Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Nov 1903, p. 7

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Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! j Now is the time to look for your Winter Stoves and OSMUN BROS', is the place to find the largest and best asssortmemtV ever shown in McHENEY. Also a fine assortment of nels, Drew Goods and Shoes, which for price and quality defy competition. OSHUN BROS., flcHENRY, ILL. General Hardware, Dry Goods, Shoes Notions. THAT COLD Do not let it ran until it results in lagrippe or settles on yonr Inngs. Get a good patent remedy and keep it in the house at all times during the cold months. We have the best patent * remedies on the market, which if taken in time may save a large doctor's bill. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a registered Pharmacist TRY PECAN OIL the great remedy for cracked hands, sores, wire cats, etc. It is absolutely guaranteed to be as represented. RINGWOOD, III. J. S. BROWN 3c SON. »44444444-»*-»**4*4'«4*'S*4****444*a*4*4-»444444444444] & Chilly Blasts remind yon that preparation must be made for winter! Let us help yon. We have a nice line of BED BLANKETS and will take yonr order for Robes, Horse Blankets, Etc. For Men We have a complete line of Overalls, Shirts and Sweat­ ers. Call and see oar stock. New things being added every day. Mrs. [mil Soyder Ostrander Block, West McHenry. Nr. HIHIIIHII8IIHIHIIIIII Fancy Grocers | Oysters Oysters in cans and in bulk. We are direct re­ ceivers of FRESH OYSTERS from Baltimore. Season is now at hand. When in want of strictly fresh, large Baltimore Oysters give us a call. They are far ahead of Oyster stock, such as is usually shipped from Chicago, A trial will convince you. . . EMERALD PARK. Mrs. R. J. Sntton returned Sunday after a week's visit with relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Aerns from north of McHenry visited at John R. Smith's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Heaney of Chica­ go spent Wednesday with friends here and looked over their property. Messrs. Ed. Fleming, Chas. Gibhsand Harry Bacon of Chicago called on friends here Sunday afternoon. Phil Ay 1 ward visited his sisters at Elgin Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers spent Tuesday afternoon at Geo. Walmsley's. Mrs. P. Walsh has been spending this week in Chicago' with her son, K. Walsh, who has been very sick the past week. Miss May me Knox began teaching school near Algonquin Monday. We wish Miss Knox success in her new place of work- J. A. Farrell of Chicago was out over Friday night. He and several other boys of this place attended Miss Elsie Howe's basket social at Prairie Grove. B. J. Frisby and sister, Miss Nellie, spent Saturday and Sunday with their sister, Mrs. John Walsh, at Fox Lake. Master Ray Walsh returned with them and will spend a few weeks with his graudparents here. Iiprrme Ability. Friend--Your new heavy villain seems adapted to the role. Theatrical Manager--Yes. He can pronounce the word "revenge" with fourteen "rV and look it with thirty. --Judge. Loss of Flesh When you can't eat break­ fast, take Scott's Emulsion, When you can't eat bread ind butter, take Scott's ;muIsion. When you have ^een living on a milk diet and /ant something a little more iourishing, take Scott's :mulsion. To get fat you must eat at Scott's Emulsion is a |reat fattener, a great strength giver. Those who have lost flesh want to increase aH body tissues, not only fat Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh, blood and nerve. For invalids, for con­ valescents, for consumptives, for weak children, for all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and com­ fortable food, and a natural toniCo Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. you We will send a free sample. Be cur« that thb picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT ̂ BOWNE. CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St, N.Y. 50c. and ?l i all druggists. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by our Able Corps of Correspondents SOLOS (People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn­ er. The subscription price is $150 a year or 75 cents for six months. 'Ed.] Mrs. John Skillioorn is on the sii-k list. Dr. Fegers was a caller it Wm. Davis' Tuesday. Dr. Bremken was a business caller^in our village Sunday. Wm. Hodge of Antioch is visiting his parents of this place. Mr. Dennis has built A large addition to Wm. Overton's bouse. Quite a number from here attended court at Woodstock last week. Geo. Vogel went to Palatine last week with his fast horse, Bob Oreil. Mrs. Jennie Frey and son. Charley, of Libertyville are visiting relatives here. Abner Merrell and wife of Wiluiot were visiting with his brother last Sun- day. Miss Wilnah Trow of Tryon's Grove is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Merrell. Miss Allie Simes has been visiting her sister and calling on her many friends the past week. Fire again visited Antiooh on Novem­ ber 21 and destroyed six business houses and one resi deuce. Mrs. John Sutton has returned from a two weeks' visit with her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Yerkes, at Algonquin. The Sutton Bros, are buying more calves and chickens than all the buyers in the town of Richmond combined. They are hustlers. Rev. Lumsden will preach next Sun­ day afternoon at 2:80 o'clock. He has been called away the past two Sundays to preach funeral sermons. Come to the bazaar next Wednesday, Dec. 2, in Cropley's h; 11. Numerous articles will be for sale. Dinner and supper will be served at 10 and 15 cents each. There will be a short program by the band, plenty to eat, and a good time. / What sort of justice is it that takes my husband from uie and dishonors the father of my boy, while it lets the ruai- seller go free 1 They lock up my hus­ band--why don't they lock up the sa­ loon? If the saloons are not locked up soon, many a l>oy who reuds these pages will be dragged down to prison and many a girl now light hearted and hap­ py, will be broken hearted over the sorrow of a father, husband or son, made a victim of the saloon. A Runaway Bicycle Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, III It developed a stubborn -nicer unyield­ ing to doctors and remedies for four years. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured. It's just as good for Burns, Scalds, Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at Julia A. Story's, McHenry, G. W Besley's, W. McHenry, drugstores. JftHMSBIiUOli John Oeffling of Volo was here Sun­ day. Miss Rosa Lay transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Willie Kattner of Spring Grove was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. John Mertes and two daughters were in McHenry Saturday. Miss Dena May and Joe Rothermel were married in Chicago Wednesday Jos. Huemann and Jim Conway of Ringwood worked at Wauconda Thnrs day. Miss Susie Simmons, who has been visiting relatives here for the past few weeks, has returned to her home in Chi­ cago. She was accompanied by Miss Lena Michels. Last Sunday evening Miss Margaret M. Adams was surprised by a party of her friends, there being about seven teen couples present. The party was given by Helen Adams in honor of her sister's 21st birthday. All enjoyed a pleasant evening. Ice cream and cake were served. Those present were: Misses-- Annie Huffbauer Maggie King Lizzie May Susie Simmons Maggie Smith Delia Niesen Rose Meyers Katie Schmitt Annie Justen Dena May Helen Michels Lena Schmitt Eva Miller 1 Mary Miller Rose Huemann Messrs.-- John Baners John Bugner Martin Schmitt Willie Smith Jack Miller Peter Lay Math Freund Fred Huemann John E. Freund J. L. Schumacher Fred Justen Jack May Joe Rothermel Mike Freund Peter Freund Frank Miller Joe Michels Jacob Justen Willie Meyers "One ot my children was taken with cramp colic and suffered severely," hays S B. El zee, of Monett, Mo . "I telephoned for a doctor, then gave a do«f of C'»Hmbf*rlHin's Colic. Cholera and Di+t rh ,e t Remedy, and a few min­ utes later a second «'ose. Before the doctor cam" the child was relieved." For salt' by »U drnggmt*. Job work of al: kinds this oflFce. neatly done at I FOR THE APPETITE * It is sometimes necessary for a person to indulge in some del­ icacy to "sharpen" the appetite. Something in the way of Fruits, perhaps, is what you need. We have a complete line. We also have a nice stock of Dried Fruits and Seasonable Vegetables that go well this time o' year. Telephone yonr order and we will gnarantee to fill it satisfactorily. Telephone No. 301. dive U5 a Trial. JOHN STOFFEL. RINGWOOD. Scott Harrison was a McHenry visitor Monday. Little Flossie Conway is quite sick with tonsilitis. J. S. Brown is attending court at Woodstock this week. August Walton of Woodstock Sun- dayed with friends here Miss Ethel Owen of McHenry spent Saturday with Birdie Small. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of McHenry are the guests of Mr; and Mrs. Amos Smith. Mr. Osmun of McHenry filled the M. E pulpit Sunday in the absence of Rev. Cormack. Aline, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elan Harrison, who has been quite ill the past week, is much improved. The little son of Geo. Spaulding, who died Tuesday, will be brought here from Chicago for burial. The funeral will be held Friday at half past ten in the M. E. chupch. The next regular meeting of the.Ladies Aid Society will be held at the home of Mrs. Isaac Harsh on Thursday, Decem­ ber 8. Dinner will be served to which every one is invited. The M. W. A. are making extensive preparations for their meeting Wednes­ day evening. They will have several of the head offcers of the order with them and several candidates are to be initiated. Refreshments will be served. The M. E Sunday school will give an entertainment in the church Friday evening, November 27. It will consist of vocal and instrumental music, with a representation of the autumn number of the "Young People's Magazine," fancy drills, etc. Admission, ten and twenty cents. Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is a pleasant aud effectual medicine for cleansing the system, regulating the liver and bowels, cures Coetiyeness, Biliousnens Feadache, Loss of Appe­ tite, Bad Breath, Belching, Disorders of the Stomach, Indigestion and Dys­ pepsia. 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles Sold by G. W. Besley, druggist, W. McHenry. TERRA COTTA. Wm. Schumann was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Robbie Gibbe of Richmond was a cal­ ler here Friday. C. A. Lidell was a Chicago visitor Saturday and Sunday. Miss Irene Bay of Chicago spent Tues­ day at S. B. Leisner's. Ellis D. Gates came out from the city and spent Friday at home, John Phalin and children spent Sun­ day with relatives at Elgin. T. R. Anderson and Geo. Smith'were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy are Honey Creek, Wis., visitors this week. Ed. W. Hoist & son, Harry, attended to matters of business in Chicago Satur­ day. Miss Emma Hoi 1st returned Saturday from a week's visit with relatives in Chicago. Miss Florence Balke took in the "Flora De Voss" entertainment at Nunda Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gracy were Wood stock visitors Friday and heard Gov. Yates speak in the'evening. The "Teco" band have invitations out for a grand ball Thanksgiving eve, st Cohn's opera house, Nunda. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Gates and daugh­ ter, Sylvia, left Saturday for their win ter home at Mobile, Alabama. Quite a number took in the entertain ment at the school house Friday even­ ing given by Mr. Engdahl of Chicago. J. N. Marshall, book-keeper for the A. T. C. & C. Co., left Saturday for a few weeks' visit with friends at Mobile, Ala. The Am. Terra Cotta and Ceramic Co. following the usual custom, gave each of their employes a turkey for Thanks­ giving- Cured of Pll«a after 40 Tear*. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, O., had the piles for 40 years. Doctors and dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him perma­ nently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWitt on the packages--all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Sold by all druggists. HOLCOMBVILLE. Mrs. Jay Doherty and son, Paul, were Nunda callera Saturday. Clark Jacobs of Nunda was a caller at Fred Davoll's Sunday. Thos. Ames of Terra Cotta was a cal­ ler in this vicinity Snnday, Mr. and Mrs. John Powers of Emerald Park spent Sunday with the former's father, Wm. Powers. Miss May Welch of McHenry visited, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho*. Powers, Saturday and Sunday. Bronchitis for Tweuly Yearn. Mrs. Minerva Smith, of Danville, III., writes: "I had bronchitis for tweuty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Hoaey and Tar. which is a sun cure." There is no other medicine 90 popular. Contains no opiates or poisons and never fai's to cure roughs and colds. Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. Impossible! Not long ago a prominent lnerchat t in a neighboring town received a letter from a large distilling firm asking for a list of names of citizens who might be interested in the literature issued by the firm setting forth the merits of a new brand of whiskey, and promising him a commission on all sales. The merchant, being somewhat of a joker, sat down and made out a list of the prominent prohibitionists of the place and forwarded it. He forgot all about the matter until about a month later, when it was called to his attention by a letter from the distiller, enclosing a draft for $1 <> 50 with thanks for list, which had been peculiarly remunerat­ ive. --i^Kchatijjfe. for (omit When a lap robe of good size and sufficient weight is required. There's some that will just suit you in this fine line of Carriage Robes Fancy Plush Robes, heavy weight, different designs, from $3.50 to $7.50 Rubber lined Plush Robes at $3 00 to $3.50 Waterproof Black Duck, fancy lining $a.oo Stable Blankets from 75c to $3.50 each. McHenry, III. Qus Carlson VOLO. Will Huson went/to Chicago on busi­ ness Monday. Miss Mary Raught is visiting friends in Wankegan and High wood. George and Ben Rosing drove to Win netka Thursday, returning Saturday. Henry and Jacob Stadtfeld transacted business in Chicago last Friday. Barney Sexton of Elgin visited^ rela­ tives here Saturday and Sunday. •lohn Richardson went to Des Plaiues Sunday' morning, returning Monday evening. Chris. Sable and wife have gone to Chicago to attend tne wedding of their son, John. Doesn't Respect Old Age. It's shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but i'ust the contrary in the case of Dr. ting's New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how severe, and ir­ respective of old a«e. Dyspepsia, Jaun­ dice, Fever, Constipation all yield to this perfect Pill. 25c at Julia A. Story's McHenry, G. W. Besley's, W. McHenry, drug stores. OSTKND. They are skating on the mill pond, but keep close to the edge. You could see the ice give under the weight of the boys and girls. Rather dangerous past- time. Today ducks, turkfvs and chickens will be on the bill of fare every where. Some sad hearts, as there will be so many vacant chairs that were filled one year ago. Our friends go one by one. One, born and grew to manhood in Greenwood township, Cyrus E Burr, died at his home in Nebraska, Novem­ ber 16, 1908, a brother-in-law of Mrs. W. F. Bassett. Obituary later. Temperance exercises Sunday evening as advertised. A goodly number out aud a fine program by our home work era, assisted by friends from McHenry and Mise Myrtle Stevens of Ringwood Miss Myrtle Stevens of Ringwood vis ited at E. E. Bassett's Sunday and Mon day. How often we have been reminded in the last few weeks there is but a step between us and death. We know not what is before us, but each day brings us nearer home. There is danger on every hand. We are told to beware of the wine cup for it biteth like a serpent Are the saloons closed on Sunday ? The front blinds are down, but the back door is open wide inviting our young men to go in and out at will. Is there a law in your town saying they shall be closed V If so, where are your officers and men to see it enforced? There should be a law, and is in some states, against sell ing to habitual druukaids. There must be somethiug done to save our boys from the rum, tobacco and cigarette fiends One of the deadliest poisons that eyer cursed out laud, ruins both soul and body. How many specimens of cigarette smokers have you in your town? Yon can tell them by the idiotic look and listless walk. You are hereby notified that hunting will not be allowed on W. F. Bassett's premises. You rowdys, who so far for get what little spark of manhood yon have left, and will drive past our houses and hide your heads making insnlting remarks to women in their own door yard, had better stay where you be­ long, you are not wanted among civilized people. A Reinwrkaiile Case. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind , who was entirely cured by the use of One Minnte Cougn Cure. She says: "The coughing and straining so weakened me that I ran down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthened, my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength." Sold by all druggists. An ad in The Plaindealer "want nmn will bring results. GJi col VOX1.X.A.. The Kind You Have Always Bough BMnth* yf in» Miitnuti nave atwag Fifty Ymn «m Staianl biprom fht flavor and adds it haaithfulnm of tba food. PftlOC BAKING POWOXft OO. CHIOAOO C. K Hull Company'* Bwrgaiuw. Great Jacket Sale- 150 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, good styles, heavy weight, lined goods, $1.98; Children's Cloaks, lined and fur trimmed, 69c; Good Heavy Wool Mixed Walking Skirts 75 and 98c; Men's Heavy Knit Overshirts 29c; Boys' Full Length Over­ coats fl.29 and $1.98; Men's Canvas Coats 98c--with Fur Collar $1.29; 120 Ladies' Wool Waists, $1.(10 values, choice «9c; Men's Extra Heayy Water­ proof Coats $2.98; 75 Ladies' Heavy Wool \yalking Skirts, $4.00 valuee, at $1.98; Children's Double Knit Wool Mittens 10c; 125 pairs Young Men's High Grade Trousers, worth up to $8.00, $1.49 and $1.98; Men's Overcoat Bar­ gains $8.98; full 50-in. Fur Boas 69c; 30-in. Electric Seal Scarfs, with 8 tails, $1.98; Ladies' Lined Cloaks, regular 110.00 garments, $6.49; Moire and Taf­ feta Silk Waists, assorted colors, $1.98; Misses' Wool Jackets, with beaver col­ lars, $4.95; Laflies' Wool Hose 15c, Children's 8 and 10c; Electric Seal Col­ larettes $1.19. To customers coming from McHtnry, trading $10.00 and showing round trip R. R. Tickets, we will refund full car fares both ways. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. A Good Name. From personal experienoe I testify that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are anequaled as ft liver pill. They are rightly named because they give strength and energy and do their work with ease. --W. T. Easton, Boerne, Tex. Thou­ sands of people are using these tiny lit­ tle pills in preference to all others, he- cause they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure biliousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick headache, constipation, etc. They do not purge and weaken, but cleanse and strengthen. Sold by all dinggists. The Plaindealer is adding new names to its list every day. Is your name on the roll of honor? Don't borrow. Danger to Gltildraa Kidney and Bladder Troubles often Blight their Uvea. HOW TO CUBE BED WETTIM® There are thousands ot children trke •gu-cely know what It is to awaken In tfe* morning without a sense of mortification. These children are not responsible far the diseases of the bladder or kidneys that make their lives miserable. It Is a moral crime to scold or whip a child who has lost control over the muscles of the legs and eannot walk properly and it Is cruelty to punish A child whfe has lost control over the bladder. Train the child to empty the bladder Just before going to bed and in two hams afterward take the child out of bed to again empty the bladder. This la easier than changing bed clothes every day, and encourages the little one. Give frequent baths, and allow plenty of outdoor exer> else. Avoid scolding, and prohibit tea» coffee and highly seasoned food. Give FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUBE; allow only a light supper and no fluids within two hours of bedtime. J. W. SHOOT, of McKeesport, Pa, sayst "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CCBB cured my little boy of urinary trouble; I tried several physicians with no success. Foutrli KHMTCT CURB was recommended, and before one bottle was need he was cored' and now he can sleep all night without any trouble." FOLEY'S KIDHIT CUM will prevent fatal kidney and bladder troubles and will always cure them if taken early. In even the wont cases It will git* gnal relief - G. W. BESLEY, West McHenry. (HARlfS G. FRETT Wholesale and retail dealer tn MBS. CECELIA ST0WE, Orator, Entre Noni Olik, 176 Warren Avenue, CHICAGO, III., Oct. 22,1902. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian troubles. The doc­ tor insisted on an operation as the only way to get well. I, however, strongly objected to an operation. Mjr_ husband felt disheartened as weii as I, tor home with a sick woman is a disconsolate place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a bottle of Wine of Cardui for me to try, and he did so. I began to improve in a few days and my recovery was very rapid. W ith- in eighteen weeks I was another being. Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every woman how • home is saddened by female weaknes and how completely Wine of Cardui cures that sick­ ness and brings health and happi­ ness again. Do not go on suffer­ ing. Go to your druggist today and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. WlN&CAfHIUI In the Poultry a call mt: $y. - * 'W* '^1'- Smoked Meats, Sausdje McHenry Illinois ! MULE FOOTED HOGS! Never have cholera. Are very stylish, I having toil); bodies, heavy ham and • shoulders. Make good HORS at auy j weight. Mature early. Make a fine * cross with auy breed and always sell '• well in market. Breeding stock for 4 sale at reasonable prices. Inspection ' invited. j M. E. HOFFMAN, \ BASSETTS, WIS. • KENOSHA CO. j *44* 4*4 *444444444444-44 44* * t A A »^« A A A A A A A A A Sacrifice Sale! December 1 to 5 Inclusive. For this sale we will sell the following Goods at wholesole cost price or less: White and colored Cotton Flannels, all grades of Tennis Flannels, Eiderdown and Dress Flannels, all Wool and Cotton and Cotton Mixed Flannels, all grades Flannelettes, Women's and Child­ ren's Hoods and Fascinators, Women's and Children's Leather Shoes, Women's and Children's Warm Shoes, Boys' Suits aud Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Shoes, Men's and Boys' Caps, Men's and Boys' Duck Coats and many other articles in stock. Bear in mind that th© prices named on these articles will be, in most cases, less than cost to us. Hope you can be with us at this time. Very Truly, 1 1 *R ing wood, Illinois. J* E. CRISTY.

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