W VOLUME XXIX. ' ' ii McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 33,1903. NUMBER if i-vfe v ., ' *>> h " • ;-v-^ v/.-v-v-- •--/. v;v - ^ * 1 • -S": ' *V^V. "̂ "X ; .*• ,'.'• i* K'?'^ * - i"r^i S. v , PiV -7 . ̂ ? a- • - N ' T > ' '£*• ' T > ' '£*• t'i : - J5-. r- ••>, '.• »."i - "": S£>.: v.'- ; ' Jfi '^. A ^RESENT FOR SOYS AND GIRLS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF rff •*$- %•,;>' *: jfo lj 'l * ^ &*&?#**¥** v sSrv. •» '&>",* •i,'qt?';-V> WE hare bought' thontands of presents for boy» alind girl*, and one present will bs packed in each package of Vigor. These are all practical presents, such as boyi and girls like to play with. Of course, we can afford to give them for a limited time only. There are hundreds of different presents, so that the children are.^Jft to get something different each time a package of Vigor is bought. Here is a partial Ust of the presents: Boats Blow Toys Bubble Outfit* Bracelet* Chains of Beaa* Calliope Wl)istfiH Clappers Bird whistle* Cups and Sancen Clqwn Doll* Carbographt Cow Horns Dice Mirron Dominoes Drawing and Paint 1 Vtuinv Mirror* Doll ttccklau* Baseballs _ Doll Furnitn* Dolls Game* " Girls' and Bors' Chaiaa Horses and Wigim Horns Horse Rein* Tumping Rope* : D«W* Knitting Toy* Doll Kitchen M Locusts Lung Tester* jj Magnets „ Mirrors Mouth Orgjin* Musical Pipes Metal WhistlMl Nest Blocks Puzzles Penholders Pocket Mirron Pencil Cases Paint Books Faint Bon* Pocket Knhrw Purses Tin Pails Toy Watch®* Pocket Pencils Roaming Toys Return Halls Rooster Whistlw Slate Book* Scissor Tors Sketch Book* Tops Tora-Tcma Thimbles Triplicate Minor* Vigor is a food for growing boys and girls, as well as for grown people, and the presents are to make the children interested in a food that will be good for them. Nothing but the whole of the wheat in light, crisp flakes, dcliciously flavored. An appetizing and nutritious breakfast by itself, with cream, or with the addition of fruit. Vigor costs 10 cents at all grocery stores for a large package. Your next package of Vigor will contain a new present* Remember there are hundred* of different ones. 10 cents at grocers Mr. Fritfc'a Portrait ot Dickens. > It was early in the fifties that John forster asked me to paint a portrait of Dickens for him. 1 gladly consented and was about to propose a day for the first sitting when Forster stopped me by mentioning what he called a most Unfortunate propensity which Dickens had developed--he was actually grow ing a mustache! " 'Tis Just a fancy of •the moment," said Forster, "and we vtnust wait till the craze has passed Sway." A very few months convinced us that the mustache, so far from puss ' Ing away, was rapidly growing into 1 What threatened to be a formidable beard, so, unless one-half of the face was to be lost to us, no more time Should be lost. My idea was to paint him in his working clothes, but when I found that he always wore a light bright blue silk coat with big red cuffs every morning when he took pen in hand I remonstrated so successfully that after a little hesitation he con sented to wear the black Jacket ins which he now appears at Sojith Ken sington.--W. P. Frith, R. - An In King, His Navy and Army. It'Hf'SSV <H Uon Cuba *s Pet*. The most attractive household pets in the entire animal kingdom are said to be very young lion cubs. They are docile, affectionate and quick to learn tricks, it is said, besides being very decorative, coasidered merely as an ar ticle of furniture. Persons who have adopted young lions as pets and en joyed their society for any length of time are ever after intolerant of any animal so tame and uninteresting as a dog or a cat. BEN-HUR FLOUR W I N S T H E R A C E If you have ever tried it, you know why. If you have not, something good is in store for you. Light, beautiful bread, rolls, cakes and pies that have just the right flavor and finish, will grace your table'if you use BEN-HUR FLOUR. Whether you work with brain or muscle, or, better still if you work With both, you need rich, fine, wholesome bread to do your wcric wdl and and bring out the best efforts that are in you. The richest, finest, most wholesome loaf that ever came out of any oven is from BEN-HUR FLOUR. It contains more nutriment than bread made from otter floor and keepa figt* *4 moist longer. Ask your grocer. A Cnre for DjmpepMli. I had Dyspepsia in its worst form aud felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I had nsed Kodol Dyspepsia Cnre which has completely cured me.--Mrs. W. W. Baylor. Billiard, Pa. No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, con stipation, bad breath, son? risings, indi gestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quicl^lp cured by the use of Kodol. Kodpl represents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic and recon structive properties. It cleanses, sweet ens andjpurifies the stomach. Sold by all druggists. 'New Galnea Joatlc*. A comical vindication of the rights of property among the savages of New Guinea was witnessed by a missionary, the Itev. James Chalmers. Service was Just beginning in tl.o little church when a native boy cane in dressed with what he considered great magnificence, in Q shirt. As the savages were accus tomed to go nearly naked, this garment made the boy v< i-y conspicuous. The shirt hud once belonged to some white man, and the importance it gave the present wearer was tremendous. But when his glory was at its height a bigger boy appeared, hot with rage and carrying a jacket. He fell upon the first lad av.d began stripping off the shirt. The rest of the congregation, un derstanding at once that the rightful owner had arrived, gave him not only sympathy, but practical aid. They rose to their feet, and those who were near by took part in the stripping process. Presently the true owner was invested In shirt and Jacket, the congregation cooled, and the service went on. MADE BY Royal Milling Co. MINNEAPOLIS, MINK "' K3MNNM9IMMNNNMMI Jos. H. Huemann Johnsburgh, Illinois. *• sells Corn Shellers and Trend Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, - Rock Island Plows, Wagons, i Carriages, Buggies, W ind Mills, W ell Snpplieb, Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. HIM------1--frlH--------------\ franklin Li$fitnin$ Rod ¥ ~ J am agent for the above. .We ;f. put the Bods on yonr BuiM- . • lugs and should they be strack ; ; by lightning we pay damages s-V, if no more thau $500. Call and ^ get full particulars. . yt ^ teBeral MicKsmltMni v Prices always RetiMiMt Crailiini. He was an awful swell, and if tbcre 'was one thing more than another th.it he prided himself on it waa the fit of his clothes. "I can uever get a dresi coat really to fit," he said to his partner as he glanced down at a perfectly made gar ment with a hope, of course, that she would at onoe disclaim the lnsiuuiatlon. "Look at this thing." "Well, it is^atrocious." she said cool ly. "But why not save your money and buy one? It is so much cheaper In the long run than hiring," _ He Learned a Great- Tiftlk It is said of John We*!ey that he once said to Mistress Wesly: "Why do yon tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not rnough." It is for this same reason that you are told again and again th-it. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cure* i-olds and grip; that it counteracts anv tendency of these dis eases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasp.nt :ind safe io take. For sale by all dn;r Homewe! '-ro* Kxcoralona to the North west, WMt and Southwest, and Colon tat low Rates West, Via North-Western Line. Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The P.Hst of Everything." For dates of sale ami fnll particulars apply to Agents Chi cago & North-Western R'y. 12-a-Norl7 O A S T O R I A i Bun th« ATbe Kind You Haw Always It is not possible for the proprietors to publish more than a very few of the nu merous letters received in praiBe of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and telling of its remark able cures. They come from people in every walk in life and from every state in the Union. The following from Mr, T. W. Greathouse of Prattsburg, Ga., speaks for itself: "I would have been dead now but for the nse of Chamber lain 's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. It cured me of chronic diarrhoea after seven years of-; suffering^ I can never say too much in praise of that remedy. For sale by all druggists. A ^sslnl Sort oT Wtdilag. When a marriage takes place among the Negritos, a people of the Philippine Islands, the whole tribe assembles, and the affianced pair climb two trees grow ing close together. Then the elders bend the branches thai the young folks are on till their heads meet When the heads have thus touched each other the marriage is legally accomplished, and there are great rejoicings. A dance completes the ceremony. ' y •* v • > . * A Love Letter. Would hot interest you If yon're look ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Burns or Piles. Otto*SS33, of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered,with an ugly soie for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured ijje. "J, It's the best Salve on earth. 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, and Q.*W. Besley's, W. Mc- Henry, drug stores. A Threat TSaf Was Beaded. In 1866 the Prussian government manded an' indemnity of $25,000,000 from the city of Frankfurt The heed of the bouse of Uothechild there sent word to Bismarck that if an attempt were made to enforce the levy the Rothschilds would break every bank In Berlin. Knowing the power behind the threat, the mui of blood and Iron yiekh •S'OS'- • -. Andakon and His Hair. Audubon, the great naturalist, early tn his career wore his hair very long. He wrote in his diary one day: "I wiar my hair as long as usual. I be lieve it doeB as much for me as my paintingB." However, in 1827 his friends succeeded in persuading him to get his hair cut according to the pre vailing fashion. On March 19 of that year he wrote in his diary: "This day my hair sacrificed and the will of God usurped by the wishes of man. As the barber clipped my locks rapidly it re minded me of the horrible times of tho French revolution when the same operation was performed upon all the victims murdered by the guillotine. My heart sank low." Further to express his grief the margin of the page on which this entry was made he painted black about three-quarters of an Inch deep all around. Katies to the Tennessee Mountains. There are many eagles in the Ten nessee mountains, and consequently there are many mountaineers who are expert catchers of the young eagles. These reap rich rewards In return for their perilous risks and adventures, and some of them receive as much as $2,000 for a Bingle year's catch. The keen eyed hunters watch the nests un til the young are hatched and then, patiently waiting for the mother bird to leave in search if or food, make short work of the capture, while the mother bird is invariably shot to death upon her return to the nest and in her fren- Eied search for her young. Bolder hunters than these make attacks at night, while the less experienced use snares and nets, a method, however. In a majority of cases, unsuccessful. Cast Iron. Br altering the rate of cooling the strength of iron can be greatly changed, and the test bars are often run sepa rately from the casting and cooled quicker, so that they usually have greater strength, sometimes more than twice as much. Separately cast test bars are always stronger than those cast on the castings itself, and of the latter the one nearest the heaviest part of the casting is always the weakest. The remedy, as above indicated, Is simple when the false witness has once been pointed out. An Apt Headline. An English weekly, speaking of head lines, tells of an excellent one which appeared over a story of the Pigott forgery. In that case one of the de vices by which Sir Charles Russell brought the unfortunate forger to bay was by getting him to write the word "hesitancy." In the forged letter the word was misspelled "besltency." The day the flight of Pigott was announced nn editor suggested the headline, "The Man Who 'Hesitetes' Is Lost," and it was so excellent that it was immedi ately put in type. Smell and Taste. The sense of smell is most nearly al lied to that of taste. Hearing and see ing depend upon nerve responses to vibrations in the air and in the ether. In order to taste a substance it has to be wholly or partially dissolved; in or der to smell a substance it must en counter the olfactory organs as a va por, an emanation, a cloud of particles arising from odoriferous matter. Burial. "R0w much better I like the word •burial' than 'funeral' The burial Is Just the fulfillment of our latest pray ers. 'None of self and all of thee.' The poor pettiness of that which is not liv ing and loving and so glorified In him, all buried away, and nothing precious in his sight, and so in ours, can be buried there'"Letters of Emelie Rus sell Gurney." Sportina Blood. Bllzzer -- I beard that Bilgewater Jumped out of his yacht and was drowned. £uzzer--Shocking! Did he do It with •uicidal Intent? Blizzer--Oh, no! He was racing and did it to lighten his boat and thereby win the race. A Mean T*ricl^ 'That's the meanest maa I efCf^Jtan across." said the book agent. M * ; "What has he done?" "Kept me calling day after day, and finally said he didn't care anything about reading, but he enjoyed hearing me talk." X'., The legal duration of a pateft! In Germany is fifteen years from the date of application, and additional pat ents expire at the same time as the main patent. Inventions which apper tain to articles of food or medicine te |>«filni11» m Cutest A set of Rogers Bros.' Triple Plated Knives and Forks will be given as first prize; a beaut iful Carving Set as second prize for the best 12 ears of field corn left at my store on or be fore October 30, 1903. / k > J ™ All corta to be securely tied in bundles of 12f lalir i&ett atiliff* delivered to my store on or before above date. Yon will be given a receipt for same, numbered to correspond with ticket attached to your corn. The corn will therefore be known to the judges by the number only. Contest to be decided and prizes given Saturday afternoon, Oct. 8JU-' y All corn entered to become my property. , ^ F. L. McOmber i ;r?X West Side Hardware. W. McHenry. H E R E A S O N ! •M for the increasing patronage at this sl&re is plain. We ha#°Y the Goods at all times and they are fresh. By giving all ottif time to Groceries it is possible to giye customers the best of satisfaction. We handle everything in fancy and staple . G R O C E R I E S - | 5 - 1 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Qlvs u a Trial. JOHN STOFFEL For particular coffee drinkers we recommend The COFFEE of quality Ask about the Coupons. W. C. EVANSON West McHenry 1 - It is needless to say that oar stook is fresh. Everything is new. We carry the best brands of Goods that money v can bny and also a good, bnt cheaper, grade for less money. We oan please all in the matter of 4^ Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ^ In season can always be fonnd here. We will also han<U« a complete line of tbe best BAKERY GOODS, - ̂ A N T O N S C H N E I D E C, r* • vj-- 1 Only $6 for double From Chicago : . ^ In a Pullman Tourist Sleeper, on fast daily train^|j^^ cool and comfortable, as well as economical. One-way ticket to California, good in tourist sleeper, only 188.00 from Chicago, daily, September 15 to November 3ft * If yon haven't been able to get away this summer, go now. . • < Write for booklet "California in a Tourist Sleeper." - v,i m J. M. Conntl^ M&nt& Jc g Atchlaon. Topeka S»nt> •Mlwair C«n. Agt.._ lO^ Ad*ms Stk, iy • 9 h"V- ••'"•'a'.V'; < mm. Sa?>ii4; Attractive