NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A SUIT OR OVERCOAT! WE HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS BOYS' SUITS $5.00'to $12.00 $5.00 to $15.00 $2.00 to $7.00 $1.50 to $7.00 FUR COATS! Do not bny a Far Coat until you have seen our $15.00 For Coats. They certainly are the best for the money that you have seen. A ROYAL BLUE RUBBERS are warranted to be toe beet in the market. Buy a pair of them and if not satisfactory will give you a new pair for the old rub bers. FELT BOOTS from $1.75 to $2.75 for the Felt and Overs. JOS. W. FREUND, WEST McHENRY. H E L P W A N T E D All the men, women and children in this vicinity to help move our large stock of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Flannels, Blankets, Underwear, Dress Skirts, Walking Skirts, Underskirts, Silk Shirt Waists, Dress Shoes, School Shoes, Heavy Shoes, Felt Boots and Rubbers. Overshoes, Gloves, Mittens, Caps, Men's Pants, Overalls, Jackets, Heavy Lined Coats, Sweaters, Mackintoshes and Rain Coats. SUITS AND OVERCOATS made to your measure Correct in Style, Fit and Quality. Over 100& Samples to select from. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Full Cream Cheese, Pickles, Sauces. Catsups, Etc., in bottles. Maple Syrnp, Corn Syrup, Buckwheat, Graham, Corn Meal, Flour at lowest prices for first- class Goods. M. J. WALSH, Goods delivered promptly. Phone, 363. A Mull of (M Ibiiijs Yes a warehouse full of Farm Machinery, Wagons and Buggies. FOR THE AFTER HARVEST TRADE we have an unusually well selected stock of time saving, labor saving, money saving Implements, which we fully guarantee. It is our aim to be up to date and ever ready to meet, even to anticipate the wants of our most progressive customers. Farmers who consult their best interests buy only the best of Goods. We sell the FAIRBANKS MORSE GASOLINE^ ENGINES all sizes. FEED! - FEED! - FEED! We have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Salt, Etc., on which we will not be undersold, whether you want a bag full or a Car Load. Come and let us convince you. West McHenry, 111. WM, BONSLETT. 'i Don't Hesitate! I. |:w88E«i»:wia i There is no comparison between Tailor | made and ready made Clothing and the \ differem-H in price in nothing compared | wth the difference in wear, We have thousands of samples to select from. Just I00U at these prices for tailor made clothing? Suits, $9 to $40 Pants, $2.50 to $10.00 .. % $ •*: 1 1 t I 1 VI I i ifc I I §' 5* f Cleaning, Dyeing and Scouring promptly attended to. Bring in that old Suit and « we will make it look like new. I John D. Lodtz Mia jfu ^ 6 E K Willie--I'd ruther have a automobile myself, but this soems to amuse paw.-- New York Evening Journal. Customer I'd like to see something nice fn checks. TWlor-So would I.--Chicago Amort- Just a Matter of Tut*. Mr. B. Constant--Don't you know consistency is a jewel? Miss B. Wilder--Of course, but jew elry is going out of fashion.--Pittsburg Dispatch. The Joy of Wealth. "Say, ma, don't you wisht you was rich, so you could have a solid gold wasbtub Instead of that old tin thing?" -San Francisco Examiner. Eqoal Homora. Fannie--My big sister Is coming out tbis evening. Katie-- Dat's uot'ing. Me big brudder is comin' out tonight, too. He WAS up fer six months.--Now York Times, A Stal n on HI* >11 me. -Philadelphia Ledger. Disastrous yyrecks. Carelewness is responsible for many a raiiwav wreck and the samp ca^sef are making human wrecks of sufferers from Throat and Lung troubles. Bot since the advent of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, .Coughs and Cold*, even the worst eases can be cured, apd tiopeless resignation is no longer neceHnary. Mrw. Lois Cragg of Dorchester, Mass , is ojoe of many whose Ufa was saved by Dr. King's Sew D& covery. This great remedy is guaran teed for all Throat and. Lung disease by Julia A. Story. McHenry, and G, v», Besley, W. McHenry. draggists. TTUi bottles free. ' Mmmm WINTER is Surely HERE and we are here with the Goods. No use putting off buying. Its a long, cold winter ahead of you. Come in and see the biggest and best line of Goods we ever had to offer. It won't cost you anything to stop and see what we have to offer and may do you a lot of good. I have the largest stock I ever had and am going to dispose of it if GOOD GOODS and LOW PRICES Will do it. Have you seen the new JAPANESE WARE? Get my prices on PUR OVER COATS before you buy. See the bargains in FANCY VESTINGS and FLEECED GOODS. S. S. CHAPELL, McHENRY, ILL. Auction. Having sold my farm, the old Moses Beach place, I will sell on the premises, 3 miles east of Burton's Bridge and 3 miles southwest of Wauconda, on Sat urday, Nov. 28, 1908, commencing at 10 o'clock sharp, 50 head of cattle- 20 cows, new milkers and springers, and 80 head of cattle coming 8 years old; 10 head of horses--bay team, wt 2600, in foal by Quebec; gray team, wt.. 2400; bay horse, wt. 1100; bay horse, wt. 1100; bay colt, 1 year old; bay colt, 1 year old; bay colt 6 months old, all by Quebec. Gray horse, wt. 1200; 11 shoats; 60 tons clover hay in stack; 50 tons upland hay; 20 acres corn in shock; stack of straw; 800 bushels oats; 2 sulky plows; 4 walk ing plows; seeder; 8-section roller; har row; corn planter; pulverizer; 2 sulky cnltivators; McCormick mower; 1 small cultivator; hay rake; 2 hay r^cks; Mc Cormick grain harvester; milk wagon; 12 milk cans; cdrn harvester; 2 lumber wagons; 2 truck wagons; single bugg^'l 2 sets bob sleighs; 2 sets heavy harness; steam cooker; feed cutter and grinder; tread power; stationary engine and boil er; 80 rods hog fence, besides a quantity of other articles. Usual free lnnch at noon. TERMS: $10 and under, cash; on sums of $10, 12 months' time, at 6 per cent, or 2 per cent off for cash. No property removed until settled for. Ap proved notes. J. FKEY, Proprietor. H. B. Throop, Auctioneer. A Story of Young Dan Webster. A New York lawyer recently told an Interesting story of Daniel Webster's boyhood. "Little Dan and his younger broth er," said the legal light, "had each been given some money. They started out gleefully, and it was evening be fore they got back home. 'Well, Dan,' said the senior Web ster, 'what did you do with your mon ey ?' 'Spent it,' the boy answered stur dily. 'And how about you? What did you do with your money?' the father asked the younger brother. 'I loaned it to Dan,' was the reply." Scotch Coolness. Speaking of Scotch characteristics, an Englishman traveling in this country told a story illustrative of Scottish cool ness under trying circumstances. "A number of Scots," he said, "were working on a fifteen story building. One up near the roof lost his foothold and fell. But even in his swift descent through the air he remained quite cool and calm. In fact, as he shot past a friend on the twelfth story he sang out: " 'Eh, Saundy, man, sic a fall as 1 shall hae!' " Oakland's Submerged Tenth. There is hardly a club, even among the oldest, that does not possess its al most woefully poor members; men who dropped ambition and their tailor si multaneously, who try to hide even from themselves the whereabouts of their dismal "chambers," which is one room; who have no want that does not begin and end with their clubs and would fade away and die miserably if Its doors were closed to them.--Court Journal. On His Mind. Long--Have you forgotten that $10 you borrowed of me some time ago. Short--Oh, no. I still have It in mind. £.ong--Well, don't you think this prould be a good time tp relieve your piind of it? 4 pfnstlef." "Do you think Skinqer cpq piakp # living out there?" "Make a living! Why, he'd make 41 living on a rock in the middle of the »cean if there was another roan on the rock." A Possible Exception. Wife--Isn't it a fact, dehr, that hand' some men are proverbially disagree able? Husband--Well, I don't know. I al ways try to be pleasant. Norway's coast line, 1,700 miles In a straight line, becomes 12.000 ra'.|M If followed round the fiords. In these lords are over 150,000 Islands. Not a Sick Day Sine*. "J. was taken severely »ick with kM*; uey trouble, t t rieij all m»rl« of Hindi- j cine*, nope pf W)iir)i relit'Vft] tun. Uw« day i ttaw on HI), of ymir Wlm'trlo Ml) ! tern ami <ltitcrm(in><| lo ley M19I Aftnr taking a few <1«| fill irlti n<| ttuil HOOII thereafter WITX niiltrnlv t'lttwl ( have not *eeii * Miik dm •tin << M< Imp lM»r* of mint* have « I«II I | iif |IL»* > ijiatimn, NeumlMU, LI H I *H<I ' TROUBLE* MUII LINIH UIL TLTT» is what Jl 14*» ..f f t write* only j*k *l » M .4 A HJM Mutfwnry, U. #. W drag start!, Thackeray's Satire. Thackeray created quite erroneous impressions of himself by often indulg ing in irony in the presence of people who were incapable of understanding it. One curious instance which he gave was this: Thackeray had been dining at the Garrick and was talking in the smoking room after dinner with vari ous club acquaintances. One of thoin happening to have left his cigar ease at home, Thackeray, though disliking the man, who was a notorious tuft hunter, good naturedly offered him one of his cigars. The man accepted the cigar, but, not finding it to his liking, had the bad taste to say to Thackeray, "I say, Thackeray, you won't mind my' saying I don't think much of this cigar?" Thackeray, no doubt irritated at the man's ungraciousness and bear ing in mind his tuft hunting predilec tions, quietly responded, "You ought to, my good fellow, for It was given me by a lord." Instead, however, of detecting the irony, the dolt immedi ately attributed the remark to snobbish ness on Thackeray's part and to the end of his days went about declaring that "Thackeray had boasted that he had been given a cigar by a lord." A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agony and his mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that phe had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asleep and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Benson is a well known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an antiseptic liniment and es pecially valuable for burns, cuts, bruis es and sprains. For sale by all drug gists. Witty Response of • Lecturer. A professor who acted as chairman of a meeting at which Max O'llell was to lecture introduced the Frenchman In the following manner: "Ladies and gentlemen, when w<K wish to see ourselves as individuals we have recourse to the mirror. This we cannot do as a nation. I take pleasure in introducing a gentleman who will act as a French mirror, by means of which you will, I am sure, obtain an adequate and pleasing view jf yourselves as a nation." The Introduction pleased O'Rell, and he responded in a vein as Jovial: "I am requested to reflect on a nation. However, I must.take second place to the man in the moon, for be reflects on the earth. As an imported French mirror I shall do the best I can to give you a correct picture of the nation. And if your chairman remains where he is, In the background, he will add greatly to the reflective power of the mirror," What, to do thia Month. As the cold weather approaches per sons with weak lungs are in danger of having lung disease being fastened up on them. To prevent this they should early commence the use of Foley's tlon- ey and Tar. It soothes and heals the hangs and strengthens them against ser- ions attacks. Persons who have once suffered from la grippe should not fail to use this remedy. Be sure that you get Foley's Honey and Tar when you ask for it. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. __ CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Read The Plaindealer "want" ads. "Two years 4gp my hair was falling out badly- I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, «nd soon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris/Ill. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but thaf is no reason why you must go through life with half- starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, iin'l make it dark, .tod heavy. || »Q it koltl*. All fclfflx*. II <li Mini i»t in nnot supply you, nil ii« 1I11I1..1 nltd wfl will express it ,1 iiini li lli kiiii' .mil k>v« tin- n;iiu6 kt in pii'H onlce. Aijilresa, ,14'. K Y Kit CO., Lowell, Mum. •I JiiMI |l*n I H«» (tit.iimu.iiai iHnuiiiiiimuimuthninuiiUtiuHiiiiuiimniii AYfegetable Preparalionfor As similating the Food andReguIa- ting the Stomachs and Bowels of IN KAN !S/( H1LDKLN Promotes Digeslion.CheerPul- ness and Rest .Con tains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. ^NOT NARCOTIC . fkc^e tfOUJk-SANUELPmmR fltmfJun Semf' jttc.Senna * Rtchelle. Safo~ jtueAml * tesu*. MnpStmd- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature oP NEW'YORK A I fc> 1110 111 li s o 1 cl J j l )os> s - 1 ; CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER In Dse For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CCNTAU* COMPANY NCW YORK OITT* N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. Perfumery, Stationery. '.I 'g'.ar SPECIAL Cloak Salet DAYS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 AND Mr. Allen Peacock will conduct a Special Cloak Sale at EVRIIBOH'R Store on above dates when several hnndred Coats of newest creations will be here at Bargains. In connection with thia we arrange a Special Sale of Dress Goods, puder^rear, Shoes, Felt Boots, pvershoes, Blankets, ladies' I>re88 Shirts, apd, ip fapt, a general pleading Sale of all needed Mefcjjan- dise apd p?ge in tbp stropgegt ppesiblp tp fli#ke yQpf Be|eptipp frofn this fposi popipletp ^PsojrtpieR^ w. C, EVANSON, The Best and Freshest It is needless to say that oar stock is fresh. Everything is new. We carry the best brands of Goods that money can bay and also a good, bat cheaper, grade for lees money. We can please all in the matter of price. fresh Fruits aq.d Vegetables in season can always be fonnd here. We will also li complete line rif Jth6 beat BAKERY GOODS. ' A N T 0 N § C H N E I D E R.