Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1903, p. 8

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r / r ' w ^ r 3 w * n „ ^ > m m mwmmmM $?:•] ^ *\v; '*• % J WARRANTER "• <i *>",;' • '< T ^ SUITS; OVERCOATS, FUR (OATS BOOTS, SHOES. Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Underwear, GHro-* oertas, floor, Etc. ' ; % ATTENTION!!! We do not claim to give yon $2.00 worth of Goods for $1.00, bat we do claim to give yon $1 .00 worth of Goods for $ 1.00. Do not be mis­ led by such statements as giving you $2! 00 worth of Goods lor $1.00, common sense tells us better. ' JOS. W. FREUND* WEST McHENRY. Ss:fe \\\\ mm wifii We are preparing for an enormous trade this fall in all lines of warm goods. Our prices are the low­ est consistent with good Goods. Call and examine our line of Bed Blankets, Underwear, Flannels, Flanneletts, Baratheas, Tennis and Outing Flannels. New Dress Goods and Waistings in the Silk, Wool and Mercerized Goods. Underskirts, Walking and Dress Skirts, Silk Shirt Waists. We have the fin­ est line of Shoes ever shown in this vicinity. A new line of MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS ranging in price from $2.50 to $5.00. MEN'S SUITS and OVER- ^ COATS made to your measure, 1000 samples to select from. Perfect fit. style and price guaran­ teed. Gloves and Mittens, Caps, Overalls, Shirts, ^Jackets, Etc. Floor Oil Cloth and Squares. Com- plete line of fresh pure Groceries, Teas, Coffees and II Spices, Flour, Corn Meal, Graham, Etc. Goods delivered promptly. Yours truly, •#*- West rtcHenry. n. J. Walsh. IS YOU ft BED WARM? If not, perhaps you need some more covers. If so, you would do well to call and see our stock of comfortables and quilts. Prices are reasonable and goods are honest. A NICE RUG looks well in a house, and especially is it appreciated in the winter. They make a room appear cozy and also save the carpet. We have them in all sizes and at prices to suit the purchaser. Call and see them. Large selection. An immense line of carpet samples. OUR FURNITURE LINE IS LARQE AND SUPERB JACOB JUSTEN CENTERVILLE. ttnft ilntufntntntllfr $$11$ $^<SnIni>i$i$ii$ii3n|i lining t|i T H E R E A S O N for the increasing patronage at thfs store is plain. We hare the Goods at all times and they are fresh. By giving all our time to Groceries it is possible to give customers the best of satisfaction. We handle everything in fancy and staple G R O C E R I E S FRESH FliUITS AND VEGETABLES Give as • Trial. JOHN STOFFEL QUARTER OF A CENTURY HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY* TWEN- . TY-FIVE YEARS AGO. Items Clipped from The Plnlndmlw I*a|»- lUhed November 6 1878 -Partl<m1«rly Interesting to Old Rc*id«nt«. Caspar Wirfs advertises a social par­ ty, to take place at his hall on Monday evening next, the 11th. W. H. Hankins is renovating his old shop in Howe's block and will reopen it in a few days and again commence the manufacture and repairing of harness. The "boss" fishermen of this part of the country are Rnfus Brown and Levi Rairdon. That's settled. On Monday we saw them on their way home from Pistaqua lake and they had as fine a lot of fish as one could wish to see. They had fifty-five black bass that would weigh from two to seven pounds each that they had caught in one day. We learn that Peter Rothermel and Peter Smith of this town have recently purchased farms in Nebraska, Smith already having gone there to reside, while Rothermel will go early in the spring. Their farms are situated about three miles west of Fairfield, Clay county, which is said to be as fine a country as lays out doors. On Tuesday last, for the fourth time, the people of this, the eighth senatorial district, elected, by a handsome major­ ity, the Hon. F. K. Granger of this town, to represent them in the lower House of our state legislature. And this is as it should be. From the long experience and eminent fitness for the position he is enabled to better repre­ sent the interests of his constituents than any new man could. Two years ago he was made temporary speaker, and after the organization was given the chairmanship or one of the most im­ portant committees, and was the ac­ knowledged leader on the Republican side of the House. With these facts before them the people again put him in nomination and op Tuesday triumph­ antly elected him, knowing that their interests at the state capitol could be pnt into no safer hands. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which bnrned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that phe had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment and es­ pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bfuis- es and sprains. For sale by all drag- gists. . Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. Don't forget the old man with the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world, and is still traveling, bringing health and comfort wherever he goes. To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs. To all weak and sickly children lie gives rich and strengthening food. To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood. Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own. He stands for Scott's Emul­ sion of pure cod liver oil--a delightful food and a natural tonic for children, for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength. SCOTT & BOWNB. _ 408-415 Pearl 8treet. New York. 60c. and $1.00; all druggists. Chamlsta, Nc -•*- P H I L I P J A E G E R j . GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE OF t&$<\ < . . • ' Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal* Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs' This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists famished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE Stall i A 3, Fultaa St. WMcMle Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 3MBenmKm^MBB!ia«^BBeaxsaassii'!9 - -ALWAYS [INSIST UPON HAVING] THI GENUINE MURRAY i LANMANS FLORIDA WATER THE HOST REFRESHING AND DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANPKERCHiEF,TOILET AN0 BATH Chicago & North-Western. Effective Oct. 3, 1903 WEEK DAT TRAINS. NORTHBOUND (jC-STALEY MFG. CO "^fRS-MENS-FIW J^SutWEARAMOVTRs/,,^ tiOUTH BEND.IN& MORE! MORE BREADTH ME WOOL, MORE WEAR. WESTERN MADE A.C.STALEY iftCO. SOUTH BENDiIND. ^ Without a doubt the best line of Underwear*on the market today. vV ^ < Every garment is perfect. Will not rip and is guaranteed to be as rePresented- If we say all wool, it is all wool. As a rule people do not like to buy all wool Garments owiqg to the fact that they usually shrink. But we positively guarantee that in Staley Under­ wear the ' * ..... ... ... Material is Shrunk before GarmeritfsM^ ̂ All wool Underwear at prices ranging from $I.OO to $2.50 There are many women who cannot wear wool/ P6i* , them we have the RIBBED UTICA FLEECED LINED GARMENTS £hat beat anything on market at the price ,.( We have a lighter weight at........,..V... 4.,;^ v...... .30c Also Men's h&wy fleeced lined Underwearat........ .50c % BABBEV11LG. Earle Peck of Elgin was a recent cal­ ler here. Frank McMillan of Terra Cotta was a Sunday caller here. A. P. Peck is shredding corn for the farmers in this vicinity. Bobt. Matthews of McHenry was call­ ing on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Gilbert Burnett of McHenry visited relatives here Monday. Mrs. C. W. Colby and daughter, Edna, spent Sunday at Emerald Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Pettibone of Chi­ cago spent Sunday at J. Fleming's. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnett of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday with relatives here. Phil Aylward and Martin Knox of Emerald Park were Sunday callers here. Floyd Thompson spent Saturday night with Bobt. Aylward at Emerald Park. Mrs. Henry Wilmington is visiting at the home of her parents,near Wood­ stock. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and MiBs Ellen Doherty were seen on onr streets 8unday. Thos. Thompson and grandson, Bob- ert, called on friends near Wanconda Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter and daughter, Edna, called at C. T. "Matthews at Prairie Grove Sunday. Mrs. Jane Carr and Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson of Bingwood spent Friday and Saturday at Thos. Thompson's. Bruce Starritt and Mibs Clara Thomp "nn attended the banquet given by the Y P. C. U. at th« Universalist church Friday evening. EMERALD PARK. Mr. White of Chicago spentSnnd.y at John Smith's. Bernard J. Frisby called on friends in Barreville Sunday evening. Atty. Grey of Nunda was a business caller here the firBt of the week. Miss Kathryn Walsh is spending a few weeks with friends at Terra Cotta. Miss Maine Aylward of Elgin visited her sister and brothers over Sunday. Miss May Welsh of Griswold Lake pent Sunday with Miss Katie Knox. Mrs. H. Felmeten and daughter, Cora, are visiting Chicago relatives this week. W. K. Burns and daughter, May, of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Harry Bacofa of Chicago spent a few days vacation with friends in this vi­ cinity. Master Floyd Thompson of Barreville visited his school mate, Bobt. Aylward, Sunday, Mitwt s Mary Gibbs and Margaret Sut­ ton visited the Misses Frisby Snnday afternoor. Mus Emma Givens spent Snnday and Mon. a with her brother, Chas. Givens, at Mcrienry. Little Miss Clara Frisby of McHenry •pent a couple of days this week with Miss Aylward. Mrs. B. J. Sutton and Miss Mary Knox of McHenry visited at Mike Knox's Wednesday afternoon Atty. H. Haase, A. J. ana N A. Hein of Chicago were guests at the home of J B. Frisby Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs C. Bremer of Chics go drove out to th« park Saturday last and will spend a few daj s here. Mr. Breuier finds the fishing very good, landing five pickerel weighing twenty pounds each, Monday. Doesn't Respect Old Age.* It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age. but just the contrary in the case of Dr King's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe, and ir­ respective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaun­ dice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c at Julia A. Story's McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. TERRA COTTA. Mike Knox made a business trip to Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ames were Chi­ cago visitors Saturday. John Marsh was attending to business in Chicago Wednesday. Mrs. Thos. Huggins of Nunda called pt John Marsh's Saturday. Eugene Leisner spent the latter part of the week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy were Mc­ Henry and Richmond visitors Wednes­ day. Miss Peajrl Whiston is visiting rela­ tives and friends' at Bichmond this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gates and son, Ellis, took the 8:39 train for Chicago Monday. Miss Snsie Hollarbush of West Mc­ Henry has been assisting J. H. Marsh in the store for a few weeks. Mrs. Curt Knoblanch and children took the early train Monday morning for Chicago, where they will vieit with relatives for a short time. By the change in schedule on the North-Western last Sunday Bedfern's train now stops both morning and even­ ing, also the 10:01 a. m. train north. The Husband's Jndgment Best. Husband and wife often disagree about some matter that concerns each other and frequently tho husband finds that his wife's judgment is the best. The case of Mr. John W. Young of Lin­ coln, 111., however, is an exception. He says: "My wife and I both had a se­ vere cold and we decided to get some kind of medicine. I bought nnyself a bottle of Harts' Honey and Horehound and, taking it as directed, was well in a short time. She wanted another kind and with the result that she still has a bad cough. I advised her to take Harts' Honey and Horehound and think she will have to do so if she • gets well this winter." Harts' Honey and Horehound is sold by G. W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry, III., in 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles. ' Don't forget the j"want ad O^.S Bears the Signature ' column 1 a/ O R I A . The Kind You Have Always Bought £ yf ine wnu tou nave Always 1 Bad Coughs " I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pecto­ ral. Only one-fourth of the bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, 'or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Thrtt sixes: 23c.. 5te , $1. A!! drefglfU. Consult .J^our iinct«»r. If lie savs t.ike it, then do hs he sitys. If lie tells von not to take It. tlien don't take It. He' knows. Leave it with him. We a*'* willing. t J. C'. AYKK CO., Lowell, Mass. cteo. korthbockd McH^y H.00 ji m ....Via F.ltfin MM* n m 3.25 p m Via Dos 1'laines n»2 p ni 5.011) m Via lJus Flalnes 6.40 p m SDKbAY TKAIirS. 9.10am..... ..Via I>c8 Flaines 1; 8.02 pip. Leave McHenry. 7.32 am....' 8.29 am.... 5.2>pm.... 7.* am. frMpm. . . . .V ia Elg in WIBK DAY TRAINS. SOOTH BODITD. Via Elgin . . . .V ia l )es Plainer.; .. ..Via I)es iMaincs.... M a m p m rive a m ..7,00 7.00 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. Elgin..........lflJO YJ»lX»PlaJafl0.........740 a m Pm * Christmas Gifts and how to make them --four pages full--just in the nick of t ime--bas­ ket s--bags --cushions'--the new designs that everybody is looking for, and some usable articles for men--all with full directions for making and pictures showing how they look-- in the November DESIGNER. The New Lace Collars Two pages devoted to the fash­ ionable lace collar--designs for women and children -- beautiful }>atterns for gift collars. Ten cents for the November DESIGNER n>0/ be a good investment for those who Make beau- olid be a g ti/ul things for holiday gifts--we take sub­ scriptions at SO cents a year--in our Standard Pattern Department. W: Needlew to tell yon abont the dependable quality of this Coffee. Its the best for the least- ̂ i£C to 35c Last 8 days of our October Clearing Sale should in­ spire activity to cash buy­ ers. Nearly everything on the Bargain Counters. W. C. EVANSON. lilWHiMU.1) AXi'getable Preparationfor As­ similating the Food andReguIa- ting the Stomachs andBowels of lNKYN I S /( H1LDKLN Promotes Dige9tion.Cheerful- ness and Rest.Contains neilfer Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. NOT JiAXLc OTIC . Jkmpe <*OUJ*SWUMlPltottK /Wyfcii Seed- Mtx.Smm* * StAstUSmHt- AweiiM ' SsssU*. M6rrnStmd' danfitdSttmr Viutiuyrmn. rlavmi Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ^Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. • A t b 11 u> 111 h « . o 1 c l ) ) Dos i s - j^Ci MS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havi Always Bought < Beard For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CINTAt •yfAPNCW YORNCITV. Makes the breakfast Delicious for lunch Adds zest to dinner The perfect COFFEE. Ask about the Coupon#. POBAALBBT W. C. Evanson We have a huge line of Underwear, Sweaters, Dress Goods, Eta for winter wear and are making prices that are absolutely lees than can be secured at any other store in McHenry. The follow*, ing quotations are a few sample* of oat priow: 98c Men's all wool Underwear, 8 colors, nold everywhere at $1.26, our price only ... Boy's fleeoed lined Underwear, 24 to 84, jy _ each Ladies' fleeced lined rihbed Underwear, ^ full line shirts tend drawers, worth 40c.. Bed Blankets, big line, cheapest ^ |q ^ $1 .19 in McHenry, from. Duck Coats, only. Boys Sweaters, all wool, selling at only Men's Sweaters, three colors, each.... Full line Dress Goods, four -color*, worth 75c per yard, only. 50c 45C 49c West M&finry. J. HviTWitZ.

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