Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1903, p. 7

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Best Christmas Presents! A,,j, »i ^ilver Ware, Table and Pocket Cntlery, Carving Sets, Shears, Whih Razors and Shaving Supplies, Stoyes and Stove Furniture, v^if'rHate, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Show, Clothing, Dress Goods and îKotiom in large assortment and at prioes equal to any Chica- .. • go House. OSHUN BROS., HcHENRY, ILL. General Hardware,- Dry Goods, Shoes--:--Notions. Xmas ! : ! ! Christmas joy is always foand in making others happy. A little gift, no matter what the cost will brighten a persons life for a timi; whether oid or young. When looking for something for the father, mother, brothers, sisters or sweet hearts, do not fail to call and see oor stock. Beautifnl line of v NOTIONS AND TOYS Books, Toilet Articles, Per­ fumes and all kinds of Toys. s Call and see what we have, prised. Prices are low, too. You will be stir- Ringwood, Illinois. J. S. Brown & Son. | (tot Bios. Fancy Grocers KA8T FOX LAKE. The measles are fashionable now. Shreddfng corn is the principle occu­ pation. News has just reached us of the death of Mrs. James Walsh. Mies Eva Culver will entertain the Junior Aid society Saturday aft ernoor. The East Fox Lake school is prepar­ ing for a Christmas tree to be held at the school house on^ Christmas eve. Oysters Oysters in cans and in bulk. We are direct re­ ceivers of FRESH OYSTERS from Baltimore. Season is now at hand. When in want of strictly fresh, large Baltimore Oysters give us a call. They are far ahead of Oyster stock, such as is usually shipped from Chicago. A trial will convince you ! SANTAj ICLAU5 ft j ===== j§ has sorely made oar Store his head, i? quarters this year. He has left j|:j here everything imaginable in the way of novelties and Toys! Tin Toys, Iron Toys, | Wood Toys. $ Horses, Carts, Wagons, Sleds, Dolls, Wheelbarrows, Games and all the little Trinkets that make ;Y the Children happy. * | ; We have many useful articles in the 10c department, too, that make i? nice gifts. Call and see the things. 1 Nr. and Mrs. [mil Snyder H Ostrander Block, West McHenry. IDeats! FRESH, SALT & SMOKED MEATS Vegetables and Fruit in Season. It Is my intention to give all customers tbe best Service pos­ sible. 1 pay spot cash f >r hides, poultry and stock of all kinds, thus paying the lowest prices, and will sell on tbe same basis. We also buy Hogs for Kerber Bros, of Elgin, paying highest market prices. Drop us a card when ready to sell. \ A. C. "MATTHEWS, WEST M'HENRY, ILL. N E I G H B O R I N G N E W S Chronicled by o\ir Able Corps of Correspondents TONY SCHNEIDER'S ^ - place is headquarters for Christmas CANDY and NUTS. The cleanest and freshest stock that money can buy. Call and be convinced. Candy in bulk at all prices. Better Grades in one pound Boxes. BANANAS AND ORANOES and all the delicacies that Santa Claus uses in filling the' Stockings of the little ones. NEAR RIVER BRIDGE - - HcHENRY. RIKGWOOD. The little, daughter of Elam Harrison continues quite ill. Miss Rugg of Hebron is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Brown. Born to Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Bennett. Saturday, December 5, a son. Mrs. Amos Smith speitt several days last week with Hebron friends. Mrs .Siver of Janesville is here caring for her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Bennett. The M. E. Sunday school will give an entertainment Christinas eve at the church consisting of music, recitations, etc. The ladies Aid society will hold their next regular meeting with Mrs. Geo. Coates Thursday, December 17, Tea will iw eerveu. Ben Justen met with a very serious accident Monday having his hand caught between the iollers of a corn hunker, cutting off three fingers. Dr. Hepburn dressed the injured member. A social will be held at the home of Mrs* W. E. Smith on Friday evening, December 11, for the benefit of the Uni­ versal^ Sunday school. A good pro­ gram has been prepared and light re­ freshments will be served, all for ten cents. The Ladies Aid will hold a social at the home of Mrs. Will Dodge on New Year's eve. A good program is being prepared and refreshments will be served. The latter part of the evening will be turned over to watch meeting to watch the old year out and the new year in. OSTEND. Fine winter weather thus far in De­ cember. Some are still husking corn It is reported that Brad Marble has sold the Thomas place to a party from the southern part of the state, the price being about seventy dollars per acre. Chas. Dates' little boy is sick witb pneumonia. Christmas will soon be here and all are planning for the merry making at home. P. S. Martiu is still hauling corn to husk. Those visiting the fat stock -show last week report a ifraud display. Election of officers in the Clserry Val­ ley Society December 17. All turn out, vote for your choice and staud by them like valiaut soldiers. The sick are reported as being on tbe gain. OBITUARY. Cyrus E Burr was born in Connecti­ cut April 9, 1336, and died in David City, Neb., on the morning of Novem­ ber 10, 1903, His parents movpd from the native state to Illinois when be was sixteen years of age, having bought of the government the place where C. F. Abbott now resides. He was married November 12, 1857, to Eliza Hoege. They remained on the old farm until after the mother's death in 1860, when, with one child and their personal prop­ erty, consisting of one yoke of oxen and covered wagon and a few cows, they made the trip to Texas overland. Mr. Burr was told he was suspected of being a Union man and the government would surely draft. However, he crossed the line at night and drafting began the next morning. He soon came back to the old home, broken in health. His older brothers, Lyman, John, William and Davis, enlisted to help put down the Rebellion, he, through disability, re­ mained at home. Lyman, John and Davis sleep in Fairview cemetery. Com­ rades are they, remembered by some on Decoration day. Also sister Pamelia C. C. Bollister's mother sleeps there. They were all good singers aud great friends of the Hutchius family. Ma y of the older people will remember oi their musical ability. The subject of this sketch moved to Iowa in 1862 with his wife and two lit­ tle girls. They took borses and wagon and drove a flock of slj^eep- In Iowa a boy and girl were added to the family. The second daughter, Fannie, died iu Iowa, aged 17 years. Mr. Burr wished to get more land for the boy and moved to Nebraska, taking np a farm, hazel brush coustitutiug the timber thereon A few years ago bis health failed and they moved to David City. He wax uever idle, naturally ingenious, always busy, managed his own affairs. He loved a joke and could give, and take, seeming to enjoy it. A wife, son and two daughters sur vive him. His oldest sister, Olive Fel lows, lives in California. Wui. Burr, the brother, is a physician and resides in Denver, Colo. _ He bore his suffering witn patience, never complaining, but death came as a happy release. Cancer of the stomach was the cause of death. A good man it- gone. He will be missed by those grand'.-Itildren as well as by the older members of the family, but we have tlit- blessed assurance that we shall met t our loved ones sometime on the golden shore where they never say good bye. BIIIODH Colic Prevented. Take a double >lose of Chamberlain 's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as soon as the first indication of the dis­ ease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of peo­ ple who are subject to attacks of bilions colic use the remedy in this way wittai perfect success. For sale by all drug­ gists. Where Be Failed.. "Offenbach," said a musician of wide experience, "once bad an unusually good valet. Tbe man could sbave. cook, tailor, market, doctor horses--do, in a word, a thousand things. Offenbach nevertheless discharged him. " 'Why,' his friends said, 'did you dis­ miss a servant so apt?* " 'Oh, because,' said Offenbach pet­ tishly. 'In boating my clothes outside my door be would never keep la time.'" SOLON [People of Solon and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindealer may leave their order with Miss Allie Turn er. The subscription price is $1 50 a year or 75 cents for six months. Ed.] Frank Vosburg was in the oity oil business the first of the week. Mr. Cruikshauk *nd son of Greenwood made a short call here Sunday. Chas. Westmont's sale last Saturday was well attended and everything sold well. Misses Ruth Overton and Hattie Westlake were Spring Grove callers Monday. Chas. Frey visited his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Walters, a few days last week. Mesdamee Frank Coates. R. L. and C. L. Turner visited Mrs. Nancy Coatee Saturday last. Geo. Coates has been quite sick the past week but at this writing is improv­ ing under the care of Dr. Armstrong. E. T. Monear seems to think our min­ ister is the right man in tbe right place and has tbe power to preach a good ser­ mon. It's almost a daily . occurrence to see two engines pulling a long train of heavily loaded freight cars through our village. Mrs. Thomas Hodge and Miss Hoi comb were in town one day this week purchasing about $5 worth of articles left over from the bazaar. After a year's visit among relatives and friends in Colorado, Minnesota and Iowa, James Harness and wife have re turned to their home in our village. The bazaar last Wednesday was large­ ly attended and the ueat sum of nearly $50 realized. A number of Spring Grove people patronized oar bazaar for which we feel very grateful. There was plenty of fun and music by the band in the evening. There are numerous articles left which are for sale at Mrs. R. B Gardner's. For Street and Stable! STABLE BLANKETS. 75c «• $3.25 We are showing a fine line of HORSE BLANKETS in plain and fancy colors. These Blankets are of ex­ ceptionally fine quality and are the biggest value ever offered. Make a choice before the stock is reduced in quantity. The earliest buyers get the pick of the whole assortment. J STREET BLANKETS. Sic to S5.50 | GUS CARLSON. • '• t* - JOHNSBURGH. [TOO LATE FOR DECEMBER 8. ] Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. Jos. Freund, baby boy. John P. Lay was a Chicago passenger Wednesday. Casper M. Adams was a Chicago pas senger Wednesday. Herman Epping of Wisconsin visited Wm, Althoff Thursday last. Win. Holf and wife of New Munster Wis., were here Thanksgiving day. Mrs. John F. Schmitt, who has been visiting her daughter in Nebraska, has returned to Johnsburgh. Stephen Smith, John Lay. Casper Adams and Mat Steffes were out hunt ing Monday and shot thirty-two rabbits Messrs.Barney Keller, Walter Ross muller, Frank Hetterman, Mesdames Lena Keller, Rosie Ros&man, Misses Tillie Hetterman and Josephine Ross- muller visited at Henry Hetterman' Thanksgiving day. EMERALD PARK. Atty. Haase of Nunda was a business caller here Wednesday. Thos. Kane of Ring wood called on friends here Sunday evening. Wm Groves and John Aylward were Nunda callers Sunday evening. Miss Mamie Knox of Algonquin spent Saturday and Sun lay at her home here Ed. Knox and sons, Uobt and Edwin attended the stock show in Chicago Fri­ day. Miss Mae Welch of Griswold Lake visited Miss Margaret Aylward Sunday afternoon. Miss Nellie Frisby spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. John Walsh, and family in Lake county. Mrs John Gibbs of Barreville and Miss Josie Dalton of Chicago spent Tuesday with Mrs. R. J. Sutton. Many from here attended the social at Miss Doherty's school at Griswold Lake school house Friday evening and report a pleasant time. Report from the Reform School. J. G. Glnck, Superintendent, Prunty- town, W. Va., writes: "After trying all other advertised cough medicines we have decided to use Foley's Honey and Tar exclusively in the West Virgin ia Reform School. I find it the most effective and absolutely harmless." Sold by G. W. Besley, W. McHenry. T'oola aad Money. She--A fool and his money are aoon parted. He--True. and a fool and her money are soon wedded.--Tonkers Statesman. The man who said "All men i liars" had Just met a fisherman, a politician and a man In love.--Augusta Journal. Try the "Want ad" column. Fifty Yssrt MM Standard laprovn 1h« flavor and adds tfr tha haalthfulnm of th« food.* miOC BAKINQ rOWDIH oo. eHioAoo SPRING GROVE ITEMS [People of Spring Grove and vicinity desiring to subscribe for The Plaindeal­ er may leave their order and money with Mrs. R' A. Oxtoby, our correspond­ ent. T he subscription price is $1.50 a year or 75 cents for six monthB. ED.] Lillian Sauborn visited Chicago Satur­ day. Andrew Neish was a Chicago visitor Monday. Allison Truax was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Clark White of Iowa is visiting rela­ tives here. ** . Lester Bell of Ringwood was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Bern Bell visited Solon relatives Sunday. Herb Peacock has returned home after a month's traveling. G. E. Walker of Elgin was a visitor at D. W. Lichty's Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ray Gould of Hebron visited relatives here Sunday. James Westlake aud Andrew Neish were Woodstock callers Friday. Dennis Haldeman has sold his house and lot to Joseph Etton of Solon. Mrs. Haifnah Wheeler of Richmond visited Mrs. Robert Esh Sunday. Mrs. Grace A^en and son, Cecile, of Richmond were visitors here Sunday. Johu Murray of Minneapolis, Minn., was a visitor at Andrew Neish's re­ cently. The Creek school scholars will give an entertainment Friday evening at the Creek school house. All are invited. The Christiau Endeavor meeting next Sunday evening will be led by Mabel Neish and Allie Churchill. All are cor­ dially invited to come. Among those who attended the fat stock show from here were Jesse Rich­ ardson, Court Hastings, Rennie French, Peter Bowers and Chester Neish. VOLO. Albert Raught was in the city Tues­ day. Peter Stadtfeld drove to Spring Grove Sunday. Mr. Gurler of De Kalb was in Volo last Friday. Harry Nicholls has been quite sick witb eczema Henry Stadtfeld transacted business in the city Thursday. Mrs Elam Converse of Chicago visit ed friends here recently. John Wilson of Palatine visittd at C G. Huson's last Wednesday. C. G Husou and Frank Sexton art on jury at Wan vegan this week. John Richardson visited friends in Des Plaiuee Sunday aud Monday. Mrs. Jane 'Converse visited her son Elam, and wife in Chicago last week. Andrew Efinger and wife of Grays lake visited at Johu Stadtfeld's Sunday. Otis Murray aud wife, accompanied by Mrs. James Murray of McHenry, called at A. J. Raymond's Friday. Charles Parker, John Meyers, Frank Hironimus and Miss Harriet Nicholh attended the fat stock show last week Mrs. E Tower returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday, after a visit of sev­ eral weeks with relatives and friends here. Don't forget tbe oyster supper and bazaar Friday evening, jDeoember 18, in J Richardson's ball. A fine program will be given. Everybody welcome. BARRKVILLK. John Hunter -pent Sunday with rela­ tives at Elgin. Will Stewart of Cbioago spent Sunday at Thos. Thompson's' Mrs. Arthur Grantham called on Mrs. C. W. Colby Satur lay afternoon. Mrs. T. L.^Flanders of Holcombville spent Sunday with relatives here. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. H J. Wilmington is under the doctor's care. Dr. Wm. Freeman of Nunda was a professional caller in this vicinity -re­ cently. Mrs S. Hanson and niece, Miss John­ son, spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Win.-Van Natta. Mr. and Mrs. James Leavie of Schen­ ectady, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. R. J Wingate of Nunda spent Saturday after noon at Thos. Thompson's Mt» r*. T!t *. Thompson. Win Win gat--. .. in s !n*v» , Jli.livrt Wingate mid Lucious Beofr'«»y ••ttfiidvl the Fat Stock how in ' le v il.-tys last week liHl- I lllllll M riHrta-t-. A piece of dampened with CliHiiiberlain's IViin Balm aiui l> >nn<1 «*n the afte> ltd ;>arts is better than H plas­ ter for a lame back sn>l for (>ains in the side or chest. Pain Balm has no supe rior tis a liniment for the rel'ef of deep seated, muscular and rheumatic pains. For sale by all drn^gifta. Perfect HUIIIIIDFM. "Do you really believe there is such thing tn tills world as "perfect happi­ ness?* " "Of course, but some other fellow al­ ways has It."--Philadelphia Ledger. ^ ... A sunny temper gilds tbe edges of life's blackest cloud.--Guthrie. OjOlST OX11A. Bomtta s9 Kind ^ou ^av8 sBo«tl Signature V/ Christmas Value*. We have more goods, better goods and at lower prices than ever before. Special attention has been given to the latest Xmas novelties. DESIRABLE AND USEFUL GIFTS FOR LADIES. Fancy Plates 10, 19c; Water Sets -- Pitcher and 6 Glasses--98c; Comb Tra^p 15, 35c; Decorated Fruit Dishes 49c to $1.19; Large Size Parlor Lamps, with fancy Globes, 69, 98, $1.49; Silver Plated Knife and Fork Sets $1.89; Butter Knife and Sugar Spoon Sets, special value, 29c; Handsome Photo Album, hinge leaves and decorated covers, 49, 98c; Electric S-»l Scarfs 69, 87, $1.29; 80 In. Marten Boas, in three styles, $6.69; Full Sized Collarettes 98, $1.19; Fancy Hdkfs. 5, 10, 15, 85c; Guaranteed Kid Gloves 95c; Fancy Honse Slippers 79, !)8, $1.29; All Wool 86x72 Smyrna Rugs, $1.98. Extra Size Towels, with fancy fringe, 15, 29c; Steel Beaded Chatelaine B-'gs 79c; Books, hundreds of titles, at lowest prices; Fascinators 15, 35, 48c. GIFTS TO PLEASE MEN. Good quality Embroidered Velvet Slippers 49c; Heavy Plush lined Gloves >i Mittens 69c; Fancy Quilted Mufflers -V 49, 98c; Extra size White Silk Hdkfs. ;; Fancy Kid End Suspendere 15, 25, 4Hc; Men's Fine Kid & Alligator Slip- pei-B 98, $1.29; Fancy Coffee Cup 25, 4<)c; Old German Beer Mugs 49, 89c; Deco­ rated Set of Glasses 89c; Men's Holiday Neckwear 5, 10, 25c. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. 19 in. Full Kid Body Sleeping Dolls, «9o; 21 Piece Crockery Sets 29c; 12 piece Sets 10c; Unbreakable Iron Toys, Wag­ ons, Hose Carts, Fire Engines, etc., 25 & 49c; Large Size Four Wheel Carts 25c; Iron Wagons, large Bizes, 89c, $1.19, $1.75; Large Size Ten Pins 83c; Tool Chest 22c, 49c; Repeating Air Rifles 87c; Genuine 22 cal. Ride $1.88; Good Size Two Wheel Carts 10c; 14 in. Kid Dolls l9o; Dressed Dolls 12, 29, 49, 98c; Iron Motor Boats 49c; New Flying Machines 22c; Dragon Tongues and Bird Whistles lc; Games--All kind?, Lotto, Anagrams, Old Maid, Tom Piper, Race, etc. Lit­ tle Jugs and Dolls, lc; Rocking Horse Shoo Flys 49, 98c. THINGS TO WEAR. Special prioes on Cloaks, Jackets, Men's Overcoats, Fur Coats, etc. En­ joy the Christmas time with us and get the bargains which we offer. To cus­ tomers coming from Mchenry, trading $10.00 andfshowing round trip R. R. Tickets we refund fnll car fare both ways. C. F. HALL CO., Dundee, 111. Ojrater*. AM a matter of interest there la but one species of oyster, Ostrea virglnlca, along tbe eastern coast of North Amer­ ica. The western coast has at least five species, but only two of these are of Importance, and0 these do not compare with the eastern shellfish. Thus It la apparent that a Blue Point, a Provi­ dence river and a Chesapeake bay oys­ ter are one and the same thing so far ail species Is concerned. The difference fa merely In food supply and conditions Is growth. Tbe oyster is rich In pbosphatea, baft. . Is almost entirely lacking in fat mal6» ing, muscle building material and those elements which go to make up physical force and vitality. While It Is wbola* some and easily assimilated, tbe actual - food value of tbe oyster is not sufficient to rank it with our great food fishes-- the cod, haddock, mackerel, etc.--Goo< ^ Housekeeping. "Wvi i'ferkr'S? A Pointed Hint. Dissatisfied Guest--Waiter, you don't seem to know how to broil a steak at this eating house. Let me give you a pointer. Waiter(withasome alacrity)--All right, suh, ouly we usually calls 'em tips. Try for Health] 222 South Peoria St., CHICAOO, III., Oct. 7,1902. Eight months ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time. My stomach was so weak and upsec that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently. I coald not urinate without gnat pain and I coughed so much that my throat ana lungs were raw and sore. The doctors pro­ nounced it Bright's disease and others said it was consumption. It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de­ sire to live. A sister visited me from St. Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui. I told her I had not and she bought a bottle. I believe that it saved my life. HSelieve many women could save much suffer­ ing if they but know of its value. Women's Kidneys A Common Mistake which Causes Much Suffering Women are just as likely to have kid* ney or bladder trouble as men; lu fact, they are more so; but very often the/ attribute indications of disorders to com* plaints peculiar to their sex, while - tha real cause of their trouble ia soma dls> treating kidney or bladder disease. Nervousness, headache, puffy or darV circles under the eyes, pain In the bad profuse or scanty supply of urine witl strong odor and a frequent desire to past ; rf§ 4 it, with scalding or burning sensation^^ ^ sediment after standing in a bottle twen# , 5 ^ ty-four hours, are all signs of kidney of"* bladder trouble, which soon wear,out th^t 1 j aiost robust. If you hava any of th«M •ymptani*^%-v.' FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURS will cure you AN4 ^ 0̂, "j restore your health. < K v*V* 4 > We know there are thousands of wome% who are never well and who have almost lost hope of ever being well again, wh# * r would be speedily changed to bright, hap» ^ t pywomen, glowing with health, by taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY COBB; thus REMOVING /. • %. the real cause of their misery instead o( ^ ^ ^"3 d o c t o r i n g f o r " f e m a l e t r o u b l e s . " \ v _ t e r z . i Mrs. FEANCES L. SALES, of Missouri. * ^ Valley, Is., writes: "I have been afflicted * 4. with kidney trouble five years; had sever# •. ,1 pains in my back and a frequent desire to*. •, urinate; when riding I experienced much' ^ - pain over the region of the kidneys. K tried five physicians without benefit and)' then concluded to try FOLBY'S KIDNBY CURE. After taking three fl.00 bottlaa I was completely cured." G. W. BESLEY. West McHenry. • ? j 3gj! *- r~> CHARLES 0. fREIFW Wholesale and retail dealer In dive me u call Mi Smoked Meats, Sans^e McHenry - Illinois CO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Don't you want freedom from pain? Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well. Tou do not need to be a weak, helpless sufferer. Tou can have a woman's health and do a woman's work in life. Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to­ day? WlNEdlRDIM PATENTS I RAUL IVIAKI19 DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description®** qntckly ascertain our opinion free -whether all Invention is probably patentable. tlons strictly eontldential. HANDBOOK CDPINMI sent free. Oldest agency for seouriuitpatenl*. Patents taken throutita Muim Jt Co. reoatv* Ipt'cial iioticf, without charge, iu the Scientific Hmerkat. A handsomely illustrated weekly. efeK eolation of R"* ncietititlc lournal. Terms, four IL Sold by tUl newxtoalwrak £Co.36,B™a~> New York i Office, t3S F St~, Waatiiuiftfo, IX C. •'MM - yMy imports Discovery! Tl>t> uow sclf-oleanlnit Aoety leiie Burner. It will not clop, will 'not carboniz**. Can turned down low. Will last foryears. Prk-es will interest you. We repair Gasoline lamps. Gasoline Gas Machines aud Acetylene Gas Gencrutortt. Also have a complete stock of Plumbing Fixtures, Steam Fittings, Pipes. Eu*.. at prices that will surprise you. Call or write F. J. HERBES. McHenry, III. • . Plumber. CLEANING AOjysT*et>t AWQtiPiKT

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