Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1903, p. 9

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ADAM HIS FIRST HOME. 'When Expelled From Eden He Found Refuge From a Storm In a Tent. >• V-- One of the old legends of the Tal- ' >_ mud!, assuming to be authentic--al- ^,7' though the proofs ot authenticity aie . nowhere to. be found--relates that "'V ^ Adam on his expulsion from paradise i <' encountered a cutting north wind, against which his scant girdle of fig ivfe/i leaTes proved poor protection; As he V.V; wistfnlly cast his eyes over the deso- /; ' late plain of Shinar he perceived at a great distance a dead thorn bush. ?&.*> Running thither he crouched behind it • *"'"r and while still shivering he saw a wild ass come by. And Adam cried to the beast to lie down alongside and ke ip ' him warm. j V , B u t . t h e b e a s t s p a k e o u t ( " f o r a s s « • ^^ sometimes spake in those days i «a since," salth the commentator), ai d i' derided him for not having a Y^'./ V^coat ef fur. Whereupon Adam waxcl ' kli wroth and slew the ass with a piecJI "i \ of the thorn tree, and, with teeth an4 , " nails stripping off the ass' coat, wraj»> '<ped It around hlmsel2. But toward •t'-'yfr «oo», the sun growing hot and ia seoreMag wind arising, Adam con I';-*:?. ceived the happy thought of hanging ? " the skin over the bash and repqsing - * '.":4ahade thereof. It was done, the vff tent vn invented aad civilixation be- For a Bad Back. sSakatt, Montana, Oct. 19th.--A great many ntea in this neighborhood nsed te swaplain of pains in the back, but fe^"L . not. acarcely one can be found who has any such trouble. (/% , Mi. Gottlieb Mia ia largely respoa- jaibJe to? the improvement for It was lr he, who first of all found the remedy ~ "5'or Backache. He has recom- «mended it to all his friends and neigh- .<«"bors, and in every case it has had fc-: ; wonderful success. Mr. Mill says:-- **Fer many years I had been trou- bled with my Kidneys and pains in , j the snail of my back. I tried many n ^dicines but did not derive any bene- nmtil fall, when I bought a : ' dozen boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills. •" After using them a few days I began to improve, my back quit aching and , I felt better and stronger all around, jj.;- ^ "I will keep them in the house right : along for in my opinion they are the boat medicine in the market to-day, .•jMf :: and K my back should bother me ^ ^ £ agate, I will use nothing else." Artlstio Workmanship in Glass. One of the greatest artistic marvels of the world is to be seen in the muse­ um at Harvard university. This curi­ osity consists of hundreds of speci­ mens of flowers and plants formed of glass, but with such exquisite fidelity to nature that they appear to be real, every tint and marking, every tiniest detail, being faithfully reproduced. ' ^ They are made by a secret process, *the artists being a father and son in 5 Germany, who, it is said, may let their ijn V 8ecre* die with them| As an instance of the wonderful workmanship it may be mentioned that the very hairs which appear on the stems on certain plants are reproduced on the glass r imitations. IV the housewife who has not yet become acquainted with the new things ef everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old, we would suggest that a trial of Defiance Cold Water Starch be made at once. Not alone because it Is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand, but because each 10c package con­ tains 16 ozs., while all the other kinds contain but 12 ozs. It is safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch will use no other. Quality and quantity must win. I'he agricultural department is now developing in the South a system of "one man farms." These are small areas of land in the pine woods, upon which a system of farming is being developed of such a nature as to ap­ peal directly to the class of fanners who must necessarily handle such laad. t Bother Cray's Sweet Powders for CbDAnn Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and DestroyWorms. Over 30,000tes­ timonials. At all Druggists, 25c. Sample nUUS. Address A. S. Olmsted, LeBoy^N.*. At present there are employed on the Panama canal construction 1,500 laborers and foremen, 45 physicians, and 160 civil engineers. They were employed by the canal company, but are being paid by the United States. The daily expense of the construction amounts to about $6,000. Wbatdoyou think of Mrs. Austin's Mew Dress? Heredity is a tyrannical creditor. Nevertheless if it has given you any­ thing that stands in the way of your success--if you are naturally talka­ tive, naturally prodigal, naturally dull --yen may, by sheer force of charac­ ter and strength of will, outgrow heredity's endowments. There is a subtle difference between, the suppression of truth and the open falsehood, but it isn't visible to the naked eye. Ton can do your dyeing In half an hoar with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Like attracts like: an empty purse usually means an empty stomach. Plao'a Core Is the best medicine we ever used for «n affections of the throat and lnnga--W*. O. InwJT, Vanburea, Ind., Feb. 10. 1900k Solomon was the wisest man of his 1 " day, yet he was hopelessly married. ^ To Core a Cold in One day. Tmk*Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All |drnggistb refund money if it fails to cure. 85a lllfew -- : Don't borrow too much trouble. 1 Death holds a mortgage bn it Many who formerly smoked 10c cigars straight now smoke Lewis' "Single Binder" ? ^4#0. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. It Is flattering for a woman to please a man of brains and refinement. Mrs. Winslow's Sootblnc Ryrnp.' CMIdren teething, softens the sums, reduc Ion. »U«jr* pain, cures \ aces f» lnd co'ic. 39c s 'joUlfc Nature and wisdom always cay the ; same.--Juvenal. What do you ttunk of Mi*. Austin's New Or jpiv, -- "'-•-•t; % The heathen have no monopoly on ffeto repetttftens THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE. Cupid'Vtflns an Easy Victory Over His Foe, Wisdom. Through many years he studied books. He traveled far In quest of lore; He delved in long-forgotten nooks To find th« key* to wisdom's door; He won degrees that gave him pride. And scholars yielded him their pfaiss; His learning was profound and wide, Hia noble brow was decked with bays. One day while hurrying in quest Of further knowledge than he £ad He met a maiden who possessed A face and form that made him dad. Forgetting what he'd gone to seek He blundered into love's sweet snar«fc And, half transported, heard her speak Of foolish, everyday affairs. > v. Down at her feet he humbly knelt, He that had studied and was wise; His world was compassed by her belV His universe lay in her eyes. And then there came a boy who knew But little more than a., b, c. Straight in hlc arms the maiden flew-- Why study to be wise, ah me! --S. E. Kiser, in Chicago, Record-Herald. JUDGE DRANK THE EVIDENCE. || Was a Bottle of Whisky and One of Brandy--He Had Colic. . Justice Leo Jacobs of Wallington, N. J., was vigorously rebuked by Judge Zabrlskle at Hacnensack this morn­ ing. Some time ego Michel Frisco of Wallington was arraigned before the justice by Chief Marshal Chrysteline on the charge of selling liquor with­ out a license. Frisco was held under bail for a trial, and the evidence, a bottle of whisky and a bottle ct brandy, was turned over to the Jus­ tice. With a number of other cases of the same sort the Frisco case came up to-day. When the court asked Chrystellne on wnat he based the com­ plaint, Chrysteune said that he had turned the evidence over" to Justice Jacobs. The latter was not In court and an officer was hastily sent for him. when Judge Zabrlskle asked the justice for the evidence Jacobs at first replied that he did not know what had be­ come of It. Later he admitted that he had suf­ fered from colic the same night and had taken the whisky and brandy.-- New York Tribune. A Dark Secret. i ANCIENT CARVING OF WOOD. 8tatuette That Was Made Three Thou­ sand Years Ago. A statuette of sycamore, the most ancient specimen of wood carving known to exist, is in the museum of Glzeh, at Cairo. It dates from B. C. 3900, so is very nearly 6,000 years old, and still the wood is as sound and good as if of recent date. It was found at Sakkarao, and it is supposed to represent one of the overseers of the workmen engaged in building the pyramids which abound in the imme­ diate neighborhood and which are the oldest In Egypt. The statuette is 'known as the "Sheik-el-Beled," or "sheik of the village," a name given to it by the Arabs who found it be­ cause its features represented very closely those of the man who was then their own sheik. The statuette is distinctly a portrait, showing a well-fed, closely shaven man of 50 or thereabouts, altogether nude save for a cloth bound by a leather girdle about his loins and reaching down to his knees. The exact height of the stat­ uette Is S feet 8V& inches. Rat Tower on Rhine. This is the castle at Bingen on the Rhine where, according to Southey, the wicked Bishop Hotts was stormed by the souls of the poor he had tor­ tured, which, had taken on the like­ ness of rats. Hold Gen. Macdonald Guiltless. Six "commissioners" who went to Ceylon to Investigate the charge| laid against the late Gen. Sir Hector/Mao- Donald, who committed suicide under sensational circumstances in Paris a few months ago, have made their re­ port. They declare that the sugges­ tions of crimes were prompted by some of Sir Hector's enemies through spite. Upon oath It is asserted that the accusations against him were ab­ solutely groundless. The commission was sent to Ceylon by the late sol­ dier's friends in Scotland and some of them had known him intimately since boyhood. SHE REMOVED THE HAT. How's This ? W» offer One Hsndred Dollars Reward for «y esse Of Catarrh that cannot be cure a by ITall s Cnttarh Care. F.J. OH EXE Y & CO.. Pror*., Toledo. O. We, the and 'rstpned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 yeara, and believe him perfectly honorable In >11 boslneai transactions and financially able to etrry out any obligations made by their firm. Wkst & Tbuax. Wholesale Onifrsl ». Toledo, O. Walding. Kiknajt & Mabyin, WluleMl* Druf- gists, Toledo, O. mil's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting •rcctly upon the blood and m icoujl surface* of the •y»tem. Testimonials sent freo. Price 7S* put bot'.le. Sold by all ISruKplata. UaU's FmbUf i'llln are U» teat. Locomotive's Grtat Speed. The announcement is made that" a new engine traveling between Paris and Havre has achieved at many points on the route a speed of 120 mites an hour. This engine has ten wheel3 and Is of enormous size and weight. The driver states that it ful­ filled all expectations, and went through the high-speed experiment without any breakdown. What do you think of Mrs. Austin's New Drew? Author of Popular Recitation. Mrs. Rose Hartwick Thorpe, who wrote "Curfew Shall Not Ring To­ night," is a native of Indiana and now lives in a cozy cottage at Lajolla, Cal. She has recently completed a novel, "Briarban," the scene of which is located in northern Indiana, which will soon be issued from the press. Ask You Druggist for Allen's Foot-Ease. "I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recently, sad have just bought another supply. It has cured my corns, and the hot,, burning and itching sensation in my feet which "was almost unbearable^and I would not i>e with­ out it now.--Mrs. W. J. Walker. Csmden» N. J." Sold by all Druggists, 25c. The large number of calendars Is­ sued each new year is sufficient to give every man, woman and child- three or four. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This is why Defiance Starch Is taking the place of ail others. Was there ever a pair of shoes made that would fit a woman? What do you think of Mrs. Austin's New Dress? TRUE, BUT NOT BIBLICAL. Many Proverbs Credited to the Good' Book Wii'di Are Not In It. There are scores of wise saws, all containing more or less of truth, which are almost universally supposed to be in (.he Bible which cannot be found in its pages. One of the chief of these sentences is: "He tempers the wind to the short lamb." Vou would search the Bible pretty thoroughly before yon would find that sentence in it. Where you would find it would be In Sterne's "Sentimental Journey." Sterne gets a good deal of praise for the origination ot this sentence, but it was originated, as a matter of fact, before he wax born. In a col­ lection of French proverbe published in 1594 we find, "Dieu mesure le vent a la brebis tondue." That convicts Steine of plagiarism. "In the midst of life we are in death'"--everybody thinks 1 that is in the Bible. It isn't, though; it is the burial service. "That he who runs may read." This is mother sentence supposed, wrong­ ly, to be Biblical. It is not Biblical, though the Bible hns something very like it--namely, "That he may run that readeth." "Prone to sin. as the sparks fly up­ ward." The Bible nowhere contains those words. "A nation shall be born In a day." The nearest thing to that In the good book :s( "Shall a nation he born at once?" SPOILED CHILDREN Ox Furnished Much Beef. "Jerry," the big ox which beea exhibited at so many New England fairs during past years, was killed last week. He was 18 years old, and as he was losing weight it was thought best to send him to the slaughter house. The ox weighed 4,365 pounds one time and was one of the heaviest, If not the heaviest, oxen in the country. Dress Made of Dog's Fur. Mrs. Harry Willoughby of St JTohnsbury, Vt, has a unique piece off cloth, from which she is soon to make a dress. The material consists of a two years' clip of the hair of her pet dog, a white and brown spanieL The hair was cleaned, prepared and woven at the mill. It was colored brown and makes a handsome piece of cloth. Animals Need Company. Oxen and sheep fatten better la aasa»- » mm Oas wfc«i kent aft**. Ususlly Make 8lckly Men and Women The "spoiled child" usually makes a weak, sickly man or woman be­ cause such a youngster has its own way about diet and eats and drinks things that are unfitted for any stom­ ach and sickness results. "I was always a delicate, spoiled child and my parents used to let me drink coffee because I would cry for it," says a Georgia young woman. "When I entered school my nervous­ ness increased and** my parents' thought it was due to my going to school, so they took me out again. But I did not get any better and my headaches got worse and weakened me so that 1 was unfit for any duty. Sometimes I would go a whole day witcout any other nourishment than a cup of coffee. spring I had a bad attack ot the Grippe and when I recovered I found that coffee nauseated me a I could not drink it and even a few swallows would cause a terrible burn­ ing in my stomach. It was at this "time that a friend who bad been much benefited by the use of Postum sug­ gested that I try this food drink. I found it simply dallcious and have used it ever since and the results speak for themselves. I have gained 12 pounds and my nerves are as steady as any one's. "I consider myself well and strong and I make it a point now to take a cup of Postum with a cracker or two as soon as I come home from school in the afternoon. Postum with crack­ ers or a biscuit makes my luncheon. It certainly saved my life for 1 know coffee would have killed me in tune had i continued drinking it. "I have a young girl friend, a sten­ ographer, who declares nothing strengthens and refreshes her like Postum and she has a little oil stove In her office and makes a cup of Pos­ tum at noontime. I have recommend* ed this wonderful beverage to many of my friends who know what It has done for me." Name given by Pos­ tum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Look In each package for a copy ot the famous little book 'The Road to Humorous trteident That Occurred In an Australian Theater. - The capacious theater hat that ob­ scures the view of the stage to all who have the misfortune to sit behind It has been brought into prominence in New Zealand by the practical pro­ test of Miss Annie McDermott She was seated in a theater in the town of Oamaru and in front of her was a Mrs. Brady, wearing ruinous head­ gear. As Mrs. Brady refused to re­ move the obstructive hat. Miss Mc­ Dermott borrowed a gentleman's walking stick and tilted it out of her line of vision. But Mrs. Brady was not prepared to wear her hat at a rakish angle all the evening and so she put it straight again. Every time she did to Miss McDejpott repeated the performance with the walking stick. The magistrates decided that' Miss McDermott has committed "a series of minor but aggravating as­ saults" and fined her 10 shillings and costs. The money was promptly sub­ scribed by the citizens as a protest against large hats in theaters. Irishman's Grim Jest. In the middle of the eighteenth cen­ tury Lord March and an Irish tmble- man met to fight a duel. While the seconds were loading the pistols a man appeared, to the amazement of Lord March and his second, carrying a coffin draped in black, which he de­ posited at the feet of Lord March. Upon looking down he read inscribed on the coffin plate: "James Douglas, earl of March; born Nov. 5, 1725; died June 10, 1760." Lord March turned pale. "What is the meaning of this infernally bad Jest?" he in­ quired "Why, my dear fellow," re­ plied his opponent, "you are of course aware that I never miss my man, and as I find myself in excellent trim for sport to-day I have not a shadow of doubt upon my mind that you will want this oaken cloak before five minutes are over." This was too much for the nerves of Lord March. He refused to fight, apologizing In­ stead. Inappropriate. £ Bear--It's funny that they call you a fir tree. Fir Tree--Yes. rather odd, espec­ ially as I'm never bare. Dogs as Mourners. A strange scene was witnessed re­ cently at a funeral at Norwood, Eng­ land. The occasion was the interment of a Bermondsey dog fancier. Among the mourners in the procession to the graveside were three splendid New­ foundland dogs wearing coats of crepe with collars to match. On the top of the coffin were placed two stuffed toy terriers. These were pets of the de­ ceased fancier, who had expressed the wish that they should follow him to his last resting place in the manner described. Flies Came Down Chimney. A new entrance tor house flies has been discovered by a Franklin, N. H., man into whose home the flies had been coming in spite of well-screened doors and windows. A careful Inspec­ tion brought to light the fact that the flies (tame down the fireplace chim­ ney, a fire in the fireplace warming them up and starting them into the living room in swarms The discov­ ery led. to a fly-screen being placed over the top of the chimney and since then not a fly has been seen in the house. Dentists Use Much Gold. If there is a scarcity of gold during the twenty-first and twenty-second cen­ turies dentists, according to a German statistician, will probably be more to blame than any one else. He asserts that they use every year In filling teeth and other worn about eight hundred kilogrammes of gold, the value of which is $500,000, and that at this rate the graveyards of the various countries will contain in three hundred years from now 1150,000,000 worth of gold. Met Those He Made Happy. A novel reunion was that at Geneva, O., Labor day, when Rev. H. A. N. Richards, pastor of the Methodist Epis­ copal church in Unionville, gave a party to which he invited ail the peo­ ple he had united 4a marriage. About twenty couples responded. HAIR GOODS MIX- 6 fet uou afraid of imw R/tw , _ f»nrlerou McS«e , « v9fe fro not scared. tbtu «nau| tlu hair dturxi ub * said tU, , i t ' . Golden Weddings Galore. Charles Albert Nichols of South Windham, Me., has had the unique honor of being master of ceremonies at four golden weddings; the first be­ ing that of his parents and the others bains friends and neighbors. Corey Makes a Correction. Workmen at Homestead, Pa., have a story to the effect that Mr. Corey, the new president of the steel trust, be­ gan his industrial career pushing a wheelbarrow in one of Carnegie's steel works; that he did as much work as any two of the other men, thereby laying a foundation for the advance­ ment which culminated in his present eminence, and that he was paid |1 a day for this unusual exertion. Mr. Corey declares that this story is not strictly correct. "I "was only 16 years old then," he says, "and probably did less work than an other employe simi­ larly engaged. It is also a mistake that I started in at $1 a day. It was not as much as that" Level, Straight and Comfortable. The r lads of the New York Central Lines, < ver which run hourly trains, occupy the natural highway between the Eafet and West. A water level for one thousand miles between Chicago and New York, along the shore of Lake Erie and Lake Michigan, through the Mohawk Valley and beside the Hudson River. A route level and straight, and offering comforts and conveniences unsurpassed. Send a 2-cent stamp to George H. Daniels, General Passenger Agent, Brand Central Station, New York, for & copy of the Illustrated Catalogue of the New York Central's "Four-Track aeries." JLET THIS COUPON BE YOUR MESSENGER OF DELIVERANCES"j?; FROM KIDNEY. BLADDER, AND URINARY TROUBLES. • < rirple who be the donbt tad become cared while they donbt who jmlM Doan's Fills the highest. Aching backs are eased. Hip, back, and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropey signs vanish. They correct urine 'with brick-dust sediment, high colored, pain In passing, dribbling, frequency, bed wetting. Doan's Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart pal- Eitation, sleeplessness, eadache, nervousness, dizziness. Taylorvtm.ic, Miss.--"I tried every tiling for a weak back and got no relief until I used Doan's Wis." J N Lewis. m wnnmnl i^" mu NAMC. P. O STATE For free trial box, mall tills coupon >.> Foster-MUbnni Co., Buffalo. N. Y. If above space 1h Intuflicioot, write addranon sepa­ rate slip. ) i The reason jtm itet this fcrUl frMltlW1 ^ . : ' cause they eajra KMo^y •••vto ,-i* ills and Win yfove '1? T',sf y°u. West Buna, Mum.; iV- "Doan'sKidneyMUeldttJMK'/ - I case, which was an desire to urinate - bad ••Op • • get up five or six tlfliasof i &€%*% i a nigbt I think dlatwta* ' ̂ was wen underway, feet and ankles. grtML.•' There was an Intends pate' in the back, tbo beas^eirV','-- which would feet }il» Jrtrfc- ••i' ting one's band up to » •. ^.-2 r ha*#/'"-"-" ••• tarn USPi ip chimney. a the free trial and tn» -f-3 MEDICAL ADVICE FREE. full boxes of Dean's IflSt' f* "41 with the satisf^Ucm ot r ;^L' 4^-ij feeling that I am cured."Vv^) They are the remedy -fl- /*, excellence." B. F. Rtu iiitv Bromo-Seltzer Promptly cures all The postoffice of New York city has thirty-two stations and 159 substa­ tions. In it is handled daily 450 tons of mail matter. Fourteen stamp can­ celing machines each handle 28,000 letters an hour. Lewis'" Single Binder " straight 5c oigar. No other brand of cigars is so popular with the Rmoker. He has learned to rely upon its uniform high quality. Lewis' factory, Peoria, 111. Forty-five New Jersey Corporations which last year paid taxes on $80,000,- 000 of stock have burst, with liabili­ ties fourteen times their assets. No chromos or cheap premiums, but a better quality and one-third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches. There is in the United States treas­ ury cash and bonds to the amount, in round figures, of $1,080,000,0^0. What do you think of Mrs. Austin's New Dress? All Pennsylvania railway passen­ ger cars are to be lighted by electric­ ity from storage batteries. The profit to the government on pennies fjaya the entire expense of the mint. i What do you think o.' Mrs. Austin's New Dress? V^orks hard--cider. vu*>s»c KJBUZ KSTArS. S'irt .60 acres improved, mile Ifc W dvlOO from city; good building; 90 cows• 75 Jons hay, and other farm products; stocks machinery; with milk route thnt pay»»l .500 per year, n".l for $}A,000. Small ca«h payment, balance time. Aildress W. K. PARKINSOIf, Phillips, Wiaconsin. NORTHERN WISCONSIN RESOURCES. Northern Wisconsin offer# the finest opportunity for manufacturing and settlement. Finest grazing lnn<l;i, hardwood timber andapleudld Boll for the fanners. Good farms can ho secured on the most favorable term*. We alto handle large tracts of land contain­ ing millions of fffetof valuable hardwood timber trib­ utary u> railroad nnd stream*. Wo also make a spe­ cially of large utoclc ranches with more or less Im­ provements. Axenta wanted. RICE LAKE LAND & REALTY CO. (Inc.), K. Knudbun, General Manager, Rice Lake, WrS. DO YOU D O N ' T DELAY B A L S A M OS-* o'1 ftCures Colds, Contrhs, Sore Throat, Cronp, lulls- Mkta, Whooping Gondii, Bronchitis and Afthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first Btngeu, and a sure relief in advanced stages. I'ce at once. You will see the excell'-nt effect after taking lhe flrat doe% Sold by dea'ers everywhere. Large bottles 85 cent* and SO ceuta Washington Farms f mile from N. P. Tty. depot, only W20. Also spleudUt 640-acre favm. XI acres In wh«at, with Rood Improve­ ments fttul water, only miles from main Ry. line; price 9'Z'Z. 23,003 aorea of wild pralrlo c line wheat i land from 6M.50 to SH per acre. Have farms all sleea from 810 to per acre. Write f or terms to 8. P. WRIGHT, Hatton. Washington. $15-Farms in North-Central Kans.-S15 Fine farms at tlila veTV low price per acre, to mako quick sales, the owner's Ill-health c. mpelllns: him to leave; 160 or320acre^ choice wheat land; wheat raised worth more than price a»ked; clmo to R. R. town. 400, 830, 1,ISO-acre farms, 2 mllen from tame town; choice creek bottom, timber, alfalfa, prass land. Mberal term*. No trades. Address owner, W. A. CONNELLY, - Luray, Konsae. LOOK!--LOOK!--LOOK I Wheat 21 to40 bushels per acre; oats !>0 to '0; corn fine; alfalfa three and l jur crops; a very healthy c mntry. Sender new l.and list just out ami map Ktvln* full Information; also Pictorial representing farm scenes, farm and business houses, churches, school houses. Excursion Days--First ana Third Tuesdays of each month. W. F. COCHRAN, Immigration Agent Mis=ourl Paclfilc Railway, Osborne, Kansas. , ,: $33 ̂ Safi Francisco Los Angeles Portland Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, VViorta M other points in California, Oregon. WashimK- ton and British Columbia from Chtcago dally until November 30th via t he Chicago & North­ western Railway. Other tow rates in effect to points in Colorado. Utah. Montana, Wyo­ ming and Idaho. Corresponding low rates from all points. Fast trains, convenient sched­ ules and choU-e of routes. . PERSONALLY CONDUCTED excursions in Pullman tourist sleeping cars on fast trains afford economical means ot teaching the Pacific Coast. Double berth from Chicago only $6.00. i t S h e I t e s t o f E v e r y t h i n g | All ticket agents sell tickers via this route. Write for particulars to W. B. Kaiskera. Paas'r Traffic Mir. Ckkaf» | nw9S 100 COHN FARMS NO^rHWESTKRN'oHIO MADDKN A AVISTERMAN, - Continental, 0 io. QOn ACRES, Iturlelcrh Co., N. O. SO acres, i Harris "Jo.. Texas, bargain. 18 acres, pow- | er rlplit, Ohattle.ld. Minn. 1 can eellyou farmorlnist- j l ies* no matt-r whero located. Write. New method, j K. N. BftADiUSY, 605 K.Y. life, Minneapolis, M:r- FARM--For Sale--Special bargain: 200 acres; 7miles from Fort 6cott; 87 in cultivation, 65 meadow, 4S pas­ ture*, well fenced and watered; fair 3-rooro house, email barn; near school; IS'iO per acre. 500other farms, Block ranches. Kansas or Missouri merchan- chandlse uoneht, «"ld and exchanged. Write for uiy freellst. F. H. HUMPHREY, Fort Scott, Kan, I PAY SPOT CASH FOR MILITARY BOUNTY losned to noldlers of any war. Write me at once. FRANK H. UKGER. Barth Block. Denver. Colo. L a n d W a r r a n t s CONSTIPATION Don't you know that Dizzi­ ness, Biliousness* Sick Head­ ache and Bad Breath result from Constipation? Dr. Caldwell's (LAXATIVE) Syrup Pepsin is the best remedy you can take to cure Constipation and Stomach Trouble. Try it to­ day. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Montteello, IB. ' THRIFTY FARMERS are Invited to fettle In the State of Maryland, where they will find a delightful and healthy climate, flret- elass markets f»r their products and plenty of land at reasonable prlccfl. Maps and deucrlptlve pamph­ let! will be Bent free upon application to E. BADENHOOP, Sec'y State Board ot Immigration, BALTIMORE, KD. MICHIGAN LANDS 40 acres or 40,000 acres Large and small tracts. Wholesale and retail, for fruit raising, stock raising and general farming. 100 per cent profit in special bargains. Send for circulars. Michigan Land Association, Manistee, Mich. THE VERY BEST LANDS IN THE VERY BEST STATE. Come direct to us. Why pay an agent a commlMloa to come with you? We have lauds to sell In large or small tracts; Improved or unimproved, at from $12.60 to $26.00 per acre. Eacv terms. Call on or write UNION T.ATJD & LOAN COMPANY. Huron, South Dakota. FREE TO WOMEN! To prove the heaiint? and Cleansing power of 1'axtlne Toilet Antiseptic we will mail a large trial paeUatro witli bock of Instructions absolutely free. This is u<>( a tiny saiupli1, but ft largo package, enough to £011- vince anyone of its value. Women ail over the country are praising Paitine for wha* It has ione in local treat­ ment of female Ilia, ' jring A l l i n t i a m r u a t i c : u a n d d i s c h a r g e s , w o n d e r ' a s a cleansiiit; va'/ioal douche, for sore throat, nasal catarrh, as a mouth vrasii and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth, Send today; a postal card Will do. gold by drncgiiti or sent postpaid by ni, oO |IbU, larye box. Natlifaction guarantMtL •SUM ». l'AXTON CO.. Boston* S14 Columbus Ave. FINASCIAL. 4ft I Aft nrtn EARNED EVERY MONTH H i I f i l l ( I I I I I I s t h e r e c o r d o f t h e X o r t h P o l e UUlVUU Mine, of t-umpter, Oregon. W# offer Btock la the HIGHLAND MINE, lo­ cated on the same ledje, bavin* the »ame rich ore, running an hlKh as per ton. Management of the very best. Stoc-k lOe per Share, ca»h or In ten monthly payments. We prove all the assertions we make concerning this property. It will make aaeo- ond North Pole. Let us send you tllo opinions erf law •en and business men concerning lllKh'and. JAS. J. RUTHERFORD & SON, Ledger Building. Philadelphia, Pa. IO* MINING INVESTMENT- Principal secured. M assured, "•% cumulative. Loss Impossible. Writo 0, i,. Company, Axidrus, Minneapolis, 2&inn. QflFF INVESTMENT w ' f a l L » N o w P a y i n g 2 0 * D i v i d e n d s Bank references. For particulars address OEO. W. GREEN & CO. • IOI Pannaylvanla Bids., Philadelphia, Pa* DOLLAR WHEAT If yon want a farm in the "dollar wheat belt" writ"> for our booklet--"LAND WHALTU," giving de­ scriptions of tne finest in the woet. If you want to sell your land wo obtain hi-heet prices for it. Our booklet--"How \V«Do It" free. Don t bay or aell land till you see us. Varlasd Land & rnf. Co. St. Paul, Mom, M are still to bo bad in the Canadian West from th* Government, and purchase^' can be made ajt $3.50 per Acre and np. Low taxes, cheap,. % fuel, good markets. Bay ^ now before In valuaa. ̂ WHtt tbr Utwratore mk A. O. SHAW, Agent Passenger Canaduv I'agifio Br. CHICAGO. » %!• M -i" 'vi 4 ;,8! '1 . .s'.'J Agfnti Wanted--820 perdny fplllne entirely new ar­ ticle. Kvttry farmer, teamster, harness and shoemaker buys. Esa'cel Mf-;. Co., Lock Box 802, Denver, Colo. MISCELLANEOUS. elcctricTlightplant for sale. Chance to proenre and learn a c-'Od business In an Illinois town of 1,6>H) lnliabHants. Price and terms right. Address W. F. KEENEY, PitUfield, Illinois. "MANPV IIANIfQ" SUSPENDERS are tho llMlluI nnnno greatest Invention of the age. One pair lastx a lifetime. Send for a pair at once. I'ric 0 cents. IVc will malt one samplo pair fur 25 centa. Tako the agency and net rich. E. HANKS & CO. - - AUGUSTA, ME. Uafflicted with sore eyes, uae [Thompson's Eye Wat«> FOR RENT OR 8ALE--CENTRAL HOTBT* For particular* iddress MRS. S. ELLISON, Onarga, 111. Bpeciflo Khoumatio Oure and Kindred I>leea»es; de- tn&Dd beyond expeetAt Ion wht'n once Prcxif,one we<-k*« trial fiee. Apollo laboratory, EUiworthjKmn*. GET THE HABIT Save* 12 l'iecesof SlIvrrwareTea (?et, war­ ranted 10 years 018.OO Fonr-Fleoe Tea Set 5.00 G. L. COOK, Yankee Buyer, 70 E. 119th St., New York .•--"SI'1 '-M THE um WHO IRONS Wwjwi how important B b to use a good starch. Dcfiancc Starch b the best starch made, ft doesn't stick to the iron, ft gives a beauti­ ful soft glossy stiffness to the cJothcs. ft will not bfistcr or crack the good*, ft seh for less, goes farther, does more. Ask the lady who irons. Miance Starch at aO grocers. 16 oz. for 10 cents. ,1 TteDOTAHCfSTAWBa m m i- ft* kept Mmk Maine Savings Banks. Maine savings oanks have gained 6,000 depositors In the last six months. Statistics show that in Maine one pa*. biokhodfc - v. ̂ • um ia wr«7 tlir/M hu a baakboa • . /. WE JUST SHIPPED 11,140.15 Wntl ol OR TO ARGO SMELTER. tr« »re boUtlng pay ore dally. Oor new hotstte* •taatli now on ground. Ore values Increasing. Bic mines all about u». Low smelter rates; cheap portatkm. Bask and mercantile releieaces. HlsMrt Colorado •ndorteraenu. . . SHARES (par $1.00) Only 8c Ifim, •Will adrance rapidly. For quick P'1*5dyc° Ore samples, plau, tnap«, etc., »HER Bendfor illo«trat«d protpectua, 6hd,Wln* 23 ht**6 oi &r«t or* to smelter. THE ONOKO MINES^JO. BMlt " V w iwi a w --w www OOMfWO. •y;>:, W. L. DOUGLAS *3.= & *3 SHOESS Yon can eave from $3 to $5 yearly by wearizig W. L. Douglas $3UM> or $3ahoes. They equal those that huvo been cost­ ing yna ffom $4.00 to 85.00, The im­ mense sale ot W. L. Douglas shops proves their superiority over all other makes. Sold by retail shoe dealers "everywhere. Look for name and price on bottom. That Doaffiaa Cor. ouat'olt prores tbcro 1* value la *hoes. Corona Is highest fradti i*af.Lfathcr wade. fatt C- 'or in/cUts usni. Our$4Q:lt Edje line i-annot fikosa by mail, r*ifi extra. OUalMltM. V(. JL. HOIK; LAH. •«.. -- w .f"' tqual at aay prtc*. Illastrated T E L E G R A P H | TELEGRAPHERS' PENMAN­ SHIP and TVPEWRITINO com­ bined In one tuition. We have (he finest of telei^THpliv- In tblj country. Send fur t CtMr togae. Uenilon tills paj>er. The Chicago Railway & Commercial Instttvta, BS Wa&hln̂ rton Be. ClilcaiQ, 111. CANCER No Knite.PaiaarPlMiM' »vk>« aa» tmm. KUUMK •smd Omst 1 CURED AT HOME. 130 W 4245L. W. N. U. CHICAGO, No. 43^ When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thic Paper. . P I S O ' S C U R E f . n i

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