tT'- •" ;'-^^l-lr ^-:---.v--v:->;J>^ •R WF-Y-IS 1! "r ' • :< ^ - • • • • - . ' • " •:'\J --"" * - t l ' * • * • t>y > •*-.^f- ••••'• ".:-j •'-v. ,;:i .^,- <«>..•••' 1 FA8T TRAIN TO TEXAS v* Via Iron Mountain Route. Xeavlng St Louis 8:30 a. m. for jPOhita in Texas and the Southwest. Direct connection with trains from North and East. In addition to this the Iron Mountain Route have three other trains to Texas, leaving St. iirals 2:21 p. m., 8:40 p. m. and 3:05 a. m. Through Pollman sleepers din ing cars and elegant* chair cars. Twejve hours saved to California. Fastest schedules to Texas. Tourist tickets on sale the year round. Write mi? agent of Iron Mountain Route, or H. G. Townsend, general passenger and ticket agent, St Louis. Insist on Getting lt> Bom* grocers *ay they don't keep D*» fnee Starch. This is because they have a •tock on hand of other brands containing only 12 oz. in a package, •which they won't be able to 8e'l because Defiance con tains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 16 oz. instead of 12 o*. for same money ? Then bay Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. . Venerable Men Make Trip. •'-^kree residents of North Attleboro, Mass., veteran grangers, made a trip to the Brockton fair together a few days ago, whose ages aggregated 257 years. They were Thomas A. Barden, 84; E. Y. Kingtian, 87, and James - \Bagbee, 86. Mi You Druggist for Allen's FoofeEas* **I tried ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE recently, •nd have just bought another supply. It haft cured my corns, and the hot, burning sad itching sensation in my feet which was almost un bearable,and I would not be with out it now.--Mrs. W. J. Walker Camden, K.J." Sold by all Druggists, 23c. Mountaineers' Costumes. A mountaineer entered the Rutland, VL, fair grounds the other day with six children, one of whom wore a straw hat without a brim and another had a pair of rubbers tied on for shoes. The Best Results In 8tarchlng 1SBB be obtained only by using Defianoe Starch, beniden getting 4 or, wore for mmt money--no cooking required. Happiness grows at our own fire sides, ajid is not to be picked in strangers' gardens.--Douglas Jerrold. All creameries use butter color. 1ft by not do as they do--use JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR. Sometimes a bank cashier saves up enough to pay his running expenses. « Do Your Clothes Look Yellow? Then use Defiance Starch. It will keep white--16 oz. for 10 cents. To get back to work is sometimes the most wholesome kind of rest To Care a Cold in One day. Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25a. The mouth is not sweetened by say* tog honey, honey. if you don't know what you want, try Mrs. Austin's Pancakes for a really good breakfast. It raineth alike on the silk and the cotton umbrella. ItCnrea Colds, Conehs. Sore Throat, Cronp, Infln- dia, Whooping Couch, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain cure for Consumption in first stages, and a sure relief in advanced stages. t'se at once. You will see the excellent eflect after taking the tot dose. Sold by dea'ers everywhere, UUfgt bottles ib cenu and 60 cent* POISONED Tho human body Is cohstantly pro ducing poisons, which are carried Off through the kidneys and bow els. When these organs become clogged, then lookout. Constipa tion, Sick Headache, Stomach Trou ble, Fevers and Biliousness result Dr. Caldwell's % (LAXATIVE) Syrup Pepsin ..acts gently on the liver, kidneys and bowels. Cures Indigestion and Constipation permanently. PEPSIN SYRUP CO., Monticello, III. CHINXMAN HAD HIS NERVE. Lowly " Celestial Walked With Ens- land's Highest Nobles. Queen Victoria, with the prince con sort and her famuy, attended in state the opening of the great exhibition of 1851. While the choir was singing the "Hallelujah chorus" a Chinaman, superbly robed, suddenly emerged from the crowd and prostrated himself be fore the throne. No one knew who he was. He might be the emperor of China himself come secretly to Eng land to share in the great doings. The lord chamberlain, greatly perplexed, applied to the queen and the prince for advice ftnd instructions. He was In formed that there must be no mistake as to the stranger's rank and that it would be best to place him between the archbishop of Canterbury and the duke of Wellington. In this position of honor the Chinaman, with magnifi cent dignity, walked through the build ings, to the delight and amazement of all who watched. Next day it was dis covered that he was the keeper of a Chinese junk which had just cast anchor In the Thames, and which everybody was invited to visit on pay- ment of a shilling a head. To the Pioneers. Ye men who broke the war to life's new birth, 'Tis not your find, through self-renounc ing love That is your crown, but what yon sought above And far beyond--of so much greater worth, It was the aim, the good to mother earth And all her children, that, we hold, did move Tour patriotic hearts to cut the grove And groove the barren solL Tou wrested mirth And beauty, wealth untold for future good, By patient struggle and a spirit bold. From the unknown. You tpiled in faith for gold That lives in tower and stone, in drought and flood; You carved for self a fortune, but Se cured 1 Far more for others, by what you en dured. --Rev. L. C. Llttell, Rushville, XIL Tree Forms Natural Arch. In the Antelope Valley of California grows the strangest yucca tree of-all the western dessert. The yucca is a tree not given to whims; It has been described by Van Dyke as having "a tall stalk, rising like a shaft from a bowl and capped at the top by nod ding creamy flowers." But the strange arching_yucca is famous for Its curious form. Nobody watched it gro\v; all that is known about it is that it haa two roots, its great stalk or trunk de scribing a graceful arch, rotted firmly into the ground at each end. At the top of the arch a great branch, like an extended arriT, shoots forth as if pointing out the way. The arch is so high that a tally-ho coach could easily pass under it. W. L. DOUGLAS •3.2S&*3 SHOES BE 'Son can save from $3 to $5 yearly by . wearing W. L. Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. They equal those that have been cost ing you from $4.00 to 85.00 The im mense salo of \V. L. Douglas shoes proves their superiority over all other makes. Sold by rjtail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for nauio and prico on bottom. That Douglas ones Cor- ••a Colt proms thrre U value In Douglas slim's. Corona is the hlelu».t grade ma<le. Fast Ctilur Kllclr 3 „ Our $4 Gilt £dyi Linerannot be equalled at any price. 8ho*ft br Mail, 25 rents extra. Illustrated Catalog; free. \V. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, liu. COLORADO MINES HAVE PRODUCED OVER $811,000,000.00. WE ME ON THE GROUND and will advlsn von In regard to tho BEST MINING ENTKlil'lilSES. NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST A FEW DOLLARS for Greatest Results. Send for our Weekly Market Letter which toll* aboMtfeom. ITS KKKK THE C. P. CAMPBELL OO* Bankers and BIOUU, Colorado Springs, • - Colorado- Members Colorado Springs Mining Stock Ass'n. Letter Got There. A letter mailed in Buffalo was vre- ceived at the New York postofflce dt rected to: JO$EPH NORTH, Bootblack with one leg, • City Hall Park, New York City. There Is a bootblack whose stand is near the rear entrance of the city hall, and he has lost a leg. "Is your name Joseph North?" asked a letter-carrier. "Sure," ret lied the shiner. "Well, here's a letter for y6u," said the postman. And it was. \ Automobile Boat. f Thompson's Ey« Wat* in time. Sold br druftriiu. I TLii is the automobile boat Uiu.t wop the prize at the tournament in France. Students Tramp to College. Two students at Amherst college, Vernon S. Clark, '04, and Robert C. Powell, '06, whose homes are In Blng- hamton and Poughkeepsie, N. Y.t re spectively, performer a novel and rather arduous journey from the latter city to Amherst on foot at the opening Of the college year. In search of spicy adventure, they tramped the whole dis tance along country roads, living upon meals ofTered them by .the hospitality of the farmers. The Tale of a Squash. Roy E. Fifleld, of Stonington, Me., sent to a Bangor paper the following squash story: "I took seed from a squash raised this year, scratched my name upon It, and planted it. The re sult was a healthy, vine, bearing a 6K pound squash, upon the surface of which my name appeared, clearly outlined. It was a southern squash. Wears 8traw Hat All Year. There is a man in Hampton, N. H., who wore a straw hat all last winter and he says he is going to do the same thing again this winter. He does this because of his belief in the old theory that it is well to keep the feet warm and the head cooL M '<3; a-.-; • • x* ,TRIED TO BE tOO POLITE. Amusing Grammatical Error of Obse quious 8hopwoman. Henry M. Alden, the editor of Harp er's Monthly, once advanced the the ory that half of the laughable gram matical errors made by the unedu cated arise from self-consciousness-- from trying too hard to be correct, and that these same simple people do not make so many errors when con versing easily and unaffectedly with people of their own kind. This would seem to be true in this Instance: A teacher in one of the West Side public schools the other day found that she had left her pocket notebook at home and would need one during the afternoon session. So at noon she slipped hurriedly into one of the little shops that always appear next door to a school building. The little shopwoman put on her most proper, obsequious manned when she recog nized the schoolteacher. Then, as she arranged upon the counter a half doz en or more of the little books, she waved her hand with awkward grace toward the assortment and said: "Yez° kin choose yer choice!"-- New York Times; The Teacher Won, . Hlnton, Ky., Nov. 2.--Fcf\ over two years two of the best physicians in this part of the State have been treat ing Mr. E. J. Thompson, a popular local school teacher, for Diabetes. They told him that but little could be done to help him. He made up his mind to try a new remedy called Dodd's Kidney Pills, and says: "They saved me when the doctors held out no hope. I took in all about ten boxes. I will always praise Dodd's Kidney Pills for the great good they have done for me." - Many people, and some physicians, still persist in the belief that Diabetes is an incurable disease.. Our teacher, Mr. Thompson, says it is curable, for Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him after two,good physicians had treated him tor two years without success. A remedy that will cure Diabetes will surely cure any case of Kidney Trouble. English Railroad Accidents. The English Bureau of Commerce has published a report covering the railway accidents of the United King dom, which shows that 1,171 persons were killed, and 17,814 injured in 1902. As compared with 1901 the killed and injured were as follows: Of every 9,211,002 passengers one was killed in 1902, agatftst one in every 9,684,414 in 1901; one was injured of every 466f700 passengers in 1902, against one in every 546,511 in 1901. The total mileage of the railways of the United Kingdom at the close of 1902 was 22,152 miles. Most of the roads have double and triple tracks. Double Daily Through Service To California via Missouri Pacific Railway .and iron Mountain Route. Choice of central route through Col orado or via the True Southern Route through Texas, Arizona, etc. Through sleeper to Los Angelas. Only line op erating through sleeping cars, St. Louis to San Francisco Tourist car service to California four dayd in the week. For rates and full information address any agent of Missouri Pacific Railway, or Iron Mountain Route, or H. C. Townsend, general passenger and ticket agent, St. Louis. Eucalyptus Tree. The several varieties of the eucalyp tus tree, of which there are about 150, are held by foresters to be unequaled as a forest cover, as windbreaks, as shade trees, as a source of timber, fuel, oil and honey, and as improvers of climate. The tree has already served more esthetic and utilitarian purposes than all other forest trees that have been planted on this con tinent. Stats or Ohio, Citt or Tolkdo,i„ Lucas Codkty. f Fbank J. Chunky makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Chknky & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that Bald firm will pay the sum of ONE IIUNDKED DOLL A Its for each and every caaef of CATARRH that cannot be cared by tho use of HALL's CAT AX..U CUBE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this 6ib day of December, A. D. 1886. i --'-- i A. W. GLEA80N, » I N o t a r y P u b l i c . Hall's Catarrh Core fs taken Internally, and acta directly on the b.ood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend tor testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,O. Sold brail DniR;;l8tB, ?r>e. Hall's Family FUls are tbe best. DEVICE ENSURES FRE8H AIR. Michigan Man Has Invented Contrlv-I ance of Value. Joel C. Parker, a well-known dentist 9f Grand Rapids, Mich., has a unique scheme for securing pure air in his sleeping-room and thus improving his health. It is the very simplicity of Dr. Parker's invention that strikes the ob server most forcibly. His room is sit uated on the ground floor, and a win dow of unusual size opens to the west Outside of this window, a light frame work o£ maple Is constructed, and over this is stretched some finely woven cloth. This is the filter. It stops the entrance of rain and drafts and catches the cinders and numerous impurities of the atmosphere of a manufacturing district. Once in bed and with curtain closed and slide open, there is an unrestricted passage way for the filtered air to the lungs of the person in bed, but not satified with this. Dr. Parker erected a ventilator pipe on the top of the box. This extends clear to the ceiling of the room and at its lower end, about two inches from the top of the box, a gas jet is inserted. Before retiring the patient lights this jet. The heated air, rises naturally, passes out of the top of the ventilator pipe and forms a vacum in the pipe which is immediate ly filled by the fresh air from out of .doors. This keeps up a continual cir culation, and the sleeper's lungs can never take in the same air twice. The Toilet of a Mandarin. A recent book on Cnina contains the following account of a mandarin's toilet: "A Chinaman always sleeps with his clothes on--that Is, he re moves the outer garments and, having undone the waistband, anklets, collar and so on, retires to rest in his linen. The first thing on getting up is to clean tys teeth, which is usually a long and noisy operation. In order to do this he takes a large mug, a silver tongue scraper, a brush and often a bit of willow twig and goes out into the courtyard to complete this part of his toilet. One of the handmaids has al ready filled the copper basin with warm water and brought 'the rag.' Often and often have I enjoyed the luxury of the 'hotel rag' at Chinese inns. This rag is a purely Chinese institution and consists of an old dish cloth dipped in boiling water. The mandarin rubs his head, face, neck and hands with tho family rag, ties his drawers at the ankles, hitches him- sek up generally, puts on a pair of silk leggings and a long robe and his undress toilet is complete." Is Small but Brainy. Michael Hemmelrath of Little Rock, Ark., is probably the smallest man in business life in the United States.} He is thirty-four inches in height and weighs a little more than forty pounds. He ia advertising manager for a business house in Little Rock, and al ways appears at his place of business The Most CrooKed Stream. * Hitherto the Jordan has been ac counted the most crooked stream In the world. But it cannot compare with White River, Arkansas, which travels 1,000 miles in traversing a distance of thirty miles as the crow flies. Mother Orny*» Sweet Powders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, cure Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms. Orer 30,000 tes timonials. At all Druggists, 25c. Sample jpJ&Eifi. Address A. S. Olmsted, LeJKoy.N. Y. Street Car Workers. Five hundred and sixty thousand persons in the United States are de pendent upon the street cars for sup port ' Defiance 8tareh shonld be in every household, none so good, besides 4 oz. more for 10 cents than toj other brand of cold water 6tarch. Though there are only 18,000,000 people in Spain, there are 25,000,000 In America speaking her tongue. Lewis' "Single Binder" straight 5c cigar, made of extra quality tobacca Ton pay 10c for cigars not so good. Lewis' Factory, Peoria, I1L Who will care for mother now? Don't you worry, the old lady has learned to hustle for herself. « HR7&1EL ff£T777£Zja477? in a JPrince Albert coat and a high silk hat He is popularly known about town as "Mike." He has had many offers to go on the stage and exhibit himself, but has always refused. He is twenty years old and the oldest of twelve children. A younger brother acts as coachman for him and he drives about the streets with a team of goats. There are ten girls in the family of Henry Hemmelrath, the father. All Up to Date Housekeepers DM Defiance Cold Water Starch, because ft is better, and 4 oz. more of it for samm money. . Half the law suits and half the wars have been brought about bjr the tongue.--James Bolton. . _ Mrs. Austin's Pancake flour is best of all. A fresh supply now on hand at your grocer's. Time and tide wait for no man, but the undertaker is more obliging." Krs. Wlnslow's Soothing BjTnp. for children teething, soften* ine Kuaiu. reduces |a> Wammatlor. allays pain, cures wind co'lc. 35c a joltto It isn't etory married couple that ia a pair. Boer and British Artillery. In his testimony regarding artillery firing during the South African' war Gen. Butler told the British war com mission an interesting story. "I think the foreign system of intercepting the recoil, which was adopted by the Boers, was far superior to ours; that is to say, a big Boer gun would vfire at an extreme range--I saw it happen myself--a shell and that shell fell and made a great hole in the ground. A native got into the hole to see how deep it was and the next shell that came went into the same hole and killed him. I do not think we had a gun that would put two shells running into the same hole." Tea Raising in India. The half million acres cultivated In tea in India produce 190,000,000 pounds the investment being about $100 an acre. The labor required is thirteen persons to the acre. One poucd of In dia tea will produce 7% gallons of tea of a given strength, while the tea of China will produce but five gallons. How a Fanner was freed from Misery • fefe' ' ; k ORTHT of a hlgh- er recommendatl°n than I can find words to express." I This is what Mr. W I J. H. Plangman (of ^ Til Sherman, T e x.) says of Doan's Kidney Pills. He tells his experience in the following words: He says, "Sometime in Septem ber I was taken with a dull aching pain across the small of my back, directly over the kidneys. 1 paid small attention to this at first, thinking it would pass off. But instead of getting better it became worse and in a short time the pain centered through my left hip and pain across ^ *e,ft lef, fji 7y y» as far as the knee." me small of This is precisely (Up what kidney trou- a tie will do With the body. It does not al ways show Itself at first, but ap pears just in this t . . way, when some M,, y unusual movement ' ' ' ' or action brings sharp pains and exhaustive aches, telling of sick kid neys. So Mr. Plang- man's experience bore this out. Continuing, he says: "I did not know the cause of the trouble, but I am led to believe now that it was first brought about by jumping In and out of the wagon and in some way I may have strained my back. "I was constantly growing worse," he continues, "and I became very much alarmed about my condition. I knew that something had to be done or serious results were sure to follow. I went to a specialist here in Sherman, and under went a rigid examination." Then he raiates how tly> doctor told him that it was a serious case, but that he could cure him for fifty dollars. Pain in left knee. However, necessity knows no law and Mr. Plangman paid half down and took the treatment and follbwed it faithful ly for four weeks. Naturally, he thought that he would soon be rid of the trouble, but in spite of the doctoring he goes on to add, "I was in such misery that it was almost Impossible for me to do my work." "It was at this juncture that Doan's Kidney Pills came to my notice and I procured some from the drug store of C. E. Craycroft. I used these pills according to direc tions and to my surprise I was con siderably relieved on the second day and in a short time complexly cured." This is the uni versal experience of those who have been sufferers from Kidney trouble and who have been for tunate enough to test the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills. There is nothing wonderful or mag ical about this remedy, it simply does the work by direct action on the kid neys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only and this accounts for their speedy and certain action. Early indications of kidney trouble come from two sources, the back and the bladder. The back becomes weak and lamef be cause the kidneys are sick, and re lief from backache can only be com plete when the kidneys are set right. K through. ' Irritation of the - .. , . _ bladder shows that / lilOU^flt I tl&S the kidneys are out t of order. Delay in Jg^StTalitBB prompt attention often causes seri ous complication. Relieve and cure sick kidneys and ward off dangerous diabetes, dreaded dropsy and Bright*# disease, by using Doan'i Kidney Pills. They begin by healing the delicate membranes and re ducing afiy inflam mation of the kid neys, and thus making the action at1ij* kidneys regular and natural. Aching baekt are eased. Sip, back, mtd pains overcome. Smelling of the limbs, rhemmt* ti&n and dropsy signs vanish. v They correct urine with brick-dust stdimtt^ high-colored, excessive, pain in passing, drib* bling, frequency. Doaif* Kidney Pills dissetm and remove calculi and gravel. Mdievt feorit palpitation, skeplesstiess, headache, nenxntsnsm. . Foster-Milburn Ca, Buffalo, N. T. baa ' i vf /• f, Doan's Kidney Pills, NAME. P.O.-- STATE - For free trial box, mall this coupon to Fostw-Milbarn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. If »1>OTO cpacr is Insufficient, write address on sepa rate slip. "v : s PUTNAM FADELESS DYES aro as far ahead or thfl old fai>hior.etl Dyes as electricity is of a Rush light candle. Putnam Fadeless Dyes are ulMMVf; as they neither stain tbt bnnds not spot the kettle. One ICo package colors either silk, wool cr cotton equally well, and is guaranteed to Rive perrect results. PutOM* Fadeless Dscs are for sale by all KOodiUrunRists everywhere, or mailed direct at loo a package. MONROE DRUG CO.. Vnlonvitfo. Marriage occasionally sobers who is intoxicated with love. The most certain sign of being born with great qualities is to be born with out envy.--Rochefoucauld. When You Buy Starch boy Defiance and get tbe best, 16 ok. far 10 osnts. Once used, always used. The rule of self-obedience to me tight will bring all things in order.--r W. EL Gladstone. . ^"\ I do not believe Pise's Cure for Consumption has an equal for ooughs and colds.--John F Boyku, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. .6,1000. Those Flats. The mother with her little 10-year- old daughter was returning to her tiny flat after a call on a friend who re sided In a large house, with spacious grounds about it, says the New York Times. As she neared the house she sighed and remarked to her little daughter: "Dolly, when I come back home af ter visiting Mrs. Wallin I feel as if I had come back to live in a hat box." Dolly gave a sigh exactly like her mother's and said dismally: "And I feel as if 1 had come back to Uve in a keyhole." Bars Courts and Lawyers. The will of W. H. Mentzer has just been filed for probate in San Bernar dino, Cal. It is peculiar on account of the stipulation which directs that no attorney or court of law shall di rect the distribution of the estate. Mentzer was formerly one of the rich est men of this county, owning the town site of Colton. He became in volved in litigation, which depleted his wealth. Under the will there is little over $75,000 to administer. Some of this consists of rroperty on Pine street, San Francisco. A month ago Mentzer died, at Inglewood. Follow ing his express wishes, there were no pallbearers nor clergymen at his funeral, the undertaker simply calling at the house and taking the corpse to the cemetery. His widow, his only heir, lives alone in the beautiful Ingle- wood home, shunning all society.-- San Francisco Chronicle. EMERSON'S BRQMOSEITZER 10 CENTS. CURESALL HEAOACHI ^ QUICKLY CURED BIT sowivzRrhwfflEi Tm LIKED HIS "NIP." Not a Whisky, but a Coffee Toper. Iir.A L ESTATE. FA. INS--Owning • several thousand acres of pood farming land In Iowa, Minnesota and North Dakota that 1 i:ui*t realize on Immediately, I ofTer farm land bargains. Liberal tcrtiiM arranged. Sinullcasli payments Somelwlll sell on crop pay ment plan to "desirable and w en recommended pur chaser*. ANohave paying Kleot rlc Uglit l'lant In 1.000 population town for Bale. Part cash, part time. JE. K. SKCOR, Buffulo Center,Iowa I CAISI SELL YOUR FARM Buiilnei-s--any Property--any Size--any Place, ssend descrlptIon andcat-h price, and 1 will tell you w by and how I can pell 11. W. II. GIBSON, West Alexander.Pa. train Tfl-flAV for List of Michigan Fruit and •till# III Uni Farming I.ands, wild and Im proved. OCEANA LAND CO., Pentwater, Mich. THRIFTY FARMERS are Invited to settle In tho Stato ol Maryland, where they will lind a delightful and healthy climate, first- class markein f .<r their produota anil plenty of land at reasonable prices. Maps and descriptive pamph lets will be sent free upon application to E. BADENHOOP, Soc'y State Board of Immigration. BALTIMORE. ML HOMESTEADS! Do you v ant a i K.-uu h < r ( heap Varm fn OkJaliuiiau? fcuiul for the HOMESTEADER, Shattuck, Oklahoma. '1'hlH in a weekly paper published In a branch U. P. Land Office, with Infor mation as to inMloua of acred of nice, level govern ment land yet open to huuiesteuders. Only half a day's drl\e from vast tracts of rich, line government land tbat is t.ettiiug up rapidly. Terms 91.00 per year; 25 cents S monuia. "HOMESTEADER,' Shattuck, Oklahoma. Maine's 8mallest Man. Probably the smallest man along the Kennebec river is Adelard Audet of Augusta. He is 28 years old, but no larger than a boy of 12. He Is forty Inches high, well built and weighs 42 pounds. Auto an the Fans, In the absence of horses.both a plow and a mower were used tied behind his automobile by Mr. Raser, an Ohio farmer. The machine was glared too fast to give the best results., Give coffee half a chance and with : some people it sets its grip hard and j fast "Up to a couple of years ago." says a business man of Brooklyn, N. [ Y., "I was as constant a coffee drink er as it was possible to be. indeed, my craving for coffee was equal to that of a drunkard for his regular 'nip' and the effect of the coffee drug upon my system was indeed deplorable. "My skin lacked its natural color, my features were pinched and my nevers were shattered to such an ex tent as to render me very irritable. I also suffered from palpitation of the heart "It was while in this condition I read an article about Postuui Food Coffee and concluded to try it It was not long before Postum had entirely de stroyed my raging passion for coffee and in a short time 1 had entirely given up coffee for delicious Postum. "The change that followed was so extraordinary I am unable to describe It. Suffice it to say, however, that all my troubles have disappeared. I am my original happy self again and on the whole the soothing and pleas ant effects produced by my cup of Postum make me feel as though I have been 'landed at another station.' "Not long ago I converted one of my friends to Postum and he Is now as lond in Its praise as I am." Name fur nished by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. , Look In each package for a copy of the famous iittla book, 'Tho Road to Wall villa." DOLILJAR WHEAT If y ou want a farm In the "dollar wheat belt" writ« for our booklet--"LAND WEALTH," Eiving de scriptions of the finest In the west. If you wai t to sell your land wo obtain highest prices for it. Oiu- booklet--"Ilow W* Do It" tree. Don t buy or aell laad till yon Me ua» Varland Land & lav. Co. St. Paul, Mctm. WE DEMAND YOUR ATTENTION. If anyone ottered you a Jied dollar (or an impcrfcct tot would you take it? If anyone offered you one jooi dollar for 75 ccnb ol bad MMf would you take it? We offer you 10 ounces offtt very best starch made for KXc. No other brand b to good, yet all others cost Kk. lor 12 ounces* Ours is a business proposition. DEFIANCE STARCH it the best and cheapest We guarantee it satisfactory. . Ask your groccr. The DEFIANCE STARCH CO, 6m^ha. Neb. M1SCEIA.A SEOt'S. VHIINR MEN ANO GIRLS EVERYWHERE! I Vllim nipV letters, ti ine esenliw*. iMO a t-»'u<l aililre^M'd t'nvelupt' fur particulars. American IS1%. Co., 705 Nicollet, Minneapolis, Hum. WFI I F4' RIIRraii OF INFORMATION DUIICHU supplies reliable lnfor- mallun on any fcubjeet,--liiuino.*, vr, ftledl- clne. Art,Society,Stnee. I'itmhiiiI, Anything. Anywhere. Ki'nilt TEN CENTS w ith cach quo*- tl'iu. Send for Circular. 1126 Masonic Templt, Agent* Wanted; CHICAGO Iilpans Tkbules are the t>Mt dj» Persia medicine ever made. A hundred uilllluai of thein bare been sold In the L'nlted States in a single year. LVnstlpsilun. heart- bum, Kick headache, dizziness, bad breath, sore throat, and every 111- nest- arUlnjr fr>m a disordered stomach are relieved or curcd l>y 1(1 pans Tabules. One will peneraily nlve relief within twenty min utes The live-cent package Is enough for ordinary occasion*. All drug«Uta sell them. pAXTjNE FREE TO WOMEN! 1Y> ]<rovc the hettUna aaft •jJeausiug power of I'srtln toilet Antl»«i>Oo we wfll mail a large trial packa^ with booU of lnstructioa®- absolutely fret. This U UOfc tiny sample, but a pacuagv. enough to Jufc \ anyoiw of i?3 valu* Women all over the couatnr- i are pruising 1'axtiuefor wajjb .it 'lone in local >mt 'ment of female Ula, CJltaB all inflammation and discharges, wundeifti M% Cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, dun catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tariaf ftnd « hitoa the teeth, Send today; ft postal caM Will do. Sold by drajiKtsts orsent poatptklA by aa, dots, largv bui. SatiafHctiM gMnkntMNfe XH1£ K. 1'A.UON CO.. Bsstaa. 114 Coluuibua CANCER No Knife, Pain or Pits** BOOK. AS1> TK tiae» VIALS rui. Caaear laatit CURED AT NOM V. UOW.iU lt,I«« X & W. N. U .CHICAGO, No. 45, 1909 Whan Answering Advertiaamaftta Kindly Mention Tbia Pa pan