' '•-• ••' ,- - •-•':• I'y .".'I »•"'•*• 3V •' "•'•'• |/ :VV?2 • ..*•• sj*£\vv 4 *' . • - -.I"--"' The McHenry MMt\ - PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE MCHWRT PLAINDEALER COMPANY. JL K. GBAN'GSB, W. A. 0RI8TY, J. B. PERRY, ^ Pwe. Sec. Tmfc » S : ' CBAS. D. SOHOOHIIAM*, Editor. OflUte ID Bank Building. Telephone, No. 271 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year. ••/•• • A-50 Six months, 75 eta. Threg) Months. 40cts. PURELY PERSONAL P:. ' m sts?.. Thursday, Octo THE McHenry County Republican closed its first volnme last week. The Republican is always well filled with live local new? and can be classed with the best country weeklies, in Illinois.^ AT this time there are seven guber natorial candidates in the field, as fol lows: Yates, Deneen, Lowden, Sher man, Hamlin, Warren and Fifer. The chances for nomination stand with the first three. SPRING GROVE ITEMS fh- [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeai- er may leave their order and money with Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby, our correspond ent. The subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six months. ED. ] Howard Westlakewas a Wilmot vis- / itor Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Huff enter tained friends Sunday. Miss May Shales was a Chicago visit or Monday and Tuesday. Several from here attended Cristy's sale at Ringwood last week. Mrs. Everett Orvis entertained Mc- ^eT1^ ^ Henry fri«6ds over Sunday. Mr. ana Mrs. J. M. Imerson spent the Sabbath with Solon relatives. W. W. Lichty of Chicago spent the Sabbath here with his parents. C. G. Andrews and* family enter tained several friends Sunday. Fred L. Hatch attended to business tit tiie connty seat the first of the week. Mrs. Ben Williams and little son vis ited relatives at Channel Lake Tuesday. Ora Leadon of Round Lake was a Sunday evening caller at W. R. James'. Several Solon Royal Neighbors at tended camp here Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Overton of Solon called on Mrs. Robt. Esh Tuesday even ing. Mrs. Marian Overton and sister, Lucy Carey, were Woodstock visitors last week. J. O. McLean and J. M. West lake spept the Sabbath with Lake Villa rel ative* Frances James and Miss Thomas of Hebron were visiting at W. R. James' * Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen entertained several relatives and friends Snnday afternoon. Meedames J. J. Freund and Elmer Martin were Richmond visitors the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Add Jackson, from near Richmond, Sundayed with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber have been entertaining the former's mother for several days. Misses Anna and Ada James, from near Richmond, Sun lay ed with rela tives in this vicinity. MTH. Emily M. Cole is expected home the last of the week from a visit in sev eral parts of New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westlake spent Monday afternoon with Miss Sarah Hal- deman, near Richmond. Jas. Bell got the fingers of his right hand badly pinched in a corn harvester one day last week, and now he is taking a short vacation. The Royal Neighbors of this place will»give a supper in their hall Friday evening, Oct. 23, from 5 till 8 o'clock. Proceeds for the benefit of the camp Snpper fifteen cents for adults and ten cents for children. Everybody invited. Miss Christina Buss spent Sunday with relatives at Elgin. Lew Bishop and Will Schreiner were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Schieasle were Chicago passengers Saturday last John Huemann and Anton Engelh drove to the county seat Monday. Miss Martha Wolf has been engaged as saleslady in F. A. Boh lander's store? F. Pagel, Jr., of Chicago was a guest of L. Eisenmenger and family over Sub- day. Jas Murray of Volo will move to Mc Henry as soon as he can secure a suitable house. Mrs. Geo. Meyers went to Lena, III., Tuesday, to visit her brother, Rey. Fr. Giesler. Sheriff James Lake accompanied Cor oner Maxon over from Harvard lust Thursday. V Miss Ida Wilson left Kidgefield this week for Rpckford where she will here after reside. E. J. Mansfield and family of Green wood were callers at the home of Robt. Sherburne this week. Mrs. F. E. Boger of Chicago is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaffer, and family. Attorney Paul Brown of Chicago was a guest at the home of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Churchill of Grays- lake, and Will Wilson of Chicago were recent guests of R. H. Sherburne and family. Geo. Smith went to Chicago Tuesday morning, where he has secured employ- a grocery and market neajr Evanston. Miss Anna Rossinan. who is employed by Geo. Richards in the hotel at Kirk- land, 111., spent Sunday with her- par ents, Mr. and Mrs. August J^oSsman. Ed. Thurlwell, who underwent an op eration at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, some weeks ago, came home Monday and will spend his time here until fully recovered. Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown, Mrs. L. C. Gates, Mrs. Emma Phillips, Mrs. N. E. Barbian, Mrs Andrew Miller, Mrs. Dermont and Miss Oferrie Rothermel were Chicago passengers Tuesday. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove was in McHenry Saturday and made this of fice a pleasant call, incidentally renew ing his subscription for another year, Mr. Rauen walks about with great dif ficulty at present, owing to an ugly wound in his foot, caused by a corn knife. Dr. F. A. Holly was here Saturday to visit his parent?, Mr. and Mrs. R. Holly. Albert is now located at Argenta, Ma- con^onnty, near the center of this state^ It is a hustling town of 800 in habitants, being in the center of the great corn belt district. Dr. Holly is now enjoying a good and growing prac tice John Qeimer was a Chicago caller Friday. S. Reynolds Tuesday. G. H. Hanly has returned from his western trip. Mrs. Otis Murray was a Chicago vis itor yesterday. John Davis of Wauconda was in Mc Henry Saturday. Fred Eldredge spent the first of the week in Algonquin. L. E. Traver spent- Sunday with his parents in Harvard^ Miss Bessie Phillips of Nunda mi in McHenry Wednesday. Miss Barbara Schreiner^ is visiting friends in Chicago this week. Gilbert McOmber spent Saturday and Snnday with friends at Elgin. Dr. F. C. Ross and son, Carl, spent Saturday and Sunday in Chicago, Miss Martha Rossman spent the week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Harvey Price and Miss Dora Besley were Genoa Junction visitors Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Besley of Wood stock visited relatives in town Sunday. Misses Belle Gallaher and Blanche Nellis were Woodstock visitors Satur day. Mrs. John Heimer and son, Leo, went to Chicago Friday for a two weeks' visit. Leo W. Jackpon of Chicago spent Sat urday and Sunday with S. Reynolds and family. V. S. liUmley and Capt. Tryon of Woodstock were McHenry callers Wed nesday. * Mr. Idemiller and Miss Ethel King of Woodstock were McHenry callers Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Bennett of Elgin visited their daughter, Mrs. D. F. Hanly, over Sunday. Misses Katie Justen and Maggie Schreiner are visiting friends in Chica go this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Scherman of Chi cago were here this week and attended the funeral of Mrs. Fegers. Everett Sherman, Volney Brown, Carl Mead and Paul Wooster attended the party here Saturday evening. John Frennd, the cigarmaker, em ployed by N. E. Barbian, went to Chi cago yesterday for a short visit. nMr. and Mrs. McCusker of San Fran-rv cisco, Calif., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Merriman last Friday. Nick Paul, the man who ran a foot race with* Allan Walsh in this village twenty-five years ago, is calling on friends here this week. An account qf the race mentioned is given under the head "Quarter of a Century." A Love Letter. Would not interest you if you're look ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an tigly soie for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." It's the best Salve on earth. 25c'at Jnlia A, Story's, McHenry, and G. W. Besley's, W. Mc Henry, drug stores. / Nut Parties The fad of the day for tots and the a l most - grown - ups--you' l l be surprised at the number of fun-making games that can be played--The November DESIGNER tells you all about it--gives full rules for the games and suggests good things to eat in keeping with the spirit of the hour II P' r' •s; & fc: A Policeman's Testimony. J- N. Patterson, night policeman of Nashua, la , writes, 'Last winter I had a bad cold on my lungs and tried at leAst half a dozen advertised cough medicines and had treatment from two physicians without getting any benefit. A friend recommended Foley's Honey and Tar and two-thirds of a bottle cured me. I consider it the greatest cough and lung medicine in the world." Sold by all druggists. ^Hpecial Reduced Eicurnon Rates Will be in effect from all points on the Chicago & North-Western Railway for tiie occasions named below: Detroit, Mich., Oct 16 to 22nd, Christian Church National Con ventions. San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 20th to- 23rd, Amer- , ican Bankers' Convention. For information as to rates, dates of sale, etc., of these or other occasions call upon the ticket agent of the North western Line. A Perfect Painless Pin is the one that will cleanse the system, «et the liver to action, remove the bile clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says. "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt s Little Early Risers are •imply perfect." Sold by all druggists. •ery Low Rate* to 8au Francisco -and Los a Angeles, Cal., Via Nortb-Western Line. Excursion tickets will be sold Oct. 8 to 17, inclus ive, with very favorable return limits, on account of convention of American Baukere Association. Apply to Agents Chicago North-Western R'y. Oct 17 O ^ B T O R I A . The Kind You Haw Always Bright The Old Woman who Lived in«Shoe a play and drill for the wee folk, is also given in this number-- beautifully illustrated by Mabel Humphreys. THE DESIGNER--JO cents a number--w cents a year--at our Standard Pattern Department. It will be an act of economy to look over our new line of Dress Skirts Petticoats Flannel Wrappers Etc. In fact the stock was never as complete as now. Want Column. w. c. EV ANSON. I Don't Hesitate! I i b Tl i There is no comparison between Tailor made and ready made Clothing and the difference in price is nothing compared with the difference in wear. We have thousands of samples to select from. Just look at these prices for tailor made clothing: Suits, $9 to $40 Pants, $2.50 to $10.00 Cleaning, Dyeing and Scouring promptly attended to. Bring in that old Suit and we will make it l"ook«like n£w. John D. Lodtz. All «4vprtlscmeHTftInserted under thts head at the following: ratt'x: Fivr ltrn'H or le»8. Sfl cents for first Insertion; 15 uents for each (tubtfequent insertion. More than live lined, ft cento a line for first inaei-tlon, and S cents a lino for additional insertions. TOTANTEIV--SJEVERAT, PEI^BONS OF CHAU- " actor aritrxood reputation iii each state (one in this county required) to represent and advertise old established and wealthy busi ness house of solid financial standing. Salary 821.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. .References. Enclose self addressed envelope. Oolonlal, 382 Dearborn street, Chicago. 9-10t •pVJR SALE--One bay horse, wt. 1240, one bay mare, wt. 1450. Both are young, sound, and good workers in any harness, tf Call on WM.BONSLETT. /~*OTTAGE FOR RENT--A five-room farm ^ cottage, with cellar and barn, at Howell's Villas, will rent to reliable party for winter months up to the first of April. Rent $30. liitf •pVMl RENT--Six room bouse in West Mc- x Henry; cellar, good water In house and all conveniences. Also good barn. Inquire of F RED SCHNORR, W. McHenry. 14-tf "pVDR SALE--Choice 2-year-old Holsteln bull--gentle and orderly. Also lot of choice heifers. F. K. Granger. 16-tf He Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesly: "Why do you tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for this same reason that yon are told again and again tibat Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these dis eases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidoeys Make Impure Blood. All the blood in your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex- oess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected kidney trouble. Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is over-working in pumping thick, kidney- poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect^pf Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty- cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Home of Swarnp-Koot. EILER'S BIG Ten Nights I N A ; Bar Room COMPANY 25 People Special Scenery Snakes, Dragons & Calcium Effects Superb Band and Orchestra HigK Class Specialties Illustrated Songs <& Moving Pietures :: Will Appear at Stoffel's Hall MONDAY, 0(T. U Great MoraJ Drama. Admission 25c, 35c,50c Seat* on SaJe at G. W. Besley's and N. H. Petesch's Drug Stores. I "IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO." teoooooooom Professional, Society Mm Don't Hurry about buying your Winter Goods. There is time to invest igate and while investigating do not fail to call and see what we have in the way of SHOE5, UNDERWEAR, DRESS GOODS, WAISTINQS, SKIRTS, HOSIERY, ETC. It will be to your interest to call. We believe in quick sales and small profits. v Successor to S. Stoffel. West MoHenry. F. A. BOHLANDER #0000000004 A A »•« «•« .*1% A .•. .*• .*• -«*•- 4 A i£i i£i 14,1 1 J,I 14,1 i£i 1^,11^,11^1 i£l i£i i£l IJI IJ.I l£t IJ.I Il£l !£! Ill Ul Ml |¥| |H New Pianos which I can GUARANTEE for TEN YEARS from $150 up. Good used Pianos from $75 to $150. Pianos to rent from Sa.oo to $4*00 a month. Siz months rent allowed on purchase. I have a few second hand Organs, taiken in exchange for Pianos, which I will sell at Bargains or rent fpr $1.00 a month. PIANO TUNINO AND REPAIRING at reasonable prices. First Class Work Only. • McHenry. R. H. OWEN. | iti fl'i tf I t*frl t*frl ll*l ifri iti iti il'i iri*! tfi ati it"i ifi .ti iti .4*. .«K A A .f. r 14,1 ij.1 ij,i IJ.I lj.11J.I IJ.114,114,1 IJ.114.114,11,|,l 14,1 IJ.I »4.' I|l f <!• I|l 1.1.1'J,' Farmers! -I AM AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED- HIM M OSBORNE BIMS ADD MOWERS which, rank among the best makes in the country" and I guarantee them to give the best of satisfaction. I also have a com plete line of Plows, Harrows, Disc Har rows, Cultivators and everything needed by the Farmer. Before buying your farm machinery get my prices and you'll never regret it. Will soon have a car load of Twine. (Mher, McHenry 1 Special Sale! From Friday, Oct. 9, till Tuesday, Oct. 13. Everything In tUe store going »t K per cent, redaction. Bead tbe qnotations: - Men's Buckle Shoes. reKular $1.75, special... $1.16 Ladles' Everyday Shoes, regular 31.75, special 11.24 Ladles' Dress Shoes, regular gJ.OO, special $1.29 Youths' Shoes, 1 to 5V4, regular 11.75, special |1.24 Boys' Shoes, 9 to 13H, regular fl.30, special Wc Miss Shoes, 13!* to a, very beat, special $1.» Miss Shoes, 12 and 7«C Infant's Shoes, 1-3, @ #*JC Children's Shoes, 5-8, special price.... .^40c Men's Kuhhur Boots, regular $3.35. special...- f2.49 Bov's liubher Boots, 2 to 6, special.,... ..... Men's Snag proof Rubber Boots, regular price 18.78, O Leather Boots, the very best, at lowest prices. 'Boy Corduroy Knee Pants, regular 50c, special Men's blue bnj Overalls, worth 50c, @ Cotton Batt ing, per roll ; • • Men's Working Shirts, reitular price oOc, ^ Men's Dress Shirts with collars, & .wc Tennis Flannel, regular price 11c, (§* vti: • • 5C German blue Calico, worth 1) cents per yard* 9 Ginghams, worth 8c per yard, @ • ?*c • Bed Table Cloth, worth OCc yd. special • • -Wc Next quality worth 40c, special »C Bed Calico, worth ttc per yard, spTOial.. .....•••••. Flannel Dress Goods, t> patterns, <16 inch wide, all wool, tegular prlce^ 75c, special . • . Men's Canvas Gloves, regular price 10c, @ German Knitting Yarn, per skein Embroidery, special per yard..... Ladies' Handkerchiefs, very best® A..,*.. liik, per bottle Brooms, each 8ttap, 10 bars for Cob l'ipes, regular 5c, Men's black bow Ties, each .. ... IWC Pencils, per dozen JfC Everyday l'autu sailing at .Wc West McHenry. ' HvifwitZ. DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYblCIAN, SLRUEO'N AND OOCLIBT. *• Office and residence corner Elm and Green streets, McHenry. O. H. FEGEKS, M. D. " PHT8ICIAN AND SURGEON. ilcFent, Ul. Office at Residence, corner'JonrfclMift Elm streets. Telephone 333. 11 KNIGHT & BROWN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 100 W-ishlngtOB street, Chicago, III. D. T. SMILEY, ATTORNEY, Counselor, Solicitor and No Public. Will give prompt and im- hisptt attention to all business intrusted to Office in Hoy's Block." Woodstock, II F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office over Petesch's Drug Store. ALL WORK PERTAINING TO MODKUN vl .NTISTRT Nitrons Oxld Gas for Exti acthig. Hours 7:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m! SUNDAY WORK BY APPOINTMENT. ONLY. THI NSW DBNTIB* ON WKST SIDB DR. R. a. CHAMBERLIN Office over Besley's Drag" Store. Hours from 8:30 a. m. to 5:80 p. m ARTHUR BREMKEN, M.(i D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Deutscher Arzt.) Spring drove, Illinois. Geo. Meyers General Teaming of all kinds. ^ Excavating: and Grading. ilcHENRY ILLINOIS. Telephone, Market 1714. LAHBERT 0. SENG BUFFET Headquarters for McHenry and McHenry county visitors. Prank Keppler, Jobn Scharres, 98 1 Ifth Ave.. Chicago. Attendants H. C. MEAD, Justice of the Peace and General In surance Agent, including Accident and Life Insurance. Agent for Continental Casualty Co. Insure wltn home agents, smooth-tonguo strangers sometimes lead people astray. V WMT MCHENRY. - - III. Telephone No. 293. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of ) property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois SOCIETIES. MASONIC. MCHENRY LODGE, No. 158, A. F.and A. M.-- Regular Communications the second and fourth Mondays in each month. S. S. CHAPELL. W. M. C. R. THURLWULL. Secy. W. O. O. F. St. Patrick's Court, No. 1ST. W. C. O. F., meet the First and Third Saturday afternoon of each month, at Forester Hall. MRS. MARY COBB. Chief Ranger. MRS. MATILDA MEYKRS. Secretary. M. W. A. Regular Meetings every Second and Fourth Wednesday evenings of each aio:;t,h, at Stof fel's Hall, John Kimball, Consul. H. O. MEAD Clerk. C. O. F. each Meet First and Third Sundays of month In Fftrester Hall. ANTON ENGELN, Chief Ranger. JOHN NKISS, Recording Secretary. Louis OERTEL, Financial Secretary. JOHN J. BARBIAN, Treasurer. Trustees' John lleiaier, Auton Eugeln. Ben Lauer. C. O. F. St. Patrick Court No. 74(1. C. O. F. Meetings held the Second and Fourth Monday eveuiugs of each month in Forester Hall. James Hughes, C. 14. Walter Bolger. R. S. ^ W; Scientifically Distilled, Naturally Aged, Absolutely Pure, Best and Safest for all uses For sale by All Leadiug Dealers CROUP Cfcoae aad Inflammation of tb« luyns mr« insturiQp Www and permanently cured by the uis of Oae IJlMla Couch Cure. Thla never falllnr preacrlptiO| Ir •• eminent physician was CITOB the name o! OI4I MINUTB COUGH CURB because instant relief has dim followed Its Me. it takes effect at the fee trouble and acts OO the Inflamed membrar.ea U. (toed erfpasatat wholly tato the stomach and •r ttugmiliit the system Gives relief tastantly. CURED tt daatroiu this alaeaae |MW, dear* the phlegm aei ve oet the Inflanunatloa, thus removing the cause One Minute Couth Cure l| fcewsoettVe farflammatloa^thua remoTing the ^ fled ovtw permaoeotly w sut'iSsi Hum* Win iilj'for children. Do not fori* theMaS ONE MINUTE Igr mto