Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1903, p. 4

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jprp i ' ,^f^r*<1F |F V,v5vV.^r ^ * ^5*'" ^ ;|f *.. ny* * ,^t|. , s r^-^i p^r»^^: ~ ' j lie Ndlaiy PIMhIn PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY , THE McHfflRY PlAlflDEALER (OMPAHY. W. A. OR18TT, J- B. PKRRT, Sec. Treas. CHAS. D. ScnooMMAKKB, Editor. fiv f'4!' • ft;; F. K. OR A NO Ml. ii;&: <1.' •"' ilfcA In Bank Building. Telephone, No.JBX. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTIONS One year '».tLS0 Six months. Woto. Wwee months. 40cto. Thursday, Octobcr 8, 1903. ItoE editor of the Algonquin Citizen was compelled to solicit advertising from Elgin merchants in order to make his paper pay, most of the business men of Algonquin being so short-sighted they cannot see the advantage of using printer's ink^ It was theonlything for the editor to do, but it shows up the w: p * :•!*'> vM' • :..i m\ - local merchants in a bad light Ad- fc/*1 *5 # 1/vertising-is the power that makes busi- !?•? Wi nees go. Elgin merchants know this and those of Algonquin will find it out sooner or later. i©'> MCCUTCHEON'S "Bird Center" car­ toons in the Chicago Tribune, depicting country life, arte nothing more or less than pictorial lies. They may serve to amuse a few Chicago people who have never been far enough away from home to know what rural life is, or to realize that there are some people with a fair amount of good sense even in the\ coun­ try. We would advise McCutcheon to spend a few months in the opek and give his mind a chance to broadeny He would then cease to depict country^ peo­ ple as back woodsmen of fifty years r. a v *1 l&ZS-'Ks m V!' '<*.:£• ' f t bK : f~ x~ i k~ &§v m K .V'f I'^YJ W...' ($&$: '.: iV * %nr- E im iiS« ' Chris Schmidt Killed by Ex- rmmmvmw--.- # • M w-&* mm plosion of Gas*; f v'/.1 •"is r as we go to press word is sent in that Chris Schmidt, tbt plumber, W*s killed at the residence of F. K. Granger by an explosion of gaa. The accident happened at about eleven o'clock this forenoon. At this time it is impossible to as­ certain how the accident happened. Mr. Schmidt and his helper, John Leickem, were making repairs on an acetylene gas machine and it is suppdeed that the gas was in some way ignited. Young Leiokem was badly cut and stunned and will probably be able to throw some light on the matter when he recovers. Schmidt received an ugly cut between the eyes and other bruises. But whether it was this cut or inhalation of gas or flames that caused his death is not known. The cor- onor has been summoned. John Leickem is out of danger, bttt has a bad cut under the chin which will give some trouble. He is now at the residence of F. K. Granger. ' IT is a fact that many farmers throughout the country are moving onto smaller farms, owing to their in ability to obtain suitable help. The young bucks who leave the farm, imag­ ining that the city holds forth greater inducements and better chances for a prosperous future, are not taking time to meditate over the matter. It is true that some of the boys become financiers •and successful business men or manu­ facturers. BufcJoek^at the vast army of men who have left their country homes and are now merely grinding out an ex­ istence (not a living--existing and living pre different) in factories, shops, and as cheap clerkB in department stores. These same men would gladly exchange positions with the farmer, but it is now too late. They are in the toils and must stick. Stick to the farm, boys, and enjoy real life. There will be no strike to deprive yon of your wages half the time. OSTMJJNl*. Beautiful fall yrsather with in oc­ casional shower More rain, with very hard thunder and lightning, the 6th of October. Robt. Richardson is making quite an improvement in buildings on his .home^ farm. Glad to see it. **1 ^ Everyone is cutting their corn u fast as it matures, expecting Jack Frost, but he has not called this way yet. Last Sunday, Oct. 4, Grandma Thom­ as' children celebrated her ninetieth birthday at the home of Jos. Draper. There will be a social for the benefit of the cemetery fund at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bassett Friday evening, Oct. 9. Pumpkin pie, dough- nuts and coffee will be served. All are cordially invited. The cooks of the country will please bring pie, cake or doughnuts An invited party met at the home of P. S. Martin Sunday, Oct 4, to renew the acquaintance of old neighbors, Mrs. Coralinn E. Brass of Kansas and Mrs. Bonrgrin of Jo Da vies, III Those pres­ ent were: Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Brass, Seneca; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King, B. Eidemiller, Misses Alice Martin and Ethel King, Woodstock; Carrie Mam- field and lady teacher, Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. E. EL Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flor­ ida and Frank Martin. After a 'boun­ tiful dinner the company adjourned to the parlor for a visit and listened to the young folks' concert Then came the oid folks' singing of the .old songs they loved so long ago. After spending a very pleasant afternoon all repaired to their homes, thinking: "When shall we all meet again?" While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y„ ran a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of his hand. "I thought at once of all the pain and soreness this would cause me," be says, and immediately applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and occasionally afterwards. To my surprise it removed all pain and soreness and the injured parts were soon healed." For sale by all druggists. ROASTING 33FB7 m I Great care is given to this process in blending Dudley's Famous Coffees Our special process of roasting, perfected after years of experiment, produces such remarkable results that users of Dudley's Coffees observe no harmful results, while at the'same time agree that no coffee ever delicious aroma and flavor found cost no more than ordinary coffees. •OLD KXCLCBIVKLY IN m I\ 1 / AI THIS CITY BY IVS . J . VV A LO coffee ever had the in Dudley's. They Mrs. D. Booth of Richmond is visiting old acquaintances. S The foundation is being laid for Jacob Stadtfeld's new residence. Geo. Huson and family of McHenry visited at Will Huson's Sunday. Mrs. Vogt is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Hicks, at Grayslake. Barney Sexton and one of his class­ mates of Elgin Sundayed at Frank Sex­ ton's. Messrs. and Mesdames Raught and Sutherland of Waukegan Sundayed at O. Howard's. Amos Compton, wife and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin visited at James Kir- wan 's the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Eatinger went to Chicago Saturday to visit relatives, returning Monday evening. Mrs. Sarah Huson returned to Elgin this week after spending the summer months with her son, Clark, and family. Saves Two from Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fa­ tal attack of whooping cough and bron­ chitis," writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medi­ cine and to-day she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 60c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Trial bottles free. Read The Plaindealer "want" rfds. Want Column^ All advert lwmt>Hts Inserted under this ht>ad at the following ratoH: Five l!m»s or lew*, fc5 cents for flrut InnertUm; 15 o«»ntH for each subsequent Insertion, More than ttve linen, 5 cent* a line for first insertion, and 4 cents a line for additional Insertion!. TXT ANTED--SEVERAL PKBSONS or CHAB- ** actcr and good reputation In each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise ol<t established and wealthy busi­ ness house of solid financial stanoing. Salary C21 .00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Knclosc self addressed envelope. Colonial, Dearborn street. Chicago. 9-l#t p>OR SALE--One bay horse, wt. 13640, one bay mare, „ wt. 1«W. Both are young, sound, and 9tf good worker* in any harness. Call on WM.BORSLETT. 12H)R SALE--120-acre farm H lnlle south of A McH«nrv Inquire of JOS. SCHAVrCB. McHenry. 13-3t* f*OTTAGE FOR RENT--A five-room farm ^ cottage, with cellar and barn, at Howell's Villas. Will rent to reliable party for winter months up to the first of April. Rent $30. 13tf Xj^OR RENT--Six room bouse in West Mc- A Henry: cellar, good water in house and all conveniences. Also good barn. Inquire of F BED SCHNOBB, W. McHenry. 14-tf fTMJIi SALE--Choice 2-year-old ^ bull--gentle and choice heifers. orderly. F. K. OBANOla. Holstein Also lot of O ^ S T O R Z A . . Biu, tb TIM Kind You Haw Always BogM £ tt Don't forget the "want ad " colmnnl Thotuuuids Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. ' Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set­ tling indicates an unhealthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid­ ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad­ der are out of order. What to Do. v There is comfort in the knowledge SO often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder' and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra­ ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won­ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Home of swamp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men­ tion reading this generous offer in this paper. Cuis Tfr New styles for fall are here, in Suits Skirts Jackets Capes Wrappers Sweaters Shoes Dress goods Everything complete PRICES ALWAYS CORRECT W. DC "EV ANSON. hY-'h.^V" ' . • mm r IT WINS THE have tried Know Wutiful Rm.H Rniu ..J Di .^ 7't 7ou ^iave I*ot* •omethlnj good la In store for you. Lights jj" ^ ^ ,that J*»t the right flavor and finish, will grace your table If yo tl»e Ben Hur Flour. Whether you work with brain or mu;. Je, or better still if you worh with both, you m good la in store for Finish, ? ^.o your wor^ wel1 and brin, out the best effort! that are in you. The rid , mi f 4keven Came out of any oven ls madc from »«n Hur Flour. It contains mc f ,m °£er flour and keeP® U*ht ar'd moist longer. Ben Hur Flour costa no more, and evei * l£Tn H?™ rfVing * man who pays the blUs- We never have to argue with a housewife whe •** ®en **ur' It does its own arguing. Tell yo^ v grocer to send a MCH next time you order flourj OJade by R.oyal Milling Co., Minneapolis. riiNN. rKEE."The adventures of the "BEN'HUR DOUGH BOYS," In full bright colors with rhymes and pictures erianged to entertain and delight the children, vHTTfiS #eiit to any address upon receipt of 6c in stamps (to pay cost of mailing , end the card or bllf head o' any loesl retail grocer who does not sell BEN-HUR Flowft Address ROYAL MILLING COMPANY, Minneapolis, fHftyn, Hkntion th>« ptptr i eateaesssssosesMsw km>9 "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO.' s<es»seseise offoooeooeee* eeseeei ^WHKMHHNIpfWeS flrcVou Satisfied W „ Xrh . f . with the Shoe? you have been wearing? Da they * -1 \ v%ive g°od service? If not, let us sell you a pair. .i:5tWe know the business from the "heel" up and ';6:: guarantee every Shoe that goes out to be as re- <• ' ̂ presented. New fall stock is now in, consisting ..^*;'i;of the best in Calf, Kangaroo, Vici Kid, Enamels :,' i |and Patent Leather. Shoes for all--men, women >^and Childrett.r-C'la.d most complete line in Fall Dress Goods Our line is complete. • Fancy Waistings and Suit­ ings and everything in Dress Goods. Ladies should not fail to see the display, also the new Fall Hats. Everything in Children's* Headwear, .A FULL' LINE OF SWEATERSi'^CS ' Successor to Q. StoffaL West McHenry. P. A. BOH LANDER iwiiyyyiiiiii^^ -I AM AGENT .FOB THE CELEBRATED- Nlnnir AND Moras which rankr Amotog Irai! inak^1 In ^ ' country and I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com* pHete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har­ rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Farmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices and you'll nevwv regret Hit. Will soon have a car load pt Twijie. , v .. , • ^ • • • • • • . . \m raMer, McHenry WmiHHBHllHIMlBllliaail--TIMiiaiI a a i a a m i i i n a m i t M M i | | U $ TFNNTFRINVMIV IMVMH iiinvvv IVIKIIM NIFIII? IRRNTTT"IFI'II NVII FOR SAEEI One ten-room House in good condition with good Barn and three acres of land in Village. v One Feed Elevator and Warehouse, capacity twenty cars; also Coal Sheds, capacity two hundred tons, with good trade in Feed, Grain, Seeds, Salt Cement, Coal, Etc., sit­ uated on large lot with side track privileges and fine loca­ tion for Lumber yard. Store 40x80 feet, two stories with pleasant living rooms in front part of second story; also Store Room connected, 20x50 feet, one and one half stories with two lots. The only General Store in town and is now stocked with a good line of everything and doing a good thrifty business. Stock will inventory about $12,000, but will be reduced to suit purchaser. A fine opportunity for stepping into an old established Business. Will sell together or separately to please purchaser. ^Qthing but cash will be entertained. ..Y '*1 TO THE PUBLIC! ^ ' We desire to thank you for your past courtesies and li­ beral patronage and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of same until we find our successor.;, ?All accounts, must be settled before January 1, 1904. -|V îngwood, HI. > J# E. CRISTY Special Sale! Prom Friday, Oct. 9, till Tuesday, Oct. 13. • - \ * Everything in the store going at 25 per cent, reduction. Bead ttm quotations: Men's Buckle Shoes, regular $1.75, special..... *... .... ... Ladles' Everyday Shoes, regular \adies* Dress Hhoes, regular $2.00,^speclal. .91.29 Enfunt's S^oes, 1 8, © M• • Jh'ildrei^s Shc^s, 5-^, special *prj^e.... . •'% •*>>:9f• lien's Hiibber IlcH)ts, romlar SRCp!^!.. .. ... ...... J3.49 lov's Hubher Bixits.a toft, spool:*! . ..... ..«!.» Ion's Hnan pwwf Ilublwr Hoots, rt'KulHi ur|oe 19-78, g •eather H«K)ts, the v«ry best, at lowest pric«t. - " j Kikffiiiur <UV> kluiiUMl _ uvuer v»»v> »y. ^ r 7 i oy t'oi-duroy Knee l'auts. regular ,10c, bpociaL. ..en's blue bib Overalls. worth SOc. ®. ...... /*>* Sotton BattiiiK. Per «>11- • • :> Tlen's Working Shirts, renular price 110c, ©_ .... Jleu's Dress Shirts with collars, ......... Tennis 1' lnnnei, regular price lie, . jlerman blue Calico, worth tt cents peryara, ilnuhains, worth Sc. per yard, ® fced Table Cloth, worth UOc yd. special . fiext quality worth 40c, special ..... ked Calico, worth 6c per yard, special. ..aoc 30c 5 c . • 38c V'-? ,.J: Kc f ""- .....; 3Uc 20c . . Red Calico, worth (k• per yard, special ••••••'•• „ • • v j *, ; • • ^ riann«l Dress Gootls, 5 patterns, 3S inch wide, all wOol, ragalar price . ., 7ftc, special • • •; •• .vvtv.'.v.*.»•••-" ' . - lien's (^anvas tiloves, regular price . ierman KnlttlnK Yaru, per skein . . ' :mbr<)idery. spei'ial per yard ^... ' - tidies' HaiidUerciuo^. Y«ry Ufist®.,, . . nk, per bottle.. i, ir<K)ms, each ii K»ap. lobars for.. ... «. : • Cob l'ipes, regular Be, O... • lien's black bow Ties, each • V ' . . • ' e n c i l K , o « r d o t e n . • « • • • • ' • very day I'ants selling at.. West McHen ry^':-• v.?/' ;•j • ••• .42c 8C . ...28c I'.'.'.isc ' • -Wc 3C |8 10c i Hxirwitz. Prbfeisiona], Society V ^nd Bxisinesss Cards } M DAVID Q. WBLL8, M. D. PHrtmICIAJVi SUIWEUN AND OCULMW. *• Office and residence comer Bha mSi Green streets, McHenry. O. H. FEGERS, M. D. ' PHn?I<n«N AND SURGEON. McTTewy. III. Office at Iiesidejico, cornor 0<mrtmna ef^ str^s, ;TelephBue33X. n^ m M • W ' KNIGHT & BROWN. ^ . D. T. SMILEY, A TTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and Ho .tary lublic. Will give prompt and Sscare business lntrusteCtO Office in noy's Block. Wt Woodstock, II F. C. ROSS. I>. D. S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. AU. WORK PERTAINING.TO MODKKN DKKTISTSV Mitraus Ox id Gas for E.\ t i'actlug. ' ' Hours 7:30 a, m. to 5:30 p. m. A 8PMDA* WOKK B* APfOIHTMKNT OMFCY. • •y\- .&4\ THU HI* DbHTIST OH' THE WE8*v'Bl|«j|' DB. R. G. . . . _ Beslev's Drug store. 8:30 a. tn. to 6:30 pim ; ; ^ -4 '* ARTHUR BRBMKEN, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURQEOM : •, •: ; ̂ ̂ (Deaucher Spring ^ Geo. Meye r3 Oeneral Teaming of all kinds. ^ Bxc^vating and Qrading. - flcHENRY ^ ;T-V;r i ILLINOIS. Telephone, MarlrtttT!'14.: 7 ' . , ^ V LAHBERT Q. SENG;.': ' BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHcM^ county visitora. I " Prank Keppler, Jobn 5cliarrea, V'. tt 1< lfth Ave., Chicago. Attendant* •' H. C. MEAD, v Justice of the Peace and General Ia» surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure with, home agents, smooth-tongue strangete sometimes lead people astray. . -- ^ '7*3^ WMS UOHBBBT. - - XUbt-'-'. ' 1 • . - •; ,v*"; 1 " •• • > t-y. Telephone No. 393. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agentsfor all classes of property in the best Companies. » • West McHenry, lllleela SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHBHBT LODGR, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second ut fourth Mondays in ea<;h month. 8. 8. C1IAPKLL. W.ML ' C. R. THUBI,WELL. Secy. ,v -j. .?•, W. C. O. P. St. Patrick's Court, No. 1KT, W. G. O. Fmi the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COIIB. ('hief Ranges. MRS. MATII.DA MEVKKS. Sec.rotarf:. * •S'fi --: *--' L"1"1 .V. ; •' I1.W. k.1': ? / Regular every Second anffT^onirth' Wednesday evt;uing> of ench month, at 8UMt> fei's Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. C. MUAIJ Clrjii. '• • • ,-- •• 1 ; ji. P.O.*. Meet First and 'Tlilrd Sundays of each % month in Forester Hall. ANTON ENOEI.N, Chief Ranger. JOHN NEIBS, Iiecordtn^ Se»:rotary. LOUIS OBKTKL,, Financial Secretary.. JOHN J. RARBIAN, Treasurer. V Trustees- John Heimer, Anton EngfW. Ben Lauer. ^ : ' - V •- •fi O. O. P. Srt. PatHek Court No. 746. CJ. O.' 4k- Meettja|>' iield the Se<rond and Fourth Monday evenlOga of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, C. R. Walter Bolger. R. S. p > HARPER i Scioutificaily Naturally Aged, . ^ | Absolutely Pure, Best and Safest for all u6es m For sale by All Leading Dealer* CROUP Cn»p sad Wlammatioe of the brru «ekaiM|b nlMTM.ind permaaantly cured by the w m Qfi M--» Coash Cur*. TIUs M«er UIHm tt an emlMnt physician was glvse the name of MINUTE COUGH CURB bacanae fcutaat n* INaue foOowed IU use. It takes effect tftkil_ B» trouble and acts oa tha Inflamed membnnea Mead o# Marine wholly talotlie stomach and drankn »«rf|hHteiiw. 1-itsl||^ CURED n «. * • rtihne ^ " Ak . " frawe eel the inflaimnatti md thus rawxwlm tiM OBL tht _ _ Dei ONE /pr Mia bjr all x>rw(gi£|«, 'Jib..,.. j£.-

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