Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Oct 1903, p. 5

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VOLUME XXIX. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 39, 1903. NUMBER 18 $y"\ / * ft' '* s *- c /%*•!<?&'[4 S^i ",$?* * «, ' y y ' ^ \ 1%;: j- $V;£f ?- f C s : : - - - "• . kv:. ' • Each package of die new ready to eat cereal, contains one of 100 different Toys--FreeK A package of M Vigor** is a package of rosy cheeks, bright eyes, firm muscles, ana refreshing sleep for boys and girls--and for grown-ups, too. ' Vigor is die best form in which wheat, the best of foods, has ever been presented. Scien- 10c. for a large package. v igor B tne Dest form m wmcn wneai, ine Des bfically cooked and toasted into sweet, crisp flakes. J T H E R E A S O N for the increasing patronage at this store is plain. We have the Goods at all times and they are fresh. By giving all our time to Groceries it is possible to giye customers the be^b of satisfaction. We handle everything in fancy and staple G R O C E R I E S ̂ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES | I a*. -- ™. JOHN STOFFEL % 1 $ Antlmoaj. That terrible poison, antimony, known most familiarly in the compound called tartar eristic, has a very interesting history. It was introduced into medi­ cine some centuries ago by Paracel­ sus. Its name signifies that it is "against monks," as some on whom it was tried displayed the now familiar symptoms. Its use in modern medicine haB been reduced to the vanishing point with other depressing measures, such as bleeding. In the table which ar­ ranges the elements in series and shows their connections--so that all are probably modifications of one universal substance--there is a sequence, nitro­ gen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, bis­ muth. Sir Lauder Brunton has shown that these possess many common prop­ erties In their action upon man and that these properties vary in relation to the place of each in the scale. In the days before chloroform antimony ahd tobacco were used to produce the partial unconsciousness which attends their action. You will enjoy a cup of COFFEE Nothing to equal it. Ask about the Coupons* FOR MLB BY W. C. Evanson The Best and Freshest It is needless to say tha£ our stock is fresh. Everything tis new. We carry the best brands of Goods that money can bay and also a good, but cheaper, grade for leas money. We can please all in the matter of price. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in season can always be found here. We will also handle • complete line of the best BAKERY GOODS. A N T O N S C H N E I D E R . L CLEAN! NIG. No expense is spared to insure absolute cleanliness in Dudley's Famous Coffees After roasting, our coffees are thoroughly freed from all dust and impurities by special machinery made under our own patents. This careful cleansing results in that delicious flavor which is so noticeable in all Dudley Coffees. They cost no more than ordinary coffees, • M. J. WALSH. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY M THIS CITY BY * i- &*' i ----O»I«HMM>----NUBWIUMTMI frtQKlia Igiitojig Rod Works! I am agent (or the above. We i "put the Bods on your Build- 1 tngs and should they be struck ! by lightning we pay damages 1 if no more than (MO. Oat) aaA gpt full partlcul&is. General Bldcksmitbiog Prices always ReusuMe Jos. H. iluemann johnsburgh, Illinois. •ells Corn Shellers and Tread Powers, Duplex Grinding Mills, Rock Island Plows, Wagons, Carriages, Bnggies, Wind Mills, > Well Supplies. Harness Oil, Paint Oil and Machine Oil a Specialty. miwmimmiiiBiiiiww--wMmnMin Her L.aHt Breath. I heard a story the other day which ts probably as old as the hills, though I never had the luck to hear it before. It was of a somewhut lengthy railway Journey is^ very warm weather. An elderly lady, seated in one corner of the carriage, was provided with an In­ dia rubber cushion for her greater com­ fort, but unfortunately, owing to the heat and continued pressure, the cush­ ion suddenly exploded. The old lady was in despair, even to tears, over the misfortune to the wind bag, and again and again reverted to her misfortune. "Tut, woman," said a commercial traveler in another corner of the car-, riage, "ifs not worth making a fuss about. You will get it repaired in town for about 18 pence." "It's no' that I'm vexed aboot--it's no' the price. That's easy sorted. But the last time that bag was blawn up It wis by Aunty Jean, almaist wi* her very last breath, an' that canna be restored!"--Glasgow Times. Saves Two from Death. "Oar little daughter bad an almost fa­ tal attack of whooping cough and bron­ chitis," writer Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonb, N. Y., 'but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with, Dr. King's New Discovery. Our niece, who bad consumption in an advanced stave, also nned this wonderful medi­ cine and to-day she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as . to no other mediciqe on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50e and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Trial bottles free. UvmMMk«n' Kxcurstou* to the North- wmI, Went and Southwmt, and Colonist Low Rate? W Via North-Western Line. Excursion tickets at greatly reduced rates are on sale to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars and "The Best of Everything." For dates of sale and fnll particulars apply to Agents Chi­ cago & North-Western R'y. 12-a-Nov 17 A Care for DynpepRlaa. I had Dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I had used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured me.--Mrs. W. W Saylor. Hilliard, Pa. No appetite, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, con­ stipation, bad breath, sour risings, indi­ gestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are quicklp cured by the use of Kodol. Kodol represents the natural juices of digestion combined with the greatest known tonic and recon­ structive properties. It cleanses, sweet­ ens and purifies the stomach. Sold by all druggist^, „ The "Beat Girl" Habit. , - Why," asked her anxious and excit­ ed mother, "do you think be is coming to the point at last?" "Well," the maiden replied, looking demurely down at the rug, "when he took me In his arms and kissed me last night he said he'd got so used to me he didn't believe he could ever break him­ self of the habit" -- Chicago Record- Herald. Carelenaau at the Track. "It was sheer carelessness on some­ body's part that caused Charley to lose money on that race," said young Mrs. Torkins sympathetically. "How do you know V "I saw it in the paper. The horse was left at the post The idea of putting a horse In a race and then neglecting to unhitch him!"--Washington Star. Eavllsh aa She la Spoka. "Think of it! For three days and three nights that quartet sat about a table, shuffling, dealing and cashing in Jackpots, and when the game was finally broken up every man had ex­ actly the amount he had begun with.** "Humph! Odd the way they came out even, isn't it?" Be Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to Mistress Wesly: "Why do yon tell that child the same thing over and over again?" "John Wesley, because once telling is not enough." It is for thiB same reason that you are told again and again thatj Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cnres colds and grip; that it counteracts any tendency of these dis­ eases to result in pneumonia, and that it is pleasant and safetotake. For sale by all drnggiata. How to Warm Gold Platea. Various departments of "household hints" have unaccountably neglected to tell how solid gold plates may be warmed for the meat courses at din­ ner. This may be done in the right or the wrong way. The right way is ex­ emplified at Castle Kilkenny. This is one of the oldest inhabited dwellings in the world, some of the rooms being 800 years old. Among Its ancient treas­ ures is a service of gold plate. Besides the ordinary plate service. Castle Kilkenny has the whole series of gold cups used at coronation ban quets down to the time of George IV. The gold of the service plates is almost without alloy, consequently very soft and easily marred. Hence the plates are warmed and presumably also washed after use by being dipped into hot water held by a pair of tongs whose tips have been muffled in cham­ ois leather. Tickllag the Debtor*. John Barrett was only twenty-seven years old when President Cleveland appointed him minister to Siam. The first Important task which confronted the youthful envoy was to press a claim against the Siamese government for $1,000,000. Experienced ambassa­ dors warned him against using threats in obtaining the money. "Be cunning; avoid arrogance," they said. "That is," responded Mr. Barrett, "you favor tickling with a straw to pricking with a bayonet." The statesmen nodded assent. >• When the young minister had finally succeeded in collecting the claim the ambassadors asked in astonishment, "How did you accomplish It?" "By tickling," explained Barrett "I had to tickle them almost to death, though, before they agreed to pay if Coffee For the Inebriate. A traveler has made the observation that coffee drinking people are very seldom given to drunkenness. In Bra­ zil, for Instance, where coffee is grown extensively and all the Inhabitants drink it many times a day, Intoxication is rarely seen. The effect is not only noticeable among the natives, but the foreigner who settles there, though possessed of ever such a passion for strong drfcjfc. gradually loses his liking for alcohol as he acquires the coffee drinking habit of the Brazilian. Foaad a Parallel. An English country vicar discovered not long ago that one of his male servants was in the habit of stealing his potatoes. He mentioned the fact to his curate and asked advice. "Well," replied the curate, "of course you must remember what the Bible says, 'If any man take away thy coat let him have thy cloak also.'" "I see," mused the vicar. "Well, in this case, as the man takes my pota­ toes I'd better give him the sack!*' Good Ltateatas. Good talking is largely dependent oa "good hearing." The fact that a man able to do his mental powers the Jus- iise of brilliant expression may be due iu the presence of some receptive mind ready to invite and appreciate. Wits may clash to the point of deafening, tnemselves. The sympathetic and sl- k-ut listener is the buffer between. Ruskin is said to have been excellent company. He spoke in a tone of "gen­ tle and playful earnestness." He had floods of thought and knowledge to pour forth, if only he could get the right hearers. But there were the bar­ ren occasions when listeners were ab­ sent. One day a friend gave a little dinner for him, -Dr. Jowett and Dean Stanley. Kut no sooner had the dinner begun than the host realised his mistake. He had provided no setting for his jewels, no junior men as hearers. "They wanted to meet one another," he said. It should have gone off brilliantly, but the soup came and the fish follow­ ed and they simply would not talk. At last I said some stupid thing to Stan­ ley about the architecture of West­ minster abbey, and that drew Ruskin and started us all off. Then all went well. But I shall never make the same mistake again." -- Youth's Com­ panion. A Loat Ialaad. Of the various buildings which adorn- rd the island of Philae there remain to- iay above water only a portion of the colonnade, the top of the kiosk and a part of the temple of Isis. The traveler approaches the ruins in a small boat, in which he may pass down the colonnade and row about in the once sacred cham­ bers. It is a novel and lnte»esting ex­ perience, but to those whcj were fa­ miliar with the island In all its beauty It is full of sadness. Of the columns which formed the colonnade only the capitals remain above water. Upon these one sees, beautifully chiseled and ornamented with delicate coloring, Ti­ berius offering gifts to the gods or Nero presenting two eyes to Isls. A short distance to the right the roof of the kiosk is visible resting upon its ex­ quisite columns, which are partly sub­ merged. By it two unusually large palm trees rear their beads above the inundation.--Century. - Anlmala la Alcohol. M. Grobaut, professor of physiology in Paris, in describing the effect of al­ cohol upon animals says that the suc­ cessive stages of intoxication through which they pass are gayety, sadness, solemnity and a supreme intoxication which ends in death. Rabbits are very curious when under the influence of liquor, and a drunken kangaroo is bru­ tally aggressive. Avertlag the Brtl, Mildred (very superstitious) -- Oh, dear. I would never have accepted you. Jack, if I bad remembered it was Fri­ day evening! Jack--There's only one way to avert the evil omen, darling. We must very carefully kiss each other seven times at least every seven minutes during the first seventy minutes at oar en­ gagement ' Jcalclna Waa lgaored. William Pitt's last words are said to have been, "My country, oh, how I love my country!" Pitt's butler afterward said that the statesman's dying words were. "I hope the country will do some­ thing for Jenkins." The butler was Jenkins, but nobody accepted his testi­ mony and the country certainly did nothing for Jenkins. The Sfarrlase Knot. Few of those who talk about the "marriage knot" realize that the knot was ever anything more than a mere figure of speech. Among the Babylo­ nians tying the knot was part of the marriage ceremony. There the priest took a thread of the garment of the bride and another from that of the bridegroom and tied them into a knot, which he gave to the bride, thus sym­ bolizing the binding nature of the on­ ion. Chaaftag a Snake Into a Rod. In a volume on the snakes of Egypt Hippolyte Boussac states that the in­ cident referred to in the Scriptures of changing a Bnake into a rod is still practiced by the snake charmers. They touch the snake at a certain place in the neck, when It falls into a cataleptic condition and becomes straight and stiff. It is then restored to its former condition by taking its tall between the hands abd firmly rolling. Hot aa Authority. There are some persons who can't take a joke, but Fogg is not one of them. One of the boys, acquainted with Fogg's frequent changes of abode, ask­ ed him which he thought was the cheaper, to move or to pay rent "I can't tell you. my dear boy," re­ plied Fogg. "I have always moraL", Economical. Friend (to amateur artist)--I suppose you'll give up painting when yon mar­ ry? A m a t e u r -- n o ! I f l l b e s o c o n v e n ­ ient and economical when we have to make wedding present* r •SMAlWUai - I&aryptlan Maxima. An" Egyptian papyrus which dates back to about 4000 B. C. has the fol­ lowing injunctions: "Calumnies should never be repeated." "Guard thy speech before all thiugs, for a man's ruin lies in his tongue." The wise men of the race early learned good sense. Toned Him Dowi. "This photograph doesn't look a bit like me," said Snarley to the photog­ rapher. "I know it" said the photographer. "I was afraid to make it exactly lUte you for fear you wouldn't take it" Teated, Cora--Are you sure yon wDI be able to support me, dear? Merritt--Why, yes. Ifs cheaper to be married than engaged.--Exchange. Hnngarlai peasants have a -supersti­ tion that fire kindled by lightning can nlr bo extinguished by milk. CnMd A set of Rogers Bros.' Triple Plated Knives and Forks will be given as first prize; a beaut­ iful Carving Set as second prize for the best 12 ears of field corn left at my store on or be­ fore October 30, 1903. All corn to bd securely tied in bundles of 12 ears each and delivered to my store on or before above date. You will be given a receipt for same, numbered to correspond with ticket attached to your corn. The corn will therefore be known to the judges by the number only. Contest to be decided and prizes given Saturday afternoon, Oct. 81.̂ All corn entered to become my property. < > F. L. McOmber West Side Hardware. W. McHenry. '•-i, A Waap'a WUdora. Naturalists have decided that many insects have senses which human be­ ings lack. That of location, shown by the wasp, for Instance, is remarkable. One species builds Its nest In a sand bank that Is only a part of several acreB of such soil, and when it leaves In search of food it covers the nest so carefully that no ordinary eye could discover Its location--that Is to say, It is just like all the surrounding loca­ tion, and yet the wasp files back to It without hesitation and finds it without making a mistake. There is another wasp that unerringly locates the eggs of the mason bee under a thick layer of sun baked clay and deposits her own eggs in the same cells that her young may have food when they are hatched. A Bare Way of Savlas. An Ingenious method of putting his savings beyond his own reach has been adopted by a German writer who found from dire experience that all his prof­ its melted away as soon as earned. Having made £16,000 by a fortunate literary speculation, he placed the whole of the money, together with his will, in the ImpeYial Deposit bank at Berlin and on receiving the receipt from the cashier deliberately tore It up. The cashier thought he was mad and told him angrily that It would take fully three years before he could ex­ pect to obtain a duplicute receipt. "That Is Just why I have torn up the origi­ nal," calmly remarked the depositor, "and now the money Is safe for that time."--Golden Penny. Christmas Gifts and how to make them --four pages full--just in the nick of time--bas­ kets--bags --cushions-rthe new designs that everybody is looking for, and some usable articles for men--all with full directions for making and pictures showing how they look- in the November DESIGNER. The New Lace Collars Two pages devoted to the fash­ ionable rlace collar -- designs for women and children -- beautiful patterns for gift collars. Ten cents for the November DESIGNER will be a zood investment for those who make beau­ tiful things for holiday gifts--we take sub­ scriptions' at so cents a year--tn our Stanaara Pattern Department. (HASE VSANBOR F F E E A N D EAS Needless to tell yon about the dependable quality of thiB Coffee. Its the best for the least. 15c to 35c Last 8 days of oar October Clearing Sale should in- spire activity to cash buy­ ers. Nearly every thing on the Bargain Counters. '#'1 ] W. C. EVANSON. GIVE YOUR MARKETING MORE STWt AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BUY BEN-HUR FLOUR We believe one trial will convince you thrift flours are not aKke, and that BEN-HUR is best adapted for your needs. ASK YOUR GROCER, MADE BY Royal Milling Co. - r>i 'xM At Your Finger Tips it the Isstant control of your bosinttt If foo iiwtill 1 Chicago Telephone IT REA0HES EVERYWHERE 6# cents a fPfqrfcrlt *k CHICAGO TELEPHONE * - % ' J? * ^ . ' • ' • v' ' • f ••

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