Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1903, p. 6

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| VOLUME XXIX. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. NUMBER 24 $& B8S8S3S5S28388S8SS83S383S5S3ffiS3S38SS5S5S5S5ffi83fflS888fiMftflSSBS ĵ̂ W8SS388S388S5S5S585S888 tut LJ 8 S3 S3 S3 S3 se S3 S3 tlHTI l iflH I CLASS i i L n u u u m i i l i AT EVANSON'S Our Great Holiday Sale Begins Honday, December 14 We offer you a very complete stock of useful Merchandise for Holidays, such as Toys, Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Sweaters, Way's Muf­ flers 25 to 50c, Golf Gloves for Ladies and Gents. In addition to this and to make it pay you to come 20 miles or more tp,. do your Christmas trading we offer very special inducements through the entire stock. Eight hundred pairs Ladies, Gents and Childs Shoes, all new styles, with average discounts of 20 per cent. Many items of Rubbers, Arctics and Overshoes are reduced. Blankets, Dress Goods, Ladies Walking Skirts and Petticoats. Here are a few indications as to Domestic Economy: 10 yards best Prints, blue or red 46c 10 yards bleached Lonsdale Cotton 69c Best Ginghams, per yard 5to6Kc Two pair 20c Hose for 25c 50c Leggins for 25c 50c Dress Goods for 39c Best quality Fleeced Wrappers 89c LOT FURS AT COST TO CLOSE. 10 yards best Flannelettes for 75c Extra heavy fleeced Underwear for Men 38c Extra: heavy fleeced Underwear for Ladies Q2c WE SHOW YOU THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF CAPS IN TOWN Boys black Corduroy Pants 50c Boys 3-piece Suits, 12 to 14 years....... $3.50 CHILD'S OVERCOATS HALF PRICE. 21 pounds Sugar for $1.00 3 packages 4X or Arbuckles Coffee 29c 3ipackages finest seeded Raisins 25c 3 packages finest Currants 25c 2 quarts Cape Cod Cranberries 25c CHASE & SANBORNS HIGH GRADE COFFEES Fancy Maple and Sugar Syrups, Salmons, Canned Goods, Oranges, Lemons, Ffcie Cheese, Etc. All Cereal Food, 2 packager. 23c 3 pounds Candy 25c 3 bars fine Toilet Soaps 10c Fancy Cups and Saucers, from. 10 to 35c Plush and Celoloid Albums $1.25 Xmas Candles, fancy colors, per box 10c Ornaments for your Xmas Tree. 5 to 10c Xr»as Cards, fine quality 5c Ball Band Rubber Boots. $3.10 Felt Boots with Snag Proof Overs........ --$2-38 Thousands say that M c C L U R E ' S n A G A Z 1 N E is the '>est published at any price. Yet it is only 10 cent a copy, Si.00 a year. In every number of McClure's there are Articles of intense inter­ est on si.l>jpets of the great­ est national in portance. Six good short stories, humorous stories, stories of life and action--and al­ ways good. In 1904 McClure's will be more interesting, important and entertaining than ever. "Every year better than the last or it would not be McClure's." L"1J TEf* Subscribe now for McClure'h f..r 1904, ami get the November and December number* of 1803 free. THE 8. T* MCCLCRE COMPANY. 623 LEXINGTON BOILTHNCI, NKW YORK; N. Y. Fast through trains daily over the Chicago, Union Pacific & North-Western Line. Direct route an excellent train service. Two trains a day X San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland I h i ouy! 1 service of Pul lman compartment , drawing-room an J s leeping , ars . Dinint : cars , l ibrary on J observat ion tar ; , , buffet bmok- in£ . in J t tee recl ining i l ia i r cars . Daily and Personally Conducted Eieursioas For t icket« and information apply to ageou of The North-Westera Liae or addreff W. B. KN.SKCRN. P.T,M C. 4 N . w. RY . C HICKGO • PlCTO*^ aad Talking. Books are DO substitute for talk Tliey come out of talk und go back Into talk. We doubt If reading alone ever made "a full man." It bas been said that reading Is thinking with some one else's bead, but talking is thinking--if wo may borrow a simile from the motor cor--wJtb two head power. As a book­ worm is to the man of the world, so is tLe silent thinker to tbe talking think­ er. The man who does not talk is a stranger upon earth. He does not know bis fellows, and they do not know him, Slid those we do not know we cannot .greatly like. "Little do men perceive what solitude is and how far It extend-' eth. for a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures and talk but a tinkling cymbal* where there Is no love." Yet a man may do heroic doc-ds and never talk at all in our .sense of the word, and be may be a learned man and never express an opinion on any subject of the first consequence. All the same, we agree with Bacon that, inasmuch as be is shut up in him­ self. "closeness dotb impair and a little perish his understanding." -- London Spectator. A Thousand Dollar*' Worth of Good. "I have been afflicted with kidney and bl mlder trouble for years, pawing grav­ el or stones with excruciating pain," says A. H. Thames, a well known coal operator of Buffalo, O. "I got no re­ lief from medicines nntil I begun taking Foley's Kidney Care, then the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dnst like fine stones and now 1 have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. It has done me a th usand dollars' worth of good," A kidney or bladder trouble can always be cured by using Foley's Kidney Cure in time. Sold by G W. Besley, W. Mc Henry. The Hew WOPIM'I Qttantary. "Yes." the new womnu remarked. "1 tin greatly troubled." "By what ?' "Well, I want to get married Just to prove that 1 can. and I don't want to 4P>t married Ju*t to prove that I don't tinve to. If I don't, they'll say I can't; IT I do, they'll say I have no more in­ dependence than any other woman."-- Chicago Post. Barimtaplc l \ . I r . An annual fair at Barnstaple. Eng­ land, has been bold for hundreds of year? It was originally held in Juljr, but t* <? time was altered to September by a charter granted by Queen Mary. Barnstaple fair is inaugurated with a ceremony in tbe town hall, where a special meeting of tbe town council Is held and spiced Yi-je and toast (prepared in the council chamber by the beadles and mace bearers* are dispensed to all who crowd tbe building. Appropriate toasts are proposed and speeches made by the local member of parliament and •tbers. after which the mayor preceeds in procession to three points of the town, at each of which is read his proc­ lamation opening the fair and enjoin­ ing all concerned to keep the peace dur­ ing Its continuance. Not until this ceremony has been performed can the business and fun of tbe fair proceed. On the inauguration of tbe fair a huge' stuffed white glove, adorned with flow­ ers. is thrust on a po'e from one of the upper windows of tbe town ball and remains in evidence during the contin­ uance of the festival as the symbol of open handed welcome." As in the past I am in the market for •11 kinds of fare, paying the highest market price for same. a CM rd and I will call on yon. 2n tf C S. HOWARD, McHenry. Bead The Plaindealer "want" ada. To 1 ll« I ' l l hi it?. We know of uo greater service that this newspaper can render its many renders than to let them know of a really meritorious article and where the same may l>e procured. For this reawjn we wish to have every reader pernse the following re-ent letter to the man n far Mirers froyi Dexter Mahoney, a general merchant at Quigley, 111. He says: "Please send me by express two dozen of Re-Go. I'find it an ex­ cellent medicine and have to keep it in stock." Re Go Tonic Laxative Syrup is an unfailing cure for Constipation. Sick Headache. Biliousness, Soar Stom­ ach and Dyspepsia. It is the ideal med­ icine for children. Sold in 30c, 50c and $1.00 bottles by G. W Besley, druggist. W. McHenry, III A Bit of Browning Satire. A medley of young literary men were once gathered to meet Robert Brown­ ing. The most aggressively literary of tbe group was first Introduced and at once began to pour out bis personal delight and admiration with so unceasing a flow that tbe other introductions were being held in abeyance, and the other literary young men starved. Browning endured it with great good humor for some time. At last be put bis band al­ most affectionately on the egotist's shoulder and said, "But I am monopo­ lising you." Went Back on HI* Authority. Freeman, tbe historian, Was natural­ ly familiar In the spirit to readers of the Saturday Review. In the flesh Mr. Leslie Stephen's single meeting with the historian was In tbe nature of a collision. "I came in contact with him only once, and at a later period. He wrote a life of Alfred for the Dictionary of National Biography under my editor­ ship^ but declined to do more because we bad a difference of opinion as to whether Athelstane should be spelled with an 'A.' That was. 1 confess, a question to which 1 was culpably in­ different, but I had taken competent advice, and my system (I forget what It was) had been elsewhere sanctioned by the great historian Stubbs. Now, as Freeman was never tired of assert­ ing tbe infallibility of Stubbs, I inno­ cently thought that I might take ref­ uge behind so eminent an authority. The result was that for once Freeman blasphemed Stubbs and refused to co­ operate any longer In an unscholarlike enterprise." Kodol l>yp<*p»l* Cure digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Tronbles, nd makes rich, red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dys­ pepsia Cure rebuilds woruout tissues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va., says: "I have used a number of bottles of Kodo' Dyspepsia Cure and have found it to be a very effective and, indeed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend it to my friends." Sold by all druggists. Rebnk«d. Hoffmann, tbe German physicist, ar­ rived in Glasgow late one Saturday night and on Sunday morning weat to call on Lord Kelvin. I The doorbell was answered by a wo­ man servant, whom Hoffmann asked If Sir William was at home. The servant answered, "Sir, be most certainly is not." Hoffmann then asked, "Could yon tell me where I could flud him?" "Sir," she answered, "yon will find him at church, where you ought to be.!*" CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TIm KM Yn Han Always Bought Bears th* Signature Salad Daya, Quite tbe simplest interpretation of the trite phrase "salad days" refers it simply ta the fresb green quality and character of such vegetables as are grown' for salad and which may be taken as typical of tbe raw inexperi­ ence of youth. Probably it was used in this connection by Shakespeare in "An­ tony and Cleopatra:" My salad days, ^ When I was green in Judgment. • Another and very different derivation links the expression with salle, or sad­ dle, the block upon which in olden daya schoolboys were birched. In this form the words are allied to tbe "pen'orth of salad oil." for which, on All Fools' days, boys were sent to the saddler's shop, where tbey often met with a warm reception. It is just possible that the term had some reference to the "Saladine-tenth," a tax imposed by Pope Innocent III. to provide funds from England and France for tbe crusade led by Richard I., but this seems needlessly farfetched. This is the season of tbe year when the prudent and careful housewife re­ plenishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be needed before the winter Is' over, and result* are much more prompt and sat­ isfactory when it is kept at hand and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it becomes settled in the sys­ tem. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the*1 firet^ndi cation of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no harmful substance. It is pleasant to take--both adults and chil­ dren like it. Bay it and yoa will get the best It always cares. For sale by all druggists. Not lot*. Yon are hereby notified that the sev­ enth Installment of the wates works tax for the village of McHenry is now due and payment of the same is hereby re­ quested. My office will be al my resi­ dence, except on Friday of each week, through the month of December, when I can be found! at the hardware store of F. L. McOmber, West McHenry. Dated this 34th day of November. 190fc H. M. MCOMBER, 22-8t Village Collector. O iMntha Miss Bertha tmmert the well knowp expert Opti­ cian of Chicago/Ill., will^e at the office of DR. F. C. McHENRY, lifiEXT WED­ NESDAY, DECEMBER 16, giving free examinations of eyes Prices reasonable. 'No one urged to buy. _^TI>8 Kind You Haw Always Boftt The value (if a pair of Glasses does not lie in tli<> quality of material used but in the perfect fitting of both lenses and frames. Any necessurj '-bannes of len­ ses will be made any ti; • In two years. Headaches, NervousiK •. Stomach Trouble lier specialties. fr. 'ii for little booklet on the eye to l!.) Jackson Bl'vd.. Chicago, Illinois. Get Married and have your invitations and announcements printed at The Plaindealer office. ALWAYS |INSIST UPON HAVINGl THE GENUINE 'MURRAY* UNMANS riORIIM THE MOST REFKOSHINhTANcf DELIGHTFUL PERFUME FOR THE HANDKE.iCijif iVfOILET AND BATH.

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