8 r%w,yt* ^r ,yr * u \ >*37$ * J>* \ ̂ >*•- ^ ^ II i Stoves Stoves Stoves! 'i . i J Now is the time to look for yonr Winter Stoyeeand OSMUN 4 'i BROS', is the place to find the largest and best asssortinent 4 'ever shown in McHENRY. Also a fine assortment of Flan* i nels, Dress Goods and Shoes, which for price and Quality, \ ^ defy competition. 55? WW OSnUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,----•--Dry Goods, Shoes-------Notions. hiJt'i THAT COLD Do not let it ran until it results in laicrippe or settles on your longs. Get a good patent remedy and keep it in the honse at alV times during the cold months. We have the best patent remedies on the market, which if taken in time may save a large doctor's bill. ' . - Prescriptions carefully compounded by a registered Pharmacist TRV RECAN OIL I * % the great remedy for cracked hands, sores, wire cnts, etc. It is absolutely guaranteed to be as represented. RINGWOOD, III. tJ. S. BROWN & SON, * I m m m * m m m 1 1 ; ft I m m # * NEIGHBORING NEWS Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents | Chilly ; J 1 Blasts • I remind yon that preparation must be made for winter. Let us help yon. We have a nice line of BED BLANKETS and will take your order for Robes, Horse Blankets, Etc. , Tbe Patient one*. "Some men," said Uncle Eben, "sits lown an' does a day's loafln' an* calls t belli' patient an' resigned."--Wash- ngton Star. The jest loses its point when he who nakes It Is the first to laugh.--Schiller. For Men We have a complete line of Overalls, Shirts and Sweat ers. Call and see our stock. New things being added eyery day. ! Nr. ffld Mrs. {nil Snyder ! Ostrander Block, West McHenry. This Bank receives deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Do mestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. W% endeavor to do all busi ness entrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entire ly satisfactory to our custom ers and respectfully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class se curity. Spec ial attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the low est rates. Yours Respectfully PERRY & OWEN, Notary Public, Bankers AMERICA'S BEST REPUBLICAN Editorially Pc CMislrteatljr ftepaMtcan Always News from all part* of tbe world. Well-written, original stories. An swers to queries on all subjects. Articles on Health, the Hpnie, New Books and on Won About tbe Farm aqd Garden. Fancy Grocers Oysters Oysters in cans and in bulk. We $re direct re ceivers of FRESH' OYSTERS from Baltimore. Season is now at hand. When in want of strictly fresh, large Baltimore Oysters give us a call. They are far ahead of Oyster stock, such as is usually shipped from Chicago. A trial will convince yow. The Weekly Inter Ocean THB INTE* OCEAN is a member of the Associated Press and also Is the only Western newspaper receiving the entire telegraphic news service oftho New York Sun, and special cable of the New York World, be sides dully reports from over 2.000 special correspondents throughout the country. No nen can tell more fully why It Is tlie best payer on earth. ZJ SOLON. (People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The enbecription price is $1.60 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Mrs. C. Botay was a recent caller in town. Ed. Aylward of Ohio is visiting home folks. Mrs. Chas. Shales wrfs a business call er Tuesday. Mr. Hartwell of Qreenwood is clerk ing foi Mr. Westmont. Peter Overton is visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Dennis' mother and brother of Woodstock are visitors here. H. Christian and Chester Osborne were in the big city recently. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, from Sheldon, is visiting them here. Walter Parks has returned to Solon, bringing three ponies with him. Mr. and Mrs. M. Crnickshank visited the latter's parents over Sunday. - Mrs. John Sutton entertained a num ber of relatives and friends Snnday. Mrs. Barrett has returned from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Antioch. Earl Monear has gone to Ohio, where he will stay with bis sister this winter Will Campbell has gone ont near Woodstock to rnn a com busker engine. Mrs. Geo. Filwebber and son, Harold, of Antioch were visitors at Geo. Vogel's Saturday. Little Modelle Westerman entertained her small friends at a birthday party last Saturday. Mrs. Geo. Trow, son, and daughter, Wilnab, were visitors at Mrs. Arthur Merrill's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osmond and Mrs. Campbell attended the wedding of Fran cis James at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Waters have re turned from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Frey, at Liberty ville. The Solon Royal Neighbors attended a supper given by the Spring Grove lodge and report a grand reception. What is the difference between C. L. Turner's apples &u4 Reuben's houseT The pinles h»ve fpnr steeples and the house bftt one The union meeting ne?t Sunday even ing will be led by Miss Anna West mont, Come, ope apd ell- |t is pleas ant to be there, Mr. AyJw&rd Started for California Wednesday morning, accompanied by his daughter, Margaret, who hopes to improve her health. A number of our young folks attend ed a surprise party at Irving Overton's Saturday night. It is needless to say that all bad a doe time. The Bed Cross Lodge meet next Sat urday night. Tbe death of one member is reported and prompt payment was made. The supreme secretary will be present at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dennis are rejoicing over the arrival of a daughter, which came a week ago. Mrs. Dennis has been very sick, but under the care of Dr. Bremken is now doing nicely. Why cannot our school boys find something better to employ their minds than smoking cigarettes? Have they no more regard for their parents and teacher than to blow their foul breath into people's faces? They onght to be thankful to their teacher for trying to break them of the habit RING WOOD. The Ij. T. L. met on Wednesday usual. Miss Birdie Small sprat Sunday at home. J. E. Cri8ty@tras a Chicago visiter Friday. Mrs. L. C. Mead visited in McHenry Saturday. B. T, Ryder of Rockford called on friends here Monday. August Walters of Woodstock was the guest of friends over Sunday. Mrs. C. Cone of Chicago was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Small, last week. Fred Gibbs and wife are'staying with the former's mother, Mrs. Geo. Coatee, at present. Several Ringwood people attended the funeral of Newell Colby at McHen ry Tuesday. The jit. E. Sunday school will give an entertainment in the near future for the purpose of'raising money for a new library. The Ladies' Aid society will hold a ten-cent social at the home of J. W. Watsou on Thursday evening, Nov. 5. Light refreshments will be served and a good program rendered. A Perfect rnlnleKH Pill is the one that will cleanse the system, set the liver to action, remove the bile clear the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in tbe mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasantly and effectually are De Witt's Little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says: "All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers are simply perfect." Sold by all druggists. Harness Snaps and "snaps" in harness for liorse owners. There's a complete stock of all the little things required itf ? J the harness room and stable--Rivets, Hooks, Tef- • rets, Hame Trimmings, Harness Menders and snapd"'"V of every variety. Breast Chains, Heel Chains and, J Trace Chains, too, of the best design and quality*v ^ Besides selling all kinds of light, medium-and heavy* ^ Harness at moderate prices we can supply such parts as mayN^e needed for repairs. McHenty, III. QllS CaHSOfl m k'X Gentlemen 51 TWELVE-PAGE PAPERS tt ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brimful of new* from everywhere aa« a perfect tea»t of special matter. Subscribe for The Plaindealer and the Weekly Inter Ocean one year, both papers for - - $3.oo McHENRY COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY. OFFICE with American National Bank Woodstock, 111. Abstracts of title and con- T«yanclng. Money to loan on real estate In suns of #600 to tl0,000. time and payment to salt Dorrower. DeWitt' Witch Hazel Salve Call in and be measured for Suit Pants or Vest Large Samples of the finest and best Goods ever made up into Suits. A Splendid Fit or no Sale E. Lawlus, Ttilor to the Tradfe OgTEKD. T. A. Abbott, wife and daughter, Maud, were callers at P. F. Hunt's last &mday. ' j*Ed. Wallace is very 111 with pnen m^nia and heart trouble. Dr. Fegers is in attendance. Quite a number from here attended "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" Monday night, and all prononnce it a fine enter tainment. The Cherry Valley society was royal ly entertained at E. A. Mason's Thurs day. Sixteen ladies were present. A splendid dinner was served at 12:30. Mr. end Mrs. David Magoon, Grant Randall, wife and daughters, Bert and Roy Brass, Mildred Brown and Miss Joalyn of Sepeca were callers at W. F. Bu&iett 'g and Chas. Florida's Sunday. The Cherry Valley society will en tertain their friends at a chicken pie supper and bagaar Thursday, Nov. 5, afternoon and evening, at tbe home of Mr. and|Mr8..0eorge Hntson. Var ious articles will be on sale and a good time promised. Everybody is invited to come and help tbe ladies in their good work. The proceeds go to the cemetery fund and help for tbe poor. The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on tbe roll of honor t Don't borrow. Rfiy Yam the Standard IMOVM th« flavor and adds ft flM haalthfulnMs of tho food. s wuMtm* mean on. VOLO. Henry Dowe of Waukegan was in Volo Sunday. Rev. J. Rhode of Elgin was in Wan kegan Sunday. Sheriff Powell of Waukegan was in Volo Thursday. Frank and Joe Hironimns drove to Barrington Sunday. Mr. Vogt and family entertained rel atives from Gilmer Sunday. Esse Fisher and wife rejoice over the arrival of a fine baby boy, born Oct 27. Miss Minnie Schnltz of Desplaines vis ited at Will Dunnill's Saturday and Sunday. Miss Debolt of Elgin visited her uncle, Dr. Rossdeutcher, and family a few days last week- Mrs. Kate Efinger returned home from Chicago Sunday morning where she vis ited relatives the past week. Miss Jessie Gale of Elgin visited friends here last Saturday and Sunday, returning home Monday afternoon. Mrs. S. B. Russell of Chicago and sis ter, Mrs. T. F. Williams, of Dee Moines, Iowa, visited their mother, Mrs. L. M Huson, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Raught and Mrs. A. J. Raymond returned home Friday after a week's visit in High wood and Chicago. They also visited the orphanage at Lake Bluff. James Murray and wife will move to McHenry the first of November where Mr. Murray has secured a position in the condensing factory. He has worked in the Volo creamery for tbe past thir teen years. S. W. Kerr, a prominent bnsiness man of Hurricane, Wis., says, "Your cough medicine, Harts' Honey and Horehound, is a good seller and seams to give excellent satisfaction." Harts' Honey and Horehound contains no opium or other stupefying drugs and is the beet medicine in existence today for Croup and Whooping Congh and the only safe one to give to small children. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. Sold by G. W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. Read The Plaindealer advertisements. They are interesting. "TERRA COTTA. Mrs. John Marsh is slowly improving. Magnus Buck was a Nunda visitor Monday. % Mike Kno* attended church at Mc Henry Sunday. John R. Knox of McHenry was a call er here Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Hun'lt is visiting relatives in Chicago this week. Ellis D. Gates came out from tbe city to spend Sunday at home. Miss Alice Leisner of Nnnda has been spending a few.days at home. New time card in effect on this divis ion of the Northwestern Sunday. A, T. and J. W. Wingate received two oars of bran the fir^t of the week. Mrs. M. Benedict returned to Chicago Monday after a two weeks' visit at Paul Foereter's. W. D, Gates 1b attending to business and taking in the sights in Colorado this week, Sunday was spent at Pikes Peak. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson spent Sunday with Tberom Smith and family near Ridgefield. Quite % number f-om here attended the Republican rally at Nnnda Saturday evening and listened to States Attorney Chas. S. Deneen of Chicago speak on the issues of the day. The Teco band fur nished the music for the evening. Tbe Salve That Heala. without leaving a scar is DeWitt'n. (The name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, bnt DeWitt'B Witch Ha zel Salve is tbe only W ifch Hazel Salve made that contains the pnre unadulter ated witch hazel. If any other Witch Hazel Salve is offered you it is a counter feit. E. 0. DeWitt invented Witch Hazel Salve and DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best ealve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by all druggists. Job work of all kinds neatly done at this offioe. JOHNSBURGH. Miss Susie Suiitt of Chicago is here. Visa Carrie Niesen was here Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britz, a boy. J. J. Schaefer went to Chicago Wed nesday. Mat Frennd of Wauconda was here Sunday. Mrs. John Mertes was In MoHenry Tuesday. Katie Klein and John Blake will be married soon, Tony May and family were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brits were Volo cjillers Sunday. Miss Lizzie May was a Spring Grove caller Sunday. Mrs. Jos Mertes visited Mrs. Joe Thelen Tuesday. Martin Frennd and Martin Lay were at Volo Sunday. Rosa Lay transacted business in Chi cago Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. John Molidor of Volo were here Sunday. C. M. Adams transacted business in Chicago Thursday. --v ^ Dr. and Mrs. N. J . N y e a r e visiting home folks in Ohio. John V. Frennd of Spring Grove 1 * caller here TuesJay. Miss M. M. Adams was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Martha Niesen visited Miss Rena Niesen a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Munch of Ringwood were at Joe Michels' Sunday. MissElla Schaefer went to Chicago last week for a few days' visit Quite a few from here attended .the show at McHenry Monday night. Mm. Joe Huemann and Mrs. Eva Niesen were at Geo. Nell's last week Wednesday, Quite a number of yonng people en joyed a social danoe at Geo. Nell's Snn day evening. J. Emerson Nye and Miss Tony Schu raacher were married in Chicago last week Wednesday. M'esdames Joe Freund, Anna Bugner, Peter Niesen and P. Weber were Sun day callers at Joe Stilling's. The Misses Erma and Katie Schmitt entertained a number of friends at a select card party Sunday evening. A dainty repast was served. A birthday party was given in honor of Misses Dora Rdthermel and Lena May last Sunday afternoon. Among those present were Annie Justen, Liz zie May, Helen Adams, Rosa Lay, Otil- ia Freund, Lena May, Delia Niesen, Maggie King, Eva Stilling. Margaret Adams, Dora Rothermel, Susan Freund, Gertrude Schaefer and Maggie Justen. A very pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by themall. Dieting Invites Olaeaae. To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion it i>- no longer necessary to live on milk and toast. Starvation produces such weak ness that the whole system becomes an easy prey to disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that one cares to eat, and is a never failing cure for in- ligestiQn, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol digests what you eat- makes the stomaoh sweet. Sold by all druggists. O A 0 Bean tho 8|fwtut 9t o n x The Kind You Have Always Bftigtit /a C. F. Hall's Co'*. Bargain*. Take advantage of these remarkable offers. "A penny savtiti is a penny earned.v Men's Heavy Laced Front Shirts, 29c apd 89o; Entire Suit Men's Fleeced Un derwear, 78c; Heavy Canvas Coats with fur collars, $1.29; Extra Length Drovers' Storm Coats, waterproof, <8 29; Boys' Full Length Overcoats or Reefers, $1.29; Men's Heiivy Wool Hose, 15c and 19c; 50c Canvas Leggings, 39c; Men 's Medium Length Overcoats, heavy material, $3.95; extra length Coats, $4.95 and $5.19; Beautifully made all wool Astrach;<n Coats, limited supply, $7 45. OF INTEREST TO THE TOADIES. All wool Sample Hose 19c; Children's 10c and 12c; Go<xl Heavy Lined Jackets, $2.98; 50 in. Fur Boas 69c; Misses Fancy Wool Jackets with fur collars $4.95; Heavy weight Walking Skirts 75c and 98c; Ladies' Samp'e Eiderdown Dressing Sacks 49c, 79c and 87c; 80 in. Electric Seal Boas, with 6tails, $1.98; Flannelette Wrapper Values 09c and 98c; Dress Trimmings, fancy silk ornaments, at less than 4 regular prices--8c, 5c and 7c each, large assortment. A TAILOR MADE SUIT OFFER. Over 75 Suits, worth from $9.00 to $20,00 each, we offer at $6.25, $9.65, $10 49 and $13.69. All wool Eton Jackets, sices 82 to 86 only, 98c; Heavy f lengih Coats, with plain or storm collars, $4.95 and $6.49. 5c Tar Soap 3c; Good Toilet Soap lc; 50c Lace Trimmed Sateen Corsets 25c. SKIRT SALE. Skirts from the Lycoming Skirt Com pany still on Bale. Remember, the poorest Skirt cost them $1.52 and we are selling them at 75, 98, $1.49 and $1.98. To customers coming from Mc Henry who trade $10.00 and show round trip R. R. Ticket* we refund full car fare both ways. C. F. HALL CO , Dundee, IU. Confessions of a Priest. Rev. Jno. S. Cox, of Wake, Ark., writes, "For 12 years I suffered with Yellow j^anndice and tried all sorts of medidffies, but got no relief. Then I be gan the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that held me in its grasp for twelve years." If yon want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach dis order or general debility, get Electric Bitters. It's guaranteed by Julia A. Story, McHenry, and G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Only 50c. Excursion Kat«n to t'eorla (111.) Corn Expo nltion and Carnival, Via the North-Western Line. Excur sion tickets will be sold at reduced rates Oct. 14 to 24, inclusive, limited to re turn until Oc|. 26, inclusive. Apply to Agents Chicago North-Western R'y CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. lis Kind Yon Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of ALWAYS I INSIST UPON HAVINGl.,, THE GENUINE \||i MURRAY& LANMANS FLORIDA WATER Important Decision Lower Insurance Rates to b» Given to Persons who do not Drink Alcoholio Liquors By a recent decision of one 6f tbe larg^ est insurance companies of the United Ststes, lower rates are to be given those persons who do not indulge In the use of any Intoxicating liquors. This Is just, for statistics from all sources show that tike use of alcoholio drinks always predis poses to kidney troubles, and Brightfr Disease, Diabetes and all other fatal kid* ney diseases are far more frequent among drinkers of beer and alcoholio beverages than among those who do not Indulge in them. In a recent address before the Senate of the United States, Hon. J. H. Gallinger, Senator from New Hampshire, gave the results of most thorough investigations made to ascertain the effects of beer drink* ing upon the health and life of individ uals. He showed conclusively that almost all cases of Bright's Disease were caused by beer drinking and that other fatal kid* ney troubles had the same origin as a rul®. As probably a large majority of men drink beer it becomes s matter of great concern to know the best way of overcom ing its effects upon the kidneys. There ti nothing that will so quickly make the kid* neys right in these cases as FOLEY'S ITM. NKY CURB. If taken early it will cure every form of kidney trouble and even in hope* less cases it will give relief. It is an hop- est preparation and can be relied upon Is do ell that Is claimed for it» G. W. BESLEY. West BfcHenryv 1 • * % a K?; * >,£ ig&Q rj •{ r-m a (HARLES t fRETT 'W . . - , „ . $ j Wholesale and «ef((I^T"^-'- dealsr In ' ^ ^ I MI la the Market For Beef Veal rittttea and Poultry Qlve m • call M Smoked Meats, Sau^e McHenry • Illinois .;v\ [Dragging Run: sleyl-, CHICAGO, III., Oot„ 2, 1902. I suffered with falling and con gestion of the womb, with severe paths through the groins. I suf fered terribly at the time of men struation, had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain. What to try I knew not, for it seemed that I had tried all and failed, but I had never tried Wine of Cardui, that blessed remedy for sick women. I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine. New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman. & V Ifrs. Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders, bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief. Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wins of Cardui in her home. The first bottle convinces the pa tient die is on the road to health. For advice in cases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. IVINBCARDIH THE MOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF.TOILET AND BATH. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery For PUl'uui sad VOLDS lOxsrMPTioJi PRIGG A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. Trial Bottles free* to- $4 V, • ' You can buy n GOLD MINE if you perfer mining, but I can sell you SOMETHING BETTER STORE AND ELEGANT BUSINESS Yearly Sales, $40.000 FEED, CEMENT, SALT AND COAL HOUSE with yearly sales of 60 cars, Good House To Lire In With 3 Am M Sold or ta lots to suit purchaser. Possesion now or January 1, 1904. ^ Ringwood, HI. ^ J. E. CRISTY. m