Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Dec 1903, p. 8

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1 n ir ^ > NOW IS THE TIME TO QET A SUTT OR OVERCOAT! WE HAVE THEM AT ALL PRICES. MEN'S OVERCOATS MEN'S SUITS BOYS' OVERCOATS BOYS* SUITS $5.00 to $I2T.OO $5.00 to $15.00 $2.00 to $7.00 $1.50 to $7.00 FUR COATS! Do not buy a Fur Coat until yon hare seen our $15.00 For Coa t». They certainly are the best for the money that yon haye seen. ROYAL BLUE RUBBERS are warrauted to be tne best in the market. Bny a pair of them and if not satisfactory will give you a new pair for the old rub­ bers. FELT BOOTS from $1.75 to $2.75 for the Felt and Overs. JOS. W. FREUND, W E S T J M c W & N R Y : ' •mwiimauimi H E L P W A N T E D All the men, women and children in this vicinity to help move our large *-tock of Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Flannels, Blankets, Underwear, Dress Skirts, Walking Skirts, Underskirts', Silk Shirt Waists, Dress Shoes, School Shoes, Heavy Shoes, Felt Boots and Rubbers. Overshoes, Gloves, Mittens, Caps, Men's Pants, Overalls, Jackets, Heavy Lined Coats, Sweaters, Mackintoshes and Rain Coa|s. SUITS AND OVERCOATS made to your measure Correct In Style, Fit and Quality. Over 1000 Samples to select from. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Dried Fruits, Full Cream Cheese, Pickles, Sauces. Catsups, Etc., in bottles. Maple Syrup, Corn Syrup, Buckwheat, Graham, Corn Meal, Flour at lowest prices for first- class Goods. M. J. Walsh, Goods delivered promptly. - Phone, 363. A Poft'« Pastime. It was not only as a boy that Word»$£ worth, , Shod with steel, hissed along the poliah«4 toe. _ ^ He was a skater of skill in bis man-* hood. "A girt skater; noan better In these parts." -was the testimony of C Dales man, quoted by Canon Rawns-- ley in his "Lake Country Sketches." On oue occasion the poet went by himself to figure a bit upon the White Moss tarn, and a man sent a boy to swc^ep the snow from the ice for him. ,Wlien the boy returned from his labor, the rnftn asked: • N ••Well, did Mr. Wudsworth gie ye OWt?" ' a "Nay." rejoined the boy, with a grin of content from ear to ear. "I seed him tummle tho\" I-*.ut the lad. who had thought the tumble a fair equivalent for a tip, had been much impressed tey the quiet way In which Wordsworth had borne his fall. His skate had caught in a stone when be was in full swing, and he came down with a crash, "He didn't swear nor say nowt," said the boy. "but he just sot up an' said, 'Eh, boy, that was a bad fall, wasn't itr" ATboaMiid UollNi'*' Wurth ofOood. "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble-for years, passing grav el-or stoues withftexcruciating pain," .says A. H. Thuriies, a well known coal : got no re­ lief t'ii>in uie.tliciues until 1 began taking •Foley's KHucy Cure, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick . Iu -t like fine stones and now 1 have m> ]>;<in ;u ross my kidneys and I feel like h ne-.v ihhii. It has done me a th-usaud doi'm' worth of good," A kidney or bla i ^ r trouble cau always be cured by usin^ Foley 's Kidney Cure in time. Sold by G. W Besley. W. Mc- Henry. An Impudent Indorsement. During one of his busy reception hours, when President Lincoln was talking first to one, then to another, of the many who tilled the room in the White House, a gentleman asked if any news had been received from John Mor­ gan, whose Confederate cavalry were raiding Kentucky and Ohio. "We'll catch John some of these days," replied Lincoln. "I admire him, for he is a bold operator. He always goes after the mail trains in order to get information from Washington. On his last raid he opened some mail bags and took possession of the official corre­ spondence. "One letter was from the war depart­ ment to a lieutenant in Grant's army. It contained a captain's commission for him. Right umW the signature of A. Lincoln the audacious Morgan wrote, 'Approved. John Morgan,' and sent t'ae commission on its way. So there is one officer in our army whose commission bears my signature with the approval of that daredevil rebel raider." . - • , - y ' -»r J i'-,. ; - _ " '<• •• ».•«: • V - - \ A ' • •' • • • • I - l j. .. >V. i 1ft. • i'• V* Yes a warehouse full of Farm Machinery, Wagons and Buggies. FOR THE AFTER HARVEST TRADE we have an unusually well selected stock of time saving, labor saving, money saving Implements, which we fully guarantee. It is our aim to be up to date and ever ready to meet, even to anticipate the wants of our most progressive customers. Farmers who consult their best interests buy only the best of Goods. We sell the FAIRBANKS MORSE GASOLINE ENGINES all sizes. FEED! - FEED! - FEED! We have on hand a large stock of Bran, Middlings, Oil Meal, Salt, Etc., on which we will not be undersold, whether you want a bag full or a Car Load. Come and let us convince you. West McHenry, 111. WM. BONSLETT. I r \b Don t Hesitate! o H •t There is no comparison between Tailor £ fj made and ready nuide Clothing and the j| ji difference in price is nothing compared £ H with the difference in wear. We have thousands of samples to select from. Just £ || look at these prices for tailor made clothing: & I Suits, $9 to $40 | Pants, $2 50 to $Kkoo ^ (./leaning, Dyeing and Scouring promptly & attended to. Bring in that old Suit and s we will make it look like new. I John D. Lodtz. Smetumcti: To I lie Public, We know of no greater service that this newspaper can reuder its many renders than to let them kuow of a really meritorious article and where the sauie may be procured. For this reason we wish U? h:ive every reader peruse the following recent letter to the manufacturers from Dexter Mahoney, a general merchant at Quigley, 111 He says: "Please send me by express two dozen of Re-Go. I find it an ex cellent medicine and have to keep it in stock." Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is an unfailing cure foi Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Sour Stom­ ach and Dyspepsia. It is the ideal med­ icine for children. Sold in 25c, 50c and $1.00 bottles by G. W. Besley, druggist. W. McHenry, 111. I I 9. t: t: $ if: s f: I t. Lordly Dlaraell. Disraeli once told a lady that two possessions which were indispensable to other people lie had always done without. "1 made," she said, "every kind of conjecture, but without suc­ cess, and on my asking him to en­ lighten me he solemnly answered that they were a watch and an umbrella. 'But how do you manage,' I asked, 'If there happens to be no clock in the room and you wjftrt to know tbe time?' 'I ring for a servant,' was the magnilo­ quent reply. 'Well,' I continued, 'and what about the umbrella? What do you do. for instance, if you are in the park and are caught in a sudden show­ er?' 'I take refuge.' he replied with a smile of excessive gallantry, 'under the umbrella of the first pretty wom^n I meet.' " Koclof Dyprpitla Care digests all classes of food, tones and strengtnens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles, and makes rich, red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dys­ pepsia Cure rebuilds wornout tissues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G, W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: "I have used a number of bottles of Kodo' Dyspepsia Cure and have found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends." Sold by all druggists. v "Aly wife had a deep-seated cough for three years. 1 purchased two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it curec! her com* pletely." • J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Probably you know of cough mcdicines that re­ lieve little coughs, all coughs; except deep ones/ The medicine that has been curing the worst o| deep coughs for s ix ty years is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Three «l*c«: 25c.. Sit.. $1. All 4ranMt. Consult your <lo»:tor. if )iu say* take It. tli«n do hs ho »nys. If liu tRi!. yoti uoi to titke It. then don't take it. He know*. Leave It with him. We ar.i willing. J. C. AYKK CO.. Lowell. M»»». r i REDUCE STOCK Am afraid I bought too heavy and now is the time for you to buy. Its a long cold Wiritter ahead of us and I am going to offer a few bargains that will move a few of these Cold Weather Goods if anyone needs them. * - V? (OMIfl® fRIDAT and continuing one week, I will offer the following Bargains: Formerly. Now. "Staley" all wool Underwear - $ 51.50 $1.28 <t «< (< 1.25 1.09 t» <« ' « l.od .87 Men's extra heavy silk fleeced Underwear .50 .43 Ladies' extra heavy silk fl'cd ribbed Utica Undwr .50 .48 " med. " " " » Underwear .30 .24 Boys med. heavy silk fleeced Underwear .40 .21 Men's Winter Caps, any style 1.00 .82 '<< <• << n n .75 .63 " and Boys Winter Caps, any style .50 .43 Men's extra heavy all wool Sweaters, any color 2.50 1.98 << << «« <« ( i «« i , i t 2.25 1.75 << (1 it K (( <( || || 2.00 1.65 << «« << It «( II II || 1.50 1.28 (< <1 (1 | << II | | | | 1.00 .80 " •' " cotton " " " .50 .48 Boys •' " all wool " " ** 1.00 M " " " • cotton " " " .50 .42 Men's " " Cardigan Jackets, blk or brown 2.50 1.98 Full sized Comforters, all colors 2.00 1.62 _ << it ti U << 1.75 1.50 a tt a a (< 1.50 1.29 n a a << K 1.25 1.08 i« 11 a tt tt 1.00 .86 All wool Over Shirts, blue, black and brown 1.50 1.25 ii ii i t . «< (< <i i . i i 1.25 1.12 <• << •".0? <1 (( << <1 II 1.00 .82 " " 11-4 Bed Blankets, per pair 5.00 4.29 " <( 10*4 (( " " " 4.50 8.98 " " 10-4 " " '* " 3.50 2.98- Sheep lined Duck Coats, full length 9.00 7.00 Men's and Boys Mittens and Gloves 1.00' .82 it ti ii ii it 41 .75 .64 a a a a a tt .50 .43 Best extra heavy fleeced Tennis Flannel .10 .08 " " " " Flannelette .15 .12 Fancy Vestings, all wool .70 .55 " " cotton .18 .15 10 per cent, off on any Pur Coat in stock. 15 per cent, off on any Wool Dress Goods in the House. 10 per cent, off pn any pair Shoes in the House. 10 percent, off all Cotton Flannel Bed Blankets. I have over $200 worth fine linen Towels that will sell at 10 per cent. off. What's better for a Xmas G^t? 10 per cent, off on all Corsets and Coset Waists. 20 per cent, off on any Gent's Dress Shirt in stock. 10 per cent, off on Golf Gloves and Stocking Caps. 25 per cent, off on all Duck wool lined Coats. 10,per cent, off on all Felts and Overs; also on all Overshoes. 25 per cent, off on any Trunk or Satchel in stock. 10 per cent, off on any Shawl in the House. This is certainly a good oppor­ tunity to stock up for winter. Now is the time to get good Goods for little money. '•£iV Captain BartlfU'* Cbreri. A series of Uevolutioniary scenes were given in a Loi^lon theater some months after the close of that memor­ able war. On the one side was the English army in full red coated uni­ form, with every button in its exact place. Opposite them was the Ameri­ can army, composed, as the theater bill stated, of "artisans, cobblers and tinkers," arrayed in their working dress, with buttons of every size and hue. When the curtain dropped. Captain Bartlett of Plymouth. Mass., the cap­ tain of a ship then in port, stood up In his seat In the pit and in a voice as If given from a quarter deck in a squall called, "Three cheers for tbe artisans, cobblers and tinkers who were too much for King tieorge and his red­ coats." and with a wave of bis bat be gave these with a will. For a short time there was silence in the theater, followed by an enthusiastic, John Bull, appreciative cheer for tbe pluck and assurance of tbe Yankee captain, who became the lion of tbe city, receiving invitations to clubs and free tickets to theatrical and other entertainments) while be reinaiued In port--Boston Transcript. This is the season of the year when tbe prudent Hnd careful housewife re­ plenishes her snpply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to bo needed before tbe winter is over, and results are much more prompt and sat­ isfactory when it is kept at band and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before ft becomes settled, in the sys­ tem. "^n almost ,f?very instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indi­ cation of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no haruiful substance. It is pleasant to take--both adults and chil­ dren like it. Bu} it and yoa will get the best. It always cures. For sale by all druggists. pon the Gorilla Walk*. The gorllkt has not only a crouching habit, but he walks on all four of bis legs and h»s the motion of most quad­ rupeds, using his right arm and left leg at tbe same time, and alternates with the left arm and right leg. It is not exactly a walk or a trot, but a kind of ambling gait, while tbe chim- punzee uses his arms as crutches, but lifts one foot from tbe ground a little in advance of the other. He does not place the palm of the band on the ground, but uses the back of the lin­ gers from the second joint. O A B T O R I A , B«u« tfe* Kind Vim Have Always fUfutaai A Legend of Nantaeket About Vineyard sound there are nu­ merous legends of a famous Indian giant. It is said that the rocks at Sea- connet are the remains of his wife, whom he threw into the sea there. He turned his children into fishes and emp­ tying out his pipe one day forced Nan­ tucket out of its ashes. This latter story of Nantucket's source mast ac­ count likewise for the well known story of that old Nantucket captain who was accustomed to make his reckonings by tasting the earth brought up on sound­ ing. One day tbe lead was dipped In some earth brought on board ship from the island, and the captain, after tast­ ing. leaped from his berth in grea excitement, exclaiming, "Nantucket's sunk, and here we are right over old Marm Hackett's garden!" Naturally he would recognise the taste of tobacco ashes. It will be gixjd news to the mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A day or two before tbe at­ tack the child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tbe rough cough appears, and it will disf»el alt symptoms of croup. In this way all anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is used by many thousands i 1 mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all druggists. Cairo Street Wsrslasi. In oriental countriea the recklessness of drivers of vehicles and their disre­ gard for foot passengers are very mark­ ed, but in Cairo (hey have a series of curious cries with which they warn a footman. They specify the particular part of his anatomy which is in dan­ ger. as thus: "Look out for thy left shin, O uncle." "Boy, have a care for the little toe on thy right foot" "O blind beggar, look out for thy staff." And the blind beggar, feeling his way with the staff In his right hand, at once Obediently turns to the left "Q Frank* ish woman, look out for thy left foo£." "O burden bearer, thy load is in dan­ ger." "O water carrier, look out for the tall end of thy pigskin water bot­ tle." ; A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen­ sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you'll neyer he wrong if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 2Ac, at Julia A. jStory s, McHenry, and-G. W. Besley's, 1 yf. McHenry, drug stores. N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST. Perfumery, Stationery. A »ti iti iti ifi ifi iti »fi .fi iti iti iti iti iTi ifi iti ifi iti iti iti ill ti'i it'i iti tffcitk ijnTTWMTfiTf^RWrlT» Wf Wl fVf WWrWrWf W1 ̂ Vl w U|P • r To persons whose trade amounts to $12.00 be­ tween Saturday, December 5, and Christmas I will give as a premium, absolutely free, a beautiful Rug worth $2-00, Bear ip mind also that during that tima our usual low prices will prevail, on all goods, It is an absolute fact, and no one can disprove It, that our prices are lower than can be*found in any store in McHenry county. The above is an offer that you should not overlook. * - J. HURWITZ, WEST HcHENRY. $ iAU aftk jltk A sJl- A »^» i^ii i" 1X1 nAr s I FOR THE APPETITE I It is sometimes necessary for a person to indnlge in some del- icacy to "sharpen" the appetite. Something in the way of B Fruits, perhaps, is what you need. We have a complete Una. 5 We also have a nioe stock of Dried Fruits and Seasonable Vegetables that go well this time o' year. Telephone your order and we will guarantee to Alt it satisfactorily. ilapll-- N«. jftl. Otv* ai a Trial. JOHN STOFFEL

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