° ho^r proud he felt at making the acquaint­ ance of a man with a worldwide repu­ tation. "Ah, Mr. Arnold," said Bar- num. "we are both public men, but the difference between you and me Is that you are a notability, while I am only 4 notoriety.1* Sa«h Caaea Are NHeva Sometli^eS. Lata one evening a doctor received a note from a couple of fellow practition­ ers saying: * "Pray step across to the club. We are one short for a game of poker." "Emily, dear," he then said to his wife, "I am called away agt n. It ap­ pears to be a very serious case, for there are two doctors already in at­ tendance." idTMtagti of Blaak. Little Bobby (whose mamma is vwry particular and Is always telling him to' wash his face and hands)--Mummy, dear, I do wish I was a little black boy. Mamma--M]r dear Bobby, yon gener­ ally are. Little Bobby--Oh, I mean really black. Then you wouldn't see when I dirty.--Punch. 1 Bar rant a la Cklaa. A (fob man's servant In China gets no salary, yet many are the applicants; while big salaries are paid to the serv­ ants of the common people, but few make application. The perquisites of the foimer often more than triple the salaries of the letter. The fleet step to knowledge tp te know that we are ignorant.--Cecil. The wise man is cured of ambttfell by ambition.--La Bruyere. . Vary Low Rates to Detroit, Mtel^ ̂ ^ Via the North-Western Line. Excur­ sion tickets will be sold Oct. 14 to 17, inclusive, with very favorable return limits, on account of Christian Church National Convention. Apply to Agents Chicago & North-Western T,«ne. Oct 17 CASTOR 1A For Infanta and Children. Tha Kind YH Have Always Booght (2L̂ & Bears the liiiiif ' • : -7: hm the 7#?'- I*"" ?-:• <1 at Cha pell's We have an excellent line of the latest col­ ors and novelties in SWEATERS for Men, La- diep and Children, ranging in price froift 50 cts to fSTfce largest assortment ever V* shown in McHenry. In DRESS GOODS NOVELTIES we lead them all and are sure we can please you in any­ thing fn the new Waistings, Skirtings and Suitings. All x^r gpods and strictly up to c^ite Our complete line of shoes for fall and winter wear is ready for your inspection--over 600 pairs. Don't fail to see our line before buying. We guarantee every pair to give perfect satisfactions , , The store is filled with new things for fall ajid winter wear. Give tut a call. S. 5. Chapell. For Infants and Children. * '% %• /^Vegetable Preparationfor As­ similating the Food andBegula- ting the Stomachs andBoweb of I l \ l Y \ 1 S / < H 1 I D K I . N Promotes Digestion.Cheerful~ tiess and Rest.Contains neither ium,Morphine norMujef^l, OT "NAI|C otic. 7r -i Opi Nc /fcffya&it <W* tstsz*- • Smd- * Semd- Aperfect Remedy for Constipa­ tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh- ness and Loss of Slbep. Kk Simile Signature of "NEW YORK. The KM Yon Havf Always Bought \ Bears thf- Signature of Tor Over thirty Tsars l l i i s i s J y C 1 MS EXACT COPY OT WRAPPCM. VMI CtltTAUH C«MNN| MKW VMR « i H. Miller And marble MONiwfStl Headstones. 1 :̂ ŷ r- ' <}<- V , - i t s* t J* V " " X' 4 " t * L 71 v! Markers. Posts, Etc. Etc. Mv l»rge namber of Designs ar« Ol tl the latest style* ud yon sfaonld not fail to see them. It is my constant aim to please my custo­ mers and I guarantee all toy work and material to be A No. 1 and at the lowest living prices. Kindly drop me a line and I will be pleased to call on you wit£ my i samples. » ' McHemt, Hftmota. •

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